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tv   Ivan Groznii  1TV  April 19, 2024 12:10am-2:01am MSK

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bai, pray for us sinners, i ask one thing, do not leave us in trouble, at the right time, at our call, return. the well-behaved klinsky zakharins. let's go,
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they moved to the royal mansions, the king demanded, the white, ripe, yellow forehead. petverest is white, berley is accordion, online, online, levi is white, the sky is white, my zhelad, levi is sailing white, see your vitation. he is for
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the tsar is chilled, the royal wandering is bewitched, zachary of klin is bewitched, bewitched, we hit the tsarina’s relatives with our foreheads, and we ask the glinsky zakhari for justice, from among the people hearts are taken out. with this blood they destroy houses, from that blood a fire is born, houses burn over moscow, even worse, the bells started to ring themselves, you say the spell. the bells
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hit, and another head, which believes in charms, is itself a bell. empty, and not that the head itself can fly off; in order for it to fly off, it must be cut off. oh, with the bells, well, whoever cut off the bells without the tsar’s order, it won’t take long to cut off the heads according to the tsar’s decree, the tsar is businesslike,
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he’s looking at the very root, cut off the heads, we will be unfortunate, we will destroy the poll. boyar shift from it is impossible for a king to tear it up by the roots, a kingdom without a thunderstorm, just as a horse under a king without a bond, so a kingdom without a year, whoever stands strong against the enemy against the king, but the king... raises up, forgives and gladdens the heart of his soldiers, prince don’t even dare to think about such things,
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i stand on the path of great service to the tsar of moscow, a faithful slave, our lands... from kazan, pushti, kazan, moscow, breaking friendship,
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ending the union with moscow, moscow is going to war, big cauldron, small moscow . to invade the lands of the moscow state, and this knife will pierce those who raised their hand against moscow, let’s put an end to kazan forever,
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let’s go to kazan ourselves, to kazan, to kazan! listen, kazan, small, moscow, big, yes kazan, i appoint the head regiment to lead, punish, yes! lately, we have increasingly heard the phrase global majority, who
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is part of it, what countries it consists of, and most importantly, who controls these states, we met in the palace of the president of syria, a man who challenged the collective. our war is a war for existence, which is why the price is so high. the west now supports and promotes leaders like zelensky. these are the people who say yes to everything. right, left, up, down, everything, answering, yes, boss, and my father never discussed my future with me, i believe that everyone decides such questions for themselves, my children do not study politics, one wants to be a programmer, another engineer, you use social networks, this is interesting for you, before i became president, i headed a government organization for the development of the internet, devoting time to social networks, i do not forget about real contacts with people, public opinion does not reflect the opinion of the majority, these are only fragmentary fragments,
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possibly a fabricated company. new project of the first channel, the global majority. bashar assad. on sunday on the first. there is an organized spy network in the city, and we could expose it. from now on, you take note of everyone he meets. in case of danger you do not show yourself, we are investigating a criminal offense, we urgently need the files of these people. grigory ivanovich, where are you going? with you? where is he? here, egor, was always close by, didn’t go anywhere, didn’t try to talk to anyone so you wouldn’t see it. according to the laws of war, the story
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continues from monday on the first.
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turtaaraika svetatorialskaya words briefly,
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kolka, kol, kolіkoy. no matter how many doctors are not needed after the battle, so many souls have died on the battlefield, things will happen.
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undermining and gunpowder is a royal idea , you don’t believe my gunpowder, ride horses, show off, kushkars!
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shout, kazan, give up!
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it is better for you to die at our hands than at the uncircumcised yaurs! cruelty, senseless stupidity, even a beast not a scientist, he is intelligent in his evil, he dared to raise his hand against the king.
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i wanted to save you from the arrow, kolya from the arrow, so thank you, he was right, livonian, i’ll always walk like a puppy with him. another arrow flies by time, already tatar arrows, boyar hatred, no arrows, boyar princes, graze, the name is like, alexey
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basmanov, danilov’s son, i will remember the name of the boyar hater.
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look, fedor, look, son, king of all rus'.
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now i will truly be a king, everyone will recognize the king, a samogenesian. rusey! zoya borisovna personifies the century, the whole she spent her life doing what she loved, she creates centers of culture around herself, not to mention her literary works, which have been translated into many languages. 100 years - this is necessarily out of spite on...
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his work and my mother, andryushka and i lived very friendly, it was his song that reflected the moment of our only one, for the centenary of zoya boguslavskaya, premiered on saturday on the first. a simple boy, benito musalini, would never have achieved what he achieved if it were not for the hot one. educated and thinking people, his comrade-in-arms was a prominent italian philosopher giovanni gentile, he published the first programmatic fascist
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text, a manifesto of fascist intellectuals. thanks to talented creative people, italians of all sizes decided that they were special, and therefore they had special rights to manage other people's lives. premiere, ordinary fascism 2 on monday on the first.
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how is the health of the tsar of moscow, the tsar is sick, while still returning from kazan, the tsar fell ill, now he has become a tsar for you too. the lord is just, he has risen above other princes, the prince of moscow, here is my bunk.
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well, the prince, here is the second one, he loved anastasia, ivan took him, kazan fought, ivan got the glory, sir. and you, oh, prince, you conquered kazan for ivan, to the boyars’ misfortune, and to your own head, and it won’t take you long to drag your head around,
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the tsar will soon forget about the kazan arrow, and if he forgets, there will be someone to remind him. it seems like the sovereign can’t live with ivan of kurpsky alive. may god be merciful
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to you.
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tvoje moja, lužem moja, od skaj večnos with nas.
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heir dmitry. give it to vladimir and moscow you will turn around, worse than a child, with a disgraceful mind, full
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you will be the master, vladimir, kiss the cross.
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the end has come, i bid farewell to the world, cross, kiss! to the legitimate heir demetrius. cross, kiss my son, demetrius.
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cross for your son, kiss him! just because the power is united, one-blooded, will protect moscow from enemies, from strife, otherwise the tatars will invade again, the poles will move, and then!
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son, not for myself, not for my son, i ask, in the unity of the russian land, i pray. paletski, ivan! eat bronskoy! i have kolychev, danilo
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bogdanovich, set an example. klychov is uncrushed, why are you silent, chickens, funikov.
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at all times, but you will be damned, russian lands, traitors, at all times, but!
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only in demetrius, the sons of his salvation, if you are under one power, then may you be strong, may you be brave, may you be wise, your direction is like madness. it will be that, hating each other, you will not serve your native land faithfully, but you will be a land sovereign with shabs, serving the glorious, primordial mayorship, under the aunt of the last prince of moscow. power must pass to the boyar tsar, so that he shares power with the boyars,
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the will of the boyars, the pinnacle, not known to the russian land. and serves the boyar clans, the tsar vladimir, cross, kiss.
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tsar boyarsky. the path to the throne, the path to the crown, who? anastasia
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i will cleanse anastasia, you will be mine, i will put you on the throne, i will rule my kingdom together with you. without you, life is not life, with you, death is not death, with you to thrones, to the plaque, it’s all the same, my queen of moscow, prince yegor,
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to preserve the undead before death. ivan is alive? god is your judge. alive, ivan! while ivan was alive. tobsky will not live.
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in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit, i swear to this holy gospel to serve by faith, in truth, to the legitimate heir to the throne, tsar dmitry of moscow. yaanavichu, on that i kiss the cross, saints. the gifts brought healing.
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you, you were the first to take aim, but you will rise even higher, because you have tested it at the moment.
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west to libya to the sea. you fly away like an arrow, fly, fly,
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our southern borders from crimean. to defend, i’ll put alexey basmanov, who is this, whom? the appearance of such a child in my life was
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a complete surprise, our tandem is such a small but strong family, we will formulate a request with you, we have a good room, or maybe to be even better, they came up with the idea to make a rack here, dad and son are going out. the snow is still white in the fields, and the waters are noisy in the spring. the sleepy shore will be running, they will be running, shining and shouting, they are shouting at the top of their voices, spring
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is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us ahead, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first, no one is king believes, removes neighbors, unknown people. brings the posmanov family closer to trust them, i know, transfers old lands to new unfamiliar ones, the major pursues, shchenyatiev is captured, kurletev is taken, i know, i will run away,
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i can’t, i’m scary. i’ll run away to lithuania, ivan ivanovich, shame on you, the metropolitan went to the tsar because of a moth. the tsar is not ruling over anyone, he is depriving me of my rank as the intercessor, he is transporting me from moscow to novgorod, i will run away, the holy cross, i will run away, let the russians
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run away, whoever stays will fight, an extra friend, ivans, kurt v, i must seize the dawn in my hands ,
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anastasia, adese, i, i take it upon myself. i need coastal cities, military cities, riga, crevel, nerva, again the levonians, again the consean people, they detained the aggressive ships, without lead, without sulfur, without tin,
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without learned masters, we... and left the guns, i will not allow the strength of the evil neighbor to resist the prosperity of the moscow state, to strangle our trade state with a noose, but otherwise the evil-seeking enemy of our prosperity, you boyars, are similar. the livonians who oppose me are worse than the germans, the livonians in the russian state are enemies.
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you see, without singing, no matter how military the alliance is, i need it. you will bring them as a gift to our sweet sister. to elisaveta of agledskaya, and in these images you will explain to her how her agliak ships,
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having bypassed the baltic sea, sail the white sea to us, outwitting the germans and livonians. yes, remind her that tsar ivan in moscow, one merchant, holds all trade in his own hands, whoever he wants, he will give privileges, whoever he doesn’t want, he won’t let into his state whoever he loves. the routes to the east will be opened.
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ivan is worried, i’m the only one. you can’t trust anyone, kurbskaya is far away, fighting in livonia, fyodor kalychev is even further away. in nightingales he prays, you are the only one with me.
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from ryazan, from pashmarov, again they, again disciples, again boyars to the order on... whoever resists, they give russian land, basmanov and the people are not allowed to defend ryazan, the city you are ready to give it to the crimean khan, be firm, i will, and i will hold it in my fist.
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petka, russian troops near nevel are defeated, kurbsky, defeated, kurbsky?
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“and i’m walking, walking around moscow, passengers are still pointing at that same escalator at the universitet metro station, someone even starts singing the song of nikita mikhalkov’s hero from the film “i’m walking around moscow.” i don’t like it when they call me a comedian, because i haven’t shot many comedies. the brilliant georgy danelia was a magician on the set, but how did he manage to direct?
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own life, i came home and said to sokolova: “lyuba, i’m leaving, i fell in love, lyuba started crying, i think, what’s it like to live unloved, this is what it’s like to live unloved, is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical, he lived for two lives, and he got it everything to lyuba sokolova, the fact that gundarev played, we get a prize, i’m happy that he’s watching, and he’s watching very interested, always slandering, for example, she said that he married..." counter for which the director blamed himself after the tragedy that happened in his family? after clinical death, he weighed 42 kg, and i realized that i had to save him. our exclusive family secrets. great director. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday on the first. you were still mintok’s boss. there is no hearing, no mind. the momer is unexpected, a cool surprise. i got used to it so much.
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on sunday on the first.
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“save me, o god, for the waters have reached my soul, i am mired, deep blue, and with nothing to stand on, i have gone.”
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prince ivan mikhailovich shuisky took refuge in lithuanian lands. prince ivan vasilyevich shelemetev was intercepted on the way. boyarin ivan the tight bow of suzdol fled to the levon lands. those who hate me. without guilt more than a hair on my head, prince mikhailo vorotinsky fled, prince ivan ivanovich turutai bronsky was captured on the way,
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turned back, brought back. am i right, not god’s licara, i have become a stranger to my brothers, a stranger to my mother’s sons. am i right in my difficult struggle?
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the great sovereign of kurpia fled to tekiskkund! andrey, friend, for what, man. what he lacked, or
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wanted my royal cap, strike again, resisting you they are raising the people, they are embarrassed by the livonian defeat, my heart was aching, i was out of strength, i was waiting for compassion, but there was none, i was looking for comforters, but you are not lying to us, i am not crushed yet.
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“it’s not enough for you to call my faithful friend, the last, the only one, fyodor kolychev, he is praying for us in the distant solovetsky monastery, sovereign, do not trust the boyar kolychev, surround yourself with new people, newcomers from the lower classes, servicemen, who owe everything to you. create from around them there is an iron ring with
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sharp thorns, against enemies, from people such as to renounce the kind of tribe, from they would only know the father of the mother, only the king, if only they would do the king’s will. “first, then an iron ring for that great cause, a son, my own son, one, half-blooded, i give to you, with them
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alone you will hold power, with them alone. we will bind, we will gather the brothers of iron around us, i will not trust anyone in the oprichniki, in the iron and threshing floor, i will leave moscow , i will not return by march, i will not return by march, i will return to the national call, it is impossible. to expect a national call, it is impossible to listen to the korlopans, to trust the naked brothers, where are you going with the red dog, to teach the king what to do? in that nationwide call, i will gain boundless power,
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a new anointing directly, for a great, merciless work. tell me, are you right? in that nationwide appeal, i will read the will of the almighty. in my hands i will accept the sword that punishes from the lord. the body is great, i will do it.
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and those princes and boyars, having accumulated great wealth, did not talk about the sovereign, not about the state, not about all orthodox christianity,
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they want, and even from their enemies... they refuse, but they themselves inflict violence on the people, and why did the king and sovereign, the grand duke, leave his state and the capital city. he despises yours, but the king has no anger towards the guests of the merchants and the entire orthodox christianity of the city of moscow, they are disgraced, none of them are, and which
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good peasants are behind the princes and boyars? yes , they are not familiar with noble families, then they themselves have any kind of title from ordinary people who are ready to serve the tsar with faith and truth; loyalty, sloboda alexandrov calls to itself. you are waiting for a messenger from moscow.
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have bypassed you, the germans, the livonians, the hour will come to repent to the power of moscow, gathering,
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o lord, my hands, and bless us with washing. of death. was jezdraamka.
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light your horses and ride to moscow! for the sake of the great russian kingdom.
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half, yes, yes, he was half tatar, he had tatar blood, so, as they say, this is also such an interesting point, in this sense there is no contradiction, but the fact that the west, of course, perceives him as ivan the terrible and so on and so forth, well, yes, as if russia arose as some kind of strong, powerful state, huge in the east of the west, and russia in general has always been to me, in my opinion. was in the understanding of the west prey, it was prey, in theory, it was a huge space, rich, where, where, where there were
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huge territories, in principle, in many ways the west looked at russia, just as it looked at south america, which it i conquered it quite easily, so it seems to me that this is the topic, it is endless from here, so to speak, this is it...
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in this picture it also rises one way or another, which apparently did not suit stalin very well, but let’s say frankly that today we see, so to speak, despite, by the way, a lot of pressure. it’s clear that we have someone, let’s be tougher, tougher, but putin doesn’t agree to this, in principle he is in the same situation as ivan the terrible and the same tasks are facing him, the challenge of the west, betrayal of the elite, change of the necessary elite, reforming the country, all the same problems that faced these outstanding leaders of ours,
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in general, we wish him good luck, another question is that we don’t know the final result, but let’s hope that it will be successful for us. vladimir, at the beginning of this film, in the first episode, and when there is an episode of ivan the terrible’s crowning of the tsar, there is a very strong, it seems to me, very relevant shot when foreign ambassadors are standing at this ceremony and talking to each other.
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for just like that, with a single, strong, united kingdom inside, you can be solid outside, but what is our homeland if not the body, elbows and severed knees, the upper reaches of our rivers, volga, dvina, volkhov. under our power, and their access to the sea, in the hands of others, the coastal lands of our fathers and grandfathers, were torn away from our land, and why on this day are we crowned with possession of those russian lands that are now, for the time being, under other sovereigns.
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“two romes have fallen, the third - moscow stands, and there will be no fourth rome, and that third rome, the moscow power, will be the only master, from now on i will be alone, the pope will not allow it, the emperor will not agree. europe will not recognize it, it will be strong, that’s all they admit it. this excerpt, everything here, everything, everything is absolutely relevant, everything, we are observing it, well, well, whatever, what is the decision of today’s authorities, there is putin throughout his administration.
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to the russian territories, to the fact that they float away, it is not clear where and it is not clear why, but the attitude was, for example, from yegor gaidar, let him get away, well, yes, why should we subsidize them, not so, but ivan the terrible had vladimir putin in different times, and as you rightly said, karens are completely different...
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excuse me, i spit on everything, on all these, but why yours is colored, that’s why it’s colored, it’s a brilliant scene, but it seems to me that it expresses the spirit of the russian people, the russian people in general, the common people in
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this, in this dance, in this, in this unrestrained, incredible dance , this is how it is expressed, i am grateful that the first channel in general is like this, it’s still cultural.
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in the mid-nineties, yeltsin did not understand that these or those steps would not be accepted by the people at all, for example, remember this story, how they discussed the transfer of the kuril islands, for example, the highest level of japan. or when it came to our strategic
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weapons, which the west would be happy to reduce even more, yeltsin was forced to take into account, among other things, that inside the elite among the ordinary people, this would be categorically not accepted, therefore - this is the question of the relationship of the power of the people , which was raised, including by lenshtein, he is actually playing in this plane today, you correctly said that when the government relies on the opinion of these ordinary people, yes...
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hello, the ezenshtein-125 podcast is on the air, in the cinema studio artyom sopin and film historian natalya ryabchikova. today we will talk about isenstein’s film ivan the terrible, which
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is not only one of the most notable films in the work of esenstein himself, but is also probably one of the most significant films, in principle, in the history of culture of the 20th century, because it is a film that collected many features of different types of arts, in fact, it was precisely thanks to this film, including, that isenstein proved that cinema is a full-fledged part of the world. literature, theater and in ivan the terrible, we , together with older types, with painting, see how many features are intertwined. in addition, this film, of course, is historically interesting in various aspects, historically not in the sense that in the ancient history when it was filmed, much less in the ancient history to which it relates, but in relation to our interests, in history, regarding how historical science is now developing, in general, ivan the terrible.
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and the intensification of the great terror at the end of the thirties
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especially affected his situation, because that he was one of the brightest figures of that left avant-garde of the twenties, which in the thirties was condemned in every possible way, which was accused of formalism, in addition, isenstein had this trip abroad at the turn of the twenties and thirties, we know like many military leaders, like many engineers who went. many people were repressed abroad during these years. isenshtein miraculously managed to avoid repression, because stalin hoped to tame isenshtein, in general, despite isenshtein’s rather independent behavior in the thirties, when he was going to put on a film with his view of collectivization, a little bit, in general, showing it as a tragedy of the russian village, everything went to the point that uzenshtein had to be arrested, in 1937, basically. the situation of the ban on that film about the village of bezhen luk
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practically led to this, but stalin decided to give isenstein a chance, invited him to direct a film about alexander nevsky, and here, in general, they are not exactly each other. didn’t understand, but isenshtein made a film about the rebuff of this mechanized a knightly machine, clad in armor, which this tefton army actually is, and isenstein considered this precisely as a statement in favor of humanity against this dogmatic iron grinding machine, which, in general, was stalin’s power, but ... stalin, in general, perceived this in a context favorable to himself, he perceived it as a film glorifying the commander, which he considered himself to be, although, as civil war historians say, in general this was not so simple, let's say so, but nevsky is still important to us as the predecessor
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of ivan the terrible, because esenstein finally tried to implement those ideas about combining montage. it’s here that isenstein will even work not only with sound, but with color, but this is a separate episode, which we will talk about in due time, and as for the proposal, it was indeed very peculiar, because here it is important to remember the context, at this time how since historical works begin to appear that rethink the place of grozny in history, which strive
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they are trying, at least, to justify the tyranny of the formidable, by creating an assignment, eliminating the boyars, that is, such... that for him, as they say now, the trigger was a visit to a gala evening, the anniversary of lenin’s death, another, the evening was in a large theater, as once january forty-one, and reflecting on the death of lenin, the events of seventeen years ago, isenshteim thought about how scared
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stalin was, that after lenin’s death he began to destroy everyone around him, he realized that starting from this fear. in grozny's childhood, it is necessary start this idea, then he will work on the script, he began to work in great detail, he worked with a large number of historical sources, first he was looking for a screenwriter, in general , major figures were considered, for example, the writer leonid leonov, but by the summer he had in general - the script began to take shape on its own, then june 22, 1941, and everything changes, izinshtein just thought that filming would be postponed, because this is...
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russia, but how to film in conditions of evacuation, when they, in fact, do not have those resources, to to which they are accustomed, at least in moscow. the entire forty-second year is actually spent developing sketches, sewing costumes, finalizing the script, and here it must be said that a huge role was played by the sketches that isenstein drew not so much as the artist of the film, whether the film was a wonderful artist joseph spinel, nikolai voinov, but actually as after all, these drawings were like that. emotional embodiment of the future film, because the film, in principle , is very graphic in the nature of the actors’ movements, in the design of their roles, in general many actors even complained that esenstein constantly forces them to take certain specific poses, shows that this is how you have to go, this is how you have to go, some actors complained, but
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some were fine, because gathering such a company of actors would probably be difficult by the way, it’s only possible in almaat.
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who saw her in this role, in general , insisted that tselikovskaya play this role, in general, it is indicative that cherkassov started musicals, zharov played a huge number of comedic roles, kadochnikov was generally a comedian and actor of tyuz, tselikov. unlike ronevskaya, we can at least see how lyudmila tselikovskaya ultimately looked in the frame and how she looked next to serafima birman, we
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have a small fragment.


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