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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  April 19, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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the main thing is to get better, natalya mikhailovna, i ’ll look after everything, don’t worry, thank you, mashenka, that’s it, natalya mikhalovna and i have been neighbors for 20 years, we’ve been friends for 15 years, she’s the sweetest woman, and i’ve never, even in the moonshine, forgive me, please, could you repeat to my colleagues everything you just told me yesterday? they were knocking very loudly all day, there was such a roar as if the walls were being broken or something, the whole house was shaking, we thought that it was lariska and bori from apartment forty-seven, they started the renovation of the century again, what happened today? well, this morning i decided to go shopping, well, i went downstairs, i opened the door, and there was a car standing near the front door, and a worker took a sledgehammer out of the car, and i told him, how long can you keep knocking here ?
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hello, thank you, i really don’t even have anywhere to put them, i’ve already shown the whole vase, can i help you, no, i don’t need it, tell me, have you definitely decided about moscow? “maybe we can try again, no, firstly, we already tried, and secondly, i’ve already decided everything, darling, forgive me, i still need to get ready.” "
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well, what have we already tried, we can do more once you try, well, that’s what i think. but she doesn’t think so, well, let’s try, come on.
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let go. as soon as you finish like this nikolai feliksovich, we are not yet
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attesting witnesses, and you call me, that’s right, come on, mikhailovich, you’ve finished, no, the finale is already close.
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give me the cross, thank you. that's it!
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well, at least give me the package, what kind of nonsense is that? have you seen yourself at all, i don’t understand where you are being discharged, you need to lie down, look, what, thank you, stop it, you were removed, everything is fine, somehow they are removing you, okay, that means that’s it, hello, vyacheslav mikhailovich, hello, you’ve already been discharged, as you can see, but i came to see you, what? i came to see a colleague, a colleague, uh-huh, i decided to check on a colleague , we lost so many of our people because of him, it’s okay, i ’ll bring him out into the open, so what happened, you don’t
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know anything, he told us in the morning that they would to rob a bank, well, like albi, he... i warned you, you didn’t believe what the claims were, he went to the bank and stood there, that is, they robbed the bank, and he stood on a shocker, sit down, glory, please. "i wasn't standing at the bank, fuck you, where were you? when they were leaving, i had just arrived, you know, turbin, but i believed you, i closed my eyes to the fact that everything connected with the gang was revolving around you, i even thought that you
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had been set up, and then i realized, no, i’m wrong, well , you tricked them, you interrogated me with all and sundry." what kind of nonsense is this, really nonsense, nonsense, mishanya, who removed it? no, remind me, who removed the only person who could lead to the rat leaking information? fuck you cut off the ones that led to you, and you know what, i think we have operas, who closed kozararin’s gang, and closed it at the moment when rin decided to punish mishanya, received this oper for this.
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i'm not done with you, but i'm with you, your involvement in the crimes of the gang has been proven, we have for... from your voice, taxi drivers, of course, those who were lucky enough to survive, identified you from
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photographs, and learn the scientific stakes, shupen. no, i just thought you were wondering, you have a piano at home, in which we found a whole arsenal, such a good arsenal, it’s definitely worth an a, but it’s not clear, why did you kill the old people? because of some rusty barrels they couldn’t get weapons any other way, or it was the bro who ordered them, that
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markin didn’t expect that i know so much, but i know a lot of things, so much that you can’t even imagine, this will there be a lot of blame on you now, because mishanya was killed during his arrest, so you automatically become the leader of the gang? and the prosecutor will agree with me, i promise you that, but based on the totality of the articles, all this carries a life sentence, you think i’m bluffing, but remember kazarin, you jumped off then, and he no, so you’ll go after him, and now listen carefully, markin, mishan, is dead, you don’t owe him anything anymore, and
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now it’s time to think about yourself. in short, turbin, neither i nor inna believe in your involvement in the gang, but the evidence against you, although indirect, is very convincing, and now the situation can only get worse. what is this? i found your home address in markin’s apartment. during the search, it’s good that i found her, if i had been the first to find her in osetsk, you would have been in pre-trial detention long ago, so let’s talk about what we said we can help you, to be honest, i don’t know, all the arrows really point to me, or maybe it’s the person on duty, he’s the one who broadcasts all the reports , no, the people on duty change all the time. and the mole should be constantly on the air, who could it be? you, vasetsky, and i, but you just
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fell away, why? because it would be beneficial for you if this piece of paper came into vosetsky’s eyes. vosetsky also disappears. why is he? because i can't blame a person just because i don't like him. i'm left with no one else. so what are we can we help you? there is only one person who knew who bratyunya was, mishanya. that's right, and i need to know everything to have everything you have on him. listen, turbina, if vasetsky finds out what i will do. thank you. and i also need to know how vasetski closed down the kozararin gang. they tried to pin them down for several years, but this happened only when it was beneficial for mishana. i don't believe in such coincidences. do you still
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think that vasetsky is mishan’s man? no, i think you could use it in dark. and i want to know who it could be, we’ll find him, we’ll find the mole, in general, the grandmother called, complaining that the builders are working in the house, hammering so hard that the whole house says they’re walking around shaking, and their faces say they’re criminals, but half the builders such faces, 3693, leave comments, 3307, can you stop by and check to calm down the citizen? third rapfakovsky six, she also, by the way, complained that the loaf on which the workers arrived straight to her bench drove up. central 3007 is accepted, but does loaf have the inscription freight transportation? strange question 3307, i don’t know, but i’ll try to find out. accepted. go. enter, vyacheslav
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mikhalovich. yes, legal. markin's mother's nurse called. i asked her to inform me of all changes. anyway, she came. yourself, so what? they did tests there and she only had 2 weeks left to live; for obvious reasons, they couldn’t get through to markin. good afternoon, in which entrance are you carrying out construction work? tell me in our morning boom-boom-boom boom-boom-boom it’s like they’re hitting me in the head, i understand, thank you, stay here, i’ll go check, maybe we can do it together let's go, i said, stay here, keep your eyes open, if you cause trouble, don't go anywhere, understand? yes, exactly, exactly, good.
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police, leave with... i’m leaving, i’m leaving, and what happened, i’m a repairman, i was sent here from the housing department, the attic is leaking, seriously, but look, i’ll show you all the documents now, the invoice is somewhere here with me , here are my tools, finish him off, gray one, let him go, or you will get it too, this was the first time i shot a man, i
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could have killed him, no... worry, you did everything right, you saved my life, any commission will pay you will justify, well, i’m your debtor now. you didn’t see us, we didn’t give you anything, of course, thanks guys, good luck,
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hello! something happened? no problem, i'm already leaving. olya, go to the bathhouse, turbines. so, wait, what happened? what's happened? 3 hours. i've been waiting for you for 3 hours. come to me, move in. well, i moved. so, what is next? i'll have to sit outside your door all my life, waiting for you, or what? why are you laughing? well, are you serious or something, why didn’t you call, i wanted to give you a surprise, come to me, my surprise, it’s an infection, well, really,
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i couldn’t come earlier, well, i’m sorry, i’m hungry, let's go see what's in my refrigerator, nothing, as usual, i'm so hungry that now i'll eat you, yeah, i'll cut you off in pieces, it's a tempting offer, i don't mind, if anything happens, the surprise is great, by the way.
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lord, what are you reading? and at work, oh my god, i’m a stranger, yes, don’t say, hmm, valka is also from khorsky. from where from khorsky , loleningrad region, the ghoul was born, only she no longer lives there, first she moved to st. petersburg, then she moved her girlfriend, also from kholsky, i actually thought they were sisters, sisters, you say, no, yes, i thought, that they are sisters, they seem to be just friends, it’s been the same since first grade, where one goes, there the other? maybe you can really ask them about this wheatgrass of yours, well, you never know, valka told me that their village is quite small,
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you made a fool, i’m sorry, i understand, but this is very important, okay, all life, what if the traces of abuse are there in khorsky, durbin, mishanya was simply born in this village, at the age of 15 he already moved to his aunt in
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st. petersburg, he lived here all his adult life, so here we are looking for the trace of this bro, are you in a car? turbin, you went to this village, you’re just wasting your time. he never thought of telling me anything, but you understand that you will never see your son, because i will do everything possible to have you sent to mordovia for life without visits, and one more argument. your mother is dying, you have in your hands the doctors’ report dated tuesday, i began to live for a week. at most two,
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she came out of a coma, came into creation, of course, constantly asks, she was sitting somewhere, why did she disappear, why don’t you visit her, and those, of course, only she throws up her hands, and in a few days she will die without ever seeing her only son, i did everything i could for her, i don’t need to take it for myself, your mother is now living her last hours, and you don’t even want to lift a finger, to see her again, sit next to her, hold her hand, say thank you, in the end, for raising you, yes, as she is, but raising her, you understand that you will never see her again, literally, never. you
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can make it so that they let me see her, but in exchange for what, in exchange for information about the target, tanyush, well, give me, but i told you no, tanyush, well, i’m dying, we’ve already talked 300 times, we have to go to work, come here little white christ, now i’ll call artyom, he ’ll talk to you like that, get out of here, they’re calling me.
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i started building for myself about two years ago, well , i stopped something in the spring, this cop still comes here on weekends to party, so to speak, wait, wait, what a cop, well , bro, he works as a cop in the city, well, you think that did they get up? first we worked with the kazarinskys, and then mishanya with they rammed, because of the store they had to lie low, they lay there, hummed, quietly, until the money ran out, then they began to beat up their flock, first they cleaned the houses of the old people,
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and at the same time they trained the team. yes, first i gave a tip where the guns were, and then everything else, exact dates, diagrams, plans, duty schedules, everything from start to finish, what is the name of this cop, i don’t know, markin, i don’t know what his name is, okay, tell me everything you know, i know it was him, he leaked the information
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to kazarenskaya.
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trunk, there are police, i’m aware, i didn’t recognize it, well, come on, i’ll be rich, it’s not in vain that we poked around in holes, so, the kozarinskys came specifically, they could have filled up, then mishan and his brothers. and they decided the issue, it turns out they had a plan for a long time, what was the plan, this cop, uncle, some former cop bigwig, they knew each other or something, knew his uncle, crossed paths, listen, he’ll fire me, well,
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to be honest, uncle helped, he contacted this uncle and gave him all the incriminating evidence, and the uncle then passed on the information to some criminal operative. the kozarinskys were covered en masse, and this opera, by the way, as mishanya said, he even got promoted, well, that’s great, partner, but you’re fine, well done, you get an a for perseverance. so as not to drag your feet, i ’ll tell you right away how everything will happen, i ’ll bury you here now, i’ll bury you alive, there’s plenty of space, the soil is good, black soil, it’s easy to dig, why,
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what why, why mess with my parents? yes, because your parents had guns, although no, the guns could have been taken in any other place, your old people were killed. request, this is allaverdy for you for having me kicked out of patrol, just don’t think that i really liked it there, only a cretin like you could like this kind of work, you just can’t do that with me, you know, and your olya should have been killed too during the raid on the car dealership, unfortunately, it didn’t work out , oh, why yes because? that you don’t have to go where you’re not asked, understand? i remind you centrally,
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in recent months there have already been several attacks on taxi drivers, it is quite possible that this is the same criminal group, get everyone involved, you need to comb the area, it’s 8:12, a plan is being introduced in the area interception, once was not enough for you, so i added something else to you, because you don’t need to touch me and my people, do you understand? oh, you are a bitch, and lyokha, where are you going, the way out is here, and you are my dear person, oh, lyokha, lyokha, i feel so bad without you. hey buddy, where are you?
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you want to know how i always knew everything, and what kind of car are you looking for, with what license plates, in what area was the interception plan announced, you were negotiating through a backup channel, which no one knew about, i knew, lyokha, come on, lyokha , think, you’re not stupid, right? "i was in your taxi the whole time, all the time i listened to your conversations on the walkie-talkie, on the phone, well, think, lech, think, remember, i promised to pump you up with music, but a flash drive, alyokh, flash drive, and there was a little bug, vyacheslav mikhailovich, they tricked us, they're ruining the bank, yo , come on, friend, come out, there’s nowhere else to run." well, okay, you think you’re the only one with such a mind,
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well, that’s all.
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why do you keep climbing, huh?
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happy, partner.
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hang in there, yeah, bye! good afternoon ! comrade major, how are you, have you had a good time? i’m going to the planning meeting to find out what’s new on the streets of our happy city. management came to the conclusion that the experiment had potential. we decided to extend it for another
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six months and allocated an exact copy. but... now the main question, do you agree? you’re still asking, well then, go ahead, taxi driver, that’s right, comrade major.
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good cheerful morning to everyone who greets you, a new day with the first channel, svetlana zeynalova is with you in the studio, or rather she is with me in the studio, and timor solovyov is with me in the studio. all the viewers of the first channel to whom we want to say, good morning, it's friday, friday, friday, friday, friday, friday, friday, friday, april 19, i want to say, judging by svetlana, it is clear that the grass is turning green, a swallow is flying to visit us in the spring, but by the way, the swallows will arrive a little later, the first greenery is already pleasing, that’s for sure, we will definitely do it let’s celebrate, especially since today is a snow day, and let’s also prepare our backs for the summer season, will you? okay, let's lift our spirits with general spring cleaning, treat ourselves to the most delicious casserole, find out where salt is hidden in foods, in general, a huge plan, well, let's start, according to tradition, with gymnastics for both the body and the brain, a neuropsychologist, natalya andreeva, is already waiting for us.
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good morning, juggling is good for your brain. the movements develop fine motor skills of the hands , strengthen memory, and neurogymnastics also works, this is a warm-up for the brain. do it with your children. we take the balls, rotate the projectiles towards ourselves, away from ourselves in a circle, develop our fingers, make sure that each of them works. now let's complicate the exercise. we fill the balls, first with one. and then with the other hand, we don’t throw it high and don’t stop in the process. this was the preparation, let's move on to the main exercise: we throw the ball with one hand and
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spin it with the other. it may not work out right away, just don’t give up, and the result will definitely come. we change hands. the exercise improves fine motor skills of the hands. also connections between the hemispheres of the brain, which means the brain will work faster and more efficiently. let's continue! dream with me is the name of the all-russian project of the first movement, which has been making children's dreams come true for 10 years now. i dreamed of starring in a good morning story, here you go, i took part in it myself project, just like my colleagues, i can rightfully say that making a childhood dream come true is great, it’s wonderful, it’s the best thing that we... make dreams come true. well,
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shall we begin? let's! becoming the presenter of svetlana zeynalova is the dream of sixteen-year-old diana farakhova from the small town of megion khantamansiysk, she wrote a letter on the website of the all-russian project the first movement dream with me has been making the intangible dreams of special children come true for 10 years. my mother and i found out through social networks. decided to try to write, i thought, why should i something material, if i can ask my parents about it, and i decided to choose a meeting, but i seem to have loved svetlana zeynalova for a long time, so i thought, why not, they unexpectedly called, and here they are with the whole family already at the ostankino television center walking behind the scenes of various programs, a tour of the good morning editorial office, where they create our program, after this diana wanted to be there even more.
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and finally, the studio, how not to get excited, but in a couple of minutes diana will surprise everyone. i read the eyeliner without preparation, dear gem and rare minerals, maybe not as beautiful as, for example, emerald. mom is shocked, applause, say, just like that , he came, took it and read it again. what to hide, everyone was shocked. diana immediately remembered the teacher who did not want to take her to drama school because of diabetes. which diana has had since she was 3 years old, they told me, it’s better to leave, well, it’s not necessary, well, i just could calmly leave, i realized that okay, i’ll let other
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acting studios in our city. diana is a real fighter, tomorrow morning her first live broadcast, but for now, a walk around moscow, zoo, then to the aquarium, there are a lot of emotions, but diabetes requires a regime, at 6:00 in the morning already at vdnkh, next to our mobile studio. good morning, oh good morning, are you ready? studio, makeup, meeting arina sharapova, i can go on air, ready, a short tour of roman butnikov, these are the cherished words of the director. 40 seconds, good morning, good morning, welcome, listen, so great, diana will remember these 3 days, at an altitude of 337 m, she made her next dream, to return and work on television, and we they promised to wait for her, a small gift from the first channel, and from our team, which...
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the amounts for housing and communal services can be returned as a subsidy, compensation from the state depending on the family income. any russian, as well as those arriving from the belarusian and kyrgyz republics, can receive it. at the same time, they must be registered in the residential premises for the payment that they plan to receive a subsidy and be the owners of the residential premises, or live under a rental agreement in a private housing stock or in a public housing fund, or be members of a housing construction cooperative. or a housing cooperative. provided that a significant part of the income goes to pay for utilities, like anna klimova. it turns out that in the family, i work alone,
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there is a pensioner and two children, that is, they scattered mine for... they came to the conclusion that i am entitled to a subsidy, of course, not only salary is taken into account, all income will be taken into account, including wages, pension, allowance, scholarship, income from individual entrepreneurial activity. maximum allowable flow each region has its own for paying for housing and communal services, for example, in moscow it is 10% of income, in the krasnodar territory it is already 22. the standards can be viewed on the gizkha website. calculate the amount. financial advisor ekaterina chakhichina will help with subsidies; if this is a family of two people, the discount will be 5,100 rubles. conditionally. the housing and communal services standard multiplies by the number of family members, minus total income. let it be 80,000 rubles. and we multiply this by the housing and communal services standard for each region. for example , 10% of moscow. and then apply in moscow
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only online for garbage, in other regions public services mfc. taking into account that the debt is not judicial, the subsidy is confirmed for 6 months, then the data must be updated, well , subsidy 6905 has arrived, it arrives on the twentieth of every month only on the world map. anastasia otela, denis panomar, tatyana yus, channel one. premiere. i love my country. tomorrow on the first. and i’m walking, walking around moscow. to this day, at the mitrouniversitet station, passengers point to that same escalator. and someone even starts humming the song of nikita mikhalkov’s hero from the film “i’m walking around moscow.” i don't i love it when they call me a comedian,
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because i haven’t done many comedies. brilliant. daneli was a magician on the set, but how did he manage to direct his own life? danelia came home and said to sokolova, lyuba, i'm leaving, i fell in love, lyuba began to cry, i think, what is it like to live unloved, this is what it's like to live unloved, is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical, he lived for two lives, and lyuba got it all sokolova, the fact that gundarevo played, we get a prize, i ’m happy that he’s watching, and he’s watching very interested. always carries slander, for example, she said that he married the first person he met, for which the director blamed himself after the tragedy that happened in his family, after clinical death, he weighed 42 kg, and i realized that i had to save him, our exclusive family secrets great director, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, tomorrow on the first, kvn, major league, third game of the season,
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tomorrow. after the program time, this is dasha, our director, and this is maxim, our cameraman, the guys met at work, we play brai, dash, well, you’re on this side, girl, the knife is no spa, she brought me to the stars, we’ll do suzdol art, i need colored plates, it’s just like our film crew, it’s beautiful, just what we need, there’s such a wedding tradition weddings are celebrated by ringing bells. why do you have a three-headed bride, it just so happened, she is the second, it seems to me, we are opening, hurray, the road, young, our premiere, we are playing a wedding, on sunday on
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the first and right now, together with our tireless. an owl lived for 30 years under the roofs of this during this time, the wonderful castle has aged, sat down, but it pursues mice... and other rodents as deftly as before, and not just somehow, but catches them on the fly. and ool always gathers crowds of people, his fans. thanks to oolla's art, zama always remained free of rodents. the pest hunter lost a little, spent some time and grew old.
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yes, the years go by, but glory and power. oula remain on top, dear friends, today we are all watching the supershow voice, watching and voting. we not only vote, we also help, because the income from the voting, channel one, the partners who joined the action will be transferred to the orthodox social service of mercy, the funds will go to help flood victims in orsk and other cities, and don’t dance, guys, don’t dance, love is like ... a voice brings us together, once upon a time yulia fell in love with the voice of alexey sulima, he performed the song of chelintan confess, a confession in the yacht club
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where she then worked. i remember how he walked like this in checkered trousers in a jacket, he had such a sparkle in his eyes, some kind of confidence in himself, this self-confidence he always had, some kind of inner core and magnetism. i think it's dad. voices, i was still little, how old, 14, 15, i liked it very much, she is a finalist in our project, and i found out that she loves to be in the same park, i would be so crazy, i came, i fell in love so much,
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i came, no , a million centuries, i was actually such a bit of an ugly duckling at school, i can say that i was bullied at school, but i remember that there was a boy. his name was stas, who stood up for me for 10 years, you be friends now, now, unfortunately, we no longer communicate, the participants share their secrets, and the audience continues to choose the best of the best together with mentors, support your favorite performers, send an sms to the number that will be announced today during the live broadcast of the show voice, income from voting first channel and partners.
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channel one. svetlana neimanes, ivan velchenko, sergey morin. first channel. news will continue on friday morning. this is news from the first, maria vasilyeva studio. hello. breaking news from iran. israel launched a missile strike on the country's territory, tv reports.
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mountain motorized rifle formation, they hit without a miss at a distance of up to 15 km in any weather. in the donetsk direction , the crews of the gvozdik self-propelled gun, the first army corps of the southern group of forces, distinguished themselves; reconnaissance revealed camouflaged enemy positions and transmitted exact coordinates. to inflict maximum damage on the enemy, our soldiers used high-explosive fragmentation ammunition. drone operators confirmed it accurately. hits help ground units no less effectively air gunners in the kherson region, a crew of drones in the hall, russian paratroopers discovered three self-propelled guns and two ukrainian tanks on the right
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bank of the dnieper and corrected their defeat with lancets. the water level in the tabol river within kurgan exceeded the mark of 10 m 6 cm. nothing like this had happened for several decades; per day the increase was more than half a meter. there is a threat of a breakthrough. protecting the city, rescuers and volunteers are busy strengthening it, special attention is paid to the air harbor, it is less than a kilometer from the river and is still receive and dispatch flights in the belozersk municipal district. under the threat of flooding , 18 settlements are under urgent evacuation; in the tyumen region, the flood is about to reach its peak in three areas. due to the flooding of roads and bridges, a number of bus routes have been stopped, others had to be changed. one of the villages was cut off by water. international law is the main and insurmountable obstacle for those who want to get close to russian assets abroad. the big seven were forced to admit this and... at the eu summit, diplomats were looking for
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wording. british foreign secretary david cameron said a creative approach would have to be found. his italian colleague antonio tajani said that legal grounds are needed. by the way, in estonia it seems that they have already taken a creative approach, and such non-existent grounds were found there. they stated that they are ready to become the first , perhaps, the only eu country where they will transfer to ukraine not even interest on russian money, but the assets themselves - this is 37 million euros, amendments to the law may be adopted already in may, by comparison , 300 billion euros were illegally seized in europe, and the main regulator of the european central bank, whose opinion is decisive, opposed the confiscation. its director, christine lagarte , said there were serious legal obstacles to seizing assets. the consequences could be very unpleasant for the eu, including the flight of investors and even the withdrawal by states of their funds, which are now stored in europe. however, they are looking for loopholes.
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are you ready to choose freedom over democracy because this is america. on this in the background, biden's joke that he looks 40 years old did not really amuse the americans, who now have reason to think whether this is really humor or whether the president, who calls the czech republic czechoslovakia and claims that he lives in the 20th century, has already begun to hallucinate. that's all for now, good morning to my colleagues. good morning to everyone who joined us in the studio svetlana zeynalova and timur solovyov on april 19. remember, a bear is making his way through the forest, the birds began to sing songs and the snowdrops bloomed, to be honest, not very i remember, but it sounds beautiful, in many countries of the world today, because svetlana is celebrating snowdrop day, i congratulate you, thank you, this amazing flower blooms immediately after the winter cold and don’t wait until completely...
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50 types of primroses in the apothecary garden of moscow state university, which of them are snowdrops you can’t immediately figure out, here they are, remember, so as not to be confused anymore, a snowdrop is a plant with a snow-white flower, which looks like... it is preparing to become a small miracle with the first rays of spring, in a word, ephemeroid. these are plants that have adopted the rapid growth strategy of dormancy for most of the year. literally over the course of a couple of spring months, they manage to complete
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their annual development cycle, bloom, produce seeds and store reserves for the next rapid flowering. vigorous flowering is, of course, a loud word; it blooms modestly, almost imperceptibly. there are certainly more beautiful primroses, but you are unlikely to have come across poems, fairy tales or films about corydalis, scilla or pushkinia, but there were about snowdrops. it’s spring in my soul now! snowdrops for the queen stage of the small theater based on 12 months. they came up with a space so that it would be snowy, cold, and frosty, so that the same miracle that happens with the appearance of snowdrops from the snowdrifts.
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to admire the snowfields, you just need to leave the house, there is a flowerbed under the windows, there is still snow, white stars have blossomed. about 40 years ago, in her parents’ house, a neighbor shared the bulbs of these plants, her parents have been gone for a long time, and the flowers remind us of our parents, our neighbor ekaterina vanna, such a good memory, flowers with a scent. snow and the first honey, which is why they are so long-awaited for insects, delicate, but very persistent, they bloom even at -10, snowdrops are a sure sign of spring, a symbol of hope. ksenia ionkina, dmitry gordienko, mikhail karasev and andrey aksenov, channel one. well, right now our
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columnist yegor uspensky will drag us into the world wide web, like a big and scary man. yes, he has already prepared, by the way, the bait , the most striking funny video, however. well, according to the good old tradition, we start with them, with the cats, these two, these two comrades, this means that they are connoisseurs of art, they live, by the way, in japan, one, as you see, is red-haired, the other is brunette, they have been trying to get into the art museum for a long time, but the guards do not let them in, either because the entrance is sealed it’s forbidden to enter the museum, or documents such as ears, paws and tails, as my grandmother says, they don’t have tickets, but with the pushkin card you can, then about food. i saw people having lunch on tv, of course, i also wanted to join them, to eat, he said, i want to, i’m a hungry dog, wow, a delicious sandwich remained on the other side of the screen, 5 million viewers laughed at the dog, but deep down, we feel sorry for him, yes, of course we did, the dogs, you all thought
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the dog, and now let’s move on to the bear, he lives in the suburbs of toronto, canada, he came on a visit to the author of this video and stole from him what you think is a wood sucker, yes, a lot. users of the world wide web are wondering why a clubfooted man needs a vacuum cleaner in his den, perhaps because his wife demanded cleaning, that’s it, that’s it, he went to work for the sake of love, of course, in the end about the smallest tv in the world, just look, it’s only 15 mm, try to watch something there without breaking your eyes, no, for the first channel, for example, you need large screens, i’m sure, these are 15 m long, so that, in in general, on this small tv you can connect a channel using an equally small remote control. watch films that are just as short and just as short, here’s a fun adventure, water, weed, cut, feed, all this needs to be watered again, and then weeded again, a question about the hairstyle, no, no, it won’t help, timur, i ’ll tell you often, it doesn’t help, in short,
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i did all this, and then everything hurts, perfect, perfect, we’re talking about the summer resident, as you understand, here’s to helping the summer residents, a therapist and neurologist, sergei dlin, comes to these tireless workers and... offers today to prepare for gardening loads, well done, yes, great, how many times a day do we pass through the doorway, that’s right, a lot, i’ll tell you a secret, it’s great simulator, let's pause and stretch the muscles, grab the joints with our hands, first on chest level, elbows remain bent, this is correct, we bring the chest forward and as if hanging out. on your arms, do you feel the muscles of your chest and arms and back stretching? great, now we raise our palms higher and continue doing the exercises. literally a minute of such a warm-up and you will
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feel better, this stretching is especially useful for summer residents, i recommend doing it as often as possible before the gardening season and even more so during it. what else will help us in the fight for the harvest? we cross our legs, right in front, lean to the left. help ourselves with our hand, we stretch the lateral muscles of the body to cope with summer loads, they must be elastic, we perform the exercise in the other direction, now we turn on the imagination, it’s as if we are already in the garden where my shovel is, its role will be played by a gymnastic stick, by the way, this is also a good exercise machine for stretching, like... when you dig, stop more often, take a stick or shovel like this
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with a wide grip, raise your arms up , lean back slightly, stretch the muscles, now put the stick on your shoulders, turn your body, first in one direction, then in the other direction; during dacha work, take such breaks more often. let taking care of your own beds only benefit you. one of the main signs of spring, the motorcycle season has already opened in many cities, certainly in moscow. yes, there are reminders, be careful. although it seems to me that this motorcycle season never ends. stable bikers can be found on the roads in winter, in autumn, and generally always. the main thing is that they rush at breakneck speed and don’t notice anything. but what does this mean that everyone who moves on the roads on four wheels, it’s worth doubling your vigilance. attention, the motorcycle season
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has begun, 2 million, this is how many motorcyclists usually appear on the country’s roads in the spring, it’s time for motorists to turn their heads more actively, first of all, look in the mirrors more often, since motorcycles appear suddenly, they are more maneuverable, faster, and most importantly, the motorcycle is easy to miss when changing lanes, its length is about 2 m, it quietly hides behind... the door pillar, the car can change lanes directly into a two-wheeler, you need to look not only at mirrors back, but still monitor the blind spots. another problem is the speed of motorcyclists, of course, not everyone speeds up, but there are some, there is an opinion that they are not even fined, they cannot catch up, or the cameras do not have time to react. in moscow, for example, there are more than 2.0 speed cameras and markings, but some of them work in the same direction, that is, they hit you in the back, but the state number. on motorcycles there is only one at the back, this is what some motorcyclists use, they know where
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to cheat. the two-wheelers themselves consider a slight speeding to be only to their advantage. justification, it's safer. if we move at normal traffic speeds, we will very often be in drivers' blind spots. it is more profitable to drive from the rear side, somewhere parallel to the rear wheel arches of the car, or from the front side. again, to. at least part of the motorcycle was visible to the driver, by the way, about visibility, that same one, this is another attempt by the motorcyclist to attract attention, not that he wants to show what a cool bike he has or a cool exhaust, he wants to protect himself, his presence, so that drivers can see and understand where it is located at the moment, that’s why they stand at a red traffic light in front of cars, so that in the event of a sudden...
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live healthy, today on the first. the weather in sao paulo changes as it wants, today it’s raining and humid, but literally tomorrow it will be unbearably hot and dry. we can have all four seasons in one day. sao paulo is the most tattooed city in the world. it's true that if a person starts getting tattoos, he can't stop, he wants more, more, more. yes, 100%, on you can get hooked on this. does the state help you? very rarely, once they gave me a blanket so that it would not be cold to sleep on the street. where do you
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sleep when it rains? where and always, under the bridge? i, i'm speechless, what is this? this is our main delicacy, ants with cassava puree. lord, lord, the lives of others. premiere on sunday on the first. the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running and waking up the sleepy shore, they are running and shining, and they are loud, they are loud in everything.
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terrible over the past 100 years, several regions at once faced extreme high flood, in orsk and orenburg, the peak of the flood has passed, but the situation still remains very difficult, well, the most critical, it is now in the kurgan and tyumen regions, the water level in reshim and tabol continues to rise, residents are being evacuated, fortifications are being built, work and volunteer specialists. kurgan region, more than 400 volunteers from the ministry of emergency situations spent a week strengthening a seventeen-kilometer road.
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we despaired, we will cope with this situation, i would like to wish that the uganians will not be fine. we collected help for evacuated sisters of mercy in the portartursk icon of the mother of god church in kurgan. we give them to everyone in need with long shelf life products. the first necessities are butter, flour, cereals, for small children, milk and semolina porridge. everyone who can is preparing the boats. our. husbands and sisters of mercy are also ready to help, they are fishermen have already prepared their boats, some have shown up at the gyms. in the orenburg region the flood is receding, but the situation is still critical. volunteers from the nizhny novgorod region joined in helping they brought 2 tons of humanitarian aid. in case the ministry of emergency situations needs our help, we
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took with us our search and rescue kits, which include walkie-talkies and navigators. and good flashlights, batteries, boots in which you can move through swampy or flooded terrain, hundreds of people in temporary accommodation centers, this is grass, this is the sea, there are birds, a cloud and a boat, children also need support, we helped them a little, at least level out these negative emotions, we pulled them out a little...
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well, the fact that high water is no joke, i think everyone understands, in the flood risk zone in 39 regions today in russia, please carefully monitor the messages of emergency services, do not ignore them, if you hear about the need to evacuate, please evacuate don’t be slow, well, right now let’s remember simple but very important rules that can help us, find out how to behave if you find yourself in a flood zone, the word to the survival instructor, dmitry kolesnikov, in case of a flood, don’t panic and... don’t lose your composure, you shouldn’t save yourself by car, the water can rise very quickly, the flood will catch you on your way and you will find yourself trapped, it’s dangerous to get out of the flooded area on your own, we’re waiting for rescuers, if the big water hasn’t arrived yet, call neighbors, perhaps someone needs help with children or people with limited mobility, and if the water
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rises quickly, then be careful, you can’t go into it. often the flow accelerates suddenly and can knock you off your feet. in addition, a stormy stream can knock out sewer hatches and you can fail. what to do? we collect emergency supplies and water. food, documents, money. and we go up to the roof of the house. be sure to tie it in with a rope. you will have to wait for help for some time. we call 112 and tell you where we are. you can find your exact coordinates in the map application. we hang a signal sign, a sheet or a piece of bright fabric on the roof. if there is a whistle or metal utensils that can be knocked on with a spoon, this is great, a sound signal will also help the rescuer orientate himself, and a flashlight
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useful for giving signals at night, instruct all family members, including children, on what to do in case of flood, if you act correctly, you will definitely be saved. i am proud that i live in such a beautiful country, that we have so many regions, so many different cultures. i know a lot about our homeland, and i want people to know about it too, this is very important. ulyanovsk is the birthplace of lenin, koramzin and goncherov. taganay is a whole adventure park, there are bears and more. chaliapin in his time all his life called himself a simple vyadsky peasant. the white nights of leningrad, the gray peaks of the caucasus, the blue lakes of karelia, the green sea of ​​taiga,
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are as beautiful as our sunny kalmykia. no one returns to travel as the same person, so travel, develop yourself, on any route, in any village, we are all one big family. the end of the russian football cup is approaching. ole. fewer teams, which is typical for the finale, are competing for this trophy. our colleague, channel one sports journalist dmitry, has all the details. terikhova, who were you rooting for? i am for beautiful football. there are fewer and fewer trophy candidates left in the russian football cup. at the end of the next round of the playoffs, six teams remained. the rpl is on its way, and the finalists have already been determined. this is the current holder of the csk and zenit cup. the army team turned out to be stronger than baltika based on the sum of the two meetings. muscovites had an advantage of one. after the away match, so at home they acted according to the score. kaliningrad's chances of a favorable outcome melted away at the end of the first half when they conceded twice within 2 minutes. at first
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chief referee jan bobrovsky, after watching the video replay, awarded a penalty for handball by alexander osipov. the penalty was clearly converted by fedor chalov. and in the next attack, abbazbek feyzullaev sent the second ball into the baltika goal. 2:0. zenit had enough of the minimal advantage they earned in the first game with spartak in moscow 2:1. in the return match in st. petersburg, red. draw 0:0. the first final match of the trip will be played by rpl, cska and zenit in moscow, and the return match in st. petersburg. in the lower grid, paths regions, dynamo knocked orenburg out of the draw, winning away 4:2. in the first half, the muscovites' counterattack was completed by fedor smolov, and after the break, the audience saw five goals at once. konstantin tyukavin scored a few minutes after coming on as a substitute, the hosts returned to the game thanks to an accurate strike. muhammad gurbani, but denis makarov soon restored the two-goal difference, taking advantage of a defensive error; in the eighty-second minute, another mistake in orenburg’s defensive formations
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led to a goal by jorge carascal. to the owners managed to reduce the gap in stoppage time through the efforts of jordi thompson. in the match between ural and rostov in yekaterinburg, there was also a quick goal by helgerme schitene, who brought the home team ahead, accurately shooting from outside the penalty area. but the guests managed to turn the tide of the match in the second half. the rostovites scored three times. in the final protocol on... from the names of ivan karpov, denis terentyev and nikolai komlichenko. for the first time in the current cup competition, ural lost at their home stadium and dropped out of the fight for the trophy. valery karpin's team in the second semi-final stage of the regions' path they will meet with baltika, and dynamo will face a capital derby with spartak. finally we got it. on monday, april 22 , the fashion verdict returns to channel one, and in an updated format. the program will now have male and female versions. two presenters alexander rogov and liliya rakh, and a woman in the judge’s chair will appear for the first time in the history of the program, this is true emancipation,
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let’s raise an eyebrow and not only in surprise, what shape of eyebrows is trending this spring, here where to comb and for how long until they grow up, the fact that you can go to work without makeup speaks of you as a super confident woman, more than enough confidence. look, these are beautiful cats, i say hello to my cat from channel one, what did you wear at the big theater? i was in such a beautiful dress, it was really a little big for me, i didn’t guess with the size, it’s a big dress, great attention to the project, viewers on all social networks bombarded the first channel with messages asking them to return the program and voila, happy monday the fashionable verdict is back with you, she has such a pleasant
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inner world. that they don’t give a damn about externals at all, a very good show-fairy tale not only about fashion, destinies change here, the heroines talk to the whole country about feelings, relationships with the world and themselves, everyone listens, but only two make a verdict, she’s just relaxed now, you remind now some kind of predatory beast, there is a male and female version of the program, one day the judge was the famous stylist alexander rogov, he won the audience voting on the first channel, what do you want? should we dress mom in jeans, something modern or classic? here's an example of where we should go? the next day the judge was a woman for the first time in the history of the project. liliya rakh, a stylist and famous blogger from kazakhstan, is included in the ranking of the top 500 most influential people in the fashion world. lily is known for her strong character, constant desire to help women, to return the sparkle in their eyes to the love of life. tell us what?
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needs to be done for you so that the desire arises, there is no fairy-tale reincarnation escape, we can’t show you how the heroines will change, we’ll keep the intrigue from monday on channel one, the return of our favorite project is a fashion verdict. victoria bolenskaya, channel one. we remind you that today is friday, april 19th. our broadcast will continue to broadcast news on channel one, we will be back soon. this is news on the first one, studio maria vasilyeva, hello! israel launched a strike on iranian territory, the media write about explosions in the northeast of sfahan province, where the airport air force base is located. it is reported that the air defense system is working; it shot down several drones. previously we wrote about rockets. there is evidence that air traffic over isfahan, shiraz and tehran has been suspended. after
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the message. about the israeli attack, eight flights were forced to deviate from the route after the flight. information about the strikes on iran was confirmed by an international agency by an unnamed us official. also, one of the sources in the states told cnn that israel will not attack iran's nuclear facilities. the water level in the tabol river within kurgan exceeded the mark of 10 m 6 cm. nothing like this has happened for several years decades per day the increase was more than half. there is a threat of a breakthrough of the dam protecting the city, rescuers and volunteers are busy strengthening it, special attention is paid to the air harbor, it is less than a kilometer from the river and still continues to receive and send flights. in the belozersky municipal district, under the threat of flooding, 18 settlements are under urgent evacuation in the tyumen region. the flood is about to reach its peak in three areas ; due to the flooding of roads and bridges , a number of bus routes have been stopped, others have had to be changed. one of
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turned out to be villages. cut off by water. now about the situation in the northern military district zone, an army aviation crew on a mi-35m helicopter attacked concentrations of ukrainian militants in the kupinsky direction with missiles. despite the fog and low clouds, the mission was completed successfully. at the ovdeevsky artillery groupings of troops of the center destroyed an enemy stronghold, the d-30 howitzer of the mountain motorized rifle unit hit without a miss at a distance of up to 15 km. crews from donetsk distinguished themselves... carnation of the first army corps of the southern troop groupings, reconnaissance revealed camouflaged positions and transmitted exact coordinates. to inflict maximum damage on the enemy, our soldiers used high-explosive fragmentation ammunition. russia may soon take a central place in international trade, and the northern sea route and the international north-south corridor with the participation of iran and india will help it in this. the bloomberg agency writes about this and evaluates the economic situation.
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right now, when the conflict... in the middle east has led to interruptions in the delivery of goods, the northern sea route and the southern corridor becomes especially important as a counterweight to sanctions and attempts to isolate russia, and , bloomberg suggests, these routes will strengthen moscow’s turn towards china and india. maritime and rail networks passing through iran, as well as the northern sea route, could strengthen moscow's orientation towards asian powers, china and india, rather than towards europe. this could potentially make russia the center of much of the international world. these routes could reduce transit times by 30-50% compared to the suede canal and avoid security problems in krasny sea ​​where houthi rebels attack international shipping over war. hamas in gaza. one step away from joining the united nations, palestine was stopped by the united states. washington used the veto, despite the fact that the resolution was supported by 12 out of 15 security council members, including russia and
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china. great britain and switzerland abstained. vasily nebendya, a russian, said that because of the us position, it is impossible not to protect the palestinians, not to provide humanitarian assistance, not to stop the conflict, which has put the whole thing at risk. the international community has been unable, in fact due to the position of one state blocking all our efforts, to protect the palestinians from the israeli massacre. nor could it alleviate their humanitarian suffering, nor could it stop the spiral of violence. not to mention the fact that since 1948 it has not been able to help the palestinians gain full statehood. in total , the delegations proposed 10.
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truth and not lies, are you ready to choose freedom over democracy, because this is america. against this background, biden's joke about that he looks 40 years old did not really amuse
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the americans, who now have reason to think whether this is really humor, or the president, who calls the czech republic, czechoslovakia and claims that he lives in the 20th century, has already begun to hallucinate. that's all for now, now a word to my colleagues from good morning, friday, friday, friday, friday, svetlana friday, friday, friday, timur solovyov, friday, friday, dear friends, wake up outside the window, the sun is peeking in and asks if you're awake, boy , have you woken up, girl, do you notice that is it time to wash the windows, because it’s hard for me to see the sun through this dirt?
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it’s a large five-room apartment, but there are also a lot of us living here, so we don’t have time to resist, doctors recommend wet cleaning after winter, because in 3 months up to 10 kg of dust passes through the apartment, and we all breathe this, it’s especially difficult for allergy sufferers when it’s spring it becomes very dusty, plus flowering is active, one of the most important reasons to clean the house is naturally an allergic reaction. which can lead to complications, both from lorogans and from the lower respiratory tract. we deal with dust collectors, upholstered furniture, toys, blankets, pillows, curtains, wash, clean, knock out. the main task is to get rid of field ticks, and not only that.
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this is the fight against house dust mite allergens, mold fungi, spores, bacteria viruses, which may be located in hard-to-reach areas. places for cleaning, we can simply not pay attention to them throughout the year. top places where dust accumulates, baseboards, door frames and chandeliers. maxim sidenko, an expert at a cleaning company, has advice: you you will be surprised, but you will need an umbrella. there is a life hack: if there are a lot of glass beads on the chandelier that can fall, you can take an umbrella with a hook like this, hang it on the chandelier, if something falls, it will fall into the umbrella. another life hack is to put the children with a blanket. so as not to hold the bathroom tiles, you can clean it with a clothes steamer, already advice from the cleaner svetlana kurs, just wrap the nozzle with a rag or put it on it. where our seams are a little
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worn out, we will use a brush to touch them up, what our steamer has steamed off, all the blackness we take it out and simply wipe it with a cloth, it’s also easy to steam mirrors and windows, most of the dirt settles on them. plastic, look how we bleach it, and you don’t need any such terrible products, even clean windows lift your spirits, because by 25%. they allow more sunlight to pass through; it is the sun that helps in the production of that very hormone of joy, serotann. let's wait now until the children come home from school, motivate them properly, promise them new sneakers, i think we're in very good shape. will go. yes, everyone needs good cleaning motivation. anna vashok, vasily valetov, vladimir repin, alexey danko, channel one. good
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morning, juggling is good for the brain, movement develops fine motor skills of the hands , strengthens memory, neurogymnastics also works, this is a warm-up for the brain, do it with your children, take the balls, rotate the implements towards you, away from you in a circle, develop your fingers, make sure that each of them worked. now we complicate the exercise: we fill the balls, first with one and then with the other hand, do not throw them high we don’t stop in the process, this was preparation, we move on to the main exercise: we throw the ball with one hand, spin the other, it may not work right away, just don’t give up, and the result will definitely
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come, we change hands, the exercise improves fine motor skills of the hands, as well as connections between the hemispheres of the brain, which means the brain will work faster and more efficiently, we continue on april 19, friday, on which we congratulate you all, astrological forecast, cheers, comrades, april 19, the eleventh lunar day meets the twelfth, the first solar day, accurate, sensible, rational, an excellent assistant for scientists, engineers, those who work with numbers, conduct some experiments, and in general today everything that requires calculation, logic, the ability to calculate moves, like in chess, and also for duty, honor and loyalty to his word mean a lot to him. on the downsides, he is a little dry, not very sociable, and sometimes he can be
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overly pedantic and picky. things tend to slow down on such days, including due to all the bureaucracy. unresolved problems, deficiencies, and old debts come to light. aries may be reminded of some forgotten promise or obligation, but once they have made a promise, they must fulfill it. dear men, if your lady is an aries, give her flowers just like that, for no reason, and take her to some beautiful place. taurus may need to... run away from everyone for a while, wander alone, put their thoughts in order, some old resentment may come to light, drive it away and be careful with caustic chemistry. the twins will have a chance to beat the competition, but remember, everything should be done honestly and carefully with precise technique, maybe break down or malfunction, and the evening seems to be about to take you out for a walk. cancers have a good day for business meetings and visits to their superiors, but a romantic date may disappoint you or simply not take place. after lunch there may be a small profit or some loss. leos today are simply
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irresistible to the opposite sex and they are planning something positive in their affairs, but they will have to roll up their sleeves, so there will be no time left for their personal life. so what to do? we have to choose. virgos are normal working friday, so that it is completely positive, do not overreact to all sorts of little things. and remember that everyone has their shortcomings. in the evening, a useful meeting or acquaintance is possible. most likely at some event. libra may be quite puzzled by something, or maybe not by something, by someone, by some strange act, the stars say that today you should generally expect surprises from people, so don’t be too surprised, the evening will be simply pleasant. a great day for scorpios, no matter what they undertake, everything will go like clockwork, it only takes a little perhaps, however, push some unplanned expenses. well, what can you do, you can’t plan everything. sagittarius may learn something that will change their plans after lunch. steering wheel, don’t drive too hard, and this day may also
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remind you that an old friend is better than two new ones, a romantic day for capricorns, an urgent trip is possible, if you get married , single capricorns will have a chance to find their soulmate. unless, of course, you are not afraid to take a step forward, and those who are already happily married will be able to add family relationships, harmony, at work you seem to have everything things are getting better, for aquarius in the professional field everything is smooth so far without changes, something like this is planned in their personal lives, and this something will certainly please you, in the evening someone may ask you to borrow money, well, decide for yourself , pisces will have to help someone, perhaps work for someone or somehow participate in someone else’s life, it ’s a good thing, just be careful, don’t overdo it, overall it’s not a bad day, money can only run away from you, you’ll be stricter with them, well , good luck, hair dryer, it would seem, an elementary choice, in fact, well, the task of a hair dryer is simply to drive dry warm air towards your hair, but now there are so many
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different hair dryers, expensive, give me all the money, i ’ll make you a hair dryer for any, any budget, well, in general there are people who they generally don’t use a hairdryer, that’s why... it doesn’t matter what kind of hair dryer, but there are women, there are people who don’t use their hair after all, and many are now moving there, here’s a new category, this happens, and sometimes someone is trying to grow it, you need a good hair dryer, a beautiful hairdryer, fashionable, and the more expensive, the cooler, and our sketch, anna popova and a hairdryer, a classic hairdryer, with a brush, a styler, everything has long been not just about air supply, except drying, it’s styling and even the quality of hair, because it’s choosing it exactly suits your type. for me, the power is most likely important, because my hair is thick, and i don’t know, i need to quickly run somewhere to run errands to dry it. power is the first criterion when choosing. the more wats, the stronger the air flow. compact models have about a thousand. option for
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travel, higher numbers for home. for fine hair, 1.700 power is enough. for thick hair. 200 is even closer to a professional hair dryer, because let’s say professional hair dryers start from 2-200. professional hair dryers are a separate category, it’s not just about power, they are more durable, spare parts are stronger, hence the price, one and a half to two times higher. if the task is simply to do your own styling, you shouldn’t overpay. temperature control plus, it is important to regulate the temperature so as not to injure your hair. warm for safe drying, hot for styling, cold it. fixation is different for all structures, that is, there is super thick hair, asian hair, and some others, they are not afraid of any hair dryer, even dry it with a gun, but there is hair that still requires gentle care and care, the ionization function helps, a process that removes
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static electricity is needed for porous hair, the scales close, the hairstyle is smooth and manageable, now there are attachments, there are a lot of them... often a girl does not use all the attachments. the optimal set is a concentrator that narrows the air flow and distributes it to strand. brushing is a comb-shaped attachment, and for curly hair, a diffuser is useful. more attachments for the styler; no additional devices are needed with it, no curling iron straighteners. this is such an assistant, a deputy stylist, more porous hair, more pliable styling, it lasts a very long time, often even with porous hair a girl can go through 2-3 days.
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april marks the 95th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding soviet and russian cinematographer of world significance vadim yusov, if i now remind you of a few films behind the camera, of which he stood, and there are actually hundreds of them, you will immediately understand everything, for example, only two: i’m walking around moscow and... georgy danelia considered vadim yusov to be the best cameraman in the world. in america, yusov was called the great depi, and unfamiliar punks blocked his path to bow. at the oldest film festival in venice, in the forty-fifth year of its existence, they could not resist and for the first time awarded a gold medal to the cameraman. it turned out to be vadim yusav, for the drama the black monk of ivan dykhovichny. he himself sat first on the kansky jury, then on the berlin jury, while almost all of him films became prize-winners at the same
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festivals. he photographed all sorts of things, but never just anything. it was he who created torkovsky’s special world, half-dream, half-reality, the director’s vision from his thesis work. skating rink and violin to the cosmic harmony of solaris, having figured out in this film how to open the frame into the fourth dimension. but the epic cinema of sergei bondarchuk. yusav did the heartfelt thing by using transfaction on the faces of the actors in the battle scenes; in the tram they fought for their homeland, recreating the crescendo of the revolution in the red bells, in the festive technique of the musical. yusav was the first to figure out how to film nikita mikhalkov, making the camera walk around moscow, acting with the playfulness of a puppy, and the french provencal compared the film to spring rain on a young face. sar, what, let's buy a boat? 100 rub. for what? let's take a vacation, get on a boat and sail to the black sea. yusav himself, like a seasoned dog, sniffed out
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the holes left by the greats for a tripod. when, while working on the series karl marx, his younger years, he walked around an unfamiliar german town and eventually chose a shooting point, an old def studio employee nodded approvingly. it was here that 15 years before yusov, the soviet classic grigory roshal set up a camera to film his karl marx. i was born in old german... what star, yes any, i see, mom, i see, yes,
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yes, there she is, and why is she, because for her it is now night, meanwhile, from today , from april 19 to twenty the sixth, the forty-sixth moscow international film festival will take place, it opens in the capital, in fact, this evening. the film screening will open with drama about teenagers, the open sky of mexican directed by marianna and santiago oriago. the competition includes paintings from austria, bulgaria, germany, slovakia, iran, bangladesh, mexico, qatar, turkey and others. russia will be represented by director ivan sasnin and his alien, about the village eccentric alyosha, who is waiting for aliens, perhaps he will. i beg you, leave here. get out of here. get out of here.
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well, a little statistics: according to rospotrebnadzor, about 80% of the salt that we consume internally every day is the so-called hidden salt, that is, we do not suspect, yes, where it is hidden and what what’s scary about this, for example, right now we’ll reveal all the secrets, given that the norm is to eat no more than 5 g of salt per day, but we use all 12, where does that come from? let's do the math with
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the technologist, approximate food basket for the day, content hidden? that is , we will measure the added salt using a spatula, in a full 3 g. for breakfast, sandwiches with sausage, a few slices of bread, half a gram of salt, even more in meat products, so the sausage will already give us somewhere around 2 g of salt, in the top sausages with a lot of salt - that's of course raw smoked - sausages, boiled smoked sausages, another breakfast option - cereals, seemingly sweet, breakfast cereals also contain about one gram of salt, of course, it is of great surprise to many that salt is contained in sweet dishes, as in all recipes, to for sweets, add a pinch of salt, this affects all taste buds, manufacturers know, so cookies for a snack are about another gram of salt, for lunch there may be little time, so we can safely add semi-finished products, in our case stuffed peppers
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one and a half g of salt. than in home products. for dinner, a side dish, for example, with preserves, they are generally prepared on the basis of salt, it works as a preservative, suppresses microflora and the product is stored for several years. but this will give us another 2 g of salt. the diet turned out to be salty. according to our rough calculations , it turned out to be 10 g of added salt, in addition to the fact that we also added some salt. we add salt to the hichnitsa, cucumbers, and in general throughout the day, periodically during the day the hand reaches for the salon, and this is a few more grams of salt, we don’t notice even, especially if we use ready-made seasonings, salt is in the first place in their composition, cubes for the broth are there, just take these seasonings purely, for example, mix two or three seasonings, you will get the same provençal herbs, or some tasty bright seasoning for meat, sauces are also the leaders in
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the content of hidden salts, ideally you cook them yourself, you can always take... for example, some natural sauces in the form of mustard, horseradish, of which there are very few components, they are not so harmful, but as a last resort soy sauce is perfect salad dressing and separately you can no longer add salt for the salad, a lot of salt, stress on the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and joints, eliminating salt is also not an option, the body needs several grams per day, restores water electrolyte balance, sodium chlorine is a metabolic participant , digestion and hormone synthesis. anna popova, ilya ridkazubov, andrey aksenov, yulia bykova, channel one. today, april 19 , the premiere of the play tortyuv will take place at the mossovet theater. maliere's comedy by evgeniy marchelli is staged under the roof. all details at maria vakhrusheva. instead of a corridor scene, all the actors are at arm's length, complete immersion in the action. there's a disco ball on the floor, confetti everywhere, we're at a party. the action
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takes place in paris, in argon's house. the owner is already quite old. and this is such a very dramatic story, very psychologically complex, so at first we had this drama, now i called it zhangifars. kino, cinema is when there is a constant close-up, and so that nothing distracts from it, the director, together with the theater artist, created a chamber atmosphere, scenery at least in the main role is valery eremenko, aka argon, the owner of the house. my character is not at all
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the naive person who was prescribed by the maliere, for me it’s more like... a predator and those problems of an adult man, they are just being revealed, what lengths an adult man can go to in order to realize whether there is life after 60 young wife or not. in the role of elmira's wife, actress daria balabanova narrates each performance and compiles a musical playlist for tartuffe, a selection of 21 compositions. and she's just like ours performance, in my opinion. music helps you get in the mood, it turns you on, it finds these things in you. these are the little gears that make you move inside you, the emphasis on relationships, the characters you knew at seven open up in a new way, anyone tell me?
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already today on stage under the roof of the mostsovet theater. marina vakhrusheva, andrey ivanov, alexander ignatov, channel one. news will continue on friday morning. this is news from the first, maria vasilyeva studio. hello. israel attacked iranian territory. mass media they write about explosions in the northeast of sfahan province, where the base is located. the airport's air force reports that the air defense system is working and has shot down several drones. previously we wrote about rockets. there is evidence that air traffic over isfahan, shiraz and tehran has been suspended. after reports of an israeli attack,
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eight flights were forced to deviate from their route after departure. at the same time , iranian media write that nuclear facilities in isfahan were not damaged. according to bloomberg, washington knew about the attacks in advance. israel warned him on thursday. to the situation in the zone, the artillery of the russian group of troops, the center, destroyed a stronghold of ukrainian militants in the avdiivka direction, the tasks were successfully completed by the crews of the d-30 howitzers of the mountain motorized rifle formation, they hit without a miss at a distance of up to 15 km in any weather. in the donetsk direction, the crews of the gvozdik self-propelled gun, the first army corps of the southern group of forces, distinguished themselves; reconnaissance revealed the paved positions of the enemy, transmitted the exact coordinates to strike the enemy maximum damage, our soldiers... air gunners in the kherson region help ground units no less effectively ; the crew of drones in the hall of russian paratroopers discovered three self-propelled
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guns and two tanks of the ukrainian armed forces on the right bank of the dnieper and corrected their defeat with lancets. the device can work day and night, and a powerful camera and thermal imager helps to find and recognize targets. the water level in the tabol river within kurgan has risen. mark 10 m 6 cm, nothing like this has happened for several decades, for per day the increase was more than half a meter, there is a threat of a breakthrough of the dam protecting the city, rescuers and volunteers are busy strengthening it, special attention is paid to the air harbor, it is less than a kilometer from the river and still continues to receive and send flights, in the belozersky municipal district 18 settlements are under threat of flooding there is an urgent evacuation; in the tyumen region, the flood is about to reach its peak in three areas due to flooding. highways and bridges, a number of bus routes were stopped, others had to change, one of the villages was cut off by water. a date that recalls the terrible
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events of the great patriotic war. today in russia is the day of united action in memory of the genocide of the soviet people by the nazis and their accomplices. in all regions, including new ones, flowers will be laid at memorials, interactive lessons will be held in schools and universities, exhibitions, performances, and screenings of documentary chronicles will take place. this is our common pain, which should not be forgotten, especially now, when in many countries they are trying to erase memory of the feat of the soviet people. during the years of fascist occupation, the death toll among the soviet population was, according to experts , 16 million, a quarter of them died in nazi labor camps. the decree on penalties for murder and torture of citizens of the ussr was issued on april 19, 1943. it began then.
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from the raids of our aviation, from the partisans, they walked, well, me, including, 600 km, i was all in such a state that i was practically dying, and the neighbors advised my mother, cover her with a rag and move away, because she’s still still dies, and today ask any of our prisoners, everyone will say their sacred word, the russian prosecutor's office is open to interaction with colleagues around the world on the principles of equality and respect. unconditional
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compliance with international law, the prosecutor general of our country igor krasnov announced this in caracas, he is in venezuela as part of a working trip to latin america, an agreement on cooperation between the supervisory departments of the two countries has already been signed. krasnov noted that in conditions when selective voting has become the norm for the united states in a number of european countries application of international law, russia and venezuela can resist neocolonial policies through legal mechanisms. at the meeting with venezuelan president nicolas maduro, special attention was paid to the topic.
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the ukrainian trace is obvious, from the end of the weather in the capital region there is an increased level of threat, which means the potential danger of weather conditions, today there will be heavy rain in some areas with a thunderstorm and at the same time a gale will rise, gusts can reach 23 m/s. pedestrians are asked not to take cover under trees, and drivers are not park near cars that are not theirs, maintain distance on the roads. that's all, now say good morning to my colleagues. well, let's get straight to it. now about subsidies for housing and communal services, who has the right to such a subsidy, yes, where to apply, what documents, but documents are needed, oh, documents need to be collected, how to calculate the amount of the subsidy, who is entitled to it, whether you have debts or not, our super-smart correspondent sorted it all out, up to 100% of the amount paid for housing and communal services can be returned under subsidies, compensation from the state in depending on family income.
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i am alone, i have a pensioner and two children, that is , they scattered my salary among everyone , they concluded that i am entitled to a subsidy, of course, not only the salary is taken into account, all income will be taken into account, including wages, pension, benefits, scholarships, income from individual entrepreneurial activity, the maximum allowable expense for paying for housing and communal services is different for each region, for example, in moscow it is 10% of income, in the krasnodar territory it is already 22. you can look at the standards. on the gizha website.
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financial assistance will help you calculate the amount of the subsidy. advisor ekaterina chakhichina. if this is a family of two people, well, with a discount it turns out to be 5,100 rubles. conditionally. the housing and communal services standard multiplies by the number of family members, minus total income. let it be 80,000 rubles. and we multiply this by the housing and communal services standard for each region. for example, 10% of moscow. and then register in moscow. in other regions, public services, mfc, social security authorities, and what if there is debt? if the debt on current payment is for the provision of a subsidy, it does not affect the decision on the citizen’s right to provide a subsidy taking into account that the debt is not judicial, the subsidy is confirmed for 6 months, then the data needs to be updated, well, subsidy 6905 has arrived, it arrives on the twentieth of every month only on the world map, and well, right now
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our columnist yegor uspensky will drag us into the world wide web as big scary yes he has already prepared the bait by the way the brightest funny videos however well according to the good old tradition we start with them with cats these two these two comrades mean they are connoisseurs of the arts, they live by the way in japan one as you can see red, another brunet, they have been trying to get into the art museum for a long time, but the guards do not let them in, either because cats are prohibited from entering the museum, or because they have such documents as ears, paws and tails, as my grandmother says, they don’t channel, but that they don’t have tickets, but according to pushkin’s map you can, then about food, this dog saw people having lunch on tv, of course, he also wanted to join them, he said, i want to eat, i’m a hungry dog, wow , a delicious sandwich remained on the other side of the screen. 5 million
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the audience laughed at the doggie, but deep down, we feel sorry for him, we felt sorry for him, of course, the dogs, you all thought, doggie, and now let’s move on to the bear, he lives in the suburbs of toronto, canada, he... came to visit the author of this video and stole from him what do you think? yes, numerous users of the world wide web are wondering why a clubfooted man needs a vacuum cleaner in his den, perhaps his wife demanded cleaning, that’s it, that’s it, he went to work for the sake of love, of course, in the end about the smallest tv in the world, just look, just 15 mm, just try to watch something there without breaking your eyes, no, for the first channel, for example, you need large screens, i’m sure they are. 15 m each so that on this small tv you can connect a channel using an equally small remote control, watch films that are just as short and also not for long, here’s a fun adventure, right now, together with our tireless traveler vadim
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lovachenko, we are going to the shores of foggy albion to warwick castle , let's meet there, and with its old-timers, who lives right next to roof. in the british castle of vorve. thanks to oul's art, the castle always remained free of rodents. the pest hunter lost a little, spent some time and grew old. yes, the years go by, but the glory and power of oul remain
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at their best. kvn, major league. third game of the season. tomorrow, after. and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, yes, i’m clear, come here, and you were caught, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you’re lying, why are you lumping everything together, but we’ll get used to it, live separately, we’ll break up anyway, well, understand, it’s not us
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we decide, and then come up with something, so, gentlemen, from the nichaev spouses known to you, a statement has been received, after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i... why do they love each other, what are you ready for, for anything, life after life, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first one, let's go to south korea right now, and
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there is a school for puppies there, they help these puppies adapt to life in a new family, can you imagine if you married timur and they would help you adapt in life in a new reality. bottles, you you mean, well, no, in this case, yes, other rubbish plastic bottles are used, which means the man makes unusual toys, and the tailed ones, in turn, play with them and gradually wean themselves off their mother, as they say, everything is brilliant and simple, yes and they get used to the new family, water, weed, trim, feed, all this needs to be watered again, and then weeded again, the question about the hairstyle, no, no, it won’t help, timur, i ’ll tell you honestly, it doesn’t help, in short, i did all this, and then everything hurts, right? yes, perfect, perfect, we’re talking about the summer resident, as you understand, the therapist and neurologist sergei dlin comes to the aid of the summer residents, these tireless workers, and he suggests today to prepare for gardening loads, well done, yes, great, how many times a day we
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walk through the doorway, that's right, a lot, i'll tell you a secret, this is an excellent simulator, let's pause and stretch the muscles, grab the doorframes with our hands, first at chest level, the elbows remain bent, that's right, we bring the chest forward and as if hanging by your hands, you feel like you are stretching... literally a minute of such a warm-up and you will feel better, especially this stretching is useful for summer residents, i recommend doing it as often as possible before the gardening season and even more so during it. will also help us in the fight for the harvest, we cross our legs, the right one
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is in front, we lean to the left, we help ourselves with our hand, we stretch the lateral muscles of the body to cope with summer loads, they must be elastic, we perform the exercise in the other direction, now we turn on the imagination, it’s as if we’re already in the garden. where's my shovel? her role will be played by a gymnastic stick. this, by the way, is also a good stretching machine. when you dig, stop often. take a stick or shovel like this with a wide grip. raise your arms up and lean back slightly. we stretch the muscles. now we put the stick on our shoulders and turn our body. first at the bottom. then in the other direction.
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during dacha work, take such breaks more often. let taking care of your own beds only benefit you. kazinaki. this famous delicacy comes from childhood funny name and rich history. right now we’ll find out what the right kozinaki should be. why is this delicacy useful and how to choose the most delicious, coolest kozinak. we’ll also share home-made kazinaki, here it is, the energy of the caucasus, the traditional matiluri dance, what’s in common with kozinaki, georgia, treat yourself to kozinaki, with an accent, kozinaki, oh, how good, like this, yes, if a man does it, it means it’s sweet, real gozina made from walnuts and very sweet. that
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is, the energy is ideal during fasting, cedar from spelt, peanuts and sesame, and indeed of all types of seeds, and which casinaki are still better, experts advise first to pay attention to the highest protein ones, and this is peanuts, of course, the record holder for protein, 28 g of protein per 100 g - that’s easy practically caviar, and of course. cedar nuts are the leading fats for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins a, e and d. we also get benzoic acid, a natural antibiotic, that is, by adding gozinaki like this to our diet during fasting, we simply increase our immunity, because pathogenic flora is suppressed. the top also includes sesame seeds, which are maximally saturated with calcium. 100 g is the daily calcium requirement. that's 1.0 mg of calcium, that's just two tablespoons. two small pieces like this a day are enough for all this to be better absorbed, the enzymes of honey will help. alphamelase
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or diastase and invertase, and we will best absorb the ingredients and nutrients of nuts and seeds, because honey seems to promote their absorption and digestion. ideally, of course, make your own honey plus nuts and seeds in the oven until golden colors. what if it's from a store? technologists. recommends together with molasses, and if it contains sugar and molasses, this also affects the hardness of the kozinak, there is less risk of breaking teeth, well, let’s make sure it shines, if the glossiness of the kazinak has disappeared, which means that the product was stored incorrectly, or the conditions were violated preparations initially in production. it contains oil, so keep it away from sunlight to prevent it from going rancid. anastasia, dream with me, this
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is the name of the all-russian project of the first movement, which has been implementing in life of childhood dreams. so i dreamed of starring in a good morning story, here you go, i myself took part in this project, just like my colleagues, i can rightfully say that making a childhood dream come true is great, it’s wonderful, this is the best we can do with you to do, we become even better than santa claus, because firstly, we exist, and secondly, we still make dreams come true. well, let's start, let's become the host of svetlana zeynalova, the dream of sixteen-year-old diana farakhova from the small town of migion khantumantiysk wrote.
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they took a film walk behind the scenes of various programs, a tour of the good morning editorial office, where they create our program, after which diana wanted to be a journalist even more. the plot is 3 minutes, on average we edit for 3 hours, cool, but the main meeting is ahead, hello, svetlana zeynalova, as it was, you were promised, as you wrote in the letter, hello, hello, hello, i really wanted to meet you, very nice. we will bring you gifts from the first channel as a small souvenir for you as a memory of our meeting with you, make-up and a walk before recording on-air control room, our control center, finally the studio, how not to get excited, but in a couple of minutes diana will surprise everyone, without preparation she read the eyeliner, precious gems, rare minerals, maybe not as
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beautiful as, for example, emerald, my mother is in shock, i i demand applause, just like that i came here, took it and read it again, but what to hide, everyone was shocked, diana immediately remembered the teacher who didn’t want to take her to drama school because of diabetes, which diana had since she was 3 years old, i was told , better go away, well, no matter what, i can just calmly leave, i realized that okay, i’ll let other acting studios in our city, diana is a real fighter, tomorrow morning her first live broadcast, but for now, a walk around moscow, the zoo. .. then to the aquarium, there are a lot of emotions, but diabetes requires a regime, at 6 am already at vdnkh, next to our mobile studio. good morning, oh, good morning, well, ready for the live broadcast, ready, a short tour of the studio, makeup, meeting arina sharapova, roman budnikov, these cherished words director. 40 seconds, good morning, good
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morning, welcome, listen, so great, diana will remember these 3 days at an altitude of 330. 7 m made her next dream, to return and work on television, and we promised her to wait for the first channel, well, from our team, who really fell in love, exenia maklyak, sergey morin, vasily valetov and evgeny marinkov, channel one, friday, friday, friday, friday, svetlana friday, friday, friday, timur solovyov, friday, friday, dear friends, wake up outside the window.
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while the children are at school, andrei and inessa kutafin are figuring out the scale of the spring cleaning. we are trying to get this all done before easter. we have a very large family, a large five-room apartment, but there are also a lot of us living here, so we don’t have time to clean up. doctors recommend wet cleaning after winter, because in 3 months up to 10 kg of dust passes through an apartment, and we, who breathe all this, find it especially difficult for allergy sufferers. when spring becomes very dusty, plus flowering is active, one of the most important reasons to clean the house, and this naturally allergic reactions that can lead to complications, both from lorogans and from the lower respiratory tract. we deal with dust collectors, upholstered furniture, toys, blankets, pillows, curtains, wash,
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clean, knock out, the main task is to get rid of field mites, and not only that, it is the fight against allergens. when house dust is destroyed by mold fungi, spores, viruses and bacteria, which may be located in hard-to-reach places for cleaning, we simply may not pay attention to them throughout the year. top places accumulations of dust, baseboards, door leaves and chandeliers. maxim sidenka, an expert at a cleaning company, has advice: you will be surprised, but you will need an umbrella. there is a life hack, if there are a lot of bugles like this on the chandelier that can... fall, you can take an umbrella with a hook like this, hang it on the chandelier, if something falls, it will fall into the umbrella, there is another trick, this is to put the children with a blanket, for them to hold. you can clean your bathroom using a clothes steamer, advice from cleaner svetlana kurs, just wrap the nozzle with a rag or put a sock on it. where
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our seams are a little worn, we use a brush to brush up on what our steamer has steamed off, take out all the black stuff and just wipe it with a cloth. it is also easy to steam mirrors and windows; most of the dirt settles on them. look at how it is bleached here and you don’t need any such terrible products, even clean windows lift your spirits because they let in 25% more sunlight, it is the sun that helps in the production of that very hormone of joy (serototonin). let's wait now until the children come home from school, right? let's motivate them, promise them new sneakers, i think things will go very well for us, yes, good motivation is needed in cleaning.
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they will go to help flood victims in orsk and other cities, and not dance, guys, i’m dancing, maybe love is like a dream, the voice brings you closer, yulia once fell in love with the voice of alexei suleima, he performed. song by celentan confessa, recognition at the yacht club where she then worked. i remember how he walked like this in checkered trousers, in a jacket, he had such a sparkle in his eyes
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, self-confidence, this he always had some kind of inner core and magnetism, i think that dad, that dad will never leave his voice, never play, 15 years have passed, they have two sons.
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participants share their secrets, and viewers continue to choose the best of the best together with mentors, support your favorite performers, send an sms to the number that will be announced today during the live broadcast of the “voice” show. the income from voting will be donated by channel one and partners who joined the action to the orthodox social charity service. the funds will go to help flood victims in orsk and other cities. if you want to help the victims now, follow the qr code that you see on
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the screen to the collection page on the world website. voice, live broadcast today on channel one. svetlana neimonis, ivan belchenko, sergey morins, channel one. we remind you that on the calendar april 19, friday, it’s time to find out what’s new in the country and in the world by this hour. we give the floor to our colleagues from the news information service. this is news from the first maria vasilyeva studio. hello. israel launched a strike on iranian territory, the media are talking about explosions in the north-east of sfahan province. the new york times writes that... it was the air force base that was attacked. iranian television reports that the air defense system shot down three drones. previously they wrote about missiles, but then the iranian media began to refute this information.
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however, there is air traffic over isfahan. shiraz and tehran were suspended. after the israeli attack was reported, eight flights were forced to divert after departure. in the same time iranian media write that the nuclear facilities in isvakhan were not damaged. according to bloomberg, washington knew about the attack in advance. israel warned him on thursday. the water level in the tabol river within kurgan exceeded 10 m 6 cm. nothing like this had happened for several decades. during the day the increase was more than half a meter, there is a threat of a breakthrough. dams protecting the city. rescuers and volunteers are busy strengthening it. particular attention to the air harbor: it is less than a kilometer from the river and still continues to receive and dispatch flights. in belozerskoye in the municipal district, under the threat of flooding , 18 settlements are under urgent evacuation. in the tyumen region, the flood is about to reach its peak. in three areas, due to the flooding of roads and bridges, a number of bus routes were stopped, others had to be changed. one of the villages was cut off
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by water. now about the situation in the northern military district zone, the army aviation crew on a mi-35m helicopter attacked concentrations of ukrainian militants in the kupinsky direction with missiles, despite fog and low clouds, the task was completed successfully, at the avdeevsky artillery groupings of troops in the center destroyed the enemy stronghold, the gaub-30 of the mountain motorized rifle formation hit without a miss at a distance of up to 15 km. in donetsk , the crews of the kvozdik self-propelled gun of the first army corps of the southern group of forces distinguished themselves. intelligence revealed it. air gunners are effectively helping ground units in the kherson region, the crew of drones from the hall of russian paratroopers discovered three self-propelled guns and two tanks of the ukrainian armed forces on the right bank of the dnieper and corrected them lancet lesions. russia may soon take a central place in international trade, and the northern
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sea will help it in this. an international north-south corridor involving iran and india. the bloomberg agency writes about this and evaluates the economic situation. right now, when the conflict in the middle east has led to interruptions in the delivery of goods, the northern sea route and the southern corridor are becoming especially important as a counterweight to sanctions and attempts to isolate russia. and yet, bloomberg suggests, these routes will strengthen moscow’s turn towards china and india. maritime and railway networks passing through iran, as well as northern ones. the sea route could strengthen moscow’s orientation towards asian powers, china and india, rather than towards europe. this could potentially make russia the center of most international trade. these routes could cut transit times by 30% to 50% compared with the suede canal and avoid security problems in the red sea, where houthi rebels have been attacking international shipping due to israel's war with hamas in gaza. one step away from joining the organization the united nations stopped palestine.
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united states. washington used a veto, despite the fact that the resolutions were supported by 12 of the 15 security council members, including russia and china. great britain and switzerland abstained. vasily nebenze, a russian postpret, said that because of the us position, it is not possible to protect the palestinians, nor to provide humanitarian assistance, nor to stop the conflict, which has threatened the entire middle east. the international community was unable, in fact, due to the position of one state blocking all our efforts, to protect. palestinians from israeli violence, it has also failed to alleviate their humanitarian suffering, it has failed to stop the spiral of violence, not to mention the fact that since 1948 it has failed to help the palestinians achieve full statehood. in total , delegations proposed 10 different draft resolutions. on october 16, russia introduced the first draft resolution on a ceasefire in the sector, which france, great britain, the united states and
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japan voted against. can you imagine how many lives could be saved if these proposals were then the lives of the hostages, whose release we also demand, are supported. because it's biden. the american president asked his compatriots to make a choice between freedom and democracy. it was in philadelphia during a campaign speech. the speech was full of pathos and loud slogans. the support group behind biden warmed up the crowd, applauded loudly and shouted: yes.
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against this background, biden's joke that he looks 40 years old did not really amuse americans, who now have a reason think about it, is this really humor, or the president calling the czech republic, czechoslovakia and asserting. that's all for now, good morning to everyone who joined us, in the studio svetlana zeynalova and timur solovyov, april 19. remember, the bear is making his way through the woodland, the birds began to sing songs and the snowdrop blossomed, to be honest, i don’t really remember, but it sounds beautiful. in many countries of the world today. because svetlana celebrates snowdrop day, i congratulate you, thank you, this amazing flower blooms right away after the winter cold, and don’t wait for the snow to completely melt, so i remember snowdrops about the fairy tale 12 from the fairy tale 12 months, remember there was a whole basket of snowdrops,
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in general, we’ll admire them right now, but we don’t pick, we don’t tear, white, purple, blue, 50 types of primroses in the apothecary garden of moscow state university, which of them are snowdrops cannot be immediately identified. but here they are, remember so as not to confuse them anymore. snowdrop is a plant with a snow-white flower, which looks like a drooping bell, consists of three outer and three inner petals that are fused practically among themselves. a unique flower appears in the light without waiting for the snow to melt. it has been preparing for 9 months to become a small miracle with the first rays of spring, in a word, an ephemeroid. these are plants that have chosen a strategy. hibernating growth for most of the year, literally during a couple of spring months they manage to complete their annual development cycle, bloom, produce seeds and store reserves for the next rapid
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flowering. vigorous flowering - this, of course, is said loudly, it blooms modestly, almost imperceptibly, there are certainly more beautiful ones primroses, but you are unlikely to have come across poems, fairy tales and films about corydalis, scilla or pushkinia, but about... snowfields. it's spring in my soul now. snowdrops for the queen stage of the small theater, based on 12 months. they came up with a space so that it would be snowy, cold and frosty, so that the very miracle that happens with the appearance of snowdrops from the snowdrifts would become a miracle. april's cloak, of course, is covered in snowdrops, they are even on the lining, and there are one and a half hundred flowers in the stepdaughter's basket. approximately olga managed to collect the same amount, her snowdrops are now on paper, it would seem that what to draw there, two leaves, three petals, turns out to be more complicated than a rose and a peony, you need to show the essence of the flower, and this can really be done almost
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calligraphically, that is, really three strokes of the brush, i already have an impression, he is modest and brave, this is what i want to reflect in my works, in order to admire the snowdrops it’s enough... leave the house, there is a flower bed under the windows, there is still snow, white stars have blossomed. about 40 years ago back at my parents' house, a neighbor shared the bulbs of these plants. my parents have been gone for a long time, but the flowers also remind my parents of my neighbor, katerina vanna, such a good memory. flowers with the aroma of melted snow and first honey, which is why they are so long-awaited for insects, delicate, but very persistent, bloom even at -10. snowdrops are a sure sign. dreams are a symbol of hope. ksenia ionkina, dmitry gordienko, mikhail karasev and andrey aksenov. first channel. one of the main signs of spring, the motorcycle season has already opened in many cities, moscow for sure. yes, there are reminders, be careful. although it seems to me that this
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motorcycle season never ends. stable bikers can be found on the roads in winter, in autumn, and generally always. the main thing is that they rush at breakneck speed and don’t notice anything. well, this means that everyone who travels the roads on four wheels should double their vigilance and... and triple their attention. the motorcycle season has begun. 2 million. this is how many motorcyclists usually appear on the country’s roads in the spring. it's time for car enthusiasts to turn their heads more actively. first of all look in the mirrors more often, as motorcycles appear suddenly. they are more maneuverable and faster. and most importantly, the motorcycle is easy to miss when changing lanes. its length is about 2 m, it is calm. hides behind the door pillar, the car can change lanes directly into two-wheelers, you need to look not only in the rear mirrors, but also monitor your blind spots. another problem is the speed of motorcyclists. of course, not everyone races, but there are some, there is an opinion that they are not even
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fined, they can’t catch up, or the cameras don’t have time to react. in moscow, for example, there are more than 2.0 speed and marking cameras, but some of them work in the same direction, that is, they hit you in the back. and the state number on motorcycles is only one on the back, which is what some motorcyclists use, they know where to cheat. the two-wheelers themselves consider a slight speeding to be only to their advantage. it’s safer this way, if we move at the speed of normal traffic, then we will very often be in the blind spot of drivers. it is more profitable to drive from the rear side, somewhere parallel to the rear wheel arch of the car, or from the front side, again, so that at least part of the motorcycle was visible to the driver. by the way, about visibility, the same one. this is another attempt by the motorcyclist to attract attention. it’s not that he wants to show what a cool
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bike he has or a cool exhaust, he wants to protect himself, his presence, so that drivers can see and understand where he is located at the moment, that’s why they stand at a red traffic light in front of cars, so that in the event of a sudden or quiet maneuver, do not interfere with drivers. alena korolkova, nikolai lesnikov, nikita kulakov, mikhail chetveryakov, vasily yurov, anton remyony, channel one. april 19. friday, with which we congratulate you all , astrological forecast, cheers, comrades, april 19, the eleventh lunar day meets the twelfth, the first solar day, accurate, sensible, rational, an excellent assistant to scientists, engineers, those who work with numbers, conduct some then experiments, and in general today anything that requires calculation, logic, the ability to read moves, like in chess, will work well, and also duty, honor and loyalty to one’s word mean a lot to him, and cons... he is a little dry, not very sociable, sometimes he is overly pedantic and
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picky, things on such days tend to slow down, including because of all the bureaucracy, unresolved problems, deficiencies, old debts come up, and they can remind you of what - a forgotten promise or obligation, well, once promised, it must be fulfilled, dear men, if your lady is an aries, give her flowers, just like that, for no reason, and take her to some beautiful place. taurus may need to escape for a while... from everyone and wander into alone, put your thoughts in order, some old resentment may creep into the light, drive it out and be careful with caustic chemistry. the twins will have a chance to beat the competition, but remember, everything must be honestly more carefully with precise technique, it can break or malfunction, and the evening seems to be about to take you out for a walk. cancers have a good day for business meetings and visits to their superiors, but a romantic date may disappoint you or simply not take place. after lunch. perhaps a small profit or there will be some loss. leos today are simply
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irresistible to the opposite sex and they are planning something positive in their affairs, but they will have to roll up their sleeves, so there will be no time left for their personal life. so what to do? we have to choose. virgos have a normal working friday. to make it completely positive, do not overreact to all sorts of little things. and remember that everyone has their shortcomings. in the evening, a useful meeting or acquaintance is possible, most likely at some event or in... libra may be quite puzzled by something, or maybe not by something, someone, by some strange act, the stars say, today you should generally expect surprises from people, so don’t be too surprised, the evening will be just pleasant. a great day for scorpios, no matter what they undertake, everything will go like clockwork, you just need a little push, perhaps, it’s true, some unplanned expenses, well, what can you do, you can’t plan everything, sagittarius may find out something that will change their plans, after lunch, are perhaps urgent. trip, if you get behind the wheel, don’t drive too hard, and this day can also
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remind you that an old friend is better than a new one two. romantic day for capricorns. lonely capricorns will have a chance to find their soulmate, if, of course, they are not afraid to take a step towards them. and those who are already happily married will be able to add family relationships and harmony. and at work everything seems to be getting better for you. for aquarius in the professional field, everything is exactly the same so far without changes. but in your personal life something like this is planned, and this something will certainly please you. towards evening, someone may ask you to borrow money, well, decide for yourself, the fish will to help someone, perhaps to bother for someone, or to somehow participate in someone else’s life. it's a good thing, just be careful not to overdo it. in general, it’s not a bad day, money can only run away from you, you’re already stricter with it. well good luck! well, right now , on other topics, the flood continues in russia, it has already been called the biggest and worst in the last 100 years. i will collide several regions at once. with extremely high floods in orsk and orenburg, the peak of the flood has passed, but
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the situation still remains very difficult, well the most critical, it is now in the kurgan and tyumen regions, where the water level in the ishim and tabol rivers continues to rise, residents are being evacuated, fortifications are being built, and volunteer specialists are working. kurgan region , more than 400 volunteers from the ministry of emergency situations spent a week strengthening a seventeen-kilometer dam, now they are on duty along the river, they came to help and are setting up their house, we collected, well, the most important thing is documents, some things for a while, now we are staying with relatives. sophia with her classmates and teachers of the kurgan college of service and technology sew bed linen for the same victims. i would like to wish the uganians not to despair, we
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will cope with this situation and everything will be fine. we collected help for the evacuated sisters of mercy in the church of the port arthur icon of the mother of god in kurgan. we give them to everyone in need with long shelf life products, the essentials are butter, flour, cereals for small children, milk and semolina, everyone who can prepare boats, our husbands, sisters of mercy are also ready join in to help, they fishermen have already prepared their boats, some have shown up at the gms, in orenburg the flood is receding, but the situation is still critical, join in to help. volunteers from the nizhny novgorod region brought 2 tons of humanitarian aid, in case the ministry of emergency situations employees needed our help, we took with us our search and rescue kits, which include walkie-talkies, navigators, good flashlights, batteries, boots in which you can move around the swampy or low terrain, hundreds
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of people in temporary accommodation centers, this grass, this is the sea, here... birds, a cloud and a boat, children also need support, we helped them a little, at least level out these negative emotions, we pulled them a little to a positive level, here they are our suns are being drawn today, when all these boys and girls will have the opportunity to return home, it is still unknown, there is a lot of work ahead, the flood is receding, but it is still in 29 regions of our country, and we remind you, already now collect the most necessary things: documents, clothes, drinking water water, evacuate at the first possibilities. elizaveta nikishova, anastasia zavidova, channel one. this is a hiding place. so it's
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a robbery? i don’t think they would have removed the crystal chandeliers and the gilded watches. were they not germans? no. germans, who are the forest brothers, lithuanian partisans, why are you? i came to turn around, and then climb to the front now, you won’t tell me, svetlana petrovna, they wanted to either destroy our wounded, or help their own, or both, in any case the group worked, and if he is a traitor, i will shoot him. according to the laws of war, story with a continuation. from monday on the first. from the command forest, ask for whatever you want, and you know what i want, i would like to send some dough to vanya. well, the fact that high water is no joke, i think,
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is clear to everyone; there are 39 regions at risk of floods in russia today. please pay close attention to emergency messages and do not ignore them. if you hear about the need to evacuate, please evacuate immediately, well, right now, let's remember simple but very important rules that can help us we will learn how to behave if you find yourself in a flood zone, a word from the survival instructor, dmitry kolesnikov: in the event of a flood, do not panic and do not lose your composure, you should not escape by car, the water can rise very quickly, the flood will catch you on your way, and you will be trapped.
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supply: water, food, documents, money, and we climb to the roof of the house, be sure to tie ourselves with a rope, you will have to wait for help for a while, call 112 and tell us where we are, you can find your exact coordinates in the application cards, hang a signal sign, a sheet or a piece of bright fabric on the roof. if there is a whistle or metal utensils that can be knocked on with a spoon, this is great; the sound signal will also help the rescuer orientate himself. and a flashlight will be useful to give signals at night, instruct all family members, including children, on what
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to do in case of a flood, if you act correctly, you will definitely be saved, a hair dryer, it would seem, is an elementary choice, in fact, well, the task use a hairdryer to simply blow dry, warm air to the side your hair, well, it is, yes, but only now there are so many different hair dryers that cost money, give me all the money. styler: everything is no longer just about air supply, except for drying - it’s styling, and even the quality of hair, because you choose it specifically for
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your type. for me , the power is most likely important, because my hair is thick, and i don’t know, i need to quickly run somewhere to run errands to dry it. power is the first criterion when choosing. the more watts, the stronger the air flow, compact models have about a thousand, an option for travel, numbers for home more. 1700 power is enough for hair, for thick hair 2200 is even closer to a professional hair dryer, because let’s say professional hair dryers range from 2-200. professional hair dryers are a separate category, it’s not just about power, they are more durable, spare parts are stronger, hence the price is one and a half to two times higher, if the task is simply to do your own styling, you shouldn’t overpay, temperature control plus temperature is important. adjustable so as not to injure the hair, warm for safe drying, hot for styling, cold for fixation, for everyone
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structures in different ways, that is, there is super-thick hair, asian hair, and some other hair, no hair dryer is scary for them, even dry it with guns, but there is hair that still requires gentle care, the ionization function helps, a process that removes static electricity, needed for porous hair, cover scales. they last a very long time; often, even with porous hair, a girl can spend 2-3 days styling. stylers are higher in price,
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so that without disappointment, when purchasing it is important to take into account the structure and quality of the hair, it may will not work on natural and thick ones. anna popova, vasily valetov, alexander ignatov, vladimir popov, channel one. the end of the russian football cup is approaching, there are fewer and fewer teams, which is typical for the end, which are competing. for this trophy. our colleague, channel one sports journalist dmitry terikhov, has all the details. who were you rooting for? i am for beautiful football. there are fewer and fewer trophy candidates left in the russian football cup. at the end of the next round of the playoffs , six teams remained. on the way rpl at the same time the finalists have already been determined. this is the current cup holder of csk and zenit. the army team turned out to be stronger than baltika based on the sum of the two meetings. the muscovites had a one-goal advantage after the away match, so they played on the scoresheet at home. chances kaliningrad. the favorable outcome melted away late in the first half when they conceded twice in the space of two minutes. first, the chief referee, yan bobrovsky, after watching the video replay, awarded
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a penalty to alexander osipov for handball, the penalty was clearly converted by fedor chalov, and in the next attack, abbazbek feyzulaev sent the second goal into the baltika goal, 2:0. zenit had enough of the minimal advantage they earned in the first game with spartak in moscow 2:1, in the return match in st. petersburg the red and whites, who played under the leadership of the new coach vladimir slishkovich, were defeated. saved by goalkeeper alexander maksimenko draw 0:0. the first final match of the rpl road trip will be played by cska and zenit in moscow, and the return match in st. petersburg. in the lower bracket, the way of the regions, dynamo knocked orenburg out of the draw, taking the first place on the road 4:2. in the first half the muscovites' counterattack was completed by fedor smolov, and after the break the spectators saw five goals at once. konstantin tyukavin scored a few minutes after coming on as a substitute, the hosts returned to the game thanks to an accurate shot from muhammad ghorbani, but denis makarov soon restored the two-goal difference. taking advantage of a defensive error, in the eighty- second minute another mistake in orenburg’s defensive formations led to a goal by jorge carascal. the home team managed to reduce the lead in
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stoppage time through the efforts of jordi thompson. in the match between ural and rostov ekaterinburg also had a quick goal from gelgerme schietene, which brought the home team ahead with an accurate shot from outside the penalty area, but the guests managed to turn the tide of the match in the second half. the rostovites scored three times. the names of ivan karpov, denis terentyev and nikolai komlichenko appeared in the final protocol. for the first time in the current cup competition, ural lost at their home stadium and dropped out of the fight for the trophy. valery karpin's team will meet baltika in the second semi-final stage of the regions, and dynamo will face the capital's derby with spartak. finally waited on monday, april 22 , the fashionable verdict returns to the air of channel one, and in an updated format. the program will now have a male and female version and two presenters, alexander rogov and liliya rakh, and a woman will appear in the judge’s chair for the first time in the history of the program. this is the truth: emancipation. let's raise an eyebrow and not just in
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surprise, what eyebrow shape is trending this spring? where to comb and for how long until they grow up, the fact that you can go to work without makeup says about you as a woman who is super confident, you have more than enough confidence, try to change these heroines, you can’t condemn yourself to, figuratively speaking, the constant use of a diving suit for completely non-diving purposes, but i’m comfortable in these things, look, these are beautiful cats, i’m transmitting from channel one: hello to my cat, what did you wear at the big theater? i was in such a beautiful dress, it was really a little small, i didn’t get the size right, well, the theater is big, great attention to the project, the audience in all social networks bombarded the first channel with messages asking to return the program and voila, monday, the fashion verdict is back with you, she has such a pleasant
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inner world that she doesn’t give a damn about the external one, a very good show.
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transformation cannot be escaped, we cannot show you how the heroines will change, we will maintain the intrigue from monday on channel one, the return of our favorite project is a fashionable verdict. victoria bolenskaya, channel one. we remind you that today is friday, april 19th. our broadcast will continue to broadcast news on channel one, we'll be back soon. this is the news on the first, in the studio maria vasilyeva, hello. israel launched a strike on iranian territory, the media are talking about explosions in the north-east of sfahan province, the new york times writes that the target of the attack was an air force base and fighter jets at the airfield. iranian television reports that the air defense system shot down three drones. previously they wrote about missiles, but then the iranian media began to refute this information. nevertheless
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, air traffic was suspended by tehran.
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this has not happened for several decades, per day the increase was more than half a meter, there is a threat of a breakthrough of the dam protecting the city, rescuers and volunteers are busy strengthening it, special attention to the air harbor, it is less than a kilo. today in russia is the day of united action in memory of the genocide of the soviet people by the nazis and their accomplices. in all regions, including new ones, flowers will be laid at the memorials. schools and universities will host interactive lessons, exhibitions, performances, and screenings
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of documentary chronicles of films dedicated to terrible pages of history. this is our common a pain that should not be forgotten, especially now, when many countries are trying to erase the feat of the soviet people from memory. during the years of fascist occupation, there were deaths among the soviet population.
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still dies, and today any of our “cover her with a rag, go away, because she is a prisoner to ask, everyone will say the holy word to their mother, because mother, they saved our lives. international law is the main and insurmountable obstacle for those who want to get close to russian assets abroad, the big seven were forced to admit this at the european union summit. diplomats were looking for wording." british foreign secretary david cameron said that a creative approach would have to be found. his italian colleague antonio tajani said that legal grounds were needed. by the way, in estonia it seems that a creative approach has already been shown, and such non-existent grounds
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have been found. they stated that they are ready to become the first, perhaps the only, eu country where they will transfer not even interest on russian money to ukraine, but the assets themselves. amendments to the law can. accept already in may. for comparison, in europe they are illegally arrested. threats, which means the potential danger of weather conditions, today there will be heavy rain in some areas, thunderstorms and at the same time gale force winds will rise. gusts could reach 23 m/s. pedestrians are asked not
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to take cover under trees, and drivers are asked not to park near their cars and maintain distance on the roads. on weekend nights in the moscow region it will be very chilly, on the verge of frost from 0 to 5°, wet snow is possible. during the day on saturday and sunday significantly warmer up to +18, although it will still be windy. and rainy, friday, friday, friday, friday, svetlana friday, friday, friday, timur solovyov, friday, friday, dear friends, wake up, the sun is outside the window, it ’s peeking in, asks if you’re awake , boy, are you awake, girl, and you notice is it time to wash the windows, because it’s hard for me to see the sun through this dirt, and i can’t get through the balcony either, so...
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there are a lot of us living here, too, so we don’t have time to clean up. doctors advise, after in winter, it’s wet cleaning, because in 3 months up to 10 kg of dust passes through the apartment, and we breathe all this, it’s especially difficult for allergy sufferers when the spring becomes very dusty, plus flowering is active, one of the most important reasons to clean the house , this is a naturally allergic reaction that can lead to complications from both lorogans and the lower respiratory tract. we deal with dust collectors, upholstered furniture, toys, blankets, pillows, curtains, wash, clean, knock out,
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an umbrella is a life hack, if there are a lot of bugles on the chandelier that can fall, you can take an umbrella with a hook like this, hang it on the chandelier, if something falls, it will fall into the umbrella, there is another life hack, this is to put the children with a blanket so that didn’t hold it, the bathroom tiles can be cleaned with a clothes steamer, already advice from the cleaner svetlana kurs, just wrap the nozzle with a rag or put a sock on it, where are we? the seams
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are a little worn, we use a brush to brush them up, what the steamer has steamed off, we pull out all the blackness and just wipe with a cloth. it's also easy to steam mirrors and windows. most of the dirt settles on them. plastic, look how it is bleached here, and you don’t need any such terrible products, even clean windows lift your spirits, because they let in 25% more sunlight.
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april 19, the eleventh lunar day meets the twelfth, the first solar day, accurate, sensible, rational, an excellent assistant to scientists, engineers, those who work with numbers, conduct some experiments, and in general today will go well everything that requires calculation, logic and the ability to calculate moves, like in chess, and also duty, honor and loyalty to one’s word mean a lot to him, but on the downside he is a little dry, not very sociable, sometimes he is overly pedantic and picky, things like this ... days tend to slow down, including due to all sorts of bureaucracy. unresolved problems, deficiencies, and old debts come to light. aries may be reminded of some forgotten promise or obligation, well, once they have promised, they must fulfill it. dear men, if your aries lady, give her flowers, just like that, for no reason, and take her to some beautiful place. taurus may need to escape from everyone for a while, wander alone, put their thoughts in order, some old light may fall out. the twins
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will have a chance to beat the competition, but remember, everything must be honestly more carefully with precise technology, it can break or malfunction, the evening seems to be about to take you out for a walk. cancers have a good day for business meetings and visits to bosses, but a romantic date may disappoint you or simply not happen. after lunch, there may be a small profit or some loss. leos today are simply irresistible to... the false sex, they are planning something positive in their affairs, but they will have to roll up their sleeves, so there will be no time left for their personal life, and what to do, you have to choose, virgos have a normal working friday, so she was completely positive, don’t overreact to all sorts of little things, remember that everyone has their own shortcomings, in the evening there may be a useful meeting or acquaintance, most likely at some event or at a party, libra may be quite puzzled by something, or maybe not by something, someone by some strange... the stars say: today
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you should generally expect surprises from people, so don’t be too surprised, and the evening will be just pleasant . a great day for scorpios, no matter what they undertake, everything will go like clockwork, you just need a little push, perhaps, it’s true, some unplanned expenses, well, what can you do, you can’t plan everything, sagittarius may find out something that will change their plans, after lunch, perhaps an urgent trip, if you get behind the wheel, don’t drive too hard, and this day may also remind you that an old friend... new two is a romantic day for capricorns: lonely capricorns will get a chance to find their soulmate, if, of course, they are not afraid to take a step towards, and those who are already happily married will be able to add family relationships. harmony, everything seems to be getting better at work. for aquarians in the professional field, everything is exactly the same without changes, but in their personal lives something like this is planned, and this something will certainly please you. towards evening, someone might ask you to borrow money, well, decide for yourself. pisces will have to help someone,
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perhaps take care of someone, or somehow participate in someone else’s life. it's a good thing, just be careful not to overdo it. in general , it’s not a bad day, money can only run away from you, you’re already stricter with it. well good luck! lately, we are increasingly hearing the phrase global majority, who is part of it, what countries it consists of, and most importantly, who governs these states. we met at the presidential palace with syriam, the man who abandoned a challenge to the collective west. our war is a war for existence, which is why the price is so high. the west is now supporting and promoting leaders like zelensky. these are people. who say yes to everything, to the right, to the left, up, down, to everything, answering yes, boss, and my father never discussed my future with me, i believe that everyone decides such questions for themselves, my children do not study politics , one wants to be a programmer, the other an engineer. do you
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use social networks, is it interesting for you, before i became president, i headed a government organization for the development of the internet, devoting time to social networks, i don’t forget, i really.
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for example, right now we will reveal all the secrets. according to who: it is normal to eat no more than 5 g of salt per day. we use all 12, where do we get so many? let's do the calculations with the technologist, an approximate food basket for the day. we will measure the content of hidden, that is, added salt, using a spatula, in a full 3 g. for breakfast, sandwiches with sausage, several slices of bread, half a gram of salt, even more in meat products. he'll give us the sausage already somewhere around 2 g of salt. among the top sausages with a lot of salt are, of course , raw smoked sausages, boiled smoked sausage. another breakfast option is cereal, seemingly sweet. breakfast cereal also contains about 1 g of salt. of course, it comes as
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a great surprise to many that salt is contained in sweet dishes. as with all recipes, add a pinch of salt to the sweet. this affects all taste recipes. manufacturers know, so cookies for a snack require about another gram of salt. there might not be much time for lunch, so semi-finished products. in our case, stuffed peppers, we can safely add one and a half grams of salt. semi-finished industrially produced salt products contain 10-15 percent more salt than homemade products. for dinner, a side dish, for example, with preserves, they are generally prepared on the basis of salt, which works as a preservative. several years, this will give us another 2 g of salt. the diet turned out to be salty. according to our rough calculations , it turned out to be 10 g of added salt, in addition to the fact that we also add salt to the scrambled eggs,
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add salt to the cucumbers, and in general during every day, from time to time, my hand reaches out to the salon. and this is a few more grams of salt, we do n’t even notice, especially if we use ready-made seasonings, salt... is in the first place in the composition, cubes for the broth are there, just take these seasonings purely, for example, mix two or three seasonings, you have those you can use provençal herbs, or some tasty bright seasoning for meat. sauces also contain hidden salts in the leaders; ideally, prepare them yourself. you can always take, for example, some natural sauces in the form of mustard, horseradish, which have very few components, they not so harmful, but in extreme cases , soy sauce is an excellent salad dressing and you don’t have to add salt separately for the salad, a lot of salt, stress on the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and joints. eliminating salt is also not an option. the body needs several grams per day to restore water and electrolyte balance. sodium chlorine is part of metabolism, digestion and...
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well, let's start? come on, by the way, the presenter svetlana zeinalova dream of sixteen-year-old diana farakhova from the small town of migion khantamansiysk, wrote a letter on the website all-russian project movement of the first dream with me, for 10 years they have been making the intangible dreams of special children come true. my mother and i found out through social networks, we decided to try to write, i thought, why do i need something material? if i can ask my parents about this, and i decided to choose a meeting, well, i kind of love svetlana zeynalova
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for a long time, so i thought, why not, they unexpectedly called, here they are with the whole family already at the ostankino television center, walking behind the scenes of different programs, a tour of the good morning editorial office, where our program is created, after that diana wanted to be a journalist even more, the story is 3 minutes, on average we edit for 3 hours... cool, but the main meeting is ahead, hello, svetlana zeynalova, as it was, you were promised, as you wrote in the letter, hello , hello, hello, i really wanted to meet you, i’m very, very pleased, you brought you gifts from the first channel, a small souvenir, to remind you of our meeting with you, before recording, make-up and a walk through the on-air control room, our control center , finally, the studio, how not to get excited, but in a few minutes.
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no need, well, i just calmly left, i realized that okay, i’ll open up other acting studios in our city. diana, a real fighter, tomorrow morning her first live broadcast, but for now a walk around moscow, the zoo, then to the aquarium, there are a lot of emotions, but diabetes requires a regime, at 6:00 in the morning already at vdnkh, next to our mobile studio. good morning, oh, good morning, well, ready for the live broadcast, ready, a short tour of the studio. make-up, meeting arina sharapova, roman budnikov, these are the director’s cherished words.
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good morning, good morning, welcome. diana will remember these 3 days, at an altitude of 337 m, she made her next dream, to return and work on television, and we promised to wait for it.
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this does not affect the provision of a subsidy on the decision on a citizen’s right to provide a subsidy, taking into account that the debt is not judicial, the subsidy is confirmed for 6 months, then the data must be updated, well , the subsidy has arrived, 6905, it arrives on the twentieth of every month only on the world map . anastasia
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atelya, denis panomariov, tatyana yus, first channel, we continue tonight immediately. after the program, watch the show "the voice" semi-final. the fights, knockouts are behind us, the atmosphere is heating up, the participants and mentors, of course, are worried, and you and i are watching, of course, we are also worried and of course, we are cheering, we vote, we also help, income from voting, channel one, partners who joined the shares will be transferred to the orthodox social charity service, the funds will go to help flood victims in orsk and other cities. don't dance, guys, don't dance, music, love a similar solo brings people closer together; yulia once fell in love with the voice of alexey sublimate, he performed the song chelentan confessa, a confession in
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the yacht club where she then worked. i remember how he walked like this in checkered ones. hooks, in a jacket, he had such a sparkle in his eyes , self-confidence, this self-confidence, he always had some kind of inner core and magnetism, i think that dad, that dad won’t fly out from the voice, never, but never play, 15 years have passed, they have two sons, boris and matvey, but every performance of alexey is still like julia's confession.
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now follow the qr code that you see on the screen to the collection page on the mirom website. voice, live broadcast today on channel one. svetlana neimonis, ivan belchenko, sergey morin, channel one. today, april 19 , the premiere of the play tortyuv will take place at the mossovet theater. maliere's comedy is staged by evgenia marchelli on the stage under the roof. all the details...
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i came up with a new interpretation of the meaning, i was interested in this song, try to tell it not as a light comedy by maliere, but this is such a very dramatic story, very complex psychologically, that’s why at first we had this drama, now i’ve called the genre so tragic fars dot cinema, dot, cinema - this is when there is a constant close-up, and so that nothing distracts from it, the director, together with the theater designer, created a chamber atmosphere, minimal scenery starring valery eremenko, aka argon, the owner of the house. my character is not at all the naive person who was prescribed by the dealer, for me it’s more like a predator and those problems of an adult man, they just reveal what can happen
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an adult man, in order to realize whether there is life after 60 with a young wife or not, in the role of elmira’s wife, actress daria balabanova says that for each performance she compiles a musical playlist for herself, a selection of 21 compositions for tartuffe, she’s the same as... this is a story about an owner who brought tartuffe into the house for some very personal, hidden or hidden purpose. what is this goal,
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do the main characters have a future as a couple? the premiere of the play tartuffe is already on stage today under the roof of the most council theater. marina vakhrusheva, andrey ivanov, alexander ignatov, channel one. we remind you that on the calendar april 19, friday, it’s time to find out what ’s new in... in the world by this hour. we give the floor to our colleagues from the news information service. this is news from the first maria vasilyeva studio. hello. israel attacked iranian territory. the media are talking about explosions in the north-east of isvakhan province. the new york times writes that the target of the attack was the air force base and fighter jets at the airfield. iranian. television reports that the air defense system shot down three drones. previously they wrote about missiles, but then the iranian media began to refute this information. however, air traffic over iswahan, shiraz and tehran was
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suspended. now it has been resumed. eight flights were forced to divert following news of the israeli attack. at the same time, iranian media write that the nuclear facilities in isvakhan were not damaged. according to bloomberg, washington knew about the attack in advance. israel warned him on thursday. russian defense minister sergei shaigu checked fulfillment of the state defense order at the military-industrial complex enterprise of the bom region, where heavy flamethrower systems are produced for tanks, as reported by the plant management, the production of the famous sanitary guns has been increased by 2 seconds, and the security of armored vehicles has been significantly increased, this includes a set of camouflage means, a cape and an additional protection module towers. the next batch of armored vehicles has already been prepared for shipment to the troops, summing up,
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they have also been completed, now we need to significantly increase the additional sets that we need to bet on those vehicles that are in battle. now about the situation in the nwo zone. an army aviation crew on a mi-35m helicopter attacked concentrations of ukrainian militants in the kupinsky direction with missiles, despite fog and low clouds. the task was completed successfully. at ovdeevsky , artillery groups of troops from the center destroyed an enemy stronghold with d-30 mountain howitzers. motorized rifle formations are hit without missing a beat at a distance of up to 15 km. the crews of the gvozdik self-propelled gun distinguished themselves in donetsk. the first army corps of the southern group of forces,
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reconnaissance revealed camouflaged positions and transmitted exact coordinates. to inflict maximum damage on the enemy, our soldiers used high-explosive fragmentation ammunition. effectively, air gunners in the kherson region help the ground units with the crew of drones in the hall. russian paratroopers were discovered by three self-propelled guns and two tanks of the ukrainian armed forces. the water level in the tabol river within the mound exceeded the mark of 10 m 6 cm. rescuers and volunteers are busy strengthening it, special attention is paid to the air harbor, it is less less than a kilometer from the river, while it continues to receive and send flights, in the belozersk municipal district, under the threat of flooding of 18 settlements, there is an urgent evacuation in the tyumen region, the flood is about to reach
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its peak...
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in total, the delegations proposed 10 different draft resolutions. on october 16, russia introduced the first draft resolution on a ceasefire in the sector, which france, great britain, the united states and japan voted against. can you imagine how many lives could have been saved if these the proposals were then supported. including the lives of hostages, whose release we also demand. because it's biden. the american president invited his compatriots to make a choice.
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against this background, biden’s joke that he looks 40 years old did not really amuse the americans, who now have reason to think whether this is really humor, or the president calling the czech republic, czechoslovakia and claiming that he lives in the 20th century, have you started hallucinating yet? and that's all for now. good morning dear friends, today we will start this movie section with a big anniversary, unfortunately he is no longer with us, he passed away several years ago, but we will always remember him, tomorrow april 20 marks the 95th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding soviet and russian cinematographer of world significance vadim yusov ,
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if i... now remind you of several films behind the camera that he stood for, there are actually hundreds of them, you will understand everything right away, for example, only two: i am walking around moscow and andrei rublev. georgy danelia considered vadim yusov to be the best cameraman in the world. in in america, yusov was called the great dipi, and unfamiliar punks blocked his path to bow. at the oldest film festival in venice in its forty-fifth year of existence. he himself sat first on the cannes and then on the berlin jury, while almost all of his films became prize-winners at these same festivals, he shot a variety of things, but never something, it was he who created torkovsky’s special world, half-dream, half-reality, leading the director from his diploma works, cat and skribka to
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the cosmic harmony of solaris. he walked around his early years unknown the german town eventually chose the shooting point, the old def studio worker
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nodded approvingly, it was here that 15 years before yusov , the soviet classic grigory roshal set up a camera to film his karl marx. i was born in the ancient german city of trier on mozyl. and one. “i see, mom, i see, yes, yes, why is she, because for her it is now night, meanwhile, from
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today, from april 19 to the twenty -sixth, the forty-sixth moscow international film festival will take place, it opens in the capital, in fact today in the evening, the film screening will open with dramatic films about teenagers." russia will be presented by director ivan sosnin and his alien, about the village eccentric alyosha, who is waiting for aliens, perhaps he will wait. i ask you to leave here, leave here, leave here. well, festivals are festivals, but the distribution is not standing still. mom is from kazakhstan from almaty, and dad is from uzbekistan and they came to germany, wow, when 34 years ago, director mark gorobets, starring alexandrkin and german actor
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daniel littau, and how should we live, what should we do, whether friendship wins, what is more important, i heard that the sound was strange. with this, dear friends, i say goodbye to you with wishes for a wonderful weekend, see you on wednesday. in this movie section on channel one very soon. good morning to everyone who joined us, in the studio svetlana zeynalova and timur solovyov, april 19. remember, a bear is making its way through the forest , birds began to sing songs and the snowdrop blossomed, to be honest, i don’t really remember, but it sounds beautiful, in many countries of the world today, because svetlana is celebrating snowdrop day, i congratulate you, thank you. this an amazing flower blooms immediately after the winter cold and without waiting for the snow to completely melt, i remember from the snowfield about the fairy tale 12 fairy tales of 12 months, remember there was a whole basket of snowdrops, in general , we’ll admire it right now, but we don’t pick, we don’t pick, white,
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purple , blue, 50 types of primroses in the apothecary garden of moscow state university, which of them are snowdrops you can’t immediately tell, here they are, remember so as not to be confused anymore. snowdrop is a plant with a snow-white flower, which looks like a drooping bell, consists of three outer three inner petals, which are almost fused together. a unique flower appears in the light without waiting for the snow to melt. it has been preparing for 9 months to become a small miracle with the first rays of spring, in a word, an ephemeroid. these are plants that have chosen the strategy of rapid growth during dormancy . parts of the year, literally over the course of a couple of spring months, they manage to complete their annual development cycle, bloom, produce seeds and stock up for the next rapid flowering. vigorous flowering is, of course,
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a loud word, it blooms modestly, almost unnoticeably, there are certainly more beautiful primroses. but you are unlikely to have come across poems, fairy tales and films about corydalis, scilla or pushkinia, but about snowdrops. in my soul! it's spring now! snowdrops for the queen on the stage of the small theater based on 12 months. they came up with a space so that it would be snowy, cold and frosty, so that the very miracle that happens with the appearance of snowdrops from the snowdrifts becomes a miracle. april's cloak, of course, is covered in snowdrops, they are even lined, and one and a half hundreds of flowers in the stepdaughter's basket. olga and her snowdrops managed to collect about the same amount. on paper, it would seem that what to draw there, two leaves, three petals, it turns out, is more complicated than a rose and a peony, you need to show the essence of the flower, and this can really be done...
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flowers with the aroma of melted snow and the first honey, that’s why long-awaited for insects, delicate, but very persistent, blooming even at -10, snowdrops are a sure sign of spring, a symbol of hope. ksenia ionkina, dmitry gordienko, mikhail karasev and andrey aksenov. first channel. how to choose the right glasses? the bow should go like this along the main wrinkle, then the eyes are wearing glasses. will always be young, and we have the largest number
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of patients with allergies to metal temples, we’ll figure out the rules for selecting glasses in the program to live healthy, today on the first, you were still a boss, you have no hearing, no intelligence, an unexpected surprise, a cool surprise, i babbled so loudly, why do you need someone so handsome? wears nama, he wears shoes for three
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chords, a new season, on sunday on the first, one of the main signs of spring, in in many cities the motorcycle season has already opened, in moscow for sure, yes, there are reminders, be careful, although it seems to me that this motorcycle season never closes, persistent bikers are met on the roads in winter and in the fall and generally always, the main thing is they rush at breakneck speed, nothing notices, well, this means that everyone who... moves along the roads on four wheels should double their vigilance and triple their attention. the motorcycle season has begun, 2 million. so many motorcyclists usually appear on the country's roads in the spring, it's time for motorists to rev more actively head. first of all, look in the mirrors more often, since motorcycles appear suddenly, they are more maneuverable, faster, and most importantly, the motorcycle is easy to miss. when changing lanes, its length is about 2
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m, it quietly hides behind the door pillar, the car can change lanes directly into a two- wheeler, you need to look not only in the rear mirrors, but also monitor your blind spots. another problem is the speed of motorcyclists, of course, not everyone drives, but there are some, there is an opinion that they are not even fined, then catch up if they can’t, then the cameras don’t have time to react. in moscow, for example, there are more than 200 speed and marking cameras, but... some of them work in the same direction, that is, they hit you in the back, and there is only one state number on motorcycles, at the back. this is what some motorcyclists take advantage of, they know where to cheat. the two-wheelers themselves consider a slight speeding to be only to their advantage, the excuses are safer. if we move at normal traffic speeds, we will very often be in drivers' blind spots. it's more profitable to go back on the side, somewhere. parallel to the rear wheel arch of the car, or from the front side,
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again, so that at least part of the motorcycle is visible to the driver. by the way, about visibility, the same one. this is another attempt by the motorcyclist to attract attention. it’s not that he wants to show what a cool bike he has or a cool exhaust, he wants to protect himself, his presence, so that drivers can see and understand where he is located at the moment. here's why. stand at a red traffic light in front of cars, so that in case of sudden or a quiet maneuver not to interfere with drivers. alena korolkova, nikolai lesnikov, nikita kulakov, mikhail chetveryakov, vasily yurov, anton remyony and channel one. well, right now to other topics. the flood continues in russia; it has already been called the largest and worst in the last 100 years. several regions at once faced extremely high floods; in orsk and orenburg the peak of the flood has passed, but the situation still remains very difficult. more critical, it is now in the kurgan and tyumen regions, where
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the water level in the rivers and tabol, residents are being evacuated, fortifications are being built, and volunteer specialists are working. kurgan region, more than 4,000 volunteers from the ministry of emergency situations spent a week strengthening a seventeen-kilometer dam, now they are on duty along the river, yamal rescue employees from the yamalonensky autonomous okrug also came to help, working around the clock. the level of the tabol river is rising, evacuation from nearby villages and snt continues, sophia also had to leave her home. we collected, well, the most important thing - documents, some things for a while, now... relatives. sophia together with classmates and teachers from the kurgan technical school of service and technology , he sews bed linen for the same victims. i would like to wish that the people of ghana do not despair; we will cope with this situation and everything will be fine. we collected help for the evacuated sisters of mercy in the church
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of the portarthur icon of the mother of god in kurgan. we give them out to everyone in need with shelf-stable products. the first necessities are butter and flour. an employee of the ministry of emergency situations took with us our search and rescue kits, which include a walkie-talkie, navigators, good flashlights, batteries, boots in which you can move through swampy or watery areas, hundreds of people in temporary accommodation centers, this is grass, this is the sea, there
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are birds, a cloud and a boat, children also need support, hold it! we helped them a little, at least level out these negative emotions, we pulled them a little to a positive level, so they look like suns today. when all these boys and girls have a chance to come home, it is still unknown, there is a lot of work ahead, the flood is receding, but it is still in 29 regions of our country, and we remind you, now collect the most necessary things, documents, clothes, drinking water, evacuate as quickly as possible. well, the fact that high water is not a joke, i think everyone understands, there are 39 regions in the flood risk zone in russia today, please carefully monitor the messages of emergency services, do not ignore them, if you hear about the need
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to evacuate, please evacuate immediately , well, right now, let's let's remember simple but very important rules that can help us, find out how to behave if you find yourself in a zone... flooding, a word from the survival instructor, dmitry kolesnikov. in the event of a flood, do not panic or lose your composure. you should not escape by car. the water can rise very quickly, the flood will catch you on your way, and you will find yourself trapped. it is dangerous to get out of the flooded area on your own, we are waiting for rescuers. if the big water hasn't arrived yet, call your neighbors, maybe someone needs help with children. or people with limited mobility, and if the water rises quickly, then be careful not to go into it, the flow often accelerates suddenly and can knock you off your feet. in addition, a stormy stream can knock out sewer hatches and you can fall into them. what to do? we collect emergency supplies, water, food, documents, money
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and climb to the roof of the house. necessarily. tie yourself with a rope, you will have to wait for help for some time, call 112 and tell us where we are, you can find your exact coordinates in the application cards, we hang a signal sign on the roof, a sheet or a piece of bright fabric, if there is a whistle or metal utensils that can be knocked on with a spoon, this is great, a sound signal will also help save.
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the muscovites had a one-goal advantage after the away match, so they played on the scoresheet at home. kaliningrad's chances of a favorable outcome faded at the end of the first half when they conceded twice within two minutes. first, chief referee jan bobrovsky, after watching the video replay, awarded a penalty to alexander for handball osipov, the penalty was clearly converted by fedor chalov, in the next attack abbazbek feyzullaev sent the second goal. zenit had enough of the minimal advantage they earned in the first game with spartak in moscow 2:1. in the return match in st. petersburg , the red and white players under the leadership of
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the new coach vladimir slishkovich saved goalkeeper alexander maksimenko from defeat. draw 0:0. the first final match of the rpl road trip will be played by cska and zenit in moscow, and the return match in st. petersburg. in the lower bracket, the paths of the regions dynamo were knocked out of the draw orenburg, winning away 4:2. in the first half, the muscovites' counterattack was completed by fedor smollov, and after the break. another mistake in orenburg’s defensive formations led to a goal by jorge carascal. the home team managed to reduce the gap in stoppage time through the efforts of jordi tomps. in the match between ural and rostov in yekaterinburg, guilherme also scored a quick goal. forward, accurately shooting from outside the penalty area, but the guests managed to turn the tide of the match in the second half. the rostovites scored three times.
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the names of ivan karpov and denis appeared in the final protocol terentyev and nikolai komlichenko. for the first time in the current cup competition, ural lost at their home stadium and dropped out of the fight for the trophy. valery karpin's team will meet baltika in the second semi-final stage of the regions, and dynamo will face the capital's derby with spartak. finally, on monday , april 22, the first channel was broadcast. the fashionable verdict is returning, and in an updated format, the program will now have a male and female version and two presenters alexander rogov and liliya rakh, with a woman in the judge’s chair will appear for the first time in the history of the program, here is the truth of emancipation, urbyau, let’s raise an eyebrow and not only in surprise, what shape of eyebrows is trending this spring, here’s where to comb and for how long until they grow. the fact that you can go to work without makeup speaks of you as a super confident woman. if you have more than enough confidence,
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try to change these heroin clothes. you cannot condemn yourself to, figuratively speaking, constantly using a diving suit for completely non-diving purposes. and i'm comfortable in these things. look, these are beautiful cats. i say hello to my cat from channel one. what did you wear to the big theater? i was in such a beautiful dress. feelings, relationships with the world and oneself, everyone listens, but only two make a verdict, she’s just relaxed now, you
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now resemble some kind of predatory animal, there is a male and female version of the program, one day the judge, the famous stylist alexander rogov, he won in the audience vote of channel one, what do you want us to dress mom like in jeans, something modern or classic, here is an example of where we should go, the next day the judge is a woman for the first time. over the entire history of the project. liliya rakh, a stylist and famous blogger from kazakhstan, is included in the ranking of the top 500 most influential people in the fashion world. lily is known for her strong character, constant desire to help women, to return the sparkle in their eyes, the love of life. tell us what needs to be done for you to make the desire arise. there is no escaping a fairytale transformation. we can’t show you how the heroines will change.
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this is news first. hello, in the studio valeria korableva. in this issue. drone attack. israel strikes iran again. what objects were targeted and what representatives of both sides say. equal rights, but not for everyone. the us does not allow palestine into the un.
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veto again. the only country opposed . the international community was unable , in fact, because of the position of one state , to protect the palestinians from the israeli violence. the armor is strong, the latest equipment for the front, how state defense orders are fulfilled, sergei shaigub checked. don't drive, don't swim, roads are flooded, and the current is stormy; floods, where the situation is most difficult, save people and animals. bloodsuckers are in ambush, ticks have already awakened in all regions, the consequences of a bite can be very serious. i came to the hospital, i was sick. how to prevent trouble? so, strikes on iran. at night the media reported an attack from israel. according to these data, explosions occurred in the province of isfahan, where nuclear facilities are located, but so.


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