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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 19, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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palestine at the un veto again, the only country opposed. the international community was unable, in fact, due to the position of one state, to protect the palestinians from the israeli violence. the armor is strong, the latest equipment for the front, how state defense orders are fulfilled, sergei shaigub checked. you can’t drive, you can’t swim, the roads are flooded and the current is rough. floods, where the situation is most difficult, save people and animals. bloodsuckers are in ambush, ticks have already awakened in all regions, the consequences of a bite can be very serious. i came to the hospital i prayed. how to prevent trouble? so, strikes on iran. at night the media reported an attack from israel. explosions according to these data in the province of isfahan, where nuclear facilities are located, but... it is also reported that they were not
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damaged and were not targeted. the situation in the region is tense to the limit. georgiy alisashvili has collected all the information that is known up to this moment. the explosions occurred near the iranian city of isfahanet, in the center of the country about 300 km from tehran. it is known that islamic nuclear industry facilities are located in this area. republics, as well as factories producing drones. the american channel cnn reports that the target of the strike was a certain radar. official. iranian media do not confirm the attack on critical military infrastructure. iranian state television said the nuclear sites in wesfahan were safe. a strike on a nuclear facility on iranian territory would be one of the extreme measures of retaliation. iranian authorities closed the sky over the center of the country. according to the jewish state media , the israeli army's target was an air force base. israel with his answer he raises the stakes. in other words, we are moving step by step along the path of escalation.
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now iran says it is ready to respond again. according to american sources, the white house was aware of the attack on iran 48 hours in advance. judging by the reaction of the head of the iranian foreign ministry, tehran was also ready for a strike. are you ready for an israeli retaliatory strike? the day before, iran, without going into details, announced a revision of its nuclear doctrine, taking into account the location of all israeli nuclear facilities. that is, if israel suddenly decides to strike iran's nuclear facilities, tigiran will respond in the same way. the nuclear industry centers of the zionist enemy have been identified. we have all the necessary information about the goals at our disposal. the scale of the israeli strike is still unknown, but iran has already stated that whatever the attack, it will not go unanswered. if israel uses force and tries to violate our sovereignty, the republic of iran will not hesitate to respond appropriately, making the zionist regime regret what it has done. american experts call israeli strike... it seems to me that
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the gauntlet has already been thrown down, iran's response is impossible to predict, we know that it has different weapons, last weekend, by launching more than 300 drones into israel, it showed its capabilities, we also know that iran can attack israel with the forces of its allies in lebanon, the gaza strip and yemen. according to preliminary information, iranian nuclear infrastructure facilities are under attack. were not injured, there is no data on casualties yet, however, the situation in the region heated to the limit. georgy lisashvili, andrey mikhalov, oleg smolkov, channel one. a violent confrontation at a meeting of the un security council unfolded around palestine. the united states blocked a draft resolution on the country's admission to full membership in the world organization, despite the fact that almost everyone else was in favor, only switzerland and britain abstained, this situation would have been enough for o'.
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states and japan, can you imagine how many lives could have been saved if these proposals had been supported then, including the number and lives of hostages, whose release we also demanded. our military carried out massive attacks on the infrastructure of the ukrainian armed forces at night; explosions were reported in the village of zatoka , odessa region, where ammunition depots are located. numerous strikes in the dnepropetrovsk region. authorities confirmed that two infrastructure facilities in dnepropetrovsk itself were damaged. and news from the special operation zone. an army aviation crew on a mi-35 helicopter attacked the positions of ukrainian militants in the kupinsky direction. despite the fog and low clouds, the task completed successfully. at the avdeevsky site. the artillerymen destroyed the enemy stronghold. the d-30 galobits of a mountain motorized rifle formation hit without a miss at a distance of up to 15 km. modernization of equipment taking into account the requirements of the front. minister of defense at a plant in the omsk region. sergei shaigu
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checked how the state defense order is being fulfilled. additional supplies for the army became another incentive for the development of russian industry. details from alexander lyakin. they assemble in these workshops. one of the fastest tanks in the world t-80. omsk transmash is not only increased production, but also modernized the tank taking into account the realities of combat operations. the most noticeable detail is the so -called brazier, which protects the tower from drones and anti-tank missiles. now these are not just sheets of steel, which at first were welded at home, but factory-made. there are other design changes as well. we looked at the protection of the sights. sight protection, it is there. gultsykhov is blocking the voice of sergei shaigu, because of the arrival of the minister of defense, the conveyor was not stopped for a minute, the production plan has been increased, again the emerging armies need new equipment, they found all this, did all this, now we need to increase the pace, sergei
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shaigu speaks about this not for the first time and not only at this enterprise, checks of the implementation of state defense orders are now carried out regularly. the minister is interested in all the details, including the schedule and salaries of workers on the assembly line. depending. well, 70-80 the increase in state defense orders affected allied companies, a new , more powerful engine for the modernized t-80 tank is supplied from kaluga from the kadvi plant, only gas turbine engines are made there engines for heavy equipment, it is more powerful and lighter than diesel, it makes less noise and does not leave behind a curtain of black smoke, while the order from omsk is the first for it in many years, that you set the task last time, the leader is kadvi, kaluzhsky, then there kadvi started working.
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in which hundreds of our citizens, peaceful people, were killed and maimed. he once again demonstrated to us the need to consolidate our efforts to combat international terrorism. today with mr. prosecutor general, mr. saab, we have signed an agreement that
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provides for the coordination of our actions in a variety of areas of joint work. today in russia is the day of remembrance of the genocide of the soviet people by the nazis and their accomplices. during the great patriotic war, since the forty-third year, a commission has been working to establish the facts of the crimes of the nazis, torture, massacres of civilians who died among the soviet population, according to various estimates, up to 16... people, a quarter of them died in the camps. tamara ukanin, prisoner, sala spils, it was called a blood factory, it was pumped out of children for the nazis. tamara and her family were taken there in the winter of 1943; she was only 3 years old. here he was, he slept off himself, now i see, behind the barbed wire, there is a crematorium, my mother didn’t hope that i would survive, i was so depressed, i stopped talking, i stopped walking. the crimes of the fascists have no statute of limitations, the investigation continues
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by the investigative committee, previously unknown facts are still being revealed, and search engines are finding new places of mass burials of tortured nazis of soviet citizens. a message from the ministry of defense, a tu-22 m3 bomber crashed in the stavropol territory while returning to its home airfield. the preliminary cause of the accident was a technical malfunction. the pilots ejected three crew members. doctors are already examining, the search is underway for the fourth, there was no ammunition on board, the fall occurred in a deserted area, there is no destruction, now there is advertising, we will be back in a few minutes, do not switch, today we will introduce you to the person whose work day by day, it arouses more and more interest, this is the director of the circus and theater, valentin gneushev. i came to school to become a clown, but my teacher forbade me to be... a lot of brilliant people who found some kind of poetic, fantastic reality in the circus, this is
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the fleetingness that i want to grab, the circus that i want to make, it does not exist. we continue our series of half-hour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry sovisky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved woman, and after 2 days. i realized that it didn’t exist, and that i needed to start from scratch myself, i knew that my homeland is my language, this is the language in which i write, it was such a really poor moscow bohemia, who lived on bad wine on good verses, my 49 and 2 minutes of jazz are not just a program for me, an important program for me, i know that you are sitting at a table in a st. petersburg cafe, where they are playing programs from 49, ciao baby, matodor from today on the first. zoya borisovna personifies the century, its entire
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life, she did what she loved, she creates centers of culture around herself. i 'm not even talking about her literary works, which have been translated into many languages. 100 years, they will definitely write this out of spite. this is especially true for talents; she felt them right away. she is an amazing girl, at 100 years old. but he’s a very young man, i can’t live without work at all, i have to go somewhere, help someone? andrei andreevich voznesensky, after meeting zoya borisovna, dedicated a poem to her: “abide light, fleeting, incessant, i don’t reproach that i passed, i thank you for coming.” andrei generally had two priorities in life: his work and my mother, the eclipse of the heart that this caused. we lived very friendly with andryushka, it was his song, which reflected the moment of our only quarrel for
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the centenary of zoya boguslavskaya, the premiere, tomorrow at the first, there is an organized spy network, and we could reveal it, from now on you take on everyone with whom he meets, in case of danger you do not show yourself, “we are investigating a criminal crime, we. these cases are urgently needed people, where are you going with you, where is he here, egor, he was always nearby, never went anywhere, didn’t try to talk to anyone so you didn’t see it, you suspect egor of something, according to the laws of war, the story of . continuation from monday on the first. the simple boy benita mussolini
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would never have achieved what he achieved if it were not for the ardent support of educated and thinking people. his colleague was the prominent italian philosopher giovanni gentile. he published the first programmatic fascist text, a manifesto of fascist intellectuals. thanks to talented creative people, italians of all sizes decided that they were special, and therefore they had special rights to manage other people's lives. premiere, ordinary fascism 2. on monday, on the first. this is the news on the first, we continue: the discord between kiev and tbilisi against the backdrop of the law on foreign agents. in ukraine, they were offended by the words
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of georgian prime minister kabakhidze, who said that the norm would protect the country from ukrainization. words, if sovereignty is not ensured, peace and european integration will remain a thing of the past, which is why the law, despite criticism will be accepted. the ukrainian media responded that this is russification, a real threat to tbilisi, the law on foreign agents is called pro-russian by its opponent, although when creating the document, the deputies were inspired by the creativity of their american colleagues. the bill has already been adopted in the first reading; protests continue in the center of the georgian capital, but not as heated as at the beginning of the week, when parliament had just begun to consider it. floods in russia, tyumen region, the water level near ishim increased by 2 meters in one day and reached almost seven. the peak of the flood is about to come, this is what one of the villages looks like now. that night the river in the tomsk region rose sharply and there was intense ice drift. in kurgan , the water level in tobol exceeded the 10 m mark in the evening and continues to rise.
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there have not been such indicators since the mid-nineties. the dam is strengthened around the clock by rescuers and volunteers. doesn't stop. this man was pulled out of the water, along with his pets, he could no longer get out himself, volunteers are doing a colossal job, rescuing pets, there are many dogs that were left on circuits, a big problem, they were called, that’s it, liquidation of the consequences is underway in orsk, the energy systems are now being restored, in 24 hours power was returned to the homes of more than 1,300 consumers, almost 300 houses were connected to gas. in all regions. ticks woke up. 4,000 calls to doctors, the danger is serious, about ten insidious viruses are carried by ticks, including borleosis, encephalitis, the consequences for the body can be very serious and irreversible. the main way to protect yourself is vaccination. report by tatyana kozlova. oh buddy, you're already awoke? what a fine fellow! not only did they
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wake up, but they had already started biting. and the other day a tick bit me, i pulled it out unsuccessfully, but my head remained. she spent a month and a half in a coma, woke up paralyzed, the doctors’ forecasts were disappointing, but neither nastya nor her mother were going to give up, through the tears there was pain, the girl learned to live again, remember, then on
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march 8 she raised her head on her own, so yeah, well, all sorts of things . we shouted, applauded, nastya was able to achieve special success with exercises in the pool, now she doesn’t just sit confidently and holding the phone, the girl was able to regain fine motor skills in her hands, and now she has a favorite hobby - creating jewelry. doctors warn that ticks carry a number of diseases, the most dangerous being encephalitis and barilliosis. even if the bug was discovered before it had time to bite, it still needs to be submitted for examination. the disease can be transmitted not only through oral contact, if we remove the tick from the body, there are microtraumas on the body, there may be no manifestations for the first day. you can meet ticks not only in forest in garden plots, but in city parks, unusually tall grass and shrubs hide. when going outdoors, you need to follow a number of rules that relate to appearance. first, clothing should be
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as closed as possible. long sleeves, trousers, they need to be tucked in... like this, well , as for the color, things need to be chosen in light colors, because then it will be much easier to notice a small celestial, ticks are also dangerous for pets, the main rule is that after a walk you need to carefully watch yourself and the animal, they love ticks very much thin skin, they are localized in the ears behind the ears, they really love these places, so when we... come in from the street, we look like this so that we don’t have anyone, the surest way to avoid possible consequences is still vaccine.


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