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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  April 19, 2024 10:00am-10:50am MSK

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a secret race is beginning in the world to develop airship construction, not simple airships, but hybrid airships that do not need mooring masts, do not need huge hangars, they are able to land in the field, take cargo and leave, so the prospects for such devices are great, the company is engaged in this and lock martin, now they are making a derailleur for 20 tons of payload, the company of sergei brin, who...
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this is how some of our enemies write about it: moscow november 4, 2023, the nazis are still in ukraine. maxim, for you is anything familiar here? well, there’s something familiar to everyone here, because i think this picture should be called harry potter of the march nazis. this is daniel redleaf. the most interesting thing about this photograph is that it is not just a photograph, it is a still from a film, the film absolute power, the infiltration of an fbi agent into a gang of neo-nazis. let's watch the trailer. they are preparing something serious, an event that will wake up the people, a terrorist plot. well, this is , in short, a classic american film about the author, here. this stuff, alexey, what do you want?
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i know who posted it, i understand on my own that this is just another twitter joker who doesn’t really understand anything about humor, but the location of the whitewash, of course, clearly points to an asshole twitter relocant who is sitting there and has nothing to do, it’s all like it would be humorous, but in fact this type of fake has been used since 1914, when in ukraine after the euromaidan this renaissance of simply neo-nazism began, it is often used. fakes, here's a photo, this is moscow, this is st. petersburg, this is some other city, look, here people are zigging, look, here someone has a swastika, it’s not us, but as a rule, it turns out that this is yet another kharkov supporter of beletsky, the leader of azov, somewhere they filmed that as for marches, processions, torches and other things, this certainly needs to be looked for in ukraine, where , unlike russia, it is...
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with weapons in hand, today we mentioned masiychuk, who was there marching around kiev since the twelfth year, and then masiychuk naturally ended up in the supreme i’m glad, i was a deputy, then, excuse me, when azov appeared, he already intercepted the main nationalist initiative in ukraine, excuse me, but this is azov, this unit of the national guard of ukraine was, then they created a civilian structure, a national corps. that’s why we see today how freely, for example, some teenagers can hang up a flag with a swastika there, and nothing will happen to them. many years ago, when all this maidan and so on just happened, a video with a little guy saying: i didn’t enter some little eaglet camp, i arrived in the children’s, military, patriotic tabir of azovets. yesterday he was covered by fab with 500
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bags at the age of 19, the boy became a load of 200, but i think that there is still some truth in this fake. and this truth rings true in the last line, the nazis are still in ukraine, which is why our special military operation is now being carried out in order to denazify and demilitarize them. thank you so much for watching us today, i remind all viewers if there are any photos, videos and any other materials seem dubious to you, send them to our editorial office, we will definitely sort it out, all the best to you. the first channel presents. how to choose the right glasses? the bow should go along the main wrinkle like this, then
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the eyes with glasses will always be young. do we have the largest number of patients with allergies to metal temples? let's look at the rules for selecting points. it's great to live in the program! so, friends, this is a pressure scale from normal, and it is lower than 12080 to super dangerous, which leads to stroke. my pressure, my responsibility, a special project is going on in our program, this is not the first program, we talk to you about pressure twice a week. we have an incredible group of people who work with us to understand the intricacies of pressure. please stand up, my dear, wonderful, responsible people, my pressure is written on their t-shirts, on the back , continuation, my pressure, my
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responsibility, no one else, dear friends, today we have come to this topic: do you treat hypertension? you are doing everything correctly, your blood pressure rises, in this case we always figure out what other medications you are taking, and one of these groups of drugs that is seriously dangerous for your blood pressure is the so-called vasoconstrictor nasal drops, right now, german shevich, you and i will go to the medical point, because there is one of the heroines of our project, and we are measuring her blood pressure, so... the story is really very, very, very instructive and typical. so, larisa alekseevna examines nasal cavity, wonderful doctor, professor spiranskaya ent, doctor. and we see overgrown mucous membrane there, right? the mucous membrane and
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the large, hypertrophied inferior nasal concha, which does not allow me to go further into the nasal cavity. that is, so much mucous that the nose is clogged. in general, normally it should not go down to the throat, although there is no gap at all, and if we do it forcibly now, the patient will be in enough pain, we won’t do it forcibly, thank you very much to the doctor, and the patient will now come with us and tell we give you your heart-tearing story, so we have it, the doctor already knows this, he’s dripping vasoconstrictor drops, come with us, and so she’s dripping for herself, dripping and dripping and dripping, larisa alekseevna, how many years have you been dripping? and the drops have been dripping for 20 years, it started when i was young, i always had a stuffy nose, my mother took me to doctors, they inserted different turundas into me, in my opinion, with ephedrine, then they were, nothing helped, until the next
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cold. so it still drips every day, how many times a day? three to four times a day, when there is a virus or something viral, then at all. you feel better, but if these drops constrict blood vessels, how do they affect blood pressure? it’s very simple, they raise
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blood pressure due to the same mechanism of vasoconstriction. now i want to invite professor spiranskaya to us: come to us, please, it means, from our point of view, a person not only does not observe any doses, it drips from four complete absence of anything, up to 40 times a day day like. the pharynx, oropharynx, swallow in addition to the fact that the drug is absorbed from the side nasal mucosa, it can also
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be absorbed from the gastric mucosa, which has the effect of increasing the dose even more, and nothing helps, only the dose increases, correctly, and at the same time, what happened to her, we specially made this layout to show that the mucous membrane is getting bigger, bigger, bigger, that’s right, yes, it’s edematous, big, it’s already reacting badly to... vasoconstrictor drops, in addition, the vasoconstrictor drops themselves ruined the mucous membrane of our heroine, the mucous membrane is all dry and crusty , atrophic, well, that is, mucous has grown so much that the doctor cannot use an endoscope to go further than the vestibule of the nose, because then you just need to push, i don’t know how, i got to the bottom of it, and the most important thing is that when we ask, what medications are you taking? people don’t consider drops to be medicine, this, by the way, is a fact, this is a fact, therefore
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the worst drug of all known, the oldest, which is absorbed better than anyone else, modern medicine is trying to make drugs for the nose so that they are not absorbed at all, but you, as they say , we chose this option, but it’s a backwards one from the last century, so that the pressure is absorbed, so that it is high, that means.
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you can buy a solution, there are special solutions, like these that you can use to rinse your nose, here they are, if you want this, you can make it yourself, in a glass of water, a teaspoon of salt, that’s right, stir it, put it in a syringe or in a teapot, whatever you want , and further, since you washed it, it means you know how, like this, you don’t have to throw your head back like that and press on... the piston should be inserted into one half of the nose, out of the other, let’s go, enter, enter,
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enter, let’s, let’s, let’s , fall out it must come from the other, nothing passes there, passes, does not pass, you can imagine how much mucous has grown, and the other half, here is a towel, into the other half, and then something more or less leaked out. a towel, which means, first, rinse thoroughly, at least in the morning and evening, second, hormonal sprays that do not cause addiction, do not lead to mucous growth, and most importantly, are not absorbed, if this does not help, we go to surgery, right , olga aleksandrovna, doctor’s task, let’s go, let’s come back here, delete this is the excess. often remove the inferior nasal concha, because it has already
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grown in you, so nothing goes into your nose, this is exactly the operation we were able to remove, olga aleksanna spiranskaya, doctor of medical sciences, professor, works, removes everything that you have grown on yourself due to for constant intake of drops, there is a small incision, given by biting. step by step, the doctor removes excess mucous membranes and nasal membranes, first the upper ones, and then the lower ones. our operation is almost over. now we are using we will use an endoscope to take a good look at the nasal cavity after the intervention. dr. spiranskaya is a very experienced doctor, the operation lasts only 20 minutes. the operation is not considered bloody; there was practically no blood loss. that's
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all, your patient, yes, olga alexandrna, my patient. we have found a doctor for you. the operation will definitely improve your quality of life, that is, in addition to the fact that we normalize blood pressure, but nasal breathing also has a big impact on the quality of life, which i am in your program, that now i know how to cope with my illness, i want live good, live healthy and breathe well, even better, thank you very much, thank you very much ulga alexandrovna, let's take a break for a while and then continue. food for all times. a lentil patch, the biblical character refused to inherit, by the way, he wanted to eat it that way. what are the benefits of lentils? non-brutal idiot. that
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is, nothing is visible at all. you don’t even have to tell your partners. eriktile dysfunction, it can be dealt with. he could choose a lot of now famous people from the crowd, thanks to geralash, well , he was just such a kinop, but for me, it’s not i, it’s her, i don’t have an acting education, yarovazh became the first step in cinema, tell me, who am i, i passed it, by the way, without an audition, he just showed me: “sanya, your emotions are needed here, here that’s all,
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don’t be afraid, we ate on purpose so as not to bite, not to eat small children, colossal.” the pleasure and happiness of doing what you madly love, what the audience loves, probably there is nothing better and there is nothing better, on the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of boris grachevsky, tomorrow on the first. zoy borisna personifies the century, all her life she has been doing what she loves, she creates centers and cultures around herself, not to mention her literary works, which have been translated into many languages. 100 years old - they will definitely write out of spite, this is a special attitude towards talents, she felt them right instantly, she is an amazing girl, at 100 years old, she is a very young person, i can’t live without work at all, i have to go somewhere, who help? andrei andreevich voznesensky after meeting with zoya borisovna dedicated a poem to her: remain bright,
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fleeting incessantly, i don’t blame you for passing, thank you! what came, andrei generally had two priorities in life: his work and my mother, an eclipse of the heart, andryushka and i lived very friendly, it was his song that reflected the moment of our only quarrel. to the centenary of zoya boguslavskaya. premiere, tomorrow, on the first. the show is a fashionable verdict on channel one. i am with you, alexander rogov. over the last month she ordered black leather shorts, bold, bold, red tracksuit, what a disgrace, i don’t care at all i like the way my daughter dresses, especially lately, how she has gained weight, a difficult mother, my mother really wants me to be a decent girl, this is what i call a spectacular appearance, meet me, well,
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a good attractive girl, all this can be cheered up, look , we can... on the first of april, so, take the plates, my dears, i’m pouring soup for everyone, comrades. from lentils, our topic today is: products that last forever, what are these products? these are those products that
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are in an unspoiled form, for example, let's say, in the egyptian pyramids, and we installed the egyptian pyramid in the studio, andrey petrovich, go to the pyramid and get from there a product of eternal storage, a pyramid, there are a lot of things in egypt, in fact, when archaeologists... hid the pyramid, they often found products there, one of the main products was lentils, which even now could be used, well, if you spend enough time soaking them. so, lentils are really a product of eternal storage, because they are found in pyramids in in such a state that it can be used to cook soup from it, just like we cooked it now, so this is our whole cycle. i wanted to bring it closer to you here, that after all, 2400 years before the new era, lentils
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were already known, in fact, even in the bible, even in the old testament, it was mentioned that for a bowl of lentils a biblical character refused to inherit, by the way , so i wanted to eat, comrades, the chela is even large from... we have to with the fact that lentils are the number one product in terms of the amount of coarse fiber, how much coarse fiber is in lentils, legumes, even they are still the leader, 120% of the daily
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value, i, as an ophthalmologist, can say that lentils are very similar in shape and size to our lens, yes, they are called lints, from the word lens, from the word lens , seriously, on this joyful note, let’s move on to the layout. so, lentils are the champion of coarse fiber, why does a person need coarse fiber at all? coarse fiber has several purposes: to form a food comb, prevent cholesterol and sugar from being absorbed, but moreover, it helps our beneficial microbes, so look, beneficial microbes, this is our intestines, and our beneficial microbes live in the intestines, and in order for them to be so good. swam, lived well and brought health to our body, they must eat, but food is coarse fiber, it does not feed us, it feeds our
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good microbes, without which our life is impossible, the more fiber in food, the slimmer your figure, because that slimness or obesity is determined by the microbes that live in your fat. lentils, unfortunately, are not mandatory food for russians, which is bad, and my fans are that you should all eat lentils, this is the first plus, the second, andrei petrovich, the second plus is that it is made from plant products, indeed, lentils are a record holder for phalates, folic acid is a wonderful ingredient , which we need to form the neural tube for babies, and in adulthood, helps us form a normal red blood cell, helps us
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make hemoglobin, build iron into this hemoglobin, why do we need hemoglobin, it carries oxygen, oxygen, these white balls - this is oxygen, i just got to the urologist, we have a brilliant professor urologist visiting us today, some oxygen for you. and young women who are preparing to become mothers, the baby they will then bear without folic acid will not develop a nervous system. lentils, now raise your hand, whoever eats lentils eats
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all the time. per week 1 2 3 4 5 people 6 7 8 9 10, that is, less than 20% of the people sitting in the hall, this is wrong, you need lentils, as they say, all over ivanovo, yes, the healthiest product, we are visiting today a completely unusual family that not only eats lentils, but makes linen out of them, the batukhin family, show us your masterpiece. you are a daughter, yes, you are a representative of the family, tell me, what kind of beauty you posted here, what is your name? my name is alina, here we have a forest of lentils, here are two trees, it turns out, a river, a river, a sky with clouds, well, a bridge, a horizon, now tell me, do your family only make crafts from lentils or do they still eat them? we
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eat lentils regularly, my mother really likes to cook lentil soup, well, regularly once a week we we eat it, return it, your luxurious shelf, it was a monument to lentils, and we, of course, have three questions about lentils, how to choose lentils, how to preserve them for centuries and how to eat them correctly, let's start with the first question, how to choose, the most in fact... there are a lot of varieties of lentils now, look, these black lentils, they even have the name beluga, they are a little similar to something like beluga black caviar, there are green lentils, french, the so-called yellow red, sweeter lentils , lentils brown, but no matter which one you choose, you need to choose one that does not have any foreign bodies, not wet, just dry
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lentils, mainly for storage, how to properly store lentils so that they last like in the egyptian pyramids, from 30 years to 2,000 years, in order for it to last for several thousand years, it must be stored in a dark, dry place, as we see in a pyramid, absolutely right, and if you still have that canvas bag that...
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lentils are the number one of all legumes in terms of coarseness. in terms of phalate content too, if so look, about half-daily norms, 30% and 20%, also a record holder, that is , lentils from legumes, the best of all, the next one, just how to eat lentils correctly, i soaked them all night for you, cooked them all morning, what a taste it turned out to be. lentil stew, our cook alexey kovba will offer something original, now he will offer you, lyosha, come out, i’m here, hello, well, look, in fact, non-trivial recipes are soup, someone makes it as a side dish, porridge or something else, there are version, how to keep it longer and basically reuse it, this is hummus in common parlance or pasta, as you can call it, that is, what we do is we
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soak the lentils. we do not process it thermally in any way and do not cook it in any way, that is, it must saturate itself, in fact, itself, roughly speaking, the starch must come out and completely, as it were, fall apart inside it, and we even punch it with a mortar, and not with a blender, so that we don’t have excess, let’s say, we grind it, but in general it’s labor-intensive, but it’s stored much longer, you can quickly shake it with a blender, try it, comrades german shaevich, michal egor. you can call it that and besides , we have red lentils, so the taste turns out to be red, you can take other lentils accordingly, we get different colors, or you can make it multi-colored, like our girl talentedly made a picture from lentils, using the fact that they are different colors , so you can definitely make a multi-colored filling here too, it’s just that red and yellow
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are considered sweeter. these are the baskets, soaked the lentils, grated them or homogenized them with a mixer, laid them out, super food, super healthy, super dose of rough fiber, what else is needed, but nothing, it’s all about food, it’s time for us to talk about medicine, well, dear friends, our program continues, and i’m going to our medical... site, but before i get there, i want to say that in our program there is a whole cycle, which is called diseases with a male character, the diseases are different, all purely male and it is so important that you are treated
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by the best doctors in the world, i did not make a reservation, the fact is that in our hospital in moscow named after botkin, the largest in the world was opened. urological center, the equipment is the best in the world, the doctors who work there are simply each of them, they are truly all world-famous people. one of those doctors is our guest today, but before we talk about the tests that all men must undergo, before we talk about the serious problems that happen when men are spared from cancer... diagnoses, i want you we saw this supercenter with our own eyes. moscow, botkin hospital, moscow urological center. it opened on december twenty
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third year and became the world's largest urological center. today the best urologists of our country are gathered here. the head of the center is the chief urologist of russia, a world-class doctor. for bladder cancer, the largest experience the largest experience in reconstructive operations in non-invasive treatment of adenoma and prostate cancer, the largest, the largest, the most, the most, all this is about the moscow urological center. well, now, of course, i will introduce you to one of the doctors, one of the doctors of this center, a professor and doctor of medical sciences, brilliant urologist, badri rainovich gvasami. what kind of
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examination are we currently conducting? now we measure cholesterol levels. cholesterol, it seems, but what does it seem to have to do with men and diseases with a male character. what do you think cholesterol has to do with it? to your men's health, immunity, immunity, but you give, no, no, cholesterol, where is our cholesterol, your wife is with you, no, you are married, your wife, your wife is watching you, no, she's not watching, she's tired of you, herself i look after myself, i look after myself, come to our screen, we will tell you now we want to show the norm. now it takes a few minutes for our patient ’s cholesterol to be measured, for our
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experimental nine we have already measured everyone’s cholesterol, who has high cholesterol, press red, there is such a person, come here, you have high cholesterol, right, maxim, right? why are we so concerned about high cholesterol? well, high cholesterol is one of the risk factors for men’s health, in violation of men’s health, that is, these numbers need to be monitored, because, as you see, at this we have different booths, three vessels of different diameters. as you know, well everyone already knows, i think that cholesterol is deposited. in the vessels, just imagine a cholesterol plaque, you are a young man, how old are you, 35, 35, look, cholesterol can be deposited like this, this is a large vessel, for example, the femoral artery, well, it has deposited, it has deposited, the femoral artery is large, here so, yes, this, for example, is
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the coronary artery, this is the cardiac artery, it already covers a significant part, these are the smallest arteries of the penis, an erection is a blood supply. now, if your cholesterol is high, higher than 5.1, show us the norms on the screen again, then , unfortunately, you are at risk for development. what if the blood doesn't flow? well, apparently sexual dysfunction, that’s right, impotence, or scientifically speaking, erectile dysfunction, this does not mean that you already have it now, i hope you have complete order and superpotency , all this is there, but we already have a well-known rule in cardiology, german shavich, announce your favorite rule of cardio, a patient came to the urologist, he sends him to a cardiologist. to exclude diseases in the coronary vessels, because
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a man suffers from this, and from the second, our disease, he can simply die, of course, that is, well, as if in the coordinate system, life is more expensive than potency, right, be that as it may, this is a fact, now i want to say that, oddly enough, our young man turned out to have high cholesterol, but he came to us for a completely different reason, because the family has a lot of... energy and so on, remission came, but
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now another problem has arisen, he is, in general, a man in the full prime of his strength, yes, not at all old, yes, well, young, but such a problem has appeared, sexual dysfunction, for a man this is a very important story, i can add a little, this means that as a result of radiation therapy, erectile dysfunction has arisen; to put it simply, impotence does not occur and erection does not occur. a person was saved from death, probably, for some period of his life it didn’t matter whether he had this potency, no, because he had to stay alive, right, but now he’s alive, and live it is necessary, of course, this is absolutely what modern technologies treat erectile dysfunction and return a man’s quality of life. here we are talking, as i understand it, from the story we are talking about a difficult situation, indeed, that is, it was. most likely in the pelvic area, and
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accordingly repeated radiation therapy, which can very seriously damage the entire innervation of our zone, which is responsible for this amazing mechanism, and erection mechanisms are an absolute phenomenon, this is a miracle, and accordingly, unfortunately, it refers to severe degree of erectile dysfunction, here we already need radical methods of treating this problem in... in this case , the solution suitable for this situation is the so -called penile prosthesis operation, that is, implantation of penile prostheses, let's show, here we have a cutaway man , yes, an incision, this is a penile prosthesis , look, a hydraulic penile prosthesis, which completely emits a natural erection, that is, all the sensations, everything remains, which means it’s normal, everything is normal remains. and this is imperceptible, even partners may not be informed in some cases, that
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is, the cylinders are located in the penis in the cavernous bodies on both sides, like this, yes, this is the control mechanism of the pump, it is located in the scrotum, usually we install it behind the testicles so that it is invisibly and hidden, the third component is a reservoir of water, this is a completely closed system that contains ordinary saline . a person has everything of his own, that is, we pump up, that’s the reaction, yes, amazing, you can regulate the level of rigidity, which suits him and his partner, and then he will say, deflate the implant by pressing another button, it’s all inside, don’t forget about it, it’s just that many people mistakenly think it’s some kind of device, an external device, in fact it’s everything is inside.
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that he’s alive, how much you’re allotted there, most likely not much, and now we’re saying, no, the person is alive and he should live normally, so thank you very much for coming to us, we sincerely wish everything to happen, i’ll repeat it again , urological center in moscow, at the botkin hospital,
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the largest in the world, the most equipped, and as i said in the story, the most, the most, the most, and every doctor. who works there worth his weight in gold, so we will be happy to help you, okay, thank you, thank you, about your cholesterol, when a young man has high cholesterol, this is hereditary hypercholesterolemia, 35 years old cholesterol is already above normal, injections, we will treat, but don’t start and be sure, what i want to say, man, is when you start talking about impotence, it’s very good to convince you to start. cholesterol lowering pills, of course yes, then you will have impotence, wow, wow, god forbid, thank you very much, please sit down, thank you very much to the professor, well, we’ll take a break for a while, and then continue, today we’ll introduce you to a man whose work day day by day it arouses more and more
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interest, this is the director of the circus and theater, valentin dneushev, i came to school to become a clown, but my teacher did not forbid me to be a clone. a lot of brilliant people who found some kind of poetic, fantastic reality in the circus, this is the fleetingness that i want to capture, the circus that i i want to do it, it doesn't exist. we continue our series of half-hour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry savitsky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved woman. and after 2.5 days i realized that she was gone, and that i needed to start from scratch myself. i knew that my homeland is my language, this is the language in which i write, it was such a really poor moscow bohemia, who lived on bad wine on good poetry, my 49 minutes of jazz for me is not just a program that is important for transfer me, i
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i know that you are sitting at a table in a st. petersburg cafe, where they are playing programs from 49. ciao baby. matador is on first today. the appearance of such a child in my life was a complete surprise. our tandem is such a small but strong family. we will formulate a request with you. we have a good room, and maybe it will be even better. we came up with the idea of ​​making a rack here. dad 's son. they leave alone or together from the room in the op complex, even just hanging out, it’s very good for the back, everything for cozy evenings is collected in this corner, this is vinyl, this is a cinema hall, we got to our home, about comfort, premiere, tomorrow at the first, this is dasha,
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our director, and this is maxim, our cameraman, the guys met at work, we’re playing with you. dash, well, you’re on this side, girl, it’s not a relaxing night, it drove me crazy, we’ll make suzdol art, i need colored plates, it’s just like our film crew, it’s very beautiful, what we need, there’s one it’s a tradition to celebrate weddings by ringing bells, why do you have a three-headed bride? happened, she’s the second, it seems to me, we’re opening, hurray, the road, young, our premiere, we’re playing a wedding, on sunday, on the first one, well, friends, in our studio
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there is such a frame, this is a program to live healthy, our last topic for today is how... to choose the right glasses, and we decided to start with the fact that the staff of our program, wonderful young doctors , will now appear in front of you in different fancy frames, well, these are such beautiful guys we have, we adore them, this is like the next thing after... how to choose a frame? first, the frame should be selected by a doctor or optometrist, this is very important. secondly, glasses have several parameters, this is the lens itself,
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this is the bow and this is the bridge. uh, there are rules here too. uh, the fact is that there are two types of frames, some are metal, some are plastic. andrei petrovich hates metal and metal, because - tell me, yes, of course. in fact, nickel containing on the right, and often earrings are made with titanium nickel alloys, cause allergies, and this is immediately visible right here when you bite your ear, contact allergies, contact dermatitis, whoever is allergic to any jewelry, do not buy metal earpieces if we have the defect is large, let's say large myopia or greater farsightedness, then we are of course inclined towards plastic frames, why? because in such a frame there is a fairly thick lens, you can’t put it in, it will stick out here and it won’t be
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good. the following principle: the frame should sit tightly on the nose, the temples should fit close to the face, not put pressure, because a headache will develop, but they should not dangle, and if we bent our head forward, the frame should not fall, this is very important, further . we determine the interpupillary distance and we select frames according to our face, because medical parameters already play a role here, there are frames with nose pads, there are regular frames with nose pads, these are nose pads, this is an advantage in principle of frames, there are plastic frames without nose pads, you don’t like those , well, what’s the beauty of nose pads, because we can...
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with large glasses, the older you are, the narrower the frame should be, moreover,
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here we all have such a groove, where the wrinkle is most visible, here look now on your faces, you can see, you have such an arc right here, you can see it without glasses, but if you put on glasses, this part should go along this wrinkle, clearly, clearly, if the frames are large. now let's move on to the life of farsightedness.


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