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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 19, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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western curators are waiting, and therefore the main part, especially the male population, just those who are in the city, are sitting at home, so we receive information from the local population that people are simply afraid to go out on the street, this is what they are faced with and are ready to leave behind the scenes in small, so to speak , groups of the city territory, but the fact is that yes, they will not yet be able to declare an evacuation, because they essentially need a human shield, they realize that sooner or later, uh. liberation of the kharkov region, so- called, so-called, thank you very much, that he was in direct contact with us, then the news information service turns on the whole thing, hello, news on the first channel, andrei ukharev is with you, a new round of escalation in... the east israel struck the territory
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of iran, western media reported this, but the official tel aviv will not take responsibility for strategic reasons, the israeli press is already writing about this, the strike did not cause much destruction, but the very fact of it and the place that was chosen are important, the province of isfahan, where iran’s nuclear facilities are located, they, by the way, are not suffered, and in general the damage is insignificant, now the main question is how tehran will respond, giorgi alisashvili with details. explosions occurred. near the iranian city of isfahanet, in the center of the country, about 300 km from tehran. it is known that in this area there are nuclear industry facilities of the islamic republic, as well as factories producing drones. the american channel cnn reports that the target of the strike was a certain radar. official iranian media did not attack critical military infrastructure confirm. iranian state television said the nuclear sites in wesfahan were safe. strike on a nuclear facility on...
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are you ready for an israeli retaliatory strike? the day before, iran, without going into details, announced a revision of its nuclear doctrine, taking into account the location of all israeli nuclear facilities. that is, if israel suddenly decides to attack iran’s nuclear facilities, tigiran will respond in a similar way. the nuclear industry centers of the zionist enemy have been identified. all the information you need the goals are at our disposal. the scale of the israeli strike is still unknown, but iran has already announced that no matter what.
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it will not remain unanswered; if israel uses force and tries to violate our sovereignty, the republic of iran will not hesitate to respond to this properly, making the zionist regime regret what it did. american experts call the israeli strike moderate and selective, but what tehran’s response will be or whether there will be one is still unclear. it seems to me that the glove is already thrown, iran's response is impossible to predict, we know that. it has a variety of weapons and showed its capabilities last weekend by launching more than 300 drones into israel. we also know that iran can attack israel with the forces of its allies in lebanon in the gaza strip and yemen. according to preliminary information, iran's nuclear infrastructure facilities were not damaged during the attack. there is also no data on casualties yet. nevertheless, the situation in the region is tense to the limit. andrey mikhailov, oleg smolkov, first channel.
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historical injustice towards palestine, despite the fact that most states do not share washington’s position. russia has repeatedly emphasized that an important condition for peace in the middle east is the creation of a palestinian state. the international community has been unable, in fact due to the position of one state blocking all our efforts, to protect the palestinians from the israeli massacre. could not stop the spiral of violence. not to mention the fact that since 1948, russia introduced
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the first draft resolution on a ceasefire in the sector, which france and great britain voted against. united states and japan. can you imagine how many lives could have been saved if these proposals had been supported then? including from the lives of the hostages, whose release we also demanded. increase the production rate of t-80 tanks, and also organize additional supplies of protection systems for them to the special operation zone. such tasks were set by sergei shaigu during a meeting in the omsk region. there the head of the ministry of defense examined a defense industry enterprise where they assemble tanks and heavy flamethrowers. systems, by the way, the production of sanitary products has increased by 2 and a half times. details from alexander lyakin. one of the fastest tanks in the world, the t-80, is assembled in these workshops. omsk transmash not only increased production, but also modernized the tank taking into account the reality of combat operations. the most noticeable detail is the so-called brazier,
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which protects the tower from drones and anti-tank missiles. now these are not just sheets of steel, which at first were welded at home, but factory-made. there are also other changes in... the minister is interested in all the details, including the schedule and wages of workers on the assembly line. depending on the shift, well, 70-80. the increase in state defense orders affected the fakers. a new, more powerful engine for the modernized t-80 tank is supplied from kaluga, from the kadvi plant. only there they make gas turbine
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engines for heavy equipment; they are more powerful and lighter than diesel engines, make less noise and do not leave a curtain of black smoke behind them. moreover, this is his first order from omsk in many years. thanks to you, what you did last time put. the task is carried out by kadvi, kaluzhsky, that is, kadvi began to work, he did nothing for 30 years. the minister of defense ordered the modernization of those tanks that are currently in the combat zone, and this is no less important a task than the supply of new ones. the omsk plant is fulfilling the program, i can even say that they are exceeding the program. now we need to significantly increase the additional kits that we need to install on those vehicles that are in combat, that is, what we have today is in full equipment and here we need additional supplies of equipment to those repair brigades and repair shops that we have on the battlefield. by the way, engineers and technicians for these repair teams are trained here in omsk. sergei shaigu
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suggested immediately including in the program those solutions that have proven themselves in battle. it doesn’t work to install or load dynamic protection. okay, dynamic protection relic, 190m tank, we have it there. everything is completely different, it’s also not completely different, and the kids there must understand that we have a barbecue here and additional body kits they do it like 280, you have to learn this, heavy flamethrower systems santsepok are also produced here in omsk, their production has been increased by 2 seconds, these vehicles based on a tank chassis also received new protection for shaped -charge drone projectiles. first channel. in russia, today is the day of remembrance of the genocide of the soviet people by the nazis and their accomplices during the great patriotic war. events throughout the country, exhibitions, thematic meetings, open lessons in schools, newsreel screenings, the investigation of the crimes of the fascists in the union began back in the forties
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years. now, as part of a federal project without a statute of limitations, the investigative committee continues to document evidence of torture and massacres of civilians. according to various estimates, victims of the nazis. based on the evidence collected by investigators of the investigative committee, including the results of search activities, archival materials, testimony, court decisions have already been made in 19 regions of russia, in st. petersburg, the lugansk people's republic, kursk, smolensk regions and other entities indicated criminal acts were recognized by the court as genocide. decisions are an expression of our country’s position on condemning nazism and its legal prosecution beyond the statute of limitations. investigators are actively assisted by search engines; they are still finding new places of mass graves of victims of nazism; in countless
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volumes of criminal cases about genocide there are stories of former prisoners of fascist concentration camps. witnesses of those terrible events, they remember everything, although they were still just children then. alena germanova talked to them. that's how i was, that's how i was, that's when it started only war, bronze frozen faces, as if from her stolen childhood, here it was as if she herself was shivering from the cold in...
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they selected those who were then taken to europe, everywhere, in each there were two sections, the workers brutally killed the rest, so in the fall of '41 , here nearby, the nazis burned a barracks, there were 200 prisoners in it, they burned them because they were sick and could not work, in total , 80,000 people died in the gachen camps from hunger, torture and executions, the trenches were literally compacted with bodies, the site of mass executions in the park of the gaichen museum they have been searching for the reserve for three years now. there are new remains wrapped in barbed wire, with broken ribs, broken
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skulls, this is the first time i’ve seen men crying there, these are adult men, in my squad, we’ve been doing all the searching for a long time, but from such atrocities we have never been seen before, according to various estimates, up to 16 million people died among the soviet population, a quarter of them died in nazi labor camps, they took women, children, old people, made two columns on the left from... on the right, the germans retreated in the middle military units, and we protect them from our air raids, from partisans, with a human shield, along with him, along that road of death to the camps of first belarus, then poland, his mother, older brother and sister walked, he himself was only six, nikolai makhutov, academician of wounds, an expert in the field of security, complex objects, but the work of my whole life became books about that childhood behind barbed wire, i was. everything was in such a state that she was practically
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dying and the neighbors advised my mother, cover her with a cloth and move away, because she doesn’t care is dying, and today , if you ask any of our prisoners, everyone will say a sacred word to their mother, because they saved our mother’s life, from a belarusian village, the germans took the entire family of zinaida lashuk to a labor camp in frankfurt on... america, no australia, could i 'll replace this. they returned to literally nowhere.
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the fastas burned their village of datlay. at first, the whole family lived in an ordinary dugout, but this was their homeland. in a small exhibition hall, she , along with other former juvenile prisoners, carefully collects bits and pieces of memory so that haven't forgotten. after them, there will no longer be those who survived that nazi genocide. alena germanova, denis torobchinov, ekaterina belova, aksenia ugarova, vladimir smirnov and artyom tikhonov, channel one. the beneficiaries of the circle of good foundation will be able to receive the necessary medications even faster; the government has significantly reduced the period for providing medications; it will now be possible to begin drug treatment on the sixth day from the date of submitting the application. before this, the medicine reached the patient only after more than three weeks. the resolution has already been signed. let me remind you that the circle of good project appeared in the twenty-first year on the initiative of the president. the fund provides high-cost services.
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dignity over destruction, truth over lies, are you willing to choose freedom over democracy, because this is america. and there have been more and more such embarrassments lately. biden gets lost in geography, history and even in the pages of his own life. the april weather unpleasantly surprised residents of several russian regions at once, in the north-west and central part of the country, with snowfalls at the height of spring. these are stills from...


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