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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 19, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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for her, family, so she doesn’t remember anything with her mother natasha, nothing at all, for her family is here, there is a sister, alina, there is family, we go for walks, any drug addict has this trait when he goes to the end, well, when it’s easy for him they ask the question, did you just use it, did you use it today, everything is always without exception, 99.9% say no, for various reasons, but you have no choice but... this is the tactic that works, it’s obvious i helped you out there more than once, here you are the whole show, you have an argument for everything, why something is wrong, as people say, and it’s not very clear, that is, you either have some false memories, it seems to you that you are telling the truth, or you use this tactic, and dad, you claim that in fortunately, you woke up the child in kindergarten , took the child home, you moved the wall of consciousness, the mother says: for the good... of the child
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, i’m hiding her from dad, i’m saying something else, or i’ve lost her, you know, here you are, moving these walls , you completely forget that for a child they are nothing, you have a wonderful girl, but you you will still play and move like this, then you will encounter some deviant, deviant behavior, so just decide in a civilized manner, yes, there may even be a solomon’s decision, but if you really act in the interests, then you must understand with what fire you play. and you grew up in an orphanage, right? no, where? me, my parents died at the age of 13, and i went to work, and worked wherever i had to, but my parents before they died, they died for a reason, probably my mother died, something happened to her heart, then it became there, i don’t know, but dad, and dad then went missing, they said that he died, you know, it seems to me that something woke up in you when nina was born, well , yes, actually... therefore, i will fight for
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my child to the end, and it doesn’t matter to me , what will happen, good evening, the big game is live, i’m vyacheslav nikonov, today russian president vladimir putin held a video conferencing meeting with members of the organization’s security council. from the united nations and he himself set the agenda. let's listen. we have several questions today. let's talk about state reserve reserves, let's talk about measures to improve the provision of assistance to the population in the fight against the drug threat. several speakers. from the first question, the floor to dmitry
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anatovich medvedev, please. well, the state of state reserves is an important thing, including our security and defense capability, as well as the fight against the drug threat, not by chance, this is actually discussed within the framework of our security council. well, on the fronts of a special military operation, active hostilities, the ukrainian side carried out strikes drones and rocket fire systems in... "belgorod region, several atak ms missiles were shot down over the black sea, our high-precision systems hit dnepropetrovsk, vladar, krivoy rog, senelnikov, along a gas pipeline, in the kharkov region, in sumy, odessa, poltava regions, and defense minister sergei shaigu was in omsk, where he checked how tank production plans are being implemented, let’s listen to the minister of defense,
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i’ll start with the fact that the omsk plant is fulfilling the program, i can even say, exceeding it. program, those issues and those tasks that we solved on our last visit, almost all the issues have been resolved, issues regarding the supply of engines have been resolved, the production of new engines has begun, with more power, the production of heavy flamethrower systems has begun, everything that we said before.. equipping tanks with additional protection, armor protection, protection against unmanned aerial vehicles of various levels, additional systems for protecting sighting systems, these tasks have also been completed and now need to be significantly increased. additional kits that we need to install on those vehicles that are in combat, that is , what we have today is fully equipped and here we need...
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additional supplies of equipment to the brigades, repair shops that are on our field battle. well, our retrofitted tanks are already delivering a lot. pleasantries on the line of combat contact, what is happening there, now kadalyaka, our permanent military expert, yuri ivanovich, will tell us, good evening, what’s new with you, good, well, you know, i absolutely agree, in this case, indeed, everything will be fine, everything will be delivered, i know the situation a little, everything will be fine, that’s it, our tanks will go on the attack, they ’re equipped with the means that krasnogory has already revealed. the enemy will have big problems, but for now he also has many problems, primarily related to the fact that the enemy cannot maintain the situation in the ocheretin area, our troops, despite enemy counterattacks, abandoned units of two brigades, to knock us out they didn’t succeed with ocheretin; on the contrary, our troops entered
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residential buildings are now trying to gain a foothold there, at the same time there are attacks on novokalinovo, our troops are tightly storming this populated area, thus expanding the plateau... of our breakthrough in this area, i wish the boys and girls success, i really hope that in in the next issues i will say that they achieved results and we are moving forward here, a very important direction, a very important battle, we keep our fingers crossed for the guys, the same thing, there are serious battles in the krasnogorovka area, to the north between krasnogorovka and pervomaisky, oh and i apologize, between lines, this is nitaylova, our troops went there yesterday, having previously destroyed all the enemy positions, they just took it and went behind... here is our offensive towards karlovka, then there are still battles in krasnogoryk, we are occupying and clearing the southern part of the city before the assault, factories, so i hope, refractories, well
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, there are also battles going on, hours of yar, although now they have not quieted down a bit, we are regrouping, i think, again, aviation is working closely, artillery is not only on the hour , and in the kleshcheevka area a... kurdyumovka, that is , aviation and artillery are working on a fairly wide front, perhaps to somewhat confuse the enemy as to where we will continue to attack, but i think that in the coming days, judging by the preparations , this will all happen. thank you very much podalyaka for the latest news from the fronts of the special military operation. the kiev authorities have been panicking over the past weeks, this was noticeable from the statements of zelensky and members of his cabinet, it seems that something has changed, at least the mood seems to be in...
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the mood, but the rhetoric has changed prime minister shmygal, who made an interesting statement, let's listen, if ukraine falls, then the entire global security system will be destroyed and the whole world will have to look for a replacement, there will be many conflicts, many similar wars, in the end this could lead to the third world war. our common task is to defend democratic values, the global security system founded after the second world war.
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well, these words have no basis at all, why? because we see, and today vanich clearly showed that we are in almost all directions, namely the donetsk front, the donetsk direction, we seriously attack the enemy and do not give him the opportunity to create new fortified defenses,
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because novocheretina ocheretina - this is precisely the fact that we have broken through their newly created , as they said the line of defense, this is work for...
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no alternatives, and so on, the position
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of russian diplomacy, as well as the russian, russian leadership, it is unchanged, the goals of a special military operation can be achieved both by military means and by political-diplomatic means, and russia has never refused political-diplomatic means, another thing is that we have seen over the past months that in the west... there is growing interest in pseudo-negotiations, which should, from the point of view of western politicians shift western experts to take away from russia the achievements that it has, in order to prevent the goals of a special military operation from being realized, on the contrary, to consolidate the impossibility of their implementation, which is why such manipulative... negotiations, negotiations that should, on the contrary, again deceive russia and deprive it of its legitimate
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interests, such negotiations are impossible, and it seems to me that sergei viktorovich lavrov speaks about this very diplomatically, but quite clearly and clearly, and i think that the world majority countries have this position they fully understand, of course, that western countries will turn this position around and interpret it in such a way that since russia is not ready to admit it itself. its strategic defeat, then they say she is not ready for negotiations, but i think that in the current world situation, this attempt of theirs to present russia’s unwillingness to surrender as an unwillingness to negotiate, well, it’s unlikely that anyone will take it seriously, although such rhetoric, and it slips through them from time to time. if the will suddenly arises in the west for serious negotiations, taking into account all... the fair concerns that russia has from the point of view of security not only in the territory
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of the kiev regime, in the western direction. russia, as far as i understand, has never given up the possibility of solving this problems through political and diplomatic means. our president has repeatedly said that the use of armed forces is a necessary measure, and what is happening on the territory of ukraine is a tragedy for us. largely because there is an element of civil, civil war, and this is ours, our people, a people united with us, and the west is trying to aggravate it all, there is blood between us, to create this blood feud, unfortunately, we have to resort to military means , but diplomats never abandoned them, diplomacy is supported by force, it is always more convincing than diplomacy based on good intentions. when we had good intentions, we were not very heard, and ukraine is now
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an absolutely dependent country, because it is already 100% dependent financially, militarily, and politically on the west. er, tomorrow there will be a vote in the us congress on providing assistance to ukraine, 61 billion dollars, we will talk about this a little later, now the question has arisen. well, okay, ukraine will receive military aid, but what to do? with its budget, because it is absolutely empty, unsecured, there is no money, it looks like the west is preparing to set it up. and here, and on a very large scale. let's hear what christina georgieva, head of the international monetary fund, had to say. us support remains consistently strong. you all know that the european union has allocated 50 billion euros. the us administration is now working to ensure that congress also allocates funds. many other countries,
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including japan, canada, great britain, south korea, the list is very long, are also increasing volumes of assistance. imf large tranches, they still don’t, well, they are always either spread out over time, yes, and they don’t happen in such a one-time manner throughout the year, well, first of all, we, as you said, will return to discussing this bill in the united states of america, but there 8 billion dollars are actually provided for budgetary assistance to ukraine, that is
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, the americans allocate 8 billion specifically for financing as a loan, as well as, of course, but also the imf. will provide a loan, the imf does not provide assistance either, this is a quasi-commercial organization. therefore, i think that part of the fifty-billion-dollar package, which was announced and, as it were, conditionally allocated to ukraine by the european union, it also contains part of the budget-replacing items, but by the way, the american law directly clearly, so to speak, stipulates in a phrase that these don't owe money.
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considering that other countries live with such a debt-to-gdp ratio, but those countries are developing, their economies are not destroyed, but still the situation with ukraine is different, the issue of payment remains under great, under the big question, tell me, is the need to provide assistance to israel, how much can this really reduce the desire to help ukraine, in any case, it already...
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still needs to be produced, so for ukraine it is necessary to produce, as it turns out, that is, to replenish its own arsenal, and judging by what was just discussed, i get the impression that this is provided for some period, including even this imf loan, it will most likely be late or will be very extended in time, and even not...
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to accept a package of 61 billion dollars for ukraine, will they accept advertising afterwards? voice. live. watch the time after the program.
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shchiro we are watching you. good morning, dear siblings. we continue our big, gigantic journey across belarus. let's go. look, you have a rearview mirror, like the one in my apartment. you can paint your lips. and before, when they baked bread, there wasn’t much flour. metro university passengers point to the same escalator, someone even starts humming the song of nikita mikhalkov’s hero from the film “i’m walking around moscow.” i don't like it when they call me a comedian because
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i haven’t done much comedy. the brilliant georgy danelia was a magician on the set, but how did he manage to direct his own life? daneli came home and said to sokolova: lyuba, i’m leaving, i fell in love, loeb started crying, i think, what’s it like to live unloved, this is what it’s like to live unloved, isn’t it? that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical, he lived two lives, and lyuba sokolova got it all, the fact that gundareva played, we get a prize, i’m happy that he’s watching, and he looks very interested, always carries slander, for example, she said that he married the first person he met, for which the director blamed himself after the tragedy that happened in his family, after clinical death he weighed 42 kilograms and i realized that i had to save him, our exclusive family secrets of the great. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere. tomorrow on the first. lately
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we have been hearing the phrase “global majority” more and more often. who is included in it, what countries does it consist of and most importantly, who controls these states. we met in the palace of the syrian president, a man who challenged the collective west. headed a state organization for the development of the internet, devoting time to social networks, i do not forget about real contacts with people, online public opinion does not reflect
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the opinion of the majority, these are only fragmentary fragments, possibly a fabricated company. new project of the first channel, the global majority, bashar assad on sunday on the first. svetlana petrovna ilagina, military lawyer, wow, how beautiful you have become, and by the way, in love with yourself there was, well, just a little, stay with me, svidarenko, we’ll work together, entice, and how do you like it between two husbands, well, they don’t look like murderers, they’re civilians, a jealous husband , an abandoned wife, that’s all the pies, a common thing, you you're afraid, but i don't feel comfortable. you should figure out, svetlana petrovna, which of you is the commander here, otherwise i’ll get in trouble, you may never wait for him, well, look around, there’s a war going on, people are dying, and if you
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’re lucky and you’re alive, you have to live, it’s stupid to hide from life, according to the laws of war, a story continued with monday first, grigory ivanovich, maybe we’ll make a joint card, i ’ll send it to vanya. thank you, now i’m organizing a fashion show on channel one, i’m alexander rogov with you, over the last month she ordered black leather shorts, boldly, boldly, a red tracksuit, what a disgrace, i don’t like the way my daughter dresses, especially lately, how she ’s gotten better, my mom’s a tough one, my mom really wants me to be a decent girl, this is what i call a spectacular appearance, meet me, well, good, attractive girl, all this can be cheered up, look, we can change the color, it seems to me, this
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is something like that... to perform in such an image, you need something completely new, you are very beautiful, we will prove it to you today, exhale, inhale, the image of your daughter, and i did not expect such a result at all, this is a different person, lena, you are super, fashionable verdict, new season from april 22 on the first. big game live. yesterday, the entire world community was shocked by the news that uncle, the most powerful man on planet earth, as he likes to call himself, joe biden, was eaten by cannibals in new guinea, but
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today karine jeanpierre calmed down.
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and also bad news for the united states comes, of course, from where you think, from the railroads, because they are in an increasingly deplorable state, and somehow the number of railroad accidents is increasing, they are becoming more and more spectacular and large-scale . for example, ford platt, nebraska, excellent service, about 35 union pacific cars left
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rails coal that these are sleepers, these are sleepers, yeah, wood is still in use in use, well, i think when they build a railway on the moon, as they are going to do, they will just adjust these wooden sleepers there. folkestone, georgia, three crew members, he says, are specialized after the collision of two thunderstorm trains following the derailment of the trains, and they were still traveling on different
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tracks, but somehow they managed... well, in these conditions, a bill is being introduced on assistance to ukraine, israel, taiwan, etc. further and so on, with ukraine in the amount of
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61 billion. that, in principle , support for the railways could be enough for the roads, but there are more important priorities for the administration, but at the same time - here is the package itself... presented in such an unusual form, and the balance of power is actually also very, very curious, so let us analyze the prospects for adoption and what will ukraine really get? well, firstly, i need to say about the bill itself, the interesting thing is that the bill was authored by completely different people, so to speak congressmen appeared in the congress database back in january of this year, then... there were debates, conversations, it changed, additional numbers were added to it, some numbers increased, now it has been entered under a new authorship, and accordingly, with very close text, this is firstly, secondly,
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of course, this is a law, so that we understand its procedural nature, this is the inclusion in those previously adopted bills of laws that the current administration allows before... until the budget is approved, after budget approval to continue spending a certain amount of money for certain targeted needs, in this case military, and almost the entire horizon of this bill is calculated finally for the twenty-fourth and partly for the twenty-fifth year, for which this funding is actually designed, which means that of the total amount of this funding, the targeting of ukraine is most clearly stated, this is the formation of a fund... economic assistance to ukraine - this is 7.8 billion dollars, which, as stated in the law, goes directly to assistance within the budget to replenish ukrainian budget items, and
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approximately 13.5, about 14 billion dollars is direct military assistance that will be provided to ukraine. everything else is mainly purchases for the military themselves. units of the united states of america, this is the content, this is the equipment, this is the ammunition that will be purchased for the navy, for aviation, for the ground forces, and which, as it is written, will replenish the supplies that the united states once supplied to ukraine, that is, in fact , johnson, who commented, was absolutely right this law, which is actually 60, or even more percent. remains in the united states itself, only there, according to my honors, is somewhere around 35-37%, well, roughly 40, but really it’s ukraine itself. the second feature of this bill, although it is not directly stated, yes, but through indirect
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wording, we are, of course, talking about the courts, about lending, because it is assumed that until november 15, 2024, the president, so to speak, can... america, then then they can be delivered, if not a trial, then you can wait, just the same write-off of these funds, that’s it, but what ’s also interesting is that in fact, within, if my memory serves me right, 2-3 months, the responsible persons in the biden administration
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should submit to congress a strategy, so to speak, of the vision of ukraine, the vision of the united states for ukraine, what we do there, what result we get, how much it costs us, how it returns to us, that is. this is a kind of bureaucratization of this process, which in general suggests that they are starting to really count and are preparing for the fact that at some point at this stage, the inconsistency between results and costs can really lead to additional debates, so the bill is what it is, i do not rule out that it will be voted on, since in any case it includes a lot of compromises, but it still has to be sorted out , and i also, as i said, this is ambiguous. this is the entire amount for ukraine, yes, indeed, ukraine cannot count on the entire amount, to put it mildly, but it looks like the bill will actually be voted on, and i would draw attention to the fact that the opposition in the republican ranks are not very large, which
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means that trump ultimately supported johnson’s scheme, it’s no coincidence that they spent the weekend together, so this scheme was probably agreed upon, the hope is that trump will stop it there. their exact purpose is already known, including to the constituencies of the relevant congressmen, senators, and, of course, the lobbyists who pushed this bill from the military-industrial complex, so there are a huge number of interests behind this, primarily in the the united states, so most likely you will have to vote... besides, there is now an amazing campaign going on there on the topic,
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if we don’t give money to ukraine, then it is doomed, this is literally pouring out of every iron in the united states now, it sounds at all levels , and this sounded quite active at the meeting of the g7 foreign ministers, which just ended on the island of capri, well, where else should they gather, naturally, this is what antony blinken said following the results of this meeting. the leaders of the g7 countries reaffirmed their unshakable support for ukraine, which is facing russian aggression. putin thinks he can wait out ukraine and break those who support it. our message is that he won't succeed. together, we can help ukraine in the long term so that it can stand on its own two feet militarily, economically and democratically. currently, more than thirty countries are involved in negotiations with ukraine on security guarantees. and you can already see how ukraine is building. your army of the future to resist aggression and
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defeat her if necessary. the most important thing for us is that aid to ukraine passes the vote and things move forward. i am confident that this will immediately help ukraine and give it all the necessary capabilities to defend itself against russian aggression. is this help too late? no, if you make a decision today, but if this does not happen and the process takes even longer, then there is a real risk that it will be too late. here's what the cia director said. taking into account that our military assistance will give impetus both practically and psychologically, the ukrainians are quite capable of holding out for the entire year and debunking putin's mistaken belief that time is on his side, but without additional help the picture is extremely bleak, there is a real risk that ukraine could lose the war by the end of 2024, or at least this will give putin the opportunity to dictate his terms for...
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financiers, state department officials, they really managed to outplay the republicans, who posed quite reasonable questions: what do you want to achieve there, what are your goals final, how are you going to get to them, are you going to end up in a nuclear war, and so on, were able to outplay the deep state and the democrats removed all these reasonable questions from the table, but i still want to draw attention to the fact that in addition to technology, oh which has already been said. there is also a certain political component, which johnson, although carefully
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, outlined, he also answered the question why you suddenly decided to give money, you were against it, he said, well, they give me briefings, papers from the cia, from all sorts of other services , they they say that this is necessary, he actually shifted the responsibility, besides this , there really is this point that the administration must provide a strategy, that is, well, even if not before the allocation of money, but after. dividing money should still answer the question: what are you trying to achieve there? this means that the republicans left a clue, after some time, if zelensky does, it means that this round of escalation will not be able to somehow be used, that’s what burns hopes, this head of the cia, again for this question cling to it and shift all responsibility onto the democrats, they say, we gave you money again on parole. and again you couldn’t achieve anything, so this is still
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a round. burns says correctly: give us a little more, maybe the zelensky regime will be able to somehow dig itself out, this element of last hope, it is already very clearly present in all this, but this element of last hope has given hope, we see leadership ukraine, which also cheered up, and even the person whom the ukrainian ambassador to... they need our support, they need a clear signal that it will be long-term. now we are trying to ensure a sufficient amount of weapons, artillery and ammunition. air defense systems are of greatest importance. germany conducted a comprehensive assessment and supplied both small and large systems to ukraine. when talking about large systems, i mean patriotic. we have already transferred two systems, and are now busy transferring
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the third. we heard that seven more systems are needed, one of them is ours. we hope that six more will be found in nato countries. i took the moment to state this during the course. ukraine and its energy system, which is attacked from time to time by our military space forces, but nevertheless, here we see, we are discussing the issue related to the allocation of funds, with this rhetoric from scholz, who recently went to china, but nevertheless less continues this rhetoric, they continue
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to prepare along the way this serious conference, which should be held in switzerland regarding the development of a certain form. peace, which will be revealed to russia and now there is this pressure, and the systems themselves, they were knocked out by our videoconferencing systems, they are knocked out and will continue to be knocked out. well, as for a serious conference on ukraine without the participation of russia, i would not say, it can hardly be called serious, but the problem, of course, is a big one for europe, europe already gives a lot, demands a lot from europe, now trump has said that europe. should sharply increase aid to ukraine, but at the same time it gives to europe, they milk it like a kazoo to sidorov, and ursula vonderlein, even she talks about it, let’s listen, every year 300 billion euros of european savings are flowing abroad, mainly to the united states, and
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this is money that is not enough to develop our companies in the european union, and the reason for this is the fragmentation of ours.
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behind the aggravation, the united nations is considering the issue of palestinian membership, israel is hitting iran, iran, in fact, about everything after the advertisement. “i love our country very much, i am very glad that i am a russian, i am proud of this and am loyal to my country, i recognize and confess that i love my homeland, i love mother russia, because i am russian in spirit, because russia is my
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land, and we will preserve you, russian speech, the great russian word, very, very much! i love you russia, you are the only one with us, magnificent , the best in the world, only here, my homeland , my world, my family and my friends, to all citizens of our dear homeland of unity, a peaceful sky of unity, today we will introduce you to a person whose work is becoming more and more interesting every day, this is the circus and theater director valentin gnevshev. school to become a clown, but my teacher forbade me to be a clown. brilliant people who found something poetic and fantastic in the circus. it’s the fleetingness that i want to capture, the circus that i want to create, it doesn’t exist. we continue our series
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of half-hour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry sovisky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved woman, and after 2 days i realized that i was not there, and that i needed to start from scratch and myself. i knew that my homeland is my language, this is the language... in which i write, it was so truly poor moscow bohemia, who lived on bad wine and good poetry, my 49 and 2 minutes of jazz are not just a program for me, an important program for me, i know that you are sitting at a table in a st. petersburg cafe, where they play programs from 49, ciao baby, matodor today is the first one, it’s a wonderful filming, i hope it will be funny. boris yuryevich had some kind of streak, he could choose from the crowd a lot of
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now famous people thanks to lasha, well , he was just such a kinop, but for me, it’s not me, it’s herself, i don’t have acting education, turning became the first step in cinema, tell me, who am i, i passed it, by the way, without auditioning, he just showed me, sanya, your emotions are needed here, that’s all. don’t be afraid, we ate on purpose so as not to bite, not to eat small children, it’s a tremendous pleasure and happiness to do what you madly love, what the audience loves, probably there’s nothing better and there’s nothing better, on the occasion of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of boris goraczewski, tomorrow on the first, simple boy, benito muusalini, would never achieved what he achieved if it were not for the ardent support of the educated and thinking. of people. his colleague was the prominent italian philosopher giovanni gentile. he published
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the first programmatic fascist text, a manifesto of fascist intellectuals. thanks to talented creative people, italians of all stripes decided that they were special, and therefore they had special rights to manage other people's lives. premiere. ordinary fascism 2 on monday on the first. the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place today. i was in the studio, they saw me dozens of people. why are you lumping everything together ? we will get used to living separately, but we will still separate. and then come up with something. so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses, known to you, that after death
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they want to be together. i officially declare that i, yuri nikolaevich nichaev, want to live in the next world together with my wife, elena mikhailovna nichaeva. well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, i’ll tell lenka right now that i’m leaving. after all, she won’t be the first to cry and calm down. where's the champagne? i'll substitute. him with his hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, but i think that he loves only his wife and does not want to part with her, hello, lyon, not a serious conversation, are they sure that they truly love each other, what are you ready for, for everything, life after life, the premiere of a serial film, soon on the first one.
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the big game is on the first one: yesterday a very historical moment could have taken place in the united nations, namely the admission of palestine to the membership of the organization, but this did not happen, it did not happen for one reason. one raised hand of the representative of the united states of america, great britain, switzerland abstained, even france was for palestinian membership, this is one hand against all humanity, but i must say that the disappointment of the palestinian representative simply knew no bounds, let's listen to him. in truth, all our palestinian people, wherever they are, want to live. and
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clings to life, like all other peoples on earth, a people thirsting for freedom, a worthy life and wanting to live in peace, either you give them justice or take away her, we will not disappear, we love life and want to live freely and proudly in our own home, we will not disappear, you must treat us with justice and give us our rights when speaking... saudi arabia, on behalf of i think , the entire arab world expressed extreme regret that this happened, predictably, nevertheless, karina aleksandrovna, the significance of all this for
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the situation in the middle east, you know, she kind of throws up. this negativity, which was naturally expressed by the representative of palestine, it’s as if there are harsh jumps of escalation, i think we will touch on today, but this strange topic, strikes against poezfan and tabriz, and there are these, but by and large i look at the leadership of israel and i understand that... with these steps , among other things, it is pushing itself trapped in a dead end, that’s what even iranian politicians are already starting to talk about, that israeli politicians have made the people hostage and can no longer guarantee their safety, because foreign policy has created such conditions, in military terms, which is why it seems to me that, in
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general, it is too early for israel to rejoice. to baghdad, that is, this is absolutely correct, the rocket was launched into baghdad, the rocket did not reach baghdad, here is the statement of the official representative of the iranian space organization, hassein delarian, following the results of the israeli strike. several small drones were successfully shot down by the country's air defense systems, the range of these small drones was extremely short, and they
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were released within the country. that is iran. political messages, iran is making it very clear that it is moving towards a policy of full containment of israel, for israel there are red lines, this blow that israel dealt is absolutely illegal, and what does it mean that it is such a weak blow, yes, but they still hit, it means that israel accepted that there are red lines, but
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for now as if snapping back, not ready for... i was waiting for their comment: where did the drones fly from, you see, it was said, it was inside the country, yes, there are terrorist groups there, there are agents even of massad and various terrorist groups, but this is still there is no reason to attack israeli territory, they seem to be demonstrating all the time, that we are serious people and are not playing with you here as a toy, because war is a very
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serious matter, by the way, there was also a blow to syria. and at the same time they warned that they were keeping all israel’s nuclear facilities at gunpoint, and the west also imposed sanctions against it. iran for the attack on israel, well, let 's listen to what reuters writes about these sanctions: the united states announced the introduction of new sanctions against iran. britain said it was acting in coordination with washington. the us treasury department reported that american measures are aimed against 16 individuals and two legal entities ensuring the production of iranian uavs. britain imposed sanctions on seven individuals and six entities, including the general staff of the armed forces and the military.
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which, of course, is difficult for me as an economist to evaluate, but i see the market, and so to speak, oil has risen a little, now it has adjusted again, that is, the markets are not expecting a major conflict, ashekel has fallen, yes, yes, the situation is certainly interesting, but this is what you think this means, this is an escalation or non-aggravation in israel for the conflict on ukraine, well, in any case, for us, if the situation escalates, i wouldn’t want to, why, because there... civilians are also dying , and for us the death of any person is a value, that is, it is both a tragedy, and naturally, that is, that if a fire is lit, then, accordingly
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, some military forces will be drawn towards it, and the export of the same weapons from the united states, england and other european countries will be delayed, in order to protect israel, that this is nothing at all for iran. sideways, let's say, confrontation with it won’t play with israel, so i ’m looking at the military component a little, by and large they can’t even carry out a serious air strike on iran from their territory today, well, the week is ending, but it was a very nervous week, when humanity was expecting a possible big war in the middle east, it did not take place when everyone was still expecting it, since the voting week had not ended.
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they just don’t leave us in these conditions, because our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated , and victory will be ours. we pass the word news, all the best, goodbye, see you next week. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. at enemy airfields, transport routes for armored vehicles and weapons depots, our army delivered a new powerful blow to the military rear of ukraine and a weekly report from the men.


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