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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  April 19, 2024 6:00pm-6:41pm MSK

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as the conflict escalates in our country, what does this mean for us? for us this means the need, firstly, not to relax, secondly, to pull ourselves together, thirdly, to take into account that they are pushing us to, in general, speed up the resolution of the ukrainian issue, because well , we simply have no other choice in these conditions they leave because our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. we pass the word. news, all the best, goodbye, see you next week. hello, there is evening news on channel one, andrey is with you ukharev. along enemy airfields, armored vehicle supply routes and weapons depots. our army dealt a new powerful blow to the military rear of ukraine. and a weekly summary of
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turnover. a new round of escalation in the middle east, israel struck the iranian province where nuclear facilities are located, but it will not admit it, what tehran’s response might be. they remember everything, although they were children then, witnesses of those terrible events, today is the day of remembrance of the genocide of the soviet people by the nazis during the great patriotic war, the history of those who survived. season ticks throughout the country, 400 people have already turned to doctors for help, how to protect themselves from carriers of encephalitis, and what to do if you have already been bitten? the wind in moscow tears off roofs, burns out trees, city parks are closed, in st. petersburg a snowstorm in avtodor asks you to refrain from traveling on the m11 highway. more than 240 films from 56 countries, the moscow international film festival opens in the capital, we’ll tell you which ones. films
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are up for the top prize this year. the russian army dealt a massive blow to the ukrainian military last night to the rear. explosions occurred in the odessa and dnepropetrovsk regions. our goal is storage and repair sites for armored vehicles. for this , factory workshops are often used, as well as logistics centers and apu supply routes, including railways. as the ministry of defense reported today, in just a week our army carried out 34 group attacks. strike in response to the kiev regime’s attempt to attack russian energy. valentina solovyova with details. a cruise missile flies towards a military target, the dnepropetrovsk region, and now the ukrainian city of dnepr. another one. ukrainian authorities confirmed a hit on critical infrastructure in the city itself and in the dnepropetrovsk region , railway communications were disabled. these photos show the aftermath. strike on the locomotive depot,
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now it will be loud, very loud, in addition, there are reports of strikes in the area of ​​​​the machine-building plant, where heavy equipment of the ukrainian armed forces was being repaired, and drones were being assembled, and this is already morning footage from krivoy rog, details of the strikes for the week, the ministry of defense reported in a summary, in response to attempts by the kiev regime to cause damage energy facilities. and russian industry , 34 group strikes were inflicted by high-precision long-range air and sea-based weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles, as a result of which energy industry facilities, enterprises of the military-industrial complex and railway infrastructure of ukraine, air defense systems, arsenals and fuel storage facilities for military technology. and more footage of the destruction of targets - this is the dnepr airfield, where ukrainian fighters are based.
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fire. in a number of areas over the past week , russian troops have occupied more advantageous positions, the ministry of defense reports. footage from chasovo yar, where fighting is currently taking place. our aviation is pushing the ukrainian armed forces out of their fortifications. positions of the armed forces of ukraine here, according to zelensky, who visited kiev, publishing this video from the bunker, where the ukrainian president wishes health to the survivors. ukrainian users of social networks regarded these shots as zelensky’s farewell to the city, noting a sign that has been verified by more than one.
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during active operations , the settlement of pervomaiskaya donetsk was liberated people's republic and continued to advance into the depths of the enemy's defense. and this is footage from the kherson direction. three ukrainian soldiers surrendered to our troops; they reportedly contacted the russian side in advance, after which they left their unit by boat and crossed the dnieper, realizing that
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this was the only sure way to save lives. in just a week, 27 ukrainian servicemen surrendered, the ministry of defense reports. in these frames , one of them says he decided to fold.
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region, where the head of the ministry of defense inspected a defense industry enterprise where tanks and heavy flamethrower systems are assembled. by the way, the production of sanitary products has increased by 2 and a half times. details from alexander lyakin. one of the fastest tanks in the world, the t-80, is assembled in these workshops. omsk transmash not only increased production, but also modernized the tank taking into account the reality of combat operations. the most noticeable detail is the so-called brazier, which protects the tower from drones and anti-tank missiles. now these are not just sheets of steel, which at first were welded at home, but factory-made. there are also other design changes. when we were here, we looked at the protection of the sights. sight protection, it is there, yes. the hum of the workshops drowns out the voice of sergei shaigu; due to the arrival
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of the minister of defense, the conveyor was not stopped for a minute. the production plan has been increased. we found all this, we did all this, now we need to increase it. increase the pace, about this. says not for the first time and not only at this enterprise, checks on the implementation of state defense orders are now carried out regularly, the minister is interested in all the details, including the schedule and wages of workers on the assembly line, in depending on the shift, well, 70-80. the increase in state defense orders came from semezhnikov, a new , more powerful engine for the modernized t-80 tank is being put out from kaluga from the kadvi plant, only there they make gas turbine engines for heavy equipment, it is more powerful and lighter than diesel, makes less noise and does not leave behind... behind the weight of black smoke, while the order from omsk is the first for him in many years, thanks to you for setting the task last time, the leader is kadvi, kaluzhsky, that is, kadvi started working, he has done nothing for 30 years did. the minister of defense ordered the modernization of those tanks that are currently in the combat zone, and this is no
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less important a task than the supply of new ones. the omsk plant is fulfilling the program, i can even say, exceeding the program, now we need to significantly increase additional ones. kits that we need to install on those vehicles that are in battle, that is, what we have today is a complete kit , and here we need additional supplies of equipment to the crew repair shops that we have on the battlefield. by the way, engineers and technicians for these repair teams are trained here in omsk. sergei shaigu suggested immediately including in the program those solutions that have proven themselves in battle. nated to install. equip the dynamic protection, okay, the dynamic protection is a relic, the t90m tank, everything is completely different with us, that’s right, but not completely different, and the guys there must understand that we put a barbecue here, we make additional body kits, but 280 ,
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you have to learn this, here in omsk they also produce heavy flamethrower systems for sanitary latches, their production has increased by 2 s pose, these vehicles... based on a tank chassis also received new protection for accumulative drone projectiles. alexander lyakin, ruslan bashko, channel one. russia always chooses the path of dialogue, however in the case. there will be no pause in hostilities for new negotiations on ukraine, since kiev cannot be trusted. our foreign minister sergei lavrov stated this in an interview with sputnik radio stations moscow and komsomolskaya pravda. the conversation turned to other hot topics in world politics, speculation around iran's nuclear program and events in the near future. east. pavel pcholkin, first things first. russia, according to sergei lavrov, has always advocated a peaceful solution to the conflict with ukraine, but in 2022, when they were already in istanbul.
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will take into account the balance of interests in the field of security and ensure the indivisibility
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of security, this is a completely different approach. the west has long been repeating, like a mantra, that it intends to inflict a strategic defeat on russia on the battlefield, at almost any cost. if this does not happen, the same former british prime minister johnson predicts existential problems for the west. journalists asked what the head of russian diplomacy thinks about this? this reflects not so much a belligerent attitude as agony. they are no longer hiding it, so you quoted johnson, who said that if we allow russia to win, then this will be the end of our hegemony, but this is simply a confession to the international court in violation of the main principle of the un charter on the sovereign equality of a state. of course, the conversation turned to the situation in the middle east, israel and the west, with every escalation of the palestinian-israeli conflict, begin to inflate the topic of iranian nuclear weapons, that’s how he comments. this is the head of russian diplomacy, the desire and goal, it seems to me, is to switch the world community from what
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is happening in the gas sector, where there is a humanitarian catastrophe, to iran as a threat, and they want to attribute to iran, including an attack using nuclear weapons, which he doesn’t, magathe confirms this. the head of the russian foreign ministry emphasized that iran is the most verified country among the parties to the agreement. proliferation of nuclear weapons, according to him , iran even has a fatwa on such weapons, that is, a ban by the supreme leader. pavel pcholkin, andrey mikhailov, sergey prokofiev, channel one. now let’s take a closer look at what the whole world is currently discussing. israel attacked iran overnight. there is footage, but no official statements. it is known that the explosions occurred in the province of izfahan, where iranian nuclear facilities are located. they were not injured. tehran reported damage caused by drones shot down. if not, the american press claims that israel wanted to show with this attack the ability to strike far deep into
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iranian territory, writes about this in particularly the washington post. tel aviv will not take responsibility for strategic reasons, the israeli media are already talking about this. however, according to bloomberg, israel informed the states and its partners in the region about the impending attack in advance. now the main question is: will tehran respond? the day before they warned that in the event of attacks on nuclear facilities, iranian forces would be launched. participants of the russian security council, it took place via videoconference, here is footage from... dear colleagues, good afternoon, we have a few questions today, let's talk about state reserves, talk about measures to improve the provision of assistance to the population in the fight against the drug threat, several
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speakers, let's start with the first question: dmitriyovich medvedev's word, please. the beneficiaries of the circle of good foundation will be able to receive the necessary medications even faster. the government has significantly reduced the period for providing drugs. it will now be possible to start treatment on the sixth day from the date of application; before this, the medicine reached the patient only after more than three weeks. let me remind you that the project “circle of good” appeared in the twenty-first year on the initiative of the president. the foundation provides expensive medical care to children with arphan diseases, thanks to it support.” more than 24,000 children have already received it. and we continue with the topic of healthcare. by 1930, every tenth case of medical care in russia will use the latest technologies. this was stated by deputy prime minister tatyana gollikova at an extended meeting of the board of the ministry of health. it took place at the russia exhibition at vdnkh. we discussed and what has already been done. yulia anishchenko
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listened attentively. the planet is that we supply colossal energy. radioimbolization is when flood seeds are delivered directly into the tumor through a miniature puncture; they destroy diseased cells without practically damaging healthy ones. advanced technology is effectively used for liver cancer. the drug itself is a completely russian development. the fight against sleep diseases, as well as other severe pathologies, including cardiovascular diseases, remains the main priority within the framework of the national healthcare project, noted mikhail mishustin at the expanded board of the ministry of health. thanks to the efforts of the entire medical community.
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diabetes should be provided with everything necessary, as for hepatitis c, the work has been launched, now, as you know, the ministry of health, together with the regions, is completing the formation of a register of patients, it is very important that at least 100,000 citizens receive treatment annually, prevention plays a key role in preventing severe consequences. deponsorization must take place this year almost 102 million people. activities will be continued and directed. to create a system of motivating citizens to a healthy lifestyle, including healthy eating, reducing alcohol consumption, and protecting citizens’ health from tobacco smoke. the modernization of the secondary medical level is actively continuing, all new and renovated clinics, as well as medical and obstetric centers are equipped with modern digital equipment, and doctors will not be left without attention. by order of the president of russia, from march 1 this year
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, the amount of social payments for health workers who work in small towns, regional centers and villages. and from april 1, doctors and nurses. throughout the country they will begin to receive increased salaries, 100% receipt of special social payments to medical workers, and of course, it is impossible to ignore work on a salary of at least 50% without taking into account compensation payments. today, neural networks and pathology images are increasingly coming to the aid of doctors; artificial intelligence will determine accurately and quickly. thanks to artificial intelligence, our doctors. it has become much easier to do your job, describe images faster and with better quality, new technologies are needed to ensure the economic and biological security of the country, this is an important point in creating modern vaccines. we have created a rotovirus vaccine that would protect against all current strains of this pathogen that circulates in the russian
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federation. the vaccine was created using a fundamentally new technology, and the quality of treatment should be the same as in a megapoly. he says that his father, coming to him in guests, went to one of the well-known private clinics, paid there for a fee, and after that he told him, you know, in voronezh our free clinic works better and better. and routing assistance was provided in full, these are unique words. thank you, dear friends, you are taking the right steps. the result of treatment also depends on subsequent successful rehabilitation, according to health data.
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she was pumped out of the children to the last drop, but she was only three, then it seemed that there was nothing worse than barracks rats, from them every at night mothers hid their exhausted children, like cats so large and white? well, that is , probably because they ate human flesh, since they gnawed, here they are at night, if, when a person is lying, if the weak can no longer resist, they gnawed the heels, it was the foot, it was the foot that they gnawed, and these nasal cartilages, her family will survive, but thousands of those who were stolen during the occupation of the leningrad region will not return back, camps for military... prisoners and civilians here around gachina were literally everywhere, in each there were two sections, the workers selected those who were then taken to europe, the rest were brutally killed, so in the fall
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of '41, here nearby, the nazis burned a barracks, there were 200 prisoners in it, they burned them because they were sick and could not work, in total 80 thousand people died in the gachen camps from starvation, torture and executions, good ones literally compacted with bodies, places of mass executions. in the park of the gaichensky museum of the reserve, they have been searching for three years ; new remains are found, wrapped in barbed wire, with broken ribs, broken skulls. this is the first time i ’ve seen men cry, these are grown men, in my squad, we’ve been doing all the searching for a long time, but we’ve never seen such atrocities before. according to various estimates , up to 16 million people died among the soviet population, a quarter of them died in nazi labor camps. they took women, children, old people. we made two columns on the left and right, in the middle the german military units are retreating, and we are covering them from our
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air raids, from the partisans, with a human shield along with his mother, older brother and sister walked along that road of death to the camps of first belarus, then poland, he himself was only six, nikolai makhutov, an academician of wounds, an expert in the field of security of complex objects, but they became his life’s work.
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in the photo, the prisoners are already in clean new clothes, after their release the americans gave them to them, they then persuaded them not to return to the soviet union, promised a better life to another country, my mother was illiterate, she only wrote with a cross and signed her name, but for her , her own birch tree, for her her own native home, grave to give birth.
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i didn’t forbid being a clown, there are a lot of brilliant people who found some kind of poetic, fantastic reality in the circus, this is the fleetingness that i want to grab, the circus that i want to make, it doesn’t exist. we continue our series of half-hour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry savitsky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved woman. and after 2 and a half days i realized that she was gone, and that i needed to start from scratch myself, i knew that my homeland is my language, this is the language in which i write, it was such a really poor moscow bohemia, who lived on bad wine on good poetry, my 49 and a half minutes of jazz are not just a program for me, an important program for me, i i know that you are sitting at a table in a st. petersburg cafe, where they are playing programs from 49, ciao baby. matador is
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on first today. and i’m walking, walking around moscow. until now, at the mitrouniversitet station , passengers point to that same escalator, someone even starts humming the song of hero nikita mikhalkov from the film “i walk on moscow." i don’t like when they call me a comedian, because i haven’t done much comedy. the brilliant georgy danelia was a magician on the set, but how did he manage to direct his own life? danelia came home and said: “sokolova, lyuba, i’m leaving, i fell in love, lyuba cried, i think, what is it like to live unloved, this is what it is like to live unloved, is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical, he lived for two lives, and lyuba sokolova got it all , what gundareva played, we get the prize, i'm happy that he's watching, and he looks, is very interested, always carries slander, for example, she said that he married the first person he met, for which the director
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blamed himself after the tragedy, after clinical death he weighed 42 kg and i realized that i had to save him. our exclusive family secrets of the great director. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere, tomorrow on the first. oh, and i grew up eating ural dumplings. and i'm at home. hello. hello. and when you swim as a team in the pool, don’t you go blind? kvn. major league, new season, tomorrow after the program time. sergey, it will be uncomfortable for me to live at your expense. well, if you want, you can go to work yourself. i feel like a happy person when
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my friends are with me. loved ones and when everything is fine with them, and we spend common evenings playing board games, when i am next to my sister, the main happiness is my family, and we say hello to everyone to our grandparents and sisters, brothers, many thanks to my parents for the fact that they raised me, made me a real person, what makes me happy is the health of my loved ones, not only loved ones, everyone around me, and this is very... you are watching the evening news on the first and we are now continuing to the situation with floods, the water level in the tabol river near kurgan has risen
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. and 15 cm, this is a record figure. rescuers and volunteers are strengthening the barrier dam at the airport around the clock so that the air harbor can uninterruptedly receive emergency ministry aircraft. just in the morning. on behalf of the head of the department , another il-76 with motor pumps on board flew into the region. the situation in the region, according to alexander kurenkov, remains tense, flooded more than 5,000 residential and country houses, but there are enough resources. all work is carried out taking into account forecasts. in the tyumen region , nine settlements are cut off by high water. electricity supply is limited in some areas. the ishim river has already risen to 7.5 m. and this is what experts fear is probably not the limit. tick ​​season has begun in russia. about 4.00 people have already gone to the hospital after being bitten. but there is a risk of facing very serious consequences. encephalitis, barleosis. it is believed that the carriers of these diseases live in siberia, the urals,
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and the far east, but you can encounter them in the central part of the country. therefore, experts say, it is important to get vaccinated on time and not forget about safety rules. tatyana kozlova collected the history of those who showed carelessness and later regretted it. the other day a tick bit me, i pulled it out unsuccessfully, the head remained in my body, a couple of days later this kind of bug appeared, residents of many regions share similar stories, doctors urge everyone to get vaccinated, kristina vasilenko came alone from the first, my child and i are also walking in the park, we need to secure everything, please squeeze your finger, hide your finger, simple finger movements for anastasia sheryaeva are a real achievement, the result of long-term rehabilitation. 11 years ago, the girl was bitten by a tick, they did not react immediately, nastya was hospitalized with a high fever, in the hospital she was given an injection of immenoglabulin, but it was too late. i came to the hospital, i was sick. she spent a month and a half in a coma and
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woke up paralyzed. the doctors' forecasts were disappointing, but neither nastya nor her mother they weren’t going to give up, through the tears of pain, the girl learned to live again. doctors warn that ticks carry a wide range of diseases. the most dangerous are encephalitis and barilliosis. even if a tick was found on clothing before it had time to bite, it still needs to be submitted for examination. the disease can be transmitted not only through the tick, but also if we remove the tick from the body, there are microtraumas on the body, there may be no manifestations for the first day. the geography of endemic territories is quite large, including almost all federal districts, but the highest incidence is observed in the regions of... and siberia, the far east and north-west, several territories in the central federal district and from the southern federal district - these are the republic of crimea and the city of sevastopol. you can meet ticks not only in the forest in garden plots, but in
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city parks. they lurk unusually in tall grass and bushes. when going outdoors, you need to follow a number of rules that relate to appearance. first, clothing should be as closed as possible. long hand. trousers, them you need to tuck it into your socks, like this, and as for color, you need to choose light colors, ticks are also dangerous for pets. i caught a tick on a bush in the forest, we were on a hike, the tick was here above his right eye. in recent years , the man says, there have been especially many ticks. they also bite, perhaps even more often than badi, that is , there are always a lot of ticks in april and may, but last year was the last time. it was a may hike, we were bitten by ticks in the middle of may, well , a lot, that is, you’re going straight from here for now you pull it out, it’s already digging in here, you pull it out from here, it’s already digging in here, the main rule is that after a walk you need to carefully look at yourself and the animal, ticks, they really like thin
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skin, they are localized in the ears, behind the ears, they really like these places, so when we come in from the street, we look through them in this way. so that we don’t have anyone, the surest way to avoid possible consequences is still vaccination and proper clothing, then outdoor recreation will not end with a trip to the doctor. tatiana kozlova, yulia khodorova, lilya zorina, artyom tikhonov and konstantin anisimov, channel one. moscow today is in the grip of a strong wind, we can see what is happening on the street now thanks to our cameras installed at vdnkh. there may be gusts of wind. 25 m/s. these are storm values, forecasters warn. it will get seriously cold this coming night, but the daytime temperature tomorrow will be quite comfortable, about 13°, but sunday will be +17. in the meantime, all parks in the capital are closed, including
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the zoo. the weather is potentially dangerous. several trees were knocked down in the city; the wind tore down roofs from houses, overturned the fence, even a brick wall could not withstand its pressure. here's the footage. as for precipitation, there will be rain. in some places in the region at night, wet snow is even possible, but not as heavy as it was today in st. petersburg. this is the kind of footage that eyewitnesses share, not snowdrifts, of course, but quite a winter picture, there was also a snowstorm. in the pskov, novgorod, yaroslavl and tver regions. by the way, avtodor asked motorists to refrain if possible from traveling on the m11 highway this coming weekend, especially during the summer rubber. it's best to watch a movie in this weather. the films are high-quality, competitive, brought from all over the world. our city, in the coming days, will also be the capital of cinema. today the already legendary moscow international film festival opens. presented this year. more than 240 paintings from 56 countries. the ceremony will begin in a few
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minutes, and while the guests are being greeted on the red carpet, my colleague olga pautova is also working there. the craving for good cinema turned out to be stronger than the squally wind and rain. despite the fact that today there is almost no sun because of the clouds it turned out that the guests of the film festival themselves illuminated the red carpet with their appearance. and despite the revealing outfits, it seems that no one is cold; apparently, the thought of the upcoming movie marathon warms them up. unlike the weather forecast, the forecast for the festival week is the most optimistic: participants from more than 50 countries came to the miff, including europe, latin america, and asia, so viewers will be treated to an eight-day film journey around the world. in today's situation, such a number of films and such a number of countries is in itself, well, great for the festival. the festival is going through such turbulence, both
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after covid, and after all the circumstances that have happened in the world, the fact that it does not lose its interest in itself is very good, the quality of the moscow festival today differs from all other big festivals in that that they all became colonial, but we did not. in the main competition, 10 films will compete for victory, completely different in genre, aesthetics and directorial style, many of them explore a common theme: the dark sides of man. iranian film breath of cold tells the story a man who is trying to forgive his father for killing his mother, but his thoughts about the place are becoming stronger. but the hero of the german film, martin , is reading the koran, has already decided to commit a crime, but will the professor of islamic vision succeed in holding him back with only the holy scriptures in his hands? are you kidding? turkish painting. between the dog and the wolf he will tell you what
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a crime and unfulfilled punishment can lead to. another trend of the current festival is paintings telling about the difficult past of different countries, for example, the king of the forest - an attempt make sense of the war in yugoslavia, ashli ​​mazel - the story of a german journalist who comes face to face with a concentration camp guard. oh, tacondol, and the film from romania 21 rubin was directed by a priest director. his house is made of garbage, he constantly draws crop circles, but they stop laughing at him when lyosha finally answers the one he has been calling for so long. get out of here, the opening ceremony is about to begin. open skies, the story of teenagers who travel to
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the american frontier to find their father's killer, only to end up on the wrong path for them. dear to adulthood. in just a few minutes the name of the first laureate will be known. the organizers will present a special prize named after stanislavsky i believe for conquering the heights of acting. and this figurine and the gold and silver saint georges, which will be awarded to the winners, were traditionally made by the mercury jewelry house. an international jury will decide who will receive these awards. it will be headed by icelandic director friedrich thor fridriksson. from our country, the films will be judged by screenwriter and director igor voloshin and actress elena lyadova. there will be a lot of interesting things in other festival programs. the recipe for success section will inspire and motivate. the films in this selection for adults about children will help the new generation understand a little more. a separate program is the brix country festival. hello. we came to a piano competition, the international shapin competition. you have an invitation in your hands.


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