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tv   Pole chudes  1TV  April 19, 2024 7:45pm-9:00pm MSK

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doctors and scientists have long been sounding the alarm about the dangerous fashion for anabolic steroids among young people, because those who use them are increasingly dying from heart attacks before they even reach thirty. the most common and characteristic problems are the heart, yeah, but the fact is that the heart that is growing does not develop organically, when there is an imbalance precisely under the influence of these hormones, but... it becomes fragile and cannot cope with its cardiac function load, that is, it changes, it is no longer a normal heart, if you want to lose one's potency, yes, if you want to get genicomstia, which can persist after this man, not to mention the fact that there is proven data, then because anabolic builds increase the cancer of the development of prostate adenomas and liver cancer, that is, you need to weigh everything .
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it has been proven that bodybuilders who suddenly suddenly stopped injecting drugs for muscle growth, like drug addicts, often suffer from withdrawal, as well as constant insomnia, apathy and attacks of uncontrolled aggression. comes in the girl entered the hall, and accordingly, without closing the door behind her, she brought the child, that is , a big guy is sitting, so, that is , hypertrophied, so to speak, and asks the girl to close the door behind her, to which she replies, you are on duty here, you will close , well, sort of - the guy, without thinking twice, took the dumbbells and threw it at her, why do people return to the point of no return when they remove the drugs, and the metabolism has already been accelerated, according to the drugs, they simply cannot calm him down, well, with approved sports drugs or no additives either everything is so simple, the fact is that most drinks, tablets, capsules of fitness powders are dietary supplements that are not subject to mandatory certification, which means no one will ever know what the manufacturer actually slipped into your favorite... the main thing
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was recorded, and here we are dealing, well, these are psychostimulants, amphetamines, fortunately this is a fairly rare phenomenon, but they are in their pure form with addiction, and often a person falls into it, without suspecting it, by using a harmless baht. secondly, fitness enthusiasts often take sports supplements, as they please, arbitrarily, without consulting a doctor, while greatly exceeding the dosage, they mix things that absolutely cannot be mixed, and some not particularly smart fitness girls who want to dry out completely refuse regular food and switch exclusively to powdered protein shakes and bars . i recently asked russian food sellers to give me statistics on... also the main
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consumer of protein supplements, and oddly enough, these are not athletes, but a losing weight housewife. therefore, the main consumer the squirrel, of course, is a losing weight housewife, and not a bodybuilder, not a powerlifter , and so on. as for the danger for athletes, here fat burners are in the lead and products for stimulating the central nervous system are in the lead, there may be pre-trinics and there may be a drug, another thing is vitamins, everyone needs them, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, d3, omega-3, if a person is actively involved in sports, he, as a rule, has an increased metabolism, and therefore vital minerals are spent more, now many people don’t have time to wake up, they’re done, i’m lethargic, there’s no strength, but he’s still okay, he’s just gotten out of bed, this is what’s responsible, that is , the general iron component, because when iron is at its lowest, more often in general, the body feels very sluggish, and therefore there is no energy.
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experts advise buying vitamin complexes in pharmacies to ensure safety. if you are not a professional weightlifter-bodybuilder, you don’t spend days and days in the gym and at the same time fully, if you eat a varied diet, you don’t need all these expensive bright jars at all, because the same creatine or collagen is found in meat and fish; you can prepare an excellent protein-carbohydrate cocktail for an intense workout yourself from grain cottage cheese, bananas, oatmeal and milk. you can also add nuts there if you want. well, how's your health? yes, and here, too, this is exactly appropriate, very useful and pleasant, pleasant. it's also delicious. 1,200 calories come out of this cocktail, this is the main ingredient, cottage cheese, banana, oatmeal and milk. no matter what anyone promises, you can’t build a mountain of muscle in a week or even a month; even anabolic steroids, for which you can easily end up in jail, won’t help you.
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a qualified mentor, but from a coach who, without knowing anything about your health, at the very first lesson decides to train you to become an astronaut and at the same time persuades you to buy a whole list of sports supplements, run away from harm’s way. to be honest, i didn’t really focus on that in relation to fitness trainers. are also provided articles in the criminal code, and to get a real sentence for anabolic steroids or steroids, it’s easier than steam turnips, while losing weight housewives clutch their hearts, literally digest what they saw, i suggest others update their settings and return to traditions, to the roots: borscht, chicken soup, cutlets , this is for the holidays, before
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sports, oatmeal or pure pasta, carbohydrates, in a word, it has proven to work for itself. man and the law was on air, alexey pimanov, see you next saturday in the same studio, as usual. the guys went out for a walk, oh, you have to choose girls, they smile at each one, they don’t plan to get married, but
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what kind of village is this, and something is up, there are a lot of people and they are walking happily, oh, visna pragazhnitsa, pragazhnitsa drove me crazy, cool prokaznitsatita, these nights spring.
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shachki sha leaves, heads of currants , come on, dear bagulya, patka, we are little, and oh, viasna the maid drove me crazy, arc, wicked pragalnitsa. it is necessary to hail, these nights are spring,
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come to me knile, take the handyman. good evening, hello dear ladies and gentlemen, friday, the capital show field of miracles is on air, according to the good old tradition, to the applause of the audience, i invite the first three players to the studio, the first three to the studio! so, behind the drum is a field of miracles of the first three oksana viktorovna mironenko, the city of belgorod, artyom valerievich movaev, the republic of mordovia and lyubov vladimirovna greshaeva, the city of st. petersburg. artyom vladimirovich, let's begin.
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on april 19, you can plant vegetable plants in the greenhouse, if anyone is interested, keep in mind, we’ll talk about vegetables today, here’s the task for the first tour, like... this is my family, husband, children, and he also
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came with me, and where is your husband? now, you are the husband, but how can you prove that he is the husband? probably with air kisses, husband, what, why, well, get up already, stand up, this is your wife, well , go, go, what, hug, i need a bouquet, there is no bouquet. what is there, what is not, and there is no bouquet, as if empty-handed to the wife, what, thank you, here is a man, here, yes there was, here, leonid arkadivich, a creative team also came with me, a folk dance ensemble with a group, you then who do you work for yourself? i am working teacher-speech therapist in kindergarten, father, you are a teacher, yes, for little ones, yes, for
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preschoolers, i love children very much, they reciprocate me, holy, holy, holy, call me, the team is happy-mila, under the leadership of amelina maria nikolaevna prepared a musical gift for you.
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bravo! bravo, 450 points, letter p, open it, why not? leonidavich, a young belgorod artist, nastya lisich, gave you this painting, can i invite gifts to the studio, listen, my friend, we have a custom, for god’s sake, how delicious it is.
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please tell me, i have never heard the word topiary, what else is this, what do you do? tapiaria are trees that are created from available materials, these can be flowers, coins, paper. yes, this is my hobby, you do this, 850 points on the drum, letter, letter forward, artyom valerievich, well, who are you, what are you telling me, laonita arkadievich, allow me to introduce myself in my national language, shumbrat,
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vechkiviksyal, shumbrat mordovia, hello, dear friends. leonida arkadyevich, i'm working in four districts, at five jobs, in the republic of mordovia, nizhny novgorod region. my dear family, mom, my village of varmozeika, my closest, most faithful friends, a huge hello to everyone, lyambersky district, my colleagues, bolsheignatovsky and chalkovsky, and bolsheboldinsky district, hello everyone, what are you doing with such a figure? who are you? i am an artist, a soloist, you are an artist, a soloist, yes, i perform songs, then what are you doing here? well, i just want to invite my friends and perform a song for you, go ahead!
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we are artists, we have a fruitful schedule, we vortakov stopped by for an hour, and ottyasheva and chamdinka greeted us, we dedicate the song to you for the viewer, we’ll remind you about the cats, we won’t forget, but damn berevno for everyone in its own way, berezniki, krasnoslovodsk, dubyonki, to tengushev, and elnikov. let's come, blooming mordovia, you are the most beloved, for us, for everyone, you are the best, and you are irreplaceable, mordovia, blooming, you are the most beloved, for us, for everyone, you are the best, and you are
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irreplaceable. i and you are irreplaceable to prison with the breeze and let it go about love about the homeland repertoire large ignatova temnikov and ramadanov's chalks kachkurova itsa we are arty, we have a fruitful schedule, we are in the capital, our sarat with a rich soul, we will sing mordovian songs. imu soonka, shumrat, mordovia, shumrat, mordovia, blooming, you are the most beloved, for us, for everyone, you are the best, and you are irreplaceable, mordovia, blooming,
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you are the most beloved, for us, for everyone you are. the best, and you are irreplaceable, and you are irreplaceable, and you are irreplaceable, bravo, how many times have i noticed, as soon as a person starts singing, his eyes are different, you don’t need to talk, you need to sing all the time, you brought pleasure. absolute 350 points, letter, letter t, i knew that someday it would come, you see that i’m breathing unevenly towards you, but what is such a beautiful woman doing in st. petersburg? i work, i am a doctor, a pediatric surgeon, a traumatologist, an orthopedist, i treat children, and i am also a mother of many children, three
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children, i have three, for my beloved husband, roman. and to my children, alyonushka, vladislav, daria, a huge hello, i love you, kisses, mommies, daddies, also a huge, huge hello, i love you, wonderful, you’re great and smart, 500 points, letter, letter c, yes, i want i want to say hello to the entire city of belgorod, i want to say hello to all my family and friends who remember me, i want to say hello to my colleagues. work, to my students, as well as to their parents, of course, a big hello, 850 points, letter, letter, you sang, spin the drum, i’m afraid, it can be seen in this figure, he ’s afraid, arkadyevich, because of this i’m worried,
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because well, you need gifts for the studio, you ’re worried, you don’t want to give, no, there ’s a wonderful mordovian drink, call already, call, why am i standing there, gifts, oh, this wonderful bottle was handed over. yes, what are you saying, and what are they doing with it, they make it there, you work, you work, well, well, then, well , the arkhipov family gave this bottle, why, so that we try it, here, well, leonida arkadevich, this one the basket has been transferred from the bolsheboldinsky district faster.
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the letter m m, but the word is wonderful, i really like this word, when i saw the assignment, my heart just felt warm, a very good word, a wonderful word, you wanted to say something, tell me, leonid arkadyevich, i i came not alone with a support group, with relatives, with my husband’s sister, elena, her husband anatoly, and we prepared gifts for you, gifts for the studio, yes! well, yes, well, yes , of course, of course, excellent, 550 points, well
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, come on, so the letter e, this, in my opinion, just a minute, i’m afraid, i’m afraid, i’m afraid, i’m afraid of a coup, whatever you want it to be or so it wasn’t there, of course, so that it was, then you say it yourself, open it. the letter e, open the letter e for her, it’s a wonderful word, i assure you, no one in the hall has ever heard this word, never even. 400, apparently, 50 points, letter, letter k. open up! this is where a wonderful, funny story begins. listen, what do you have children do? an adult daughter, she studies at the bauman institute. and two kids. goes to kindergarten, wow, baumanka is difficult, in what department, and she studies composite materials, wow, difficult history, thousands of points on the drum, letter,
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letter n, n, n, all you have to do now is name the word, so the letter n yes, no, i was thinking, can i take off this cap, plus on drum, you can open any letter in this word, which one? third, hello, i was thinking the first, so what are we going to do about it? spin the drum, spin it, you open the word, everyone smile, 750 points, letter and would like, that’s who will solve the problem now, go ahead, did you do a good job? that, i’m trying, i smiled, i came up with a letter: the plus sector on the reel, which letter to open, the first one, open the first letter,
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i’m telling you a wonderful word, wonderful, where it came from, i don’t know, the word is wonderful, 500 points on the reel, letter ts, what? t i don’t know what i said, but how did you insert t here? you somehow tensed up, i was probably mistaken, you just did your best to insert the letter c here, doctor, let’s do something, let’s save the situation, leonit arkadyevich, can i also say hello to my relatives,
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750 points, letter the whole word, where is the non-pub, and before us is the first finalist, the capital show field of miracles, from our program, from the first channel, gifts from the first three players to the studio! i am happy that i got here, many thanks to my opponents for lost, great, i won, the capital of the show field of miracles is on air again, the second three, elena leonidovna bondarenko, the city of kirov, nikolai gennadievich khalyavin, sverdlovsk region, the city of bogdanovich, elena olegovna andreeva,
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gorny altaisk. winner of the interactive quiz. come on, nikolai gennadievich, start. dear ladies, please accept a small present. thank you. here is the task for the second round. how? in the middle of the last century in siberia they called cabbage with thick, curling leaves. do you understand, right? 350 points, any letter. any letter o. yes, can i have a word? wait, the man turns pale, just a minute, tell me, it’s a big city, small, compact, it’s located, and what are you doing there, who are you? i work as an ambulance driver, oh by the way, i say hi to all my colleagues from the ambulance station, married, yes, married, well, two children, is everything
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okay? yes, my daughter is with me, she wants to tell you a poem, there she is with my support group, what is your name, my friend? my name is maria nikolaevna, it’s very nice, please tell me, very i would like to know what you came to us with? because people are waiting for some miracle, everyone wants to stand up and applaud you, stand in admiration, what will you do? leonid arkadyevich, i want to tell you my poem, which my mother specially prepared for me to tell on the field ches, i lived and did not dream that i would come to you here, but one day i found out that my dream had come true, together with my beloved daddy we packed our suitcase.
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and rushed not to the sea, spin the drum towards you, it’s cool, it’s cool, to visit we’ll take you home with a sea of ​​bright impressions now, and don’t be discouraged, guests are visiting us, you come, i promise you a treat and a pleasant conversation, i guarantee you joy, a surge of emotions and enthusiasm! the appearance of such a child in my life was a complete surprise, our tandem is such a small but strong family, we will formulate a request with you, we have a good room, and maybe even better.
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rom kastro product of stellar group, veta vodka, product of stellar group, old barrel cognac, product of stellar group, burbon stirsman, product of stellar group, mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group, and i’m walking, walking. in
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moscow, passengers still point to that same escalator at the mitrouniversitet station, someone even starts humming the song of hero nikita mikhalkov from the film “i walk in moscow.” i don’t like when they call me a comedian, because... i haven’t done much comedy, the brilliant georgy danelia was a magician on the set, but how did he manage to direct his own life? danelia came home and said to sokolova: lyuba, i’m leaving, i fell in love, lyuba started crying, i think, what’s it like to live? unloved, that’s what it would be like to live unloved, is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical? he lived for two lives, and he got it all, love sokolova, the fact that gundareva played, we get a prize, i’m happy. he looks, and he looks, is very interested, always carries slander, for example, she said that he got married at the first meeting, for which the director blamed himself after the tragedy that happened in his family, after clinical death he weighed 42 kg, and i realized
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that i have to save him, our exclusive , family secrets of the great director, exclusive with dmitry borisov, the premiere, tomorrow on the first, a wonderful film is being filmed, i hope that it will be... boris yuryevich had some kind of streak, he could choose a lot of now famous people from the crowd, thanks to lasha, he was like a real kinop, he was, for me, it’s not me, it’s her, i don’t have an acting education, the turn became the first step in cinema, tell me, well, who i am, i passed it, by the way, without auditioning, he just showed me, sanya, your emotions are needed here, that’s all, uh... don’t be afraid, we ate specially so as not to bite, not to eat small children, enormous pleasure and happiness to do what you madly love, what the audience loves, probably there is nothing better and there is nothing better, on the seventy-fifth anniversary of
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the birth of boris grachevsky, tomorrow on the first, the weather in sao paulo changes as it wants, today it’s raining and humid, and literally tomorrow it will be unbearably hot and dry, we can have all four seasons in one day. sao paulo is the most tattooed city in the world. and it is true that a person, if starts getting tattoos, he can’t stop and wants more, more, more. yes, 100%. you can get hooked on this. does the state help you? very rarely. once they gave me a blanket so that it wouldn’t be cold to sleep outside. where do you sleep when it rains? yes , where and always, under the bridge. i, i'm speechless. what is this? this is our main delicacy. "ants with cassava puree, lord, lord, the lives of others, the premiere, on sunday at the first, there was also a mentok chief, no, not
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a rumor, unexpected mover, surprise, button accordion i got it so well, three chords, new season, on sunday on the first, she is great, and your mother is great, wonderful, one more time, leonida arkaevich,
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i want to thank my best friends, sister and mother, who accompanied me here, came with me, and as if in support of me, thank you very much. 550 points, but the letter i, why are you standing there, you knew that the letter i is not here, elena olegovna, altaisk city, there were, there were, however, it was a very long time ago, how are you, great, who are you by profession, what are you studying, i’m a family psychologist, oh, you’re crazy, my god, how we need you, you were born there in the altai mountains, i was actually born on teletskoye, lake teletskoye, i understand, it’s magical, the most important thing is, i want to tell my daddy that i brought this
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magnificent thing, what he does on the cedar the bumps on ours are from mikhalych, he said, please pass them on from mikhalych, mikhalych, to you from arkadvich. the plus sector on the reel, you can open any letter in this word, which one is the first, open the first letter. how do you imagine cabbage with these leaves, with these, what does it look like? imagine, imagine, it’s so round and leaves like that, 500 points, it’s easy to imagine, if the letter is o, o, you wanted to say something, i interrupted you, excuse me, for god’s sake, spin the drum, lintavich, i didn’t come today alone, i came with his men, this is my husband alexander, son bogdan. and the youngest son denis, he is the lead singer of an exemplary
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group, wait, it’s you, son, come here, look at your mother, what’s wrong, everything is fine, no, look at your mother, what ’s wrong, there aren’t enough flowers, thank you. do you have a girlfriend, no, you’re lying, yes, yes, here you go. so that no one ever sees her without flowers, get out of here, the key sector is on the drum, do you want to try it, but you can have a musical hello at the beginning, of course you can, here in general everything is possible, denis, my youngest son, he is the lead singer of the exemplary group vyadskie zvezdochki, and he today with musical greetings here on the field of miracles for you, press on! lived, was beyond
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the arctic circle, a white, white bear, slept elastic in the snow and did not like to roar, was bathed in radiance, his beloved arctic circle, but he did not meet him, his faithful friend was nowhere. no way you can’t go without friends, go to the movies and museums, don’t share with anyone at all, the whole world is around you, and if you’re sad, and the world without a friend isn’t nice, look for friends, you’ll always find a friend, painted
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white on the pole, all the houses, but if you’re born therefore, winter is not scary for you, and the bear came out of the circle and flew south, goodbye winter and blizzard, for what a kirov friend, you can’t go to the cinema and museum without friends, not share it with anyone at all, after all. the world is around, and if you have loaded, and the world without a friend is not nice, look for friends, there will always be a friend, kirovsky friend, kirov friend. you can’t go without friends, you can’t walk around the museum with anyone,
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you don’t share it with anyone, the whole world is around you, and if you ’re busy and the world without a friend isn’t nice, look for friends , you’ll always find a friend, thank you, lenit arkadyevich, we came to you from the city kirov, from the regional center, this year the city of kirov turns 650 years old, please allow you, as a person who warmly welcomes us here in moscow, to give gifts from our glorious city of kirov with a very rich history, as gifts to the studio, dear! visit this studio, dears.
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our russians, we invite you all to celebrate with us the anniversary of the city of kirov. june 12 - our city day coincides with russia day, we celebrate it with all the townspeople. on june 29, 30 we join the night of cities, we have the night of the city of kirov. well, the culmination of all events is september 22, when we will hold the most solemn events for all guests, for all tourists. we are waiting for you, and of course, for the anniversary of the city of kirov, you already see, we have developed our own symbols for 650 years, here is the 650 sweatshirt. new year's capital 2425, we are waiting for you on well, the city of kirov has also been announced as a colorful and noisy vyadskaya fair, and for this, to be warm, allow me
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to try on a hat just right. the symbol of the city of kirov for many centuries has been the dymkovo toy, the dymkovo toy is each individual , you won’t find more toys like this, and each one has its own, so with the keys, let ’s try, you know, you delivered to us such a pleasure, the keys to the studio, if you go, you take the key, open the door, the car is yours, and since you said this here, take one key, and you take the key, take another key, now finally open this door, no, come on, come on,
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boy, come on denis, give me another one, guys! give him the keys, hold it, hold it, now go, pasha will show you the key that opens the door, this one, well, let's try, three keys, already three, no, no, this is the door, this is the lock, come on, this is the key, these are crooked hands, yes, it’s all right, here, it’s opened, that’s it, forward, knife, task, remember? yes, i remember, about what? cabbage, which, leaves in the end they didn’t curl up, but turned in the opposite direction, it turned out, it turned out what happened, have you ever seen cabbage? i saw the plus sector on the reel, which
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letter should i open? give me the second one, open the second letter, use your imagination, head of cabbage, leaves, like that, well... what does it look like? all points are multiplied by two: letter letter b. we also wanted you a small musical gift, that is, ravil came with me and he wants to perform a song. uzіlbes menі malbatyn zholunda, turү myraka baryp, kansha kurulgan aiyl kundi alty alchangan.
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450 points on the reel, the letter a, open kachan, what does the head look like, she said everything, 850 points, and the leaf is like this. r, open, imagination has started, of course, it looks like a head, leaves spread out, 600 points on the reel, the letter c, because the fact is that we are waiting, but lininovich, we still have gifts there, the city of kirov is still famous for its dairy products, well, there in a beautiful tube. also with a dymkovo toy, very interesting, useful for health, a thousand points on the reel,
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a thousand, letter d, cool, leonid arkaevich, we they also didn’t come empty-handed, even though it’s a small town, gifts to the studio, 450 points, letter, say letter. here is the letter b, open the letter b. well, the people just froze everything. 1.0 points. open the whole word, curly. and before us is the second finalist. captain of the show field of miracles from our program, from channel one, gifts from the second three players to the studio. i’m shocked that the finals have finally come out and that we’ve
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finally reached the super game. today we will introduce you to a person whose work is becoming more and more interesting day by day, this is the director circus and theater valentin. i came to school to become a clown. a lot of brilliant people who found some kind of poetic, fantastic reality in the circus, this is the fleetingness that i want to capture, the circus that i want to make, it does not exist. we continue our series of half-hour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry sovetsky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to mine. beloved woman, and after 2 days i realized that she was gone, and that i needed to start from scratch myself, i knew that my my homeland is my language, this is the language in which i
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write, it was such a really poor moscow bohemia, who lived on bad wine on good poetry, my 49.5 minutes of jazz are not just a program for me, an important program for me, i know that you are sitting at a table in a st. petersburg cafe, where they are playing programs from 49, ciao baby! matodor today on the first gin сnop a product of the stellar group, cognac monteshoka, a product of the stellar group, rom kastro, a product of the stellar group, veeto vodka, a product of the stellar group. cognac olds barrel product of the stellar group, to reach a star,
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or rather a meteorite. a unique material, it really came from outer space. we have our own craftsmen; there are not many specialists in our country who generally know how to work with meteorites. our task was to do mass production so that everyone could touch what is actually 4.5 billion years old. finding yourself in zero-gravity conditions for the first time, your body begins to rebuild. an oil storage facility has been taken from the hydraulic pool structure and spacesuits are lowered into the water crane, there they are already met by divers, we hover in a neutral position, do not float up or sink, the effect of weightlessness is created, our satellites, they are designed to work in low-earth orbit, satellite data are used a lot in transport, we see every bag that is on beacon on the territory of the entire planet, you have a completely russian production, and all the ballistics that... we use your satellites, we collect here, you tell us, there are aliens, our everything, premiere, tomorrow
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on the first. hello everyone, my name is caroline, my father is an optimist, so he thinks that i am half white. kvn, major league, new season, tomorrow after the program time. what do you have in your hands? this is my autobiography. autobiography, read it out loud. read aloud to yourself? are you freaking out, what? the capital show field of miracles, the third three, is back on air. bibibur, murzakhanovna, mukharyamova, orenburg urban district, gorodishche village. georgy pavlovich vtoroselsky, moscow city and tatyana aleksandrovna sazonova, sevastopol city. leonid arkadyevich, i am very i respect traditions and i know that in polic there is
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a tradition, a man always gives flowers and that’s okay. thank you, thank you, here is the task for the third round. what did mothers used to call onion pie in the northern regions of russia? according to tradition , the letter a. what is according to tradition? letter a. here, it ’s just not there. no. what do we do, who are you, tell us everything? well, i live in moscow, i do internal communications, what is internal communications? if possible, i would tell you why, a traveler is walking, sees three workers laying bricks, he goes to the first comes up and asks, what are you doing? i say, i’m laying bricks, these damned
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ones are heavy, i’m tired of it already, the second one asks, what are you doing? and i'm building a wall, it will be good. a solid wall, the third one asks: what are you doing? and i say, i’m building a temple, it will be a magnificent beautiful temple that will stand for 100 years, and a believer will find support here, and even those who do not believe will be able to rest in the shadow of this temple from the sunlight, so my job is to prevent people from forgot that they were building a temple, i would said, bravo, in a good sensible parable, 450 points on the reel, letter e, open! so we continue, have you ever seen an onion pie? yes, he ate it, but he called it onion pie without any pretense. but how can we come up with some such beautiful figurative name? onion pie is cooking, although in general, there’s no point in stopping me, because i always get in at the wrong time, when it comes to some event, i always interfere, the prize sector is on the reel, so i
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have to choose whether i want continue playing or do i want to pick up a prize, either 200 points or? i want to continue playing 2.0 points, then the letter, well, the letter o, open the letter o for him, leonid arkanich, i’m from moscow, so today forgive me, i won’t give you a three-liter jar of cucumbers, they don’t grow for me, but, but, but there are , there are several things that i myself really love and appreciate, and as a rule, when we want to give a good gift, we give something that evokes emotions in us. if possible, gifts to the studio. the first is this pustela that my mother makes. she does it herself. and, probably, the recipe, the recipe, uh, would begin with words 25 years ago, plant a garden and take care of it. and the second gift is a book, a book by my grandfather, which was recently published, these are poems, by my grandmother. actually,
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not far from may 9, victory day, these are books, a book of poems. about the war, well, about what happened after, i’d like to share, 800 points on the letter reel, come on, open it, three correctly guessed letters give you the right to two boxes in the boxes in the studio, please choose, one contains money , in another hello from the field of miracles, i want hello, this, open, hello, hello, look at that one, what’s in it, well, it’s okay, but what applause, 850 points, letter, so let’s give the letter m, tatyana alesanovna, sevastopol, legendary sevastopol, the glory of russian sailors, the city of russian sailors, envy mortal, the city is amazing, i take advantage
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of the opportunity, allow me to say hello, please, i say hello to my mother, grandmother, my relatives in sevastopol, simferopol, everywhere who knows me, who loves me, a big hello to everyone, ah, sevastopol, and you. ..what are you doing there than you are you doing? now i’m raising children, i have three sons, you have three sons, yes, they came, my husband and children are in the studio, they came to support me, are they their doubles, or what? well, almost a year old, well, i understand, but who is the youngest, the youngest, show yourself, the youngest, come here, the youngest, is this mom? wow, thank you, my dear, thank you, this is my son, go,
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go, sit down, thank you, 500 points, name the letter, please open the gifts for the studio, i am fond of baking, and i baked it myself. 600 points on the reel letter k open here you are love onion pie put on the table fresh from the oven beauty 500 points on the reel and you say letter letter in open three correctly guessed letters give you the right to two. guess, we take the box, open
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the money, well, take the money, you can take it, take it, it’s yours, super, plus sector on the reel, you can open any letter in this word, which one, let’s open it, let’s, the third from the end, the third from the end. pie with onions, oh, beauty, 750 points, letter, letter i, you and i just can’t agree, but please tell me, first of all, bibinur, as it is translated into russian, if it were not for this field of miracles, i myself would not have known when i received the invitation, i think, how can i explain my name, it turns out that it is a very interesting of the two... words bibi - it means night, nur - this means ray, night ray, this is the first one, it turns out there is also one, light-faced, no, i like the night
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ray better, tell me, my friend, what are you wearing? oh, this is the village of the tatar korgala, so they said hello to you, and i say hello to them, so they dressed me like this, and for what are you wearing, what are you going to do?
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solky chsh buda.
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shawls and the main national dish chak-chak. my husband and i collected cucumbers and tomatoes ourselves. 600 points on the reel. letter n. n, open it, there is a white handkerchief, yes, this is for your wife, i wanted to give it, there is embroidery, a painting, large with a rose, i made it for you, specially, this is myself, myself, i do needlework, how are you doing at home ? is everyone healthy? everyone is healthy at home, asshole. that
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i have a daughter here, and my husband is where and my sister is nearby, thank you, thank you, 600 points, and the letter the letter and, as you want it to be, it was, of course, is it really not, yes, then i’ll go myself, i’ll go myself, come on, rimichka, you’re my golden one, that’s right, and before us is the third finalist, the capital of the field of miracles show, from our program , from the first channel, gifts from the third three players to the studio! i am the happiest today
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at this age, i arrived and reached the finals, i have to say thank you to my people who helped me, this is rustam abdurrashitovich, this is albina, this is nail, this is yamashevskaya cultural center workers, thank you, thank you for you supported me. voice live, watch after the program time, premiere, i love my country, tomorrow on the first, there is an organized spy network in the city, and we could reveal it... from now on, you take
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note of everyone he meets, in case of danger, you don’t show yourself, we are investigating a criminal offense, we urgently need the affairs of these people, grigory ivanovich, where are you going, with you, where is he here, egor, he was always there, he didn’t leave you anywhere. story with continuation from monday to the first to beat the capital of the show field of miracles into the final, please, oh, a good final, like in the middle of the last century. in the west of our
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country they called it old potatoes, they said we should collect it, give it to the cows, pigs don’t eat it, which by the way is correct, 550 points, letter a, open it, old potatoes, we need to give it to the cows, pigs don’t eat it, how strange? it would seem to be a word, but i saw it in a book. 600 points. letter k. are you a driver? yes. turn the wheel. old potatoes. give it to the cows; pigs don’t eat it. 500 points. letter, letter g. i haven’t said hello yet passed it on.
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to suggest, because, because i can’t, it doesn’t work, there’s no synonym, i can’t find a synonym, god knows, you just know that it’s an old potato, but it doesn’t work out that way. the thing is that i’m warning you in advance, i ’m not responsible for anything, it’s just the two of us here, there’s a whole commission there, terrible bores, stingy and
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monstrous, you insist, a prize for the studio. but everyone already knows, i don’t bargain with women, the main thing for me is that you remain in a good mood, choose for yourself, i have no idea what is here, the prize, and you, i forgot, you doctor, yes, yes, we can ask you to tell the truth, of course, what is your salary, decent, well, let’s say your salary is 20,000, right? well, almost, how many children do you have? three, that’s 60 at once, maybe, well, i ’ll open it now, god forbid, i’m already in my hands, you see, i see, the prize, the support says the prize, but 80, no, i, stop, i’m not,
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just in case, i suggest, because you buy them something good, a prize, of course, they say a prize. they will let you in, you must admit, i, i didn’t bargain, i did everything to make it better, you need it, i don’t know, maybe, well, for the family, yes, no, i don’t know what kind of family you have, big, friendly, here, well, the prize. car, probably, yes, yes, i did everything i could, but maybe after all, okay, we decided,
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let’s do it, the prize, for sure, a prize for the studio, thank you, and we’re all about rotten potatoes, hello to the city of bogdanovich, who knows me all, to the village of uralsky, a big hello to everyone, eh, the plus sector on the drum, which letter should you open, the first one, open the first letter, the potatoes are not the freshest, pigs don’t eat them. 600 points, letter, letter n, yeah, nikolai, go ahead, as i understand it, we will stand here until these potatoes rot, very, perhaps, and zerky, hello, ancient settlement, hello,
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tatar village of korgala, hello, krasnokholom, hello, orenburg, thanks for the support, 400 points, say any letter, it’s still not there, it doesn’t matter. no, i think no, well, yes, that’s what i’m saying, spin the drum, we’re talking about potatoes, cows eat, pigs don’t care, but no, you can’t do that, the plus sector on the drum, that’s it, the penultimate one, the penultimate one, well look look carefully at the scoreboard, see what other word you can come up with, look carefully, read it. sector plus on the drum, which one to open, the third, don’t tell me, open the fourth, read what’s written out loud, what’s my mother, not my mother, well, read
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out loud what’s written, mahera or something tahera? you have an amazing imagination, where you saw the letter p, you will spin the drum, we will, oh, i’m wondering what can be inserted here, besides what is here, 600 points, letter, letter z, and you, if it’s not difficult, with this letter z, read the word, well, excuse me, what will happen, mazekha, a word known to everyone, literally every, every day you leave the house, there’s mazekha, as if the mazeka next to you wouldn’t turn your head. tragic story, sad life, 600 points, you will also say something now, i’ll say it, well, i’m afraid, come on, malyokha,
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malyokha, this is mazekha’s sister, they have a family, malyokha and mazekha, spin the drum, look there, it’s yours dear mazekha, just now. quite a lot came so that it wouldn’t be sad, well , what, what other word could there be except, congratulations, can i open this letter myself, go open it, and before us is the winner,
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you scored 1,450 points, but it doesn’t matter, choose what you want, i don’t care anymore, well , well, let’s get an electric scooter, oh, i’ll give you a ride, you have children- that is, there are, how many, two, two, that's what i think, for the pleasure brought to us, let's do this, electric scooters , synthesizer in the studio, well, no, what's not, what yes, ah, still yes, maybe not , or maybe no, no, or yes, no, exactly, exactly, this is your right, we have a winner in front of us,
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let someone deliver this to you the pleasure he gave us today. god bless you, thank you to everyone who supported me, thank you field of miracles, play this game, win, good luck to everyone! hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. without support workers, repairs and deliveries, ukrainian losses from our attacks, assembly of tanks and self-propelled flamethrowers in omsk.


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