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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 20, 2024 12:55am-1:41am MSK

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you smell coffee because it’s a familiar aroma, switch and you can smell another one, but if you smell a lot of aromas, it won’t work, it’s best to drink water by the way, you can ask for water in stores, i think they’ll pour it for you, or go with a bottle of water, well by the way, aldehyde is not bad for cleanliness, just like an air freshener, because many air fresheners contain a lot of aldehyde, they are cheap and they are an integral part of perfume compositions. here are any beautiful, expensive components, if you mix and if you don’t add something that will invigorate them, like the bubbles in champagne, then they wo n’t sound so beautiful, by the way, there is perfumery about champagne that adds this champagne aroma, of course, this is an accord , yes, that is, there is nothing with champagne i don’t get extracts or natural materials, i really like alcoholic notes in perfumery, it’s often juniper, if gin , some kind of gin notes i really like yes. i’ll let you listen to the fragrance now, here are
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the notes of juniper, and what is the chord from the absolute? is different? an accord is a combination of several elements, several ingredients, that is , to make a rose accord you don’t need to use rose oil at all, in the mass market they naturally don’t use it, there are roseoxides, citranilols, gyraniols and so on, radinols, which can be mixed and get the aroma of a rose or geranium, often sold under the guise of bulgarian rose. the oil is ghirani oil, well , by the way, this is not mazhevelnik, but here are mazhevelnik berries, but there is a lot of stuff here, this perfume is called rashansol, there is cognac, the cognac is so chocolatey, smoky, yes, it’s nice, we were talking about alcohol, in fact there are no restrictions in perfumery, they often ask what can be mixed there, do these notes go together, do they go together, at least it will be socks. and several components, usually in
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a perfume, well, in an average perfume there are 30 - 50 components, a component is one or more, but in general you can hear a lot of notes, different noses hear differently, so you and i will listen, for example , musk galaxolite or some other musk, you will hear apple notes there, i have banana notes. someone will hear us, and as i understand it, on each person’s skin they open differently, yes desks, and in men and women they open differently in the same way, well, it ’s just different for different people, in fact, i don’t think so, which depends greatly on gender, but rather depends on the type of skin, that is, oily, dry, on a man it still reveals itself more masculine, of course, mixed with hormones, and with andrastenone, the appearance of such a child in my life was a complete surprise, dem we are so small, but
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strong family, we will formulate a request with you, we have a good room, and maybe it will be even better, we came up with the idea of ​​​​making a rack here, dad and son leave the room alone, together, hop complex, even just hanging, very good for the back, in this corner it is collected everything for cozy evenings, this is vinyl, this is... a cinema hall, we got to our home, about comfort, the premiere, tomorrow on the first, a wonderful drama is being filmed, i hope it will be funny, boris yuryevich had some kind of streak , he could choose from the crowd, a lot now famous people, thanks to lasha, well, he was just such a kinopa, he was, but for me, it’s not me, it’s her. machine gun, i don’t have
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an acting education, verovalash became the first step in cinema, tell me, well, who am i ? i passed it, by the way, without testing, he just showed me, sanya, your emotions are needed here, that’s all, don’t be afraid, we ate on purpose so as not to bite, not to eat small children, it’s a tremendous pleasure and happiness to do what you you love madly, what the audience loves, probably nothing better and this is not, on the seventy-fifth anniversary of his birth. boris grachevsky is on the first one tomorrow, and i’m walking, walking around moscow, still at the mitrouniversitet station passengers point to that same escalator, someone even starts wearing the song of the hero nikita mikhalkov from the film “i’m walking around moscow”. i don’t like when they call me a comedian, because i haven’t done much comedy. the brilliant georgy danelia was a magician on the set, but how did he manage to direct his own life? dana came home and said to sokolova: lyuba, i’m leaving, i
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i fell in love, lyuba began to cry, i think, what is it like to live unloved, this is what it is like to live unloved, is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical, he lived on two. life and lyuba sokolova got it all, the fact that gundareva played, we get a prize, i ’m happy that he’s watching, and he looks, it’s very interesting, she always carries slander, for example, she said that he got married at the first meeting, for which the director blamed himself after the tragedy that happened in his family, after clinical death he weighed 42 kg, and i realized that i have to save him, our exclusive , family secrets of the great director, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, tomorrow on the first. we return to our perfume laboratory. today we are unraveling the secret language of fragrances, perfumers kirill khaikin and polina kazakova are helping me with this. and there is some kind of seasonality in perfumery, so let’s say
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it’s appropriate to use only aromas in winter. now we have spring-summer, everyone is trying to choose some light spring scents. well, we came up with seasonality. people, just marketers, who are, yes, they are all the same are associated with something summer or winter or are associated, for example, with the smell of vanilla, why is it so popular in winter, because we want to be warm, cozy, we want such a warm hug, the smell of vanilla, for example, such warm spices of the skin, a burning fire, it warms , if we want it to be the wind in our hair, a daisy dress, then these are some bright and fresh ones. aromas of purity, citruses are explosive, and what do you recommend for spring-summer 2024, for example, i brought a perfume called colon indilibil, it's a green perfume, clean, uh, white shirt, i really like to wear it
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in the spring, spring and summer, when you want to cool down, there are herbs, well, that is, it's just so light, long-lasting enough, yes, it's not important , greenery, but it may smell to some, we really discussed it here. it can smell like a white shirt, well , that’s the scent of purity, yes, yes, yes, i can also show and recommend this perfume, it’s called narcissus grove, it’s actually a similar profile, because i wanted narcissus grove, what’s there besides narcissus, and freesia, there is pepper, there is greenery, a lot of greenery, that is, this is grass, this is purity. these are these yellow flowers, a narcissus bouquet, i tried to make it less complicated, because they are just so light and floral, well, this is for spring, that is, the first scent we heard about cognac, it is already so heavier for the winter, let's i
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’ll also let you listen to the scent, it’s called, that is, cherry and leather, cherry and leather, it’s quite aquatic, transparent, elegant, but it emphasizes this... due to the cherry, and the leather it’s not leather like a bag or a glove, it’s more like warm human skin, very pleasant, and i remember that tom ford has a cherry that i didn’t like, your cherry is just a real cherry, you’ve been outdone, tamfort, you ’ve been outdone , cool, why don’t we, by the way, make a fragrance today that will correspond to the trends of spring, summer of 2024, in general, the trends now... in perfumery, you can probably single out the main four or five directions, really perfumery makes its sound easier, if a few years ago everyone associated niche perfumery with a dark liquid in a bottle and this languid trail that you can’t be near, but now
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niche perfumery makes much more transparent and understandable fragrances from the point of view of use, comfortable, so here let's think about what is ki associated with spring? with flowers, with greenery, i thought about how singing birds smell, smell, now, singing birds, it seems to me that they are like that - with the scent of some kind of rose, by the way it doesn’t smell, it smells, i now, well, i don’t know, maybe they deceived me, i was just in yerevan and bought it on the street, the small flowers smelled incredible, they said they were snowdrops, pinkish and white, maybe they were some kind of variety.
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it smells like this earthy camphor aroma, and probably there is also the aroma of fresh buds, and there is also the aroma of buds, currants, which is by the way. such a marker for the russian consumer, it’s very familiar to us, it’s just hardwired into our dna, currants, yes, by the way, if you want to listen, i have this component, you know, it is very risky, because there are some brands whose currant aroma sounds like cat urine, and this is if they most likely use a natural component, and there is a cassies base, a wonderful french base, which is already so much more perfumey, i now yes... listen, depending on how you play it too, you can add honey to it, it will also smell like
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cat affairs, yes, that one, this is without cats, and what’s good about this base is that it can be given a character berries and green leaves, like this, listen, this pa is called, it just smells like any pink flowers, but what can we add to make it different? such a pronounced floral, and so that there is something in it such a niche appeal, yes, let’s add, maybe cedar, just texas, will convey the smell of this land, it’s probably very beautiful, mm, it can emphasize the flowers, here listen to it, it’s not very - oh, but pleasant, it’s even a little vanilla, but it’s tobacco-vanilla. smokiness, it’s like vanilla, oh, i like it, there’s also some smokiness in it pleasant, and let's add citruses to
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give life to the aroma, well, but we 're all interfering with all these, but what we have, well, let me also add a few functional ones, for example, i'll add musks, and what does functional mean, well, yes, for example, the body of a fragrance that cannot be made without musks, it will simply be a perfume, it will be inferior not... you know that some people do not hear musks, when i was training, it seemed to us that our teachers were mocking us, they said: this musks, just smell them, they give us a blotter, they they don’t smell at all, and in order for the brain to create a new neural connection, and we begin to recognize musks, we need to smell them 10-20 or 30 times, then the brain understands that we need to create a new neural connection, listen, is it sensitive? to musk, by the way, i was recently at a wine tasting, i noticed that when you smell, say, a certain type
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of wine, when you taste it, you feel completely different notes, for example, you smell and feel the aroma of pineapple, and then you you taste and feel vanilla, well, in different ways, here you also have you, by the way, do you taste it, i try it, as a researcher i try everything, no, in fact, the same components, they can be used in flavoring. the area that deals with the creation of flavors for food, that is , mango, for example, the same thing, it can be made in perfumery, and in flavorings for cottage cheese in an anotizer, this can be done with just therms, oh, i feel it’s not so bad powdery floral, but pleasant, it reminds me of mimosa, by the way, i have mimosa, and we can use it in our aroma for spring, mimosa absolute looks like this: but we’ll make it not very sweet, but something like that, basically green, listen, it smells like violet,
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yeah, well, you need a little bit of it, it seems to me, well, by the way, this is not the same mimosa, we have mimosa, why are we giving these flowers, it’s actually an acacia, it’s not a mimosa, but here it’s absolutely yellow, too, but it’s not these cats, while polina is in the way, kirill, tell me, are there any fragrances that never go out of style? in fact there are so few types new fragrances, that this is how it was laid down , some kind of archetype of aroma, such as at the end of the 19th century, this is how it is used now, for example, wine glasses, aromas, we all know them as men’s perfumes, well, the smell of a locker room, the smell of a razor , this type was founded at the end of the 19th century. chypres also originated around this period, a little later in the 20th century, this is not
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like soviet chypre, these are usually heavy scents with patchouli, with rose, and these scents are now evolving, of course, those mistakes that were once popular here in the 20th century are no longer relevant now, well, for example, there is poison dior, this is a thorn, yes, now they have evolved and, for example, here. also this modern chypre, fruity chypre, but the chypre has changed, but essentially the structure remains, do we want to add pepper to our spring scent, oh, i really love pepper, i for... it’s a pity i don’t write down the formula, what if it will be a brilliant aroma, but that’s okay, you and i still remember the ingredients that were there, we can talk about the portions forget, this is tatyana gevarkyan and i’m not crazy, together with me in the studio are young perfumers,
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kirill khaikin and polina kazakova, we analyze the fragrances note by note and learn about the main trends of this season. how to apply perfume correctly? right, well, actually, well , usually, as usual, this is the wall, this is the neck, that is , where the pulse is, well, the pulse zones, as it is believed, this is all bullshit, where we really want to go, well, where are the open areas that will smell if the wrist is also possible, they are simple - it’s a question of what else exactly wrists, they may be warm and the perfume may be less persistent, and therefore you can apply it here on... the back of the hand, yeah, and it will already be cold here, the aroma will be more persistent, and it will be more convenient to show it to your interlocutor, that is, not just like that, and toss and turn, like that, yeah, it ’s applied to the hair, yes, to the hair too, like on clothes, on the hair the aroma is more persistent, but maybe less intense, but how to choose the right aroma? i always advise,
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of course, not to buy right away, never buy right away, because if you are now very i liked it, it’s not a fact that in 2 days you will take it. you smell it and say what you like, so you need to ideally, ideally , ask the consultant for a sample, or first try it on a blotter, well, on a blotter, of course, first we always try it on a blotter, yes, if you like it, ask for a sample to wear it took a few days, if they didn’t give you a sample, we applied it very rarely, and then we went for a walk, that is, we need to apply it somewhere on the wrist or wherever, well, wherever we want, where we usually use it, where it’s convenient to put it later, because yes, if we if we put it on the neck, we won’t hear it, well , you can only give it to someone else to smell it and - for me, for example, i think that it’s not the most appropriate gift to give perfume to someone, because it’s very individual. well, if, for example, you know that a person uses the same perfume, you give him everything, yes, and so, yes, of course, it ’s a matter of taste, you need to, you just need to lead, take the person to the store and choose, while it turns out very tender, with a slight pepper on top, so, now wait, the appropriate moment, we may think,
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to add anything else, you need to wash the receptors. so far, very floral , very floral, yes, i would like something like that , some kind of brutality, if you want, yes, we will add vitiver java and we can also add cedar, yes , it is important to say that the work of a perfumer is not these 50 components, but 700 , i have 700 800 is a large organ called such a step and you should ideally know these components, guess whichever one you took , you know it. okay, if i, say, want to achieve some uniqueness of the aroma, is it enough for me to buy something like this from you? it’s quite possible to mix some bubbles at home, depending on your mood, on your skin, that is, i can use such solutions, you need to understand that these will not be perfumes anymore, since perfume is, well, a product that has certain functional properties, if you put nerali oil
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on your hand there, it’s not a fact that it will smell there after at least an hour, that is, by the way, i’m in quality. perfumery once bought aromatic oils already mixed, they had some unique aromas, different no matter what, they lasted very well, the sillage was very light, i really liked it, to the light florality we added leather notes, amber and a little tobacco, very light, but they already give character, it turned out to be a very interesting aroma, cool, yes i i think that this fragrance is ready for us from 24 years old, kirill, and i propose, by the way, since this is the case, to mix a perfume that we will call not a bastard, i propose some kind of audacity to add there, of course, absolutely, fragrance which will mix in the future and the past, well, like fashion, yes, this is a fragrance that depicts freesia,
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it’s called etilino, despite the fact that it’s a classic floral, but there’s something in it... there’s this slightly rubbery aspect, and we ’ll add a lot of it , we will have perfume, there will be perfume about purity, i do this without scales, of course, we don’t work like that, but we pour it on the eye, then let’s add bergamot here, absolutely right, bergamot, well, everyone is familiar with it, tea with bergamot, everyone drank, by the way, there is often no bergamot itself, it’s synthetic , that’s just the work of the flavorist, then, let's add this - oh, interesting, it has such a sparkle - floral tenderness, so we will have some flowers now, let's
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add some audacity, hot, burning rubber or something, we can, we can do this, because that fashion is still about a challenge, you can add ashes, that’s great, this is that you will have it forever, and this will be oak moss, since it’s fashion-cyclical, let it be reborn like a phoenix all the time, oak moss, by the way, often. was popular precisely in such old perfumes, he too salty, it’s woody, so downright interesting, and we do unisex, yes, yes, we do unisex, of course, there is also a component that is called floral animalistic, that is, now it will give us austerity to our colors, naturalistic, this is again kitties, these are not kitties here, this is more like cow pat, this is indole, it smells like lily of the valley, fermented green tea, so rough, rough. just like that and add a little paint too, so that we add feces and a painted fence, we sand it all down with aldehydes and colors, yes - without
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embellishment, i would really like to add - a note of mimosa, oh, what is it, it’s actually not only mimosa, it’s also marzepane, powderatropine and heliotropin, yes, yes, it’s a good component, it’s a little bit culinary, even that. that these perfumes smell like it, but yeah, by the way, we also have iris in the spring scent, so we have ionone beta, well, yes, pauline, you studied the art of perfumery, and are there
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any differences by region, you have in mind, if there are preferences, depending on, of course, there are preferences, but let's divide the market into two huge categories, this the european market and the arab market, and what the arabs use in their perfumery sometimes... in our latitudes it is impossible to listen, in their forty-degree heat, having applied a scent that would suffocate us here, there it sounds pure, beautiful, broad, that is, of course, everything depends on the place where it is used , or the norwegian style, but such a scandinavian style, such restrained, cold, cool aromas, in russia, probably, there are some markers that we all know, here we have an apple on the table , he is the component that reminds us of a baked apple or... have tea with this pie, apple with cinnamon, apple with cinnamon, cool, great, yes it sounds, that is, perfumes are naturally different, this is our
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next ingredient, and this is already ready, already ready, well i didn’t add a little bit of it on purpose, so that later i could trace the effect, oh nice, we’ll add the aldehyde, which we talked about at first, now we’ll trace how the sound changes, since i’m always in favor of aldehyde, but i like it separately. flavor that i i realized that my option is to buy myself these, and by the way, there are mono-perfumes that play up one single note, for example, there is a vitiver around it , just these are the perfume components that i remember were like that, but they are still the same - it doesn’t sound so noble, it’s already mixed, yes, it’s already with aldehyde, it has become more sonorous, more floral, so bright, yes, i like it now, it’s really such a scent, yeah, and it opens up directly and changing, now, yes, it’s important, yes, that’s how aromas are not created, this is a lot, many attempts, i had more than 120 of them in one fragrance, yeah,
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that’s why it’s a very long job, you can make perfume for months, years, but how do you feel about mixing different perfumes, well , this is a trend, by the way, also a trend, now the task is to sell more, these are the same marketers who want to sell you more than one bottle, three, for example. then you can layer it, but it can really work, yes, if the perfume is made quite calmly, each scent will not contradict and interrupt each other, they may well sound, but if you take some ready-made compositions, well, not intended for dressing, this is called when they mix perfumes, yeah, otherwise you kind of spoil the work of the perfumer, since one perfumer made one composition, he had one idea, and another another, well, we’ll mix two ideas and we’ll get a cocaphony, yes, yes, let ’s apply... oh, they’re really different and
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they turned out great, we made different ones, although in fact we practically have the same set of components, it turned out yes, because the release is in the spring , they wanted to make it about spring, but from the same set of components you can make completely different ones, i think that even from ten different components you can make completely two different perfumes, yeah, it’s a matter of balance, thank you very much, i wish you further creative success, create as many interesting, unusual and who are not similar. fragrances, thank you! well, friends, it’s real spring in our studio, perfumes are sorted note by note, and i have two new exclusive fragrances very close by. if you want to know more about fashion, watch our releases on the first website, tatyana gevorkyan was with you and not lymshits!
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autumn celebrates a farewell ball, but fate does not expect mercy, a leaf melts in a slow circle, sad to perform a dance near the ground, they burn without regret, even when the deadline has not expired, but they managed to serve before they fell like ashes on the sand, they fall, they fall , foxes are falling, falling , well, let there be a transparent light, of memory, memory, memory, memory of the face, those who
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are not around today, falling, falling, falling, falling leaves, well, let there be a transparent light, in memory , in memory, in memory, in memory , the faces of those who are not around today fall, leaves fall, fall, fall, well, let there be transparent light. in memory in memory, in memory, in memory of faces, those who are not around today, those who are not around today, hey, those who are not around today,
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hello everyone, dear friends, you are watching a podcast in the wrong format, as always we are in the studio with my wonderful co-hosts karina cross and valya carnival, i’m anton lavrenti, behind me is the group gip, and this is guitar, roman, drums, anton, keys natalya and bass guitar alexey, our guest today is a composer, musician. film actor, stealer of women's hearts, alexander buinov, the tracks of our second guest can replace a trip to a psychologist, for example, a girl with a multi-million audience, incomparable, amazing, adored asia, good evening, hello, asia, please tell me, this is a pseudonym, yes, in fact, what does it mean, in general, asiya from ancient arabic, in my opinion, is called a personal
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word. translates as a healing word, and in my youth, when i took this pseudonym, i was of a very romantic nature, and you know, i think whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail, in theory i always focused on the texts in in your songs, it’s probably something like this, wait, in my youth, well, yes, i don’t understand, now how many, okay, don’t ask women age 26, i’m familiar with your work, you, well, can honestly say, you don’t have to say, you have a musical education, yes, of course, you can hear it, because
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i know it practically by heart, and asi, you have prepared some kind of surprise for alexander, well, i don’t know how much of a surprise it is, in general, this is basically a song that i i sing always, everywhere, which we sing with friends with a guitar, when we have some kind of emotional gatherings, and let us sing along to this song, someone will say, all roads are similar, someone will say the song is sung by everyone. and i walk with careless steps, i go to defiance my fate, someone is hiding
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behind a stone wall, someone is tired and i am rooted to the bottom, and i... scream, everything is burning with a blue flame, i drink only one thing, well, let's eat together, let sadness come to me again, let sadness begin to begin in my heart, i will smile at all of them and sing narana again. alexander, your career began back in your school years with
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probably such a fundamental acquaintance with alexander gradsky, tell us in more detail how this happened, and you know that i have a little surprise, look, here, and now back to the story, our story is like this. specifically, in the ninth grade, i began to become interested in rock and roll, one day i accidentally found myself in a group to play, then it was fashionable, you play at school, here at moscow state university, in zone b and the faculty of economics, a group plays, but they don’t have keyboard player, there were no keys then, now then there was only a piano, a piano, so i broke the piano with these fingers, and there on the steps of the moscow state university house of culture, there’s this guy sitting in a bunny hat, he’s got this type of one ear sticking out like this, he’s got a guitar called a clergy, she lived with him for a long time, and he’s playing it, something so familiar, i sat down, he said: what is your name? i say, sasha, and he, me too, sasha, let’s
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create a group, right away, well, you recognize gradsky, yes, yes, yes, i even have a name, he says, i say what, he says, scams, here, by the way, i dressed up today, i had almost the same pants, here with oxerbants. look, oh, hussar, hussar it turns out, that’s when i had these pants, then some sofian boots with curved toes appeared, like ivan sarevich, velvet pull-ups, and velvet turns out to be velvet pull-ups, while, here, on top i put on just a bag, a bag, well, yes, cut out for the head and for the hands, so these are buffoons, we were like that, rehearsed, looked for other musicians for a long time, well, the first performance we had was the three of us with a drummer.
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village, in a clear clearing, oh, there lived lev nikolaevich tolstoy, he loved the village and the bathhouse, walked around the village, posy, and around the servant's house. oksenya, i climbed onto the sinus, i noticed a hoard, noted it, then a scandal ensued,
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well, in general, this whole story went on, asya, please tell me who influenced your music, do you have any? idols, i probably didn’t have such directly great teachers in my life, but there were those people who really gave me a lot of warmth, they may not have realized themselves, somehow brightly in the musical field, but at the same time they invested in me . faith, my vocal teacher at the institute she said, nastenka, you’re just a diamond, you just need to be cut, despite the fact that i sang crookedly sweetly, but, but this is some kind of understanding that i have some kind of peculiarity, the ability to feel is probably the most important in music it’s just having a soul , the ability to somehow open it up to people, my parents also played music, but no one, no matter how professionally , developed it in themselves, my mother played the accordion, my dad played the guitar, i was already at home you have music all the time. you have a song about
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the wonderful feeling of love, but why so influenced why every song of yours, it is permeated with this feeling of love, in fact , i had such a complex for a long time, i come from a fairly happy family, i’m lucky, somehow god leads me along the red line and into my whole life filled with great love, that’s probably why i have so much of this love, by the way, if you want a story, well, you know, i actually have a song. the last weakness, this is my first such youthful song, i wrote it on such a rush of emotions, endless, just a boy who i really liked him, he proposed to another girl, i found out about it, and was upset beyond measure, literally a month ago this boy wrote to me and said: nastya, i’m sorry, i was a fool, i offended you so much, and you’re great, smart girl, when this is now, just recently, it’s amazing, just imagine how everything is actually released straight to you, listen, well, we want you to sing the song, the last one is weak. well, not in its original version, but we decided
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to jazz it up a little, this is a song, my last weakness, my last weakness, go podbenets, and i'm on the way to success, it's even good that you didn't come, i'm not crying, it's in a network of interference, i'm covering up the feeling... you go with a danish laugh , podbenets, and i'm on the way to success, it's even good that you didn't come, i'm not i’m crying, this is an interference on the network, i cover my feelings with stupid laughter, this is love, baby, no,
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the premiere’s ass, vladimir vysotsky, i came out on stage, like vysotsky broke the chains, prove it, lyubivov as a director, was eager for freedom, there is no system for stanislavsky, this is all nonsense, there is a method of work of a great master,
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yuri lyubimov, a man of the century, suddenly leonita lich he says it’s a good theater, don’t touch it, april 23. on the first one, i wanted to say, first of all, thank you very much, you made my dream come true, you knew how many issues in a row, guys, i wanted to sit here and eat something, sharpen, impudently sharpen, i read that you were born into a very musical family and that you were literally chained to musical instruments, tell me, is this true, or is it a lie and a provocation? then you are a musician if you didn’t beat me, then you don’t have anything to do with i don’t know who even mosart is kind of a genius, his dad still forced him to study, you know, i had the same story, in our family everyone was musicians, i mean, my mother was a conservator and four brothers, two graduated from the conservatory, i was the third, i
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also had a younger brother and uh, as if my mother said that you should just get an education, my older brother, well, more... for some reason he probably did it for stibalov, because who tied a chain around my leg, we have there was a big dog like that, with a chain around the leg and the legs of the piano, where is the joke, that is, instilled a love for the instrument, the legs of the piano, so that you know, so that he would stand like this, further, where, my mother once had the only conflict that i was serious with my mother, i sat on sundays playing the piano while she ironed clothes for the week, one day she... went to the bathroom to do something there, and you squeezed the piano, i hit it kicking, i kicked it, and it was an acoustic piano, real, it was impossible to find a tuner in our city, i’m from the city of belovo, kuzbass, this is generally a small city, and my mother came out of the bathroom with some kind of towel and chased
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me around the apartment, she says, are you kidding me, this is a wonderful musical instrument, like you can do this, in the end, yes, one of those...
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well, in this spirit, bravo, you have a lot in common, you have experience, well, in the film industry, asya, by the way, wrote two amazing tracks, you have a soundtrack for the film and you have a soundtrack for the show, maybe let’s sing, it’s easy with pleasure, that’s it, that now only a light bulb shines, how much have you suffered, my little one, perhaps. there’s a cloud over your head, but for now, stand your ground, you’re just such an empty place in this world, and it’s useless to talk to anyone like that, while everyone is chatting along the freeway, you ’re dragging along the side of the road, barely able to breathe, but...


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