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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 20, 2024 2:30am-3:16am MSK

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very, as it would seem, i’m even talking about this now, i want to ask myself the question, why aren’t we doing this now, what happened? who are "we? oh, it was cool now, we we we - who is this? and we, i don’t know, i always say that, yes, yes, yes, but how many of you, there are a lot of us, as we see, well, it’s great, it just might be that some kind of role, it’s the leading one, here we are who? i don’t know, it’s difficult, you discouraged me, well, that is, as i understand it, there is a marina who is limply stuck here. in this endless stream of videos, yes, there is successful, collected, conscious marina, who woke up, and this answer, by the way, is today, well, for now, sorry for the background, but this is important, in general, while i was on my way to the train back in st. petersburg, i was talking with my dad, and i explained the situation to him, that now i’m on my way to filming, i’m very interested in it and i want to, but i need 2 days conditionally. work and i was so
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worried, this is how it is, how can i afford it, although in general everyone treats this adequately, and i explain to him, i say, and i just scolded myself for this and was so anxious, and then it was as if some other part of me took my hand, said: calm down, and i calmed down, and he told me, well, as much as you can, we’ve already talked about this 100 times, you can allow yourself to do whatever you want, well, something like that, what a cool dad you have, yes, but we really had a situation there, again connected with... with this super-dependent person, and where we really rallied, we started discussing all this, that is, they support me very much, and i tell him: you know, here i just received a metaphor and this is the answer to your question, i say: you know, i have a feeling that there is an adult marina, and there is a little marina, and little marina does this kind of nonsense all the time, sometimes adults wake up and say: well calm down, that’s enough , that is, roughly speaking, she takes her by the hand, even she doesn’t hit her on the back of the head, that’s... by the way,
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it’s interesting, that is, she doesn’t beat her there, doesn’t scold her, it’s like everything’s fine, let’s go, that’s it this, if we are talking about we, then most likely this is the answer, yes, olga, i i understand correctly that this is usually what they teach clients, yes, yes, and marina herself seems to have this technique, yes, when i’m an adult, i’m a child, and there some kind of special relationship is built to solve various problems, and it turns out that you yourself have matured before this, right? this morning, this is the first time i’ve had this, it’s great, in fact, the psyche , when preparing for a meeting with a psychologist, is already beginning to come to a certain insight, solution, and even explanation, this is dasha, our director, and this is maxim, our cameraman , and the guys met at work, let's play, dash, well, you're on this side, girl, the knife is no good, i need colored
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plates, just like our film crew, very beautiful, what we need, there is such a tradition, to celebrate a wedding by ringing bells, why you have a three-headed bride, well, it happened, she’s the second, it seems to me, we’re opening, hurray, we’re young, our premiere, we’re playing wedding, on sunday at the first. the weather in sao paulo changes as it wants: today it’s raining and humid, but literally tomorrow it will be unbearably hot and dry. we can have all four seasons in one day. sao paulo is the most tattooed city in the world. and it’s true that if a person starts getting tattoos, he can’t stop, he wants more, more, more. yes, 100%. this is possible. sit down,
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the state helps you, very rarely, once they gave me a blanket so that it wouldn’t be cold to sleep on the street, where do you sleep when it’s raining, and where is it always under the bridge, i’m speechless, what is this? this is our main delicacy, ants with cassava puree, lord, lord, the lives of others, premiere, on sunday on the first, in lately we've all.
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interesting, before i became president, i headed a state organization for using social networks, for you this is the development of the internet, devoting time to social networks, i do not forget about real contacts with people, online public opinion does not reflect the opinion of the majority, these are only fragmentary fragments , possibly a fabricated company, new project of the first channel, global majority, bashar assad. on sunday on the first. with fabulous ease, the provincial resort turned into the capital of world cinema. mr. wenders, why are you repeating yourself? and i'm not repeating myself. my god, are there no doors? in
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this film i play a negative character. i'm an avenger. i just left my license. jane's script is real literature. "we can't leave the piano, thousands of journalists came to cannes for the festival, this is not a movie anymore, please be careful, jack, damn, it hurts, i feel like i'm made of one piece of cinema, from head to toe, thank you for the fact that you have gathered here, matador next saturday on the first, this is a festival where there is..." films for everyone, this is cannes, this is a psychic podcast, all episodes of our podcast, please watch on the website of the first channel i really liked what you offered to marina, i would like , so that you and i, marin, can try to bring this to some kind of
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maximum, olga suggested that you imagine yourself at some kind of peak point, when you reached some kind of maximum or with... you have huge screens behind you with your photos, with your presentation, i'm about to faint, this is what i want, but just not a producer, yes, but you say, you know, friends, 30 years ago, about the
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same morning, i made a decision for myself that i would not look at the phone screen for more than 10 minutes an hour, that’s how my story began. success, i feel freedom, i don’t know how to explain, and with what, that’s just what comes to mind, i feel freedom, i feel some kind of moment, phew, uh-huh, hurray, i did it, i got there, that’s it, well, finally, wow, and it’s not in that sense, finally i’ve been coming to this for so long, just like that, just like that by the way, it’s as if you even helped me find the answer to the question, why do i need it? this is what we started with, where we started, why should i get rid of social networks, it ’s like i have answers right now, i like him very much, but can you describe exactly what it’s like, here you are standing on this stage, i practically saw even the color of the clothes, i really want to check that you know what fashion will be like in 30 years, or what? no, i
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can imagine, just based on the expectations that social networks broadcast in our country, uh-huh, uh-huh, what kind of scene are you there, so, well first of all, my s... is super, so yes, i have a different hair color, it’s light and kind of closer to mine, well, not exactly mine, but closer there, so well, my hair is still the same long, about the clothes, by the way, i can’t imagine the exact style and so on, it’s definitely not red, yeah, that’s for sure, what are you, i look expensive, tasteful, without any conventional pretentiousness. “i feel, i feel very confident , very free, i want, i want, well , actually, i want to enter into a dialogue with people who are there now and want to share something useful, but i can’t
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say what, but i just want to enter into dialogue with them, and for it to be useful to them, i’m proud of myself, i’m grateful to myself for. that 30 years ago, yes, i am grateful to you that 30 years ago i pulled myself together and was able to, well, how can i say that i am now. i control my life, i control my presence in the social field, on social networks, and even right next to me, now today we somehow got to the bottom of it, and now i have exactly this right next to me. food, how to correctly say food, eating disorder and social networks, they are not even parallel, they just go together like this, but because if we are talking now and i am dreaming, it turns out that i am first and foremost ... dose out social networks and as if
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for some reason in my head it emerges from this that i got rid of food, well, depending on the food there and i don’t have this because i learned to control and count calories and scold yourself for something there and that i get better just by breathing on some bread. marina, i beg you to remember that when you give this speech, don’t forget that you came. podcastlab to the psyche podcast, i promise both olga savkin and i , journalist natalya losieva, somehow managed to turn some kind of toggle switch in your life, well, we will be pleased in 30 years, very much, i would like to share a few recommendations that seemed universal to me, olga, i’m interested in your opinion, what our colleagues advise us, how we can help ourselves reduce our social media addiction? first, try to turn off notifications, well , when you know, such announcements come that
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a new message has arrived, some channel has been updated, then you need to set a time limit for yourself, strive for it, it may not be possible right away, but nevertheless , a cruel measure, marin, delete the social networking application, that is... well, something like this, i think that each person can have their own
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reward system, you just need to think about it. a few more tips, never carry a cell phone, don't take your bathtub into the restroom. psychologists advise this; they draw conclusions, apparently based on some generally studied situations. find who. you will be supported by the same partner, friend, girlfriend, sister, brother, husband, mother, who suffers from the same addiction, because together, three of us will do it easier, every week carry out such self-reflection as you managed, and in order to understand , maybe just a little bit, but i ’ve made progress, how do you like this advice, well, great advice, you need to start with this, yes, this is all that you need to integrate yours. life in order to come to that very scene that we just talked about so beautifully, well,
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your life will change tomorrow morning, well, i wanted to say, i hope, but there’s just a feeling that i’m sure that yes, oh, ah it’s possible without i have a feeling, just shorten the route, i’m sure it will change, because i now have the realization that yes, it turns out it’s not difficult, and most importantly, finally we... well i first of all probed, why do i need this, yes that’s where we actually started our dialogue with you, with what and why, is it necessary at all, i think it’s necessary, i have one question, i think it would be very appropriate, marin, how would you could answer, what will i do right today to confirm my intentions? i answered this question to myself just a few minutes ago. and i was already thinking that i ’m going home today, to the hotel, and usually when
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i go, i do this, and today i realized that i have my big bag that i arrived with, i’m going there i'll put my phone number down i’ll get in a taxi and drive like this, great plan, friends, and i wish all of us, let’s at least start with this, that today, when or tomorrow morning, when we get ready for work, or maybe in the afternoon, well, in general, next trip. we will hide the phone at the very bottom of our bags or in the most secret pocket of our jacket or jacket and try to live for a few minutes first.
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mrs. bavari with actress alexandra rivenko and oksana bondarenko, director of the moscow transport museum. it’s great luck that our guest today is the director of the transport museum moscow, because in the novel mrs. bavari plays a very important role in transport, there are several scenes with caretta, as well as with coachman and ver, who takes mrs. bavari on a date, and mrs. bavari meets at this moment. a beggar who foreshadows her tragic ending, in general, we can say that in this novel transport plays a huge role, and oksana, as an expert in french culture, is well versed in this and will tell us today the whole sociocultural background of this novel. oksana, you are a francophone, you lived in paris for 13 years, you
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you probably represent the sociocultural context of this novel better than all of us, tell us... why did it make such a big impression, why did it, so to speak, shake the moral foundations, why did flaubert stand trial for this novel? i was always surprised by this moment, why this novel so shook the moral foundations of that very beautiful france, i was always surprised by this moment, and such a system of very interesting double standards, and a peculiar french society, on the one hand, puritanical. because catholic now we will talk about another landmark work of the great philosopher jean-jacques rousseau, emile of his upbringing, yes, who actually gave the definition of woman and her place in french in the first society, on the other hand, we know that this is a country of great courtesans, in general in in our russian view, a frenchwoman is the embodiment
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of a free attitude towards love, isn’t it, and this is in our view from today, based on the position... of today, if we return to ruso and his fantastic, of course, work, like this, if his wander through, read, think, my god, wow, how good it is that we are not at the end of the 14th century or there in the beginning of the 19th century, but a woman was defined as something, jean jacrusoo defined it as some other, different, alien creature, attention, attention, deeply different in moral principles, principles of life and... for some reason i’ll go, apparently, because the french love to eat, and they still love it with pleasure, and rather than defining the difference with a man, and who the woman was supposed to be, which accordingly left an imprint on her education, she must love her husband, cook deliciously, please him, this is a kind of representation of bourgeois society, yes, this is the absolute work of a great philosopher with
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definitions, almost quotes, she must like to read. listen carefully to your husband or your man , we remember that interesting scene by gustav flabert, when, already decently - bored, being in a family relationship with charles bouvary, she decided, in everything, madame bavari, emma, ​​she decided to obey him in everything, to flow with him in everything , nod your head at everything, yes listen to him than you should, a quote visualized in the novel by gustave flaubert from that same...
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an idea of ​​how a woman should behave, how she should live, feel, and it just seems to me that her whole attention is immersed in the inner world, in a world of experiences, she is the person who wants to make a novel out of her life, cool, by the way, very, very accurate, yes, and yes, and it seems to me that just when i started working on the role, i read the novel, especially. .. the last scenes were hard for me, as i later found out, that the flauber, just as when he wrote, probably experienced even more, changed handkerchiefs and cried, yes, that is, when he finished the novel, he burst out. with a loud cry and said “madame bavari semois, it’s me, it’s me, by the way, we ’ll raise this topic later, that is, how the flaber managed
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to embody this female psychology, but it seems to me, alexander, when you were preparing and reading, it seemed to you in general, this is the emotional picture of this role, that is, the beginning and the end, this is how it comes to him, this tragic the end that comes, it is justified, it is understandable, this..." can you describe what is happening to her in general, so she married this charles bavari doctor, when i picked up the novel, i had already begun to prepare for the role, and as actors often do, and most often you speak up for your character, you begin to justify him from the very beginning, because your logic is only contained in this story, it will be strange to disagree with...
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the viewer sees, and many moments , which are told openly in the novel, in our performance they go as if hidden, hidden, and on the shadow side, because charlie does not know about the parallel life of his wife until the very end, and he doesn’t even want to know about it, so he is, and he is really the only, perhaps, character in this in this work , who simply loves her madly, the way she is, and he makes many sacrifices in this work,
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so i want to tell you that in the original language this work really sounds, very colorful and musical, but it has its own rhythm, which is very beautiful described on the sides, yes, that is, there are three sections, in each there are, or rather 13 sections, in each there are, in my opinion, 10 certain sonnets and so on, in general the symbol of a circle in the novel, firstly charles, seriously a ball, yes nabokov, he gives an absolutely wonderful lecture abroad.
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is filled with a global illusion, based on rather low-quality romantic literature, that is, having more inclinations than the society or the context of that society, the bourgeois society, in which she is brought up, grows, lives, marries and dreams than the actual possibility of the same education. quintessence
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or this last drop of cherry on the cake - in the context in which french society found itself at that moment, and not at the time of the narration in the novel, but we understand that flaubert wrote it there in the fifties, and the narration takes place in the 1950s 19th century, and the narrative in the novel, well, about ten ten years earlier, the thirties, forties, but it was precisely in... at the end of the 19th century, in the sixties of the 19th century, that this big problems, including problems associated with the transformation of family life in general, the female role in society, and so on and so forth, which was dictated by the context, the constant change of regimes in france, then this is a republic and great freedom, then this is again
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the monarchy again, as it were... a skeletal way of life, then this is again the bourgeois spirit of the era of napoleon ii, yes, we all remember these brilliant and black fireworks-like times, and the first thing that affected precisely women and changes in lifestyle was the appearance in general, the first, probably feminist movement at this moment, is precisely the need for education. a change in education, because surely the woman and the same madame bavari, having great opportunities in education, would not have fallen for the bait of this - a cunning dress merchant, yes, who absolutely screwed her and got her involved in a terrible credit history, which led to that same family tragedy subsequently her death. well, i think that in this case lera is probably not an evil genius who
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entangled a woman, but he, let’s say, just...
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in general, i think so now that, of course, flaubert’s novel is an amazing, amazingly beautiful and subtly described clash of the illusion of reality, i agree, the illusion of reality, this deep inner introverted illusory, no matter what books and literature emma was brought up on, this picture , yes, that is, when
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a picture is actually taken as a certain ideal, a standard of a beautiful life. not an internal core, but there is not an internal internal reference, this is a beautiful external one, from which i really don’t care i want to refuse, let's say a simulacrum, yes, something that has no basis in reality exactly and a collision with the reality of life, with the reality of society, these are constant throughout the novel, such finely accumulating collisions, including unsuccessful operations, this is the last such powerful surge, which leads her to why this...
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the story of the married life of a provincial couple, something like that, is being filmed wonderfully, i hope it will be funny. boris yuryevich had some kind of streak, he could choose from the crowd, there are a lot of them now famous people, thank you, well , he was just such a movie guy, but for me, it’s not me, it’s her, i don’t have an acting education, yuralash became the first step in cinema, tell me, who am i, i passed it, by the way, without testing, he just showed me, sanya, your emotions are needed here, that’s all, don’t be afraid, we ate on purpose so that... not to bite, not to eat small children, tremendous pleasure and happiness in doing what you are crazy you love, what the audience loves, there’s probably nothing better, on the occasion of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of boris grachevsky, tomorrow is the first,
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there is still snow in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running and waking up the sleepy shore, running and shining. and they say, they say in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are the young messengers of spring, she sent us ahead, what, where, when, spring series of games, on sunday on the first show, fashionable verdict on the first channel, with you i, alexander rogov. over the past month she ordered black leather shorts, bold, bold, red tracksuit, what a disgrace, i i don’t like the way my daughter dresses at all, especially lately, she
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’s put on weight, she’s a difficult mother, my mother really wants me to be a decent girl, this is what i call a spectacular appearance, meet me, so what? verdict, new season from april 22 on the first, this is a must-read podcast, yaglaikova, we are discussing the novel by gustoy flaubert, mrs. pavari with actress
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alexandra revenko and the director of the moscow transport museum, art critic oksana bondarenko. you can find all episodes of the podcast required reading on the website of the first channel here's emma, ​​first. yes, situations when neighbor rudolf seduces this madame bavari, very, it must be said, cynically, very banal, he seduces, in fact, it seems to me that this is also what the novel, its
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magic, is such vulgarity squared, that is, flaubert himself , he writes a novel, using all the cliches of all novels, their dialogues, they are just disgustingly vulgar. by the way, yes, sasha, thank you very much for now touching on this topic of vulgarity in literature, but flaber was so in this sense, i don’t know, even how to say, melancholic or hippochondriacal, because for him, as it were , the meaning of his prose, in particular in mrs. bularey, is the image of actual modern society, obviously, as vulgar and disgusting, that is, he had no other terminology. even a different message to describe the reality around him, and there is so much humor and sarcasm in this, but it’s very interesting that at some point you understand that hmm, but flaubert, he does not give any evaluative
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opinions about his heroes, that is, he doesn't speaks and does not condemn, bad, good, cunning, flatterer, mrs. bavari, vicious, absolutely not, but he somehow guides you through... which turns each of the characters, well, in particular emma, ​​into different sides and sides of this medals, medals of this woman, for example,
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okay, now emma has a moment, as it seems to me, of choice, that is, she is seduced by this rudolph, they live some kind of beautiful story, stereotyped, vulgar, but nevertheless, for emma, ​​probably for the first time , so to speak, she's some kind of adventure, yeah experienced what she wanted, now... having lived this story, this lover leaves her,
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dripping water on the farewell letter, pretending to cry, and after the story with rudolph, emma experiences a nervous breakdown, having received this farewell letter, yes 43 days and 43 nights, yes , she is actually learning to eat again, learning to walk, that is, it is like she is being born again, and having survived this crisis, there is also a big question whether she was really sick, in fact, when i was working on... yes, and we they talked about it a lot, how long she really was sick, no one knows, and where she played, it seems to me that even she herself could not understand, that is, perhaps she played some role, of course, on the other hand, she also wanted to attract the attention of charlie, in fact, throughout the entire novel that’s all they are surprised how charles didn’t see it like that, emma herself wanted him, yes, so that he would pay attention to her, this illness is also, perhaps, one of the reasons to pay attention to her. well, well, so she survived this illness, perhaps
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feigned, yes, but nevertheless she believes in it, so she survived this, she descends into a new novel, that is, she has a real family for whom she can really do something, but she chooses, let’s say, to continue to follow this path of matching her illusion with this simulacrum of a beautiful life, because we can say that this point of choice, we are no longer... i follow this novel, indeed the collision, the understanding of reality at the very
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end of the novel, which led to her death, is connected with one thing: after all, every love in the person of the beloved, although it is vicious, was personified for her, judging according to those books that she read, but a certain knight who must definitely come to her aid to save her from her hated husband, which did not happen with her first lover, or at least get her out of the debt hole, yes, then bi... money, and after all, the first, to to whom she rushes to find out about her insane debts, she rushes to her lovers, because she even asks not to tell her husband anything, and he would give money, and he would find it, he would get out of this situation, but it’s just that they coincided, that it wasn’t, yes, yes, yes, those external simulacra, yes, which we use in our modern word we call them knights for her, this is the illusion when a collision with an illusion and the breaking of this illusion against a stone... reality, no, these are not knights, and there is no such love, and there is no
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more this illusion, leads her, in fact, to this monstrous poisoning, here most likely, as if there was that very point of choice, to leave life from the pain of realizing reality, in fact, only charles loved, who in the end already knew that these lovers existed, he found them letters, yes after emma's death, but he still... dies with with a strand of hair in his hand, he was ready, in theory , to accept her as she was, that is, this is essentially the only bravest person, i can’t say here either that - i’m not sure that emma... wanted to die, it seems to me this is some kind of romantic image, she already sees herself as the heroine of a novel, now she is being poisoned, she even seems to me, she doesn’t think that she will die, that she will be hurt, she herself reads a novel to herself, as she wrote a letter to rudolf : "i am the heroine of my novel, i am a criminal in love, she, she thinks that
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she is some kind of character that she is already leading, when she feels the effect of arsenic on herself, then she understands that it is real. emma, ​​in this game of hers, well , let’s say, this illusory one, where she plays this heroine of the novel, in whom she believes, we can say that she is talented, because, for example, when she, having already met leon in rouen at the theater, having met him, let's say, with a break of several years, she decides that she is making a date with him in the cathedral, just think, a date in the cathedral, leon is waiting for her,
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she comes, and what, she goes to confess to the priest in a picture, because it ’s beautiful, after all, it’s a move, he... in general, he’s even dumbfounded, yes, when he sees that his mistress has come on a date and is going to confession, and the picture is confessing in front of him, but in its own way, you know, it’s cool, that is, she was also accused of flaber for this same scene with this work, for returning to religion between infidelities, well, how can this be, how can one describe the threshold so beautifully, why? so embellish it.
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focus, yes, on this shadow side emma, ​​then she outrages, but in reality she outrages, because everyone has this country, because it is very true from the point of view of life, there is simply truth in it, artistically truth, often you just sometimes don’t want to look in the mirror, that flaubert made this novel, he put it in front of the entire french society, catholic, puritan, he put a big, huge mirror, he said “but it’s not bad, in my opinion, of course, it caused a storm of indignation, well, of course, this is such a difficult situation, look at everything, quite straightforward, this podcast is a must-read, i’m aglana batnikova,
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we’re discussing madame bavari, the famous novel by gustov flabert with oksana bondarenko, director of the moscow transport museum and an art critic and... her husband charles bavari, who are they, is it the middle class or that they are rich, they are poor, it is difficult to understand from our point of view, because it seems that the doctor, it seems that they have servants, they... even have some kind of estate, which they have secretly sells, at the same time they ride there some kind of, well, relatively speaking, minibus, yes, they go to rouen on this carriage, where everyone is packed, well, this is our minibus, yes, or they tie up some kind of wooden shoes so that these shoes can click.


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