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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 20, 2024 5:20am-6:01am MSK

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where you are, my hair will not be clouded by the white day, where the pines are from amber tears, where the pines are from amber tears, the caring olya will wipe away, i am only where you sometimes look at the door with hope. i’m waiting, like a child here, and like a child here, you’re making a snowy woman, i’m not there, where the sky is, the night is tearing off prague, the day, where the sky understands the vault, where it understands... the sky that without you
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is astirotel, i’m only there where i am not, around you, invisible, you know, not a day without you, you know, not a day without you, i can’t live, you children, greetings, this is a podcast of the chronicle of the end of times, and today i, evgeniy dodolev, will tell you about fortsovka, because fartsovka originated exactly in the year of mine.
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this is the elite, let’s say, forging, why, because for currency they were punished, this was the eighty-eighth article of the criminal code, this article was a execution penalty, while for fartsovka, i repeat, in this, in christ-like form, that is, i bought things , sold it, they weren’t punished for it, they could have pulled a little fine, of course, under article 154, speculation, speculation, when you buy for one price, and you resell... for another, in fact,
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that was all tzimis, the black marketeer, but it was necessary, firstly, to prove that there was intent, that you initially bought these jeans in order to sell them, and did not sell them because they didn’t suit you, in size, in color, you didn’t like your girls, about currency traders, before finishing with this topic, explain why i don’t consider currency traders to be force brokers, the rokotov case is very noisy, it’s when there are several currency traders, it’s very well known ... people who bought currency from foreigners and then resold it, here there is one nuance, of course, very significant, it must be clarified that the official exchange rate of the ruble to the dollar was set by the state, and it had nothing to do with the real situation, that is, then in the fifties and sixties the dollar exchange rate fluctuated there from 65 to 90 kopecks, in at that time...
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on the black market the dollar was worth much more, that is, i don’t know how much it was worth in the fifties, sixties, seventies, but i just remember when i started working as a journalist, that is, the mid-eighties, the dollar was worth on the black market 4 rubles, then 5 rubles, by the end of the existence of the soviet union, its price on the black market had already reached 10-15 rubles. the official rate remained. still less than the ruble, so naturally, foreigners were very tempted to sell currency in order to be able to buy something for rubles, sell currency on the black market, this was done by currency traders. another thing is that why the forging is connected with currency, because the formers, or as they were called in slang, they themselves, by the way, called the irons, they started first with buying things or some kind of items.
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right down to technical items, and then they moved on to the most delicious and most dangerous thing - currency trading, because there, of course, the exhaust was much more significant. so here is the rokotov case: and several currency traders were convicted, the most seasoned one, who was rokotov, they were given 8 years, as far as i remember then, and nikita sergeevich khrushchev, when he was in west berlin on a visit, he learned from journalists and from people with with whom i communicated that there is a very large-scale black market in moscow, and that they were interested in him just about...
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he voiced it at some regular plenum, and it was replicated in the party newspapers, they were outraged that how could it be, there are people who disgrace socialism, the country, they just don’t care 15 years, they need to be shot, and he demanded that the capital punishment be applied, this trio had resistance from lawyers, because that’s not how things are done, well, let’s say you cross the street at a red light, well, you know that you you take a risk, you could be hit by a car, in extreme cases you will be fined, don’t i know what the fine is, just imagine, you are crossing the street at a red light, you were detained, they gave you a fine, the next day a law comes out that they will now shoot you for this, you will be shot, you know, if this rule was in use at
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that moment , when you decide whether to cross or not, you would think 100 times, most likely you would not go to a red light, knowing that you could be shot for it, well, definitely not, so ah...
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in honor of jaan rokototov somewhere and they almost opened monuments, it turned out ugly history, so i won’t talk about those who failed. the most famous sheet-former i knew was yuri shmilelich azenshpis, but i didn’t know him as a sheet-former, because he served precisely these charges, for a total of 17 years, as a music producer, i’ve already talked about him, but didn’t tell in the context of fartsovka, he... told the most interesting things, because i, frankly speaking, thought that the fortsovniks were these irons, they ironed along the old arbat, they ironed along the lines of gum, they ironed in tsum, in children's world, and
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in general, in those places where foreigners actually hung out, besides moscow , the force workers were also in leningrad, in all the port cities, large ones... in those places where they generally took foreign tourists, foreign tourists, as they said, so yura told me an amazing thing , because i repeat, i believed that forging workers are those who buy something from foreigners, and he told me that many worked with sailors and conductors and flight attendants, people who constantly traveled abroad and could order bring certain things from foreigners were mostly bought clothes, that is... these are jeans, because having jeans in the soviet union was cool, they weren’t for sale, not everyone had them, and if you managed to buy jeans, well , you you’re already a fashionable guy, it’s as if you could buy belts and watches there, and you could dress
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from head to toe, there were different groups of sellers, western ones... stood apart, working with them, relatively speaking, let’s say, the elite of the forging, which was also subdivided there according to one country or another, so called italians. and also the alers were the name given to the forgers who worked with the italians; these were most often southerners who looked like italians. by the way, for some reason there were no girls among the forgers at all, that is, they were probably there somewhere, but these were just a few, they sometimes helped, for example, the farters get into this or that hotel under the guise of guides or translators, that a girl portrayed a translator, farce actors portrayed foreigners, there were very... there were such interesting schemes, i won’t go into that,
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because i want to talk about forcing as a driver of the fashion industry in general, that is , as force-makers, as trendsetters, because they are the ones who are guided by their taste, what exactly to buy and what exactly to keep for themselves, and to sell, they are largely here this landscape, the fashion industry , was formed in the soviet union, by the way, many podiums... uh, very serious money, and a pattern worker earned more in a day than at his official
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place of work, say, in a month, and i don’t know anything at all about forging in the sixties and seventies in age, except, perhaps, for one progamist, gamblers are the lowest level of forming, these are youngsters, somewhere from almost preschool age, elementary school students who, uh, exchanged badges for chewing gum, chuin gam gam gum. it was impossible to buy them, they could be bought, but firstly, it was necessary to know the places, and secondly, in fact , a foreign tourist did not have time; he was brought there on an excursion there on a bass, as is the slang of the black marketeers, that is, by bus, brought let’s say at the same vdh, where they were admiring something and walking around, when a guy comes up to you, he has a whole iconostasis there, made of a variety of icons , not rare, that is, there are not some
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nomismatic values ​​there, ordinary badges, including pioneer badges, plastic, metal, which could be bought at any kiosk, they also offer banners, the banner cost 3 rubles, i remember, for 3 rubles you could buy a banner in sportswear, the banner simply went to uranium, and the banner can be was to get jeans, let's say you exchange it with us for jeans, but... jeans, well, at least cost 30 rubles. there was no official article for blackmailing, until 1987, when the end of times actually came and this story was generally ending, then the norm 164, paragraph 3, was introduced, this is a ban on foreigners, that is , the word fortsovka did not appear there for harassing foreigners, that is to do this, the foreigner had to complain that he was molested.
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a person could buy and the size really didn’t suit him, because it wasn’t even possible, let’s say, to get the same jeans and look at them, they were just in a bag, you could see the size there, and in my school era, poles sold jeans for 30 rubles, and then the price rose during my student days, when, relatively speaking, i was, well, almost a farce for 150 rub. why was i almost? and that i was a black marketeer, because i had a magyar friend klara, we were in a friendly and romantic
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relationship for 2 years, she asked me, through my friends, to sell things that her hungarian friends brought - to moscow, where she studied, but i don’t think there was this compound purchase there, i definitely didn’t have this money, i just took, well, what is it called on commission, that is, i took... all sorts of jeans , all sorts of sweaters, some sneakers, and offered them to his friends, then towards the end...
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not only pads of this kind, when a person quickly bought one of the things in a hurry, it didn’t suit him in size, and he i then sold it, at the risk of falling under the article of speculation, because if there had been before they got to the bottom of it, they would say that this thing really costs that much, there was some kind of official examination, an assessment that this thing should cost that much, but you sold it for that much. they say that there were such cases, i haven’t heard this from anyone i know, but the romanians, and not only the romanians, these are the things they practiced, they cut jeans in half, took one pant leg in a bag , sold it as whole jeans, then the second leg also sold for the same amount, the person ended up with this one a trouser leg that might fit him in
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size, but he couldn’t give this trouser leg to anyone, he had only one way. to get your money back, this is again, this is to scam someone, that is, to sell this trouser leg again, like whole jeans, accordingly, in general, crime arose in every possible way, because this is already fraud, this could already be a showdown, not only in jeans it stuck, very often they bought, say, a carton of cigarettes, took out a pack from there, sold these cigarettes in bulk, i don’t remember how much for pack,
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they also bought some things, they were also involved in sales, taxi drivers who carried foreigners, tour guides, all these people were one way or another drawn into this activity, semi-legal and sometimes illegal, in order to get a job in a hotel network tourist, there in the national or some other maids, it was necessary to give a bribe.
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at least soundly, it’s generally easy to understand, this is a podcast chronicling the end of times, and i’m evgeniy dodolev, i’m telling you about the subculture of soviet fortsovshchiki, an interesting phenomenon, because in fact, fortsovshchiki there was its own subculture in the soviet union, because there were people who were masquerading as people from the country in
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which they specialized, for example, italians. they called it allara, they dressed like italians, because they bought these things from italians, moreover, large travel companies, and they sent tourists, there was no longer actually individual tourism, everyone went in groups, so when they went in groups, they were given what something - either there are headdresses with tourist symbols agency, or bags with the symbols of this agency, such things are very recognizable. and force officers, they bought these attributes and walked around with these bags, they were accepted, by the way, by operatives, or whoever was hunting for them. there were all kinds of vigilantes there, they were mistaken for foreigners because they looked, they could speak quite fluently in the specialized language, in that, for example, those who worked in
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italian, those who worked with finns, well, basically this of course, leningrad and tallinn and in general the baltic countries, accordingly, they had a different specialization there, they looked different, dressed differently, communicated differently, they... had their own slang, their own hangouts, i don’t even know if it’s described somewhere here is this phenomenon, these are just observations of my own, which i remember from that time, because all my student years i lived in the southwest, leninsky prospekt 156 building, the last one on leninsky prospekt, next to the hotel there are fireworks on one side , on the other hand there is ruden, friendship university nations, where there are a lot of foreigners, and close...
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there were no gadgets then, i
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couldn’t film it and post the stories somewhere on a social network, but then i came and told that i was at mcdonald’s, i ate a real big mac , my comrades looked at me almost like an alien, but except for those who grew up in the west and the tradesmen... no one perceived me among my compatriots , among those compatriots with whom i communicated, no one perceived the students as people , which imitate something, to them - many were envious, well, that they were well dressed, in general, well, one could be envious, because here you buy some thing and there you gain weight or lose weight to fit into it, but with them, in general... . there was a choice, they bought jeans in their size, sneakers in their size, and you didn’t have to hold your feet like that if your sneakers were small or wear a pair of three-piece socks if your sneakers were
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larger, and we sort of went through all of this... that’s how it went, well, by the way, we need some additional protection the boosters with whom i was familiar, whom i knew, they were all quite comfortable people, not people at all with a good sense of humor, with adequate, congenial ideas about beauty for me, they listened to the same music, they liked the same things there, they just there were much more of them there than i had, on the whole it was a good company, if you don’t take it, if you don’t think at all about the nature of their craft, although to be honest, i was in my student years and this craft never seemed shameful, well, people, people work, people... if it's good, they iron and bombed, ironed - this means that they are spreading, and bombing was the actual process of purchasing goods.
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the work, by the way, uh, was, uh, risky only at the first stage, when people were really afraid to get into the field of view in some kind of base, because apparently the operatives had some kind of bases, if a person came across, he they were included in this database, like... a person engaged in a livelihood that is unworthy from the point of view of the system, although from the point of view of modern realities it is just a business, a person he chose this occupation for himself, this is how he earned money, when this fear was overcome, then actually, what can they do to you, if you do not plunge into all these currency frauds and you are not threatened with a real sentence and real pressure, then in fact you don't risk anything except a showdown with '. because the farcists had their own designated zones there, but in any case it was somehow regulated, if a person entered this territory, if you
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were not his... than his mentor, and he was his mentor, so he cleared the clearing, he turned him in, throwing him some currency, that is, he was imprisoned, he cleared the clearing, then he came out and after serving time
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he killed his comrade. or his sister killed him, i don’t remember these details now, but these stories were told as if this was such a difficult business, where there was big money, there could be big troubles, and besides, there was such a danger like registration, it was such an informal group, they are called lyubera, these are guys from the moscow region.
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specha racket, which arose in the nineties years, in the nineties, as we understand, there was no farce, as soon as these shuttles appeared, that is , people had the opportunity to travel abroad, bring and, most importantly, officially implement it completely, then the need for farce actually disappeared, although many black marketeers have already developed such close connections with foreigners who... there was the same scheme as putan, with prostitutes, that is , a frenchman he knew, he said to another frenchman who was going to moscow, here, take the phone number, take it there so and so, because that these things are best to sell, and if we are talking about foreigners from the warsaw pact countries, that is, from eastern europe, then these brought exactly the same amount as they took away, because in the soviet union it was possible to buy many of the things that ...
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were sold, let's say, in poland, the poles specialize very much in this, they bought uh, french perfume, here in french perfume, which cost much less in the soviet union than in france, uh, even in terms of official exchange rate, because these were so-called petrodollars, that is, they were barter relations, we sent oil, received not only foreign exchange earnings from the state, but also partially in goods. and these goods from france - these are perfumes, from finland - these are clothing products, and they were sold in soviet stores, of course, everything was sold out instantly, that is, either there were some crazy queues where you had to sign up, or it went out... under the floors, but in principle the poles bought very, very many here things were taken to poland, because they
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, like, well, twice... they said, they came here, sold something, made money here and brought something from the soviet union to poland, and sold it there and made money and - both here and there. you can watch all episodes of the podcast club project on the website of the first channel this is a podcast chronicling the end of times, and i, evgeniy dodleyev, tell you about the subculture of soviet black marketeers. for sale, by the way, they were often used, in addition to stores, well, retail outlets, so called, where they threw away, there was such a term: they threw away goods, they threw away these goods, there were also thrift stores, my classmate, to whom i was married in my first marriage, had two like that - girlfriends, twins, they worked in thrift stores, and one in one, the other in another, that is, they did not
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work in the same store. i often bought something from them, what was the scheme, they were very integrated into this system of blackmail, because blackmailers many of... those things that were, well, no, didn’t fly apart like hot pies, they handed them over to a thrift store, and there was a certain kind of conspiracy there, because the receptionist at the thrift store, she could, she had some kind of fork, she could value the thing at 30 rubles, or she could value the same thing estimate at 50, naturally, and they set a ceiling price, on the one hand, on the other hand , these things were so desirable for so many, they still did. received money, he gave part of this money to
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the appraiser as a fee, and it was even much funnier when these two sisters, with the help of friends boosters, they generally organized this kind of business that, let’s say, a visiting specialist. abroad, brought some thing to a consignment store, they gave him the lowest possible estimate for this thing, immediately a call rang to a familiar iron, who came to the opening of this consignment store, officially bought this thing through the cash register, and immediately took it to his sister in the second store, where she put the same thing at the maximum price, that is... in general , a very, very dusty job, that is, literally 15-20 minutes of work and there it was possible earn there, well, 100 rubles there and or even more. there were a lot of these schemes from the point of view, probably of modern people - especially
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young people, they will not understand what we can talk about here at all, because this is what is called business: you bought it as cheaply as possible, sold it as expensively as possible, you earned money, you spent time, some effort, earned money, but from the point of view of soviet legislation, this could fall under article 154 of speculation, that is, buying with the purpose of selling, with the purpose is profit, that is, a person consciously bought a thing, understanding that he would sell it and sell it more expensively and sold it more expensively. i not only bought jeans and not only sold things that clara asked me to sell. i was a music lover, it was the same story with records, that is, yes, the melodiya company released some licensed things, including publishing records by those performers who
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were, let’s say, my favorites, but this happened, i don’t know, well, there was a quarter there, once every six months, by the way, it was very funny the story when the melodiya company released... on the other hand, it went like a collection of these records, just like one of the polo macartney records specially published in the soviet union, and many people exported it to the west, because it was such a joke ,
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such a rarity, this vinyl was a good gift, all this was sold on the gum line farthest from red square, not far from the record department, there was a department where records were sold, there was such a black market, that is, they hung out there young people, with this vinyl changed, bought, sold, and often it was possible to get out of the blue, because let’s say a person arrived - with a record that he had either listened to, had already recorded on a tape recorder, or he just wanted to get rid of it, wanted some other record, ready was to change, but the one who had the desired one... he needed either money or something completely different, so the person sold the record in order to later buy another record, well, at the very moment of sale, when he received money, he already became an object in general
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potential interest of the police, because this was, in general, illegal trade from hand, again, if it was not possible, it could not be proven that this was speculation for the purpose of making profit. they couldn’t hand you over, but they could give you a headache. in general, somewhere i can say to myself that in my student years i was such a category guy. the end of times, and i, evgeniy dodalev, told
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you about the subculture of soviet black marketeers. hello, this is the badden baden podcast, and i am its host, konstantin severinov. today at our guest is a virologist, academician of the russian academy. sciences, scientific director of the mechnikov serum vaccine institute, vitaly vasilyevich zverev. vitaly vasilyevich, hello, it’s very nice to see you. hello, yes, it’s very nice here too. today we were going to talk about seasonal diseases with you, but i would like to start by talking about the world health organization, since you have been an expert and representative of russia in this organization for a long time. and lately there are many people who doubt her expediency. could you tell me what? what did you do there and what do you think about the cart in general? you know, i first came to
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the world health organization in geneva, it’s scary to think, in 1987-88, i was still representing the soviet union then, we were invited by a large number of specialists in order to develop rules for testing vaccines against hiv infection, because then it was already before by us, this is literally 3 years after opening.
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elephant pox, monkey pox, which
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was there, crocodile pox, there is a lot of it, but that smallpox, which we are talking about, smallpox , it is called, only people get sick, therefore, when the last person was cured, the population was vaccinated, everything was signed with such a declaration that it was called eradication, that is, eradication, there was complete eradication, so this is well, thank god, and of course they stopped even then... they stopped vaccinations, the museum remained, because they collected all the variants that were isolated from various regions of the world, our scientists, american scientists and all these strains of viruses, they were concentrated in two laboratories, this is in atlanta in the united states of america, in our institute, because our institute served as the lead in the liquidation of the usp in moscow, they kept it in moscow. in moscow, yes, yes, that's what everyone said.


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