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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  April 20, 2024 6:00am-9:00am MSK

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the monkeys that were there, smallpox, crocodiles, there are a lot of them, but the smallpox we are talking about is smallpox, it is called, only people get sick, therefore, when the last person was cured, the population was vaccinated, such a declaration was signed about what was called eradication, that is , eradication, there was complete eradication, so that’s good, thank god, and of course they stopped even then - they stopped vaccinations and... they remained a museum, because they collected all the variants that were isolated from different regions world, our scientists, american scientists and all these strains of viruses, they were concentrated in two laboratories, in atlanta in the united states of america, in our institute, because our institute played the role of the lead in eliminating the ledge in moscow, that’s what everyone said.
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this virus, and the assembly was supposed to pass ; we had a special block where they worked on the decision to liquidate these museums, while there seemed to be no smallpox on earth at all, but when... they assembled this committee for the first time, and you were why, were you against destroy it, well, you know how it happened when the first committee was assembled, in order to make such a decision, a so-called consensus is needed, that is, the consent of all members, experts, this committee, in order to make a decision , it was the committee that made the decision, it was the committee that brought together these specialists, the first time, two people abstained, so they gathered a second time a few years later. with a slightly changed composition
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, including me, i got into this very committee together with our employee of the institute marennikova, this is a famous scientist who made a tremendous contribution to the eradication of smallpox, during the week in geneva we discussed whether we should or should not liquidate, american specialists, they were the majority in this committee, three of them, led by henderson, such a famous virologist, they were in favor of completely liquidating our museums and...
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i was supported by one of the englishmen, there were two of them, one took the side of the americans, that is, opinions were divided almost equally, this decision was not brought to the assembly, but i suggested that this issue should never be considered at all, that these museums should be left in these two countries, as they are, and it was, well, you see, they still exist, it’s like preserving species in the red book, it’s dear to you, because somehow your job is what it is.
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that the americans will have a ford detrick military museum, in general, if this is poker, then someone can, thirdly, you see what is happening now with the so-called monkeypox, and this is not monkeypox at all , this is not smallpox monkeys, it's rodent pox ground squirrels, we just imagine a monkey with a banana in his hand or paw, yes, and they eat like people, that is, they have the same thing, they get infected from these ground squirrels, and then... people get infected, that is, if there is rodent smallpox, which can affect humans, this suggests that someday it may suddenly happen that a virus similar to smallpox will spread into the human population, so that smallpox virus is needed at least for comparison, and then also for creation diagnostic drugs and so on, but the situation could be even worse, boxing them with drugs, but if now, well, people born after the eighties, as i understand it, not here...
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not only people get sick, they become infected with the flu virus and get sick pigs and, most importantly , birds, from humans there are about 12-13 variants of the influenza virus, and from birds there are dozens, but in southeast asia there is a kind of cuisine where they generally live people, pigs and birds are quite closely together. this is the kitchen where - this is also a feature of the structure of the genome of the influenza virus, each gene is separate, and if two different viruses enter the same organism, there is a rare possibility, but it exists of the exchange of individual genes, a new fungal virus is obtained, yes, this is the first
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case, the second itself the influenza virus, it is still passing through asia, through russia, through... seasonal, yes, conditions are created, well , firstly, the human body, yes, when we are sick, when we are hypothermic, yes, when we have some, yes when we live quite boringly, if you pay attention, in the summer in moscow, yes, you can
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move around freely, even by car, yes, in the winter we all kind of gather in such places, children go to school, children come to school, and children are the main carriers of the virus. they die from the flu every year on average, you know, i’m very used to it here, history, look, according to our statistics , i think about 700 people die a year, i mean in the pre-pandemic period, about 700 people died there
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there are 600 people there, in america during this time about 40,000 died from the flu, how can this be, and these are statistics, you know how they say there are lies, there are blatant lies. and there are statistics, uh, no, we just count people who died from the flu, a person came to the clinic or a doctor came to his home, diagnosed the flu, wrote out a sick leave, the patient was not cured, died, he is considered to have died from the flu, in in america they think differently, because the flu, we are now talking about coronavirus, and about post-covid syndrome, all that, and the flu is very dangerous for people with chronic diseases. if, for example, in america a diabetic after the flu for the next died from diabetes two weeks ago, he is considered to have died not from diabetes, from the flu, because if he had not encountered this virus, he would have lived a long happy life on his medications, but the flu virus
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hit his immune system, his endocrine system so hard system, that uh, it’s as if his drug no longer works, he died, but then after all, well, since we have half as many people living here as the state? then let’s assume, it turns out that about 20 thousand people a year die from the flu or its consequences, well, approximately the order, you you know, i think it might be a little less, it all depends on what... the number of people we vaccinate, the fact is that in the last decades, i again take the pre-covid period, yes, we have enough , well, no matter how seriously the flu vaccination was taken, we vaccinated according to the vaccination calendar, no, it is not included in the vaccination calendar, but we had it free and primarily for those groups of the population that are precisely susceptible to increased mortality, by the way maybe...
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we are talking about seasonal diseases and we we are discussing this topic with academician vitaly zverev, we make a decision at the end of
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the episeason, that is, february, that is, everything ends, in february in march everything seems to subside, these respiratory diseases, including the flu, manufacturers have the whole summer , yes, so that by the fall, because you need to get vaccinated not when the flu has already started, but in advance, because at least two weeks, but you need like... in fact, you need more, but it is believed that in 2 weeks and the immune system is already formed, then is it august or when in principle is better, in principle it is best to do this in august, of course, that is, in advance, and i don’t know, i do this every year, i have a huge family, i have nine grandchildren there, we always do this where - at the end of august, it turns out that before school, we get together, and the statistics in this case, well, the question always arises:
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what our country is doing, the united states and other countries are doing, that flu vaccinations are not effective, but there are statistics, that’s all -they don’t die from the flu, that is, they they can get sick, these 15% or 10%, yes , well, a lot depends on the vaccine, which vaccine, the authors always give 90-90 -something, in fact it is a little less. people don’t know about this, about manufacturers , people should only know that
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if they get sick, a vaccinated person gets sick with the flu, then it will be easy, easier, well, just like a cold usually goes, without these complications, without pneumonia and this is very similar to the situation with coronavirus vaccines, when they were used during a pandemic, there was also the same logic that it does not prevent infection, but alleviates the symptoms. for 50 years, yes, we have been using different vaccines against influenza, and here the technology is already established, everything is clear here , there are practically no side effects, but as for the vaccines that were used in the united states in america, it doesn’t work out there, there are no such statistics , if you look at the incidence curve compare with the vaccination curve and
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compare with the mortality curve, nothing like... last year's vaccine is ineffective against virus, last year, it should be effective, you know, the process here is not just guessing, we look at what was there at the beginning, yes, what was at the end, what is in the same southeast asia, what is the variant at the end there was an epidemic, of course, we are not
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immune from the fact that a new one will appear, but we already know the one that will start next year, because... we will never win, that is, we will not destroy them, they will exist, change, the same flu, here are all the other respiratory infections, you just need to learn to live with them, but if there are no vaccinations, but there are probably some viruses against which there are no vaccinations, only for the flu, now for coronavirus and for other respiratory ones, no, i mean viral,
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there are for bacterial ones, there are for pneumococcus, yes we have a vaccine there uh because there are bacterial infections. in japan, for example, there or in china before covid , everyone wore masks, i’m not saying that they should be worn always and everywhere, but on public transport, yes, when it’s boring, when you can’t. you need to keep this distance after all, to wear them, this is the first, second, there is no need, as it were, i understand that everyone wants to lead an active life, yes, but still, during this period, when the rise in incidence begins, it is better to wait it out and try to spend time in the open air, walking in the park, and not sitting somewhere in a cinema, where, if it
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is full, he will definitely sneeze and something else will definitely be everything. if they have immunity, they get sick more easily or don’t get sick, but what is good immunity? food, yes it is mandatory, that is, it should be right, rationally, these are sports, walks in the fresh air, that is , these are the usual recommendations for healthy people, many say, there are vitamins, you know, i
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am a little cautious about this, because vitamins are still drugs, these are medicines, they have a chemical form. they are built into ours, a doctor should recommend them, now you can just come in, determine the immune status, and to a degree, then take it and say, you need this, you hear, but everyone there is now starting to become interested in vitamin d, yes there are children there there’s something else there, and then they come to the doctor, and they have a problem with their kidneys, because he drinks this vitamin d there uncontrollably in large quantities, and this can cause it. this is more complicated, but vitamins, they are not sold by prescription, yes, that is, relatively speaking, you need to get a doctor’s recommendation, but in principle , everyone can buy this over-the-counter product, they are delicious, i remember in childhood the whole jar, you know, here - fermented... cabbage of this vitamin c, that is, you will have enough, i don’t know, from this jar there is a week's supply of this vitaminacit, and the medicines, you know all the medicines, they
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also recommend all the medicines for the flu , not when you are sick, when you are sick , it is already a little late to take these medicines, that is, they need to be done in advance like vaccinations yes, but in advance it all affects the stomach, our intestines, disrupts the microflora and so on, this is necessary... how to catch this moment, when you feel this prodramatic period, that i’m getting sick, then you need to this is all probably to be applied, because there are still drugs for the flu, but not so much for other respiratory diseases, you can find all episodes of the badden baden podcast on the website of channel one, you know, what bothers me the most is when i watch tv, advertisements for drugs, i have had cases, yes... when my friends turn to me they say, listen, something is really bad, i say, and what are you drinking, so he says, so i say, wait, and how is everything with your rhythm, yes, and why are you taking it, like
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vitamins for the heart, what vitamins for the heart, this is a serious drug, what vitamins for who invented this, with vitamins it’s exactly the same, you still need to consult a doctor about all this, let’s hope that they know and can give qualified advice, this is a separate question, but no, yes, this is a separate question, yes , of course, doctors should know all this, understand, you know, it’s no coincidence that i think that it is necessary to change in medical education, all doctors of any specialty should now know immunology, because without an immune system, that’s how it is, like, well, they still teach, yes, we understand, as they used to say, all diseases are from the nerves, yes, everything, well, indeed the nervous system is involved in... as if in all pathological processes, necessarily, and somehow just like probably the endocrine system, but the immune system is that , that any
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doctor should know to understand, well, the autumn flu, it is seasonal and you told how it happens, but in the spring there is also a season of respiratory diseases, this is also the flu or the flu does not happen in the spring, or some other viruses, yes flu and in the summer there are isolated cases, that is, it doesn’t matter someone has arrived. i brought something, but as a rule, this is what concerns adenovirus infection and respiratory syncytial virus, they just accompany the influenza epidemic and appear right at the end, that is, well, yes, we once conducted such an experiment with the first infectious diseases hospital, we took samples of nasal washes from patients diagnosed with influenza who were lying there.
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can’t get rid of it, and if it’s the flu, then there are special ones, there are some medicines that treat specifically flu, and not something else, yes, there is, yes, we have several uh drugs that
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treat it. influenza, but do not act on other respiratory viral infections, aseltimer is such a substance, a substance, yes, yes, yes, here are several drugs there with their own names, a substance that works against the flu, but again it is also not against all variants, yes, influenza viruses, just like bacteria , develop resistance to antibiotics, and influenza viruses and all other viruses in general develop resistance. medicinal drugs are also fast enough, so this is such a race, yes, who will win, it will continue all the time, in the spring we have what to expect, in the spring there will be good weather, but the main thing to remember is that in the summer the time for intestinal infections will come, because all the conditions will be created for them , yes, these are viral infections, viral and bacterial, not only viral, there are several there.
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viruses, yes, for example, there are rotoviruses, which cause yes, especially in children, very serious diseases, that is, rotovirus can be classified as a seasonal disease, just a season for him in the summer, because we have more and more vegetables, although in fact rotavirus infection is still difficult to do as such a classic example of seasonality, because people actually get sick in the winter, it’s just always more in the summer, because conditions again yes. are created for all these viruses, that is , we forget that we must use only tested, good water, yes, uh, many people complain, when you go to some country, it’s a must when there is water with ice, yes , you seem to be taking water from a bottle there, yes, it’s from this very one, and the ice you get is not clear what it’s made of, yes, there are a lot of cases when a person becomes infected
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with an intestinal infection, precisely... from untested this very water from which this ice or products are made there the same thing people travel on trains stop at stations there they sell some kind of pies and some other stuff yes it’s always very tasty yes but not always tested and since in the summer and viruses and bacteria they multiply much faster and the amount of this pathogen that a person consumes much more than in winter and it is already enough for... the infection to develop very quickly and cause serious problems seasonality, that is, the flu is in a sense an exception, it turns out that seasonality is not because bacteria or viruses come to us or leave us, but it’s just that our behavior changes with the seasons, and the temperature changes, which means, for example, the rate of spread of infection or the survival rate of the virus, all this is such a physical and chemical process, in general, well , a population social one, we ourselves control seasonality, in general, yes, well
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then yes... it passed, yes people got sick, but at the end there are those who are vaccinated, who got sick, and the number of people immune to this variant is already quite significant, another thing is that, unfortunately, immunity uh, only to this option, which was, yes, to others - only partial, yes, that’s one thing, and secondly, well, it is not long-lasting, unfortunately, but why is it short-lived, because it would seem that immunity, immunological memory, you say. ..
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in shikora he receives this immunity for the rest of his life, because he has these cells formed, they sit when necessary, they will develop those antibodies that are necessary, and antibodies, including yes, are also preserved, and live vaccines are the same way, they form immunity, as a rule, for a fairly long period, but here , uh, unfortunately, it’s a virus influenza does not form such a stable humoral immunity, yes, that is. the production of antibodies is what is needed now, but the fact is that antibodies, if we still had all the antibodies, we would have a brick of blood, yes, they naturally level up over time cellular immunity falls, it is formed, just as it seems with covid, it is also there, but it is short-term, that is , it seems to work for several years, and then it doesn’t, with rotaviruses, adenoviruses - it’s a similar story, so
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every summer we will have intestinal. infection, and then there are a lot of them, there are a lot of adenoviruses, there are a lot of rotaviruses, yes, that is, if a person gets sick with one, he can then get sick with another, that is, there are a huge number of them, we know. no more than 10-15% of all viruses that surround us, that infect us or in general, which in principle, which are not, which are around us and which can appear suddenly, how they arise and new ones too, no one stopped, now, when they say, this is the epidemiological forecast, yes, yes, it is very easy to make an epidemiological forecast now easy and simple, at any time, in any place , any viral or bacterial infection can appear, like 300 - this is some new one, yes, this is the one that we forgot about, it has returned, as soon as possible, yes, now happens all over the world, or is it some kind of man-made thing that someone there will prepare for us in their
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laboratory, from here, in my opinion, it follows that we need to be prepared, yes, yes, of course, we need to study viruses, learn to live with them and generally treat them with care nature because we climb in it. about the world health organization. good morning to everyone who celebrates this day together with the first channel, irina moramsova is with you on the calendar: april 20 is saturday, spring saturday, as in other things and all
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weekends, this is the time that always full of plans, in the next few hours we will carry out a big spring cleaning of the cities, go to the circus, because today is world circus day, and then we will go on a short trip. in siberia, we will learn how to take vitamins correctly, we will talk about total dictation, well, in general there are a lot of plans, we will start, as always, with a warm-up, together with the master of sports in street lifting margarita kuznetsova. good morning, how to distract a child from a smartphone? to begin with , hang out in it less often and set an example for the children. start the day with gymnastics and gradually they will come to you join, feet shoulder-width apart, we jump in place, taking turns raising one or the other leg, low, like this, bouncing on our toes, legs should not be straight,
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knees are slightly bent and work as shock absorbers, we move without stopping. we add hands, squeeze our palms, elbows along the body, rotate our forearms. now we feel like we are jumping rope, moving without tension. exercise will help you wake up and recharge your energy. girls, you are great, work with your children, they will have less. april 20 saturday, big time cleaning, parks, streets, courtyards and gardens are being spruced up in many cities, these days there are cleanup days and it’s really great, how else can you see the spring around you,
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there is a big spring cleaning all over the country, in nizhny novgorod there are more than 400 street cleaners and road workers on the streets, washes roads, buildings, izhevsk students traditionally gather every spring to wash pushkin. we've almost finished everything, there's only one more leg left. the park in front of the university is a favorite place for student hangouts; everyone wants it to be clean. we used four packs of shampoo, so we cleaned everything well. in peterhof , not just one, but hundreds of sculptures, each work of art, need to be prepared for the season. first they need to be freed from their winter ships. nymphs of the first-38th century overwintered well. we see that there is no serious damage to the sculpture. in principle, even its color has not changed very much, because , after all, when a sculpture stands
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under a box for 6 months, dust settles, and some minor dirt, sometimes there is a need to remove them. take away. they decided to put the sculptures in order in crimea. chekhov and the lady with the dog had already taken a shower. but there are 127 monuments in yalta. everyone will receive. a portion of attention and detergent, not only monuments, but also lawns, benches, borders, i want to wash everything, i want the city to shine and please the eye and... that’s why the cleanup came, the desire to transform their hometown moves many people, yekaterinburg volunteers decided to help restore order in the city park green grove. today we have about twenty-something people, we are distributed, someone is shoveling snow, someone is cleaning up the trash. the call to participate in the cleanup was posted on social networks, people of different professions and ages responded to it, and they worked so contagiously that they inspired others. we are absolutely random passers- by who were passing by. we saw some cool kids and also joined and helped our city. on
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the novorossiysk cleanup day they turned it into a real holiday: they cleaned up dentropark and the sudzhuk spit. there are different kinds of garbage, such as thrown out from the sea, left by tourists, for example, various packaging from drinks, from juice boxes, or trivially even bottles with who knows what. more than 500 people came out at the same time. novorossiysk activists do not limit themselves to one-time actions; they collect garbage regularly. since the beginning of spring, volunteer activists of the city have already cleaned more than 50 thousand square meters of territory; anyone who has ever participated in cleanup days knows how pleasant it is to never be able to litter on the street again. dmitry boyko, marina glushenkova, anna gazhala, marina guseinova, marina sidorova, victoria edinova, channel one. i would like to try myself with some spring new clothes, but go shopping there is no time to go or there is simply no extra money for shopping. for help. our designer olga nikishicheva lives, for her, it seems, nothing is
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impossible, today she will turn an old bedspread into a super-fashionable cardigan. dear friends, today we will make an original cardigan from an old bedspread with dimensions of 130 by 170 cm, natural cotton , original fringe, everything in the latest fashion, add decorative braid and you won’t have to throw away or buy anything. we boldly get to work. fold the blanket into four layers, in the corner we draw a neckline for the back eight inches wide and 3 cm deep. from the top edge we mark the sleeve width of 25 cm and draw a line leaving the central fold also 25 cm. for the bottom of the cardigan we will use the entire width of the bedspread with a beautiful fringe, so the line. we draw the eye from the corner
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at an angle to our point, round the corner, cut off the excess taking into account the seam allowances, cut out the shell on the shelf with a toe and divide the shelf in half, this is what it looks like. sew our cardigan, sew only two side seams on a machine, we process the edges of the side seams with hemming, we process the edges of the shelves with decorative braid, apply them along the edges and sew them on, we emphasize the waist with a belt, which by the way... we also did ourselves, that’s all the work, quickly and
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effectively, in such a cotton cardigan with pom-poms and you can go for a walk on vacation, and no one will guess that it was an old blanket, reach for a star, or rather a meteorite, a unique material, it really came from outer space, we have our own craftsmen, not so many our task was for specialists in our country who generally know how to work with meteorites. mass production so that everyone can touch what is actually 4.5 billion years old. finding yourself in zero-gravity conditions for the first time, your body begins to rebuild. the design of the hydro pool is based on an oil storage facility; the suits are lowered into the water by a crane, where divers meet them, we hover in a neutral position, do not float up or sink, and the effect of zero gravity is created. our satellites, they are destined for operation in low earth orbit. satellite data is used greatly in transportation. a lot, we see every ship that
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goes with a beacon on throughout the entire planet, you have a completely russian production, yes, we collect all the devices that we use in our satellites here, you tell us, there are aliens, our everything, premiere, today on the first, the appearance of such a child in my life was a complete surprise, our tandem is such a small but... strong family, let’s formulate it with you request, we have a good room, or maybe even better, they came up with the idea to make a shelving unit here. dad and son leave separately or together from the room hop complex, even just hanging out, very good for the back, everything for cozy evenings is collected in this corner, this is vinyl, this is a cinema hall, we got to our home, about comfort, premiere, today, on the first day, with
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fabulous ease, a provincial resort has turned into the capital of world cinema, sir. why are you repeating yourself? and i'm not repeating myself. my god, are there no doors? in this film i play a negative character. i avenger. i just left my license. jane's script is real literature. we can't leave the piano. to the festival. thousands of journalists arrived. this is not a movie anymore, please be careful. damn, it hurts, i feel like i 'm made from one piece of cinema, from head to toe. thank you for being here. matador next saturday, on the first. this is a festival where there are films for everyone. this is
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cannes. our ancestors paid special attention to the weather; today is april 20th. what is she like? this day is also september 20th, we’ll check if we don’t forget. we'll also tell you what astrologers think about this weekend. both of these days are, in general, positive, the guys are calm, friendly, cordial, they will always try to understand and help. today, however, is not very conducive to intimate conversations; it is not rich in emotions at all. but if you need wise advice, or you need to solve some practical problem, fix something, set it up, grab some money before your payday, contact us. he won’t refuse, tomorrow is a more soulful day, he can, as they say, speak out, pour out your soul, if you need to establish mutual understanding with someone or make peace, this is for him, they are also both very economical, everything related to the house will go with a bang these days, this also applies to shopping, that’s what you don’t need to do, this means making rash promises, gossiping and generally throwing words
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to the wind. aries, keep this in mind, watch your words, you certainly shouldn’t be frank with people you don’t know about your wealth. and you have a very positive weekend, when you can do household chores redo it, and have a good rest, see friends, taurus has every chance to complete the program for a weekend at most, by the way, you don’t want to include an outing into nature, it’s spring there, by the way, this weekend will help taurus lovers achieve reciprocity, the stars promise what for gemini -this is news, perhaps it will surprise you and even make you rethink your immediate goals, try not to participate in disputes, especially.
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or at some event. sagittarius should keep a close eye on their wallet. it can be damaged by what is called the actions of third parties or simply an unfortunate combination of circumstances, and if you go to the country, do not burn grass and garbage. capricorns these days are, as they say, popular, they enjoy attention, they are invited somewhere, people want to communicate with them.
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among other things, there will be a chance to resolve some work issues in an informal setting, and they may also give you something as a gift. aquarians will have a chance to find new allies and like-minded people. it’s not a fact that these connections will be long-lasting, but it’s not the stars’ fault, a small profit is possible, maybe you can repay the debt, take care of your stomach, liver, very creative artists, everyone who makes something, sews, designs, tinkers with equipment, will definitely be satisfied, but fish these days are somehow too touchy and sensitive, apparently this is also a property creative people, and someone else may fall in love with you, good luck to you our cheerful, good morning continues, right now we will go on a trip to siberia, more than 13 million km, stunning natural beauty, historical sights. from which it is captivating spirit, ultra-modern technology parks, in general, there is something to see, and what amazing and wonderful people live here, our
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correspondent, yulia molostova, visited there and brought back just a lot of impressions. what to do in siberia? koltsov's science city near novosibirsk, we evaluate the architecture of the technology park, popularly nicknamed the caterpillar for its curved shape, this little town has geese from towers with the letter g. inside there is a cafe, a winter garden. laboratories and sites for developers. ivan kosilov has an onlinegit tourism project for the region. if you go for a ride in the novosibirsk region, there are plains, mountains, and rocks. the building itself is also a tourist attraction with a glass floor between the towers. what's the height here? it's hard to say, 13 floors. and there's a road underneath you. you can get to the academy park on a guided tour, just like the geological museum at the institute of geology and minerology. these are products of meteorite falls, these are rocks that formed in the crater itself. one of
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the largest popigai in russia, with a diameter of 100 km, is located in yakutia and the krasnoyarsk territory. valentin afanatyev studies crystals from this craters, impact diamonds resulting from a meteorite impact. we are used to it, a diamond is still something that you can touch, take in your hands, but here is powder, that’s what it’s for, yes, this is a woman’s look. this is the basis of the entire tool industry, grinding powders, to create tools that are twice as strong as today's and more resistant to high temperatures. when drilling, the temperature reaches 700-800° on the drill bit, synthetic diamonds crumble, these are 250° more heat-resistant. i want to be closer to nature, kemerovo region, tomsk pisanitsa museum-reserve, kusbass, so even coal sculpture is in full swing here. we look for traces of elk and lynx and dive into the history of pagan temples. in tomsk we admire
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wooden houses, for example this one with dragons, a reference to norwegian fishermen. they used old boats as a roof on residential buildings, the boat was laid on top of the roof, on the boat on shtem there was always a talisman, a dragon’s head, to appease the sea dragon. in the history museum. let's go to an exhibition of paintings from neural network. yes, she introduced great-grandfather of alexander pushkin hannibal. he was under arrest in tomsk. so, sebirika of the actor and nakinti smoktunovsky. and of course, we eat pine nuts, sweets, bird's milk, with them, and a special cake. a competition was held in our city to find a gastronomic brand. naturally, ingredients had to be used, namely siberian ones. such a crazy idea arose, would they add something so unusual... ivan tea, there is a lot of it here, and honey, we tried it, it’s delicious.
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denis panmarev, anton remenny and dmitry gordienko, channel one. starting monday on channel one, a multi-part detective series on martial law. a great war movie, a story with a continuation. rostov forty -one, saboteurs blew up trains with fuel, the case will be investigated by the investigator of the military prosecutor's office, our old friend svetlana ilagina. military lawyer yegor shilov, and the resilient driver fedorenko is also in the business. and you came on this matter, right? that's why? krom bababa, investigator of the military prosecutor's office svetlana elagina and resilient driver fedorenko, again with us. directors change, that’s it, the characters change, but fedorenko is in place and...
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he and ivan had such a swan song that no matter who reacts to ilagi, but still the object of her adoration, love, admiration is, of course, her husband, that means you love fairy tales about love, lyudmila, i, too, you know, love alexander sergevich pushkin, especially ruslan and lyudmila, whatever, they lived for a long time, died happily on the same day according to the law of war, the city lives according to the laws of war. time, detonation of the train with fuel, the robbery of a military warehouse, the murder of the military correspondent of the capital's newspaper, all the crimes elagin
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will investigate with the military lawyer yegor shilov, childhood friend and... svetlana's first love, how beautiful you have become, that you used to be scary, or what? he is such a real, real man, honest, open, frank, direct, and somewhere rude, firstly, the time, and secondly , there were people like that, that is, the war brought up everyone in its own way, if shilov goes according to some then logicians, yes, make quite sharp decisions, male ones. commits such acts of will, then ilagina she relies on some of her feminine wisdom, on some of her attentiveness, yes, again , she notices some human nuances, so they complement each other, but why does her brother not like the new partner so much, what mirsky will suspect shilova, please be careful, kolya, this is yegor, remember how much you and him have been through
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together, just be careful. detective under martial law starting monday on channel one, don’t miss it. asya ratkevich, joseph kobrin, andrey ivanov, channel one. it’s spring, the snow has melted and potholes have appeared on the roads. motorists need to be very careful now so as not to accidentally fall into such a trap. our auto expert denis sharovar will tell you how to safely drive through a pit. hello everyone, my name is denis sharvar, and today we will learn how to extend the life of your car’s suspension, because now this is especially important, because the snow has melted and there are holes under it, what to do if there is a deep pothole in front of you, and there is no way to get around it, braking to the floor is not an option, it’s dangerous, firstly, another one might come from behind
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the car, secondly, you can... not have time to stop, and now imagine, the entire weight of the car is rushing to the front, the suspension is loaded to the maximum, there’s also a hole, boom, breakdown, it’s better not to brake at all , definitely don’t accelerate the speed even more there are fewer holes, and it may be more comfortable in the cabin, but the wheel bearings, steering knuckles, wheels and tires will definitely not appreciate such maneuvers, since you still have to drive through the hole at speed. 5-7 meters before it, we press the brake pedal right in front of the hole, release it, we do not slow down to full stop, we unload the suspension elements, after releasing the brake, the components of the chassis system seem to be thrown up by inertia, the front part of the car is unloaded and it’s as if we fly over the pit, now, as for avoiding the pits, everything is easy here,
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we look in the mirrors, make sure that no one let's get in the way, oops, we're doing this kind of maneuver, that's it, we've gone around it, but if you see a car, it's better not to risk it, even if it seems like there's enough space to go around the hole in your lane, you never know, it's still cheaper to repair the suspension than restore a car after an accident. the gardening season has started in most regions, the first thing to do is, of course, to put things in order, there is a lot to do, how not to forget anything, how not to miss it, the most important thing, oksana will tell you. if the snow has completely melted on the site, then it’s time to open the summer season, we’ll start it with cleaning. we are raking up last year's leaves; a lot of insect pests were buried in them in the fall. it's time to collect them together with
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the garbage in a bag and take them to a container, but don't rush to comb the lawn, it has not yet completely dried out along with the withered grass you can remove the roots, if you really want to bring beauty, go over it with a plastic rake like this, and leave deep combing with an iron rake for the end of the month, remove the insulation from the dew and hydrangea. but we leave the peat for now, it will protect the plants from cold night temperatures; it will be possible to completely remove the protection in early may. if your fruit trees do not have trunk circles, now is the time to make them. thanks to loose soil, trees grow faster and bear fruit more actively. and for this they need to be fed,
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but take your time and inspect your plants. if the leaves have not yet appeared, it is too early to fertilize. we treat only those bushy trees whose leaves have already begun to bloom. in spring, plants need nitrogen most of all, it helps to grow greenery and new shoots, so choose a fertilizer with a high nitrogen content, for example, urea or ammonium nitrate, and do not forget to protect the plants from pests that are now actively waking up and literally attacking the young ones.. . measure 60-80 cm from the ground and place the sticky at this height. trap, and in the spring i feed the birds to attract them to the garden. water, weed,
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trim, feed, and then water again, and so on in a circle. there is no end to the work of lucky people; out of habit, my back hurts and my lower back ache. doctor sergei arsenin suggests preparing for gardening loads ahead of time. there is a dacha ahead, and we are unaccustomed to physical work, i propose that together we prepare the joints and spine for the upcoming loads. let's start with the diet, leaning on foods rich in calcium. choose what you like best: cheese, cottage cheese, canned sardines, beans, sprinkle the dish with sesame seeds, parsley and dill. they also have a lot of calcium. we also eat beef jellied meat more often; it contains the protein collagen, which makes our joints more mobile. brazil
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nuts will also help us. a couple of pieces a day is enough to compensate for selenium deficiency. i also have a personal secret recipe: pour a tablespoon of rose hips into a liter of hot boiled water. add a teaspoon of crushed burdock and chaga root, strain after 15 minutes, drink half a glass of infusion twice a day, rose hips promotes the production of collagen, burdock root enhances the synthesis of intra-articular fluid, chaga prevents the destruction of the sacral tissue, what else, if you have previously had injuries to... joints or sometimes the lower back hurts, rub the problem areas with camphor oil, and of course, every day we do gymnastics, rotate
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the pelvis, shoulders, elbows, and wrist joints. warming up is the best way to prepare your body for the upcoming physical activity. be healthy. see you in just a few minutes, right now let's find out what events have happened in the country and the world by this time. news release on channel one. this is the news on the first in the studio maria vasilyeva. hello. air defense crews of the southern group of forces destroyed a ukrainian unmanned aerial reconnaissance vehicle. the militants in the donetsk direction of the special operation were operating the strela-10 air defense system and were targeting the target throughout the flight; when it reached our positions, the command was received to shoot it down. in the kherson region, the crew of the self-propelled gun nona s of the marine corps of the black sea fleet razed
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an enemy observation post on the right bank of the dnieper. drone operators helped identify targets and adjust fire. the gunners got involved quickly, all their skills were practiced to the point of automaticity, the speed was 10 rounds per minute. after completion. the scouts noticed him, transmitted the coordinates to headquarters, and hit him with high-explosive fragmentation shells. in our work we mainly use high-explosive fragmentation, everything explodes and gets blown apart. the enemy is afraid of us. because we are working quickly, it is very difficult to find us, we arrive at the position while we are shooting, the enemy cannot move anywhere, because we work quickly and can hit moving targets, so we work quickly,
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when we leave and hide, it is already difficult to find us, our colleague, military correspondent of the news semyon eremin, died in the north military district zone, this became known the night before. the tragedy occurred near the village of priyutnoye on the border of the dpr and zaporozhye region. there semyon filmed another report from the front line. the militants spotted the film crew while working and struck with an fpv drone. covered events in the special operation zone since february 2022, he was always where the fiercest battles were going on, he reported from volnovy and mariupol, he had many awards, including the medal of the order of merit for the fatherland, second degree. the house of representatives of the american congress today plans to consider a bill to help ukraine, we are talking about the allocation of more than $60 billion from the us budget. the american media write that if the law is adopted and signed. joe biden's
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delivery of new weapons to ukraine will take less than a week, everything is already ready, this is more likely only artillery shells and air defense systems, which zelensky is constantly begging for, however, the republicans, who have a majority in the lower house, can once again slow down the supply; they believe that the priority for washington should be strengthening its own borders, and not spending on the unrealizable dreams of the kiev regime. it’s time to stop funding ukraine, many ukrainians are dying.
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they tried to discuss the document at the end of last year, but the speaker of the house of representatives, republican mike johnson , refused to put it to a vote, so now he has backed down, which caused the indignation of fellow party members, and risks losing his post, and this despite the fact that the law has undergone significant changes from the 61 billion provided for assistance to ukraine, kiev can only count on 23, the rest of the money will go to replenishing weapons stocks the states themselves, well, 23. billion is not a donation, but a loan that will have to be repaid. today in russia they celebrate national blood donor day, on april 20, 1832, a doctor from st. petersburg, andrei volf, for the first time in in domestic practice, performed a successful blood transfusion and saved the patient’s life. at the end of the 19th century, blood groups were discovered, this simplified the procedure and helped to avoid complications. already in soviet times , a whole system of blood transfusion stations was created, and a donor institute was formed. now
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there are more than a million of them in russia, and those who need their services are about one and a half million. the development of blood donation is recognized as a strategic direction of our healthcare in difficult times, when help is needed especially urgently, volunteers everyone who cares comes to give a piece of themselves, to save the life and health of the victims. an educational event - a total dictation - will today unite participants from 77 regions of russia. and 43 countries. this year, dictation can be written not only in museums, libraries, universities and schools, but in the premises of the state university, in antarctica, in cafes and even in the forest. in total, six continents, 19 time zones are covered, in the role of readers, a variety of people, among them the writer evgeny vodolaskin, actor nikolai burov, figure skating champion, fyodor klimov, scientists, philologists, tv presenters promise to treat participants who will test their literacy in the food courts with coffee and desserts. they, and everyone else, were advised
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not to worry too much about the rules, but to enjoy the action. in the tyumen region, it looks like there is a peak, a flood, the water in the ishim river has passed the eight-meter mark the day before, rising by more than 3 m, a number of settlements have been cut off from the mainland, vyshimsky, abbatsky, kazansky and vikulovsky districts, evacuation and strengthening work are in full swing dump, sent to the region. with additional forces from the ministry of emergency situations, rescuers are clearing out the jams of branches and tree trunks that have accumulated in the riverbed to reduce the water pressure. the situation in kurgan remains difficult. 20 technical teams with heavy equipment are constantly on duty at the city dam to prevent it from breaking. the level of the tabol river may reach a critical 11 m in the coming hours. in the kurgan region , an abnormal heat was added to everything, today they promise +28, the same in the chelyabinsk region, in the serdlovsk region +27. uncharacteristic. it's warm for april in perm
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region and tatarstan in st. petersburg, which the day before looked like it was in the middle of winter, today, according to forecasts, only 2 ° above zero, and next night it will be minus again, the rain will turn into snow and back again, until muscovites can bask in the gentle sun all weekend and at the beginning of next week there will be rain, if today tomorrow is still quite warm, then by thursday, according to weather forecasters, the temperature may drop to +6, and this is a day, that’s all for now. and now , good morning to my colleagues. an important question for children: where to escape from boredom? large family father alexey ivanov is sure, of course, to dad, he will certainly come up with something interesting and fun. for example, this weekend. he proposes to send small ships on a long voyage, great plan, and it’s 100% better than looking at gadgets, dad, there’s a light on the roof, spring is in full swing,
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you know what that means, it’s time to start navigation, we with the boys we will do launching boats, joining forces, classic jean paper boats, boys, you know how to fold paper boats, let's let's try, come on, if you don't know how, there are diagrams on the internet. origami, by the way, is a very useful activity, it involves concentration and fine motor skills, super, two-deck orange boat, you have. ship, well, boys, it turned out great, now i suggest you have a snack, a walnut shell can also become a boat, it doesn’t sink, it has the right shape, let’s try to turn the shells into a boat,
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we’ll use toothpicks as masts, we’ll secure them with plasticine, well, we will make flags from napkins, carefully, oh, everything is ready, let's go outside, i'll take some threads and colored paper with me, i have one idea, what are ships made of in general, wood, right, let's try it too, collect some branches, and now we'll connect the branches with thread to make... a raft , let's install a mast with a bright flag, it's time to launch our boats, we have a river nearby, let's see how they stay on the water, well, well, well,
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hold on, boat, hold on, blow, blow, blow, have a good sailing everyone, today is world day. congratulations to acrobats, jugglers, clowns, magicians, trainers, in general, everyone who gives us joy, fun and magic. an amazing world that can always, at least for a short time, help you return to childhood. now we are rehearsing the number of rope walkers, my dynasty genre, so to speak. their story began more than a century ago, with an escape. from home, the founder of the dynasty , rzakhan alikhanov, as a teenager, fell in love with the circus for the first time, he began to ask his parents for time off to go with them, but of course they were against it, well, he disobeyed later came home as an artist after a couple of years, the next generations followed him along the tightrope,
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my dad, my uncle and two of my aunts, from childhood they held each other on their shoulders, so they could do such tricks when there’s a firka, let’s say along the tightrope uncle carried all his... circus children from the cradle to the arena, it seems that tricks and magic tricks are in their blood, although at first alikhan was terribly afraid of heights. dad says: okay, come on, i ’ll carry you on a big rope now, but it’s high, unusual, i ’m not, dad, don’t, he sit down, i’m so for i clung to him, so he carried me through, at the age of 9 my first performance, yes, the children of artists go out to the public early, now alikhan’s daughter is already under the dome, her son is also being prepared by the knitting needle.
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foxes don't necessarily dream of a playpen. daniela boron, granddaughter, daughter, niece of horse trainers, is studying at the faculty of public administration. surprisingly, i never thought about horses, now that... i’ve become older, when i ’m hundreds of
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kilometers away from them, i finally realized the value, now of course i miss it when artists on tour, our conversation begins as the horses end, mom kisses all the horses, well, what do you want, how to live without them, it’s impossible to live without them, mom is sure that in the end the daughter will continue the family business anyway, a textbook on the basics of dressage and riding, which is inherited. discovers, perhaps more often, management theories. my grandfather kept this book on his table all his life, and he always read it, but he always found something new for me, so i read it too. and she also inherited her love for the circus . alena, astrakhanstvo, nikita kulakov, tatyana iyus, channel one. you get tired quickly, don’t get enough sleep, have a bad mood, perhaps the reason is spring vitamin deficiency, which means your body needs help. our health expert. lifestyle darina griboyedova will tell you about the five most common mistakes when taking
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vitamins. five mistakes in taking vitamins. let's start with the most typical one. good morning, i would like some vitamins. the first mistake is to immediately go to the pharmacy to get them. but first, especially in the spring, you should reconsider your diet and remove processed food. recycled is the one which has been industrially processed, that is, if you see a carrot in a store, you recognize it as a carrot, and you know that it grows like this in nature, but if you see cookies, this does not exist in nature, this means that it has been industrially processed, processed products, and the more whole food, the one that you know what it looks like in nature, there is an egg, a carrot, a potato, a head of cabbage, the more such products on your table, the better the absorption of any benefits from the diet will be, second. what vitamins do you recommend? a pharmacist is not a doctor, and even for an appointment with
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a therapist, you should prepare so that you don’t get confused in the office and remember everything you’re complaining about. well, besides the well-known complaints, i'm tired, i don't get enough sleep, i don't have enough energy. very often external signs of vitamin deficiency appear. but for women, these are, of course, signs of beauty, these are hair, hair loss, fragility, split ends. nails, various changes on the nails, these are spots, peeling nails, various ridges on the nails, skin, peeling, dry skin, dermatitis, allergic manifestations, error three, i went to the doctor, they told me to buy vitamins, but it would be more correct to take a test to understand exactly what vitamins are missing, soluble fats, and donate blood, they are informative there, i
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don’t have enough vitamins, give me more vegetables, fruits, berries, as for replenishing deficits from food, if a person already has a diagnosed deficiency, he will never cover it from food, because what he eats goes to the current needs of the person, so he can get to the metro , there's... something else to do, but if there's a shortage, it's like that will remain from food, and to replenish it, the dose that comes in needs to be higher than the one we get with food. mistake five: i took tests, there are not enough vitamins, but i’ll take some kind of multivitamin complex. when we start to look at the composition, as a rule, the vitamin doses are very low, and if a person has some kind of deficiency identified in the blood, then these low doses will not be enough to... fill this deficiency, and the person will remain on those symptoms, and then he will say that vitamins are not they work, there is no
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way to do without taking monoforms, if there is a deficiency, good morning, i took the test, the doctor recommended me b vitamins, help me choose, and that’s right, zosh, we take vitamins wisely, and now to the sports news, the results of the championship russian swimming championship, which ended in kazan in the material: my colleague, sports journalist of channel one dmitry terikhov. the russian swimming championship that ended in kazan turned out to be eventful. all the main stars took part in the tournament countries. two-time olympic champion evgeny rylov, current world record holders, kliment kolesnikov and evgenia chikunova, as well as yulia efimova, our most successful swimmer of the last 15 years. between the four of them they managed to win four individual distances. kolesnikov won the fifty-meter backstroke in a vulgar style. chikkunova took first place in the 100 and 200 m breaststroke. efimova limited herself to silver and two
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bronze medals. orylov won only one bronze. the focus was on young athletes. 100m backstroke. sensation was created by seventeen-year-old miron lifintsev, who was ahead of kolesnikov and rylov, among others, simultaneously setting a junior world record of 52.34 seconds. fifteen-year-old ksenia misharina set two russian junior records at distances of 800 and 1500 m. in the first case, she showed a time of 8 minutes 29.5 seconds, and in the second - 16 minutes 6.9%, improving the achievement of regina sych, who lasted more than 20 years. the same age as misharina. stepanova won the 200m backstroke. sixteen-year-old sofya dyakova was out of competition at a distance of 400 m in the freestyle style. and eighteen-year-old dar ragozhenova was ahead of all her rivals in the 400-meter medley. the most titled athlete in kazan was twenty-year-old yegor kornev, who won four golds in the 100-meter freestyle in three relays,
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as well as one silver. thanks to his efforts, the st. petersburg team won a convincing victory in the team competition. let us add that during the competition several of the best results of the season in the world were shown at once. the last russian championship was qualifying start for the june brix world friendship games, which will be held in september. monday, april 22 , the fashion verdict returns to channel one, and in an updated format. the program will now have male and female versions and two presenters: alexander rogov and liliya rakh, and a woman in the judge’s chair will appear for the first time in the history of the program. i need an antique mirror, it’s so obvious, fell, nothing is obvious to me yet, i think to my colleagues too, in the reflection of the mirrors, your silhouette remains, the heroine in the studio doesn’t feel like a queen, leading experts also criticize, but at home at the mirror she’s happy with everything, why does the mirror do this ancient black magic, well , at least she’s reflected there, but the ladies sincerely think
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clothes and cosmetics are an extra expense, oh well , i bought myself a pencil for my brothers, four pencils. viewers on all social networks bombarded the first channel with messages asking for the return of the program and voila, happy monday, the fashion verdict is back with you, it’s so pleasant the inner world, that they don’t give a damn about the outer world, it’s very good, the fairy tale show is not only about fashion, destinies change here, the heroines talk to the whole country about feelings, relationships with the world and with... there is a male and female version of the program, one day judge famous stylist alexander rogov, he won the audience vote on channel one. what do you want us to dress mom like in jeans, something modern or something classic? here's an example
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of where we should go? the next day the judge was a woman, for the first time in the history of the project. stylist, famous blogger from kazakhstan is included in the ranking of the top 500 most influential people in the fashion world. lilia is known for her strong character, constant desire to help women, something has influenced you, that you want to change, that you have fallen in love, you look like an intelligence agent, you don’t answer a single question directly, i received the most interesting compliment at the institute from a fellow student , who told me, you don’t have a head, you have.
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to everyone who is ready to donate blood free of charge and thereby save someone’s life. by the way , there are a lot of such people, according to statistics, 60% of russians have donated blood at least once in their lives. the easiest way to help when it is very difficult and scary is to become a donor. march, crocus, thousands of people queuing to donate blood. alexander has completed his 54th donation. in 1998, after an accident, he himself needed a transfusion. since then, he has been a regular donor; blood and its components are needed in all regions of our country regularly and not only for emergency situations. bone marrow donors are also needed. timerlan became one 2 years ago. i got a call in february 2022, i was at work. remember, you entered the register in 1919, and after these words everything, all
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the memories came flooding back. and i immediately told the employee, don’t tell me anything further. i agree, whoever the recipient did not know, the information cannot be disclosed for 2 years. alexandra was diagnosed with acute meloid leukemia 6 years ago, and relapsed 3 years later. in 2022, it became clear that there was no way without a donor, she was lucky. on march 30, i was informed that cell collection was starting, that the donor had passed the examination, i was very happy. alexandra and tamerlane had been waiting for this day for 2 years. hello, sasha. they are genetic twins, a one in 1000 match. his cells were a perfect match. his blood literally flows in her now. this is now your relative, and this is now with you forever, right? share. bone marrow - this means sharing homopaetic stem cells. in fact, bone marrow is a hematopoietic organ, that is, all our blood cells are formed in the spongy
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substance of tubular bones, in flat bones, that is, they are simply born there, begin to mature and from being universal become more differentiated. these the cells are restored, and the collection is similar to a regular blood donation, first the preparatory stage, to him. blood phenotype, even relatives are rarely suitable, you need an ideal genetic twin to become a bone marrow donor, first you need to join the register, it’s not difficult, fill out a questionnaire, donate blood for
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typing, the decisive factor for me was the information that there is only one genetic twin to 1000, one to 1000, that's why i 'm here, maybe it will happen that your genetic twin will never get sick and your help will not be needed, and at any time. at this point, the donor can refuse for any reason, there is no need to report, on the other hand, look at alexandra, she is here because tamerlane once decided to help. elizaveta nikishova, dmitry roshkov, ilnur vale akhmetov, yulia bykova, channel one. on the calendar on april 20, today hundreds of thousands of people of various ages, various professions around the world will write a dictation in the russian language. after all, today is the very same total. dictation, worldwide educational campaign. this year she has a round anniversary - 20 years. total dictation today, we write on all
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continents of the world, from the mine to the iss, are you all ready? and those with whom the project began 20 years ago. the idea of ​​students from novosibirsk state university was to simply test their literacy. people who have been writing for 20 years come to us, we recognize people, and... and even if they have moved somewhere, they come to us, and this is great. novosibirs is the birthplace of the project, we also celebrate the twentieth anniversary in siberia, every year we choose the capital of total dictation, this year the relay is in tomsk. there will be a lot of special things for us and for our participants this year. now in tomsk there are total weeks, lectures and master classes, everything about the russian language, a bot on the network, a total cat, will tell you about the events. remembers that today at the tomsk site the author of the year, writer anna matveeva, will read the text; she has prepared four versions for different time zones, but all are combined into one story. i’m a little
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worried, of course, this is a completely different measure of responsibility, i won’t just read the text was written by my colleague, but my own text, and i want to read it so that as many people as possible get excellent marks. today on the website, there is a marathon of 17 hours of live broadcast, you can write a dictation online. u... hear the author's reading or choose other dictators, these are felix moshkov, olga seryabkina, evgeny chebatkov. we spend almost a day of total dictation with our viewers, with our participants, and invite guests to the studio. dictation results after april 25, in big cities you need to check more time, up to two weeks. along with the assessment, you will receive a certificate, a life hack, some even attach it to your resume. we wanted, of course, to create a feeling of celebration. we took out double pieces of paper, we want it to be for this action, that is, for it not to be out of love, out of interest, out of love, today they will write a total dictation: 45 countries, 74
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foreign cities and more than 600 russian cities. anna popova, mikhail karasev, denis ponomarev, channel one. in order to live and enjoy life, you need to do what you like. why you tatyana mikhailovna decided to become a teacher? because? i love children very much, i am a master of ceremonies, who is this, a person who connects hearts, i work on a crane, in ferrous metallurgy, i go to work with joy, leave work with pride, study to be a heating engineer and you will not regret it, one day i became an artist, well, for example, with such a wonderful voice we can voice some grandfather, he wanted to be an artist, then, uh, a navigator, a sea captain, at the end of the tenth grade he decided to become a doctor, like his mother.
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in small steps you can move towards your goals, nothing is impossible. in russia , the flood continues, the largest in the last 100 years, in orsk, the water is receding, but in general the situation in the orenburg region remains difficult. the situation is difficult in the kurgan and tyumen regions. big water is no joke, so we all don't have to relax. dear tv viewers, please take emergency messages seriously. how do you know if a flood is threatening your home? we go to the rosreestr website, open
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cadastral maps, enter them into the search engine. line the address of your house, here it is on the map, highlighted in yellow, to find out if it is in danger of flooding, click on the layers icon at the top right and select the zone option with special conditions for the use of territories, these zones are highlighted in green, and we see that they pass through our site, to find the characteristics, close the search window and click on the green field. a new window appears. here you can select several information fields with this arrow. we need a zooid window. as you can see, this is a flood zone. click the more details button and we get the zone parameters. if you find out that your site is in a danger zone, there is no need to panic. first of all , open the map application on your smartphone. we take a screenshot of our coordinates and
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look at it. option to evacuate from the house before the arrival of the big water, if emergency workers come to your house and offer to evacuate, do not refuse, prepare documents, passport, certificate of ownership, money, take a first aid kit, prepare a supply of food for several days: drinking water, canned food with a ring , bread, maybe cookies, chocolate. be sure to follow the news, we must be aware of how the flood is progressing. in the case when the water level rises slowly, we transfer material assets to the upper floors, be sure to charge the phone, take a power bank, if the situation is critical, turn off the gas and electricity, turn off the water supply, take documents, warm clothes, food supply and
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go up. on the upper floors or roof of the house. and we call 112. this is a single rescue service. now all you have to do is wait, they will definitely save you. this winter in many regions was very snowy, and as soon as all this snow began to melt, water appeared in numerous areas and these spring waters sound beautiful, even poetic, but in reality , thawed water can cause serious problems, you need to be able to cope with them. ivan kiosiv has a well on his property, which completely supplies the house with water. with the arrival of spring , the water level there rose, about a meter and a half. some kind of film appeared in the water, somewhat cloudy, something from above. the snow melted and the water saturated the soil. he not only satisfied, he also brought in all sorts of pollution from the environment. test center expert pyotr ivanov conducts the analysis.
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there are immediate questions about the appearance. the water should be clear, colorless, in this case we see that a certain foreign tint is present, we evaluate the smell, ideally it should not be there at all, musty shades, putrid shades, uh, the taste of mold, may indicate that there is something in the water bacterial process. the test results revealed deviations in several chemical indicators: nitrate level exceeded twice, these are traces of fertilizers in the soil, by the way. in this case, the color and smell of the water do not change, it is possible to find out only in the laboratory. our test also does not pass the microbiology test; the numbers are three times higher than normal. these can also be pathogenic organisms that... can cause some pathologies in humans. here are the spring waters for you. all that remains is to either install cleaning filters in the water supply system, or clean the well itself, on your own or with the help of craftsmen. vladimir bokalov will show how this happens. for
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started dirty water needs to be pumped out. and you can immediately see the cracks in the wall. this is depressurization of seams. the ground thawed, the rings shifted, and we had rings between the joints. next is cleaning the bottom, sediments have accumulated on it, they also affect the quality of the water. part of it has silted up, we are now removing this part so that the springs can function smoothly. it is also necessary to clean the walls of the well with a stiff brush or a stream of clean water and disinfect it. the master uses a solution of ordinary potassium permanganate, but it is commercially available. special chlorine-based products or yoda. in general, for prevention, all these procedures should be carried out at least once a year. spring is just the right time. yuri nesterov, mikhail karasev, vladimir repin, channel one. on saturday morning, according to tradition
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, my colleague allata takes little known people, revealing them to us from the most unexpected side. today her guest is the actor and host of the hourly program, alexander rafaenko. the competition is expected to be serious. today the most brutal presenter of the first channel of the military information program chasovoy will try on cinderella’s shoes alexey rafaenko. this is the only civilian aircraft about which we could not say anything. another old friend of ours, the largest military transport helicopter mi-26. the flagship of russian combat aviation, the strategic heavy missile carrier tu-160, takes off. alexey, good morning. hello. i have for you, look how lovely it is, the next obstacle course, i see, is prepared, but first we need to put on these rock boots, which are two sizes smaller than our human feet, look what they are, oh-oh-oh, yes already very ok, these
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the rock climbing shoes are specially selected in such a way that the leg seems to shrink inside there, it shrinks very much, very oh, wonderful, wonderful, you need to get up , try to rise on your tiptoes, how do you feel now? not ballerinas, i clearly feel like myself, well, i wouldn’t buy those either, to be honest, alexey, please note, this is a boulder, the ledges are of different colors, but each color means the level of difficulty of the trail in order to climb to the top, white is the easiest, orange markers for the route that is more difficult, and bright red for those who is not the first time or who has problems, a mortgage and so on, that is, we are easy, and also the safety rules say that if you are scared, right now, turn around and run, i’m kidding, you need to take off the rings and all the jewelry from my hands, because they are in the way, they were removed from me already in the subway, we need to measure the height of our path, we will need to stick this sticker as high as possible on the wall, it
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will confirm our record, the one with the highest sticker will win, and another nuance, you need to use only your own stones colors, then you will follow your path, so, to the start, attention, march, maybe? don't rush, damn it, it's simple, but i'm scared, sticker, alexei is obviously superior, so, of course, he wins. from the program good morning and from me, as a veteran of the word section, a gold chocolate medal. good morning, goodbye, i want
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to treat myself to some spring new clothes, but i don’t have time to go shopping, or i just don’t have extra money for shopping. our designer olga nikishicheva is in a hurry to help, for her, it seems, nothing is impossible, today she will turn an old bedspread into a super fashionable cardigan. dear friends, today we will make an original cardigan from an old bedspread with dimensions of 130 by 170 cm. natural cotton with original fringe. everything is in the latest fashion, add decorative braid and you won’t have to throw away or buy anything. we boldly get to work, fold the bedspread into four layers. in the corner we draw a neckline for the back with a width of eight and a depth of 3 cm, from the top edge we mark a sleeve width of 25 cm and draw it. line, leaving the central fold also 25 cm. for
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the bottom of the cardigan we will use the entire width of the bedspread with a beautiful fringe, so we draw the side line from the angle at an angle to our point. we round the corner, cut off the excess taking into account the seam allowances. we cut out the shelves with a toe and divide the shelf in half, this is what the blood of our cardigan looks like, we sew only two side seams on a machine. we process the edges of the side seams using verlock. we process the edges of the shelves with decorative
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braid, apply them along the edges and sew them on. we emphasize the waist with a belt, which, by the way, they also did it themselves. that's all the work is, both quickly and effectively. in such a cotton cardigan with pom-poms, you can go for a walk or on vacation, and no one will guess that it was an old bedspread. in the apartment. the question always causes a lot of controversy, my god, i'm stuck, i'm stuck, brock loves this carrier very much, you have two dogs, a cat, someone else you're hiding, one parrot, three kings, why are you leaving right away, the diagnosis is an associative cat, you're a little bit - moving a little in micro steps towards a full-fledged cat, and that’s right, every cat deserves happiness, whatever it was, but 2 years ago... i picked it up from the street, it turned out great, it could
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have been about a ferret and a dog, that they are not a couple, but no, you saw the video, watch it with us, the premiere, tomorrow on the first , monte shococa cognac, stellar group product, rum, castro, stellar group product, veda vodka, product. stellar group cognac old barrel product of stellor group bourbon steersman product of stellar group. premiere. i love my country. today is the first one. zoya borisovna personifies the century. all her life she did what she loved your business. she is around herself. creates centers of culture, not to mention her literary
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works, which have been translated into many languages, 100 years, this will definitely be written out of spite, especially her attitude towards talents, she felt them right away, she is an amazing girl, at 100 years old, she a very young man, i can’t live without work at all, i have to go somewhere, help someone, andrei andreevich voznesensky, after meeting zoya borisovna, dedicated... the poem: abide, light, fleeting, incessant, i do not reproach, that you passed, thank you for coming. andrei generally had two priorities in life: his work and my mother. andryushka and i lived very friendly, it was his song that reflected the moment of our only quarrel. to the centenary of zoya boguslavskaya. today on the first,
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oh, i grew up on ural dumplings, and i on homemade ones, hello, hello, and when you swim as a team in the pool, you don’t go blind, kvn, major league, new season, watch the time after the program, sergey, i will it’s uncomfortable to live at your expense, well, if you want, you can go to work on saturday itself... the weekly round-the-clock version is almost the only chance to devote time to yourself, when if not now, organize a rescue, for this whole working week with shopping, lessons, cooking and other chores , we deserve it. irina materanskaya will tell you what we will do specifically. work, work and these endless household chores, i just fed everyone in the morning and took them to school, it’s already evening, it’s time to pick up food again. not enough for myself at all. time, and especially for a beauty salon, especially
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your family thinks you’re beautiful, and you really want all these pleasant procedures, it’s finally saturday, which means you’ll have a minute for yourself and... for anything, so maybe try to do all this at home, for example, peeling, just let it be at home it will be soft, preferably with lactic acid, the rest are aggressive, under the supervision of a doctor. apply to cleansed skin and lie quietly for 5 minutes, or try to lie quietly. now a mask to consolidate the peeling result, any one, be it cream or fabric. just a minute for you, just a minute. for yourself, there are two important points: your skin is already prepared after peeling, and therefore the result is on your face, here is the second point right away, your face should be on a pillow, any masks must be in a horizontal position, and to make your position as calm as possible, do masks for all women in the house, even the
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smallest ones. spa, spa spa, thank you, you can also arrange a mini-salon at home. first, take a bath with salt. and with any himalayan, english and forest, they all relax and soothe, even just the sight of such salt that’s already good, so how much should i pour for a nervous mother , 300-500 grams for a standard bath, the water temperature is a couple of degrees higher than body temperature 37-38°, maximum 40, the salt dissolves well, and at the same time it softens the water and saturates it with minerals, mom, close the door, by the way, i won’t refuse massacres. well, to consolidate the result, any herbal tea, chamomile, milk oolong, jasmine, calms down, and, by the way, flowers in any form have a positive effect on a woman’s psyche. irina materanskaya,
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channel one. today is world circus day. congratulations to acrobats, jugglers, clowns, magicians, trainers. in general, everyone who gives us joy, fun and magic, an amazing world that can always, at least for a short time, help you return to childhood. now we are rehearsing a number of cannata dancers, my dynasty genre, so to speak, their story began more than a century ago with an escape from home, the founder of the dynasty erzakhan alikhanov, as a teenager in...
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a student of a circus school and a representative of a circus dynasty in one person, rather an exception, daniil lukyanov , hereditary tightrope walker, now in his second year. my parents retired, and i really wanted
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to perform in the circus, well, i just lived for it. at first i chose reel balancing as my main course, but then i met a master who teaches it. put your foot a little closer to your knees, calls from grandfather’s rehearsals to the pioneer are a mandatory program, i’m very proud, i dreamed of this, yes, we started studying with him around the age of seven, i only see him as a circus performer, even i gave him my lucky czech shoes so that he could follow in his footsteps more convenient, they haven’t done it better yet, but those growing up behind the scenes don’t necessarily dream of a playpen, daniela baron, granddaughter. the daughter and niece of equestrian trainers is studying at the faculty of public administration, i surprisingly never thought about horses, now that i’m older, when i’m hundreds of kilometers away from them, i finally realized the value, now of course i miss it when artists on tour, our conversation begins as the horses
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end, mother kisses all the horses, well , how do you want, how to live without them, without them i can’t live anymore... perhaps my mother is sure that in the end the daughter will continue the family business anyway, the textbook on the basics of dressage and riding, which is passed down from generation to generation, reveals, perhaps more often than not, management theories, my grandfather kept it on his desk all his... life this book, and he always read it, but he always found me something new, so i read it too, and she also inherited the love of the circus . alena ostrakhansova, nikita kulakov, tatyana iyus, channel one. water, weed, trim, feed, and then water again, and so on in a circle. the work of the lucky ones there's no end to it, because i'm not used to it, my back hurts and my lower back ache. doctor sergei arsenin suggests preparing for gardening loads ahead of time. there is a dacha ahead, and we are unaccustomed to physical work, i propose that together we prepare
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the joints and spine for the upcoming loads. let's start with the diet, leaning on foods rich in calcium. choose what you like best: cheese, cottage cheese, canned sardines, beans, sprinkle the dish with sesame seeds, parsley and dill. they also have a lot. we also eat beef jellied meat more often, it contains the protein collagen, which makes our joints more mobile. brazil nuts will also help us, a couple of them a day is enough to compensate for the selenium deficiency. i also have a personal secret recipe: pour a tablespoon of rose hips into a liter of hot boiled water. add a teaspoon of crushed burdock root and chaga, strain after 15 minutes,
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drink half a glass of the infusion twice a day, rose hips promotes collagen production, burdock root enhances the synthesis of intra-articular fluid, chaga prevents the destruction of sacral tissue, what else if have you been before? joint injuries or sometimes lower back pain, rub the problem areas with camphor oil. and, of course, we do gymnastics every day. we rotate the pelvis, shoulders, elbows, and wrist joints. warming up is the best way to prepare your body for the upcoming physical activity. be healthy. our ancestors paid special attention
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to the weather, today is april 20, what it is like on this day and on september 20, we’ll check, if we don’t forget, what astrologers think about this weekend, we’ll also tell you. both of these days, in general, the guys were positive, calm, friendly, cordial. they will always try to understand and help, today, however, is not too inclined to intimate conversations, it is not at all rich in emotions, but if you need wise advice or you need to solve some practical problem, fix something, set it up, intercept money before payday, contact him, he won’t refuse, tomorrow is a more spiritual day, he can, as they say, speak out, pour out his soul, and if you need to establish mutual understanding with someone or make peace, it’s to him, they are also both very economical, everything related to the house will go with a bang these days. this also applies to purchases, but what you shouldn’t do is make rash promises, gossip and generally throw words to the wind. aries, keep
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this in mind, watch your words, you certainly shouldn’t be frank with people you don’t know about your wealth. and so you have a very positive weekend, when you can redo household chores, have a good rest, and see friends. and taurus have every chance to complete the maximum program for the weekend. by the way, you don’t want to include an outing into nature. it's spring there by the way, this weekend will help taurus lovers achieve reciprocity. the stars promise some news to gemini. perhaps they will surprise you and even make you rethink your immediate goals. and try not to get involved in disputes, especially money disputes. better buy yourself some new clothes. cancers can experience a sort of dreamy mood, similar to laziness. well, why not, you can easily spend one day off in blissful idleness. the second one won't work. will be loaded with something. the luminaries say to leo: even if you you know for sure that you understand everything and are doing it right, listen to other people’s opinions,
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what if it enriches you with something? tomorrow , get ready to work around the house, perhaps fixing something. virgos cannot rule out some events on the personal front. it may turn out, for example, that someone sighs unevenly for you. what to do with it, decide for yourself. also, these days someone you haven’t seen for a long time may show up. libra has a good spring weekend, light and mobile, like a balloon. many. scorpios will be able to successfully solve some everyday problems, improve something, put in order, put in order. some pleasant acquaintance, perhaps at a party or at some event, is also excluded. sagittarius should keep a close eye on their wallet. he may be harmed by what is called the actions of third parties or simply an unfortunate coincidence of circumstances. and if you go to the country, do not burn grass and garbage. capricorns these days, as they say, are popular, they enjoy attention, they are invited somewhere, people want to communicate with them. among other things, there will be a chance to resolve some
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work issues in an informal setting, and they may also give you something. aquarius. will have a chance to find new allies and like-minded people, it is not a fact that these connections will be long-lasting, but the stars are not to blame here, a small profit is possible, maybe you can repay the debt, take care of the stomach, the liver, pisces are very creative, everyone who makes something, sews, is engaged in design, tinkering with technology, they will definitely be satisfied, but pisces these days are somehow too touchy and sensitive, apparently, this is also a characteristic of creative people, and someone else may fall in love with you, uda dream with me, so is called the all-russian project of the first movement, which has been making children's dreams come true for 10 years now. i am very happy that we also had the chance to participate in this project, just like my colleagues, i can rightfully say that fulfilling a childhood dream is great, in general, this is probably the best thing that can be done, and it makes us kinder, gives
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strength to live. well, shall we begin? come on, becoming a co-host of svetlana zeynalova is the dream of sixteen-year-old diana farakhova from the small town of megion, khantemansky autonomous okrug, wrote a letter to the site all-russian project of the first movement, dream with me, 10 years have been making the dreams of special children come true. my mother and i found out through social networks, we decided to try to write, i thought, why do i need something material if i can ask my parents about it, and i decided to get out. meeting, but i kind of love svetlana zeynalova for a long time, so i thought, why not, they unexpectedly called, here they are with the whole family already at the ostankino television center, walking behind the scenes of various programs, this is the backstage of the program, life is great, life is great, life great, a tour of the good morning editorial office, where our program is created, after which diana
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wanted to become a journalist even more. the plot is 3 minutes long, on average we edit it. 3 hours, a lot of work, but interesting, cool, but the main meeting is ahead, oh, hello, hello, svetlana zeynalova, as it was, you were promised, as you wrote in the letter, hello, hello, hello, i really wanted to meet you , i’m very, very pleased, we brought you gifts from the first channel, i came here on purpose and thought that this little souvenir as a souvenir of our meeting with you, before the broadcast, make-up and a walk through the broadcast control room , our control center, you see so many monitors , i don’t know why there are so many monitors, that’s how many years i’ve been working because this server is being launched, there are news there because we ’ll switch to them, so in any case, if all the television of the whole world stops, then good
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morning will not stop and finally, the studio, how not to get excited, a couple of minutes, and diana surprises everyone, without preparation she read the eyeliner, and how she read it, precious gem and rare minerals, maybe not as beautiful as, for example, emerald, well, but very important for all sorts of high technologies, yes, and it’s true, mom is shocked, applause, say, just like that, i came here, took it and more read it. what can i hide, everyone is in shock! diana immediately remembered how she was not accepted into drama school, the reason was diabetes, diana had diabetes since she was 3 years old, when it turned out that i had diabetes, they told me it was better to leave, well, no matter what, i just calmly left, i realized that okay, i’ll let other actors in studios in our city. diana is a real fighter, tomorrow morning her first live broadcast, but for now a walk around moscow, a zoo, a
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ferris wheel. the highest in the capital 140 m, diana, of course, chose a booth with a transparent floor, generally so cool, then to the aquarium, there are a lot of emotions, but with diabetes you need to follow a regime to avoid sudden surges in sugar, get enough sleep before the broadcast, at 6 am it’s already vdnkh next to our mobile studio, good morning, oh, good morning, such, oh, thank you, our zone for you, good morning, just for yours jacket, well, ready for the live broadcast, ready, small. a tour of the studio, makeup, meeting arina sharapova, roman budnikov, these are the director’s cherished words. 40 seconds, good morning, good morning, welcome to our studio, listen, and here diana can’t be stopped, at the exhibition russia is trying herself as a correspondent, the cameraman took the camera, 14 kilos on her shoulder, diana will remember these 3 days, at the height 337 m, made
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her next dream, to return and work on television, and we promised to wait for her. a small gift from channel one, and from our team, who really fell in love with you. our morning broadcast continues, i give the floor to my colleagues from the information service of channel one, we will find out what events have happened in the country and the world by this hour, on the news broadcast. this is news on the first one, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, at the beginning of the topic of the special operation aerial drone. the ukrainian armed forces reconnaissance destroyed the air defense crews of the southern group of troops in the donetsk direction, the strela-10 air defense system worked perfectly, the target was targeted throughout flight, when it reached our positions,
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the command was received to shoot it down. in the kherson region , the crew of the self-propelled gun nona s of the marine corps of the black sea fleet razed an enemy observation post on the right bank of the dnieper, identified the target, adjusted the fire, drone operators helped, the artillery turned on quickly, all their skills were practiced to the point of automaticity, speed.
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the house of representatives of the american congress today plans to consider a bill to help ukraine, we are talking about the allocation of more than 60 billion dollars from the us budget, american media write that if the law is adopted. and signed by joe biden, the delivery of new weapons to ukraine will take less than a week, everything is already ready, these are most likely artillery shells for the air defense system that zelensky is constantly begging for, although the republicans, who have a majority in the lower house, they believe, can once again slow down the delivery that washington’s priority should be strengthening its own borders, rather than spending money on the impossible dreams of the kiev regime. it's time to stop funding ukraine, many people are dying ukrainians, especially young people.
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the bill on aid to ukraine, which was initially initiated by the democrats, was delayed for a long time by their opponents, who for the first time passed the documents. they tried to discuss it at the end of last year, but the speaker of the house of representatives, republican mike johnson , refused to put it to a vote, and so he backed down, which aroused the indignation of fellow party members, and now risks losing his post, and this despite the fact that the law has undergone significant changes from the 61 billion provided for assistance ukraine, kiev can only count on 23, the rest of the money will go to replenishing the weapons reserves of the states themselves, but 23 billion is not a donation, a loan that...
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why doesn’t europe allocate more money to help ukraine, why is the united states investing in the war ukraine has $100 billion more than europe, why can't europe invest equally or'. his participation in the race, because trump’s ratings are much higher than those of his main rival, the current us president, joe biden. almost every court hearing in trump's case is accompanied by rallies in his support, and one of the last... hearings
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hit all the american media, but the audience's attention was not focused on the trial, the building in new york, where the jury gathered, an unknown man, set himself on fire. this moment was broadcast on cnn, which broadcast live . the fire was quickly extinguished, the ambulance took the victim away, he is alive, but what he was trying to achieve in such an extreme way is unclear. the west is one step away from sending troops to ukraine, this could drag europe to the bottom, he said. hungarian prime minister viktor orban, according to him , brussels is playing with fire, its current leadership must resign, otherwise the european union will pay a high price, the eu economy has already begun to sink, farmers are suffering losses due to cheap ukrainian imports, migration policy is leading to violence and crime , and the future of european children is in the hands of gender activists, orban noted, with many of his compatriots agreeing with him at the upcoming elections to the european parliament in june of the right-wing party, which supports orbán with a large share.
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likely to succeed, experts believe they will be able to significantly displace the center-left. today, one of the country's greatest hockey players, the legendary dynamo player alexander maltsev, 75, is congratulating him on his anniversary. he is the absolute record holder of the national team, played the most matches for it - 319 , scored the most goals - 212. two-time olympic champion, nine-time world champion. for 11 years he was recognized as the best striker of the soviet union. this. even though he was playing maltsev played for dynamo and did not want to move to cska, then the main hockey team of the ussr. and another phenomenal achievement : in total, he played in the national team in 79 different threes, and in all positions, right, left, center, contrary to hockey traditions, when fives or threes of forwards have been played for years. the blue and white virtuoso, who started playing in a local team, in small kirovo, chepetsky could decide the fate of the match alone. filigree technology, high speed. enviable performance
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as he himself said, everything is for the sake of victory and for the sake of the emotions of the fans. the spectator is everything, because without spectators, i think that an athlete cannot play so great. the great coach anatoly tarasov called maltsev the yesenin of russian hockey. journalists have dubbed it a hockey pele, but the fans of the blue and white have been ending all matches with the same chant for decades now. only maltsev, only... that's all for now, now the floor goes to irina murymtseva. good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day, this saturday, april 20, together with the first channel, irina muromtseva with you, we are tuning in for a big cleaning time. parks, streets, courtyards, squares, everyone is sprucing up and in many cities these days there are cleanup days, and this is really great, but how else can you see the spring around? big spring
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cleaning across the country. in nizhny novgorod there are more than 4.0 street cleaners and road workers on the streets. cleans roads, buildings, sculptures. izhevsk students traditionally gather every spring to wash pushkin. we've almost finished everything. only one more left leg. the park in front of the university is a favorite place for student hangouts. everyone wants it to be clean here. we. we used four packs of shampoo, so we washed everything well. peterhof needs to prepare not just one, but hundreds of sculptures, each work of art, for the season, but first they need to be freed from their winter containers. the first nymph of the 38th century overwintered well. we see that there is no serious damage to the sculpture. in principle, even its color has not changed very much, because, after all, when 6 the sculpture stands under the box for months, the dust settles. and some minor dirt, sometimes
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there is a need to clean them up, they decided to put the sculptures in order in crimea, chekhov and the lady with the dog had already taken a shower, but in yalta there are 127 monuments, everyone will receive a portion of attention and detergent, not only monuments, but also lawns, benches, borders, i want to wash everything, i want my city to shine and please the eye, so the cleanup came, the desire to transform their hometown moves many people, volunteers of yekaterinburg decided to help restore order in the city green grove park. today we have about twenty-something people, we are distributed, someone shovels the snow, someone removes the garbage. the call to participate in the cleanup was posted on social networks, people of different professions and ages responded to it and worked so contagiously that they inspired others. we were absolutely random passers-by who passed by, saw some cool guys, and also joined in and helped our city.
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russian cleanup turned into a real holiday, they cleaned up the arboretum and sudzhuk spit. there are different kinds of garbage, like thrown out from the sea, this is how tourists left behind, for example, various packaging of drinks, juices, or even banal bottles with who knows what. more than 500 people came out at the same time. novorossiysk activists do not limit themselves to one-time actions; they collect garbage regularly. since the beginning of spring , volunteer activists of the city have already cleaned more than 50 thousand square meters of territory. anyone who has ever taken part in a cleanup event knows how pleasant it is and will never be able to litter on the street again. dmitry boyko, marina glushenkova, anna gazhala, marina guseinova, marina. channel one is an important children's question: where to escape from boredom? father of many children alexey ivanov is sure, of course, to dad, he will certainly come up with something interesting and fun, for example, this weekend he proposes to send small boats on a long voyage, an excellent plan, and this is
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100% better than looking at a gadget, papalo on the roof, spring is in full swing, you know what this means, it’s time to start navigation, the boys and i will launch boats, join forces, classic of the genre, paper boats, boys, you know how to fold paper boats, let's try, come on, if you don't know how, the diagram is on the internet. origami, by the way, is a very useful activity, it involves concentration and fine motor skills, super, double-decker orange boat, you have a ship, well, boys, it turned out great, now i suggest
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you have a snack, a walnut shell can also become a boat, it doesn’t sink, it has the right shape, let's try it with... we'll have toothpicks as masts, let's secure them plasticine, well, we’ll make flags from napkins, carefully, tu-tu-tu-tu, oh, everything is ready, let’s go outside, i’ll take threads and colored paper with me, i have one idea, what are ships made of in general? ? tree. right. let's try it too. let's collect some branches. now let’s connect the branches with thread to make a raft. let's install a mast with a bright flag. it's time
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to launch our ships. we have a river nearby, let's see how they stay on the water. oh, come on, class. well, well, hold on, little boat, hold on, blowing, blowing, blowing, good luck to everyone swimming, spring, the snow has melted , potholes have appeared on the roads, motorists need to be very careful now so as not to fall into such a trap, our auto expert denis sharovar will tell you how to safely drive through a pothole. hello everyone, my name is denis sharvar, and today we will learn how to extend the life of your car’s suspension, because now this is especially important, because the snow has melted and there are holes under it, what to do if there is a deep pothole in front of you, but
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there is no way to get around it, braking to the floor is not an option, it’s dangerous, firstly, another car may greet you from behind, secondly, you just might not have time to stop, and now imagine, the entire weight of the car is rushing to the front, the suspension is maximally loaded, there’s also a hole, boom, breakdown, better yet don’t brake at all, it’s definitely not worth accelerating even more , they say, the speed is less than the hole, yes, it may be more comfortable in the cabin, but the wheel bearings, steering knuckles, wheels and tires definitely won’t appreciate such maneuvers, since you still need to drive through the hole at speed, i explain : 5-7 meters before it, press the brake pedal right in front of the pit we release it, we do not slow down to a complete stop, we unload the suspension elements, after releasing the brake, the components of the chassis system seem to be thrown up by inertia,
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the front part of the car is unloaded and it is as if we fly over the pit, now, as for avoiding the pits, everything is easy here, we look in the mirrors, make sure that we won’t disturb anyone ... we’ll do this maneuver, that’s it, we’ll go around it, but if you see a car, it’s better not to take risks, even if it seems that there’s enough space to go around the hole in your lane, you never know what, fix it anyway. suspension is cheaper than restoring a car after an accident. the gardening season has started in most regions. the first thing to do is, of course, to put things in order at the site, there is a lot to do, how not to forget anything, how not to miss anything, oksana stankevich will tell you the most important things. if the snow has completely melted on the site, then it’s time to open the summer season, we’ll start. from harvesting, we are raking up last year’s
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leaves; there are a lot of insect pests buried in them in the fall. it's time to collect them together with the garbage in a bag and take them to container. but don’t rush to comb the lawn, it’s not completely dry yet. you can remove the roots along with the withered grass; if you really want to make it beautiful, go over it with a plastic rake like this, and leave the deep combing with an iron rake for a month. we remove the insulation from the dew hydrangea, but leave the peat for now, it will protect the plants from cold night temperatures; it will be possible to completely remove the protection in early may. if. if your fruit trees do not have trunk circles, it’s time to make them, thanks to the loose
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in the soil, trees grow faster and bear fruit more actively, and for this they need to be fed, but do not rush, inspect your plants. if the leaves have not yet appeared, it is too early to fertilize. we treat only those bushy trees whose leaves have already begun to bloom. in spring, plants need nitrogen most to help produce greenery and new shoots, so choose a fertilizer with a high nitrogen content, such as urea or ammonium nitrate. and don’t forget to protect your plants from pests, which are literally waking up now attack young shoots. we measure 60-80 cm from the ground and place
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a sticky trap at this height, and in the spring i feed the birds to attract them to the garden, because birds are the best helpers in pest control. monday, april 22 , the fashion verdict returns to channel one, and in an updated format. the program will now have a men's and a women's program. your silhouette remains in the mirrors, the heroine in the studio doesn’t feel like a queen, leading experts also criticize, but at home everyone is happy with the mirror, why does she need a mirror, it’s an antique deals with black magic, well, is it even reflected there? ladies sincerely think that clothes and cosmetics are unnecessary expenses, well, okay, i bought myself a pencil for my eyebrows,
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four pencils, i bought myself a screwdriver, and what else does real laziness need, viewers on all social networks bombarded the first channel with messages asking for a return program, and voila, from monday the fashionable sentence is back with you, she has such a pleasant inner world that she doesn’t give a damn about the outer world, she’s very good. show-fairy tale is not only about fashion, destinies are changing here, the heroines are talking to the whole country about feelings, relationships with the world and themselves, everyone listens, but only two make a verdict, she is now just relaxed, you now remind me of some kind of predatory animal, there is a male and female version of the program , one day the judge, the famous stylist alexander rogov, he won the audience vote on channel one, what do you want us to dress mom like in jeans? something modern or classic, that’s an example of what we should go for? next day judge
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a woman, for the first time in the history of the project, liliya rakh, a stylist, a famous blogger from kazakhstan, is included in the ranking of the top 500 most influential people in the fashion world. lilia is known for her strong character, constant desire to help women, something has influenced you, what you want to change, that you have fallen in love, you look like an intelligence agent, you don’t answer a single question. the most interesting compliment i received at the institute was from a fellow student who told me, “you don’t have a head, you have a computer, we can’t show you a fairytale transformation.” how the heroines will change, we will keep the intrigue from monday on channel one, the return of your favorite project, a fashionable verdict. it's time to please yourself, just because you exist. victoria bolenskaya, channel one. you get tired quickly, don’t get enough sleep, are in a bad mood, perhaps the reason is spring vitamin deficiency, which means your body needs
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help, our healthy lifestyle expert, darina griboedova, will tell you about five. the most common mistakes when taking vitamins. five mistakes in taking vitamins. let's start with the most typical one. good morning, i would like vitamins the first mistake is to immediately go to the pharmacy to get them. but first, especially in the spring, you should reconsider your diet and remove processed food. recycled is one that has undergone industrial processing. that is, if you see a carrot in a store, you recognize it as a carrot, and you know that it grows like this in nature, but if you see cookies, this does not exist in nature, this means that it has undergone industrial processing, processed products, and what more whole food, the one you know what it looks like in nature, there's an egg, a carrot, potatoes, a head of cabbage, the more such products on your table, the better
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the absorption of any benefits from the diet. error two. what vitamins do you recommend? a pharmacist is not a doctor, and even for an appointment with a therapist, you should prepare so that you don’t get confused in the office and remember everything you’re complaining about. well, in addition to the well-known complaints, i’m tired, i don’t get enough sleep, i don’t have enough energy, very often external signs of vitamin deficiency appear, but for women these are, of course, signs of beauty, these are hair, hair loss, fragility, split ends tips, nails, various changes on the nails, this and... spots, peeling nails, various ridges on the nails, skin, peeling, dry skin, dermatitis, allergic manifestations, mistake three, i went to the doctor, they told me to buy vitamins, but it would be more correct take a test to understand exactly what vitamins are missing, soluble fats d, a, e, donate blood, they
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are informative, water-soluble ones are b and group c, they are not very informative. we look at the blood in combination with other indicators, biochemical in the first place. error fourth: i don’t have enough vitamins, give me more vegetables, fruits, berries. as for making up for deficits from food, if a person has already been diagnosed with a deficit, he will never cover it from food, because what he eats goes to the present, now the person needs to get to the metro, work there, etc. -to do, but if there is a deficit, it will remain so. from food and to replenish it, the dose that comes in needs to be higher than the one we get with food. mistake five: i took the tests, didn’t i have enough vitamins, but i’ll take a multivitamin complex. when we start to look at the composition, as a rule, the vitamin doses are very low, and if a person has some kind of deficiency
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identified in the blood, then these low doses will not be enough to fill this deficiency, and the person will remain on those... . choose, and this is right, zosh, we take vitamins wisely, well, now for you to meet, a unique master, this is both a turner and a carpenter, andy philip, a man who creates incredible... beauty of an interior item from seemingly not intended for this things like this globe that andy made from colored pencils, epoxy resin and a little blue paint, to reach a star, or rather a meteorite, a unique material, it really came from outer space, we have our own craftsmen, not many
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specialists in our country who generally know how to work with meteorites, our task was to do mass production so that everyone would... in conditions of weightlessness, your body begins to rebuild, the design of the hydraulic pool is based on an oil storage facility, spacesuits are lowered into the water by a crane, there are already their met by divers, we hover in a neutral position, do not float up or sink, the effect of weightlessness is created, our satellites, they are designed to operate in low earth orbit, satellite data are used in transport very a lot, we see... every ship that goes with a beacon on throughout the entire planet, you are completely russian -made, yes, we collect all the ballistics that we use in your satellites here, tell us, are there aliens? our everything, premiere, today on the first,
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mancacher whiskey - a product of the stellar group, cnop gin, a product of the stellar group, montechoca cognac, a product of the stellar group, rom castro, a product of the stellar group. escalator, someone even starts humming the song of nikita mikhalkov’s hero from the film i’m walking around moscow. i don't i love it when they call me a comedian, because i haven’t done many comedies. the brilliant georgy danelia was a magician on the set, but how did he manage to direct his own life? danelia came home and said to sokolova: lyuba, i’m leaving, i’ve fallen in love with lyuba. i started crying, i thought, what is it like to live unloved, this is what it’s like to live unloved, is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical, he lived for two lives, and lyuba sokolova got it all, what
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gundareva played, we get a prize, i’m happy, what he's looking at, and he's looking very much interested, always carries slander, for example, she said that he married the first person he met, for which the director blamed himself after the tragedy that happened in his family, after clinical death, he weighed 42 kg, and i realized that i had to save him, our exclusive family secrets of the great director. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere, today on the first. the housing issue always causes a lot of controversy. oh my god, i'm stuck, i'm stuck. brock loves this carrier so much. you have two dogs, a cat, anyone else you are hiding? one parrot, three rabbits. what are you doing right now?
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we continue our big, gigantic journey across belarus. let's go, look, you have a rearview mirror, like the one in my apartment. you can paint your lips. and before, when they baked bread, there wasn’t much flour, they added everything that was in the house, bran, nettles and swan. it turned out to be such fitness bread. what attracts me personally most about teeth is that they are vegetarian. we are actually the tooth. we have prepared funny songs and funny dances, now i won’t leave until you teach me, let’s go, premiere today, confidant our cheerful, good morning
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continues, right now we are going on a journey through siberia, more than 13 million km, stunning natural beauty, historical sights that will take your breath away, ultra-modern technology parks, in general, there is something to see, and who lives here... amazing wonderful people, our correspondent, yulia molostova, visited there and brought back just a lot of impressions. what to do in siberia? science city koltsovo near novosibirsk, we evaluate the architecture of the technology park, popularly nicknamed the caterpillar for its curved shape, this one in the academic town has geese from behind the towers with the letter g. inside there is a cafe, an earthen garden, a laboratory and a site for developers. ivan kosilov has an onlinegit tourism project for the region. if you drive around the novosibirsk region, there are plains, mountains, and rocks. the building itself is also a tourist attraction with a glass floor
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between the towers. what's the height here? it's hard to say, 13 floors. and there's a road underneath you. you can get to the academy park on a guided tour, just like the geological museum at the institute of geology and minerology. these are fall products meteorites, these are the rocks that formed in the crater itself. one of the largest in russia, popigaisky, with a diameter of 100 km, is located in yakutia and the krasnoyarsk territory. valentin affanatyev studies crystals from this crater. impact diamonds obtained as a result of a meteorite impact. we are used to it, a diamond is still something that you can touch, take in your hands, but here is powder, that’s what it’s for? yes, this is a woman's view. this is the basis of the entire tool industry, grinding powders. to create tools. twice as strong current and more resistant to high temperatures. when drilling, the temperature reaches 700-800° at the eyebrow edge. synthetic diamonds crumble, these are 250
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degrees more heat-resistant, i want to be closer to nature in the kemerovo region, the tomsk pisanitsa museum-reserve, kusbass, so even sculptures made of coal. here we unravel rock carvings, look for traces of elk and lynxes, and dive into the history of pagan temples. in tomsk we admire wooden houses, for example, this one with dragons, a reference to the norwegian timid houses. they old boats were used as roofs on residential buildings. the boat was laid on top of the roof; on the boat there was always a talisman on the top, a dragon's head, to appease the sea dragon. at the history museum we go to an exhibition of paintings from the neural network. so, she introduced alexander pushkin’s great-grandfather hannibal. he was under arrest in tomsk. so the siberian actor inakenti smoktunovsky. and of course, we eat pine nuts, sweets, bird's milk with them and a special cake. in our city.
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a competition was held to find a gastronomic brand, naturally the siberian ingredients had to be used, such a crazy idea arose, wouldn’t they add something unusual to the cream, well , ivan added tea, there’s a lot of it here, and it’s honey, we tried it, it’s delicious, yulia molostova, denis panvarev , anton remenny and dmitry gordienko, channel one. in russia , the flood continues, the largest in the last 100 years, in orski, the water is leaving, but in general the situation... in the orenburg region remains difficult, the situation in the kurgan and tyumen regions is difficult, there is a lot of water - this is not a joke, so we all don’t have to relax, dear tv viewers, please take emergency messages seriously, do not ignore them, if you receive an evacuation message, do it immediately, and listen to what our expert, senior rescuer of the russian ministry of emergency situations , osman dilibash, will talk about
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how... to consider all the risks and how to behave correctly during evacuation, how to find out if a flood is threatening your home, go to the rosreestr website, open cadastral maps, enter the address of your house in the search bar, here it is on the map, highlighted in yellow, to find out if it is in danger of flooding, click on the layers icon at the top right and select the option with special conditions for the use of territories, these zones are highlighted in green , and we see they pass through our site to find characteristics, close the search window, click on the green field, a new window appears, here you can select several information fields with this arrow, we need the zauid window, as you can see, this is a flood zone, click
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the more details button, and we get the zone parameters. if you if you find out that your site is in a dangerous zone, there is no need to panic. first of all , we open the map application on our smartphone, take a screenshot of our coordinates, and consider the option of evacuating the house before the arrival of high water. if employees of the ministry of emergency situations come to your house and offer to evacuate, do not refuse, we prepare documents: passport, certificate of ownership, money. we take a first aid kit, prepare a supply of food for several days, drinking water, canned food with a ring, bread, maybe cookies, chocolate. we'll definitely keep an eye on news, we need to be aware of how the flood is progressing. in cases where the water level rises slowly, we transfer material assets to the upper floors.
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be sure to charge the phone, take a power bank, if the situation is critical, turn off the gas, electricity, turn off the water supply, take documents, warm clothes, food supply and go up to the upper floors or roof of the house, and call 112, this is the only rescue service, now there is wait, you will definitely be saved. this winter is in many regions. it was very snowy, and as soon as all this snow began to melt, water appeared in numerous areas, and these spring waters sound beautiful, even poetic, but in reality, thawed water can cause serious problems, you need to be able to deal with them. ivan kiosiv has a well on his property that completely supplies the house with water. with the arrival of spring, the water level there rose, about a meter and a half, some kind of film appeared in the water,
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something on top, the snow melted and the water saturated the soil, it didn’t only saturated, he also brought all sorts of things from the environment pollution, testing center expert. twice, these are traces of fertilizers in the soil. by the way, in this case the color and smell of the water do not change. the only way to find out is in the laboratory. our test also does not pass the microbiology test; the numbers are three times higher than normal. these can also be pathogenic organisms
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that can cause some pathologies in humans. here are the spring waters for you. all that remains is to either install cleaning filters in the water supply system, or clean the well itself, on your own or with the help of craftsmen. vladimir glasses. how this happens, first the dirty water needs to be pumped out with a pump, cracks in the wall are immediately visible, this is depressurization of the seams, the soil has thawed, the rings have shifted and between the joints of the rings we have gaps, this is melt water merging, the water begins to become cloudy, dirty, quick-drying solutions eliminate the problem, then clean the bottom, sediments have accumulated on it, they also affect the quality of the water. some of it has silted up, we are now removing this part so that the springs can function smoothly. it is also necessary to clean the walls of the well with a stiff brush or clean water pressure and disinfect. the master uses a solution of ordinary potassium permanganate, but there are special
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products on sale based on chlorine or iodine. in general, for prevention, all these procedures should be carried out at least once a year; spring is the best time. yuri nesterov, mikhail karasev, vladimir repin, channel one. national donor day in russia, thanks to everyone who is ready to donate blood for free and thereby save someone’s life. by the way, there are a lot of such people; according to statistics, they have donated blood at least once in their lives 60% of russians. the easiest way to help when it is very difficult and scary is to become a donor. march, crocus, thousands of people queuing to donate blood. in 1998, after an accident , he needed a transfusion; since then he has been a constant donor; blood and its components are needed in all regions of our country regularly and not only for emergency situations. bone marrow donors are also needed. timerland became one 2 years ago. they called me
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in february 2022, i was at work. remember, you joined the register in 1919. and after these words everything, everything memories and immediately i... told the employee, don’t tell me anything further, i agree, i didn’t know who the recipient was, information cannot be disclosed for 2 years, alexandra was diagnosed with acute meloid leukemia 6 years ago, 3 years later there was a relapse, in 2022 it became clear, without a donor, she had no luck. on march 30, i was informed that cell collection was starting, that the donor had passed the examination, i was very happy. alexandra and tamerlane had been waiting for this day for 2 years. they are genetic twins, a one in 1000 match, his cells matched perfectly, she now literally has his flowing through her blood. this is now your relative, and this is now with you forever, right? sharing
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bone marrow means sharing homopaetic stem cells. in fact, bone marrow is a hematopoietic organ, that is, all our blood cells are formed in the spongy substance of tubular bones, in flat bones. that is , they are simply born there, begin to mature and from being universal become more differentiated, these cells are restored, and the collection is similar to a regular blood donation, first preparatory stage, he is injected with certain medicines for 5 days, and these cells are kemepaetic, they come out of their place, appear in the peripheral blood and from there we take them using the aphiresis method through a device, the blood is distilled twice: through the machines they are returned back, valery was called a month ago, and he i also had no doubts, i decided that i needed to help the person, since i am the only one who is suitable for him, there must be a coincidence of more than twenty blood phenotypes, even
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relatives are rarely suitable, you need an ideal genetic twin to become a donor bone marrow, first you need to join the register, it’s not difficult, fill out a form, donate blood for typing, the decisive factor for me was... the information that a genetic twin is one in 1000, one in 1000, so i can have this happen here that your genetic twin will never get sick. no need to report. on the other hand, look at alexandra. she is here because tamerlane once decided to help. elizaveta nikishova, dmitry roshkov, elnurovali akhmetov, yulia bykova, first channel. on the calendar on april 20, today hundreds of thousands of people, of all ages, of all different professions around the world, will write a dictation. in russian. after all, today that same total dictation is taking place:
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a worldwide educational campaign. this year she has a round date: 20 years. we are already writing total dictation today on all continents of the world, from the mine to the iss, everyone is ready. and those with whom the project began 20 years ago. the idea of ​​students from novosibirsk state university was to simply test their literacy. to us there are people walking around who are already writing. the bot on the total cat network will tell you about the events, reminding you that today at
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the tomsk site the author of the year, writer anna matveeva, will read the text; she has prepared four options for different time zones, but all are combined into one story. i’m a little worried, of course, this is a completely different measure of responsibility, i will read not just a text written by my colleague, but my own text, and i want to read it so that as many people as possible get excellent grades. today on the site marathon 17 hours. live broadcast, you can write a dictation online, hear the author read it or choose other dictators, these are felix moshkov, olga seryabkina, evgeny chebatkov. we spend almost a day of total dictation with our viewers, with our participants, and invite guests to the studio. dictation results after april 25. in large cities, verification takes longer, up to two weeks. along with the assessment, you will receive a certificate, a life hack, some even attach it to your resume. wanted, of course, to create a feeling of celebration from this
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shares, that is, so that it doesn’t get double leaves, we want it to be out of love, out of interest, out of love today they will write a total dictation: 45 countries, 74 foreign cities and more than 600 russian cities. anna popova, mikhail karasev, denis ponomarev, channel one. starting monday on channel one , a multi-part detective story based on the laws of war, a great war movie and... the story continues: rostov forty-first saboteurs blew up trains with fuel, a military investigator will investigate the case the prosecutor's office, our old friend svetlana ilagina, military lawyer yegor shilov, and the resilient driver fedorenko is also in the business. and you came on this matter, right? krom baba. investigator of the military prosecutor's office.
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forty-one years after completing a combat mission, military lawyer elagina arrives in rostov-on-don, her beloved ivan rokotov remained on the front line. such a love song happened between her and ivan that no matter who reacts to ilagi, the object of her adoration, love, admiration is, of course, her husband. so you love fairy tales about love, lyudmila, i, too, you know, love aleksandruge. pushkin especially, ruslan and lyudmila, whatever, they lived a long time,
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died happily on the same day according to the law of war . the city lives according to the laws of war, the explosion of a train with fuel, the robbery of a military warehouse, the murder of a military correspondent of the capital's newspaper, all elagin's crimes will be investigated with military lawyer yegor shilov, svetlana's childhood friend and first love, how beautiful you have become, what happened before? scary or what? he is such a real, real man, honest, open, frank, direct, and sometimes rude, firstly, time, and secondly, people are like that. makes quite sharp decisions, performs such strong-willed actions as men, then ilagina relies on some of her feminine wisdom, on some of her attentiveness, and
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again she notices some human nuances, so they complement each other, but why a new partner her brother doesn’t like it so much, why? mirsky will suspect shilov. please be careful. kolya, this is yegor. remember how much you and he have been through together. just be careful. detective under martial law starting monday on channel one, don’t miss it. asya ratkevich, joseph kobrin, andrey ivanov, channel one. dream with me is the name of the all-russian project of the first movement, which has been implemented for 10 years now. life, children's dreams, i am very happy that we also had the chance to participate in this project, just like my colleagues, i can rightfully say that fulfilling a childhood dream is great, in general, this is probably the best thing that can be done, and this makes us kinder, gives us strength to live, which
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well, let's start, let's become a co-host of svetlana zeynalova, the dream of sixteen-year-old diana farakhova. the whole family is already at the ostankino television center walking behind the scenes of various programs, this is the backstage of the program to live healthy, live healthy, life is healthy, a tour of the good morning editorial office, where they create our program, after which diana wanted to become a journalist even more, a plot for 3 minutes, in on average, we edit for 3 hours,
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it’s a lot of work, but interesting, cool, but the main meeting is ahead, oh, hello! hello, svetlana zeynalova, as it was, you were promised, as you wrote in the letter, hello, hello, i really wanted to meet you, i’m very, very pleased, we brought you gifts from the first channel, i came here on purpose and thought that this little souvenir would be a keepsake for you about our meeting with you, you will open it, now it will be spring, you will go like this, you will be so beautiful, spring, light, you will fall in love with someone before the broadcast and...
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like, for example, emerald, but very important rare minerals, maybe and not so beautiful, for all sorts of high technologies, and even that true, my mother is in shock, applause, say, just like that, he came, took it and read more, but what to hide, everyone is in shock, diana immediately remembered how she was not accepted into drama school, the reason is diabetes, diana has had it since she was 3 years old , when they found out that... that i had diabetes, they told me it was better to leave, well, no matter what, i just calmly left, i realized that okay, but there are other acting studios in our city, diana is a real fighter, tomorrow morning her first live broadcast, but for now a walk around moscow, the zoo, the ferris wheel, the highest in
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the capital is 140 m, diana, of course, chose a booth with a transparent floor, it’s generally so cool, then there are emotions in the aquarium. a lot, but with diabetes you need to follow a regime to avoid sudden spikes in sugar, get enough sleep before the broadcast at 6 am already at vdnkh next to our mobile studio, good morning, oh, good morning, you have one, oh, thank you, you need a zone, good morning, just right for your jackets, well, ready for the live broadcast, ready, a short tour of the studio, makeup, meeting arina sharapova, roman budnikov, these are the cherished words of the director, 40 seconds, good morning, good morning, welcome, listen, it’s so great, here diana can’t be stopped, at the exhibition russia is trying herself as a correspondent cameraman, she took the camera, 14 kilos on her shoulder. diana will remember these 3 days. at an altitude of 337 m, she made her next dream, to return and work on
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television, and we promised to wait for it. a small gift from the first channel, and from our team, which you really fell in love with. sergey abramov, sotnik, ksenia maklyak, sergey morin, vasily valetov and evgeny morenkov. first channel. the gardening season has started in most regions. the first thing to do is , of course, to put things in order. there are a lot of things to do in the area, how not to forget anything, how not to miss the most important thing, oksana stankevich will tell you. if the snow has completely melted on the site, then it’s time to open the summer season, we’ll start it with cleaning. we are raking up last year's leaves; many pests were buried in them in the fall. it's time to collect them together with the garbage in a bag and take them to a container. but
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don’t rush to comb the lawn, it’s still if it has not completely dried out, you can remove the roots along with the withered grass. if you really want to bring beauty, go over it with this plastic rake and deep comb it. leave the iron ones at the end of the month, remove the insulation from the hydrangea, but leave the peat for now, it will protect the plants from cold night temperatures, it will be possible to completely remove the protection in early may. if your fruit trees do not have trunk circles, now is the time to make them. thanks to loose soil, trees grow faster and bear fruit more actively. and for this you need them feed, but do not rush, inspect your plants. if the leaves have not yet appeared,
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it is too early to fertilize. we treat only those bushy trees whose leaves have already begun to bloom. in spring, plants need nitrogen most of all; it helps grow greenery and new shoots. therefore , choose a fertilizer with... nitrogen content, for example, urea or ammonium nitrate. and don’t forget to protect your plants from pests, which are now actively waking up and literally attacking young shoots. we measure 60-80 cm from the ground and place it on this height is a sticky trap. and in the spring i’m under... water, weed, trim, feed, and then water again and so on in a circle, there is no end to the work of the lucky ones,
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my back hurts my lower back because of unaccustomment, doctor sergei arsenin suggests preparing ahead of time for gardening loads. there is a dacha ahead, and we are unaccustomed to physical work, i propose that together we prepare the joints and spine for the upcoming loads. let's start with the diet, leaning on foods rich in calcium. choose what you like best. cheese, cottage cheese, canned sardines, beans. sprinkle the dish with sesame seeds, parsley and dill. they also have a lot of calcium. we also eat beef jellied meat more often. it contains collagen protein, which makes our joints more mobile. brazil nuts will also help us. a couple of pieces a day is enough to compensate for selenium deficiency. i also have
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a personal secret recipe: pour a tablespoon of rose hips into a liter of hot boiled water. add a teaspoon of chopped burdock and chaga root, strain after 15 minutes. drink half a glass of infusion twice a day. rosehip promotes collagen production. burdock root enhances the synthesis of intra-articular fluid. chaga prevents the destruction of crevical tissue. what else? if you have previously had joint injuries or sometimes your lower back hurts, rub the problem areas with camphor oil. and of course, we do gymnastics every day. we rotate the pelvis, shoulders, elbows, and wrist joints. warming up is the best way
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to prepare your body for what's to come. physical activity, be healthy, today is world circus day, congratulations to acrobats, jugglers, clowns, magicians, trainers, in general , everyone who gives us joy, fun and magic, an amazing world that can always, at least for a short time, help you return to childhood. now we are rehearsing a number of cannata dancers, my dynasty genre, so to speak, their story began more than a century ago with an escape from home, the founder of the dynasty erzakhan alikhanov, as a teenager, first got into the circus and fell in love, he began to ask his parents for time off to go with them, but of course they were against it were, well, he disobeyed, then he came home as an artist a couple of years later,
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the next generations followed him along the rope, my dad, my uncle and... and my two aunts, from childhood they held each other on their shoulders, so they could do such tricks when there was a firka, for example, my uncle carried the rope to his family , circus children from the cradle to the arena, it seems that tricks and tricks are in their blood, although at first alikhan was terribly afraid of heights, dad says, so let me carry you now on a big rope, but it’s unusual to be high, i’m not, dad, don’t , he sit down, i clung to him like that, here he is me... at the age of 9 the first performance, yes, the children of the artists go out to the public early, now alikhan’s daughter is already under the dome, she is also preparing her son, she built a balance beam especially for him, while the bottles are tied as weights, for circus performers, when they grow up, this is a common practice when they teach their children they themselves are then introduced into the program, a student of the circus school and a representative of the circus dynasty in
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one person, rather an exception, daniil lukyanov, a hereditary equivalency. i’m now in my second year, my parents retired, and i really wanted to perform in the circus, well, i i lived directly by this, at first i chose the main equilibration on reels, but then i met a master who teaches the family genre, free wire, which puts your foot closer to your knees, calls from rehearsals to my grandfather and the pioneer - a mandatory program, i’m very proud, i dreamed about this yes, he and i started training around the age of seven, and i only see him... only as a circus performer, i even gave him my lucky czech shoes, so that it would be more convenient to follow in his footsteps, they don’t do better yet, but they are growing behind the scenes don't necessarily dream of a playpen, daniela baron, granddaughter, daughter, niece, equestrian trainers, studying at the faculty of public administration, surprisingly i never thought about horses, now that i am older, when i am
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hundreds of kilometers away from them, i finally realized the prices. now, of course , it’s boring when artists are on tour. our conversation begins like a horse. and it ends, mom, kiss all the horses. well , how do you want to live without them? it is no longer possible to live without them. mom is sure that in the end her daughter will continue the family business anyway. the textbook on the basics of dressage and riding, which is passed down from generation to generation, reveals, perhaps more often than not, the theory of control. my grandfather kept this book on his table all his life, and he always read it, but he always found it. something new, that’s why i read her, and she also inherited her love for the circus . alena astrakhansova, nikita kulakov, tatyana iyus, channel one. our saturday morning broadcast is ending, irina morumtseva was with you, i wish you a good and warm spring weekend. spend these days freaking out, notice how it changes.


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