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tv   Pro Uyut  1TV  April 20, 2024 11:05am-12:01pm MSK

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nikolai, what's going on here? we see every ship that sails with a beacon on throughout the entire planet. the colors indicate different types of ships, these are tankers, green ones, these are our dry cargo ships, if i remember correctly, white various technical vessels, and so on, so we actually see where the ship is going, what course, we see the whole history, yes, when we hooked it up at different points from different satellites. this is a ship, so we can trace its entire route. how are satellites controlled? here on the screens you can see the time communication sessions with each satellite, and accordingly the guys, yes, and the guys here at the mission control center are preparing flight missions and shooting missions for each session. in order to interact with satellites, we have our own ground stations, these are control stations, data receiving stations, when the satellite is working, it is necessary.
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monitor its condition, including the energy balance; if the satellite is discharged, engineers must, in the form of it , orient the sun to charge it through solar panels. i know that your company participate in educational events. the company is very involved in educational programs, we are probably even leaders in this sense, a wide range of products for students, for schoolchildren, when you can assemble a real spacecraft with your own hands and even launch it into space. we design and produce special space kits for schoolchildren, students and young professionals. with the help of these designers, we study the composition of the spacecraft, its structure, its functioning, as well as planning various space missions. moreover, now these programs of ours have received recognition at the world level, we are now entering into contracts with a number of foreign countries to... create such
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educational classes in their schools. do you plan to expand the scope of satellite applications? we plan to build satellites with other functionality, but now we are engaged in sensing the earth in the optical range, we want to build one in the radar range, now we are engaged in very simple communications and we want to build complicated devices for more serious tasks. nikolay, i wish you only successful launches and may your satellites work on arpiit for as long as possible. thank you. “valera, you and i are moving on, we still have a lot of interesting things on the horizon, i’ll give it away, everything was wonderful, everything was wonderful, you can reach the star, well
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, i can’t do that, first on first and first in space, that's it, yes, the father is the one who teaches the child to find out the way to the big world, erich froma said this, i like the wonderful word dad much better, it is not as tough and prickly as...
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we have such a tandem, such a small but strong family, dad, and today’s story is the name of the real dad, so let’s quickly get acquainted, my name is vera kincheva, and today i am your comfort specialist, hello, my name is andrey, and this is my son alyosha, i’m a journalist, seventh grade
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in a special school, he also goes to a wonderful center for promoting family education, so sometimes i want to come home from work together. we haven’t studied it, so, of course, it’s difficult to study, but we can try, look medieval knight, yes, yes, yes, yes , yes, yes, yes, yes, hello, hello, andrey, i am vera, very nice, hello, alyosha, where, hello, hello,
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dear, tell me, it so happened that there is the room where lyosha lives, we once did some renovations there, there is a room. where i live, and there is also renovation, but we still couldn’t get around to the hall, the fact is that alyosha, according to his medical indications, needs to be quite actively involved in physical education, and we lie down in this or dance or do some kind of exercises, the appearance of such a child in my life was a complete surprise, if not a shock, well, they helped me, thank god on my way, i met people who always supported me, in this room we receive guests, and i wanted, of course, to make it more cozy, more beautiful, and what kind of energy you want, that’s what, so that the room can fill you with positivity, joy, harmony,
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peace, beauty, and you know, so that you come like this and think, well, that’s it. today, i probably won’t go anywhere else, that’s when - i went to my parents before, you really understand that this is home, yes, but my parents are gone, so, but now i need to be such a home for alyosha, when there is love, you feel wonderful, i love alyosha, he loves me, alyosha comes up to me, extends his hand and says: do you love me? well, i say: yes, well, yes, we shake hands or hug, and uh, the topic is closed, which caused some kind of quarrel, this happens quickly, it’s good to live next to such people who don’t hold a grudge for a long time. my
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main thing is to be a father and try to be one to the end, as long as the lord allows. lyosh, will you give me your hand, yes, andrey, yes, i’ll formulate a request with you, i see you even have the word love written on your hand, uh-huh, there’s gratitude, yes, yes, of course you also need to teach gratitude, uh-huh, so, so learn to give thanks, we need to find different sides in what happens to us in our lives, we need to thank that we have such an opportunity to choose and choose correctly, so thank god. that we have a good room, and maybe it will be even better, yes, so be it, filled with joy, inspiration and that everything here is for you to dream and make your dreams come true, yes, so be it, yes, oh, well, this is a story about
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absolute light, about absolute unconditional love, and of course, it will be called the real dad, lesha and i just really want to pour out all the love that they have inside for each other, for the world, for life, onto these walls and decorate them, illuminate them, so that’s what we’ll do now, so let’s start decluttering.
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i'm taking away, i don't know what to say, i'll say it anyway, today is unmother. take me up, so needless to say, i'm also in a way, still learning that life is okay, say up to me.
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the green path is our big cozy friends, and here more than one generation of our cozy heroes of people have rested and spent their holidays here, their little journey, the cat came to you, let him come with you, if you don’t want it, let him come to me, come on, come on, you don’t mind, no, and it turns out that you are already the fourth generation...
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listens with pleasure, watches, he finds something in this that resonates with him, bon appetit, i leave you, i hope that you will enjoy walking along the green path, even on the snow-covered path we will walk with pleasure, bye-bye, bye-bye, he taught me that... that giving is often better than taking, then there is, he forces me to do some good deeds,
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if it weren’t for him, there would probably be fewer of them in my life, and in general it is unknown what would happen to my life, that is, he, he seems to be trying to make you stand, and not i spread through life like jelly, no, i have to stand, go. to live and eat for the sake of, to live for the sake of life. zoya borisovna personifies the century. all her life she has been doing what she loves, she creates centers of culture around herself, not to mention her literary works, which have been translated into many languages. 100 years, they will definitely write this out of spite. this is especially true for talents; she felt them right away. she's an amazing girl. at 100 years old, she is a very young person, i can’t live without work at all,
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i have to go somewhere, help someone, andrei andreevich voznesensky, after meeting zoya borisovna, dedicated a poem to her: stay bright, fleeting, incessant, i don’t blame you for passing, thank you for coming. andrei generally had two priorities in life: his work and my mother, what an eclipse of the heart. andryushka and i lived very friendly, it was his song that reflected the moment of our only quarrel, for the centenary of boguslavskaya. era, today is on the first day. svetlana petrovna ilagina, military lawyer, no big deal. how beautiful you have become. by the way, i was in love with myself, just a little bit. stay with me, sedarenka, we’ll work together. tempting. and how do you like it between the two husbands? well,
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they don’t look like a murderer, they’re civilians. jealous husband abandoned wife. here are all the pies, the usual thing. you’re afraid, but i’m not comfortable with it, you should figure out, svetlana petrovna, which of you is the commander here, otherwise i’ll be kicked out, you may never wait for him, well , look around, there’s a war going on, people are dying, and if you lucky, and you are alive, you have to live, it’s stupid to hide from life, according to the laws of war, the story continues from monday on the first, grigor ivanovich. a we’ll make a joint card, i ’ll send it to vanya, now i’m organizing, with fabulous ease the provincial resort has turned into the capital of world cinema, mr. wenders, why are you repeating yourself, and i’m not repeating myself, my god, are there no doors, i’m
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playing in this film negative hero, i am an avenger, i just left my rights, jane's script is real literature. we can't leave the piano. thousands of journalists came to kan for the festival. this isn't a movie anymore, please be careful jack. damn, it hurts. i have the impression that i made from one piece of film, from head to toe. thank you for being here. matodore next saturday on. first, this is a festival where there are films for everyone, this is cannes. the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place today. and, yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, yes, everyone missed it. come here. will you catch it? i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me. are you still lying? why are you lumping everything
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together? and, we’ll get used to living separately, but we’ll still separate. well, understand, it’s not us we decide, and there. come up with something, so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses known to you, after death they want to be together. i officially declare that i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, want to live in the next world together with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna, well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, right now i’ll tell linka that i’m leaving, after all, it’s not her the first one to cry will calm down, where is the champagne, i tortured him with my hysterics.
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you can see it in a clear blue sky, you can see it in a warmth, you can hear it in your baby's cry, you can hear it in your lover sides, grain the same, yeah, hold it up there. and the palm of your hand, feel it and your everyday, and here what i've got to say, yeah, god give me everything i want, come on, f you b to you, god give me everything i want, i' m come on, fuck you, what to you, i
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saw it, and i feel it in the race. so, the space is frozen and ready for residents to rush here, but before they do this, i want to tell and figure out how the comfort here began to be born means the top point - filled with some kind of love, that’s how andrei and alyosha are, that’s why we remember that space is a self-portrait of the person who lives in it, so it
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seemed to me that these tigers reflect very well and in general how it would seem that tigers are such an aggressive joke in the head according to a template, but here, since they are painted in watercolor technique, the colors are very noble, there is no feeling of oppressiveness, there is a feeling of some kind of fairy tale. and at the same time very cozy warmth from them, and space erases its boundaries, which means we sanded the floor, peeled it off, simply covered it with wax, revived it, gave it a second life, due to the fact that the color of the wood remained, there was a lot of air in the space, and also the absence of pressing elements, the space began to breathe, and i want to draw your attention to the plinth, because it was crumbled a little, a little different tone, a little darker, and in a corner they gave this
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contrasting tape, which wound up all over the space and took everything together, because the door would have been painted too in that pyrocotta color everything became awesome, then we move on to the area, which is the color... as we love, separated immediately there is a feeling that this is some other space, that’s right, your feeling does not let you down, because it will be a library , but in order for this to become clear, outlined, we need our masters, the wizards of the ponyhin family from pereslavl, so now we go for the magic, charge everything with the magic wand, poke-poke-poke, ready, says ready, so...
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to the country , throughout the country, the farthest point where? well, before that there was kamchatka, this year we sent a bunch of furniture throughout the year, probably, read, we took part in a lot of volunteer projects this year, we continue our work, this year we painted two houses with volunteers on the main street, you continue the revival of the city’s cultural code. yes, we continue, of course, not carpentry and the only living pereslavl man, it’s true, it’s true, well,
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you do master classes, we have a huge number of master classes for children, our community, which is called happy people, the community is happy, the community is happy, and our children go there, and not to their dad, of course, well, someone is always sawing something. planes, glues, does something, that is , this is good, especially for children, it’s a very cool story, all sorts of driftwood, twigs, sticks, there’s something like that, it can still be used, of course, yes, because we already have a lot of results of this creativity in the house, half of the house is furnished with furniture that was made in the workshop, and half of the house is inserted with what ours made children, well, there’s already a hint here that i want to distinguish between two zones, and so that here there would be such a cozy corner for andrei and alyosha. the ceiling turns out to be his, that is
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, there will be just shelves, and here there will be shelves on the wall and one of the tiers of shelves will go here into the under-cover, for you, let everything happen like magic, and we ’ll go a little along the way here, so squelch. meat, they all stay satisfied, i want to tell you for the baby, what i see i'll make my own and okay.
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animals are more real than people, they are not they want to flatter you, they don’t want to make any impression on you, nothing ostentatious, what they are is what they are, like flowers, like stones or stars in the sky. herman gyosa, so now we are going with you to the magical world of animals, hello, hello, andrey, this is alexey, hello, my name is anna, this is dasha, this is our family farm, the animal actors' zoo studio is called
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kovcheg. we have very kind, specially trained animals who star in films, alyosha, come closer, this is our smallest actor, his name is butch, very, very kind, you can touch him, stroke him, we had this story, he was once bitten by a small dog, small, yes, small, and now he is a little afraid of our little ones, there are no big ones, but we have a lot of big ones, now we’ll bring you , sarkus, come here, come quickly. he plays wolves, our real wolves don’t always cope, they have this double, let us take a photo of you, this is beauty, it’s like in a fairy tale, a rabbit, look at the spoons he has, here he is a rabbit, he won’t be afraid, he won’t afraid, oh, what a good fellow, everything is fine, and also we have deer, have you ever seen a deer,
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come on? i saw yes, but there are different deer, there are reindeer, which have big antlers, and there are spotted ones, let’s get to know each other, they are very very big, kind, look, this is tera, her name is tera, and this is mira, you’re great, and you’ll stroke the mira, otherwise you will deprive her, come on, you can make a snowball from her. you see, you feed them, give them a treat, come on, come on, come on, you, only she can’t reach, you take your hand away, like that, well done, when we were offered to also feed the animals with carrots, apples, especially these little deer, i noticed, he somehow thawed out, began to trust them, these are our two llamas, lilu, and this is lelik, yeah,
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well done, his name is correct and well done, and we also have for you, too, are still a small, immature camel, and there ’s a puddle on a camel over there, and what’s his name, his name is grisha, what’s grisha, lyosha, tell grisha, let’s see what animals santa claus comes with, oh? deer, yes, but not the kind you’ve already met, but the northern ones, they have big antlers, they carry a team, you’ll go ride, you’ll try, yes, and of course there was a lot of fun when alyosha went on a reindeer sled, even managed to fall there, i think, but wasn’t scared at all.
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i think for him i’m the person through whom he looks at the world around him , that is , through me he gets to know this world, i would like to remain such a dad in his life for as long as possible. började i hönen, rörde sig längs väggen ända fram, allting måste synas, ingenting får synas så blir kvar, ingenting
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får glömmas. eller gommas under locken eller lämnas till någon annan, ingenting får glömmas eller gömmas. underlocken eller lämnas till någon annan överspelat bläck har blivit intorkade fläckar över bordet och på väggen över ryggarna och benen överblivet djups har tatuerats över bänkarna och plankorna har beknat och majsinta har veknat och de lägger sig. well, here we have such elegant clothes by the windows that it’s impossible not to talk about it, in this case, our imagination of salt filimonova remained behind the scenes, but this, some kind of curtain just
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abundance was born, and this is of course a huge thank you, because here is the barquet camp cage, here i remembered the trick, who was born in... a cozy apartment, when you have a window and a balcony door, we put irinka on the window, on the window balcony door, we put such an incredible, simply velvet curtain, which is the most delicate, right here i also tied it with cheese, this cage, olya is of course an incredibly talented artist, on top is my favorite lambriquin, this mustard gold and... i supported the fields with a velvet ribbon and also played with a cage, everything was tied, everything united and flows into this sarepna chandelier, i her i chose it based on the picture, i didn’t know what size it was, well, that is, it’s always written there, but i don’t really compare numbers and
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real sizes, so when the box arrived, they said that the box took up half the room, everyone was scared, but i was very interested why- it’s calm, that’s why, because... because it’s super organic, in fact it’s very interesting when the main area of ​​the ceiling is occupied by such a minimalistic, but at the same time huge beauty. here my simply favorite wizards and olyamonov and the panikh family from precious pereslavl, this window sill that we were talking about, now we can see it, which smoothly turns into a shelf, the shelf turns into a tilage, everything is ligated, in fact it’s very cool. and the solution is because you just take the plywood, the paint that was left from the walls, you paint it and make the background the same, well, you can choose any color, in our case it’s blue, just like that, chick-chick-chick,
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such a beautiful, cozy fence made of trees is decoratively built, classy, ​​just very, very stylish and at the same time functional. living plants are a very important element of comfort, because they are alive, so now we will go to the wizard valdis for such living friends for alyosha and andrey, among all this beauty we really want to find out. where did your love for plants begin? i was originally a florist, i collected bouquets, i liked it, i wanted to develop further, but then i realized that i had moved a little away from my dream, and i still would like to work more with plants, plant them, grow them, landscape them,
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that is, to convey to people that a plant - you know, it’s like our little beacon of life here in the apartment, when you come home from work, your home has such a lively atmosphere, that is, you can be addressed as we are essentially and... you will select, based on the space, from the apartment, those plants that will feel good there, yes, definitely the plants are selected according to the apartment conditions, that is , air temperature, air humidity, and the side of the windows, for example, there are plants such as citrus fruits, they definitely need direct sunlight rays, uh-huh, here we have someone, look, here we have, but here they are unpretentious, here are plants that require minimal care, that is, this samtseverie is a more popular variety and more of a collectible, myakulcas. i love him very much, his main criterion is that he cannot be watered too much, for adult izumikulkas 10-12 waterings are enough, per year his uzamiokulkas stand on a tuber right here, if you look, the base of the stem is so thick,
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but it retains there is water when the plant needs moisture, it slowly gives it away, and that is, he himself appears in his watering can, well, you can say this, yes, we still have these drocaenas, this is a drocaena, yes, these are drocaenas. in principle, it is also quite easy to maintain, there must be moderate watering, that is, there should be no stagnation of water in the soil, but you can do this with your finger in the pot, and deepen the yoke a little. we look, but we have nothing left, if that means watering is already required, but how to determine which pot to choose, here we are, just like that , carefully, i remember, like that, yes yes, yes, yes, just like that, we pull it out and then what , look, our sontseveria is basically already there, and you see the roots right here, well enough, we already need to replant it, this little penny will be ideal for the size of the root system, well, look, we can just try it on visually, that is, we will make drainage, but how to understand where there is enough? three or four centimeters. next , you and i will need to make a cushion of soil so
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that the root system does not touch our drainage layer, just a little. everything is great. next, what do we do? look further we get it, but we remove everything completely, and well, we try so that it goes away a little bit. and come on, look, he said, am i doing the right thing? we are freeing the roots from the old soil, yes, because this soil is no longer nutritious, yes, we put everything, we put it, we press it, nothing, or let’s do it. you put it on, i ’ll hold it, and you’ll fall asleep, so yes, now press it right so that there are no air cushions, yes air cushions, and what to do with an air cushion, listen, well, when there’s an air cushion, then it turns out that problems come from the roots, initially when to come to me clients contacted me, they didn’t understand why you were rushing around like that, that is, i came, replanted, yes, yes, then two weeks later they write andrey there, hello, he says hello, like, how is your plant, yes, everything is fine, he sends me photos , i say, i ’ll come to you, like in 2 days i’ll be there, well, like, well, that is, me. man, yes, i come directly,
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you know, i directly observe, and very, very many people give me feedback that for you this is not just a job, but you really care about the plants, well , that is, you really work with your soul, well then there is i remember, yes, i remember every plant that i transplanted, yes, absolutely every plant, yeah, and you give names, but i have everything without names, well, let’s correct ourselves right now, we transplanted two of them, which means we’ve already interacted testily, like this is the name, come on lyudmila, ruslan, come on? ruslan and lyudmila, i’m very glad to meet you, thank you very much, that’s it, then i flew on to shamanize, i take lyudmila with me, and ruslan remains to make sure that all the names are distributed, yes, yes, yes, plum, premiere, i love my country, today on the first, oh, i grew up in the ural. and i’m at home, hello, hello, and when you
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swim as a team in the pool, don’t you go blind? kvn, major league, new season, watch after the program time! sergey, it won’t be uncomfortable to live at your expense, well, if you want, you can go to work yourself, lately we are increasingly hearing the phrase global majority, who is included in it, what countries are they from? consists and, most importantly, who governs these states. we met in the palace president of syria, a man who challenged the collective west. our war is a war for existence, which is why the price is so high. the west is now supporting and promoting leaders like zelensky. these are people who say yes to everything, right, left, up, down, to everything, answering yes boss. and my father never discussed my future with me. i think these are the questions.
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first channel project. global majority. bashar assad. tomorrow on the first. 165 metastases in the lungs. the situation is absolutely hopeless, but such people are now being rescued in st. petersburg at the petro institute of oncology. about this great medical miracle about many other important things and... in the program to live healthy on monday on the first.
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put your loving hand b baby i'm taking you put your love in hand out baby sounding high when i was king played it hard and fast cuz i had everything walked away wondering then what is it coming is it going it would end it put your love in hand up baby put your loving
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hand out baby i need to to understand and i tried so hard to be a man, it kind of man, begin to live again, lefty shall i used to be, shadow of my life is hanging over me, a broken man that i don't know, well leave it standing devil's dancing in my soul.
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so what was andrei’s request from alyosha, to come here into this room and sit down and sit, dream in beauty, beauty is already there, among other things, andrei and alyosha love to play sports, they are very good at this, which of our wizards are made by the most beautiful s...
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so where you are standing, there is a sofa here, that’s why we need to look around with you what do you think all around, it’s very beautiful, very cozy, he’s so oriental, cool, very, wow, and i was just born in his apartment, i just, well, i came here and hop i’m at home in the closets, mezzanines, everything, only here there was a parent’s bedroom, a little irony of fate, absolutely yes, but well, that’s not at all and even the sports complex was no longer told. so, what is our task? our complex is such a small version, we call it the provy version, yes, here we have a sofa, or here, close to the entrance, but you have to understand
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that he will be like this, let’s imagine, let’s show him , and a father and son, for example, come out.
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we brought it, this is a trapezoid, its height can also vary, and this is such an additional horizontal bar, even just for fun, it’s very useful for a moment there is one, one moment, come on. so when you pass by the iron one, you took the iron one, and he’s a ladymah, and here you come up, and he’s like , yes, he’s like a piece of wood, actually
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climbing a tree, that’s not the point, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you you, that you do such projects, in this corner everything for cozy evenings, this and... this is the cinema hall, and what are we missing, we are missing a sofa, so, please come in, fathers, this is a chocolate bar, giant, there is never too much chocolate, there’s not enough nuts, plume, two nuts from... cherik here is cherik, well, gentlemen, light, and now,
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the last little touch, in just a second. andrey and alyosha will come here, what was your request? the request was for a beautiful space, so that they could come here and sit in beauty, and i wanted to add feminine energy here, because it is women create comfort in our homes, and a huge amount of energy from our wizards-masters has settled here, there is a lot of care here , everything for andrei and alyosha. “i want them here, every time they come, to be hugged, enveloped, trained and given strength to
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continue their life path, colorfully, joyfully with love, so i went to call them, i hope, that everything will work out and the prank was a success, god bless!" love her, love stars, love wool, and mars in the heart, naked up. we got to our home,
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or is it something else? lyosha, i don’t recognize anything at all, i didn’t even imagine that this was possible, lyosha, you recognize the room, but at home , at home, you’re home, yes, yes, how are you? convenient, yes, the tigers sat at my feet, the funny thing is that i had friends who called me a tiger, imagine, but i don’t know, but this of course doesn’t mean anything, it’s just that someone saw that too, library how good, let’s add more of your children’s books here, they’re just what you have...
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and right here, yes, i tore off my legs, yes, well, i won’t pull myself up so that it doesn’t it looked, in short, look here, there are also rings, we love rings very much, rings, or rather dad loves it when alyosha practices rings, then you can grab a rope like this, so our screen is lowered, so we have a cinema hall. excuse me, this, this, this is good, it’s good to breathe, yes, everything, i like everything, that’s all, but, but at the same time everything is very unexpected, and you know why it’s unexpected, that you are unexpected, every person is individual, amazing, that’s it like a creation of god, everyone has a spark of god, i just have the magical power of comfort, i somehow feel it in my heart and go
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behind this feeling, and you know, yes, the spark, it probably lies in making the world in which we live beautiful, yeah, i see you like that, people you can rely on, very kind and with a warm soul, like this, that’s why tigers are here, they are so calm and so protective, that i flew on, all this comfort on the ground, fly, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
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for me, probably, comfort is a continuation of some inner world to which we all strive, that is, what surrounds us is an extension of ourselves. hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio of maxim sharafuddinov, and briefly about the main thing. 2 meters per day, a rapid increase in the water level in the ishim river in the tyumen region, the peak of the flood is expected on tabol. what do the areas in the disaster zone look like now?


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