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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  April 20, 2024 6:00pm-6:21pm MSK

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connected by fate connected only with you only with you only with you only! hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. semyon eremin, our colleague, journalist, military correspondent of lime, he was on the front line from the first days of the special operation , died while filming a report. strikes in
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the belgorod region, ukrainian terrorists hit civilians, a pregnant woman died. and the us congress is currently deciding the issue of financing these killers. my calling is to help others. you are helping someone and you feel it inside that you helped someone. this is important. today is donor day in russia; for many, donating blood is already a family tradition. one step closer to the dream, we set out to make it come true. russian doctors. that same luna girl with a large birthmark on her face. the next operation was carried out in st. petersburg. incredible competition. saratov hosts the super final of the kesket school basketball league, the largest children's tournament in which thousands of teams from all over the country participated. all those involved in the murder of military correspondent semyon eremin will be found and punished. about it stated in the investigative committee. our colleague died during filming. on the border of the dpr and
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the zaporozhye region, there is no doubt, it was a targeted strike with an fpv drone, revenge of the kiev regime, the author of truthful reports from the front, where semyon worked from the first days of the special operation in the hottest areas, and showed how people live along the contact line, exposed the crimes of the armed forces of ukraine, he was only 42. we express our condolences to the family of semyon eremin. this is the closest point convenient to looking at this fresh one.
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on the front line, semyon more than once filmed stories about the work of drones and perfectly understood the threat they pose; on april 19, a ukrainian fpv drona operator attacked a journalist under carbon, and, as investigators say, twice, so there is no doubt, intentional. the russian foreign ministry demanded that international organizations finally pay attention to the terrorist crimes of kiev. we regard this targeted and cold-blooded murder of a journalist as yet another confirmation of the ugly terrorist movement. comments and through publications they reveal the truth to the world community and present undeniable facts about the crimes of militants of the kiev regime. the un hastened to declare that it opposes the killing of journalists and called for an investigation. another thing is that it was not yesterday that ukrainian militants began their hunt for unarmed reporters. semyon eremin had to experience this more than once.
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he set all of us the same professional bar that we still had to reach, everything will not be enough for you, where death walks close and quickly. it becomes clear who what is it worth, especially during the shelling of residential areas, he took countless such seeds in donetsk, but helping others was more important to him than a bright shot, another evening shelling, one shell flies into the neighboring yard, not far from syoma, where syoma lives, he is gearing up, runs out and is actually one of the first to be on the spot, and the first thing he begins to do is help people, there he takes out a first aid kit, a hemostatic, everything that is necessary,
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when he took us out of the monastery, there were no more pills or food, child feels bad i felt, my son, semyon came here like a guardian angel, we always worried about him, always watched his interviews, may he rest in heaven, of course, business trips to donbass are a special case, there is no time for professional detachment, everyone who has been there feels difference compared to other hot spots, and semyon has quite a lot of them, including karabakh, iraq and syria.
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played various musical instruments, wrote memorable music himself, and most importantly, they say, a good guy is not profession, yes, it’s not a profession, it’s talent, and not even a good guy, a good person, it’s a rare great talent, that’s how he will remain in memory, unchanged, like his desk in the editorial office, where semyon has been so rare lately been. ukrainian terrorists attacked again. in the native region , the village of novaya tavolzhanka was under fire, one person was killed, this is a pregnant woman, she was on the street at the time of the strike, three more were injured, their lives are not in danger, 12 houses were seriously damaged. also this night in the ssu attacked the village of poros with the help of drones. two explosive devices were dropped on a private residential building, a fire started,
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two people died, a woman, she could not move due to a fracture, and a man who was caring for her. sending weapons to ukraine that will be used to attack civilians. people are in a hurry to resume their staffs, at this moment the house of representatives is discussing a new aid package for kiev, which, according to the washington post, may include ammunition for howitzers and rocket artillery, air defense systems and shells for them, the total volume of the tranche is 61 billion dollars, the republicans are against supporting ukraine, they have been blocking the document since the fall, they are trying to do it now, the vote on weapons for kiev is already today, the white house promised that if approved by congress, deliveries will begin within a week. the russian army today dealt a powerful blow to the ukrainian military rear. explosions occurred in the kharkov, dnepropetrovsk, sumy and odessa regions. so, in kanotop our goal was the ukrainian airbase. combat helicopters are based there, there is a repair plant, hangars, where they hide equipment and barracks for militants.
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there are no details, but after our strike the area around was cordoned off, only doctors were allowed inside. well, this is footage from the odessa region, where for the second day they have not been able to extinguish the fire at the port plant, where... according to some reports, naval drones could be stored. the head of the ministry of defense inspected the latest weapons at a training ground in the moscow region. sergei shaig was shown small arms designed to destroy fpv drones. during development, i studied and took into account the experience of the special operation. well, this is a promising drummer a quadcopter equipped with a universal system for dropping ammunition can be used for remote mining, as the head of the ministry of defense said, in russia there is now special attention to the creation of drones. the same thing, we will now create a center for scientific production, well, at the same time , a design bureau for all drones, about this equipment, well financed through purchases, so that they do not stop, create laboratories for them, then all this will unite and it will be a big association. today is
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donor day in russia, an occasion to say thank you to all those who does not remain indifferent to someone else's misfortune. according to statistics, almost every third person in our country has donated blood at least once. for many , the turning point was the tragedy in the crocus, there are honorary donors, in moscow alone there are 4,500 of them, and the mission that unites yulia anishchenko. are you helping someone? and you feel it inside, that you helped someone, this is important, helping people is a family tradition of the merkurievs, they have been donating blood for three generations now. zoya fedorovna, vladislav’s great-grandmother in besieged leningrad in 1942, exhausted herself, became a donor, saving others. during the blockade, i think she donated blood four times, because it was no longer possible to donate blood there due to her health. my mother donated blood more than seventy times. i have passed it 18 times to date. donor day is celebrated throughout the country today. mobile points operate in many cities.
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health minister mikhail murashko also donated blood. thanks a lot. and thank you. and all this is for specific people, for adults and small patients. five-year-old yaroslav needs transfusions almost every day. u he has acute lycosis. we are very grateful to those people who donate blood for babies, because it really saves lives. this is a feat.
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the girl luna, the same patient from the usa who was brought to our country to remove a birthmark, proceeded to the next stage of treatment, she underwent the first operation after laser therapy, the american doctors shrugged off the most difficult diagnosis, in russia they were able to help, here is the girl in st. petersburg alena germanova talked to her and the doctors, and why is everything white? at the window and counting snowflakes with a small finger luna is already five, but this is the first snow in her life, in her native florida it is now +35, and st. petersburg is just covered in snow. yesterday she sat on the window for an hour watching the snow, we couldn’t get her out of there, it’s amazing beauty, but it’s very cold, wrapped in a warm blanket, luna looks at the street outside the window, she hasn’t really seen st. petersburg yet. yesterday after the operation she slept all day, today feels good, iv bandages are of course a hindrance, but the moon endures it, she. people looked, pointed fingers unceremoniously, we are trying
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to explain to her that all people are different, but she still she is small and cannot take a blow, before she was just a baby, she did not understand what was happening, now it has become more difficult, she asks: mom, when will my face become like yours? 5 years ago, luna was born with a giant spot on her face, milana, a cytic nevus that could have outgrown the enemy of the skin, had to be removed urgently. american doctors assured that it would take years and dozens of operations. then our krasnodar oncologist offered help. step by step, lazor removed the stain, but scars remained on the skin and the parents decided to go to russia again. when we decided to go to russia, they wrote to me on the internet, called me, dissuaded me, why do you need to go to russia, why russia? but i didn’t listen to anyone. we were in boston, new york, chicago, everything that was offered to us there was many times more expensive, but most importantly, after all the consultations we realized that russian doctors are much more professional. if you do, then only from the best. they found the st. petersburg surgeon olga filippova through recommendations on
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the internet, from miami to st. petersburg with transfers, the fener family traveled for almost a day, but lunna seemed not tired at all, in in the hospital corridor, did the splits, handed out souvenirs to the doctors, her mother carol carried her into the operating room right in her arms, she was very worried, but after some 2 hours the girl was transported back to the ward, the doctors placed implants on her face, three tissue expanders, they will help remove scar tissue and the moon’s skin will be smooth, like everyone else’s. the expander itself is an elastic container made of medical silicone; it is implanted under healthy skin, then gradually introduced through a special port. saline solution the expander stretches, along with the skin, and then it will be moved to the place of the scars. already in june, the filled expanders will be removed, and the excess skin will be covered by about a third of the scars, then there will be another operation after a few months of break. it is impossible to behave formally with children, yes, to work with children, you need to love them. and a child, well, a child always
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feels. luna's mother is a fighter who wants to restore her child. completely, and mom luna is a beautiful, bright woman, and of course, we really want luna to be the same, to the home of her loved ones, as much as 13 km, but words of support for a little girl from the usa are now being written by all of russia. i was shocked by how many people you know about luna; a resident of st. petersburg wrote to me and suggested that i come visit them so that luna could play with her children. when we came to russia for the first time, russians seemed very reserved to us, but in fact they are very responsive. already on monday, the fener family will be discharged, the expanders will begin to be filled only in 2 weeks, and the girl with big brown eyes will become one step closer to her dream of becoming beautiful like mom. alena germanova, vladimir smirnov, ksenia ugarova, denis torovchinov, tatyana shilina and sergey romanov, channel one st. petersburg. incredible competition, support from world-famous stars,
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saratov hosts the super final of the kesket school basketball league. this is the largest children's. against a team from the sverdlovsk region, it was hot on the floor on the coach’s bench, it was good , the super final of the school basketball league, the whole match was actually an equal game, but the girls from yekaterinburg beat the muscovites with a score 61-47, we became first for the fourth time.
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yekaterinburg. hurray, it was hard. to start and somehow hold on to the whole game, but we pulled through, well , we’re very tired yet, i don’t feel like we ’ve won, it will come to us soon, we’ll understand at the awards ceremony, a large-scale tournament, where teams from eighty regions of the country have gathered, the best play in saratov , all week there were qualifying matches among the participants this time and guys from new regions, literally every day, game days, were filled.
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regions on a permanent basis provided these little talents, who subsequently were already becoming locomotives for national collections. the guest of honor of the tournament was the legendary ivan edeshko, champion of the munich olympics '72, he says that now all conditions for training have been created in many regions of the country, and his path to big-time sports began from the courtyards of his native grodno. the grodny city championship, in general, was considered something higher, and the halls were not special. basketball stars, a whole force of them landed in saratov, they came not only to watch the guys play, to sign autographs, beloved by millions. idols, again entered the court, a dream line-up in a show match especially for the fans, matching the star names on the floor and the swords flying were simply incredible, here’s a throw from sergei ponov, and even the commentators were on foot, interestingly with
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the bounce off the floor, the game of the stars ended in a fighting draw, here in men's... in the final of the tournament, the team from the keimerovo region won, they snatched victory in the last minutes from their neighbors from yekaterinburg, which made the emotions overflowing. boys and girls from siberia and the urals will now represent russia at the international school team tournament, where they will compete with their peers from the cis countries. sergey panomariov, irina chyuchuy, yuri shatokhin and sergey suvorov, channel one. that's it for now. we are all following the developments, well, now on the first one, watch the exclusive program.


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