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tv   Zolotoi vek  1TV  April 20, 2024 7:10pm-8:05pm MSK

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and i also brought you gifts, orenburg down scarves and the main national dish, chak-chak, cucumbers, tomatoes, my husband and i collected them ourselves, 600 points on the drum, letter n, n, open, there is a white scarf, there is, yes, that i want to give it to your wife, it’s there.
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embroidery large picture with a rose, i embroidered it especially for you, this is myself, myself, i am doing needlework, how are things at home, is everyone healthy, everyone at home is healthy, husband, golden, i have a daughter here, and my husband is where and my sister is nearby . thank you, thank you, 600 points, and a letter the letter i, how do you want it to be, of course, is it really not, yes, then i’ll go myself, myself, come on, rimochka, you’re my golden one, right? and before us is the third finalist.
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capital of the show field of miracles from our program, from channel one, gifts from the third three players to the studio! i am the happiest, today at this age i came and reached the finals, i have to. to say thank you to my people who helped me, this is rustam abdarashitovich, this is albina, this is nail, these are the yamashevsky workers of the cultural center, thank you, thank you for you supported me, and i’m walking around moscow, passengers still point at that same escalator at the universitet metro station, who?
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nikita mikhalkov’s character from the film “i’m walking around moscow” even starts humming a song. i don’t like when they call me a comedian, because i haven’t done much comedy. the brilliant georgy danelia was a magician on the set, but how did he manage to direct his own life? danelia came home and said to sokolova: lyuba, i’m leaving, i fell in love, lyuba began to cry, i think, what is it like to live unloved, this is what life is like unloved, is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical, he lived two lives.
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premiere today on the first. in 1954 , the first secretary of the cpsu central committee, nikita sergeevich khrushchev, decided to transfer crimea to ukraine from the barsky shoulder. he was sure, like the first bolsheviks, that all this would not matter, a fanatic, a tyrant, nothing there, as they like to say, an attempt to screw over the ukrainian bureaucracy or even a gift to my mother, who was born in western ukraine, the protocol was strangely signed by not little ones , who presided, but for some reason khrushchev, a crime was committed, in violation of three constitutions, by bodies that were not authorized to transfer the territory, accuses khrushchev of transferring crimea.
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crimea was handed over tomorrow on the first and live on the air of the capital show field of miracles finale! ask! oh, a good ending, as in the middle of the last century in the west of our country they called old potatoes, they said, we need to collect them for the cows. give it away, pigs don’t eat it, which, by the way, is correct, 550 points, letter a, open, old potatoes, you have to give it to the cows, pigs don’t eat it, how strange,
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it would seem to be a word, but i saw it in a book, 600 points, letter k, output, yes, cool, old potatoes, give to cows, pigs don’t eat, 500 points, letter, letter g, forward, i haven’t said hi yet , i want to say hello, and you speak your native language, it will be nice to hear there, yes, biz besh bolo birge oskanbiz, opay shamsenur, she is galemjon,
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it doesn’t work, sector prize on the drum, prize, prize, and if you don’t want to become a winner, prize , yes, the thing is that i warn you in advance, i’m not responsible for anything, it’s just the two of us here, there is a whole commission there, terrible bores, stingy and monstrous, you insist, a prize for the studio. but everyone already knows, i don’t bargain with women, the main thing for me is that you remain in a good mood, choose for yourself, i have no idea what is here, a prize, and you, i forgot, you are a doctor, yes, yes, i can ask you to tell
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the truth, of course, what is your salary, decent, well, let’s say your salary is 20 thousand. yes, well almost, how many children do you have? three, that’s 60 at once, maybe, well, i ’ll open it now, god forbid, i’m already at my place hands, you see, i see, a prize, here the support says a prize, but 80, no, i, stop, i don’t, just in case, i offer, because you ’ll buy something good, of course, a prize, they say. agree, i didn’t bargain, i did everything to make it better, you need it, i don’t know, maybe, well, for the family, yes,
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no, i don’t know what kind of family you have, big , friendly, here, well, the prize, cars, probably, yes, yes, i did. everything i could, but maybe after all, okay, we decided, let’s do it, the prize, for sure, a prize for the studio, thank you, and we’re all about rotten potatoes, hello to the city of bogdanovich. who knows me all, to the village of ural, a big hello to everyone, eh,
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the plus sector on the drum, which letter should you open, the first, open the first letter, the potatoes are not the first freshness, pigs don’t eat, 600 points, letter, letter n, yeah, nikolai , forward, as i understand it, we will stand here until it rots, there may very well be potatoes, and zerki, hello, fortification, hello, tatar village korgala, hello, krasnokholam, hello, orenburg, thanks for the support, 400 points, say any letter, it’s still not there, that’s it equals no, i think no, ka, well, yes, i ’m saying, spin the drum, we’re talking about potatoes, cows eat, pigs don’t care, but... no, you can’t do that, the plus sector on the drum, which one,
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the penultimate one, the penultimate one, but look carefully at the scoreboard, look, but what other word can you come up with, well , look carefully, by the way, what is the plus sector on the reel, which one to open, the third one, don’t tell me? open the fourth, read what is written aloud, that my mother, not my mother, well, read aloud what is written, machera or something, machera, you have an amazing imagination, where are you if you see the letter p, you will spin the drum, we will, but i’m wondering what can be inserted here? besides the fact that there are 600 points, the letter, the letter z, and if it’s not difficult, from this
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letter z, read the word, well, read what happens, mazekha, yeah, a word known to everyone, yes, literally every, every day when you leave the house, there’s mazekha, you won’t believe your head, mazekha is nearby. tragic story, sad life, 600 points, you will also say something now, i will say it, and i’m afraid, come on, little girl, little girl, this is mazekha’s sister, they have family, little one and mazekha, spin the drum, look there, this is your dear mazekha. malekha just came to see her so that she wouldn’t be sad, well, what, what, maybe another
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word, except, maybe i’ll open this letter myself, go open it, and before... the winner, you scored 1,450 points, however , it doesn’t matter, choose what you want, i don’t care anymore, well, well, let’s get an electric scooter, i’ll give you a boost, you have children, you have, how many, two, two, that’s what i think, for the pleasure it gave us, let’s yes, electric scooters synthesizer in the studio. well no, what no, what
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yes, ah, after all, yes, or maybe not, or maybe not, no, or yes, no, exactly, exactly, it’s your right, we have a winner in front of us, to give you such pleasure as today he delivered to us, god bless you, thank you to everyone who supported me, thank you field of miracles, play this game, win, good luck to everyone,
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still at the station. passengers point to the same escalator, someone even starts humming the song by nikita mikhalkov’s hero from the film “i’m walking around moscow.” 60 years ago the famous picture was released on screens, but to this day the day fascinates and gives hope. the brilliant georgi danelia was a charmer on the set, but how did he manage to direct his own life? is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical for which the director blamed himself after the tragedy that happened in his family? this is channel one, good evening, i’m dmitry borisov, our exclusive today is family secrets. the great georgy daneli. citizen, what? come here. for what? go, go, go. what? shall we look? yes, well, i’m walking, walking around moscow, but i can still walk. nikolaevich is god's persian of fate
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finger, because the lord god gathered us all together through him. this picture, through him, if it weren’t for georgy nikolaevich’s intuition, this whole team that made this one of the first, and maybe the first, impressionistic film would not have existed, i think this, i’m walking around moscow, film mood, writer gennady shpalikov once came to danel with a bottle of champagne and an idea for a script about a girl dancing in the rain, and so began work on a wonderful film that revealed danel’s talent as a masters of lyrical comedy, i don’t like when they call me a comedian, because i haven’t made many comedies, all georgy daneli’s films are about feelings, about emotional experiences, about love, light, do you love me, that yes, yes, yes,
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or yes no, you know, my love story is simple, i went to belize, and there in a nearby pass there was a charming girl who, when she was going to school, she passed by our teacher, i was the first to say that you know, this is my girl, here if someone said that no, this is my girl, then here there was a single combat, whoever would win would remain the girl, georgy danelia’s first wife was irina ginsburg, the daughter of the first deputy minister of the oil industry of the ussr. in this marriage, a girl, svetlana, was born; the child did not keep his parents from divorcing. it was not the father who left the family, but the mother who left the father; they were children, they were also 20-21 years old, and naturally, none of them were ready to live a family life. actress lyubov sokolova danalia met with suffering during the filming of the film. i don't need
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love anymore. daridmito, my dear. well what is this what? then georgy studied at vgik and worked as an assistant director. love was very beautiful, her first marriage ended in tragedy, her husband died of hunger in her arms in besieged leningrad. come on in, guys. shurik, seryozha, go, i’ll satisfy you with strawberries. they lived together for 26 years, raised a son, but never registered their marriage. georgy nikolaevich got married. on the other, beautiful, strong-willed, galina yurkova knew how to win hearts, she was still a girl, she came to moscow from minsk to enroll in the chukin school. galina was 19 when daneli attracted her attention, but then she had other interests, and then years later they were brought together by chance. daneli was not feeling well, and the young woman offered to take him to the healer juni, whose house on arbat was a meeting place for famous influential
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people. this is how the secret romance between georgy nikolaevich and galina began. good, what? at this time, daneli's film autumn marathon, a comedy about a man who tried to lead a double life, was released. many began to draw parallels with the personal life of the director, who then also rushed between two women, but unlike the hero of the film, daneli made his choice. well, when will we see each other? i am writing down.
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no, no, this is not at all a coincidence, since we met by chance when i was 19, we met periodically all our lives, when i met him i said: leave me alone, i don’t like georgians because i don’t understand what they say , where is the truth, where is the toast, i don’t understand this, i can’t understand you, leave me alone, i could never think that this is my husband, you know? then he admitted me to college at vgik, when i entered the directing department, daneli came up to me and said: “i won’t take you.” i say, why? yes,
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because i know you, and i say: “you didn’t really want to, just think,” but talankin took me to his course. so, after that , he and i met at the muosfilm, and i realized that i was mother teresa, and i had to save him, since he was after an illness, after. clinical death, weighed 42 kg, he didn’t look like himself at all, he, i walked past him, he said, yurkova, don’t you recognize him, you don’t say hello anymore, well, i say, i say hello, i don’t know who, actually, but then of course, he says, i’m danelia, danelia, i say, oh, how good, what, what are you danelia? so we started dating, i took him to juna, i was very friendly with juna then, i visited her every evening, like we went to juna’s club, it was very interesting there,
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there were a lot of interesting people, from all over the world, but you they believed in it all, i believed because i saw, i saw how a man died before my eyes, how he had a heart attack, and how she raised him from this state, and he walked away on his own feet, for example , it was very interesting juna always said, i can lengthen, look here, she extended her hand like this, before my eyes her hand became long, long, long, with fingers like these, i don’t know what it was, hypnosis, not hypnosis, but these were non-alcoholic evenings, non-alcoholic, there was no alcohol, there was tea, there was no alcohol, absolutely, fantastic, so i took him to juna, to which he... he said, juna , i'll cure you, don't worry, she had a headache, so he took it and he cured her, because daneli had very
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strong energy, very strong, and he calmly put his hand completely and relieved the headache, so he was also some kind of seer, he saw ahead, but he was always there when we needed something to do, to commit some act, we turned to him, we... i was just drawing him when he left the hospital and weighed 40 kilograms, in my opinion, and was very impressed, this clinical death was
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interesting to him in the sense that then he told it everywhere, why does he need it? it was interesting, but you didn’t influence him in any way, you can’t do without tokorivai, which is impossible, you can’t do without tokurivai, this is the only person in his life who always speaks slander and tells only what she wants, when i even complained to danel that she gives such interviews and calls him an alcoholic, a drug addict, a mother, a despot , all of that, he said, well... don’t worry, don’t pay attention, she’s a writer, she makes it up, for example, she said that he married the first person he met, i refute this fact, at the first meeting we met, i
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was. 19 years old, maybe she was jealous, she was just, well , it’s natural, because somehow they broke up, somehow, that’s it, and no one married anyone, and nothing like that happened, so, then suddenly some kind of to get married, here love is so impossible, the first one you meet and then marriage for 39 years, but how did it happen, excuse the wording, to marry daneli,
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and says: listen, look, i want to give you a ring, this is my mother’s ring, i want, because i loved my mother more than anyone in the world, i want to give you this ring, i put it on this ring looks good on my hand, i say, well, thank you, thank you very much, that’s all, then we were going somewhere, we got into the elevator, he says, i completely forgot, marry me, why did i give you the ring, marry i'm getting married, i say, okay, it was in the elevator, hmm. so the proposal was made just like in his films, yes, just like in his films, that is, he is not a comedian, but everything he always did was always with humor, with great, even a marriage proposal , well, that ’s how we got married, our whole life is just passed with us, we have together, in fact, our whole life, like this, so i’m kind of a witness to how all the films were created, how he
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works, how he worries, how he always had such small pieces of paper around the house, small for notes, because the pencil, where he passed, he drew something everywhere, and he drew something, who he saw, in the next film, definitely a type, i have so many of these little pictures collected, well, the office is a creative workshop , a great director, there is usually no one there they let me in, you made an exception for us, which is nice, we lived for 39 years, 39 years, and never fought, so at every step he left me these drawings: the horse is him, because he was a horse according to the horoscope, this happy new year, not a horse with a flower, he was a very good artist, very good, dear, dear, beloved vaska, vaska is
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me, i am vaska, here is vaska, here is vaska, i take my last breath, i love you, kiss danelya, my last breath - this is the last exhalation of pzh, in the film kukin for, here i am filming the last exhalation, well, this is such a letter of justification, a man is justifying himself to me, so he writes, now i’m a tick for you, you got a very bad husband, and... even during the most difficult period of his life at work, well, somewhere there was a conflict some topic, mainly about alcohol, there was a conflict, i think i’ll break out to you, kiss you, my dear, this crazy huge table that he loved to work with, these shelves were made by his father with his own hands, his father was a grandiose man, here ...
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he was a great man, he was a general, he was happy, he says: “lord, finally this fool has found a woman, at least let him hold on, let him hold on.” then one day he came, georgiy nikolaevich had drunk, and nikolai dmitrievich was very upset and said: “that’s it, she’ll leave him, she ’ll leave him, she’ll leave him, he had a heart attack.” well, he was very afraid that something would happen to georgy nikolaevich, since georgy nikolaevich at that time was very suffering from some binges occasionally, for 10 days, please, andrey, i’m a drunk, a drunk, a drunk, andrey, and you’re a walker, a walker, i’m a walker, well, i’m beating now.
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you need to take a bath in bed, and you were struggling with drinking, i’m not saying that it was useless, so when i chose the location for my film, the frenchman. in feodosia, i saw that there was a clinic there, a daughter-in-law who was coded for alcohol, i went there, boldly, i agreed with him that we would come, bring a whole group of massfilm people who needed to be coded, so when i arrived in moscow, i set ultimatum that we will be coded, otherwise there will be no life, everyone has gathered. georgy danel, they were all coded, and georgy nikolaevich never touched alcohol his entire life.
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yusov once ate a cake with cognac and he felt very bad, it was an example of what should not be done under any circumstances, and yura kushnyaryov, he said, why should i do this... he went and simply decoded himself when he said: don’t drink, it’s so boring, but georgy nikolaevich also said, when he speaks, you ’re all sober, you’re all such nice people, but as soon as you sing, you’re all such fools, you talk such nonsense, i can’t sit with you table, he never even had the desire to touch him, this is how we saved him, and how did your relationship develop with kolya, by the way, you knew when you started dating, right? yes, we studied together at the institute, he was just a year lower than me, so kolya looked after me, there was such a fan of mine that when daneli came home he said to sokolova, lyuba, i’m leaving,
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i fell in love, lyuba cried, kolya ran into the kitchen, mom, why are you crying, jackdaw, like this, says pub, like this, dad will be fine, you’re a fool, lyuba said: you’re a fool, you’re a fool, you left. tatyana sana, you knew skolov’s love, how she experienced at that moment everything that was happening in the life of georgy daneli, her, well, still her husband, even though they were not registered, for so many years together. well, you know, lyubov sergeevna took it very hard, well, she didn’t cry in front of anyone, somehow, but she tried to hide it, and she hid it behind her creativity, because she worked a lot. i had a husband, semyon nazarov, not a cossack, a nagorodny, he joined the red army, there were children, vanya and masha, were there, she once
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called me and said: come visit, i came to her, and we talked to her, here she first told me about what she had experienced all this life, how it’s hard for her, how she lost her son, who didn’t support her, in general, because he, of course, can understand him too kolya, he saw galya, a beautiful woman, and he thought about dad, but he’s like a man, maybe , but he didn’t think about his mother, how hard it was for her, so it happened, she read his poems to me, and there was his portrait, but i i was also surprised... that the apartment was very modest, just almost poor, but very modest, it turned out that georgy nikolaevich’s mother, merechka, took lyuba from the maternity hospital with the child, it wasn’t georgy nikolaevich who took him,
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an heir was born in the georgian family, this it was necessary to pick him up, they took lyuba and kolya, brought him home and said, here is your... “here is your child, and so be it, and so they lived, poor lyuba, if she had lived on her own, she would probably , built her life, and so she always had to somehow to adapt and lead such a life that is not entirely adequate, well, maybe not quite her own, but not quite her own at all, not at all the way she deserved, in fact, because in general, somehow she has..." such is the fate of the housekeeper , well, there was no family there, kolya always said, well, dad, well, take mom ’s hand, and i, the three of us will walk along the boulevard, and we will be like a family, we will all walk together,
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well, please leave me alone, dad said, that’s it it was all over, no one could guess what a difficult life she lived as a woman, i’m now talking about for a woman, after all... it’s one thing to break up somehow mutually, after all, she was offended, she was offended by a man, her beloved man offended her. but it’s not for us to judge, it happened that way, but she still saw how happy he was, how he loved galya, how good everything was with them, of course she was offended, by the way, she composed it, because she said a romance for her husband danel, i composed a romance and immediately began to sing, you can, you know, smile or something, but she did it sincerely, she did it, she did it lovingly, you can probably understand that before end... of her life she loved him, loved him, continued, despite the insult, despite
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everything, well, insult, you know, insult is one thing, but love is another, we can be offended by loving, i think that she loved him, but there was no one else for her, and kolya left, you know, what it was like for this woman, she found the strength in herself, you know, the strength to continue living, to create and love people, to be kind, after her husband left, he died. yes, immediately after a short pause we will find out how the people's artists of the ussr, georgiy daneliya and lyubov sokolova, survived the tragic death of their twenty-six-year-old son nikolai, we find out what happened to him on that fateful day. this is exclusive, be the first to know. zoya borisovna personifies the century. all her life she has been doing what she loves; she creates centers of culture around her. i'm not even talking about her literary works, which have been translated into many countries.
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bourbon stirsman is a product of the stellar group.
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mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. сnop gin, a product of the stellar group. monteshoca cognac, a product of the stellar group. rum, castro, product of steller group. good evening everyone again, i dmitry borisov, we are back on the air. georgy danelia became known as a director of lyrical comedies. the country adored his films, i walk around moscow, mimino, the autumn marathon, afonya, and few people knew that the famous director experienced a tragedy during the filming of one of his best films. when danelia was filming kindzadza, his son nikolai died, he was 26. maitre then blamed himself for everything and even wanted to take his own life. they hang on this wall.
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why didn’t kolya do it anyway, what was the reason? you know, no one knows this. lyuba called in the evening and asked: do you know where kolya is? did she communicate with me? i say no, i don't know. she says: you know, he called me and said: “mom, help, i feel bad.” that's all, and we started looking for him. we went there to the apartment, the apartment was locked from the inside, naturally, through the neighbors, we crossed over the balcony.
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bleeding from the nose, from the ears, from the mouth, both of these guys had the same thing, this one was the son, the director of a georgian film studio, and he... his film arrived, they celebrated it together, well, i think that some they they drank a liquid that had a narcotic effect, most likely because it was incompatible with the medications. he also has a daughter left, he has two daughters left,
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now his daughters also have daughters, but i remember that lyuba also talked about her granddaughters, she loved them too, she loved them very much. he got used to her all his life, he helped alena, well , she forced him to go visit her, and he and alena, by the way, also tells us that grandfather replaced her mom and dad, and that’s all mom and dad, let’s hear, grandfather replaced my mother and dad, he raised me because
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dad died when i was very little, and grandfather decided to take patronage over me, told me how to... live, what to do , what not to do, lectured me, that is, if grandfather had not been there, i don’t know , how i would have lived, but it was probably a completely different life, i dream about him very often, in general there are some recurring dreams that i always dream about, mainly, i dream about my dad very often, and i very often dream about my grandma, well, lyubov sergeevna, and in grandma’s dreams there, in her dreams, i mostly i'm sorry. dad somehow and i dreamed that he didn’t die and that after many years he returned and he was somewhere else, and it’s a tragedy when parents - survive their children for my grandmother, for my
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grandfather, for my grandfather, this is a tragedy, my grandmother burst into tears every time, and my grandfather, well, in general, he talks about it with... such a break in his voice, he is a man who was born at the wrong time, we are people now, as it were with such a storm of energy, with such imagination, with such a perception of the world, with such creativity inside, we now perceive them as talented people, we value them, then society did not understand such people and was not ready to accept them. you said an amazing thing, that you continued to communicate with lyubov sokolova, that she called you, if anything, yes, yes, that is, her resentment towards her husband did not extend to you, no, absolutely, she, she said better you than her, this was meant by tokarev, you are better than she, she told me, but this is lyuba, she was, she, well, as one can
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say, is simple, as true, she said what what does she think, she came to my 3d exhibition one day. yeah, georgy danelia, nikolai danelia and kirill danelia. she came to this exhibition, looked at everything, came up to me and said: “thank you for making such an exhibition, that you remember my son.” and as for this romance, i ’ll sing a romance for you now,” she said, stood in the middle of the hall and sang this romance, dedicated to georgy nikolaevich. it was of course very strange, because this is an art exhibition. everything, but nevertheless it happened, it’s very simple she looked at life, it’s like this, just as it is, you know, well, that means she continued to love, so she really liked to repeat the phrase, everyone says that there’s not enough oil, there’s not enough kindness in the world, that’s her, that’s her way,
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you know, message, because she was truly an all-union, just an all-russian, all-union mother, she starred in so many films. she could melt just any heart, she very often changed money into tens, i myself saw how she went and gave to the poor, now they are showing us footage from the irony of fate, come on, what, come on, empty your pockets, in general, i only stole 15 rubles. not too thick, that 's it, put it on the table, please. where are you, naturally, that after such rolls it doesn’t happen there, that people calmly pass by, yes, if they see and oh...
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kolya came and said: dad, please let me make films in your association, no one will let me gives because of my character, everyone thinks that i’m so eccentric and uncontrollable, he said: no, i can’t let you rent from... to which kolya was offended and even angry, stepped on to the table he said: “you’re always doing this to help your loved ones, but you can’t help your loved ones.” moreover, i think, you know, that kolya would have been alive if lyuba had left and lived on her own, like any mother, a single mother, as they say, raising her son alone and taking care of him, he would have known that this was his beloved mother, and somewhere there is a wonderful, talented father. he has it somewhere, and he would treasure it and simply, simply treasure it, go there sometimes, and it would sort of balance out, but
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it’s easy to say now, it’s already been lived life, and now it really was kind, a good person, but apparently this was not enough, so i listen to you, i understand that you say everything you think immediately to people’s faces, you are so kind and good. alcoholic danelia, a drug addict, his son kolya,
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she describes interviews in each of her books and in all interviews she says it, says it loudly for everyone to hear, well, maybe it’s jealousy, just jealousy, but they worked closely for how many 15 years, yes, it’s work was absolutely perfect, she once told where maybe everything... comes from the authors in general - this is much more important than husband and wife, husband and wife, just think, when people are saftors, they take off together, we get the prize zamino, he’s looking at me, i’m happy that he’s looking, and he looks very interested. he was so handsome, he was absolutely beautiful,
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when he was filming something completely lost, he was filming it in riga, and i lived in dubalty, in the house of creativity i wrote a letter to danel, incredibly beautiful, but when i wrote it, out of habit, i put a carbon copy on the typewriter , happened i... put this letter in my evening suit, because i wanted to be buried in it, i
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wanted to be buried with your letter, i say: so what and where is the letter, he says: i don’t know, i say, do you have a copy? i say, yes, he says: can you give me a copy? i say: okay, i’ll look, i need to go up to the second floor and look for her there. and my stairs are very steep and inconvenient, i think, well, where am i going to go to the second floor, where will i look for it, so i didn’t give him a copy, i still have it, well, that’s right, daneli said, she ’s a writer, she should come up with ideas, here i’m sitting, can dim, i’ll say, i’m listening to galya, i’m watching victoria tokareva, i’m thinking, what’s it like to live unloved, i’m now and lyubov sergeevna, well, probably he ... well, maybe he got carried away or somehow, well, probably didn’t really love her, since there was such an affair for 15 years, but with victoria tokareva,
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this was before galya, then galya. you understand how much this person has gone through, i feel very sorry for her as a woman, as a human being, because she really, really, moreover, she was a very talented person, a talented actress, because no one could imagine what was inside her, what kind of life she was going through, that’s what i’m talking about, but you see, she survived, she survived, well, everyone chooses for themselves... what they chose, 39 years together was enough for you? you know, i didn’t notice how these 39 years passed, he played the guitar, sang, invented, oh, it’s not a pity, oh, it’s not a pity, the jackdaw fell in love with me, for example, he came up with his own, his own songs, we lived happily enough, i never put you in a movie, but that was my desire, well, in kindzadze a little bit, well that’s
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because the actress didn’t appear, well , quickly into the frame, quickly into the frame, like an excellent student, walking, excellent student, vovka, getting bread from the run, i forgot, and grab some pasta, i just pressed the director, but i didn’t have it he allowed me to direct, but he didn’t allow me, when we got married, he said, that’s it, now you won’t work anymore, i say, what do you want? pin me to the sofa, or what? when you sit with a pin fastened in the kitchen, i feel calm, calm, and so good, and i can work and create, but then i went to work as a second director gave him some cilantro, but i couldn’t stand it for a long time, because he likes to reshoot everything, redo everything, do everything again, he said that if the deadlines allowed me, i would still be
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sitting and rewriting the script, and he would watch you already have your paintings with you later, when i told him: listen, look, what a good film is on tv, very good, you know, he says, i’ve already seen it once, so i won’t watch it, but you, depending on when - the film "i'm walking around moscow", they thought that your husband was so much how old will the director be? i’m actually him, he says: well, what kind of men do you like, he’s asking me, i say, i like narrow ones. long blondes so that they were of the scandinavian type, yeah, i see, that’s why you married me, danel said. and they told him about their french fans, but i didn’t have to, they showed us letters from marcel marcel, i didn’t have to tell him, they told everything without me, yes, yes, there were a lot of kind people in the world and
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they told everything without me, he was like that victor gorokhov, he was filming. there’s a documentary about him and it says: listen, i have a meeting with marcel, let’s go up to him, come on, and i ’ll introduce you to him, well, we watched the play, said hello, at the end he showered me with flowers, in general, the romance began at first sight , i once sent a telegram, i have 2 days free, i’m coming, i’m waiting for you at the ukraine hotel in the lobby, since i didn’t have an address, i was renting apartments all the time, i’m a student, i’ll be waiting for you. in the downstairs in the hotel in the stake from such and such a time to so-and-so from 3:00 to 6, well, i, i’m always late, i came, i was late, the administrators tell me, yes, marcel was waiting for someone to march, but he had already left, i say, i ’m going back, i’m coming to the institute , and they tell me what...


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