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tv   Kto khochet stat millionerom  1TV  April 20, 2024 8:05pm-9:00pm MSK

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they told everything without me, there was this viktor gorokhov, he was making a documentary about him , and he said: “listen, i have a meeting with marcel, let’s go up to him, come on, and i ’ll introduce you to him.” we watched the performance, said hello, and at the end he showered me with flowers. in general, the romance began at first sight, one day i sent a telegram, i have 2 days free, i’m coming, i’m waiting for you at the ukraine hotel, in the lobby, since i didn’t have an address,
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marceau’s goal is now here for lunch, they ’re waiting for you , they are waiting for you, there was such a noise in institute, my dear galina, my gala, with great love, from me from bip, from bip, in general, this, well, he just gave me this very book marseilles, here it is, also here is marseilles with the inscription, again my dear gali. with memory and love, a portrait of marcel, courted, then he came on tour and performed at the satire theater, and i came to him, he said, well, now can you marry me? i say, i’m sorry, now i can’t, i already have such a small child running around. i work in the theater sometimes
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i think, what would have happened, if i had married marcela, i would probably have taken up pantomime too, but this was not destined to come true, that’s all, and then he arrived, i say, unfortunately, i’m already married , well, we talked a lot about work, with kirgiy nikolaevech we also talked a lot about work, because every episode, every thing he came up with, he says: what do you think? and i once told him, we watched the autumn marathon, when baselashili jumps out of the bus and walks and there is a box, he hits, there’s a brick there, he’s kicking, i say, i really don’t like this, i said, it’s so predictable that you understand, daneli told me, he was offended by me and left, but in general the autumn marathon is about you, no, no, but this,
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of course, it concerned the same turner, i always worry in the autumn marathon, this is his return to gundareva, because i see lyuba skolova again in this situation, andryusha. you really, everything is there, yes, well, i don’t think that i’m some kind of homewrecker, but everyone immediately decided that this was danel’s story and that, yura ross says, you created a horror film for men.
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above me is pressing so low on me, something is already pressing on me from above, you better go home, you’ll come tomorrow, i was in intensive care for a month and a half, this was the last conversation, and when i was going to see him at the hospital in the afternoon, i called the doctor and i say what you
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write there, but why don’t you write to me what to tell me, and he says to you, why do you need him? i say, and you’ve been thinking about how i’ll live without you, he says: oh, without me you’ll feel bad, okay, it’ll be bad selling the apartment, said, but it was georgy nikolaevich who was all about
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this, yes, since he was a disinterested person, he didn’t leave such an inheritance, so no one shared anything, only for this reason, because they were very good relatives who no one laid claim to anything , they took only part of the paintings, we divided them, gave them to colin and georgy nikolaevich, well, we all had his work left to watch films, yes, yes, thank you very much.
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zoya, but i would say that this is a rare representative of a legendary person in our country, that is, a legendary woman. can yes, super, how wonderful you are today, zoya
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borisovna, she personifies the age of how you can maintain dignity, i talked to her about it not so long ago. zoya borisovna, if she sees that a person
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has talent, she collects it, concentrates it, inspires it, let everything be the way you want it now, that’s it.
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30, and andrei andreevich voznesensky was not born yet, this is an incredible story. a lot depends on a person, how he observes his parents in childhood. my parents adored each other very much, so i i brought from childhood family love that is an indispensable condition for me, they could not live without each other, we were in germany for a relatively short time. and the time that he was
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there, he was with his family, that is, with my mother and me, but since it was from one year to 5 years, it was natural.
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i can’t do it at all, i have to go somewhere, help someone, be preoccupied with something, well , i have such energy from nature, i was a swimming champion, freestyle in my teens, around moscow, i was in the cross-country skating championship in volleyball team...
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why? because i don’t have enough strength to turn over, if a wave rolls in, i swim crawl on my back. i, according to the determination of my father, who was a very famous professor at the institute of self-construction named after stalin, at his request, i entered and even passed the strength of materials test myself. a difficult subject, suddenly one day everything in general in my life is the number
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of accidents that determine my life, when i remember, i am surprised, i am walking along kislovsky lane in moscow, i see giytses, the state institute of theater art, and i stand up and read this announcement, a reception is announced. in the first year , a male voice from behind with a wonderful velvet voice behind his shoulders says: what do you think, they’ll take you immediately, i tell me don’t... no need, he said, don’t be afraid, he takes me by the shoulders, pushes the children, they say, read some fable, i read it, to a crow, somewhere god sent a piece of cheese, a crow climbed up a spruce tree, had breakfast, was just getting ready, had cheese in his mouth, when i
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read it in my voice, they told me, that’s it, you’re accepted , i didn’t mean to, go, he said, come on, this guy became my first husband, georgy novitsky, he was the main actor of the largest belarusian theater, which was on tour at that time, so, well, he married me, he fell in love, so, he was my first husband and he was very handsome, but he...
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to dubna, to the city of physicists, and i said that this is wonderful, i will go too, because at that time i was writing my first story about young physicists, literally on the first day,
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when we were given rooms nearby in the dubna hotel, he said, that means honor, or... i don’t lock my room at night, i have the key from the inside, i looked at him, i didn’t even understand what he was telling me about, he was talking about something sacred, when i realized, i became so furious, which means that he perceived me for a call girl or something, and i told him, so that’s it, and i lock everyone’s room from the inside, i don’t try to open everything, he was just smitten, he’s used to the fact that any woman, feminine, scree, she runs to meet him, honors that day in the golden calendar that he invited, i was in such furious that he could not overcome this for a long time.
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at the end at all the stops of this thermal entry, at all the bouquet, comrade boguslavsky from and even met her there, in my opinion, in the most unknown place, i began to receive a message every day through the radio room, comrade boguslavsky, tell me how you feel , do you feel good about decorating? number, and so on and so forth, i was completely furious, because firstly, he exposed me that i was traveling in this teplokhov, tara knyane was prone to fame.
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when i arrived on this ship, it was not i saw the greeter, i was scared, if he had not done this, i would have to come up with it, because this was the point at which... a woman begins to worry very much if she begins to not see what she assumed, mom, with dad, with my father, they announced to me, this is the decision, they are breaking up, and then a few days later, andrei appeared, and in order to establish some kind of relationship or connection, he immediately suggested to me there: that we’ll go, we’ll take a walk to the bird market , this is the first thing i remember, really, it was quite brightly, we went together, then he
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asked me what i wanted him to give me, but in the end we bought a barmunk, well, such a gift, as it were, this was the first meeting, one might say, the first family day, what well, more than one person, including... there were no friends, what was my connection with voznesensky, not a single one, my friends all said, you're crazy, you 're leaving a handsome young man, a doctor of sciences, with whom you have a child, on who, for a man who is 8 years younger than me, but a poet who today loves a buffet, tomorrow he loves... i don’t know who, but the day after tomorrow he kicks his ass with his knee, i say, so what? well, he says, i, well, at most he will stay with you
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for six months, i say, six months are mine. it was inexplicable to explain why you fell in love with him. in 1954, the first secretary of the cpsu central committee, nikita sergeevich khrushchev, decided to transfer crimea to ukraine from the barsky shoulder. he was sure, like the first bolsheviks, that none of this would matter. fanatic, tyrant. and there is no, as they like to say, an attempt to invest in the ukrainian bureaucracy or even a gift to mine. mother who was born in western ukraine, the protocol was strangely signed not by malenkov, who presided, but for some reason by khrushchev, a crime was committed, in violation of three
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constitutions by bodies that were not authorized to transfer the territory, accuses khrucheva of transferring crimea, after all, he did not transfer crimea to romania , not bulgaria, not great britain, not france, all this happened within the framework of the union state, when the processes of the collapse of the soviet union had already begun, we suddenly felt that we... a product of the stellar group, bourbon steersman stellar group product, visky mancacher,
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stellar group product, сnop gin, stellar group product, naturally, it was quite a long time ago, i was flying out of paris, after the concerts, i went to the ticket counter. and luggage i saw that a young, interesting woman in tears was persuading the woman who was processing luggage tickets to let her suitcase through, since she was very upset, then i naturally asked, forgive me, please, i ’m saying, what upset you so much, you understand, i'm without... "i have nothing,
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let’s please register these books for me,” she says: “i know you, you are vladimir spevakov, it’s very nice, what’s your name, and my name is zoya, and i’m the wife of the poet andrei voznesensky, you know, i say, well of course, i know, so i was silent for a minute, i remembered his words, you may not be a poet, but you can’t endure it, understand how the strip of light screams, pinched by the doors, well, this was the beginning of our friendship with zoya borisovna, then there was a triumph, it was an independent award , sat in as those who elected, significant people.
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we are faced with a new choice, renewal, improvement, we are thinking about something, that maybe we are doing it wrong, zoya borisovna, she was the engine, otherwise this plane would not have taken off, the trium award was mine, yes, it was the first private one, a rich prize that
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everyone is chasing.
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for the most part they still belong, well , to one formation, that was the quality, it is that quality, you know, like australian dogs there are in new zealand, they herd herds, so that’s how such a dog was, that’s hers she won't hurt you crowded all the time. this cultural formation, which seemed to have to save something, sometimes it gathered and awarded people who were, well, internally, completely at odds with her ideas about life, but she understood their values ​​of these people, a prize triumph, well, this is one of the greatest prizes, of course in mine...
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the girl is flamboyant and naughty, she drives me crazy, i loved vertinsky, well, because his texts were so close to me, then
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later i became friends with oleg evgenevich minchikov to the mail of what he knew all vertinsky's texts, i'm madam already falling. he played for roy, mobilev, one of the reasons why she loves the play so much, the dream orchestra, because there i sing vertinsky, and somewhere, apparently, at these triumphal evenings, we took a certain amount of grams on our brother, we probably what they sang, of course. of course, they sang, of course , vertinsky. i'm waiting for you like a blue dream, i'll throw in any fire, when you say the word, when you come to me. well, listen,
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it was generally a wonderful undertaking; zoya borisovna had the opportunity to carry out her fantasy, right? well...
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the hospital doctor said: to get to the front, you won’t get to the front at the age of 16, but you can become a nurse, work in a hospital, for this you need to have an education, that is, you need to complete short-term nursing courses, which i did. when i first saw a person who had both arms torn off, a young boy, i lost consciousness and they said she was unfit to be a nurse,
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i said: “excuse me, forgive me, this won’t happen again, i forced myself to look at severed hands." to the punctured eyes, at everything, there was no person in the hospital who was as bandaged as i was, so everyone stood in line, i had one feat, which means i was admitted to the hospital, young, very handsome, with a head, a man, without arms , without legs, a soldier, he... all the time he asked for only one thing, it was the fifth floor, to bring him to the balcony, and he couldn’t even lean on ours, so that he would throw himself out of the window, at home he wrote on behalf of his unit,
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that he went missing, and i took it upon myself, i was generally a decisive person, and my... the law of my life was a sense of justice, i wrote a letter, found out his address, that he was alive, my god, they arrived. this feeling is very difficult to convey, that this
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feeling that they are not shooting, cannot be, we kissed, kissed everyone we met, walked along the sidewalk, hugged, it was complete communism, there were no enemies, no one, andreevich voznesensky, after meeting zoya borisovna, dedicated uzbek's poem to her. this is a great philosophical work, but its center and fire was the love for zoya borisonne. you, microbes, people, locomotives, i beg you to be careful take it away, let you not know ava’s shocks. remain bright, fleeting incessantly, i don’t
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blame you for passing, i thank you that ava oza came, i was with all the big people, zagal, picasso, i was in france, i have a book, i was translated in france, i was alone from... the first is my story, i love it, the first one with whom i began to communicate, it was bordeaux delirious, when the literature was published, my page was cut off by bordeaux, and it was written like this, bordeaux is delirious, the last superstar through the eyes of mass media and in fact.
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when he was dying, i walked along him
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stretcher, when he was already half alive, and sobbed, i don’t know how, everyone with whom i was friends were usually not friends, we didn’t have common friends, no, we had common ones, of course, but i was loved very much by different people who didn’t had nothing to do with andrey, they loved me as a poet, but they loved me as a person. zoya borisovna herself chooses whom to be friends with. we met a long time ago, at the very beginning of 2000, it was in america, there was a russian film festival, and there was borisovna, andrei andreevich, in general there were a lot of very famous people, it was some a wonderful holiday, you know, we have had it since those times. some incredibly very warm relationships developed, you know,
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even at the very beginning i found out that she was born on april 16, 1924, and on april 16, 1925, my mother was born, and my mother was the main director of the theater and also studied at the theater department in gitis at about the same time, i understand what kind of strong, beautiful woman she is. zoya borisovna always supported me, that’s her maternal warmth. to me, it was somehow very concentrated. a very talented person, he gave me so many gifts for any holiday, for any event in my life, in general i think that she has some kind of, and some especially, attitude towards talents, because firstly, she felt them just
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instantly, and can admire the talent of another person, you must agree, in our professions, yah, they are a little close, well, in the creative ones... so she is like this at 100 years old, hello everyone, my name is caroline, my father is an optimist that's why he thinks i'm half white. kvn, major league, new season, watch the time after the program. what do you have in your hands? this is
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my autobiography, autobiography, read it out loud, read it out loud to yourself? yes you are? you spend that monte chococa cognac, a stellar group product, rum, castro, a stellar group product, veda vodka, a stellar group product, old barrel cognac, a stellar group product, steersman bourbon. product of the stellor group, he made me sit from life, made two portraits of himself, well, what kind, now you will see, he was gifted in everything, comrade voznesensky, and i i lived with him for 46 years, guys, marriage at 46
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for almost 50 years, i must say that andryushka and i lived very friendly, there were two quarrels, it doesn’t even make sense not to return, but he left poems on this topic, we probably got away songs, lazy people sing, we must have gone crazy, you are my enemy, i am your enemy, the garden has darkened in broad daylight, why are you doing this, why are you doing this, eclipse of the heart. passed, don’t worry, everything will be fine, this was his song, reflecting the moment of our only quarrel. in general, andrey had, as it were, two
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priority: this is his creativity, everything that happens around creativity, these are the people who are important for his creativity. and my mother, that is, he was of little interest to me, let’s say, when i realized that he was very famous, and i saw that some guys, some comrades there communicate with me through this prism, perhaps they want to be friends with me, because i have something to do with voznesensky, it was very important for me that i become an individual. outside of these relationships, outside of this, as it were, this closeness, leonid can have a magazine where he they asked how your mother influenced you? he answered, it did, but how? he said,
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she never scolded me and never. didn’t insist, this was the answer, that is, if you don’t want, don’t do it, if you don’t want to eat, don’t eat, i had freedom in the family, my mother was very important, and for him a person who also - well, gave some assessments for each of his creative steps, that is, he actually consulted with her. he actually read her the very first drafts and there was not only such an alliance - uh, an alliance with her husband and wife, there was also a really very powerful creative union, such, it is clear that his mother did not
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help him write poetry, she was such, well, probably the right spiritual, or something, moral partner for him, the topic was not discussed, the result was always first of all , he came to me when he saw my face. he says, i see that you don’t like it, i said it, but it seems to me that i didn’t say more, i knew that it couldn’t be done otherwise, i said it, i think you can still think about it, i never said i don’t like it, well what role did she play in her life? husband, let her tell it herself, because of course the razanis lived their whole lives, which means they coincided. but when he got sick, andrei, zoya behaved impeccably, sometimes she
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was accused of dragging him along, as if with her, that he was already sick, but he absolutely needed it, this spirit, he was in some kind of then he was preserved to some degree, i... the preservation of this spirit to some extent we can attribute to the fact that zoya excited him, andrei, andrei was seriously ill, he had parkinson’s, and he had it, why didn’t he never admitted this diagnosis, that he had atypical parkinson, why atypical, because? his voice never trembled, and he sat between my knees, and my
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stomach warmed his vertebra, it seemed to him that he felt better, and for hours we sat like that, and so he died, he died on my knees, but this is a very difficult topic for me, i’ll say it in two sentences, when he was gone, life itself was gone, i stopped loving what i loved, life was gone, don’t disappear, don’t disappear, you’re in me forever, you’re in me forever, no disappear on some half an hour, you will return again after a thousand, a thousand years, but... your candle is still burning, well, this is a very difficult moment,
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my leonid saved me, he took me away from this whole situation, for 13 days, i didn’t remember anything what is my name, no way, that i had a very difficult one, and he... forced lyonka to dictate all this, he knew that i give everyone the same advice, if you are in despair, you need to describe everything mercilessly, i love my son most of all , leonid boguslavsky, who himself deserved to be talked about because he is a man extremely famous. but he is a very capable person, he very intelligently manages everything that
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he came up with, he has very good brains, but sport comes first for him, he loves sport more than his profession. that someday i won’t exist, that’s why he created such an illusion that i won’t exist, there will be boguslavskaya, a million, a million,
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a million. tail, from the window, from the window, from the window, you see who i love, who i love, who i love, not seriously, flowers will dominate your life for you, i’m generally very happy in my family all my life, everyone loves me very much, children, grandchildren all they love you, but i know one thing, that if you have very beloved parents, you love your parents, then this always continues, you have an example, love for your parents, this will be a photo, dear zoya borisovna, congratulations on your wonderful anniversary, health, health , inspire,
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be inspired, i admire your personal creative life, just as we admire your personal creative life, everyone who has ever met you, i love you very much, hello, i can only wish for us that for as long as possible, if god willing , she would be with us, this is a guarantee that what...
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improvisation, i don’t like it at all when people talk about me, pertinski, we invited silence to your farewell dinner, don’t you know, we invited silence to our farewell dinner. it will be for good, that’s what i say, remain bright, fleeting, incessant, i don’t blame you for passing, i thank you for coming, abba pose.
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hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day: terror against the word. izvestia military correspondent semyon eremin died in the special operation zone, the enemy deliberately attacked.


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