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tv   Vremya  1TV  April 20, 2024 9:00pm-9:36pm MSK

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hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. terror against the word. izvestia military correspondent semyon eremin died in the special operation zone. the enemy deliberately attacked him. impact flying object, new image. less than six months have passed, the us congress
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voted for a new aid package for ukraine, what is in it and what is wrong with it? an emergency call, a section of the vyma bridge in the tyumen region had to be dismantled in order to blow up a traffic jam on the river. the first snow of the moon, a girl from florida, who... only our doctors agreed to help, underwent a new operation. absolute forward alexander maltsev, a legend of russian hockey, accepts congratulations on his anniversary. our colleague, military correspondent of izvestia, semyon eremin, died. the enemy pointed a drone at him. fpv means first- person view, that is, it is clear exactly who the target is. semyon was. 42 years old, from the first days of the special operation he
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was on the front line, there were reports about the battles, about liberated cities, about life at the front and good memories of his colleagues. we join in our most sincere condolences to the family of semyon eremin. this is the closest point convenient to look at this freshly cleared territory, until you get closer.
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international organizations finally pay attention to terrorist crimes. the russian foreign ministry demanded that kiev. we regard this purposeful and cold-blooded murder of a journalist as another confirmation of the ugly terrorist nature of the zelensky regime, which has opened a real hunt for russian representatives of the media, military officers, public figures who... with their reports, comments and publications they reveal the truth to the world community and present undeniable facts about the crimes of the militants of the kiev regime. the ukrainian authorities no longer hide the fact that every russian journalist in the conflict zone is a target for them. as for the fact that the armed forces of ukraine deliberately make russian journalists their targets, yes, that’s the way it is, and this once again emphasizes how dangerous the mission is, which...
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probably, the last time we saw him in moscow, it was the 10th march, we were just sitting and discussing how to understand that there are enemy drones above you, so that artillery is preparing to work for you, in general, syoma always thought not one, not two, probably 10 steps ahead, and at the same time he was always ready for any, even the most unexpected business trips, probably for any surprise in general, blessed memory to you , semyon, the second one went to...
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where death is close, it quickly becomes clear who is worth what, especially during shelling of residential areas. semyon shot countless such people in donetsk, but helping others was more important to him than a bright shot. another evening shelling, one shells flies into the neighboring yard not far from syoma, where syoma lives, he equips himself, runs out and in fact... one of the first, it turns out, is on the spot, and the first thing he begins to do is help people, there, he takes out a first aid kit, hemostatic, everything , what is necessary, this is his important human quality, to help, to come to the rescue, and he is such a well-mannered person in general, back there, sit down,
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there the car is open, here is semyon eremin’s report from nikolskoye in the vicinity of donetsk, in the spring of the twenty-second ukrainian the army regularly shelled the st. nicholas monastery, where local residents were taking refuge.
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having met happily on the set, everything that usually remains behind the scenes is remembered later , unfortunately, in such tragic moments, he played various musical instruments very well, he himself wrote memorable music, but most importantly, they say: a good guy is not a profession, yes, this is not a profession, this is a talent, and not even a good guy, a good person, this is a rare great talent, this is how he will remain in memory, unchanged , like his desk in the editorial office, where semyon... has been so rarely lately. ukrainian terrorists used a drone with bombs to hit the belgorod village of poros, a private house. an elderly woman, who could not walk after a fracture, and a man, her assistant, died in the fire. and in
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novaya tovolzhanka a pregnant woman died. at the time of the artillery shelling, she was on the street, the doctors did not save her. three more residents were injured. our. the armed forces today missed several distant targets in the city of zaporozhye, which is still controlled by the kiev regime, a strike with two iskander missiles on the workshops plant for the repair of electric locomotives, a strong fire and periodic explosions began. this is a very large specialized enterprise, but they restore armored vehicles. let me note that locomotive traction is under constant surveillance by russian troops. the main supplies of weapons come by rail. explosions today in the kharkov, dnepropetrovsk, odessa and sumy regions. the final blow came. at the air base in kanatopa, in addition to helicopters, there is a repair plant, hangars with equipment and militant barracks. near odessa , a port plant, a possible marine warehouse, is burning for the second day. drones. our fighters on the front line need more and more drones, including these fpv attack drones for a variety of
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ammunition. sergei shaigu inspected the latest weapons at a training ground in the moscow region today. this week he inspected several defense plants. for dropping ammunition of various types, depending on the tasks being solved, it can also be used for remote mining. universal ones have drops for different ammunition, so that a soldier can use any ammunition he received. thirty we confidently produce devices per month, depending on whether we are producing them or yes, we are already producing them. increased channel security. control allows you to bypass interference that the enemy may put in place. other important characteristics are ease of operation , user-friendly software interface. you can learn to control this copter in just 2 weeks. we will now create a center for scientific production, and at the same time a design bureau for all
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drones. it’s good to finance through procurement, they wouldn’t stop, create laboratories with them, then that’s all unite and it will be. attack drones have completely changed the landscape of modern combat; they are used for reconnaissance and fire adjustment, and drones are fast, precise tools in capable hands. hits anything, from manpower to heavy tanks, this american abrams tank was first immobilized and then finished off in march near avdievka, drone operators with the call sign, patriot falcons, we saw movement, there was already a dive, accordingly, when we saw the equipment, was amazed at the worthwhile technology have already completely worked out, we let avrams down with a bird, which costs 4000 rubles, the cost of one such... tank, according to open sources, is more than 6 million dollars, and this is an example of work on the american
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m-777 howitzer. the minister of defense was shown new models of small arms, including sniper weapons, like drones; they were developed taking into account the experience of a special military operation. short barrels, shorter ones were even ordered, such barrels, the second, like the second barrel of the storm group behind the back, as it appears, so oh okay, within a month we we will train our instructors at four or six training grounds, within a month they will train, all our instructors will already be working in the troops. sergei shaigu set the task of providing assault groups with new types of weapons to effectively destroy enemy drones. this is not the first inspection of the head of the ministry of defense this week. on wednesday, shaig was shown a protective capsule for evacuating wounded from the battlefield. the unmanned version is controlled remotely, there is nothing more valuable than human life, of course
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we have to try it at the front, we have to launch everything immediately, the day before, sergei shaigu inspected the new protection elements of the fast and maneuverable t-80 tank, we can’t do without them now, the last time we washed here we looked, which means sight protection, sight protection, it is there, yes, yes, of course, minister of defense ordered to modernize. about an hour ago, the house of representatives of the us congress by a majority vote passed a bill on the confiscation of russian assets in favor of ukraine. further consideration in the senate. let me remind you that after the start of the special operation, the west froze almost half of our foreign exchange reserves, about 300 billion dollars, and only from five. 6 billion in american jurisdiction, most of it in europe, where they have already tried
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to discuss ways of using it, and essentially theft, although even the european central bank warned about the risks. and shortly before this release, another document was adopted on new appropriations for the kiev regime: $61 billion. for what purchases under what conditions? georgy alisashvili talks about this. the long-suffering bill on assistance to ukraine after six months of discussions in congress is still there. accepted, moreover, the overwhelming majority, out of delight , the democrats even waved ukrainian flags in order to win over the republicans, the democrats resorted to tricks. first, in the controlled senate, they tried to combine support for kiev with help for israel and taiwan into one package. i'd rather send ammunition to ukraine than american guys. we don't want to get involved in the conflict, but we can prevent it. if trump becomes president, he will be able to achieve peace, but this has not happened yet. we need to help the ukrainians defend themselves by surrounding everything non-existent choice, either
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american money or soldiers are sent to ukraine, johnson, in order to increase the chances of the law being passed, allocated 61 billion for kiev from the general package, that is, they voted for him separately, it is noteworthy that shortly before this the speaker met with trump, who does not support the bill. why doesn’t europe allocate more money to ukraine, why does the united states invest more than 100 billion dollars more in the war in ukraine than... europe, although we are separated from ukraine by an ocean. it is obvious whether ukraine will survive, whether it will remain it is strong, this is much more important for europe than for us, although it is also important for us. go ahead, europe. a split has emerged in the republican party, and this is against the backdrop of the unconditional unity of the democrats on the ukrainian issue. someone says that we must solve the problem with our border, but the border between ukraine and russia is our border. this is the border between a criminal autocracy and people who love freedom and strive for democracy. are we interested in this? yes, of course, yes, we should be with ukraine.
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the point here, of course, is not only and not so much ukraine itself, the military failures of kiev for the white house, another foreign policy defeat, doubly difficult because before the elections, and if money helps to delay it, what questions are there, and there’s another bonus, moderate republicans went against trump’s opinion, in response the trumpists promised recall the failed speaker johnson. scandal around aid to ukraine. to the fact that a unique situation has developed in the american congress: the republican speaker of the house of representatives is threatening to recall his own party members, and he relies on the help of the democrats to maintain...
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the corral, anyway, according to the trumpists in congress, this does not meet the interests of the united states. united states taxpayers have already sent $113 billion to ukraine, much of this money has gone missing. the us national debt has exceeded 34 trillion dollars, every night it is growing by 40 billion. nothing has been done to ensure security at our border and to reduce the government debt. inflation is out of control. now the mortgage payments exceed more than $3,000. then, like 3 years ago, they was only $700, young people think they can't buy a home, but instead today in congress we are debating sending $61 billion to a war in ukraine that over 70% of americans don't support. congresswoman margerrie taylor greene is an ardent opponent of financing ukraine. for these words, the democrats dubbed moscow
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margery. moscow margery has hit a new bottom. you know, during the russian revolution , lenin called american journalists. idiot, she's just voicing russian propaganda. while there were fierce battles in congress battles, the pentagon has already prepared the first batch of weapons for kiev. some types of weapons will take less than a month to reach the battlefield, depending on where they are stored. the aid package contains desperately needed ammunition for the systems the ukrainian military relies on most, including 155. rounds that nato howitzers use, as well as missiles for medium-range artillery. true, before this , the president must approve the bill adopted by congress, but as stated in white house, biden will sign the document immediately. the caricature of zelensky as a beggar sitting on the steps of congress, however, will not lose its relevance. 61 billion is, of course, a huge amount, but it will hardly save the father of ukrainian democracy. but speaker
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johnson may well be deprived of his chair, which will be a disaster for washington, torn by contradictions. a real political tsunami. georgy litsashvili, pavel nisterov, dalia rajedinova, stanislav opletin. channel one usa. there is already a reaction from russia. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov has just stated: the decision of the house of representatives will further enrich the united states and further ruin ukraine, and the confiscation of assets will harm the image of the united states and scare away investors in this country. assistance to israel, as already said, has been accepted. in the american congress , the israeli-iranian exchange of blows became a separate background package. author's commentary by mikhail leontiev on non-obvious results. then we'll be back with news. however, hello. the third world war happened quietly. in any
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case, oil prices did not react to it in any way. we are waiting for the fourth. 1 april israel carried out an airstrike on the iranian consulate in damascus, where several senior iranian officers were killed. in response , iran fired 330 drones, cruise and ballistic missiles at israel within 2 weeks. having previously warned interested parties about the location and nature of the impact. thus, the strike was almost completely occupied by israeli air defense and its allies. on april 19 , israel made a preliminary promise. answer not emotionally, but intelligently, attacked the iranian air base near esfahan so that the head mediran called it a toy attack, and who are you, please tell me, who are you, no, who are you, and who are you, and you saw, well, you saw, you saw everything, and you
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also saw everything, and you everyone saw it, you are all witnesses, what will happen now, what will i do with him?
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he's also unlikely to like him very much. after six months of resistance, the us congress decided to pass a ninety-five billion dollar package
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of military aid to israel, taiwan and ukraine, 2/3 of which is intended for ukraine. because failure in ukraine is not just there losing the elections is a disaster for the american world order, so there will be no freebies for us, we will have to do everything ourselves. however, goodbye. this was mikhail leontyev's original commentary, we continue. floods in the tyumen region on the ishim river, rescuers had to dismantle the pedestrian bridge in order to then blow up the jam. the water comes quickly, almost a meter in 12 hours. now the level is above 10 m. the historical maximum has already been updated. peak floods are expected in the coming days on the tabol river near kurgan. dam for now. copes with the load, but residents of surrounding areas need to evacuate. vladimir putin today gave a number of instructions to the government, some of which relate to
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supporting agricultural producers, in particular about increasing preferential lending, providing fuel and reducing the cost of transporting products by rail. in addition, the president is waiting for proposals for the creation of the brix agricultural exchange. great attention to health issues. so funds received from compulsory medical insurance are given priority. should be used for salaries of health workers. head of state also demanded that a project be prepared to improve emergency medical care; a plan for the development of modern health-saving technologies should be operational by the end of the year. little american luna fener, who 4 and a half years ago was already operated on by our surgeons, had a giant birthmark removed on her face again in russia. the girl is facing another stage of treatment. after the operation, scars remained. american doctors issued astronomical bills and gave vague forecasts. found a way to help petersburg. the first step of transformation has already been taken. alena germanova will tell you more.
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and all the white stuff in the room by the window, she was counting the snowflakes with her small finger. luna is already five, but this is the first snow in her life. in my native florida it’s now +35, and st. petersburg is just covered in snow. yesterday she sat at the window for an hour watching the snow. we couldn't take it off.
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brought back to the ward. doctors placed three tissue expander implants on her face, they will help remove scar tissue and the moon’s skin will be smooth, like everyone else’s. the expander itself - this is such an elastic container made of medical silicone, it is implanted under healthy skin, then through a special port, saline solution is gradually introduced. the expander stretches, along with the skin, and then it will be moved to the place of the scars. already in june, the filled expanders will remove excess skin, cover about a third of the scars, then several more.
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yes, to work with children, you need to love them, and the child, well, the child always feels how you feel about him internally, yes, that is, well, it’s impossible to deceive him, we really want the best for her, we see that luna’s mother is a fighter who wants to restore her child completely, and luna’s mother is a beautiful, bright woman, and of course, we really want luna to be the same, it’s 13 years to her loved ones home . thousands of kilometers, but words of support for a little girl from the usa are now being written by all of russia. i was shocked by how many people you know about luna; a resident of st. petersburg wrote to me and suggested that i come visit them so that luna could play with her children. when we came to russia for the first time, russians seemed very reserved to us, but in reality they are very responsive. already on monday, the fener family will be prescribed expanders; they will begin to fill them only in 2 weeks, and the girl with beautiful brown eyes will be
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one step closer to her dream. the moon does. on the street in front of the main stage, they opened the summer sports season with a record for the largest mass exercise in the country; almost 6 thousand people did exercises together with the olympic champion in artistic gymnastics nikita nagorny and other sports stars.
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sports festival in saratov, super final school basketball league, 17,500 teams in the season and the top 40 in the decisive stage, the championship title and a ticket to the international cup, the games were watched by famous world champion athletes. and the olympic games, on the scale of passions in the report by sergei panomariov, wave to the other side, you receive the ball, the bear is down, zhen, you rise, i understand, come on, strength, there are girls on the basketball court, the moscow team against the team from the sverdlovsk region, it’s hot on the parquet coach's bench, okay, get on,
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go home, go home, great. school final basketball league, the entire match was actually an equal game, but the girls from yekaterinburg beat the muscovites with a score of 61:47, becoming first for the fourth time. the ekaterinburg team won. hurray, hurray, hurray, it was hard to start and somehow hold on throughout the game, but we pulled through, we are still very tired, i don’t yet feel that we have won. soon it will come to us at the award ceremony, we’ll understand. a large-scale tournament, which brought together teams from eighty regions of the country, the best play in saratov, qualifying matches were held all week, among the participants this time and guys from new regions. literally every day will be remembered, game days, a bunch of events, it’s just a storm of emotions for us and a huge experience. games, open training, and of course, master classes from
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basketball stars, impressions for the whole...
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the game of stars ended in a fighting draw, but in the men's final of the tournament the team of the kemerovo region won, they snatched victory in the last minutes from their neighbors from yekaterinburg, from that emotions over the edge. we played every game as if it were our last, we didn’t care about the final, it was a group game, we played until the last, until at the final whistle, we decided to take first place in saratov. it took a long time to achieve this, you trained so much, in the end you have this cup in your hands, you managed to do it. boys and girls from siberia and the urals will now represent russia at the international school team tournament, where they will compete with peers from the cis countries. sergei ponomarev,
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irina chyuchuy, yuri shatokhin and sergei suvorov, channel one. and today is the anniversary of the great hockey player, alexander maltsev, 75 years old, legendary player of the dynamo soviet national team union, two-time olympic. a champion, a record holder of all kinds, one of those who shaped the image of high-class and, if you like, total domestic hockey. report by anton vernitsky. the popularity of alexander maltsev among the boys of the seventies went off scale, well, who else did hockey players sing songs about maltsev? they sang, but the tune was popular then somewhere in this world, from the film prisoner of the caucasus, somewhere in this world, where there is always hockey, alexander maltsev rushes around like an animal, well, then there are many variations. about the fence that flew away canadian, you won’t be able to score a goal for us, the boys’ folk creativity was inexhaustible, the boys gave a reason. as soon as they didn’t call him, the yesenin of russian hockey, the great coach anatoly tarasov is talking about him, the hockey saw,
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journalists are already talking about alexander maltsev, vladislav tretyak told us about the nickname in the ussr national team, you know how maltsev was called maresev on the field, yes, because that he was stretching one leg a little, by the way, if you look at him, he also walks like this, even like this... you know a penguin, it doesn’t look like they skate well, but when necessary, they give speed and naturally get away from the opponent due to their skill, this skill allowed maltsev to become the absolute record holder of the national team, he played the most matches for it, 319 made the most goals for the national team, the record is you can’t repeat 212 goals, he is a two-time olympic champion, nine-time world champion, for 11 years he was recognized as the best striker of the ussr, despite the fact that
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he witnessed maltsev’s wedding, then everyone gossiped about sophia loren’s novel, to which maltsev always smiled mysteriously, well, that was a long time ago and it wasn’t true, no, it’s still true or not true, no, well, we met, but maltsev told us about how he was with irina alferova in a hospital in afghanistan. artists and famous athletes went there to give performances, to our military, it was in kabul, well, we went for a walk with... we wanted to go down to the river, there, they threw a stone, and there it turns out that a mine was blown up, they almost hit there , but still ended up in the hospital for 3 days.


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