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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 21, 2024 1:15am-2:01am MSK

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let's go, do you still have a lot of money? a lot, a lot, and you will move away from us now, sooner or later this was bound to happen, so what else? maybe we’ll sign up for the pool, we’ll go together, what do we see there, iskhan, please wait, what’s this stuck, i actually thought we ’d watch something for the kids, the kids? how
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do we load everything into a taxi? what? how do we load all this into a taxi? not us, but you? i'll ride my bike home! phone or, listen, let’s buy you a bike too, otherwise you’re not interested! no, i can’t, i have work to do! in 1954 the first secretary...of the cpsu central committee nikita sergeevich khrushchev decides to transfer crimea to ukraine from the barsky shoulder. he was sure, like the first ones more, that none of this would matter. a fanatical tyrant, nothing there, as he likes to say, an attempt to bring down the ukrainian bureaucracy or even a gift to my mother, who was born in western ukraine. the protocol was strangely signed by nemalenkov, who presided, for some reason khrushchev. a crime was committed in violation of three constitutions of the body.
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premiere, big story, like khrushchev crimea i handed it over, tomorrow on the first day, the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running, shining and shouting, they shout to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming.
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we are young spring messengers, she sent us ahead, what, where, when, spring series of games, tomorrow, after the program time, show fashion verdict on channel one, with you i am alexander rogov, over the last month she ordered black leather shorts, boldly. bold, red tracksuit, what a disgrace, i don’t like the way my daughter dresses, especially lately, the way she i’ve gained weight, i’m a heavy mother, my mother really wants me to be a decent girl, this is what i call a spectacular appearance, meet me, well, a good, attractive girl, all this can be cheered up, look, we can change the color, it seems to me, that’s what something like that, you can...
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hello, hello, what are you doing here, are you avoiding me, or it seemed to me that you took it, you don’t take traffic jams, but how did you find out where i work now, and i have a job now like this, keep an eye on people, you said that when i realize myself, get back on my feet, find my own business, we will be on the same level, and i can return, your words, i... said, you
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need to find something to do, you need to stand on your own two feet, maybe now it matters, it does, i love. "are you kidding me, you said that listen, i tried to buy time for him because you were inadequate, you, you even followed him, yes i followed him, tried to understand how he was, because i care, what's happening to him."
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girl, are you all right? don’t think that i’m interfering like that, it’s just that sometimes it’s better to talk it out. i just wrote
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yeah. that the man, yes, the sky is older than you, and that you love him perfectly. “you know what i’ll say, if a man holds you like that, then you need to break in, you’re young, go for a walk, look around, you have the whole world in front of you, you don’t need to dwell on the old things, they won’t
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make you happy, maybe we can get out of here ? i still have the keys to his apartment, the log has been burned, let’s go burn it.
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that is, you are that prince on a white horse, isn’t it too harsh, mr. psychologist, some relationships need to be torn off
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like a shepherd, that’s all, when it’s for you personally. it ceases to be convenient when you realize that someone can give her more, but you can’t give more, i... i was told to go through this interview, couldn’t we be together, could you, the one at which gets married, but i need freedom, i’m that kind of person, that means everything.
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you can keep them, no big deal, i'll just change the locks. well, why did you follow him? i was worried about him, because i care what happens to him, now i want to know how he is doing, well, i don’t know that, we don’t communicate, why?
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such a pretty girl, and you know, i liked it, i think this is what we were talking about, i see that you are suitable for each other, i see it, listen. why do i have the feeling that you know each other, that she was your patient? no, were you in a relationship? you lied to me, but is it entertainment for you?
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listen, you don’t need to think about it, i want to help you, dashingly, stop it, it’s not true, you’re not my friend anymore, we haven’t seen each other again.
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so, i came to you.
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why don’t you pick up the phone, i’m calling you, i’m calling you, we have guests. who, hi, hi, so why are you studying here?
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come to the living room, it’s more cozy there, i ’ll make pancakes now, yes, go, go. it’s become so cozy here, forgive me, why?
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for everything, i don’t understand, everything turned out very well, look how successful you are, well, we, sonya mended my jacket, oh, it was actually a pure accident, after what she did... the psychologist didn’t want to go to work at all come back, but that conversation with you at the bar, thank you for that, sit down, what are you, i’ll quickly bring pancakes,
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our stories were very similar, these were stories of destruction, we were both abandoned. but we managed to turn it around, i'll probably go.
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well, i told you that it was all so that they would be together, listen, it’s just that now you, you betrayed me, you brought him together with her,
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i gave you incentives to develop. it's enough for me to know that i'm not happy. do you know what you brought him to? ok, i’m sorry, you couldn’t make him happy, i
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couldn’t make sonya happy, they feel good together, let him go, and you and i can handle it, we’re strong, adequate people, we’ll come up with something, what i would like to say is a banal thing, of course, it seems to me that neither i nor you realize the global nature of what we are doing, thank you, see you on monday, see you, thank you, goodbye, yes, we have another
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small one a factor that requires special attention, so, the fact is that people themselves can ruin their own relationships only because they are not in control of themselves, it’s not only about compatibility, but... whether the person has found himself in this world, your calling? that is, they may arise problems with metrics? alexander, will you fix this problem? yes, yes, according to the statistics on this case now, super, great, come, goodbye, christina, forgive me, but it turns out that i am now your debtor, let me... thank you somehow, not like that of course, a luxurious bottle of wine, like at the club back then, however, maybe we’ll go with you to a restaurant, it’s not far,
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the chef is my good friend, he cooks great, today there’s jazz, they’re not black, but they sing and play like blacks , very cool, i would love to, but i have other plans. maybe be another time, of course, yes, yes, and if i have any questions, i will dial, yes, of course, call, but not necessarily questions, answers or exclamatory sentences, call, of course, call, goodbye, see dates.
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hello, this is the podcast burn with fire and i am its
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host denis gorel. with a story about the current serial news of the domestic television market, i want to warn you that sometimes i will say the word film, this does not mean at all that we are talking about full-length films, these are long films, eight and ten-episode, most often this podcast only talks about tv series; rare cases when full-length films are mentioned are discussed separately. we will start with the series obvious and incredible, in which, importantly, there should not be any space between the words obvious and incredible. no punctuation marks, the series is based on the prose of kir balychev about the city of velikiy guslyar, standing on the gus river, very much reminiscent of the volga, where, in fact, everything was filmed, as far as i remember, the filming locations were in astrakhan. kirbolychev, let's be honest for everyone except his daughter alice, he didn’t particularly like people, although he carefully hid it. he loved all sorts of miracles, all sorts of unusual things and various ancient animals and
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provincial russian cities in paws and... rickety churches, and his people all the time came out somehow bald, some quarrelsome and some green, because of this, in the people's memory, basically only the cycle about alice remained, although balychev wrote a lot of other things, he also had film adaptations of comet and chance, but even there he concentrated on various anomalous phenomena, people somehow, for the most part, they still came out somewhat erased and flat, which of course did not benefit the film adaptations, in memory... they were not preserved, a cheerful group of contemporaries decided to correct the classic, including director alexander vaitinsky, who finally took on for his intelligence, he stopped making films about maniacs, which he was not very successful with, the screenwriter kudymov, whom no one had heard of before, but now they will hear about it as they should, this screenwriter is efficient, he managed to organize very diverse stories and short stories into a single whole, and in general, well done , a there are also two production groups, usually occupied separately, with a variety of different ones - these are sharapov anurov
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, the troika shishken gordeev dmitrievskaya, but recently they have approached the topic of various anomalies very seriously. which of them was the first to realize, in principle, that the great guslyaer cycle lacks the main end-to-end character, well, let’s put it this way, the director of construction equipment , korneliy udolov, with a bald head and strange behavior for this matter.
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who, like all mayors, naturally wants only good, and wants, due to the development of various anomalies, to surpass aliens and so on, bring the city into orbit, bring it into the golden ring of russia , while the residents do not want the golden ring at all, but want to play chess with aliens on the boulevards, so that no one will distract them with blitzes, flashes and the like tourist nonsense, which in general becomes the main essence of the through line of the series, without which a movie is not a movie, so... aliens in a hatch, talking goldfish in a pond, a time machine in a closet, and super-gifted babies solving integral equations in a potty, by themselves sometimes really uses a time machine to fly into the past and root his family, because his classmate and now the mayor, once also claimed the hand and heart of his chosen one, having studied with them in the same class, of course, a visit to the past - as
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the franchise shows back to the future, they can change a lot of things in the present, a real branch, children multiply, move from family to family, and this does not interfere with what is happening at all, uh, after all, such a regal poisonousness of khotchenkova, it is suitable for any version present and future, just like bystrov’s rustic foolishness and some bossy stupefaction from lagashkin, which we have seen a thousand times in various other films. every time we are glad to see again, it’s always nice when people’s artists, people’s not by rank, but in fact, still haven’t been given the title yet, when they are allowed to really play the fool, after all, there is a great guslar here, we always have so, when khochenkova reduces her husband to pocket size and takes him to a symphony concert instead of fishing, and he sits there on the back an evil looking chair in the jacket of a familiar gnome,
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it seems that this is exactly what kir balychev would have wanted to do in his time, but somehow got bogged down in his fixation on his daughter and miracles. the musical accompaniment deserves special compliments, just like the selector in his time. to the music, to the series, but wait a minute. the great guslyar, of course, is an eternal city, a stable city, nothing has changed there for decades, but the music was specially selected from audio hits, audio classics of the late seventies, which, with their retrofuturistic fervor, are very corresponds to the city of velikiy guslyar. this is the song “golden fish”, which sounded in our pioneer hit “breakfast on the grass”. this short mother cried with joy for us as well. this is tukhman's olympiad 80 performed by the fat man from estonia tynni samyagi, from whose lips the phrase sounded absolutely wonderful: today there is no escape from sport, there is no escape from sport. finally, this is migulin’s grass near the house,
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of course , everyone is already tired of the earth in the illuminator from frequent constant repetition in retro films, but without it, the guslar is not a guslar. the image of such a sweet russian city at the turn of the times, which this city does not notice at all... is conveyed very accurately by all these hits, the uncle is at work, and not with someone in the cinema, but the stars, nevertheless, and the stars, nevertheless less, and the palace, take yourself a goldfish, the earth will be happy and young, i especially liked the line from the song olympics 80, today there will be more warmth and joy on earth, and antonov’s space music floats into our business conversation, it’s very suitable for cyrus’s prose bulychev, and of course, in every minute there is some improvement in the author's outline with healthy reactions of a healthy person and unknown animals. when pure crystal vodka begins to flow from the tap in the great guslyar, at the will of the guslyar people, the fish do not shy away from the corner of the aquarium being poured like
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bulychev’s, on the contrary, they begin to swim quite cheekily, ask for a salad to snack on and they begin to pour brine into the aquarium, which is especially wonderful. a talented baby, a one-year-old, besides... “where is aunt yulia, a gorgeous woman, how she hugs me, aunt yulia, a gorgeous a woman, having reduced her husband to microscopic size, arranges a demonstrative fitting for him in a boutique, categorically not noticing that he has exchanged gnomes with a friend. the dwarf, of course, applauds and admires, but at that moment when the heroine with a playful smile carries him behind the curtain to watch the fitting of lace panties. they start yelling no, and we understand the gnome very well here. aunt yulia, of course, is a gorgeous woman, but there is a limit to everything. and finally, in one of the episodes, the arriving aliens hit the mayor on the big head with a wooden mallet from school labor lessons,
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to the song, this world was not invented by us, this world was not invented by me. dear tv series friends, comrades, of course, this world was not invented by you, but you inhabited it absolutely gorgeously, where the guys are, the guys are there. the next issue of ours...
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the picture is gorgeous and the only thing that can confuse me is, well, this is nekskaya openly cosmic narcissism on wikipedia, director raraksha is praised for his exceptional talents, outstanding films, and also once again exceptional films, designed for a large audience around the world. difficult imagine that this was written by anyone other than rakshi himself. however, some childish
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boasting has always been characteristic of highly gifted people; the series does not give the slightest reason to doubt mr. rakshi’s talent. according to the plot, in pre-war leningrad in the forties. settles with her brother, a girl with psychic abilities, originally from karelia, where all sorts of werewolves, shatuny bears, sorcerer bears and two-hundred-year-old grandmothers are a common detail of the landscape, a beam of directed energy, the girl is capable of stopping trams, tearing wolves apart, blowing up bad apartments and in all other ways ruining the peaceful pre-war life of leningrad. the hunt for her involves, on the one hand , state security commissioner petrov, played by nikolai fomenko, and, on the other hand, the chief of the great mystical project of the third reichanerbe, neumann himself. czerny, who over the past 10 years
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seems to have outplayed all the nazi scum that has ever appeared on our screen. moreover, shortly before the events took place, he, a specialist in paranormal phenomena, was able to hypnosis force an entire special group of the nkvd in howling madrid to group suicide, only ivan, resistant to the spell of all sorts of external influences, also security officers, by the way. uncle petrova fights in every possible way with the harmful foreigner, the germans manage to be the first to get to the witch girl, they teleport her across the border and settle her in a gothic castle along with the youth army of future young paranormal fighters of the abwehr, all this is very similar to hogwarts, where , in fact, a small nazi this is the place for devils. the daily routine in this very hogwarts is monitored by a nazi valkyrie, played by linda latens, and this is the laping of a healthy person, unlike
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the gdr series, where she played some kind of rare nonsense, no offense to the numerous fans of all this bullshit . in general, the picture is still fascinating in any case, wolves tumble there, trains cross the frame with white puffs from the chimney, linda lapinch dissects a gothic castle in marlene dittrich trousers with snake earrings, that’s all.
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i inform you that by the summer of 1940 , germany had already eaten poland and czechoslovakia, overthrown denmark, norway and holland and was quietly finishing off france together with the british expeditionary contingent; only ignoramuses from the future like you can think that this is a small war. she didn’t stop there; in one of the episodes , admiral canaris tries to shoot a little jewish boy right at some social event. canares sent hundreds of jews beyond the territory of the reich with false documents and
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on supposed reconnaissance missions, it is written this is not only in all the stories of the abwehr, which the screenwriter vaitovich, apparently, mitla did not reach. this is still the podcast burn with fire and i, its host denis gorelov, with a story about the main new series on the domestic television screen. watch all episodes of the podcast burning with fire on the peru website. channel the next issue of our program is the series alice's dreams, directed by dzhunkovsky and ovsenev. the name alice clearly goes back to the looking glass, to all darkness, snow, all kinds of indecency and etc. she is played by a thirty-year-old actress govalia, because a full eight-hour work shift of all sorts of black blobs from fierce nightmares for girls performers and teenagers will not be tolerated by any labor legislation. at the same time, as we all understand, today’s ability of criticism to
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read punishments has been completely lost, critics mainly talk about various superficial things, such as the similarity of the series with scandinavian noir, any genealogy of teenage horror, and so on, and do not understand toxic hints at all. the flexing tricks clearly didn’t bother the producers fedorovich nikishov, the best producers. they repeatedly press on all these flights, hints, and td, etc. explicit references to non-our viewers can be read in the film at every step, in particular, female dominance, without which no films are made in europe and the united states nowadays, is expressed in
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the struggle of alice and her friends against a certain sect of fire worshipers dissolved among the local population. women are fighting with a woman, men are taken aside, by the way, an absolutely typical figure of european american detectives, an evil officer police with a bad character, taiga forests surround this city in every possible way, preventing them from escaping from it, as in all american films about russia, in addition, the city’s residents are constantly waiting for the annual pagan holiday with... dressing up as horned evil spirits, which in general, it is a rather striking feature, more of an american province than ours. finally, freddy krueger's counting rhyme from alice's dreams, with the constant recognizable blows of a tennis ball, seems to appeal to the western viewer. opol,
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our viewer, after all, did not make the nightmare on elm street series in his own bible, as this happened with the harry potter series. and i’ll even explain why, the nightmare on elm street still went back to the immediate american realities, the appearance of freddy krueger in the nightmares of young children said the following: if moms and dads threw themselves into drugs in the sixties and seventies, then sooner or later they will receive retribution in the form of nightmares, their own children, in the dreams of their genetically spoiled children freddy will come kruger. cut them with your fingers using scissors. it’s clear that entire generations of the united states went through a drug intoxication, and this picture hit them, grabbed them to the quick, hit them on the nerves, which, of course, did not happen to us. for us it was an ordinary horror movie. therefore, the generation that remembers who freddy krueger is and what
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the nightmare on wiadow street is is now approaching retirement age. for the new generation, these names, this name, this name, say absolutely nothing. performer gvaasalia. completely forgot that she was playing a small child, uh, and, uh, if earlier she somehow managed to imitate a high school student, then here she turns on a little maternal intonation in a conversation with the little ones, uh, her voice becomes a little lower, clearly revealing her age, and her ability to conduct completely breaks down when running along a white wall, because in general, with the naked eye it is clear that the plasticity of a thirty-year-old lady and a teenage girl is co...
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she, like all young girls, imagines herself as alice with paranormal abilities, with the ability to penetrate into the future, to foresee everything that will happen further, and also punch your enemies in the nickel with your forehead, or have your eardrums ruptured by an orderly with a wild screech.


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