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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 21, 2024 3:35am-4:21am MSK

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in the morning you tell me how to do it in the evening, they can come and have a look, actually, and maybe it’s very simple, but nevertheless , it constantly keeps you in some kind of tone and doesn’t turn you into something like that, i already know how i measured everything out and so on, well tell me, this is still such a rather difficult moment, as i understand it. that in creative professions in theater universities, but not only in the mkha studio school, it still arises when some time passes, two courses or three courses, and teachers, and the course master, yes, in at some point they understand that nothing will come of this person, no, i can’t say that i was once very categorical in this sense, but these are precisely my mistakes as a teacher, because very... often
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proved by people who did not understand anything, did not think and could not in the first, second year, suddenly jumped out in the third, and people who started well, they suddenly withered by the fourth year and so on, this is absolutely, someone who - in general, someone ended up in the wrong place, for example, there are no studios at the school it worked out, i went to gitis, something happened, for example, something happened, this is such an individual moment, zhen, you’ve been the artistic director of the theater for almost 14 years, so tell me by...
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how to say, in comparison, the construction of an author’s theater, i think, is in every , every performance should be the author’s, yes, here’s the theater, i would just like the theater to be, well, this is my vision, there are different visions, my vision is still for the theater to be diverse, and for it to have many faces , and so that there are different approaches, and different worldviews, and different ways existence, in fact, we work in a theater that once existed, in its place there was a chamber theater, and despite the fact that tairov put everything in alone, as a rule, it was alexander tairov, but nevertheless there were operettas there, and tragedies and musicals and dramas and so on and so on, so something like this. we continue the theater podcast, our guests are evgeny pisarev and alexander rusulyak. your wonderful cabaret project. i read, zhenya, somewhere you said in some interview, i think, that you are generally wary of entering other people’s territories. v
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in the sense that you do what you do better, and where you doubt that it will be best, that it will be better, you don’t risk going there, that’s the story with the cabaret, yes, because well that’s like material that is generally quite successful, and on a worldwide scale, so you , as a person who agreed to do this, and agreed to do it in a drama theater, you generally had some kind of fear that there would be comparisons with bob phos, well, everything connected with this, for some reason it’s difficult to say, that all this already in the past, and since now i no longer have any fear, i don’t remember whether there was fear, there was mironov’s proposal, there was my surprise and some sincere misunderstanding of how it all happened, and then his cunning, and maybe very an insincere move at the same time, when i said, after... after everything, he says,
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no one can do this better than you, there is no person who, i somehow believed in myself or pouted or something, and how to say, how did you think that they believe in me so much, sometimes the artistic director also needs, how to say, to believe in him someone also inhaled the air, and not only i told everyone, so, here it is, but if some picture had not arisen, if some solution had not arisen, then of course you should not enter such territory, but it seemed to me what what... it came together in my head, it was completely different from bob fosse, and my inner story, it, it was, how to say, different, don’t even argue, but just somehow different, so i was further it’s not scary, i had a wonderful team, i had sasha next to me and it seems to me that somehow we were not the same, let’s do it differently, not like boba phos, we just did our own performance, we had our own concept, that’s why it worked out, some of them are, i wanted to say in captivity, but not in captivity, in... under
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great impression and don’t want anything else, for example, yes, well, there is a standard for them, and it’s very difficult, how can i say, here we were doing a performance that was already 10 years old to marry bygaro, for example, and i, yeah.
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yes, i love her very much, i was at her concert, and you were willing, or you were so, no, well, here, you know, what kind of thoughts are there, firstly, it’s good, well, it’s like a great story, great material, but to be honest, for some reason i always never thought about it at that moment, but for me the deciding factor is really zhenya, whom i call sanovich, 24 years old , and he says, sanya, things are like that here. i need it, evgeniy sanovich, i’m sure i can do it, you can, i just ask you, don’t get sick, don’t get sick in may, i understand, okay, evgeniy sach, that’s it, we had this conversation.
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listen, well, here’s an amazing thing, i’m observing some amazing creative trust, even in the context of our very short conversation, despite the fact that outside the perimeter of the theater, not specifically the pushkin theater, but the theater in general exists.
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and trust, this also doesn’t happen right away, but we’ve been through so much together, we studied together, we were together, i’m an aspiring director, sasha is an aspiring actress, yes, we can say, we’ve seen each other a lot in different situations , in very different and creative life, and trust, it does n’t just take you for a reason, not that we are like that , i’m terribly trusting of everyone located and so on, but here, thank god, i 'm happy that we're there. fate brought us together completely unexpectedly, but it seems to me, for a long time and god forbid you don’t get sick, not only in may , let’s not get sick, let’s be healthy, in principle, i hope we’ll do something else, sash, you work in dramatic performances , you have experience in musicals, well, of course you
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have experience in cinema and tv series, the only thing where you haven’t tried yourself yet is in opera, as i understand it, but this is how i understand it, it’s difficult , everything is ahead, everything still lies with me. yes i i believe, because i want to reveal the secret that when we just started rehearsing the cabaret, there were a couple of arias there that sasha simply could not reach, now this is all, from the three named films, drama, musical, is there any of these three still have something that falls on you as an actress, as a person, better, in the musical you felt organic. yes, but i’ll tell you this, here you don’t need to separate it all, here you need to mix everything into one, because for me the most important of the arts is probably the most the main thing is music, for me it
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’s music, unfortunately i’m not a musician, i unfortunately don’t have the full ability, yes, but i really love music, and music is a very accessible art, except... . you don’t need anything when you work in a drama theater, but for me it is very important what kind of music is in the play, and sometimes through this i am like a dramatic artist. i can express myself, when you have the opportunity to say something to music, it’s even more of an opportunity, and to sing something along with music is even more opportunities, so i would give everything to the music, amazing, amazing, zhen, well, you ’ve been working in opera for 10 years, tell me, technologically it’s more difficult than in drama, but for you, i’m a rather... structural person so it’s not difficult for me, i understand that there are directors for whom this will be
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quite difficult, but staging an opera, staging a musical, for example, they are of course closer to each other than they are dramatically, in terms of methodology, yes, yes, yes, yes, but in dramatic theater it’s still good when you know, of course, everything, and the scenery is already there and the costumes are some of yours, but when the performance is born together with the artists, and today this stage can do so. be decided, in opera there is no such possibility, in opera, of course, you work with a large group, and you have to come up with the whole performance a year before the start of rehearsal, the problem is that after a year you can come up with another performance, but you already commissioned, uh, staged there and in the sense of scenery, costumes there, and so on, and some kind of musical solution, all this was done in advance, like in a musical, too, there is specific today this point on this scene, today this point.
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you start anyway, even in this narrow corridor you start to invent something for yourself and give birth, i don’t know,
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even in my life, the tougher my schedule the circumstances, the more i manage, for some reason, not i know why this happens, although it also happens in such a way that, for example, i was already accustomed in musical theater in musicals to the fact that everything is systematic, fast, i do a play in a month and a half, and we started rehearsing zoya’s apartment, i also everything planned, suddenly i asked myself the question, where am i going, why am i in a hurry?
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after all, there is still commercial success, without which it is generally quite difficult for a theater to live, when choosing material, yes, that’s where this balance is, yes, because we know very well that it is possible to build a good quality commercial repertoire, yes, but that’s it there is still material that is not guaranteed to give a bright financial result, but it is interesting for the director, it is interesting for the artists, it is interesting to delve into it, it is interesting to understand it. maybe it will be like this the story is boutique, but nevertheless, this is theater,
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this balance, here you are as an artist, do you feel it somehow, do you somehow build it? well, of course, but what would we do without it? of course, it’s another matter that nothing can be a fact that it will certainly be a success, or nothing can be, but somewhere, so to speak, it’s worth laying some kind of straw on yourself, somewhere, although this no it's not necessary. in general, why is it also wonderful? because it is based on a modern play, which is just written, yes, by alexei zhitkovsky, and of course, in our branch of the pushkin theater there are often performances based on modern plays, because it is terribly dangerous, especially ours, especially the pro-russian outback, even if it’s comedic, but still problematic, and so on, to let in to the big stage, and i
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still, how can i say, the director convinced me.
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understands, that is, life in these social networks, this performance absolutely destroys him, and the professional community, only compliments, that’s where to go, continue to play persistently, for a while you need to continue to play unconditionally, but you need to understand exactly, and i talk with directors, for example, or with artists who are involved in such performances, or i, i also had such experiences, for example, i understand, i always say that this is very an important experience for... us, this is a very important performance for us, but - unfortunately, the life of this performance cannot be that long and, and often happens, uh, on the contrary, it seems that, uh, you know, so i came to the theater when i just came to the theater, the play the mousetrap was being produced, and it seemed to me that it was a play a mousetrap, well, some very average, some kind of detective,
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some classic english scenery and so on, it seemed to me that something needed to happen somewhere... and i thought, oh well, season 2 will pass , both himself and this mousetrap is going on here simply, well, it seems to me, how can it go on in london, every day there is a mousetrap in london, it goes on and people watch, it doesn’t need any stars, but people watch this plot, they wonder who the killer is and so on, it turns out that the theater can also serve such a function, as in saying, yes sometimes they are absolutely incredible, i’m not saying that this is a bad performance, a wonderful performance in its own way, but i can’t say that it moved the art of theater somewhere, i can’t say that any critic, the criticism was incredible there, and the whole theatrical moscow came to watch, but this and this, as one director said, i say, this is a bad performance, this is bad, no, no, this is the black bread of the theater, you all want desserts, red caviar, and sometimes
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you need to have , and i understand that really, how to say, and this too some kind of artistic hand experience. and you see that it definitely did not receive such audience success as we would like, at the same time you feel like the artists who are involved in this performance, yes, that this is a successful creative work and which really
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brought you joy, it was not useless, so your position is more like that of a wife. said, continue to play, understanding that this is a finite story and that this will not become a performance for 10 years, or when you see an extinct hall and maybe not even a completely sold hall, and some not very energetic applause, you ’d better refuse, i don’t mean you, not you personally, here’s the cast, the cast, here’s the troupe, but i think that the critic is also a person, and the viewer is also a critic. if it’s not tight in the hall, it means something is wrong with the performance, but what was the situation with turandut, yes, but it was like that. quite provocative, but it was not sluggish, it was not a situation that there was a rotten hall, which - how to say, somehow didn’t go there or something, the hall was furious, that’s the hall, it was an option when the hall
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he didn’t violently accept anything that was aggressive , he didn’t accept it, not to mention he didn’t applaud, but he stood there like that in his face saying shame, shame there and so on, and i had this whole experience, i just came to the theater, this was. it even came out before the mashilovka, excuse me, yes, konstantin bogomolov rehearsed, it came out in the fall, i came in the summer, and the first premiere of the fall in october was just torando, and i just didn’t understand how to say it, and i didn’t know how , how to generally deal with this situation, what to do in this situation, especially since we the two of us stood in the wings with konstantin, which means they were looking at all this, when this shame began, what a shame, there’s something else there, i turn to... konstantin and tell him: what horror, and he turns and says to me: what cool, well, how can i say, he solved his problems, he
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certainly checked something for himself, then in many ways, it seems to me, pturandot became some kind of starting point, where he did some, well, i won’t name family, but i know a lot of famous directors who came to turandot and people like, wow, wow, why are you smiling?
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how tickets are sold, who we invite, what kind are there, and so on and so on, and so i could only say horror and look at kostya, well, how can i say, well, nothing to decide, the director announced to me that we are playing the last
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two performances now, nothing else we play, well, in fact, the artists there were also unprepared for such a reaction, and viktor verzhbitskin is a wonderful artist, who later worked a lot with kostya and, how to say, produced many wonderful performances, he just i said i won't go on stage again. i’m not unprepared for such a reaction from the public, i’m not ready to play, introduce anyone there and so on, well, he had such a reaction first too, my dears, i’m very grateful to you that you came just the two of you, thank you, it was extremely for me it’s important that you come together, i think that this conversation, i hope, dispelled some non-existent, in my opinion, completely erroneous opinion that the director and the actor and the artist are an endless conflict. in any case, your example shows that this is infinite trust, which gives rise to a cool creative result. i wish you good luck, thank you very much, thank you very much, thank you, it was
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a theater podcast and i and its host anton getman, our guests were the artistic director of the moscow pushkin drama theater evgeniy pisarev and the incredible actress of the pushkin theater alexandra urshulyak. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day: terror against the word, military correspondent of news semyon eremin died. in the special operation zone, the enemy deliberately attacked him. impact flying object, new samples of weapons were presented to the head
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of the ministry of defense this time... less than six months have passed, the us congress voted for a new aid package for ukraine, what is in it and what is wrong with it? an emergency call, a section of the bridge at the height of the tyumen region had to be dismantled in order to blow up a traffic jam on the river. the first snow of the moon, a girl from florida, whom only our doctors decided to help, underwent a new operation. absolute forward alexander maltsev, a legend of russian hockey, accepts congratulations on his anniversary. our colleague, military correspondent of izvestia, semyon eremin, died. enemy pointed the drone at him: fpv, which means first-person view, that is, it’s clear who the target is. semyon was 42 years old, from the first days
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of the special operation he was on the front line. there were reports about the battles, about liberated cities, about front-line life and good memories of colleagues. we join in our most sincere condolences to the family of semyon eremin. this is the closest point convenient to looking at this freshly cleared territory, until you get closer. this is the last report that semyon eremin posted on his telegram channel. more i apologized for being late. in the final program on rntv, he talked about the battles for the village of pervomaiskoye, the ministry of defense announced complete control over the village the day before, and that same evening it became known that semion had died. the sound is nasty, the sound is really nasty, and if you hear that sound on the front line, wow! semyon has filmed stories about the operation of drones more than once and was well aware of the threat they pose. on april 19, a ukrainian fpv drone operator was attacked
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by a journalist. crimes of kyiv. we regard this as a targeted and cold-blooded murder. journalist as another confirmation of the ugly terrorist essence of the zelensky regime, which has opened a real hunt for russian representatives of the media, military officers, and public figures who reveal them with their reports, comments and publications.
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in march, we were just sitting and discussing how to understand that there are enemy drones above you, that artillery is preparing to attack you, in general, syoma always thought not one, not two, probably 10 steps ahead, and at the same time he was always ready for anyone, even the most unexpected business trips, probably any surprise in general, blessed memory to you, semyon, the second one went, normally,
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another arrow of shells flies into the neighboring yard not far from syoma, where syoma lives, he equips himself, runs out and is actually one of the first, it turns out on the spot, and the first thing he begins to do is help people, there he takes out a first aid kit, a hemostatic, everything that is necessary, this is his important human quality, to help, to come to the rescue, and he is such a well -mannered person, sit back there, there's a car there
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he played various musical instruments great, he wrote memorable music himself, but most importantly, they say: a good guy is not a profession, yes, this is not a profession, it’s talent, not even a good guy, a good person, this is a rare great talent, this is how he will remain in memory, unchanged, just like his desk in the editorial office, where semyon has been so rarely lately. ukrainian terrorists used a drone with bombs to hit the belgorod village of poros, a private house. elderly died in fire a woman who could not walk after a fracture and a man, her assistant. and in the new
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tevolzhanka, a pregnant woman died. at the time of the artillery shelling, she was on the street, the doctors did not save her. three more residents were injured. our armed forces hit several distant targets in the city today. let me note that locomotive traction is under constant surveillance by russian troops. the main supplies of weapons come by rail. explosions today in the kharkov, dnepropetrovsk, and odessa sumy regions. the final blow hit the air base in kanatopa. besides helicopters. near odessa , a port plant, a possible warehouse for naval drones, is burning for the second day, the fire can be seen breaking through, only on camera, our fighters on the front line need more and more drones, including such attack fpvs for a variety
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of ammunition. sergei shaigu inspected the latest weapons at a training ground in the moscow region today. this week he inspected several defense plants. dmitry kochitkov, more details. this promising attack quadcopter is equipped with universal systems for resetting ammunition of different types, depending on the tasks being solved, can also be used for remote mining. universal ones have resets for different ammunition, so that a soldier can use any ammunition he received. we confidently produce 30 devices a month, depending on whether you are already producing them or will be, and we are already producing them. increased security of control channels allows you to bypass the interference that it can cause. opponent, other important characteristics - ease of operation, convenient software interface, learn you can control this copter in just 2 weeks, we will now create a center for scientific production, well, at the same time, a design bureau for all
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drones, well financed through purchases, through - we don’t stop, create laboratories with them, then it will all come together, there will be a big association, attack drones completely changed the picture. in modern combat, they are used for reconnaissance and fire adjustment, and the emikaze drone is a fast, precise instrument that, in capable hands, can hit anything, from manpower to heavy tanks. this the american abram tank was first immobilized and then finished off in march near avdeevka. the drone operators, with the call sign falcons patriot, saw the movement and were already diving when they saw the equipment. was amazed at the worthwhile equipment and had already completely worked it out, we let abrams down with a birdie, which costs 40,000 rubles. the cost of one such tank, according to open sources, is more than $6 million, and this is an example of work on the american
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m-777 howitzer. the minister of defense was shown new models of small arms, including sniper, like drones, they are designed taking into account the experience of a special military operation. short trunks, shorter ones were even ordered, such trunks, the second, like the second trunk, so that the large one behind the back, as it appears, okay, within a month. we will train our instructors at four or six training grounds, within a month they will train, all of our instructors will already be working in the troops. sergei shaigu set the task of providing assault groups with new types of weapons to effectively destroy enemy drones. is not the first inspection of the head of the ministry of defense this week. on wednesday, shaig was shown a protective capsule for evacuating wounded from the battlefield. the unmanned version is controlled remotely. there is nothing more valuable than human life, of course, we must try it at the front, they must
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all be launched immediately, the day before sergei shaigua looked at new elements of protection for the fast and maneuverable t-80 tank, we can’t do without them now, last time i was washed here, we looked, means protection of sights, protection of sights, it exists, yes, serina, we, yes, of course, minister of defense ordered to modernize those combat vehicles that are now in the zone... special military operation. dmitry kochitkov, alexander anonichev and alina abdyukhanova. first channel. about an hour ago, the us house of representatives by a majority vote passed a bill on the confiscation of russian assets in favor of ukraine. further consideration in the senate. let me remind you that after the start of the special operation, the west froze almost half of our foreign exchange reserves, about 300 billion dollars, and only 5 to 6 billion in american jurisdiction. a most of. in europe, where they have already tried to discuss ways of using them, and essentially
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stealing them, although even the european central bank warned about the risks. and shortly before this release, another document was adopted on new appropriations for the kiev regime: $61 billion. for what purchases under what conditions? georgy alisashvili talks about this. after six months of discussions in congress, the long-suffering bill on assistance to ukraine was finally adopted, and by an overwhelming majority. democrats are delighted. even ukrainian flags waved to win over the republicans, the democrats resorted to tricks; first, in the controlled senate, they tried to combine support for kiev with help for israel and taiwan into one package. i'd rather send ammunition to ukraine than american guys. we don't want to get involved in the conflict, but we can prevent it. if trump becomes president, he will be able to achieve peace, but until this happens, we must help the ukrainians defend themselves. furnishing everything around. non-existent choice, either american money is sent to ukraine, or
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soldiers, johnson, in order to increase the chances of the law being passed, allocated 61 billion for kiev from the general package, that is, they voted for it separately. it is noteworthy that shortly before this, the speaker met with trump, who does not support the bill. why doesn’t europe allocate more money to ukraine, why does the united states invest more than 100 billion dollars more in the war in ukraine than europe, although we are separated from ukraine by an ocean. obviously. will ukraine survive, will it remain strong, this is much more important for europe than for us, although this is also important for us, go ahead, europe. a split has emerged in the republican party, and this against the backdrop of the unconditional unity of the democrats on the ukrainian issue. someone says that we must solve the problem with our border, but the border between ukraine and russia is our border. this is the border between a criminal autocracy and people who love freedom and strive for democracy. are we interested in this? yes, definitely yes. we must be with ukraine. the point here,
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of course, is not only and not so much in ukraine itself. military failures of kyiv for bely at home - another foreign policy defeat, doubly difficult because it is before the elections. and if money helps delay it, what are the questions? but there’s another bonus: moderate republicans went against trump’s opinion. in response, the trumpists promised to recall speaker johnson, who did not live up to expectations. the scandal surrounding aid to ukraine has led to a unique situation in the american congress. the republican speaker of the house of representatives is threatened with recall by his own party members, and he relies on the help of democrats to maintain your position. and the democrats, who had never said anything good about johnson before, promise to support him, but only because otherwise the congress will be captured by kremlin agents. speaker johnson has to manage extremely unruly republicans, and there are many pro-putin extremists in the house of representatives who have no interest in funding ukraine. billion of funds intended for ukraine, 23 will go to
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replenish depleted american arsenals, and more than eleven to finance the pentagon’s european programs, anyway this, according to the trumpists in congress, does not meet the interests of the united states. united states taxpayers have already sent $113 billion to ukraine, much of this money has gone missing. the us national debt has surpassed $34 trillion, growing by $40 billion every night. nothing has been done for... and people think they can't buy a home, but instead today in congress we are debating sending $61 billion to the war on ukraine, which is not supported by more than 70% of americans. an ardent opponent of financing ukraine congresswoman margerit teilar green, for these words the democrats dubbed the moscow margery. moscow
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margery has hit a new bottom. you know, during the russian revolution, lenin called american journalists who were writing laudatory reports about russia at that time useful idiots. but margery, in my opinion, in this case, is not even so much a useful idiot, she is simply voicing russian propaganda. while fierce battles were going on in congress, the pentagon had already prepared the first batch of weapons for kiev. to supply certain types of weapons to the battlefield, you will need less than a month, depending on storage location. the aid package contains desperately needed ammunition for the systems the ukrainian military relies on most, including the 155mm rounds used by nato howitzers, as well as missiles for... however, before that , the president must approve a bill passed by congress, but as stated in white house, biden will sign the document immediately. the caricature of zelensky as a beggar sitting on the steps of the congress, however, will not lose its relevance. 61 billion - the sum, of course, is huge, but it is unlikely to save the father of ukrainian democracy; speaker
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johnson may well be deprived of his chair, which will become a real political tsunami for washington, torn by contradictions. channel one usa. there is already a reaction from russia; presidential press secretary dmitry peskov has just said: the decision of the house of representatives will further enrich the united states and further ruin ukraine, and the confiscation of assets will harm the image of the united states and scare away investors in this country. assistance to israel, as already mentioned, was adopted separately in the american congress package, the background became israeli. iranian exchange of blows. about unobvious results - the author's commentary by mikhail leontyev. then we'll be back with news. however, hello. the third world war happened quietly. in any case, oil
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prices did not react to it in any way. we are waiting for the fourth. on april 1, israel carried out an airstrike. at the iranian consulate in damascus, where several high-ranking iranian officers were killed. in response, iran fired 330 drones, missiles and ballistic missiles at israel within 2 weeks. having previously warned interested parties about the location and nature of the impact. thus, the strike was almost completely occupied by israeli air defense and its allies. on april 19, israel, having previously promised to respond not emotionally, but intelligently, attacked the iranian ... airbase near ispahan in such a way that the head of neverrun called it a toy attack, and who are you, please tell me, who are you, no, who are you so, and who are you, you saw, so, you saw, you saw everything, and you also
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saw everything, and you saw everything, you are all witnesses, what will happen now, what will i do with him, don’t touch me, what will i do with him? you don’t know, this is a sea of ​​blood, now there will be a murder, you saw, now i’m out of you, as a cherry on the cake, literally today some explosions happened at the iraqi kalsu base, which is used either by the iraqi military or by pro-iranian shiite groups , sensitive arab sources point the finger at israel and the united states, they talk about an f-35 attack, and from the hegemon there were dirty hints about a gas explosion.


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