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tv   Igrai garmon lyubimaya  1TV  April 21, 2024 6:55am-7:41am MSK

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overcome with the help of these medications, we say, you know, your appetite will increase, please try to limit such and such high-calorie foods so that this set is smaller than it can be, and in this way we will help for the period that the patient needs to take these medications, take a smaller amount, that is, the reasons are very different, lately we are increasingly hearing the phrase global majority, who is included in it, what countries does it consist of? the most important thing is who controls these states. we met in the palace of the president of syria, the man who challenged the collective west. our war is a war for existence, which is why the price is so high. the west now supports and promotes leaders like zelensky. these are people who say yes to everything, right, left, up, down, answering everything with yes boss. and my father never discussed my future with me. i believe that everyone has such questions.
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before i became president, i headed a government organization for the development of the internet, devoting time to social networks, i did not i forget about real contacts with people, online public opinion does not reflect the opinion of the majority, these are only fragmentary fragments, possibly a fabricated company, a new project: the first channel, the global majority, bashar assad, today on the first. with fabulous ease, a provincial resort turned into the capital of world cinema. mr. wenders, why are you repeating yourself? and i'm not repeating myself. my god, are there no doors? in this film i play a negative character. i'm an avenger. i just left my license.
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jane's script is real literature. we we can’t leave the piano. off to the festival. thousands of journalists arrived. this isn't a movie anymore, please be careful jack. damn, it hurts. i feel like i'm made from one piece of cinema, from head to toe. thank you for being here. matador. on saturday at the first, this is a festival where there are films for everyone, this is cannes, this is a podcast deception of substances, we are talking about obesity, with me is zukhra pavlova, a famous endocrinologist, and i am olesya nosova, editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda, more one such, such a frequent statement that we hear from friends, from patients, we have such genetics, my mother, grandmother, were overweight and
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i have no chance of getting rid of it, in such situations we need to figure it out, well, there is such a thing as monogenic, this that is , when there is a gene mutation, everything is actually clear and so, you look at a person, there will not only be obesity, there will be specific factors, and here it is really extremely difficult to avoid weight gain, but in most 95% of cases , when a person is overweight, these are so-called polymorphisms, these are... predispositions and to certain changes, and this is not a death sentence at all, here a person should or can know about it, now it is fashionable to make genetic passports, and even there everything is defined defined and suggested, well , zuhra, well, aren’t these not family habits , too, now let’s get to this, so there are predispositions, they are not a sentence, an informed person knows this about himself and just, let’s say more carefully monitors his diet and... sometimes, under
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the guise of genetics, those same family habits, that’s how it is, that’s how it is, yes, when i tell, say, my friend, there’s no need to piss on onions, these are additional calories, these same end products of glycation, about which we talked a lot, the borscht will be very tasty if you just add finely chopped onions, carrots and so on, without frying, so most often people have such a stupor, and then they think that this will spoil the borscht, right? it's no more, i'm i know, my relatives are the same, yes, yes, you are also rich in culinary traditions, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, that’s why when people say olivier on the new year’s table should be with mayonnaise, i say, well god be with him, once a year, yes, there will be no disaster, but if you eat like this regularly, it will definitely have negative consequences, so as an exclusive, maintaining family traditions, once a year on... no, no,
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well, of course, everyone will most likely react in their own way, but i had such an experiment in the family, once my relatives decided to make a conspiracy, they went to a fast food restaurant, and they wanted, well, to keep it a little secret , to eat something that they once thought was delicious, so they came, laughed, brought it with them , so to speak, irrefutable evidence, and i was surprised what it was, they said, we went, we wanted to, what they call it... slowly eat up, have a blast, but it turned out to be not as tasty as it was before, that’s why sometimes it works like that, when it’s been for a long time everything is not there, you don’t understand, why did you like it, yes, there is a lot of talk around how to define obesity, yes, what is obesity,
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what classical criteria do we use to make such a diagnosis, well, there is the well-known body mass index, this is a calculated indicator of the ratio of body weight. kilogram and height, that is, we divide body weight by height squared, we get a value, depending on the obtained value we understand that this is a deficiency of body weight, everything that is less than 18 is normal body weight, and up to 22 is overweight bodies from 25 to 29.9, well figuratively speaking, from 30, so from 30 to 5 this is obesity of one degree or another depending on that is, zukhra, you considered it to be the seventh degree of obesity, that is, it’s 40-45, you got the seventh degree, but listen, of course you’re an unfortunate person, yes , but
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i can already say that this person has already lost 18 kg, we started not so long ago, and well, it’s a normal, normal period. you can’t lose in a month, because it’s dangerous, it has its consequences, the weight needs to be lost gradually, the classic, classic step is 4 kg per month, but when we use certain medications, this step is slightly increased because we are reducing the risks of technology.
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different things, but body mass index is the parameter that helps us establish what initial and weight, well, obesity, degree of obesity, calculate, let’s say , cardiovascular risks and so on and so forth, but not the most objective criterion, because we mentioned sarcopenic obesity today, will not show, it will not show, it will show that a person. absolutely normal weight or even underweight weight or insufficient body weight can show and this criterion can lead us astray, or if in front of you is a bodybuilder , you don’t even need to take a bodybuilder, if you take nikolai valoev, and such a well-known
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athlete of ours is already a political figure, he has the same body mass index a good degree of obesity, but the person has a lot of muscle mass and is completely. does not have excess adipose tissue, in any case, i don’t know, i haven’t seen nikolai for a long time, i hope everything is fine with him, good health, so now, if you have a person in front of you with a large muscular body mass, the body mass index may show some degree of obesity, but his excess is not due to fat, but due to muscles, so this is a somewhat crafty indicator, a parameter, but there is, and there is more objective, we can determine the waist circumference, here the waist circumference is more. for russia, for europe, there are certain criteria, for men the circumferential steel should be less than 94 cm, and for women less than 80, but this is not the case everywhere,
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the americans have different criteria, their men have 102 cm, and women 88, but if why is it objective or simple? to say, well, if you look at the american population, that’s why they are so surprised when they look at our video from the patriarchal ores, well, that is, these are such giveaways, but a little, but somehow they help a little, it seems to me. to its citizens, because the same america themselves are more slender, yes, so that at least some part is in the country, because the same americans are mostly immigrants from europe, and at one time their descendants already, now, if in front of you is a japanese or a japanese woman, then there are different criteria, for the japanese it is the only nation whose waist circumference should be less than normal than that of women is that their men have 85 and their women 90. here. and this is based on some criteria, it is clear that with our own eyes we can understand, yes, that
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a person is overweight, but not always waist circumference will help us in the same way as body mass index, if in front of us is a person with archopenic obesity, and here only bioimpedance analysis of body composition comes to the rescue, or dynometry - this is the most objective gold standard in determining body composition, but... you won’t every time we send a person for an x-ray to determine his body composition, for example, when we lose weight, this analysis is carried out very often, we look at what we are losing, because a person can lose both fatty tissue and muscle in the process, and going for an x-ray every time is not very good, so a fairly objective method is bioimpedance analysis of body composition, it does not have any such technical difficulties. simple does not cause harm to the body, and is not costly financially, and on what
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it is generally based, we use it so often, this name, everything is very simple, even if you think about it, understand the meaning of the name of the method bioimpedance imedance in english - this is resistance, biobiological resistance, that is , a low- intensity current passes through the human body, it does not harms a person when faced with resistance from various tissues, bone. muscle, fat, apparatus calculates the volume of these tissues and fluid, by the way, in fact, it gives such a picture in the form of tablets, beautiful, there exact parameters, we know how many kilograms of muscle and fat tissue, how many kilograms, well, we can convert it into liters of water in the body, as a percentage, this percentage ratio is very important to us, because sometimes a person comes and says: oh, doctor, i like this - he got a wonderful result of bioimpedance, i say, and what ’s so wonderful about it, he says: i’m
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70% muscle, i say, what are you, what are you, show me a gentleman, apparently, it’s definitely not japanese, no , and i'm starting to do it little by little to explain to a person that this is, in principle , impossible, that’s why we have diagnostic methods, they are objective, you were still a boss, you have neither hearing nor intelligence.
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watch the fashion verdict show after the evening news on channel one with you, i am alexander rogov, over the last month she ordered black leather shorts boldly boldly red. active suit, what a disgrace, i don’t like the way my daughter dresses at all, especially lately, how she’s gained weight, she’s a tough mom, my mom really wants me to be a decent girl, that’s what i call a spectacular appearance, meet me, well, a good, attractive girl, all this can be cheered up, look, we can change the color, it seems to me, this is something like what can be performed in such an image? you need
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something completely new, you are very beautiful, we will prove it to you today, exhale, inhale, the image of your daughter, i did not expect such a result at all, this is a different person, lena, you are super, fashionable sentence, new season, tomorrow, on the first a. podcast deception of substances is with you again, we are talking today about the reasons obesity, in the studio the editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda olesya nosova, and i am an endocrinologist zuhra pavlova. zukhra, let's talk a little more about bioimpedance. well, what does this mean, it’s just poorly calibrated devices or they’re not devices at all, well , if when a person gets these 70% of muscles, and sometimes it’s such a completely banal thing when a person stands on a platform like a scale, but oh well there are some types of built-in bioimpedance devices and this is a projection of the legs, but the legs are very
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different in composition from the composition of everything the rest of the body, that is , this bioimpedance... the situation can only measure the condition of the legs, yes, well, that is, where they measure the ratio of muscle and fat tissue and 70% of the muscles - this is definitely only the legs, legs, then mathematically the device is completed as best it could the whole body would look like if it were measured normally, yes, so the same, let’s say, bioimpedance, which is particularly objective, conducted research, compared the data with the densametry data of this gold standard x-ray study, and the data...
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you see more changes in the numbers on the scales or your clothes become big, so if the patient says: no, not clothes, this is the second time i ’ve changed things there, this is a very good option, because adipose tissue is voluminous, so reducing the size is a good indicator, even if there are not very many sheds, it is important for us not to see the numbers, yes, they are also of course important, but not a priority, it is important for us that
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the body composition becomes physiological, that there is as much fat as needed, by the way, as much as is needed in men. up to 24% of normal composition body, and in women up to 31%, and of course there is a sufficient amount of muscle mass, then everything is ideal, this is the ratio, balance, it is not so much the scales that are prioritized, but the ratios, because then the person will be healthy, which means, according to the diagnosis we talked about the methods, but i would really like to have more in this diagnostic...
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for example, he says: what should i submit? and i always tell him: i will examine you first, interview you , then i will assign you the scope of the examination. so, i often hear from my colleagues when they say that there are some the parameters are meaningless, they don’t say anything, well, for example, there is such a hormone leptin, when it was discovered in the last century, scientists had the feeling that a revolution had taken place, now we, with the help of this leptin, its analogues... will cure everyone from obesity, this is hormone saturation, but it turned out that when laboratory animals were injected with this hormone, some actually lost weight, and some did not react to it at all, meaning, they simply did not want to eat, they felt full all the time, sy this is really how fate is
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it worked, there was no increased appetite, so the rats and other animals lost weight, but some of the rats... did not lose weight and even gained it, so, in fact, this hormone, like insulin, is such an indicator of the volume of adipose tissue, then if you and i see an overweight person with some kind of morbid degree of obesity, we already understand that he will have a lot of insulin and a lot of leptin, and the worst thing is that resistance to both hormones very often develops , they can not to act, leptin cannot tell the brain that there is enough food, there is no need to eat more, insulin also cannot ensure the passage of glucose into the cell, saturate this cell and give a signal to the hunger centers and other substances there. stop, we don’t need to eat anymore, but due to this resistance, there is a lot of glucose in the blood, a lot of insulin in the blood, a person is hungry, forever, always wants to eat, and until the cravings, literally,
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especially in the evening, when the activity of the same insulin is maximum high, sometimes to showing the patient what is happening in his body is not such a big expense, but when you show how high the same insulin is, you can not only calculate... damn resistance, but also explain, we have such a problem, it is fraught that’s why, it’s impossible to overcome this with strong-willed efforts, control yourself, sometimes it ’s possible to show this in medicine, there’s even such a thing in anatomy exams to show such a part, you have to show it, for the patient this visual image is very sobering, it’s such a limit determines, now like this, and if you take another step into... i generally draw
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obesity as a sun, yes, i have such a positive approach, well, yes, why not, yes, why scare me anyway, so i draw this sun in order to show that the basis many diseases are caused by obesity, the sun has rays, and one of the rays is cardiovascular. in addition to obesity, a person will have carbohydrate disorders, prediabetes, there will be increased glycemia on an empty stomach or after eating, diabetes itself and some other troubles, this will be a violation of lipid cholesterol profile, yes, our fats are in the wrong balance, and this will contribute to atherosclerosis, again, cardiovascular diseases, this is an imbalance of sex hormones, androgen deficiency, followed by... erectile dysfunction, reproductive dysfunction, and so on. in women, this is polycystic ovary syndrome, which very often develops against the background of overweight or obesity. this is a disorder, you and i
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often discussed this at one time, of purine metabolism, that same gout, yes, hyperulakemia, high the level of uric acid, as a rule, against the background of fatty degeneration of the liver, is now raging, this disease is progressing, hepatosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver. liver and there is this very high uric acid, followed by arthritis, arthrosis, urolithiasis, this is radiance, it will only increase every year, and unfortunately, it does not illuminate a person’s life with health, on the contrary, therefore, when we start like this, literally, as you know, in a rusty pipe, from which it flows from all sides, to close individual holes, this of course, it’s a necessary measure, but initially we have to fight with... let’s remove this solar disk, everything else will crumble like a house of cards. well, zukhra, it was very interesting, thank you very much, you had a podcast about deception of substances,
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my name is olesya nosova, i am the editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda, a famous endocrinologist was with me, zukhra pavlova. let's start, oh, play, i've arrived, hello, hello, welcome,
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we walk around moscow, we walk around moscow, we walk around moscow, we walk around masvets, we walk around masvets, windows, let's look, let's look, around the windows, hearts are bursting, moscow is waking up, moscow is singing. moscow is going to pass through the harmonica, it’s about to have fun in a good mood, according to moskreto we go around the city to make it more fun for a neighbor, brother, friend, when my mother died, she’ll send us a harmonica for...
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i’m in moscow, then we come up and more than once or two or three how beautiful nice, just look
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, let’s start eating in moscow. an island, a place where our program is always warm, cozy, joyful, light, and interesting, and this place, this island, is called a museum russian harmonica alfred miryk, yes, we ’ve filmed here more than once, yur, you’ve been here at least once, no, well, you’re a muscovite now brother, i’ve been waiting for the moment, here it is, look how beautiful, light, cozy it is here, festive, for an accordion player they are generally inflated,
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a messenger from play harmony, a cossack, he is a cossack, yes, yes, yes, yur, well, let’s do something so fighting and hello to all the actors from the theater, hello everyone, i’ll sing chupchik, uh, good , chupchik, chupchik, chupchik, curly, yes, why are you curly, little fellow, and in the wind, yes. shech in advance about fuck, and i loved you, oh, yes i now i can’t forget, but before dude, i loved you, oh, yes, now i can’t forget, i used to, you push your hat to the back of your head,
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you go for a walk during the day and khopchik beats like that, oh, yes, he beats like that, but he beats in the wind , winter will pass, summer will come, the trees will bloom luxuriantly in the gardens, and my little girl will be beeping at me, oh, kicking her arms and legs, but i am siberia, siberia, i am not afraid, siberia is also a russian land, so it goes on, on, on, chubchek kucheryaў, oh, yes, develop yourself, you are a chupchyk
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in the wind, so hang around, hang around like a kochel. in the whole window, the creaking of the gate, like a song in silence, along the path, paved by me long ago, mom and dad, as always, are coming towards me,
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we’ll sit at the modest kitchen table, we’ll talk over the pricks that the crooks are vomiting, don’t argue, we’ll send chats from retirement, what do my grandfather and i need, crumbs for the life of us, oh, life has taken me on a wonderful ride, from sakhi to star launches on taiga, but i’m silent. the accordion frets say, you are visiting, but i really wanted to go home, i will take grace with me in my heart, by the grace of god i will return death to
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evil, in the ranks as long as i defend the house parental and old village, but for now? i will defend my god-given fatherland, dear friends, i’ll tell you honestly, i’m terribly happy, because we are in moscow at the famous exhibition of national economic achievements in the national economy.
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visitors to the exhibition, but we are also accordion players, where are you from
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? this is maxim, our operator, the guys met at work and play two. dash, well, here you are on this side, girl, the night hasn’t slept, she drove me crazy, we’ll do suzdol art, i need colored plates, it’s just like our film crew, very beautiful, just what we need, there’s a tradition of celebrating weddings by ringing bells, why you have a three-headed bride. it turned out, she is the second, it seems to me, we are opening, hurray, the road, we are young,
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our premiere, we are playing a wedding, today is the first one. rum, castro, stellar group product, veda vodka. product of stellar group cognac old barrel product of stellor group. bourbon steersman product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of stellar group. to the sixtieth anniversary of the taganki theater.
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april 23 on the first.
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hereditary accordionist konstantin matyukhin plays barynya, yelets city, lipetsk region.
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well, here we have the sodko group with the song zorenka. oh, i was working over the fields, zorika, i was returning home from you, oh, the bitter taste remained on your lips, and what are you doing to me, oh , the bitter taste remained on your lips, oh, what are you doing to
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me, i will see you, heart stirs up, and knocks so hard that he hears everything with force, but knows peace to me. i won’t return to my soul with love, i’m lucky to know peace won’t return to my soul, i’m not lucky with love, my friends are screaming, why do you love her, why are our flowers in vain? you are ruining your youth in vain, they insist that you are not needed, in vain you love your youth, they insist that you don’t need poking, but white snow falls in the summer, and even autumn blooms strongly, you will love it, i
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know that for sure, mutual love will come , you will fall in love, i know that for sure. mutual love will come. a road leads me through the fields, a young moon is above the clearing, and there are beautiful girls on the ground a lot, but i hurry to you, alone on earth,


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