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tv   Zdorove  1TV  April 21, 2024 8:10am-9:20am MSK

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you are diagnosed with an associative cat , you move in micro steps , full-fledged cats, yes, every cat deserves happiness, no matter what it is, and 2 and a half years ago i picked him up from the street , it turned out great, it could have been about a ferret and a dog, that they are not couples, no, we haven’t seen watch the video with us, the premiere today on the first. gin сnop product of stellar group, cognac montechoca, product of stellar group, rum, castro, product of stellar group, veda introduction, product of stellar group, this is a hiding place, which means a robbery. i don't
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think they would have crystal chandeliers then they took it off, the watch was gilded, it was not the germans, not the germans, who took the lithuanian partisans from the forest, why did you come, to turn around, and then climb to the front now, you won’t tell me, svetlana petrovna, but they would like to ruin our wounded either in their own way or both, in any case the group worked. and if he is a traitor, i will shoot him, according to the law of war, a story with a continuation, tomorrow after the program time, from the command forest, ask for whatever you want, and you know what i want, send me some news to vanya, today military investigators will have to work again with an already convicted person.
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white, the company commander gave the command to open fire, after which i opened fire on the specified car, as a result of which, after that, when they checked the car, there was one person in this car who died, a civilian, that’s right, and you understood that it was civilian vehicle, that it was not a military vehicle, i understood exactly, i followed the order, the company commander, it was indicated what feelings they experienced, after all, when they saw that...
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look, i probably rethought the whole the situation that existed at that moment, and what i saw at this time already, being already in captivity, seeing these people who are there fighting for something of their own, and i’m already thinking that, well, a little bit different , which was promoted in ukraine, well, i changed my opinion a little, russian fighters also helped change my opinion, they saved andrei’s life, although he didn’t expect leniency, since he himself...
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didn’t spare anyone, well, i expected something a little different, they brought us to our knees, i was blindfolded, but i understood that this was probably more than anything, that everything, nothing to be done, well, well, i couldn’t do anything, basically i mentally said goodbye to my life and to my loved ones in my mind, and then they got us all up, like do you want to eat, yes, fed you, do you want water, yes, that’s it, sit down, let’s go and that’s it, i understood that i was in shock, this is filming in the spring of 2022, now andrei looks different and thinks differently, especially after a confrontation with the widow of the man he killed, right at the scene of the tragedy, it was hard to look into the eyes, yes, very hard, i i explained everything to her, how it was, in fact, well, she told me, maybe she she said that zlana doesn’t hold me, understanding that this is war, it’s hard, well, very hard. i
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understand. military investigators make professional adjustments to our conversation. tell me about the white ribbons on the mirrors, yeah. well, i can also add that when the car drove across the field to the observation post, i saw that there were white ribbons on the rear-view mirrors, but i understood that this was citizenship, well, i reported to the company commander, he said to open fire, i understood that this is a civilian who opened and carried out a criminal order. after the servicemen in the ssu tried to hide traces of the crime, the car with the body of a civilian was burned. the car, tell me, it was yours, who was in it when it was my husband, kuryavyi nikolai ivanovich, who left for the city on the seventeenth, this is
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the decalon that i bought, this is him, this little knife, which was just lying there as a duty for lunch in his glove compartment, why. in a conversation with us, the ukrainian armed forces officer kept silent about this; military investigators have an answer to this. there is no sincere repentance in him, he is a wolf, not in vain he's a marine, he 's been in training for a long time, and i think he's a man who plays his part. during every interrogation, during any communication, he expresses this idea that i will never take up a weapon in my hands again, but i am convinced that he is sincere about this. senior lieutenant of the armed forces of ukraine andrei kristofovich was sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 25 years in a maximum security colony. dozens of other servicemen of the ukrainian army who were convicted of violence against civilians and combat operations have already received serious punishment.
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prohibited methods. it is clearly visible that the armed formations of ukraine took positions in... it will be, the history of mariupol is indicative, the kiev regime has been mocking its residents since 2014, they pulled, pulled people, the police questioned why they walked, why they were near the city executive committee,
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there was already a st. george ribbon under a ban, it was no longer possible to move around the city with her, because these lyushovites at that moment, this is still the donbass battalion, so to speak, before azov there was a donbass battalion, they... specifically walked around the city was already patrolling the city in civilian form, who seemed to show their aggressive mood towards the locals by their appearance, mostly they were visiting people, that is, the conversation and dialect was a little zapodensky, in order to intimidate the local residents , mariupol was made the headquarters of the nationalist battle azov, it was him... the soldiers committed lawlessness in the donbass throughout the years preceding the russian special military operation. the sentry met with alexandra volko, who 10 years ago experienced everything horrors of the ukrainian gestapo. i was a deputy of the pervomaisky village council, held
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a referendum, fed the militia. and when our people retreated and left the village of pervomaisky for the sands, azov took me prisoner. these monsters of the fascists mocked me, i was handcuffed for 11 days, they broke me, pulled out my nails, choked me, beat me, fractures on my face, here is my nose, they poked me with a knife, these are the scars left from the knife, right now it ’s home for alexander, the village of pervomaiskoe is where our soldiers fight on the donetsk front. shot! with the start of hostilities in 2022 azov nationalists were hiding in the residential sector and social infrastructure facilities of mariupol. the city was severely destroyed, but
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thanks to the efforts of all of russia, it was literally reborn from the ashes. mariupol has begun a new life, old buildings are being restored, new residential buildings, schools, and hospitals are being built. kindergartens on the streets are full of passers-by, people return and try not to remember what they did just 2 years ago, on the streets of this city the fighters of that same azov. over the past 2 years, employees of the investigative committee of russia have done a tremendous amount of work to bring to justice those who committed war crimes... especially
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the methods of committing the crime, that is , with particular cruelty, there is also evidence that they already carved swastikas on the killed bodies, burned out the same nazi symbols, in their own during the examination, there were also nazi symbols tattooed on their bodies, and significantly so. quantity, not everyone has them, so there are such turks, but more , how to say, radically minded military personnel of azov have such turks. a huge evidence base has been collected; dozens of soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine of nationalist formations have been charged in absentia with war crimes. at the moment we are at one of the azov positions, this is a hospital.
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with the witness, the witness is also a soldier of the azov special forces unit. pavel served as a sniper, now he is testifying, he is a witness to the murder of a russian prisoner of war by his colleague, with the poignant speaker frits. there, as far as i understand, there was an ammunition depot, here were the prisoners, where were the prisoners, here , here, how many people there were, approximately 6-7. like that in the corner, he pulled out this guy, as far as i understand, it seemed to be a young guy, well, in a hood, he
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seemed to be a young guy, and he seemed to go there like that, at first i didn’t notice that he was sitting on a chair, but this phrase is already here at the exit, the guy said no need, i’m like, what kind of bullshit is rushing, i run after them and the others also start to rise, why, because something is wrong, and accordingly i i run up to the step, here i start to rise, well, in fact, i was already here already ... pavel does not consider himself a nationalist, he simply calls him a soldier. considering that i witnessed one such case, there are no guarantees that such things, i don’t know, were done with brains or they were done without brains, on the orders of the commander, out of personal stupidity, but i don’t see any guarantee that such things didn’t happen, that is, i fully admit that they did, in addition, i admit that some fool decided... he had a jackpot there for vertholomew's night, to do whatever he wants.
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military investigators are establishing pavel’s own involvement in war crimes, and his colleague fritz has already been exposed. yes karkalov alexey vadimovich, military personnel of hf-3057 ozsp azov. national guard of ukraine. what crime have you committed, and are you accused? part one of article 356 article 105 105 murder. what exactly are you accused of in the murder of a russian military soldier? all war criminals are punished in accordance with the legislation of the russian federation, one from the latest verdicts. there are 33 militants in the dock. for the murder of civilians, deliberate destruction of property and other atrocities, they are imprisoned for 25 to 27 years. however, mariupol residents consider this punishment too lenient. dmitry goncharenko,
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like many other local residents, is engaged in the restoration of his native city. we are a public organization that, together with the military, together with the security unit, which bows to the people of mariupol, we are engaged in demining the city. mina shells, grenades, uspenovka, anti-personnel fields supplied by the ukrainian army, which, as it were, are in front of azovstal. this is one of the last objects that dmitry and his comrades cleared, the building address is lamizov 8, this is the territory.
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memory, yes, our task now is this all year, these are these, each this card is to preserve as much as possible, so that our descendants know where their grandfathers died, where their great-grandfathers died, and can go to their grave to hang their heads, lists of dead soldiers the red army and their burial places,
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a list of mariupol residents deported to germany, captured by the gestapo, executed by the occupiers, priceless documents, which dmitry, together with the employees of the investigative committee, now transfers to the russian military registration and enlistment offices. here is our civic position that every hero, all participants in the war believe that heroes, and their memory should not be lost, we must preserve the memory for our subsequent generations. this is the same common national memory that the kiev regime is so diligently erasing and replacing. history, did you watch the sentinel program, see you exactly in a week, this morning, friends, i’m starting with the unusual doctor andrei yuryevich rusakov, by
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specialty he is a neurologist, but his practice is absolutely unusual. the problem is that we have a lot of organs in the pelvis, so i just specially brought this model andrei yuryevich, in order to show at least in a nutshell, so in our pelvis we have a bladder, a urinary bladder, a uterus with appendages, ovaries , there is the rectum in the depths, with sphincars, absolutely true, so in this area there are a
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lot of reasons for pain, and whether the patient wants it or not, the last one he goes to. this is a neurologist, to whom these patients go, depending on which first organ begins to send a signal, the patient goes there, a woman is a gynecologist, a urologist, a colopractologist, a man is a urologist or a practical urologist, but they do not find help, that is, these specialists examining, there is no reason, there is no reason, but the pain persists, so today we want to devote a whole story to this most complex group of patients who, as the doctor says, are orphans. medicine, because in fact no one deals with them. at the reception the doctor sees a woman who has been suffering for 10 years, looking for help and not finding it. i have been bothered by deep pelvic pain for a long time, since about 2015, like the people, there is a burning sensation, but no less, i went to a neurologist, the neurologist seemed to
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say, i need to go there, maybe to another specialist, i went to a gynecologist , the gynecologist also waves. rusakov, a neurologist, he knows one thing for sure: the source of pain in the pelvis can be any, but this pain is carried to the brain by one single nerve, it is called the pudendal nerve, it is the interest of this nerve you need to look first of all, for this they conduct a special study, neuromyography. we are now conducting a differential diagnosis between damage to the radicular pudendal nerve and in order for us to correctly build further tactics.
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in the lower abdomen, and you will never understand where the exit is. while in this harsh life, endless passions are boiling, waking up
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healthy in the morning is real happiness, we need, while sailing the turning waves, to take care of both strength and nerves, if... health is with you again, dear friends, good morning, our program begins and how i always say only one sentence: here in the television clinic of the health program only the best doctors, russia and the world, work, the strength is in your blood, what are monocytes and... how do they affect the immune system, read the tests correctly: a russian breakthrough in the treatment of obesity : medicine will help you stop eating, how to lose weight today? hypertension:
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what women need to know? we reveal the secrets of fighting high blood pressure. so, dear friends, we read the tests, monocytes, this word: written on our floor, and this is absolutely unique cells of our human body, we always have microphones on both sides, what are monocytes, what kind of cells are these, what do you know, i think, i think these are white blood cells, absolutely right, these are white blood cells, this is part leukocytes, and let's remember what the leukocyte formula looks like, that is... all these are leukocytes, and today we will talk about
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monocytes, large, large cells, it is clear that since these are leukocytes, they are in the blood, but they have a unique ability to come out from blood to tissue, here in tissue, every second monocytes, which... are already beginning to be called macrophages, are engaged in our protection, these are one of the main cells of the immune system, every second of all of us, right now monocytes and macrophages are eating everything foreign, let's see how this happens, this is it a monocyte, which in tissue is called a macrofact, so he saw something, immediately ate and digested it, you see this,
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a toothy cell, whoever gets it, he is ready for it , this is such a unique cell, this is the most grabby one to eat, but besides even though he eats this cell, he will also show this cell other immune cells, will show the most important piece so that, roughly speaking, this piece will be photographed. is not remembered, and so that lymphocytes begin to be produced that will produce antibodies, remember this infection and kill it there for years, sometimes until the end of our days, of course, this is a monocyte or a macrophac, but the most amazing thing that can be said today about these cells is that based on these cells, a vaccine against cancer is made in russia. right now i invite you to the petrov institute of oncology in st. petersburg, the patient with whom our story begins, he was diagnosed with melanoma, according to everyone.
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and that, because basically i provided and provide for my family financially, the fourth terminal stage of cancer, it is for such doomed patients that in st. petersburg at the petrov institute of oncology they make a vaccine against cancer, the vaccine is made from the blood of the patient himself, and this is real miracle. alekseevich, i want you to show us the vaccine, because we are now truly witnessing a miracle. here it is,
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an individual package, alexey viktorovich, then, what is familiar to you is unusual to us, an individual package for this patient and i ask, and what is in this package, whether you yourself know it or not, in this package is the patient’s dendritic cell, which is trained in the laboratory to recognize a malignant tumor. to give you an idea of ​​how the vaccine is prepared, let's start from the beginning: blood is drawn from a patient diagnosed with cancer. white blood cells, some leukocytes, and monocytes are isolated from it. normally, these are protector cells; every second they destroy cancer cells in our body. you see, the yellow cell is cancerous, it eats it the red cell and the yellow cell die. this is how the immune system works, but in patients with cancer these cells do not recognize the enemy and do not destroy it, as a result the tumor begins
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to grow. this is cancer, this is colorectal cancer, it was clearly visible, yes, it turns into two cells, literally in a short period of time, this entire field will be occupied by this clone, a new clone, resistant to treatment, this type, a new type of colorectal cancer in one patient, horror, so, cancer cells are dividing, our immune system does not notice this, in order to return immune cells to the norm, they are re-trained to see the unicht. as a result, their cells begin to work again. these new cells are called dendritic cells by defenders. look, here they are with long shoots eating the red cancer cells of patients. you can directly show us the syringe, alexey viktorovich, this is what it looks like, this is a winding suspension - these are
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the patients’ dendritic cells. because under specially selected conditions , we teach these cells, as if in school , to recognize tumors and accordingly activate the immune system. vaccine is injected into the patient’s back, at the injection site there are these bumps of papules, there is another secret: the first bump is the actual cancer cells, the remaining bumps are the vaccine itself. don’t be afraid, the first bump will disappear, this is a control that tells doctors
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that the vaccine works with...
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he has been alive for 10 years and he couldn’t come to us because he works and went on a business trip, is that normal?
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in the world, this is soft tissue sarcoma, uh-huh, this is gleoblastoma, cholorectal cancer, there is little experience in the treatment of breast cancer, but in this situation we are taking patients for whom standard treatment methods have no longer worked, that is, today, globally , research is at the level that it is impossible to come to you, roughly speaking, from the first stage of cancer and say, please give me the vaccine, you get the most difficult patients, when i was with you. at the petrov institute, i told everyone: well, please, but this method must be applied at the earliest stages, so it appeared to start not expecting relapses, not expecting anything, i still wish this, i hope, in the near future everything will change, and i want to invite
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another patient to us, you have glioblastoma, but this is a severe brain tumor, where everyone is determined by the shortest life span, how much are they already giving you? the vaccine is the second year, the second year, they say that the year with gleoma is red, that’s what they told me, and how do you feel now, i feel great, yes, how is this vaccine transferred from one’s own cells, well, for me it is easily tolerated, how as if it were nothing, logical, individual, absolutely true, with what frequency they inject you the vaccine, well, at first they administered two. a month twice a month, and now then they switched to a month, once a month, and according to indications, and then, now they have already switched me to once every 3 months, which means everything is going well, yes, the last examination of the patient showed
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good results, we were treated for a year, these are 14 injections of vaccines, she received and a council of doctors decided that the risks could be reduced and we can transfer the patient to treatment once every 3 months, you know, to live, that’s all to live, she feels good , we we don’t see any side effects that chemotherapy has, when we want patients to survive, to survive from the treatment itself, it’s so difficult, you just have to live, thank you, live so that the statistics become even better, thank you very much, and once again the institute of oncology named after petrov, st. petersburg, modest, competent, super professional doctors, thank you. please sit down, let's take a break for a minute and then continue. the weather in san palo changes as it wants, today it’s raining and humid, but literally tomorrow it will be
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unbearably hot and dry. we can have all four seasons in one day. sao paulo is the most tattooed city in the world. and it’s true that once a person starts getting tattoos, he can’t stop. more, more, more, yes, 100%, you can get addicted to it, the state helps you, very rarely, once they gave me a blanket so that it wouldn’t be cold to sleep on the street, where do you sleep when it’s raining, and where always, under bridge, i'm speechless, what is this? this is our main delicacy, ants with cassava puree, lord, lord, the lives of others, premiere today. on the first, this is a fashion verdict on the first channel with you, me, liliya rakh, girls, we’re guessing, evelina, leggings with fleece, how do we feel about this, what’s wrong, let’s quickly get to know our
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heroine, yes, she’s good, you’re done my relationship with the sumo coach, i usually talk to men very little, in general i don’t understand what this girl is doing here, that i’m beautiful, no one ever told me, we’re trying, starting a new life, how can i walk around with this street, listen, why do you need such a friend, it seems that grandpa will get his jersey back? can i hug you, of course, it’s all fixable, it’s all bullshit, being a husband, children, when to be a girl, going on a date in this way, mom, dear, well, it’s not me, all together, beauty, beauty, the khazhors will have fashionable verdict, new season, tomorrow on the first. good morning, valentinati,
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good morning, hello, you are as wonderful, beautiful as all the years that i have seen you on the screen, it’s nice to hear this from a beauty and an unsurpassed presenter, and such overtones, these extraordinary, the same voice, many people have probably told you that you have a very good voice, that no one says anything at all, everyone is silent out of envy, everyone just talks, titova, there’s something different about you , well, probably, our body, these are blood sugar, cholesterol
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and blood pressure, how are you with these indicators, the pressure began to jump, we should probably start already, i actually haven’t been treated all my life, i didn’t have time, so that i’m as fresh as a rose, you can start not just treating me, but really treating me, i’m bad with spine, there are three hernias, this is my main pain, my blood pressure recently began to rise, about two years ago, and what about cholesterol? sorry, i don’t really remember, my heart has become, i feel it, i’ve already been told to pay attention, but every time i think, heart, heart, you don’t want peace, but we’ll examine everything, we’ll see, and i always come here during a commercial break, so i’ll be back now and will be waiting for you with three indicators, i’ll ask our wife to write down all three indicators on a piece of paper, okay, ladies, thank you, i’m waiting for you, good health is with you again, dear friends,
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our program continues, we have amazing topics today, today the whole program in general is discoveries and breakthroughs, a breakthrough with a vaccine, and another breakthrough, which, like the breakthrough with a vaccine, i would call a russian breakthrough, that’s the thing, the point is , which is traditional when we treated obesity, but even after losing weight, they then come back again.
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globally, there were no drugs that would radically, revolutionary change the situation. and a few years ago such medicines appeared, many people began to lose weight by buying them, then foreign medicines disappeared from russia, people began to bring, some from turkey, some from where. in short, there was such a general excitement, and finally, i can say that it’s real.
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this is our human brain and the brain eats glucose, this is its main product, so if there is no glucose, the brain doesn’t get it and it screams, i’m hungry, let me eat, let me eat, he doesn’t say, let me eat glucose, but he eats only glucose, we give him glucose, the excitement is gone, the brain is happy... he says: i’m full, everything is fine, everything is fine. this is our knowledge, it was, in fact, global and very important. the second knowledge that we have obtained, i am summing it up for you so that your knowledge can be increased. this is knowledge related to insulin and glucagon. it turned out that insulin, if there is a lot of it, it is released in response to glucose, it is a fat-forming hormone, here we have two women, it’s easy to guess who eats a lot of glucose, who eats little glucose, who eats a lot, she
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becomes obese, here she is , has become obese and lies, lies, and as they say, my natalia has no room to make a waist, otherwise... everything is fine, we spent a long time sorting out insulin and glucagon, i won’t even tell you anything about it now, i’ll only say one thing: today, from my point of view , a basic molecule has been found that is responsible for our weight, this molecule has a complex name, it’s called glucagon, a similar hormone, but this molecule has absolutely.
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a new class, with a whole new line of drugs, i emphasize that this is not one drug, so for everyone there is individually what you need, but let’s return to the glucagon -like hormone, because this medicine is an analogue of the glucagon-like hormone, which makes a glucagon-like hormone and a medicine called an agonist, consider an analogue of a glucagon-like hormone with the brain, does the most important thing with the brain, it is suppressed. the appetite center excites the satiety center, a person really doesn’t want to eat the most important thing, fatty sweet foods, this is the main mechanism of action that allows you to lose weight, but that’s not all, that’s the first thing, then we go down, move on to the stomach, what
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to do with the stomach is this substance , with the stomach, the substance inhibits gastric evacuation, the stomach feels like there is a lot of food. again, they feel depressed and don’t feel like eating. what else does the glucagon-like hormone and the medicine that is actually its copy do to what organs? and the glucagon-like hormone today affects almost all tissue organs, but the most significant one today protects the liver from this well-known disease. liver disease, removes fat from there, accumulates glycogen there and, most importantly, reduces fibrosis in the liver, today receptors for this molecule have been found in the intestines, and it is believed to protect, especially the large intestine from inflammation, blocks proliferation there, perhaps has, today there
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is already an evidence base, anti-oncological actions, in general, look, i want to come here, here is this... line of drugs, and i want to say that the international non-proprietary name - semoglutide, international names are written small, the brand is written large, and semaglutide is written small, this is the name you need to remember, semoglutide is an analogue of a glucagon-like hormone, and now let’s look at the screen and i’ll tell you i’ll show you the formula, what a glucagon- like hormone looks like and what semoglutide looks like , yeah.
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how does this drug affect the purity of dementia in people who receive it, some as a treatment for diabetes - this is the main indication, some as a treatment for obesity, in fact, everyone uses it, what about alzheimer's disease? yes, elena vasilievna, an amazing effect, this substance, this peptide increases the number of cells in the gray matter of the brain, this has been proven, because this molecule in... which is on this drug, the incidence of alzheimer's disease decreases by 53%. next, the frequency
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of heart attacks and strokes, the frequency of heart failure and death in people with type 2 diabetes also decreases. the following data are all different, multi-thousand, huge studies. in obese adults, semoglutitis reduces the risk of serious cardiovascular events by 20%, and the last thing you said, in patients with type 2 diabetes, the risk of colorectal cancer is reduced, again the international nonproprietary name is semoglutide, i’ll show you again where it’s written , i’m closing it like this the brand and semaglutide are visible to us, russian drugs have appeared again and again, there has been a russian breakthrough in treatment, and i want to say that we are now...
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programs for talk shows, this will be a medical project with large examinations, with large treatment, on the health program website, all
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the details regarding who can participate in this project, so please join us, we will be very, very happy, thank you very much again, please sit down and let's take a break for a while, and then we will continue. three chords, new season, watch after the evening news. 165 metastases in the lungs, the situation is absolutely hopeless, but such people are now being saved in st. petersburg at the petrov institute of onology. about this great medical miracle about many other important and interesting things in the program to live healthy. tomorrow on the first. to the sixtieth anniversary of the taganka theater. what is
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the secret of the popularity of this theater? you can just lay out a rug somewhere in the yard and start playing everything. world fire in blood. there is a restaurant next to us and people are coming out of it, they are tipsy, they are thinking, what such a holiday, maybe they missed one, join us, such fun is going on, even. not only the spectators who later come to the theater, but also just strangers on the street. these are my slogans: creating a sustainable government. at first i played comedic roles, suddenly i played galileo and hamlet. and they ask why do you want to play the role? yes, simply because it’s a good role. he would probably be a wonderful king. premiere, vladimir vysotsky.
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april 23 on the first. health is with you again, dear friends, our program continues my favorite project continues, which is called my pressure, my responsibility and no one else’s, there are not so many doctors to measure the pressure of every person in every mouth , put a pill, your pressure is your responsibility, my pressure is my responsibility, and today we doctors so easily shift the responsibility is on you, not by chance, the fact is that... we live in the 21st century, artificial intelligence has appeared, applications for phones have appeared, free, i have such an application, this is my
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pressure, and these applications allow you by... now 40% of the time, my blood pressure is absolutely normal, green, less than 120 and 80, which is what i wish for all of you, our topic today is called simply, what women should know about hypertension, why this topic arose, female hypertension is different , the first
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sign, female hypertension. salt dependent, salt dependent, therefore one of the first recommendations for female hypertension is to limit salt. what does salt do? look, this is our vessel, salt causes swelling, you know this yourself well, this is how the walls of the vessel swell, the lumen narrows, blood is needed push with great effort, this is how the pressure increases, so sometimes even with drugs of the first. the choice for treating women may be diuretic drugs, they are called natriuretics, salt is sodium, natriuretics are substances that remove salt from the body, this is a large group of gochevorny drugs, this is the first, second, we women have been living very well for many years, i want it now to show me that how much estrogen women have is up to 50 years old,
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because after 50 we... men always have higher blood pressure, here we are getting closer, getting closer, to each other, of ​​course, women's, upper, men's, the pressure is creeping up, that's the limit of 50 years, finally, we are closing in together with men and bastards, of course, i want to say one more thing, women traditionally have lower blood pressure than 120.80, this is great happiness, this is the absolute
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norm, please show me the curves of a woman... much higher, so controlling the pressure, doing everything for ourselves is our responsibility, if we want to live and don’t want to have stroke, and there is one more feature in women, very often in women hypertension occurs due to an increase in upper pressure, systal, and this leads to the development of cardiac hypertrophy, this is how the cardiac muscle lumen is normal, and with
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hypertrophy the muscle becomes thick. children's cinema was born in a simple family, during the war they lived in evacuation in sverdlovsk, the father worked at a factory, the mother raised her daughter, little valya and her older sister, regularly the mother gave her daughter pennies for two pies so that she could eat at school, and valya saved and went to the cinema, so she decided to become an actress, enrolled in the drama club at the svetlovsky
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palace of culture, and then got a job in the city theater for young spectators, after 2 years she left for leningrad, a miracle happened, tavstanogov himself took her to his school-studio, and then she met other great directors, vladimir basov . invited the young actress to star in the film blizzard. but i still have a difficult duty to fulfill, to reveal to you a terrible secret, to put an insurmountable predicament between us; she has always existed and could never be your wife. it was during the filming of the film between the actress and director began a whirlwind romance. they got married and lived for 14 years. they had two children, but the relationship went wrong and the couple broke up. everyone went their own way, realize that you don’t love him, well, okay, i don’t love and don’t respect him, that’s enough, but
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nothing follows from this, put your hands away, time passed and valentina titova married cameraman georgy rerberg again, they lived together for more than 20 years, when her husband passed away , she concentrated. on the family, children and grandchildren, life is a great test, he believes actress, if you pass it, you are human. valentina titova is our guest today. well, first of all, i already told valentina antipovna behind the scenes that she looks great. 82 years old, fit, beautiful, well-groomed, a+. thank you. i see such women, i also want to live at this age, well , in my opinion you live better, you don’t change, and it’s true, i follow you because i often watch these programs, trying to understand how
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to treat myself, but i’m not flying, i don’t have time for myself, that’s it, well, here’s a little time after all, today we will vomit on our beautiful guest, so, the pressure is 130 and 80, this is just the border, the border. glucose 5.6 is normal, cholesterol 6.1 is a little high, but it didn’t go anywhere, let’s just say, look, 130 and 80 are a very interesting pressure figure, with these numbers we can not prescribe pills if a person is not from risk groups, and we can recommend non -medicinal methods for lowering blood pressure, so i’ll ask you directly, valentina antipovna, do you... eat a lot of salty foods, i love them, i have relatives from the south, from sukhumi, so georgian cuisine, i generally like to eat, it’s delicious, here’s the first recommendation - limit
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the salt, where you can limit the salt, at least remove the salty stuff, there are pickles, tomatoes, don’t eat this every day, but drink half a glass of brine, no, no , this is the first, second recommendation for everyone, but not for valentina antipovna, to lose weight, because minus a kilogram of weight, minus 1 mm of mercury , these are the statistics, but you are in great shape, you are not obese, man, we give an a for your appearance the view is definitely the third recommendation is not medicinal, it is walking, 30 minutes a day, five times a week, at a speed of two steps per second, walk, walk. when i’m healthy 10 km, but lately my son’s illness has knocked me out here, and i’m all hunched over, i’m stuck at home, i hate myself for it, but i have to be with him, well, the service, there’s nothing
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you can do, i just like to go for walks, because i love moscow, i walk alone, very rarely with a young friend who holds me, i think, yes, i won’t fall for anything, i just won’t fall, but i have...
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treat yourself with great respect, remember when a man, husband or just a boyfriend comes to visit you without asking anything.
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everything is on you, and if something is wrong with him, of course, you are to blame, if only he would marry nura, everything would be gorgeous, so intelligence is an absolutely amazing quality, valentina titova is beautiful, not aging, self-confident, a woman who treats herself with respect, let's pause for a moment and then continue. lately, we are increasingly hearing the phrase global majority, who is included in it, what countries does it consist of? and most importantly, who controls these states. we met in the palace of the syrian president, the man who challenged the collective west. our war is a war for existence, which is why the price is so high. the west now supports and promotes leaders of the type. these are people who
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say yes to everything, right, left, up, down, to everything, answering yes, boss, my father never discussed my future with me, i believe that everyone decides such questions for themselves, my children do not study politics, one wants to be a programmer, the other an engineer, you you use social networks, this is interesting for you, before i became president, i headed a government organization for the development of the internet, devoting time to social networks. i happen about real contacts with people, online public opinion does not reflect the opinion of the majority, these are only fragmentary fragments, possibly a fabricated company, a new project of the first channel, the global majority, bashar al-assad, today on the first, voice, final, live broadcast on saturday. at
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the first, today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, but for the sake of clarity, come here, and you ’ll catch me, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you’re lying, why are you lumping everything into one pile, and we’ll get used to living separately, that’s it we’ll separate anyway, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but come up with something, and so on... yes, a statement was received from the nichaev spouses known to you, after death they want to be together. i officially declare that i, nichaev, yuri nikolaevich, want, together with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna live together in the next world. well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, i’ll tell lenka right now that i’m leaving. in the end , she is not the first to cry and calm down. where's the champagne? i drenched him with my hysterics, horoscopes, and suspicions.
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friends, our program continues, let me remind you how this morning began? this morning, friends, i start with the unusual doctor andrei yuryevich rusakov, he is a neurologist by specialty, but he deals with absolutely unusual pain, which is called pelvic pain, pain in the depths of the abdomen, lower abdomen, yes, this is deep pain, and in the lower abdomen, a person feels a completely different type of pain. prevalence in time, in
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space, for example, what could it be, it could be a feeling of a foreign body, it could be a burning sensation, it could be tingling, it could be shooting, that is, the nature of the pain is neuropathic, it is varied, each patient has his own portrait of this pain, what is the problem, the problem is that we have a lot of organs in the pelvis, so i just specially brought this model, andrey yuryevich, so that at least in a nutshell show, so in our pelvis lies the bladder, the bladder. the uterus with appendages, ovaries, deep down there is the rectum, with sphincters, absolutely true, so there are a lot of causes of pain in this area.
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please remember, if you are suffering from pain in the lower abdomen, you have been to a gynecologist,
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a practitioner and other doctors, and no one has found anything, you need to think about pudendal neuralgia , because it is the pudendal nerve that transmits pain from all organs to the brain. it was i, friends, who lured andrei yurich to my office, i assist him so that he can show where is the genital nerve, this is the rear view of a person, that is, we are looking from here, right, andrey, yes, this is just the sacrum, the sacrum, that is, that is, the rectum, uterus and bladder lie there behind the sacrum, but the innervation still the same, right, absolutely right, yes, here is the genital nerve, which has already divided into three separate branches. preintestinal, perineal posterior dorsal nerve clitoris or penis. and the particular pain will be respectively on these organs, in the penis or in the vagina, where else in the rectum, naturally, in the rectum, yes, they can be deep, because all three of these
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nerves cross, they just come there like that, so your task is to anesthetize, right, under the control of the museum? andrey yurievich rusakov is a neurologist, he knows for sure. one thing: the source of pain in the pelvis can be any, but this pain is carried to the brain by one single nerve, it is called the pudendal nerve, it is the interest of this nerve that must be sought first of all, for this a special study is carried out, neuromyography. we are currently conducting a differential diagnosis between damage to the radicular and pudendal nerves, yes, in order for us to correctly build further tactics. treatment of the patient we need to exclude radicular pain, this is what we are doing now, what does this procedure check for? this is needle myography, which means it firstly gives us the opportunity to look into...


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