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tv   Mechtallion  1TV  April 21, 2024 9:20am-9:40am MSK

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rusakov, a neurologist, he knows one thing for sure: the source of pain in the pelvis can be any, but this pain is carried to the brain by a single nerve, it is called the pudendal nerve, it is the interest of this nerve that must be sought first of all, for this a special study of neuromyogy is carried out . we are now conducting a differential diagnosis between damage to the radicular and pudendal nerves, and in order for us to correctly build further tactics for treating the patient, we need to exclude radicular pain, this is what we are doing now, what does this procedure check? this needle myography means, firstly, it allows us to see what condition the muscle is in, whether there is any damage to the muscle. synoptic
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muscle damage, it gives us an idea to determine by exclusion which root is suffering, yes, or not suffering, so for this we carry out this procedure in order to exclude radicular pain and separate it from pelvic pain. when the doctor has confirmed that it is the pudendal nerve that is causing the pain, it is necessary to begin pain relief. this requires serious knowledge of anatomy. the main thing is that the pudendal nerve passes through a special canal of the alcoca along with the artery. and vein, this is the same channel where this nerve passes, and this is the same channel where the vessels go, so during an ultrasound examination the doctor sees the vessels - this is like a guide for where to give the injection, right? show me, and then we’ll show you how you save the patient, well, the formation comes from the second, third and fourth sacral roots, the nerve is formed, but the nerves always go to the neurovascular bundle, that is, this is an artery.
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solution, you can see in the picture the expansion of the tissue, that is, we got to where we needed to be. after 5 minutes, we will ask the patient to answer some questions, that is, her sensations, normally this is a slight change in the perineum and a decrease in pain activity, this is a positive result of the procedure and confirmation of the diagnosis. i sat for a long time at dr. rusakov’s appointment and listened to the sad man. confessions of his suffering patients, and thought only about one thing: how important it is to meet a doctor who will help you, recalled the doctor’s patient, who came to our program to live healthy to tell everyone that deliverance is possible, after the first procedure there was a feeling that i really had living, moving organs in my pelvis, because before that it seemed that everything was filled with concrete to the point of stone and that i basically i can’t move, after five procedures and...
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exercises that andrei yuryevich did with me and the exercises that he gave me at home, there was already a noticeable improvement, i could already sit for half an hour, before that i existed for about six months only in a standing position and lie down, i basically couldn’t sit. here is a story about a doctor who helps desperate people. well, andreevich, from this luxurious spine of ours, we again concentrate on this zone. and i , as a neurologist, want to show you this funny, funny picture: we have a lot of dolls here in our medical center, this doll is dedicated to neurologists, the neurologist checks reflexes with his small hammer, and the patient has already suffered so much that he holds it behind his back a huge hammer, i absolutely understand such patients, because suffering with such pain, these are psychological, these are cognitive, behavioral changes too, they hurt. in general,
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finishing, i want to say that i myself recently met andrei yuryevich rusakov, to be honest... “look for the reasons, get examined, but there will be no more pain, do you agree with my radical position, i agree, andrei erovich rusakov was this in the morning with us, health to everyone, because this is the most important thing, for the first time i
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was greeted so tenderly, thank you, lenochka, my impressions are always good, because i too, if i can, then i’ll watch this program." oh, god grant that everything will be fine, our life will go on, dear elena vasilievna, beautiful, elegant and smart, for many years, your couple, watch the health program with elena malysheva. these are not travel notes from dmitry krylov.
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hello. it often seems to us that what is around us is so familiar and self -evident that in our inner circle there can be many interesting and unique things. today we have two ancient russian cities: volokolamsk and yaroslavl, near moscow . well that one that on the volga. both of them are very attractive characters in the story for us. this year volokolamsk turns 886 years old. this is the oldest city in the moscow region. did you know this? and the fact that volokolamsk is even 12 years older than moscow, huh? by the way, the name volokolamsk is also part of its history. let me remind you that volokolamsk lay between the two most important trade routes of ancient russia. the easiest way to get to the rostov-suzal and ryazan lands was to go part of the way along a short route, dragging across the lama river, so hence volo-kalabsk. from these lands
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there was a significant flow of various goods to the north, but primarily grain to novgorod. volok lamskiy or volok on a lama, whatever his name is. lichirali was one of the few vochins of novgorod. the volokovy path itself was 6 km long. local residents cleaned the banks, gave them to merchants, transported part of the cargo on carts, and then, with the help of horses , dragged the boats themselves. all the houses in the city were wooden, only the resurrection cathedral was stone. the monk joseph of volodsky heard it in the middle of a sunny day. thunder roared and saw lightning strike in a swamp in the middle of the village of pokrovskaya. and joseph realized that this was a sign. so, there should be a monastery in this place. the monastery founded by joseph voloski in 1479 still
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stands on stilts. its oldest building, which saw its founder, is the refectory with a vaulted ceiling. it is modeled after the moscow faceted chamber. by the way, he... is very close to ordinary people, every peasant could find in him an intercessor before the prince or boyars. in lean years , the monastery fed up to 700 people. the monastery supplied the peasants with grain, tools and livestock free of charge so that people could survive. joseph volodsky played a huge
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role in the history of the fatherland. he wrote the first theological book in russia. enlightener. it is kept in the bible museum. by the way, the only one in russia. the collection of this museum contains bibles translated from more than 50 languages ​​of the world. one of the most valuable exhibits is the original. ostrog bible of 1581, printed by ivan fedorov by order of prince ostrog. the moscow bible is very interestingly designed 1663. on the coat of arms, instead of st. george the pope, tsar alexei mikhailovich. there is an edition of the bible for the blind. and the oldest one in french is in latin from 1568. a very rare and therefore valuable publication in japanese. beginning of the 20th century. at different times , artists, comprehending biblical history,
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made unique illustrations of biblical stories. for example, the greatest master of xelography, albrecht durer, and later gustave daret. but here is a completely unusual reading of one of the most mysterious artists of the 20th century from salvador dali. near volakolamsk is located a center for the reproduction of rare species of animals, and in fact, a branch of the moscow zoo. it has existed for 25 years, but only a couple of years ago it opened to tourists. now there are 213 species of birds and more than 7,500 inhabitants. 78 species are included in the red book of russia and the international union for conservation of nature. this is a huge forest park where you can walk all day, from time to time looking at all these little brothers and sisters. the enclosures for them are spacious. according to their inhabitants. lives in them at ease. this center is a kind of genetic reserve, where it preserves populations
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of rare and endangered animal species. the local star is, of course, the giraffe glafira. she came here from south africa for permanent residence in 2008 . glofira knows that she is a star and does not leave the character. and the majestic woman herself stands out like a peahen. but maybe it's her in front of the camera? yes, they say when the cameras are not pointed at her - glofira. despite his advanced age, he loves to run races with the kids. and this beauty came here 24 years ago, from kazakhstan, and lives in respect and honor. according to her guardians, the honored pensioner loves to kiss, and rightly so, but what else to do in retirement? there are no longer resident horses in the wild, but there are about a hundred male leopards left on the entire planet, one of them lives here. he just unsuccessfully crossed the road and was hit by a car, he remained a temple, and it was no longer possible to let him go into nature, but
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he simply would not have survived, after all, he had to catch up with the food, and here it was served to him on a platter, the outlandish animal sochuan takin, a relative of the ram, he is, as the zoo staff joke, a bull, a bear and a sheep in one animal, reindeer also live here, they participate in the international program for the conservation... of animals, anyone who sees him will certainly joke, so you are such a reindeer, yes, everyone is educated these days, stand-up comedians, tigers did not come out to meet us, they slept in the heat in the shade, instead of them there was a red cat sitting near the cage, but in his soul he also considers himself a tiger, the special pride of the zoo is horses of the vladimirsky breed heavyweight, this breed began to be bred into the beginning of the 20th century, with scottish baptism. clay de dali and english shaers. their key advantage is efficiency. during
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the great patriotic war, these horses more than once rescued our peasant soldiers. they pulled heavy artillery out of the mud, which ordinary horses could not handle. after the war, they helped improve agriculture when there was almost no technology. they overcame everything, frost and heat, off-road and slush. the mare weighs 800 kg, and the stallion is under. panfilov's front line did not allow the enemy to reach
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together with other formations from western moscow, they gained the time necessary for the approach of reserves, which then covered the capital. their heroism had enormous moral significance and inspired the fighters in the most brutal war in human history. the feat of the defenders of moscow, his hero who stood to death, that he became. a sculptural composition and memorial are dedicated to symbols of unbending courage. yes, this is our grateful memory to them. the housing issue always causes a lot of controversy. oh my god, i'm stuck, i'm stuck. brock loves this carrier so much. you have two dogs, cat, anyone else you are hiding? one parrot has three kings. why are you leaving right away?
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diagnosis: antisocial cat. happiness, whatever it may be, but 2 years ago i picked it up from the street, it turned out great, i could sing about a ferret and a dog, that they are not a couple, but no, you saw the video, watch with us, the premiere is on the first day , this is a hiding place, which means it’s a robbery, i don’t think so, they would have taken off the crystal chandeliers, the gilded watches, these were not germans, not germans, who are the forest brothers, a lithuanian partisan, but why are you, i came to say goodbye to my sister, then to get to the front now, you won’t tell me, svetlana petrovna, they wanted to either
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destroy our wounded, or help their own, or both, in any case the group worked. and if he is a traitor, i will shoot him, according to the laws of war, a story with a continuation, tomorrow, after the program, time, from the command forest, ask for whatever you want, and you know what i want, send vanya to me in some news .
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almost simultaneously, but we would not have seen its 15th century paintings if it had not broken off in the 20th century, when they began to restore it several pieces of oil paint, revealing ancient frescoes. the restoration went on for more than half a century, when the top layers were removed, the restorers were surprised at how well everything was preserved, yes, and even more than four centuries had passed. but none of us, well, except you, of course, thought about how a book written already in the 19th century could have been preserved? of course, that first book is not in the exchange. its only oldest copy of the 16th century was discovered here on the territory of the spasopreobrazhansky monastery.
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it was acquired by the collector and collector of antiquities alexey ivanovich musin pushkin. he. he immediately rushed to publish it, and it was not in vain that he was in a hurry, in 1800 his first edition was published, but soon during the invasion of napoleon there was a fire in the collector’s apartment and the original burned down, with it all new copies, well, almost all of them, now there are all over the world no more than eighty, two of which are located here in yaroslavl. but if it weren’t for musin pushkin, we would never have heard of this book. oh yes pushkin!
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master's post, yes, the first time is very difficult, in the second it’s just difficult, and then...


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