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tv   Globalnoe bolshinstvo  1TV  April 21, 2024 5:15pm-6:01pm MSK

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ussr, rsfsr and ukrainian ssr. today, the ukrainian authorities can correct the historical mistake that khrushchev made, namely, recognize the fallacy, injustice and illegality of the peninsula being under ukrainian jurisdiction, and therefore recognize the russian status of the peninsula, does it recognize?
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historical justice, we are the legal successors of the soviet union, and we have the right to cancel the decision that was made in fifty-four, this is not only my position, this is the position of the state council of the republic of crimea and crimea as a whole, in general, you know, i’ll tell you this thing, when i... i hear a statement there that crimea is a ukrainian land, everything turns inside me, because by and large i think that, well, it has definitely never been ukrainian land, this is russian land, in particular, i am absolutely convinced that all of ukraine is, in fact, russian land, well, maybe, with the exception of that trojan horse that was dragged in after the second world war.
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definitely nowhere else, this is obvious, and this is a unique place on the planet, you need we will do everything to ensure that we highlight all the delights of this territory and create optimal conditions for people to relax; we will create optimal conditions for people’s lives. you can often hear that history teaches that it has never taught anyone anything, and often this is true, but history must teach, it teaches. in any case , she taught us all a lot, taught us the most important thing, she taught us that we must not scatter lands that are sacred symbols of our faith, like crimea, where saint prince vladimir was baptized, where the most important base russian black sea fleet, the city of russian sailors, sevastopol, you cannot throw away lands conquered and abundantly watered with the blood of the russian soviet soldier, like donbass, novorosiya, and all of ukraine. we must not throw away our
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ancient civilizational centers of kievan rus, we must not throw away the heritage of our ancestors. we must all be worthy of the great legacy they left us. the khrushchevs come and go, russia remains forever, our god-protected native land. that was a great story, see you on the first one. crimea, russia, forever.
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lately, we are increasingly hearing the phrase global majority, but who is included in it, what countries does it consist of, and most importantly, who governs these states, because the future of the whole world depends on the political will of the leaders. today i will introduce you to the president of the syrian arab republic , bashar assad, a man who challenged the collective west, managed to defend his state, and defend his historical destiny. the identity of its people. we met at the palace of the syrian president. i invited him to discuss issues of multipolarity, national traditions and culture. the president of syria is a man with
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an unusual destiny. bashar was not 5 years old when his father, as a result of a coup, took the post of president of the country. hafisad was the leader of the party. baaz, which combined socialism with arab nationalism. assad the elder was a supporter of partial liberalization of the economy. appreciated the west for its scientific and technical achievements. therefore , the president sent his son bashar to study at lyceum al-laik in damascus. the father did not prepare his son for power, and bashar al-assad himself did not strive for it. he graduated with honors from the faculty of medicine of damascus university , specializing in ophthalmology.
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the american government is trying to destroy national traditions. that's right, this is their way of control. but when you are true to your identity, you can say no. you are able to analyze the situation and maneuver as much as possible. but if you have lost your national identity, then the only thing you care about is personal benefit, that is, money. and money is international and through it you can be controlled. so america controls all of its partners, both western and eastern, and can control any country and any specific politician. in england, bashar al-assad led a modest lifestyle, as he did in his homeland. while still a student at the lyceum, he
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went to classes as an ordinary schoolboy, and not with security and a driver, like many of his classmates from high-ranking families. his teachers remember him as a bright, thoughtful boy. mister president, and i wanted i would like to ask a few questions before starting, as they say, off the record, war is a difficult choice, what was the price that the syrian people paid for their independence, freedom and dignity, they refused to become a western satellite, the price was high, many other countries are like that we wouldn't pay, but we live in a jungle world. or rather, i would even say in the world of slavery, in the world of slavery, dignity is very expensive, there will be no rights, no independent country, and there will not even be the right to life, if this price is not paid, this price for the right to exist, for the right to be, our
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war is a war for existence, that’s why the price is so high, modern statehood... syria is a little over 70 years old, but civilization in these places existed already in the fourth millennium bc. the country's population is about 17 million people, of whom the absolute majority are muslims, mostly sunnis, about 5% are christians, the rest are either atheists or representatives of other faiths. damascus is the most ancient capital of the existing world, it is the only city on our planet that has lived continuously for all these millennia. syria is not just the cradle of civilization, it has always been at the epicenter of all significant events that took place in the region. it seems to me that the global situation in the world is changing. and the leaders of the countries of the global majority are gradually
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taking the path of protecting national interests. and the influence of the united states in the world is falling. absolutely right. people learn from the mistakes of the past, and we could be friends with the west, but the west doesn’t need friends, they don’t even need partners, they need only vassals. this is probably why the west is now supporting and promoting leaders like zelensky, it’s easier to negotiate with them, of course, these are people who say yes to everything, right, left, up, down, answering everything with, yes, boss, they don’t like independent leaders, like you, as the president of russia, yes, they love to talk about democracy, but they can’t stand it when they are told, no, their democracy is always for sale. and yes, we must say absolutely everything, this is their
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democracy. i have often wondered why a young, promising ophthalmologist, having every chance of staying in london forever, decides to return to his homeland to lead his people’s struggle for sovereignty and independence, and today syria , together with russia, defends a multipolar world. under each other, multipolarity can be economic, cultural, but the point is that
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the world was created diverse, unipolarity that came after the collapse of the ussr is new to humanity, unipolarity is unnatural by its nature, therefore it led to chaos, for which my country is paying today , and many other countries of the world. the problem today is the absence of clear rules for interaction between states, which leads to constant conflicts, and while there are different languages ​​and different cultures, the world is in fact multipolar, the main thing is to legally approve this: russia and syria contribute to this process as best they can. how would you today assess russia's role in this significant result that you managed to achieve together? we often hear that russia allegedly supported the president or government
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of syria. but this is a wrong interpretation. russia supported the syrian people and defended the sovereignty of syria. thus, she also defended international law, which still exists on paper. russia opposed international terrorism. and it is naive to believe that modern terrorists are some kind of local bandits from the cold. this is a global network that operates in europe, in russia, in indonesia, in various regions of the world, current terrorism is ideologically monolithic, it is with it that russia entered into a fight on the territory of syria, while protecting the syrians, it also protects its own country, and the fact that russia has had its say in the fight against terror is very important for the whole world in general and for the mediterranean region in particular,
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new season, watch after the evening news.
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then they will come to the theater, but also just strangers on the street. these are my slogans: creating a sustainable ruler. at first i played comedy roles, suddenly i did.
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che attacked syria in 2011 to avoid the threat of an alliance between the great powers of the middle east, iran, turkey and syria. if this union took place, the middle east would still decades ago would have become a powerful player on the world stage and would have completely escaped western control. in addition, syria was iran's main ally. by destroying syria,
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the collective west weakened iran, which led to the signing of the nuclear deal. international terrorism, disguised as opposition to the regime, was thrown into the fight against the syrian arab republic. and of course, the russian federation could not stand aside, since the same forces were used against it. i wanted to ask about a special military operation. you expressed the opinion that a special military operation will change the course of world history. tell me, what prompted you to this conclusion? i mean that the svo will correct the course of history, will not change it, or will write it anew, just correct it. russia, as a powerful power , resists western interference in the internal affairs of other countries. for me, it makes no difference where russia is fighting global terrorism, in syria or ukraine. there is only one enemy. russia is strengthening global stability in
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the political and military aspects. and she does this because she herself suffered. collapse of the ussr. was not sudden, it was led to by purposeful work to pit small nations that historically lived together, take the example of the same crimea, which khrushchev transferred to ukraine. russian citizens of this region did not strive for any independence from russia, but the nazis took it and declared war on everything russian. and everyone knows that russians, belarusians and little russians are close in history, language, culture, and that it is mainly russians who live in the east of ukraine. but the ukrainian nazis have a specific goal: america actively supported aggressive nationalists even before the second world war, fueled them during the war, since 2004 she has been using them through her special services to fight russia, and this is not normal, i am sure that the confrontation will end in the victory of russia, it will again unite the fraternal peoples,
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that’s why i say, that russia is correcting what... others have corrected, we talked with the president of syria for more than 2 hours, and, of course, i could not help but ask about china. today the role of this state is very great, and relations with the people's republic of china influence foreign policy of many countries of the world. just half a century ago, china was a poor developing country. after the collapse of the ussr, the illusion arose that liberalism had won the final victory, and
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that heaven on earth should be like america, both politically and economically. it seemed that money was destined to become the main goal of life, for the sake of which ethics, feelings, and humanism should be sacrificed. however, china has proposed a different model: a balanced combination of communist ideals with a capitalist economy. in his case, a centralized welfare state coexists with the economic freedom of private enterprises. and since 2008, we have seen china steadily rising in the background. western no less stable decline, that is, china has proven that elements of capitalism are necessary for the economy, but capitalism as a form of government is doomed, so... how do we see china's strategic role in the world? how are things going with attracting investments from you and perhaps you will present some large projects, say, with
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the people's republic of china, with other countries? we we have been living without foreign investment for a long time. they did not exist before the war due to the blockade of the west, which began in 1979. this blockade was not obvious, but quite tough. therefore , we have learned to develop the social sphere ourselves and stimulate non-western investments. during the war, there were no investments at all, so we work only with syrian investors or representatives of the arab world who act secretly, fearing secondary us sanctions. the chinese are also in no hurry to invest money in us, since we already owe them. as opportunities, we pay off these debts. to open the way for investment, before the war, syria
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was economically a completely self-sufficient country, a third of its income came from oil fields, a third from agricultural products, a third from industrial production, because the country produced everything except heavy luxury goods, even its own medicines , but during the war the oil... industry was destroyed not only physically, but by sanctions. today, active deposits are under american control. industrial production has virtually stopped and the country can barely feed itself. and the united states earns more from the sale of syrian oil than it costs to maintain american troops in syria. mr. president, one of the main characteristics of the western elite is, of course, an exclusivity complex.
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we have learned to speak with them in their language, formally we are not at enmity, although what
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they do can well be called terror, we are always direct threats, but these are threats in essence, we are trying to bypass their blockade, otherwise the war will end our territory will never end, but the world is changing before our eyes, new unions and new alliances are being formed, so there is a chance to show the occupiers: in their place. countries actively use media and social networks to undermine the self-confidence of citizens of dependent countries. and we need to fight this. we must learn to follow national interests and stop being afraid of them. mr. president, in connection with your experience of living and working in the west, do you see any opportunities for dialogue, perhaps from a strategic perspective, with the collective the west will recover. there is always hope, even with the knowledge that there will most likely be no result. we must try. after all, politics is the art of the possible. no matter how
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badly we treat them, we must work with them, explaining that we will not give up our rights, and are ready to interact only on the basis of equality. america is currently illegally occupying part of our land, financing terrorists, and supporting them. i lived in the west for a long time, i respect their scientific and cultural achievements, thanks to these achievements they became strong, but strength led them to moral degradation, their political class degenerated. western politicians are obsessed with their personal careers. does not care about the interests of their countries, their media creates virtual reality, working simultaneously to destroy the family, atomize and isolate people, all this is at risk in...
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i don’t understand what this girl is doing here, that ’s what i’m beautiful, i didn’t tell no one ever, we try, we start a new life, how can i walk down the street with this, listen, why do you need such a friend, it seems that grandpa will get his jersey back, yes, can i i’ll hug you, of course, i fixed it all, it ’s all bullshit, life with a husband, children, when to be a girl, going on a date in this way, dear, well, it’s not me, all together,
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i would never have achieved what i achieved if not the warm support of educated and thinking people, his comrade-in-arms was the prominent italian philosopher giovanni gentile, he published the first program. fascist text, manifesto of fascist intellectuals, thanks to talented creative people, italians of all sizes decided that they were special, and therefore they had special rights control other people's lives. premiere, ordinary fascism two. tomorrow on the first.
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i have more than once caught myself thinking that the western politicians with whom i have communicated have become, how shall i put it, more primitive, or something, and we seem to have not noticed that the replacement of experienced, charismatic, effective people who can be trusted who keep their word, people of a much lower level came when i was on my way to meet with... masad, i was wondering which of the modern politicians or leaders he would be interested in talking to. now on in the west there is not a single politician who could be called a statesman. since the times of reagan and thatcher, they have disappeared.
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in the eighties, the entire political landscape changed greatly, western politics began to be governed by economic principles, capitalism began to dictate its terms, countries turned into corporations, and the heads of countries into the heads of corporations, actions consistent with the economy, corporations can merge, carry out raider takeovers, go bankrupt in the name of profit, modern politicians no longer think strategically, they decide tasks. that are put before them, they are no longer responsible for their words, any agreements can be canceled the very next day. due to the above, i can firmly say that in the west at the moment there is not a single politician with whom i would like or would be interested in conducting a dialogue. mr. president, could you share your experience in countering the destructive influence of non-governmental organizations?
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the cia controls not only its opponents, but also its allies. when the war started, all these the organizations themselves closed, as did the deep mission. it was logical. we would have kicked them out anyway. since this instrument of influence was lost, all that remained was direct confrontation in the form of financing terrorist gangs. organizations like ours, yours, and ukraine have exactly one goal: to capture minds, gain influence at the government level, and provoke a change in power to one that will serve the interests of the implicit invader. if these organizations were truly humanitarian, then they would... support the un, but they never do didn't do it. of course, i couldn’t help but ask the president of syria about the league of arab states. this organization was and remains significant for the arab world. the league was
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created on the basis of the alexandria protocol, adopted in october 1944. in alexandria, five arab states - egypt, syria, jordan, iraq and lebanon - accepted an agreement that proclaimed the equality of all states members of the future organization. based on this agreement, the arab league was formed in 1945 , but in 2011, under pressure in the west, syria's membership was suspended; in may 2023, it re-entered this organization.
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today this is what is happening between palestine and israel, how do you see this situation, the reasons for what is happening now? western politics, in particular american politics, is based on the principle of divide and rule, this is their way of control, a kind of
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blackmail, such behavior is moral, but this is the reality, america turns any conflict into a dangerous chronic disease. like diabetes or cancer, the warring parties pay for the conflict, when we say america, we mean the entire west, since it is completely controlled by the us. from any conflict, america profits, and then steps aside and watches the growing chaos, waiting for the moment when it will be possible to strike a decisive blow; any conflict benefits them.
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over the region, for this it was necessary to destroy all internal ties within the state, for example, in our country there were initially many christians, they are not immigrants, they lived here before the advent of islam, but muslim brothers distorted the faith in order to oppose muslims and christians. any political party can offer its own version of the social system, but the argument: allah wants it this way cannot force people to vote for their muslim brothers, and they achieve exactly this, insisting that allah himself wants to see them in power. the muslim brotherhood became the first religious group to rely on
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aggression. their militant slogans were picked up by al-qaeda, jabhat al-nusra, and isis. and the goal was the destruction of all political, social, religious national ties on which for centuries... the entire middle east rested. mr. president, the middle east, in my opinion, is feeling the wind, change, movement towards multipolarity, statesmen of the middle east.
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that is why all countries of the world began to expand their relations with china, including the west and south america. and this is natural, because america neglects the interests of its supposed partners, actively uses the dollar as a weapon and uses it to exercise political pressure. they don't care about the promotion. it’s not for everyone, but apparently this is
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the real distinguishing feature of a true leader, whom the people follow and trust. bashar-assad, of course, imagined his life in his youth completely differently, but something forced him to make a choice. it so happened that the elder brother. bashar al-assad, whom his father predicted as his successor, died in 1994 in a car accident. this tragic event radically changed the fate of bashar himself. in 1985 he returned to syria and entered military service as a medical officer. services. then he completed military courses, mastering various military specialties. and for the next 15 years he improved himself in military affairs. on june 11, 2000, he was... given the rank of lieutenant general, after which bashar was
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appointed commander-in-chief of the country's armed forces. then, in june 2000, at the ninth congress of the arab socialist baaz party, bashar al-assad was elected regional secretary of the party, and then his candidacy was nominated for the post of president of syria. he began to perform his duties after the constitutional oath before the people's council of the country on july 17 , 2000. so.
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with the help of the internet and social networks, you can easily interfere from the outside in the internal life of any country, so when i devote time to social networks, i do not forget about real contacts with people. social networks can be deceiving, you never know if the comments are real, if the ratings are real? everything must be correlated with what you observe live. online public opinion does not reflect the opinion of the majority. this is just a snippet.
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so that there is the same concentration on priorities. when i was young i wasn't interested in anything cinema or television. since childhood, i preferred to work effectively in the future, and for that, reading was a sport. but as i got older, i fell in love with talk shows, when i have time, i enjoy watching documentaries on the internet, while playing sports i listen to or watch some news, i also love music, but i can only listen to it when i’m in the mood. mr. president, you have three children, tell me, given your experience, your difficult
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path that you have gone through, would you like your children to engage in government activities that are so difficult?
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west, each of you could be next. of course, this speech went down in history, but do not believe the leaders of arab states in 2008, few understood what muammar gaddafi was saying. suddenly, when bashar assad appeared on the screen, the grandmother literally screamed, he will be next, it is he who will try to destroy the collective west. unfortunately, the west really tried to do this, but bashar al-assad managed to defend his... country side by side with his people, and after that my grandmother calls him nothing less than a knight of the middle east, who he essentially is. but we say goodbye to you, new meetings with bright representatives of the global majority await us ahead, because the world is large and diverse, and let it
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always be so. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. bogdanovka was liberated by russian troops, a message from the ministry of defense and footage from the front line. and news from gunsmiths, past developments.


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