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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 22, 2024 4:30am-4:58am MSK

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semyon was 42 years old, we join our condolences to his family. the evening shelling is another, one of the shells flies into the neighboring yard, not far from syoma, where syoma lives. he gets equipped, runs out and is actually one of the first to be on the spot, and the first thing he starts doing is helping people. we met many years ago, back in syria on a business trip, and that’s when i saw what a passionate person he was. passionate about his profession, passionate in general, probably, about life in general, they say a good guy is not a profession, yes, it is not a profession, it’s a talent, not even a good guy, a good person, it’s a rare great talent, and of course, nuclear terrorism, since the beginning of april ukrainian raids on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant have resumed, the dome of the power unit and the cargo port, a unique training center and a canteen, were chosen as targets at the facility where...
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"hand over control of the zas, then they will stop shelling it." thus, they not only betrayed the zelensky regime , but also actually admitted to complicity in these irresponsible attacks. does anyone like that the station is under russian control or not is a different question and has nothing to do with threats to the nuclear and physical safety of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. but we have something to answer. long-range precision strikes
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for a week according to the ministry of defense, today they were continued, here are the targets hit before: the starokonstantinov airfield in the kmelnytsky region, a probable base for american f-16 fighters, there was a second detonation after exploding. uman, cherkasy region - a transshipment base for military equipment in the area of ​​the railway station. in odessa several targets are ammunition depots in the port area and in the inlet. our armed forces strike at everyone. objects associated with ukrainian formations. this is a response to the ukrainian armed forces’ attempts to attack our energy systems. in krivoy rog, destruction at a military equipment repair plant. also in kiev, khmelnitsky, ivano-frankivsk, kharkov regions. and in dnepropetrovsk the locomotive depot was hit. and a special target is in chernigov for three iskander missiles. enemy control point of the north group. and there is a lot of video evidence of this. ivan kanavalov is on topic. following a clearly
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defined strategic plan while constantly changing tactical approaches when it comes to our precision air strikes has proven the success of this concept. vysu simply does not have time to develop countermeasures, while the capabilities of ukrainian air defense are depleted under constant attacks. our strikes are quite, let’s say, effective, provided that they expand their geography. and intensity, while we have just moved on, we have felt the possibility, here, uh, if we continue, in fact, in a few months, the ukrainian energy system will be destroyed, and it will be impossible to fight. at first , nodes that transmit energy from one circuit to another, transformers and substations that can be replaced or repaired were attacked, then power plants were targeted, and it takes years to restore them. russia actually forced it. the ukrainian
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regime abandons electric trains; diesel locomotives cannot completely replace transportation capabilities; accordingly, this deals a blow to the logistics of the ukrainian armed forces, if we see striking at some locations, dormitories or buildings where mercenaries are lodging and then they shout to us that they are supposedly living there peacefully. then these fakes have already been exposed, indeed, where we are hitting, there is only the enemy’s manpower, this is a strike on the former hotel in chernigov, where foreign mercenaries and high-ranking officers of the armed forces of ukraine were housed. three missiles of the iskander operational-tactical missile system hit the target. the traditional cries about an attack on a civilian target quickly subsided after the publication of these images. a police officer's body camera records how men in military uniform are loaded into a car along with police officers. military man in this
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video, if you take a freeze frame, next to the police there are also military personnel of the armed forces of ukraine, all in cement dust and photographs, they clearly show that the inside of the premises is not double, but bunk, like... spare beds, then the ukrainian ministry of internal affairs confirmed the injury of sixty and the death of thirteen militants, the numbers are underestimated, this was noted even in ukrainian public pages. in the canopy of the sumy region, russian missiles destroyed an air force and base of the fifty-eighth separate motorized infantry brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. an ammunition depot was destroyed near odessa. in the port of the city of yuzhny, odessa region, the hangar where unmanned boats were stored was destroyed. the most massive attack this week hit targets in the dnepropetrovsk region, where 11 targets were hit, the dnepropetrovsk locomotive depot was destroyed along with a train with military cargo. at the airfield, three ukrainian mig-29 fighters were hit, as well as a missile with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead, and
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a battery of the air defense complex was destroyed s-300. at the front, the situation for the ukrainian armed forces is getting worse every day. the bbc writes frankly that ukraine could lose this year and quotes the former commander. ukraine may feel like it can't win when it comes down to it, why would people want to fight to die just to defend something that can't be defended? here an influential american political publication comes out with an article entitled ukraine is headed for defeat. interestingly, the article first appeared on the publication’s website under an even more specific title: why ukraine is losing the war with russia, apparently because of his... totally true gloom, the headline was replaced. the morale of the soldiers is depressed by the incessant bombing, lack of modern weapons and losses on the battlefield. in cities hundreds of miles from the front lines, the crowds of young men who lined up to join the army in the early months of the war have disappeared. these days
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, potential conscripts are dodging the draft and instead spending their evenings in nightclubs . many of them left the country altogether. according to various sources, at least 650 thousand men were called up. the kiev authorities are trying to get them, there’s a line at the ukrainian center for issuing documents in prague, people are hastily trying to get documents before the recently adopted law on mobilization comes into force on may 16, according to which to obtain foreign passports you will need a military id, and for it you need to return home with an obvious opportunity to fall into the hands of employees of the ukrainian military registration and enlistment offices and go to the front. oops, wow.
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in a separate law, zelensky lowered the mobilization age from 27 to 25 years, and in in general, the law on mobilization is such that a ukrainian citizen can become liable for military service from the age of 18 if he has completed basic military training. the new york times, based on data from the ukrainian ptukha institute of demography and social research, writes: “the healthy men under 30 who make up the backbone of most of the armed forces are among the smallest generation in modern ukrainian history.”
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ukrainian soldiers who fulfill western and kiev wish lists do not like this argument; many prefer captivity to slaughter, so
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three militants of the ukrainian armed forces, at the risk of falling under the vengeful fire of their own, swam across the dnieper on a fragile little boat to the russian left bank, throw down their weapons, unloading, raise their hands and wait for our fighters to approach them...
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comes out, comes out, comes out, surrenders, surrenders
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, gives up, look, he’s still coming out, giving up , giving up, the second one, quietly, coming out of the fence, giving up, let them help him, boys, they ’re giving up, ivan kanavalov, liliya zorina, alexander gusev, channel one, they’re giving up, but america has its own interests , from the us house of representatives. pushed through the hanging ones six months of a draft law on new aid to ukraine, almost $61 billion, for what? 23 billion to replenish the american arsenals already spent on the zelensky regime, that is , the dollars remain at home, almost 14 billion more for new purchases of all kinds of weapons, again money for the house, the states will not finance european competitors, 11 billion for current operations, training of recruits for ukrainian formations and financing. the american military presence in europe necessary for this, $26 million for
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an audit, because well, they steal, which is important, even this financing is loans, even what remains in america, ukraine will have to pay, and an attentive viewer will notice that the whole in the package is not equal to the sum of the parts, where another 12.5 billion went. the explanatory note on the congress website does not provide an answer. what can we do without it? what procedural loopholes did opponents of aid to kiev in congress exploit just to cancel saturday’s vote? according to the rules, any bill is first approved by the relevant committee, in this case on foreign affairs. the republicans in it refused to even talk about this topic, so on friday morning they had to urgently convene a full meeting of congress, at which the majority decided that in this... there were more than
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enough votes so that no one would have any doubts about the outcome. the pentagon is already at a low start. we will begin to act as soon as the president signs the law. we have very strong logistics chains that allow us to deliver goods very quickly within a few days. for security reasons, i will not talk in detail about what will be included in the package.
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kiev regime, she suggested being consistent and going to the end, enrolling in the ukrainian army. i'm serious, if you want to finance this war, then why don't you go to it yourself. show your support for ukraine. of course, this proposal was rejected as an amendment that the warmongers in congress would have to contribute their entire salaries to fund the bill. well, you can stretch your legs from hunger, after all, almost 61 billion dollars are like that wealthy people like congressmen are unlikely to even chip in, so as usual , american taxes will pay for everything.
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then: for peace in ukraine, we have approved the concept of loans, so that any funding that will be allocated to support the government of ukraine will be issued in the form of loans. we have introduced a bill that allows the assets of corrupt russian oligarchs to be seized and used to also support the ukrainian resistance. the congressmen themselves , however, do not want to get their hands dirty directly, therefore , they delegated the right to steal russian money, which is still considered frozen under the pretext of equally illegal sanctions decisions, to the american one. one thing is clear: the ruling elites in the united states, regardless of party affiliation, are ready to pump up the regime in kiev with weapons so that it is able to fight to the last ukrainian, including continuing terrorist attacks on civilian targets on russian territory and sabotage attacks killing journalists. to do this , washington resorts to banal theft frozen russian assets, which
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the joe biden administration is giving the green light to in congress. states frozen approx. accomplices are generally supported, except that they are not yet mentally ready for such a scale. german finance minister christian lindner proposed starting with 2-3 billion, this is the interest that is accrued annually for using russian money, but even such a relatively minor theft is still the same.
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its head tirelessly broadcasts the gloomiest forecasts in every interview. i'll tell you frankly, without this support we have no single chance to win. perhaps it will not be cheap money, maybe it will be issued as a loan, yes, yes, loans, loans. do you agree with this? i said that today we don’t care anymore. all the same, despite the fact that 80% of the borrowed money will remain in the united states and will be used to produce new weapons that will replace the old ones written off in ukraine. only about 8 billion will be given to the kiev regime, but on the condition that they will not be spent on paying pensions. zelensky doesn’t even try
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to argue, perhaps because the american the president also receives the right under the new law. debts should be written off, and half of them already this year, but not earlier than november 15, that is, after the elections. even if biden loses them, he will continue to serve as head of state until the end of january. in addition, probably the head of the kiev regime believes that bribes from him are smooth. firstly, his presidential powers end in a month, and secondly, kiev still has no money and is not expected to. the ukrainian economy is completely destroyed, they have no way to repay the loans. what if they don't return them? ukrainians sit on the richest mineral deposits in europe, if they manage to get back on their feet with our help, we will see how they will return it. in other words, they offer to pay in kind, and for the ukrainian authorities this is, in principle , a common thing. it was no coincidence that the same law on tightening mobilization in kiev was adopted
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almost on the eve of the vote in congress. fresh cannon fodder in exchange for american dollars. the only question is that there is a catastrophe, they are ready for anything, just to to hide a massive defeat, what is completely incomprehensible is why speaker johnson has now decided to save biden in the face of this
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absolutely catastrophic defeat, there is no rational explanation for why to vote for the allocation of money now, except perhaps for the sake of the narrow political interests of the president of the united states? it is noteworthy that the current speaker of the house of representatives has been saying exactly the same thing since the very moment he took his post. but now an influential republican spoke in the same expressions that are more common to hear from democrats from the white house. i am a reaganite republican and i believe in the concept of strength for peace. i believe that america is an exceptional nation. i believe that we are the greatest country in the world, in history. frankly, i prefer sending ammo to ukraine rather than american guys. and where did that speaker go, who until recently tirelessly repeated: america before.
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however, the current speaker has a good chance of retaining his place. according to rumors in the white house, mike johnson concluded deal in exchange for a bill on ukraine,
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he was supposedly promised that democrats in congress would vote against his resignation. if this is so, then the speaker’s seat will, of course, remain, but on the eve of the elections, the republicans risk losing a significant number of their supporters, because it is now absolutely impossible to understand what their difference is from the democrats. johnson, of course, deserves special consideration, the author's commentary of the political scientist, host of the big game program on channel one, dmitry simes. new york times immediately stated that this is a colossal victory for the two parties. a coalition that is ready to defend american values, not everything is so simple, in fact, the adoption of this resolution is a story of a dirty game, this is a story of deception,
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and this is a story of betrayal of its own voters, although only 112 republicans voted against this resolution, which , by the way, is more than half, more than half... are against aid to ukraine, 2 months ago he swore that he would not allow any resolution in the house of representatives on aid to ukraine until
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how the law will be passed to allocate funds to protect the american border from what he called an actual mexican invasion and then he very much ... said how can the question be raised about our protecting the borders of ukraine, a foreign state, when we are not able to protect our own borders, so he threw it all away, you need to look at the mood in the republican party, in the republican party a significant majority, a significant majority, 71% are against aid to ukraine. here's to the speaker went against the will of the majority of members of congress from his party and ignored
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the opinion of a significant majority. and that this package to help the american economy began to be actively used as lobbyists by representatives of the military-industrial complex, and they said, this is how many billions of dollars of these funds will remain in america, of course, it will remain in america not so that american corporations simply get rich, they will use these funds to produce weapons and
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ammunition for ukraine. that is, from the point from russia’s point of view, there is no big difference here, they are used indirectly in the united states for the production of weapons, or are given to ukraine so that it can produce its own weapons, but ukraine cannot produce such advanced weapons, and the pentagon has already stated that they are ready very quickly after the law comes into force as a result, they are ready to very quickly begin sending weapons and ammunition. ukraine, including operational-tactical missiles, which ukraine threatens to use against russian cities and against the crimean bridge. johnson said one thing that has become typical of the biden administration. deska, all this is being done not only and not so much in order to help ukraine, but in order to maintain peace.


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