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tv   Modnii prigovor  1TV  April 22, 2024 9:20am-10:11am MSK

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today, with me, fashion expert evelina khromchenko, a person who knows everything and even more about fashion, and alexander anatolyevich, a tv presenter who understands style, music, and we are ready to begin, very soon we will meet our heroine and see her transformation, but before she enters this studio, i propose to talk about what accompanies many of us, if not every day, once a month, everyone is definitely a sinner, what can they tell about a person and his purchase in an online store, can they show , who what do we live for? i'm sure yes! let 's try to guess what kind of person our heroine is, what she looks like, what she does, by studying the list of her online orders for the last month, the list is on my table, dear tv viewers, join us, it will be interesting! first: toys for cats, attention, wait, not all, in the amount of 15 pieces, batochki is holy, either our heroine
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loves one of her cats so much that they buy him so many toys, or she is a cat lover, the second one is scary, a kitty for four cats, a bed for cats - 15 pieces, a pencil for eyelid eyebrows, not cat ones for humans, four pieces, that is, he also takes care of himself, yes, this is good, but why four pieces, maybe different colors, perhaps, by the way, five rolls of wallpaper. that is, apparently, cats tear up the wallpaper, new ones are bought and everything is sealed, the cherry on the cake, a television antenna in order to watch the fashion verdict in all likelihood, it’s clear why, in our studio today there are friends close to our heroine alla, inna, as i understand it, and christina, daughter, hello, girls, hello, please tell me, she has 15 cats at home, more, huh?
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only at home, nightmare! is this a private house or an apartment building, but then at least it’s clear, but why did you buy the antenna, was it to watch a fashion statement? i guessed it right, right? well, let's get acquainted with our today's heroine, elena siver appears on our fashion catwalk. elena, come out! elena, what a beautiful surname you have, elena siver, and even further back there is lichtenval. beautiful, elena, please tell us how much you have cats? you know, we live, it’s called a cat house, i have 20 cats that don’t belong to me, i work for them as a nanny, a cat nurse, and i brought two cats from the city of krasnoyarsk, where i live, i came here. work as a kotanyanya, this is the first time i’ve heard
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of such a profession, you really are a kotanyanya, kotanyanya, yes, i work with love, i love them so much, they have three rooms, a separate hall, they have carousel swings, there are treadmills, you have no idea, they eat the most expensive food, you can’t imagine the kind of care there, i swear, some five-star resort, let's not be unfounded. let's see how you get along with your cats, pay attention to the screen, beautiful sleeping places, we have them there too, of course there is no one here, because where do i go into the room, if i stay here now, they will be there literally in 3 in a minute they will all move here, there will be movement here, now, well, they are already following. and if god forbid
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you start someone now, there they are all coming, you see, they are crossing, my wheels are mine, there they are all following me, here tails, and bravo, they’re just lucky, very lucky, i, as a cat lover, understand you, i say hello to my cat from channel one , i think you’re in the right place, but let’s not forget that a fashionable verdict is a fashionable show, here comes... for a makeover, christina, what ’s wrong with mom’s style, why does she need a makeover? it’s not like that, she has everything, a combination of colors, specific things, materials, she loves everything baggy, i ’m embarrassed by her, because these things make her look old, how does it feel for you to hear that your daughter is shy of you, no, no, i’m very offended, give it to you. she loves you very much, she wants
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you to become better, i understand everything, you are very good, i am very, honestly, very upset that... she is embarrassed by me, i understand that , firstly, we have a big the difference, there is a 30-year difference between my eldest son and daughter, it is clear that i am fit to be a grandmother, i have a granddaughter, my daughter is older, but the fact is that no matter where i invite her, i am comfortable in these things, no matter where i invite her, to the same red square, i adore moscow, of course, there is something to see, go to the theater, and... she refuses to go with me, straight up scolds me for walking like a grandma, oh, she even looks at this, well, beautiful cats, and she’s my mother, shame, first of all, to be honest , i have a house, in where we live, yes,
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everything is covered in cats, i even covered everything on the furniture with cats, well, look, if you love cats, you don’t need to wear a sweatshirt with cats, i’m getting ahead of myself, oh, how beautiful, you know, just like that, she’s beautiful, christina, and what’s annoying about mom’s style, let ’s list it straight out, the color combination, pink, she has winter boots and a white down jacket with red flowers, then she can put on a beige suit, put on top of this beautiful white down jacket with red flowers and her favorite pink boots. and i understand correctly that the main thing is that it is comfortable, and it doesn’t matter whether it looks beautiful together or whether it looks together, you know, until a certain age, it was very important for me that the color scheme was suitable, that the whole combination was, well not i was
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a restaurant singer in the past, so for me i wore short things, my husband and i sang, but then it turned out that i really felt my age of 65 years, so i thought that’s it, i can already look like a woman, let’s say, and i also put a scarf on my head, that’s why that i lay out the meat so that everything is comfortable for the cats, i make it romantic there, buy flowers, put up vases, i even have a dining room, it’s called. don’t think, i just love them very much, and you sing to them? yes, maybe you can imagine that we are your cats, and you will sing to us, well, for example, i have one like this a tangerine cat, a scotsman, oh,
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he’s such an awesome color, well, a tangerine, we didn’t call him for nothing, his ears are so straight, he’s sleeping, and his face, oh, you should have seen, all my cats are beautiful and he’s sleeping, well. .. i seem to take the microphone in my hands and say: this musical gift will sound for my favorite mandarin cat, i turn on the salsa mine, let’s say winter juice, i start singing, i didn’t turn off the light in the lonely window for you, what a pity that it was all a dream for example, it’s so wonderful for me, i propose on this musical let's switch to a fashionable note, evelina, let's not take apart our hero's wardrobe, the situation is just classic, when a person is so charming that you forgive him any
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set of clothes at all, since you don't notice him, here is that epic pink tracksuit of our heroine, i i guess that cats - that the main thing in how your parents look, is the parents themselves, is their health, what they want to dress in, what they want, where to go, this is such a tenth thing, well, that’s the truth, honestly, let your mother wears her cats to red
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square, seriously, this only bothers you, that’s true, another thing is that your mother has a lot of soft knitwear, indeed, which... is more suitable for cats than for her, because your mother deserves more, as for the choice of a silhouette in a hoodie and... some other sports clothing options, just now there was an olympic jersey, the color of a withered rose, our heroine has no equal at all, i think she can give advice on how choosing the right tracksuit, not everything ladies, her age is coping with this so well, the fact that your mother has nothing to wear to the big theater cannot but bother me, it seems to me that our heroine is very bogged down in her work, which she really loves, but has forgotten a little about herself and this is completely unfair, because the woman is standing in front of us...
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he is not afraid to say the loudest words, because he is not responsible for them, he always promotes the interests of military-industrial corporations, now he insists on supplying ukraine with missiles that are being produced rayton company, makes a statement that everyone should fight in ukraine, take out loans, fight, and what we will do is not your style, he was part of one of the student riots, called fikapafi, if they entered, then forever, a symbol of silence rose at by the will of fate, he was brought together with the clan... the time has come for the russians to pay a big price. linsey graham acts as a catalyst
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for europeans’ fear of the russian threat, he constantly sells this very war, he is a representative of the military complex, they give him power. the americans set a record for supplies of his weapons, this is all, including his merit. republicans and democrats come and go, and lindsay is untouchable. linsey graham, american psycho, doll, heir to tootie. today on the first. svetlana petrovna ilagina, military lawyer, no big deal. how beautiful you have become. by the way, i was in love with you, just a little. stay with me, svedorenko, we will work together. i'll tempt you. and how do you like it between the two husbands? well, they don’t look like murderers, they’re civilians. jealous husband abandoned wife. here are all the pies, the usual thing. you’re afraid, but i’m not comfortable with it, you should figure it out, svetlana petrovna, which of you
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is the commander here, otherwise i’ll be flying, you may never wait for him, well, look around, there’s a war going on, people are dying, if you ’re lucky and you alive, we must live, it’s stupid to hide from life, according to the laws of war, a story with a continuation, watch the time after the program, grigory ivanovich. maybe we’ll make a joint card, i’ll send it to vanya, now i’m organizing, three chords, new season, on sunday on the first, took place today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, yes, i will see the light, come here, and you will catch me, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you’re lying, why are you lumping everything together, and we’ll get used to living separately,
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we’ll break up anyway, well, understand, we don’t decide, but come up with something. so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses, known to you, that after death they want to be together. i officially declare that i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, want, together with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna, to live together in the next world. well, what kind of love can there be, what kind of eternity? yes, i’ll tell you right now, lenka, that... the first serial film is coming soon, i’m happy
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when i develop every day, when i wake up and know that something new is waiting for me during the day, when we get together with the whole family and make dumplings with potatoes, cooking, this is heaven for me, one might say, my hobbies. this is a journey, this is my favorite ice hockey, i have a dacha that has turned into paradise, a flower garden, i am proud of it, i began. go to drawing, and i put my paintings at an exhibition, do music, do art, it’s very cool, i love you all, i love fishing very much, because there is a volga in rybensk, be happy, find good in every second of your life, and we continue our
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meeting, alexander anatonievich, you have the floor. about the move, how did it happen from such a beautiful siberian city, you moved here, why? a very tragic event happened to me. 2 years ago, my husband and i were sick with coronavirus, and we were alone one day my husband and i ended up in the red zone, a week later my husband died, i had a 100% ct4 lesion, but i survived, when i came out, they had already buried my husband without me and he and i... lived for 40 years together, you know, i still love him, of course, i still can’t, and i suffer very much for him, everything in the apartment, as you remember, was for family reasons, our dad bought it, so everything reminded me of a glass, seryozha and i bought it , a mirror, this is what he gave me, for example, a grandfather clock, this is not for a day
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birthday gift, everything reminded me of seryozha, so when i saw an ad that a cat-nanny was needed. to moscow, of course, without hesitation, i changed the situation, i think that i did the right thing, absolutely, you left for another world, i left for another world, but everything is warm with you, you are filled with love, it’s so touching, well, here’s my daughter if she were a little less critical of me, that’s all, but how old is she, well, what did you want, youthful maximalism, everything will pass, she’ll come back and say, mom, i was such a fool that i’m with you in these crampons. to this red square didn’t go, give her time, she’ll put on a sweater with cats and say: mom, i’m with you, you have us, now it’s simple, you have us, you’re a wonderful woman, you’ve switched all your love to your cats, you you don’t think about it at all, okay, i bought myself a pencil for my brothers, a pencil, four whole pencils, i bought myself a screwdriver, oh,
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well done, what else does a real lady need,
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what 65 years old, you can’t help but fall in love with you, i know it’s here your friends who stood in line with you for tickets, girls, tell us how you met lena, i met cats, yeah, i never had cats, then i picked up a cat from the street, and i didn’t know how... to treat her, so on one of the chats , lenochka and i met, started talking, she i also lived in krasnoyarsk, so we just talked, and you know how it happens that you meet your person and it’s just like a soul mate, and i was very glad that she came to moscow closer, so we met , and it’s just an incredible extravaganza of energy that inspires, let’s go there, let’s go here, to the big theater,
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she inspired us. on the basis of cats , we met elena, no, i’m a dog lover, i also have dogs involved in this story, and we met, i through my friend, alochka, yes, the three of us began to always meet, that’s how we met, the main question, tickets - you bought it, yes, you went for it, you liked it, oh, you know, if i tell you, i felt such awe, throughout the whole ballet, the whole action... i was simply torn apart by delight, i i really wanted to go to the big theater, it’s just a dream, fairy tale okay, lena, fashionable question, what were you wearing? bolshoi theater, i was in such a beautiful dress, it was really a little big for me, i didn’t guess with the size, but it doesn’t matter, inna, and you, as a friend, what
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would you recommend to elena, in general, you discussed her style, we specifically style we didn’t discuss it, but we always said that we needed to try something new, because she always hides in voluminous things, even a dress, as she remembered, and the fact that the big theater is very big, that is, it’s like, well ... here exactly like that, well, christina criticized my dress, i don’t know what she should do anymore? christina, what do you want us to dress mom like in jeans, something modern or classic, that’s an example of what we should go for? well, i want her to have basic things, not too youthful, so that she doesn’t stand out right wow, but have basic ones like flowers there.
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i love myself in general as much as i am, but after the coronavirus, all my hair fell out, practically, i had to go under the razor, well , shave, and when i put on the wig, i it seemed that i was very beautiful, yes, this is gray hair, which is now, imagine, but what about the hair under the wig, well, it doesn’t grow on me, so if you want, i’ll take it off for you, even if you’re not shy, maybe, in fact. your hair has quite a good volume, it ’s just lying under your head right now, that is, all this can be cheered up, look, we can change the color, i would slightly adjust the haircut
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, see how much volume can appear, are you ready to enter the final without a wig today, can i touch you, you have a waist, you see, you have hips, and we can also emphasize all this, try, lena, you won’t recognize yourself at the end of the program, i hope i ’ll tell you about my mother, so yeah, well, by the way... listen, the beginning it’s already due, thank you, elena, the last question, are you ready for transformation, yes, of course, i’m ready, i want
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my daughter to really appreciate me, always want to be with me every minute, we will do everything possible, right now we are sending you to our magic room of stylists, see you soon good luck, thank you, thank you, bye heroines are located in the stylist's magical room. i propose to find out what eyebrow shape is relevant this season, makeup artist yuri stalrov will help us with this. yuri, welcome to fashionable verdict. yur, look, we have an important issue for today's episode - eyebrows. these are the types of eyebrows that are relevant, in general, is there a trend for eyebrows and in general what kind of eyebrows should you do now? now very relevant, we can meet the threads, right? but i won’t suggest that girls now shave their eyebrows, as they did in the twenties, for example, yes, and draw in surprise raised. i will show you how to deal with eyebrows, well, within the framework of what is given by nature, because in fact, the most fashionable eyebrows and the most correct eyebrows are those eyebrows that look like the eyebrows of a child, that
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is, look, here is the first model i have with natural beautiful eyebrows, they are not plucked, they are not painted, that’s what they are, in fact, what can we do with these eyebrows, that’s right, we take a brush and comb it, that’s all we can do with them, but i highly recommend comb it. in the right direction, because their shape depends on where we comb our eyebrows, and even more so on where we pull them out, so here’s where to comb it at 45°, and it’s better in two directions, from the outer corner to the inner one, girls from internal to external, what do you think about eyebrow tattooing, which turns blue, or about lamination, when eyebrows are combed and glued to the face, this is generally relevant, really relevant.
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i have gel eyeshadow in my hands, look what happens with the emphasis on the eyes, when we don’t have eyebrows, when we have light eyelashes, when we don’t have an eyelash edge, well , the key here is precisely that there are no eyebrows, look, we just do one stroke, we have super fashionable eye makeup, here’s a model on the third chair with different eyebrows, our model admitted to me backstage that she once had very wide eyebrows and what she did with them, like so many of our viewers, she started with a pencil, and in a thin, surprisedly raised thread, that’s how she got this eyebrow , which obviously isn't it’s complimentary, that is, it’s as if she’s not from this face, but that is, they took it and drew, please forgive me,
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a comma right on the face. it turns out that the eyebrow on the right, relative to me, looks like a comma, here it’s a little empty , it ends too early, it ends too early, absolutely, it ends too early, it’s very thin, it has, well, how can i say, a perverted shape, that is, relative to this face, well, so there cannot be eyebrows here, so it causes that same incomplementarity or disharmony, yes, when we look at face, feeling, something is wrong, it’s time to check for yourself, is there anyone in the room who has a question?
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a vertical line at the level of the center of the nostril, here, so here, at this point we start the eyebrow, it starts exactly here, look, but it doesn’t have too many hairs in the lower growth line, so i’ll add them, and now we need to understand where is the highest point of the eyebrow, the highest point of the eyebrow is on this line, from the tip of the nose, look straight ahead, even we will draw an imaginary line through the center. pupil, here will be the highest point of the eyebrows, and if you want to make the eyebrow a little more surprised, raised, this point can be raised a little higher, the eyebrow ends here on this line from the corner of the winged nose, through the outer corner of the eye we put this supposed point, it can be lower, it can be higher, here there are already a lot of variations with the shape
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of the eyebrows, because now it’s really important to raise the eyebrows a little more intensely at the outer corner, for this they do different lifts, for this they do eyebrow transplants, for this they are drawn, for this they do tattooing, in general there are a lot of tools, yes , modern fashionistas and even fashionistas have them, and in order to change the shape of the eyebrows, and i insist that you need to style your eyebrows, of course, for this we we can use eyebrow mascara that colors the hairs or gel or glue even for eyebrows, which... shines much more intensely, if dasha paints on her eyebrow a little every day, she will learn from mistakes, step by step, then this complex matter will turn out to be simple through for a while, and then you will start to enjoy it, i promise them that. dash ...
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our heroine, stay with us to see everything first, on the first. 165 metastases in the lungs, the situation is absolutely hopeless, but such people are now being saved in st. petersburg, at the institute of oncology named after petrova. about this great medical miracle about many other important and interesting things in the program to live healthy. today is the first one. there is an organized spy network operating in the city, and we could reveal it, from now on you take note of everyone he meets, in case of danger you do not show yourself, we are investigating a criminal crime, we urgently need the files of these people. grigory ivanovich, where are you going, with you, where is he? egor was always
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there, never went anywhere, didn’t try to talk to anyone so you wouldn’t see it, do you suspect what you are about? according to the laws of war. continued story. watch the time after the program. a simple boy, benito musalini, would never have achieved what he achieved if it were not for the ardent support of educated and thinking people. his colleague was the prominent italian philosopher giovanni gentile. he published the first fascist program. text, manifesto of fascist intellectuals. thanks to talented creative people, italians of all sizes decided that they were special, and therefore they had special rights to dispose of other people's property.
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lives. premiere, ordinary fascism. today is the first one. to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the theater on...
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there is no system of stanislavsky, it’s all nonsense, there is a method of work of the great master. yuri lyubimov, man of the century. suddenly the lich says, good theater, don’t touch it. tomorrow on the first. voice. the final. live. on saturday. on the first, watch the fashion verdict on the first channel, our elena has already been to the stylists’ room, and in a matter of seconds we will see her transformation,
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but for now i suggest you remember how she treats us i came, i came here to work, your mother has a lot of soft knitwear, really, which...
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eleno, how are you? i really like it, your daughter really likes it, she cries. christina, you are.
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can you imagine, first of all, i don’t feel pleasant, this is a holiday, you didn’t think that i was ever without a wig. i ’m glad that you trusted us, now you just don’t look like that lena, a cat lover, what will the cats say, will they recognize their nanny, yes, i said it exactly the same way there, will they recognize me, lengo very bright , the only thing i want to do is, i ’ll come up to you, you know, i want to invigorate my hair a little, such hooliganism, we ’ll invigorate it a little like this, i want more volume, it seems to me. something like that, yes, oh,
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you can even, oh, if you’re lively, then yes , that’s it, lena, you’re super, thank you, len, change into the next look, we’re waiting for you here, thank you, christina, bye mom can’t hear us, what are you feeling, tell me, i’m stunned, i didn’t expect it, honestly, now you won’t be ashamed to go for a walk with such a mom, no, don’t be ashamed of your mom, okay, she’s like that for you cool, she’s so cool, even if she wears cats on a sweatshirt, god bless her, she can do anything, what they tell a friend, really what we wanted to see, because what’s hidden inside her, who she is, was revealed , finally everything has come together in her, i am her energy, her lighter, her this extravaganza, now it also combines with her appearance, it’s just incredible, i’m delighted. it’s cool that her outer and inner leveled out, here’s her inner,
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it’s visible immediately as soon as a person starts to say, her inner world immediately becomes obvious, she is a unique character in that she has such a pleasant inner world that she doesn’t give a damn about the outer world, there are such people, this is rare, this is an amazing phenomenon, christina, you are very lucky in this sense , because your mother has such a sweet, warm, positive, benevolent aura... that this jumper with cats is complete, complete nonsense, it’s true, i also really liked that the image was basic, that we saw jeans here, we saw a jacket, intricate with an interesting a detail of the back, a low -heeled ankle boot, color appeared, and i liked the haircut, well, sorry that i had to cheer it up, but i really wanted a little more volume here, very good, very modern and dynamic, we got a very urban dynamic image. he will definitely wear it, for such a person it is impossible to do anything bad,
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even if they try, they won’t be able to, it seems to me, but we are waiting on the main podium of the country, our heroine, elena in the second image, elena, come out, here. oversized hid such a gorgeous figure, you
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just a little reed, how are you feeling? i always thought, i have a size five-six, and you are between 50 and 52, you know, i immediately felt that you and i have a lot in common, i have about the same story, i go to the fitting, take a large enough size, there the girls who work with me, i have one favorite store with basic clothes, right next to the fitting room they stand in sizes ms and xs, they know that i have... fear has big eyes and i see myself much larger than i do in fact, everyone noticed the mood is this, you understand who is young here, i love you all, here's a discount, where you will go right now, right now, this is right, for example, like this, oh, i would probably go to a restaurant, good thought, girls, let's go to a restaurant, such an event should, of course, be noted, evelina, what do you say about this image, and i will say that our heroine... is just one of those people who will not think about where
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to use this a dress where you need a small handbag, how to work with white ankle boots, she will go with her friends to theater, they will then sit in a restaurant, discuss what they saw, they will go to a jazz concert, they will go to the conservatory, these people have a very rich cultural life, god grant that in every company there is a person who... is absolutely happy wherever you go, because for a woman this is extremely important, you previously lacked the attention of a very important person in your life, you. thank you! elena, we are sending you to the stylists’ room, change into the third look, we will be waiting for you here. fine, thank you. christina, you’re sitting there, the smile
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just won’t leave your face. did you expect that you would experience such emotions here? no, i didn't know that. mom has a figure, what? yes, she somehow, she always dresses somehow and somehow doesn’t emphasize her figure, then she comes out, she has a figure, let me introduce you, i was also stunned, christina, and you help your mom with the cats, well , yes, after school yes, yeah, great, and i also like that in your life, kristina, your girlfriend has such a motor, she’s very cool, really, lena is very cool, she's ready.
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you know, i just remembered, i’m just
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passing through and remembering the summerce theaters, who wrote ma’am, yes, do you remember when the heroine was on? the most favorite image of today's fashion show is lena, how wonderful you are, i will say this, this is my great, i like that there is audacity in this image, there is color, it suits you, you feel it, you haven’t even seen yourself in the mirror yet saw, but you just sparkled with happiness. and notice the theatrical mood, even what a wonderful quote, what an association of julie lambert, yes, theater, yes, julie lambert, at the peak of her fame, well done, thank you, christina, well, mom dresses weirdly, thank you to the verdict,
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honestly, evelina, what do you say, i’ll say that this is one of those programs that i wouldn’t want to end, i would for... you i also did this and that, i have so many ideas in my head for you, it seems to me that you definitely need to continue this experience with your girlfriends, you have such active girlfriends, they will clearly support you in this, i i would like you to have a great trouser suit, business casual, this one is a lightweight fabric, i 'd like a lightweight wool one, you need some crisp white shirts, i'm sure. the point is that turtlenecks of all kinds will look good on you, but since you are a compact woman, in principle, a turtleneck that draws the contour of the chest and demonstrates a clear shoulder girdle, but it is straight from the armhole, so that you feel calm and don’t be complex,
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so that it doesn’t fit you in the waist area, it will just be a basic solution for you for a huge number of sets. on the contrary, you will help each other in the main part of your wardrobe, in the skeleton, so to speak, and each of you will put the cherry on your portions of the cake. uh-huh, thank you, lena, i congratulate you on this incredible transformation, loved ones, come, hug me,
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congratulate me on the transformation, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, may, lena, we applaud you, your image, the work of our stylists, all three we give you clothing candy as a gift from the program. fill out the form on the first channel website using the link you see on your screen, or point the camera of your mobile device at the qr code, see you at the first, goodbye, thank you everyone, ninsk bow to you, channel one, presents
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165 metastases in the lungs, the situation is absolutely hopeless, but such people are now being saved in st. -petersburg at the petrov institute of oncology, about this great medical miracle, about many other important and interesting things in the program; live healthy! so, 165 metastases in the lungs, we could not place 165 balls here, this is simply impossible, but in a living person such a story happened, the situation is hopeless, chemotherapy is always prescribed one after another... chemotherapy courses do not help, life has turned out that in st. petersburg there is an amazing place,
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the petrov institute of oncology, it was in this institute that, in fact, the technology was developed saving such patients. right now i suggest you and i go to st. petersburg, where the brilliant cockroach works.
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