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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 22, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm MSK

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you have two options, either the two of you agree on how to continue to be parents to your children, or there will be no children, they will physically, of course, live, but the fact that they will grow up to be two unhappy, adult people is absolutely obvious, so either you now throw everyone away, moms, dads, everyone, sit down together, try to just talk, you need a lawyer for this, you need a psychologist, they will help you. they are sitting here in this studio for you, at least just try, give your children a chance to grow up as happy adults as you if you don’t come to me, humble yourself, humble yourself, humble yourself, don’t worry anymore.
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good evening, the big game is live, and i am vyacheslav nikonov, today the president of azerbaijan ilham aliyev is in russia on a working visit, he has already met with president vladimir putin, they have a big program related to discussing the entire complex.
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organizers of this grandiose project, important for the entire soviet union, and we not only know this, we remember it very gratefully, we keep the memory of it, but now we probably know about it, we are developing it like this the so-called eastern training ground, and bams, transip, everything connected with it, so all this is important for us, and of very great importance, even today. i am sure that all the efforts, labors, years of work that your father invested in the implementation of this huge project, they still play a significant role today, and not only for russia, but also for the entire commonwealth, an independent state, i mean that one way or another otherwise, many of our partners use this transport artery, this is important. strategic highway, it
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provides our needs, including in a special military operation. yuri ivanovich podalyaka is in direct contact with us, we have not seen each other for 3 days, all of these. forgiveness, more than, i really hope that today our yes, good afternoon, good evening, i ask the troops to fundamentally break the enemy’s resistance in the ocheretinsky sector in the village of ocheretin, during these 3 days, our attack aircraft did the seemingly incredible, first clinging to the southeastern outskirts of this... settlement, they spent 3 days developing offensive, today we occupied the central building, one of the central buildings here, this is the railway station, having already taken control of the center of the settlement, we are now trying to knock out the enemy from the outskirts of the northern, eastern and western outskirts, the southern part
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of the settlement is under our control, in general, a significant part of the eastern part, but the south-eastern part is also under our control, the enemy threw into battle his operational reserve, the already battered forty -seventh brigade, in order to urgently... rectify the situation, but we keep our fingers crossed for the guys if today they will be able to defeat this forty-seventh brigade, then in general, and ocheretino will be taken, and this is the key to further movement forward, and in a bunch of directions at once, to the north, to the west to the east, that is, a very serious battle, well done guys over the weekend they did an incredible thing, yesterday it was also officially announced that our armed forces, or rather today it was officially announced, but yesterday we were happy for our guys, finally finished. liberate a very important tactically populated area novomikhailovka, this is the ugledar direction, we all took it, and now we are starting to work on the neighboring paroskovevka, then konstantinovka, the enemy has big problems not only here, but also to the north, to the south we were able to make good progress in the area of ​​​​the
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settlement of pobeda, pervomaiskaya, we took the southern part of mitailovo , that is, here the enemy also has quite big problems, well , an hour later our attacks resumed here, after several days we... ravine, i apologize, between kalinovka itself, chasovy yar, they knock out, try the enemy from the very kalinovka, again to the south there is pressure, that is, the power is serious here, let’s hope that our guys here will also be successful, that is, there is very good pressure everywhere, by the way, in krasnogorovka , too, today the guys in the eastern part of krasnogorovka also achieved success .
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the vote was, as we see, quite unanimous among the democrats and completely non-unanimous among the republicans, where the majority actually voted against it. well , we’ll talk about internal political battles in america now from the point in terms of what impact all this can have on the course of a special military operation. there is a very wide range of opinions here, from none to very significant. but zelensky himself, naturally, is delighted that the money has arrived, but at the same time he began to make completely insane statements, which i think he will be reminded of more than once in ukraine ; they will come back to haunt him, that it turns out that the decision is a good one, why? well, because now
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ukrainians are dying for nato, let's listen, ukraine is sending its best sons and daughters to the front line, thereby reducing the price they owe.
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it depends on when we actually get weapons on the ground. if we receive these weapons in six months, then in this case the process will stall for six months, and we will suffer losses in people and equipment in a number of areas. the situation in eastern ukraine was very difficult and we lost the initiative, now we have every chance to stabilize the situation and seize the initiative, so we really need to have these weapons systems at our disposal. well, that's what we're talking about ms attacks with a range of 300 km, which ukraine will receive, well, about a large package of military assistance. i would like to return, probably, to the beginning of april, when zelensky, vyacheslav alekseevich, then demanded in an ultimatum form. 100 batteries uh petriot 100 batteries, so you
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understand from the nato layout, these are eight launchers in each battery, 800, 800 patriots, there are so many of them in the world today that there are workers, there are simply no, today the conversation is going on, what should he, they'll probably give you seven, that's true, of course. serious. factor is that it is not ukrainians who are there servicing this equipment, but nato crews, that’s two, and third, when they talk
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about special ammunition, which is of an operational tactical and or operational nature, in this case there is atakoms, then this poses a great serious danger , what they have already delivered and tested at 160 km, on the territory of the line of contact we know what a 300 km attack is, this is ammunition that is installed instead of a six-barreled launcher, one universal launch container, allowing you to hit targets within 300 km with an accuracy of up to a meter, of course this is a big, serious danger, but the most important thing is that there is already a conversation going on... that in ukraine they will test a new one, i forgot what mars is called or
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what attacks with a range of more than 600 km to 700 km, and this, firstly, violates the treaty from which they came out on shorter-range intermediate-range missiles, and secondly, this could pose a very serious danger for us; there is no doubt in principle that they will do this no, how long will these systems last in the territory... “ukraine is crying, you have been given money.” and this is a big, big problem, and today i would like all ukrainians to understand, because what...
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will sign this document, we were told that his signature is a guarantee that the congress will do its job, deliveries will begin by
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the end this week. vladimir sergeevich, well, the question is when will it all arrive in ukraine, but, frankly speaking, knowing american realities, i’m willing to bet that it’s all already been delivered, or at least is already on its way before the president’s signature. well, if we talk today about american arms supplies, then i have to say. the following: politics clearly dominates the military component today, in principle, from my point of view it does not matter much when they will be delivered in late spring or during the summer, but if. if this week, the whole point is that the question today is that today there is an election campaign, and today the administration needs victorious reports in the fall, this is the most important thing to understand, that in the fall for the elections - those same tens of billions of dollars that uploaded to ukraine in one form or another, should bring some kind of political dividend, if
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the administration, if today the american news broadcasts take into account that television will not be full of these victorious reports, then the question will arise, really, where did the money go, why did the money gone, this is what the administration wanted, i would like to avoid it, so we must the media, newspapers, today is autumn, this is autumn - this is a really important thing, because today it is quite obvious that they are in charge of arms supplies or will they, well, make up? delivery schedule in such a way as to obtain the maximum political effect, this is my assessment of what will happen in the next six months, well, if elections take place in america at all, for example, steve beno, he is already saying that most likely there will simply not be any, biden will be announced everything is a winner, one way or another, well, why, why, yes, today
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the trial of trump begins, the first criminal trial of the president of the united states, and it is unknown how it will all end. but the question is of course, not only when to install it, but actually what it can change on the battlefield, the western media themselves are very skeptical about the prospects that this package will help a lot, well, let's listen to bloomberg first, a lot will depend on how quickly us aid can reach the front lines after the house of representatives approved a package of military and economic support measures for... with the bill stalled in congress for 6 months, the ukrainian military faced an acute shortage of ammunition and manpower, while the russian army took advantage of its advantage. according to analysts from the institute for the study of war, even if us aid is delivered quickly, it will not affect the situation at the front for at least several more weeks. during this time, russian forces may escalate their
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attacks to take advantage of the limited window of opportunity. well, that's what i wrote. financial times. according to ukrainian officials and military analysts, ukraine tough weeks lie ahead in the battle to contain the russian offensive, despite the passage of a long-awaited us bill for additional funding. a $61 billion military aid package will not stop the russian offensive but will only help slow it down, a senior ukrainian official has said. such a large aid package could be the last this year. moreover, there is a fairly high probability that all subsequent aid packages for ukraine will be much smaller - said the former ukrainian officer. ivan alekseevich. in this case, the financial times expresses a point of view that is very widespread in western expert political circles; indeed, they themselves do not believe that there could be any
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strategic turning point on the line of military contact. the fact that russia knows how to defend its... interests and will fulfill the main tasks of a special military operation, they have no doubt that russia is capable of doing this by military means. all they are trying to do is increase for russia the cost of completing this task, therefore, unfortunately, of course, this aid package will result in additional blood, additional victims, and both on the part of the kiev regime. so, unfortunately, our guys will also feel this, but it is very important here that they are intensifying this bloodiness, bitterness, all this is not in order to really solve any strategic goals, i zelensky himself can only lie to his people, that they are defending
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nato is also a great honor, yes, they used to pick strawberries for nato members, but now they die for them, that means... in order to retain the remnants of their own, their power, and also to manipulate their internal elections, this is incredible cynicism, but nevertheless, this... the vote in the house of representatives, it noticeably changed the geopolitical alignment or did not change after the ad. us senator linsey graham,
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terrorist and extremist. the russians are dying, we have never spent money so well. he is not afraid to say the loudest words because he is not responsible for them. he always promotes the interests of military-industrial corporations. now he insists on supplying missiles to ukraine. which is produced by the company makes a statement that everyone should fight in ukraine, take out loans, fight, and what we will do, this is not your style, he was a member of one of the student fraternities, called fikapafi, if they entered, then forever the symbol of silence is rose with them and by the will of fate he was brought together with the macain clan. the time has come for the russians to pay a big price. linsey graham acts as a catalyst for europeans' fear of the russian threat, selling this very war constantly. and the representative of the military complex, they give him power, the americans have set a record for the supply of their weapons, this is all, including his merit, republicans, democrats replace each other,
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and lynsey graham is untouchable, lynsey graham is an american psychopath, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, there is an organized spy network in the city, and we could reveal it, from now on you take everyone into account... he meets, in case of danger you do not show yourself, we are investigating a criminal case crime, we urgently need the files of these people, grigory ivanovich, where are you going with you, where is he here, egor, he was always there, never went anywhere, didn’t try to talk to anyone, so that you wouldn’t do this... a story with a continuation, look after the program
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for the time. the simple boy benito musalini would never have achieved what he achieved if it were not for the ardent support of educated and thinking people. his colleague was the prominent italian philosopher giovanni gentile.
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spectators who will then come to the theater, but also just strangers on the street. here are mine slogans: creating sustainable rule. at first i played comedic roles, suddenly i played galileo and hamlet. and they ask why do you want to play the role of a gan? just because it was a good role, he would probably be a great king. premiere, vladimir vysotsky. i went out. on the stage, as vysotsky broke the chains, run, lyubimov, as a director, was eager for freedom, there is no system of stanislavsky, this is all nonsense, there is a method
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of work of the great master, yuri lyubimov, a man of the century, suddenly leonit ilych says, good theater, don’t touch him, tomorrow first. once upon a time, these people determined the trends of rock and pop music. and now they have left russia and divided the performers into their own and others, former music producer and now foreign agent mikhail kozarov. there are artists who, as we call it, have ziganed, and there are artists who find it suicidal to express their anti-war views. mish, well , you probably need to get better, every night i come back to what could have been done differently. i am doomed to live with this until the end of my days, broken, depressed, devastated, absolutely.
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big game live. so, on april 20, hitler’s birthday, the house of representatives of the united states congress adopted a decision on a massive package of military assistance to ukraine, israel and taiwan. the resonance is very large, and so is the range of opinions. some
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said it was serious. changes in world politics, others, well, the continuation of the affairs of the americans, as usual, the vice-speaker of the slovak parliament blaha spoke quite sharply and called this a milestone in world politics. the us congress declared war on russia, this is very badly. the us congress approved billions for ukraine, israel and taiwan, billions for war against russia, palestine and china. ukrainians are attacking russian territory. american military assistance means only one thing: americans are also attacking russian territory, and this is a couple of steps away from nuclear war. israel is exterminating the palestinian people, and the us is sending them billions of dollars to do it, as if they want to directly participate in genocide. billions for taiwan are billions against an increasingly powerful china, and beijing knows it. neither who can no longer doubt that the united states has declared war on china, so that the alliance between russia, china and the rest of the world
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will only strengthen. america... but also to ensure world order in europe, and we again urge, already within the framework of the g7 and the ukraine-nato council, that everyone once again carefully look at their reserves and understand how to strengthen support for ukraine in the field of air defense systems. mrs. bayarbok decided to challenge in a poetic way, this is all really very beautiful, but i vague doubts persist that the more pathetic
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the speeches... the more serious the situation in a negative way, i will only draw attention to the fact that against the background of the allocation of these funds in 61 ukraine there and so on, because not a single one of the world’s problems has been solved, inflation in the usa is an unresolved problem, logistics, various sanctions deformations are also an unresolved problem, i’m tempted to ask where you ’ll get the money from, well, apparently they’ll print it, okay, okay. uh, the next stage is whether ukraine will really receive this money, what is it for? will he receive them? judging by the nature of the distribution, these will still be types of weapons that imply attacks on crimea, on russian territory, and so on. and here i have to agree with my respected colleagues, yes, who say that in fact the congress declared war on russia, because there is no doubt that russia will respond...
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taking into account the fact that the united states, its allies, are parties to the conflict in territory of ukraine. this is, unfortunately, an inevitable decision that will have to come sooner rather than later. late. and here is congress, why is it behaving so riskily? so i believe that in fact, this is really a pre-selected thing that is needed in order to obscure the unresolvedness of current problems. they waved flags and shouted hurray, because... the state of the effect, it is like that, it can only be removed by a state of such, you know, a depressive effect, i would say, you can only remove a very strong euphoria. now they are trying to impose this euphoria in the western community on the ukrainian community, trying to impose it on each other in order not to admit that so many mistakes have been made that the world is really on the verge of a very serious catastrophe, economic, social, humanitarian and military. well, let's go back to the united states congress, where this vote finally took place.
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despite the fact that the republicans, as we know, for quite a long time opposed providing assistance to ukraine, because 70% of americans are against it, but nevertheless voted, and the ratio of votes... turned out to be 210 democrats, that is, all and 101 republicans and 112 republicans are against, that is , the republican party was completely split on this issue, and moreover, the majority of republicans opposed speaker johnson, why many republicans changed their position, well, there is information that lobbying companies that worked in ukraine spent money on this vote 100 million dollars, that is, there was quite a lot of cash there.
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has betrayed republican voters across the country, and he is absolutely working for the democrats' agenda biden administration. we in congress will fight and do everything we can to stop this kind of unitary leadership. mike johnson's tenure as speaker is completely doomed. he needs to do the right thing by resigning and allowing us to move forward in a controlled process. if he doesn't do this, he will be fired. well, as for. opponents, then they naturally attacked teylar greene, for example, ken buck, a member of the house of representatives from the democratic party, spoke out like this, let's listen: moscow margery has hit a new low, you
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know, during the russian revolution, lenin spoke of american journalists, who at that time wrote brilliant reports about russia, as useful idiots. however, i don't think that margerry even reaches the level of a useful idiot, she is simply spreading russian... propaganda and at the same time seriously harming american foreign policy, she is behaving completely irresponsibly. well, today is lenin’s birthday, so i must say that the american congressmen, of course, did not we also read the expression useful idiots - this is an american expression. elenin certainly could not have used these words in relation to john rida and his associates, who were then in russia. well, it was a democrat, here is a republican newspaper, the new york post. no moscow margery, moscow margery, that is , the republicans are already starting to trample on it too, that is, the republicans are clearly in a state of a very serious split, one of the questions that naturally arose right there is why they decided
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to allocate money to ukraine after all and not allocated not a penny for the protection of their own borders, which was already noticed by the american border guards, on whose behalf the president of the national council for border protection spoke, let's listen. we are extremely disappointed that the house has provided assistance to secure foreign borders but has provided nothing to enable the border patrol to keep the united states safe. ivan alekseevich, let’s first cook this internal political kitchen, how much of this is really all connected with the agreement with trump, with the criminal trial starting today against the ex-president of the united states and the leader of the election race, as far as this is related to well...
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they submitted a petition that, with one more action on their part, will already require a vote on johnson’s resignation, so the trumpists have shown themselves , they showed themselves, but as i understand it, on this issue , for internal political reasons, they decided not to give the last battle, or rather a decisive one. this decisive battle will still take place in
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november, and i want to draw your attention to the fact that this campaign of discrediting, it just like a carbon copy went into the american media, both of such a democratic orientation, and the republicans, including on fox news , began to pour it on, and some of the presenters watered it, some of the presenters more cautiously on fox news, but i want to draw attention to the fact that why... everything is leading to the fact that in november right now the trumpists decided to throw all their forces there, there are many signs that both sides, the american deep state with biden, are like a screen, the trumpists are preparing for the fact that in november - everything will go beyond the constitutional framework, they are preparing for the fact that in fact the american president may not even be elected by votes. by mail from cemeteries, and in general outside
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the electoral college, all sorts of actions that, well, indirectly indicate that they are preparing for various extra-constitutional possibilities, this is more and more of such a sign, well, in my opinion, america will no longer be surprised by what - actions outside the boundaries of the constitution, absolutely unconstitutional laws are adopted there, a contradiction to international law, now among those of the laws that were voted on saturday, there was a law called: on peace through force in the 21st century, which i would call the law on lawlessness in american politics, the second section of this law sounds like this, let's listen: the extreme illegal actions taken by the russian federation , including an act of aggression, constitute a unique situation justifying the creation of legal powers for the us government and other countries to confiscate russian sovereign assets in their respective jurisdictions.
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as such targeted economic strikes , i think that this will be used in the russian federation, we should be prepared for this, it is very good that on our part the point of view or position has already been voiced that this will be adopted of some kind . today we also have the opportunity to act in the same way, well, in this case we can impose some kind of arrest or somehow act in relation to the assets of western states, including those controlled by the united states of america, but for us the important vector is economic, today it is military, so to speak, military war, today it is complemented by economic war, this is what we must take into account, and this too. in this case , i want this to be an initiative of congress, this is
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an initiative of the administration, it wants to show itself to be militant and uncompromising. well, the economic war with us has been going on for a long time, biden has already completely torn our economy to shreds, as is known 2 years ago, but here the americans need to keep in mind that, in fact, we have few assets in america, five billion, american how many assets do we have, 100 billion? europe, where we have 200 billion, then we will have to answer in full, but you have much more european assets than 200 billion, so again the answer will be asymmetrical, they cannot win in this game, for sure, they can only lose, but at the same time, this package of assistance to ukraine, it also provides for the expansion of the american
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military presence in ukraine, in particular with military advisers, let's listen to the politician, the united states is considering the possibility. sending additional military advisers to kiev, as russia gains momentum in its two-year conflict, pentagon spokesman maj. gen. pat ryder said the advisers will not participate in combat, only advise to help the ukrainian government and military . the additional troops will support logistics efforts to oversee weapons the u.s. is sending to ukraine, according to four u.s. officials familiar with the plans. the new contingent will also help the ukrainian military with maintenance weapons. it is not yet clear how many american troops will be sent to ukraine, but two american officials said that their number could increase to 60. the fact is that the americans today, taking into account the events that are happening in ukraine, are waging a network-centric war, and that group
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advisers, about which they disguise, by and large, those officers, commanders, who are units. against air defense or artillery systems, each of these systems, in this case there is a patriot one system, it requires service from 20 to 30 people, and of course, when there is a battery, and this is tied to a multi- vector, extremely complex space and air reconnaissance system using this... starlink field internet, where all the ghost of fire is taken into account, including quality goals, it is impossible to carry out this work without professionals, and it is impossible to train them in such a short period of time, even if they studied for 2 years, these military personnel are ukrainian, and
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everything is done in english, it is impossible, so they are studying there at the same time, are. they said even earlier that they were testing weapons, remember, we discussed here related to the bomb, with the planning universal correction and control module, when this bomb was attached to the hymers missile, firing six charges, they simultaneously hit... targets, it didn’t even was tested at their training grounds, they are testing equipment and weapons at training grounds already, and these officers, professionals, they are needed, while the british and germans are doing the same, in this connection i would just like to say, what our president, the secretary
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of the security council and the minister of defense said, they are all a target, in the near future they will die, they really are a target, there are clearly not 60 of them there, says politico, i think most of the pentagon is there one way or another works for the victory of the supposedly ukrainian armed forces, which , of course, will never happen, well, they are clearly now experiencing increasing problems in the middle east, which we will talk about after the advertisement. svetlana petrovna ilagina, military lawyer, no big deal. what have you become beautiful, by the way, i was in love with you, well, just a little, stay with me, sedorenka, we’ll work together, it’s tempting, and how do you like it between two husbands, but they don’t look like a murderer, they’re civilians, a jealous husband abandoned wife, these are all the pies, it’s a common thing,
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you’re afraid, but i don’t feel comfortable, you should figure it out, svetlana petrovna, which one of you is the commander here? otherwise it’s between years, you may never wait for it, well, look around, there’s a war going on, people are dying, and if you ’re lucky and you’re alive, you have to live, it’s stupid to hide from life, according to the laws of the military time, a story with a continuation, look after the program time, grigory ivanovich, maybe we’ll make a joint card, i ’ll send it to van, now i’ll organize it. us senator linzi graham, terrorist and extremist. the russians are dying, we have never spent money so well. he is not afraid to say the loudest words because he is not responsible for them.
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a catalyst for europeans’ fear of the russian threat, constantly selling this very war, a representative of the military complex, they don’t give him power, the americans set a record for the supply of its weapons, this is all, including his merit. republicans and democrats come and go, and lindsey is untouchable. lynsey graham, american psycho, dolls, tutti's heir, is on first today. for my sixtieth birthday.
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and just strangers on the street, these are my slogans: creating a stable government, at first i played comedic roles, suddenly i played galileo and hamlet, to be and not to be, they ask why you want to play the role of ganbe, just because it’s a good role, he would probably be a wonderful king zatik, premiere, vladimir vysotsky, i came out on stage like vysotsky. broke the chains, lyubimov as a director, was eager for freedom, there is no system, stanislavsky, this is all
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nonsense, there is a method of work of a great master, yuri lyubimov, a man of the century, suddenly leonid ilich says, good theater, don’t touch it, tomorrow on the first, voice, final, live broadcast on saturday. on the first. the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place today. and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, right? i am clear. come here. will you catch it? i was studios. dozens of people saw me. are you lying? why are you lumping everything together? we will get used to living separately, but we will still separate. well, understand, we don’t decide, but come up with something. gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaevs, known to you, that after death they want to be together. i officially declare that i, nichaev, yuri
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nikolaevich, together with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna, will begin to live in the next world together, well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, right now i’ll tell linka that i’m leaving, after all, not she’s the first, she’ll cry, she’ll calm down, where’s the champagne, i soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions. but i think that he loves only his wife and does not want to part with her. hello, lian, not a serious conversation. are they sure that they truly love each other? what are you ready for? for all. life after life. premiere of a serial film. coming soon on the first one. big game on the first, we just
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got some very interesting footage, this is kharkov, and we see how a television tower collapses there, a television tower happened literally the last half hour, it also served as a communications antenna for air defense systems, as we see, our armed... not only by israel, but also by the united states of america, which, when voting in the united nations on the admission of palestine as a member of the un, vetoed . well
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, and also by voting in the house of representatives, where they allocated 26 billion dollars to israel, the voice of the islamic world is beginning to sound more decisively and, i would say, weightily, there is a lot of evidence of this, but today, probably the most serious thing is that iranian president reisi is in islamabad, and let's listen to what statements the presidents of the two countries make, let's first listen to the president... of iran. we respect the people and government of pakistan, who are fed up with the oppression of the zionist regime, fed up with the genocide and infanticide of this regime, which is carried out with the support of westerners and americans. fed up with the oppression that rules the world. today, people around the world are saddened by the fact that international organizations that protect human rights have lost their effectiveness. the security council is not doing its job.
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muslims and freethinkers around the world are being targeted. pakistan is not only our neighbor, but a brotherly friend, relations between the two countries are developing at all levels, economic, political and cultural spheres, and it doesn’t matter that some people don’t like this cooperation, well, it must be said that pakistan is, firstly, nuclear power, muslim nuclear power, member of the shanghai cooperation organization. the population is generally larger than in the russian federation, so this is a very serious player in general on the world stage, that’s what shahbas sharif, prime minister of pakistan, said. iran was the first country to recognize pakistan. i thank ayatallah khamenia, the supreme leader of iran, who supported the right of the people of kashmir to freedom. we agreed on cooperation with iran in the field of bilateral trade,
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joint investments and cooperation in the field of energy. we both expressed. our concern about the killings of gazans and talked about it. we are unanimous we condemn israel's actions and ask the countries of the world to stop these military actions as soon as possible. islamic countries must raise their collective voice until the war in the gas sector is brought to an end. a fair, detailed and long-term solution to the palestinian problem is needed. pakistan does not place conditions on its support for palestine and continues to cooperate with iran until the creation of a palestinian state with its capital in jerusalem. seriously. this is a very serious statement, because in general, iran and pakistan have difficult relations. pakistan traditionally, it rather cooperates with the middle eastern monarchies, which for a long time had tension with iran after the islamic revolution. and we see that the west constantly has these tensions between different
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non-western countries. i tried to use my advantage, to reconcile someone, like, for example, the americans really wanted to reconcile israel with saudi arabia, with some other middle eastern monarchies, and, on the contrary, to quarrel with someone else, well, for example, to quarrel with iran with everyone. here we see against the backdrop of this massacre that is going on in palestine that it is precisely israeli relations with everyone in the region are in complete disaster, egypt has stated that it can actually sort it out. break the camp david agreements of 1979, the movement towards establishing diplomatic relations with saudi arabia was interrupted by their agreements, and at the same time, iran’s relationship with all those with whom america would like iran to quarrel remains, normal relations between iran and saudi arabia, although america is making
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incredible efforts to ensure that they quarrel and... the fact that iranian-pakistani relations have gone uphill is a very big signal, which, it seems to me, is connected precisely with, although this coincides with the vote in the security council, where the world majority was for palestine, i am sure of this , that pakistan took this very painfully, but the fact that pakistan raised its voice, which it has not done recently, the government that tried to cooperate with america and, in general, the government, which was considered pro-american, is very, very serious. well, i must say that americans are increasingly they are adding more fuel to the fire of the conflict in the middle east, while understanding little at all what they are doing; for me, a symbol of this attitude towards understanding the problems of the middle east was the statement of senator bob casey, a democrat from pennsylvania. let's listen. most of these funds are investments in america, in our own
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defense industrial base. we will produce weapons that the iranians. are being used to defeat vladimir putin, so this is a great moment for our country, so helping ukraine is production of weapons for iran, which will be used to defeat putin. there is one very important point for me. i would like to draw your attention to the fact that we very often talk about the fact, perhaps in the american approach, that the money that will be allocated to help ukraine, israel, taiwan, most of it will remain in the united states of america. so i must say that in modern conditions, in modern inflationary overheating, overheating of the american economy, these funds can, first of all, make a very a big contribution to the increase in american inflation, because this is a classic, military spending in this case. really increase inflation, create very serious difficulties within the country, because the country is dissatisfied, prices are rising, in general this can create very serious problems,
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well, in macroeconomic management in general, if someone thinks that america is giving its money to ukraine, america has no money for a long time; they can only print it, issue it there, whatever they want, and this will naturally result in inflation. iraq also started actively declare his position, and the president of iraq had just been in the united states, returned, at that time iraqi forces not under his control fired at an american base in northern syria, and, apparently, they hit well. what does this mean? well, this suggests that iraq and iran have the necessary means that allow them to defend themselves.
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