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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  April 22, 2024 7:55pm-8:52pm MSK

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listen, read, maybe you will understand something of what i mean when i talk about a tight planet on which the most important events take place. work, boys, and we'll look at the dolls of tuti's heir, whoever fought has the right. linzi graham has been a us senator for more than 20 years, during which time he has managed to establish himself as the most open and democratic politician in the whole world, for example, what he does when voters, thanks to trump, find out his phone number.
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graham's behavior, however, is understandable; he he hides people because he has something to hide, that’s what we ’ll tell you about now. we begin. biden's policies are not working. every time we need weapons for ukraine, we have to beg everyone. one of the ardent hawks and republicans of the us house of representatives, linsey graham, it would seem, should be rooting for his ideological supporters, but in his home state, south carolina, from which he has been a senator for more than 20 years, he spoke at a rally in support of trump. this is the most qualified candidate to become president of the united states. when i have.
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to put pressure on secretary of state george brad rafen spenger and change the election results, then the senator played on trump’s team, although back in the sixteenth he was his competitor in the presidential race and even called him an ass. trump then retaliated in his usual eccentric manner, making light of graham's phone number. this is how they coexist in politics for many years. love. agrees with him in everything, from the idea of ​​excluding countries from nato that do not pay extra for the defense industry to transferring ukraine, israel and taiwan to credit lines. why don't we give a loan to all three of our allies, let them pay it back when they can, if they can. the admonition about the ghostly repayment of loans allowed the republicans to collude with the democrats and vote for 61 billion tranches to ukraine. if you look at the numbers
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more closely, it seems that most of it will end up in the pockets of the american military-industrial complex through the pentagon. this is truly the most profitable investment of money. this is a lobbying law that sponsors the us military-industrial complex, which can supply weapons to ukraine through the us department of defense on credit, that is, financial incentives for a guaranteed sales market. the go-ahead from trump to johnson to put the package to a vote means that the trump campaign has reached an understanding with donors from the american military-industrial complex. maybe. the conduit from the gun lobby to trump and back is lynsey graham. he established connections with representatives of military factories when, after graduating from law school, he got a job as a military prosecutor and pursued a political career in parallel with the military one. his mentor and partner for many years was another hawk , john mccain. after his death gremaud informally crossed the ukrainian section of the american front. your fight is our fight. the time has come for the russians to pay a big price. grem tirelessly hurries every day to send him to kiev.
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cabinet of ministers, but trump the other day practically destroyed all of graham’s dreams of a high position, when he, apparently deciding that he was already on horseback, decided to go against it again and disagree with the former president’s position on abortion, trump remembered everything to him. senator lynsey graham should be concerned about the death toll millions of people. senseless, never-ending
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warriors that he constantly supports and promotes, but with trump's character, who knows when his anger will change to mercy again, most likely he does not trust graham's chameleon, he uses. here i am glad, linsey lost his self-esteem as a student during the humiliating initiation rites into the fi kappa fi fraternity, and from there his political career grew. in ninety-nine, he was entrusted with presenting the case of impeachment of bill clinton, for which he was also given political anathema. later advertised himself as an expert on national security and received a promotion to the rank of colonel in the us air force, and now he is again rushing to the top again in his favorite psychopathic manner, as taught. russia has added graham to the list of terrorists and extremists, here are just some of his statements that directly concern our country and our people. let's
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get a look. let's make russia a state sponsor of terrorism under us law. let's make them pay the price for murder. in terrorism state-sponsored is a game changer, it would allow for more sanctions, it would open up the american courtroom, i've been pushing for this for a year. i love the olympics, but i hate what the russian government is doing around the world, if they grant asylum to a man who i believe committed treason against the united states, it will take things to the next level. and we are talking about edward snowden. the only way to end this. if anyone in russia eliminates this guy, you do your country and the world a great service. so, colleagues, why is he on the list of terrorists and extremists? well, the thing is, if you really look at his background, 2014 is against the olympics in sochi. in 2016, he initiates the bill
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from hell, that is, a law from hell against russia, these are sanctions, that is, the most severe sanctions that he wants to impose. 2018 he advocates increasing sanctions against russia and, accordingly, bringing russia down. in 2022, he is already speaking out against our president, saying that you just need to remove it, that is, it is a physical elimination. well, let's see where he even came from? well, it’s a fairly quiet state, south carolina, and he advertises to himself in every possible way that he is from a poor family, he and his parents lived in the same room, although there is a billiard nearby that his parents owned there. there was a whole bar, that is, he was a fairly wealthy man, so he followed the path of the military, well, let's see, he was 33 years old in the air force, well, first in the army, then in the reserves, he was somewhere, he was, when there was this war in persian gulf, you know what he did, he was busy signing wills,
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that is, he helped draw up wills for those american soldiers who actually went to hostilities, he himself never took part in hostilities when he was in congress or there in the senate, accordingly he advertised. behaves like a military man, in fact, he is a military man, well, no, what’s even more interesting here, perhaps, is something else, that is, on the one hand he’s so aggressive, but look, i was in south korolen, which means i knew a couple politicians quite a high level, with the former governor of south carolina mark sanford, well, honestly, where russia cannot be, imagines where ukraine is definitely not, and there is no need to mention other terrible words in front of them, and what is surprising to me, the man... senator from of this state is making a career out of an aggressive foreign policy, to be honest, this is completely strange, you know, here you still need to make a distinction, it is clear that our troops are perceived as gallant generals who themselves lead, that is, in dashing attacks, but any,
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any army all over the world is still a large mechanism of the state and there are services there that do not take part in hostilities; grem, at the peak of his career, was the chief military prosecutor of the air force, usa. western europe, confrontation with the soviet union, this is the build-up of capabilities, the peak of the cold war. he became a hawk for a reason, please note, he always promotes the interests of military-industrial corporations in terms of supplies, even now he insists on supplying ukraine with missiles for some reason, which are produced by the rayton company, and not tanks or something else, but because he interacted with these companies, being
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a prosecutor, it was he who could create huge financial problems for them by suing them for the supply of certain weapons, very strange, his career, when it ended in the military, went into reserve. in parallel with this , the senate began, someone began to finance him well, someone promoted him in this direction, and for a reason, then friendship developed with the same yastrep, and his friend, makein, for a reason. he inherited macain's communications to ukraine, this is all about big money, military-industrial corporations, their manipulation under the guise of some interests of the state, which he puts forward as slogans, including now, trying to deceive his, well, colleagues, probably senators, i’m telling you, are you afraid to transfer money to ukraine now, well, it will be on credit, they will return it someday, i understand that this money will be used to finance his practically competitors, the democrats, for the election campaign. at the white house, but in the end i wanted to say that he like a fluer very easily switches his consciousness, he always strives and says
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that i am bipartisan, that in america this is a very wild story in general, this is one of trump’s antagonists, who spoke very harshly about him, and after mccain’s death, he why- then he became a trump supporter and is now calling on his republican colleagues for him, in fact, he explains this, we found him having changed his shoes, so to speak, in the air and... trump was a great president. let me
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tell you something about myself about the president trump. so what happened? i found something in common with president trump. it took time to get here, my friends. but here's what happened. i started to like president trump, and he also likes himself. and this is what unites us. i had a great meeting with zalanc today with president trump. he is strongly committed to rebuilding our military, which is music to my ears. president trump is in deal-making mode, and i hope congress is in the same mindset. that he has such an evolution, at first he was trump’s competitor in 2015, he calls him, which means, with all the words, there, then, that’s it, now i love trump. but in general, in fact, we see this a lot for european politics, for american politics. i wouldn’t say that this is so typical, but he gets away with it completely normally, and in my opinion, we can even find this very point
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when that very stay in the air happened, it was february of the sixteenth year, at the height of the republican primaries , which trump went for, and he won with with a devastating result in the state that lynsey graham represented, south carolina, and there were very furious debates there, in which trump criticized this whole interventionist policy, endless wars, and said that... in iraq and afghanistan was a huge mistake, america buried trillions of dollars there, we didn’t lead to anything, it seemed to many, especially in the camp of neocons, including lynsey graham, that trump buried himself in this way, but at the primary, especially in southern coroina, this was not the case it happened, on the contrary, he won decisively. i think that, of course, lincegram realized that, in general, the attitude of the republican electorate had changed dramatically. and south carolina, this is a very interesting state, on the one hand, yes, such an american outback, but, but at the same time, this is the state, along with arizona, yes, where the most ... a high proportion of military veterans live, approximately 10% of the population of south carolina - these are veterans,
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those who served there in iraq, afghanistan and so on, because there are a lot of military bases in the state, plus in this state, of course, there are a lot of military enterprises, one of the main sponsors of all the election campaigns of linsigram is the corporation martin, which produces in the same state in south carolina, well , firstly, its own f-16 fighters, and secondly , also those very controlled ones bombs, which are what the americans are now supplying to ukraine. they are even thinking of replacing their missiles with them, because there are more of these same bombs, here is lohit martin, they also give boeing, not to say that it’s really a lot of money for linsigram, there hundreds of thousands of dollars for his election campaign, but this is enough, the person seems to be re-elected quite calmly, from term to term, given that the state is republican, but now i think that he really understood, after the sixteenth year, that the republican electorate has become more isolationist-minded, if he had continued to push the agenda that his former partner was pushing, he would simply... lose his position as a senator, trump would have supported someone else in the primaries, everything would have ended for him, and he changed his shoes to
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air once again helped trump there for several years working in the senate, but after the twenty-first year, when trump left power, and lince graham was one of the few representatives of the republican establishment who did not quarrel with him, i remind you, by the way, yes, that’s what trump announced in november twenty-two, the movement of the next term, in january twenty-third , lincegram became the first.
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but excuse me, somehow this doesn’t fit with this commander, even staff option, but nikolai, that means, well, there are a few points here a statement that everyone should fight in ukraine, of principle, firstly, ukraine has now
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turned into something that it is better not to touch with your hands again, that this was ordered. it’s quite possible that he, as a hypothetical person, is suitable for this, he shakes hands there in ukraine, he has already said something that, in general, warms their ears, in this regard he is suitable for this, but i would like to draw attention, you know to which, just now there was a quote from the washington post, we need more people here in ukraine, we need you to mobilize more and fight, that's what he said, in plain text, a freudian slip, and i don't even think it's a freudian slip, that is, they just don't encrypt, i think he just said something elementary, what he thinks. now regarding the supply of arms, well, yes, we were talking about atacomsa, these ones, yes, yes, we were talking about the fact that on credit, he repeats trump’s narrative, i see in this that he is laying down a straw or preparing the ground under the fact that the next president of the united states of america
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it will become, well, practically guaranteed for trump, and for ukraine to prepare for what kind of rhetoric will be directed towards it now. he said something like that to them, insultingly, says zelensky, i won’t take money on credit in any way, but the fact is that yes, linsigram began to destroy the big ukrainian dream, because europe, the west began to greet ukrainians as aliens from heaven, then there is a ukrainian refugee, it was a blessing that needed to be served, that needed to be prayed for, in this regard, ukraine is absolutely
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i sincerely believed that they were defending global european values ​​​​against barbaric russia, that they were the same... you are at war, and what we will do is not your model, because then he continued exactly that, it doesn’t matter what we do, it’s important, so that you can fight, in a few minutes we will continue all the most interesting things, including interesting guests, right after the advertisement, svetlana petrovna ilagina, military
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lawyer, not crazy, how beautiful you have become, and by the way, in yourself... in love there was, well, just a little, stay with me sedorenko, we’ll work together, it’s tempting, and how do you like the relationship between two husbands, well , they don’t look like murderers, they’re civilians, a jealous husband , an abandoned wife, that’s all the pies, a common thing, you’re afraid, but i’m not comfortable with it, you should have sorted it out, svetlana petrovna, which of you is the commander here, otherwise i’ll be kicked out, you may never wait for him, well, look around. there is a war going on, people are dying, if you are lucky and you are alive, you have to live, it is stupid to hide from life, according to the laws of war , the story continues. look after the program for the time. grigory ivanovich, and maybe we can make a joint card, i won’t send it to you. i'll organize it now. steersman bourbon
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is a product of stellor group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the steller group. gin. сnop product of stellar group, montechoca cognac, product of stellar group, rum, castro, product of stellor group, show, fashion verdict on channel one, i am with you, alexander rogov, over the last month she ordered black leather shorts, boldly, boldly, red sports the suit, what a disgrace, i don’t like the way my daughter dresses at all, especially after...
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something completely new, you are very beautiful, we will prove it to you today, exhale, inhale, the image of your daughter, and i did not expect such a result at all, this is a different person, lena, you are super, fashionable verdict, new season, tomorrow on the first , once these people determined the trends of rock pop music, but now they have left russia and divided the performers into their own and others, former... music producer, and now foreign agent mikhail kozyrov. there are artists who, as we call it, ziganuli, and there are artists who consider it suicide to express their anti-war views. mish, well,
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you probably need to get better. every night i come back to what i could have done differently. i am doomed to live with this until the end of my days. broken, depressed, absolutely devastated person. i 've never seen him like this. no, bedinsky is obsessed with roulette and other gambling games, my income is meager, in fact i live on what my friends give me, god, how on the one hand i feel sorry for him, on the other hand, how pathetic you are, guys, and i'm trying to catch some glimmer of hope that ukraine can win the battlefield, and i don’t see anything, unfortunately, there are no irreplaceable people, goodbye guys, you are not relevant, the vavan and lexus show. on wednesday on the first.
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you still need to look for such notorious russophobes as american senator linzi graham, and he doesn’t like to communicate with his voters very much, but because he has something to hide, and from them, including, we will help, we will take it and we will tell everything about it. and... now we have a special guest cynthia makeney from bangladesh on direct communication, here is a person on a journey, has been to russia, but most interestingly, what does graham’s behavior look like from america now? cynthia, hello, please tell me about senator graham and how he is perceived with all his changes in politics in america?
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sphere in the us, which is now starting to grow, and comes from south carolina. and when you hear linzi say something, or the media show him, it’s like another country. and now his priority is not based on the constitution of the united states. tell me, have you met? i worked for governments for 12 years, yes i met him live, but i never worked with him
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but it was more expressed in linsey graham's personal attitude towards bill clinton towards the white house. thank you very much cinthy, thank you especially for your principled anti-war position. so, here we have an interesting fact, he remember how he made his career through clinton, he was the person who voiced the decision to impeach clinton. our guests say these
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were fundamental beliefs. even then, man, yes, i’ll start with one story that i think is important, you know, in the usa globally there are two parties, republicans and democrats, but there is a third party, this is the military -industrial complex, the military-industrial complex, believe me, he only does two things in life that he needs, this is drowning for himself for the military-industrial complex, for no one else, and he so-called, these are republicans, yes in name only, republican in name only. and i also remembered this phrase, the former governor of arkansas, said about him, he says, i don’t know what uniform he will wear tomorrow, republicans and democrats, he doesn’t care, when asked, he says how is this even possible, then are you for biden, who are you for trump, who are you for at all , why did you say earlier that trump was an idiot, and that’s true, yes, that means why did you say that, how is it even possible that you’re changing your shoes, he says, you know, i'm trying to study at the university
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of south carolina, he was in... there are a lot of scandals around this particular fraternity, even in south carolina they temporarily suspended the work of fika pofe in north carolina in florida, because, for example, here's one the episode was just in florida, where several people literally died, there was also a scandal there, several people were under investigation because they bullied.
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an absolute egoist, he only needs him alone in life, no one else, you know, he is quite enough for himself, then his friend macain says, nonsense, he has no friends, but if you please, this is the type of personality that can’t have them maybe, you know, another thesis about ukraine was also noted, it’s some kind of, but yes, well, vassal territory, what difference does it make what you look like, or on the contrary, is he trying to look just like
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them? this man is an absolute weather vane, which i repeat once again, only an order from the military-industrial complex, and he clearly follows this line, clearly, he needs such money, you know, money is secondary. one of the elders stuck to him and, by the will of fate, it so happened that he was brought together with the macain clan. let me remind you that the mccains are two four-star admirals, this is grandfather mccain, this is his father, mccain, jr., the third mccain, with whom he allegedly became friends, he is not friends with anyone, people whom they know well, i remember this from general to the lawyers who... connected us, i asked them a question: who is the one who will rat out anyone, the main thing is to stay alive? in fact, we must understand that he has no friends, he has no family, he has interests, all this has taken over his family, his
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lobbying activities, and let me remind you, the makein elders, they created two types of lobbies: weapons and military lobbies, in america they are clearly distinguished, those who sell weapons are weapons dealers. lobby, and those, get confused, it refers specifically to the military lobby, and not just to the weapons lobby, and this is a very big difference, and he has no friends, makain stands next to him only for one simple reason, that makain used him, just as he, in turn, used makain, he is a fish stuck to where it is better, he will stick to that, he does not love anyone and does not respects him, but we dug deep and looked at who sponsored his election campaigns, and we found it sooner. than, rather than for the sake of money. nikolai, please help me, it means that grem’s company finances several of these characters. who is who? here we look at the first couple, yes, here on the left, shelton adelson and his wife miryam sheldon are no longer
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alive, yes, not dead. so they gave him the most for his election campaign , 500,000, so he received a million dollars. so, who is this? it is likely that he is lobbying for their interests in this way. has to do with the manufacturing sector, but here you can, you can tie this, for example, in some way to gunsmiths, then there’s the lore, there’s pearl muter and jim davis, and jim davis, and as i understand it, these are already
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it specialists, these are it specialists, yes, it's a software production, but software is a thing that has no boundaries at all, he has money, where does he get the money from, colleagues, this is such a thing, he actually doesn’t have that much money if we compare with others. rich senator at the top and so on, there are 600 to 700 million people there, but at the same time he, that’s what you roman said, yes, everyone has but the order of the numbers can’t be said that this one has its own weak point, and for him in this case, this is a simple boy benito mussolini, he would never have achieved what he achieved if not for grief... support educated and thinking people, his comrade-in-arms was the prominent italian philosopher giovanni gentile, he published the first programmatic fascist text, a manifesto of fascist
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intellectuals. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. steersman bourbon is a product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. cnop gin, a product of the stellar group. this is a hiding place. so it's a robbery? i don’t think they would have removed the crystal chandeliers and removed the gilded watches. these were not germans. not the germans, who are forest brothers. lithuanian partisan, why are you, i came sternly to say goodbye, and then climb to the front now, you won’t tell me, svetlana petrovna, look, after
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the program, time, from the command forest, ask for everything you want, yes, you know what i want, to me in some send a message to vanya on the sixtieth anniversary of the taganka theater. what is the secret of the popularity of this theater? you can just lay out rugs somewhere in the yard and start playing, that’s all. comedy roles, suddenly i played galileo and hamlet, to be and not to be, asking why you want to play the role of gan, yes, simply because it was a good role, he probably would have been a wonderful king, he quieted down, the premiere, vladimir vysotsky, i walked out on the stage, as vysotsky broke the chains, win, lyubimov as a director was eager for freedom, and what, why are you repeating yourself? and i’m not repeating myself, my god, are there no doors, in
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this film i play a negative character, i just left my rights, the script is real literature, we can’t leave it, thousands of journalists came, this is a festival where there are films for everyone , this is cannes. today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place. and, yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, right? everything is clear, come here. will you catch it? i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me. are you lying? why are you lumping everything together, huh? we will get used to living with our wife nichaeva, elena mikhailovna, in the next world together. well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, i
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’ll tell lenka right now that i’m leaving her, after all, she’s not the first, she’ll cry , calm down, where’s the champagne, i soaked him with his hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, but i think that he loves only his wife and does not want to part with her, hello, lyon, not a serious conversation, are they sure that a truly serial film is coming soon .
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why does he hate russia so much and it started long ago for him? began during the soviet union, he has weapons, that is, 1 trillion dollars from the pentagon, that is, he is a front-line person and the main colleague is interesting.
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those interests have already been said today, these are the military-industrial complex and the military aggression. if we look at the thunder, what he says about north korea: “we need to start a war there altogether and wipe it off the face of the earth.” next are libya, syria, iran. and the second is the voter, when he must be re-elected. if we see that in the state of south carolina, it is necessary to directly
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ban abortion, and accordingly, some of the voters who believe that this is the right thing vote for it, that's where he gets it. votes, where he gets money from whom he lobbies, here, of course, the authorities, he lobbies, of course, not only military men who start conflicts, well, for example, general electric or, for example, ron perelman, who gave 5,000 dollars for the election campaign in 2015, excuse me, these are serious under the new presidency of trump, no longer as in honor of a senator, even a senior senator, but certainly a deeper military ministry, what are investments, let’s still say clearly, there were investments of the united states of america in the hitler regime back in the twenties and thirties , general electric invested, invested in ford, invested there in the steel trust, it was hundreds of millions of dollars, by the way, so they will give something back, so that’s the thing, today’s investments are the same as hitler’s and
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germany’s, then american investments, today he is directly behind these investments, which are in the neo-nazi ukrainian regime...
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this is his life, and his customer every time, they tell him: listen, we understand that you are turning things around, we don’t understand that you are a bad boy, straight, well, well okay, it’ll do, our good boy, because well, you just need a piece of power, you don’t need anything, look, this is a person who is ready to betray almost free of charge, take his list
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of bills that he introduced, all the bills there are related exclusively to sanctions, exclusively to how to increase ... the launch of new military production, he did something for his constituents, you know, this is the eternal problem of any senator, when someone comes up to him and says: you are a senator from texas, what do you know about texas, what have you done for my region ? he never didn’t report, they will reassemble him, and if they reassemble him, why? because the administration, the white house always bring it up and say: this senator is untouchable, but does he want to go to the white house? of course, he wants to, but he will never do it, of course i wonder how it is with them, that means everything. it is voted that people who have nothing to do with their state, who do not lobby for their state, who do not lobby for the issues of their state, suddenly find themselves senators, and you know what’s even more curious, because... he recently arrived at the airport, and his voters met him , let's let's see how you're kidding me, yes, you're
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a traitor, you're a traitor, consider that this was his third reception of the year, he was directly received at the airport with practically open arms, danikova, so i want to confirm what they said, dear colleagues , about untouchability, and its unsinkability, that's... as for reputational losses, but the same military-industrial complex, excuse me, there are dozens of these bradleys, these abrams, for which our military bonuses are now being turned into trash, soon to be kubinkas their we’ll see, this is not a reputational loss for the american pc, and despite all this, it continues to be popular, people turn to its services, which means it’s really convenient in some way, it’s not clear why, for example, this is what is considered a statement, that’s when this video appeared , someone said that zelensky’s team spread it.
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then the picture as a whole turns out to be very serious, the rhetoric that was, if we take in general what he said, this is a justification for the actions of the white house, that is, he spoke in interests of the current administration, they need, as sergei sergeevich said, to show a pluralism of opinions, that look, the senators of not even our party support us, besides what he told the americans, his colleagues, that this is a very successful investment, there’s more... i am the only
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american who looked under this hidden plan, it is brilliant, the russians will simply be driven to the crimea, and in general we will soon win, that is, he returned from the state of this information victory, that we americans gave so much money. , they taught me so well ukrainians, and we are with them for... will there be this plan, i personally saw it, and i guarantee you that there will be a result, now that he has come for the second time, there is zero information, he does not return to his former words, but he again continues to defend the current administration, because funds will be allocated in their interests, trumpto plays on the opposite, on the contrary, he wants to show this conflict as negative so that biden loses, and here he no longer returns to this rhetoric, he says: gentlemen , now your contribution, now you must with their bodies, with their youth. in brackets of your future, because you won’t have one . so, the demographic hole in which ukraine is located is simply insane, it
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will never recover without our russian, slavic help, relatively speaking, he is not interested in this. companies already make money, they make money from stock quotes and changes in the information space. we have said more than once that black rock makes money from everything, including the military industrial complex. but most importantly, lynsey graham performs like this catalyst for european fears. russian threat, therefore the most powerful militarization, in brackets the americans set a record for the supply of their weapons to the world to europe, including almost 250 billion dollars, this is all his merit. maybe this is his job, to build up as much tension as possible to keep him in fear, because fear, as we know, is the most powerful motivator. well, yes, there is such a concept, even in english, warmanger, a person who sells this very war constantly agitates for endless wars like this. trumpists on the one hand and
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non-hawks, so in fact, although he voted at the beginning of this year against allocating a tranche to ukraine, he later proposed the idea that was first announced by trump, about allocating a loan, you asked the question, how the ukrainians will return it, that’s the point... why is this loan being given as collateral for russian assets blocked in russia, 37 billion dollars are blocked in our country, the ukrainians obviously don’t have them they will give it, and this will, as it were, allow some new administration in the future to simply steal these 12 billion of our assets, well, to steal, let’s say, let’s put it bluntly, yes, of course it will be theft, and as for the prospects of mr. graham, in my opinion he has already understands that, to some extent , he has outdone himself in the senate, yes, that is, if the republicans take the majority. he won’t
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get the chance because there are some other candidates, now everyone is discussing tom coton, another such ardent, ardent pyaakon is already from the state of arkansas, that’s what concerns grem, he is aiming specifically at the secretary of state, yes , he, and he even talks about it openly, he recently spoke there in the emirates, and even then there was a q&a after his speech, but he was asked a question, he says, yes, indeed i i want to become secretary of state, that is, he really has his sights set on this position, and this is just by the way, you know, sometimes in the expert community we have such hopes that... that trump will come, so now we will come to an agreement with him , there will be peace and so on, but maybe trump there are certain isolationist sentiments there, but when he is surrounded by people like linsey graham, like tom coton or some richard grenell, by the way, another candidate for the secretary of state, and a huge number of hawks, well, to be honest , in my opinion it’s very naive to hope that we will agree on something with him, i would like your vision tatyana, here from the point of view of assessing his
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personality, his...
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precisely in that he is a lightweight, because in fact the american senate is , as a rule, in to a very large extent a hereditary thing, when representatives of dynasties, representatives of those who actually formed their capital in the 19th century, at the beginning of the 20th century, and alin tigram is noble, he is an upstart, that is , in this regard, he has no one to rely on, in this regard, he knows that his strength is that he will bend from the one who orders, so he is not afraid to say the loudest words, because he does not stand for them...
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that our management decided that he should be named that way after all , such as he is, terrorists and extremists. maria was with you butina, tuti's doll-heir, now is the program time. ex-performer and president of the international olympic committee thomas bach, the position of not allowing russians and... you need to completely ignore everyone who has a russian passport. a mandatory element of any doll is the presence of incriminating evidence. mr. bach was engaged in giving bribes, we will give you money, you will give us a television broadcast for this, they have soiled themselves from the point of view of gender, they are an instrument
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of exclusively political influence. thomas bach and the closing ceremony olympic games. dolls of the heir tutti. on the first,
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hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. in the interests of the entire cis, the development of the baikalur mainline is in the spotlight of vladimir putin and ilham aliyev, whose father heydar aliyev has been for half a century.


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