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tv   Po zakonam voennogo vremeni  1TV  April 22, 2024 10:00pm-10:59pm MSK

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i took my native sibirs and tobolsk as the center. the first one examined this card and then examined the courtiers. of course, this is not the work of one person or even one generation. the siberian order collected reports from cossacks, travelers who walked around siberia in one way or another and had to write down, sketch what they saw, that is, they had already compiled.
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we transfer it to specialized museums, we cannot leave it, well, let’s just say, now it’s like a lake at the bottom, we need to perpetuate the memory of our pilots, our own separate expedition this year will work in the icy desert on land of franz joseph, scientists will look there for traces of ancient earthquakes, once upon a time the arctic shook up to nine points, the task for this season is to create a permanent scientific station and laboratory of the russian state university.
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sveta, the germans are nearby, they're about to enter the city, sveta, sveta, sveta, what's wrong with you, doctor, there's a doctor, will you become a dad, dad?
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she has a dad, what a month it turns out to be, 3 months, 3 months in the little rock too, i can imagine how happy he is, you can imagine vanya’s face, since you understand that i can’t go anywhere, so direct infection, well, that’s how you put it, blow on it, it will immediately fall off.
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yes , they don’t know how to handle captured equipment svetana petrovna nikolai trofemovich and ivan grigorievich where are we waiting for him ? rokotov organized our withdrawal while we don’t know anything about him, everything is fine. don’t touch anything, the prosecutor’s office must be examined first, no, he hasn’t arrived yet, we urgently need him, there is no one to work with, a military lawyer is ready, well, yes, listen.
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i’ll come to you in rostov, good, camp comrades, light, please promise me that you will take care of yourself without tricks, if everything will be fine, don’t worry! “ goodbye, by the way, hidden taylagina, since you are here anyway, you will begin an investigation, the murder of the director of a military
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plant, a new investigator will arrive soon, he will join you, the state security has already inspected the crime scene, so familiarize yourself and commit the crime, this nearby, the address is there." “i obey, freely, the simple boy benito musalini would never have achieved what he achieved if it were not for the ardent support of educated and thinking people, his a comrade-in-arms was the prominent italian philosopher giovanni gentile, he published the first programmatic fascist text, a manifesto of fascist intellectuals. thanks to talented creative people, italians of all sizes decided that they were special, and therefore they had special rights to manage other people's lives. premiere, ordinary fascism.
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today is the first one. once upon a time, these people set the trends in rock and pop music. and now they have left russia and divided the performers among their own. former music producer and now foreign agent mikhail kozyrev. there are arts, which, as we call it, are ziganul, and there are artists who for them it is suicide to express their anti-war views. mish, well , you probably need to get better, every night i come back to what could have been done differently. i am doomed to live with this until the end of my days, a broken, depressed, absolutely devastated person, i have never seen him like this. for what my friends give me, god, how i feel sorry for him on the one hand, on the other hand, how pathetic are you guys? i'm trying to catch some glimmer of hope in what ukraine can do
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win on the battlefield, and i don’t see anything, unfortunately, there are no irreplaceable people, goodbye guys, you are not relevant, the vavan show or. "we can't leave the piano, in cannes for the festival, thousands of journalists have arrived, this is not a movie anymore, please be careful, jack, damn, it hurts, i feel like i'm made of one piece of cinema, from head
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to toe, thank you for gathering here, matador on saturday at the first, this is a festival where there is": films for everyone, this is cannes, well done, that's another thing, and a review wide, the enemy won’t see you, you can whenever you want, oh, svetlana petrovna, where are you going, let me give you a ride, no, i’m not far from here, it’s better to go badly than to go well, and even in such company, you won’t get in trouble from the authorities , that without an order, and the bosses sit in the office until bedtime. but the car needs to sit idle, it needs to drive, otherwise it will get bored and start to break down, oh, you know how to persuade, please, oh, what a beauty, how convenient, convenient,
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yeah, grigor ivanovich, what’s happening, kolya told you everything and ordered me to bake, well, admit it, what am i, i’m okay, don’t even think about it, i’m independent. i obey, svetlana petrovna, and give the floor to no one, this is a military secret. got it, let's go. hello, hello, come in. svetlana petrovna ilagina, military prosecutor's office, do you live here? lord,
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tell me, maybe you heard something or saw someone suspicious? i didn’t see anything, no one, the raid began, and i went down to the shelter, you asked, why didn’t you go down to the shelter, because nina stopped hiding. after their son he died from a bomb, so why didn’t he go down to the shelter during the shelling? well, that day she wasn’t digging in the trenches, but alexander arkadyevich, her husband, he went to his mistress, to his mistress? well, yes, pashenko was left completely alone until... the bombs began to explode, he got scared and ran straight out into the street, but
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how did nina know that zaovyalov had any thoughts, but everyone knew, everyone and nina knew, well, what can you do? he was a big man, he got away with everything, that’s it, but ninochka complained, she endured everything, didn’t make any scenes, nothing like that, really, death i couldn’t forgive my husband for my son. then every day i cursed him, guys, don’t bother me, let me show you everything myself, this lever changes gear, here you are, when at school he asks you in which gear you will go to the board, first. when he runs to lunch, he turns on the third one, comrade stushina,
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what are you doing, i’m showing this technique, set it aside, report on the form, the culprit is comrade military lawyer of the second rank, sergeant major fedorenko, sergeant major. why did you leave your place of duty without orders from your immediate superiors? so am i a military lawyer comrade brought here to carry out a task. silence, for the future, remember, you obey me personally and the military lawyer of the first rank, comrade vinogradov, without our order you can’t go anywhere. it's clear? it's clear. and you are finishing kindergarten, now is not the time. when is
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the time? introduce yourself to your senior comrade svetka, svetka? the reward said that our man already works here, i couldn’t think that it could be you, just like that, svetlana
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petrovna ilagina, military lawyer, wow, how beautiful you have become, what she used to be scary or something, funny, thin, terrible, you say, that’s how much you need for a little, so what? did you find anything on the murders? i am reporting, of course, purely in theory, nina could have killed her husband, she could not forgive him for the death of her son, but she would attack.
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and therefore, in order to prevent access to the equipment, they kill in advance, perhaps what was needed was exactly what is stored, but for this we need to go to the factory and there we will find out everything, svetka, and you turned out to be a good lawyer, sit down, five, no i shouldn't have taught you to shoot, well
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tell me, how did i end up here, and i was appointed deputy military prosecutor of the garrison. big shot, well, i can’t believe that i met you, if only kolya would be happy, what a pity that you were warming up, yes, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, it’s been like this with you for about 10 years, probably, don’t even talk about it, old friends , and the kule is still the same, hello, boring, suspicious,
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he had no shells, no enemies, well, maybe he offended someone at hand, but it’s for the sake of the cause, everyone understands that if you beat the fascists, then shells are needed, so no one i wasn’t offended, and with our department has never had any complaints about it, first of all , take care of sending the sanding and lathe
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machines, clearly, the assembly machine is working, the last moment, i clearly explained, all responsibility is on you, fedor semyonovich, spend 5 minutes with your comrades from the prosecutor’s office, military lawyer second rank shilon, military man yuri selagin, yakubov, chief engineer, who do you think could have killed zavyalov and his wife, anyone, enemies, saboteurs, criminals, such is the time. all sorts of crap has surfaced from the bottom, i believe that the killers should not be looked for at the factory, we checked everything here, but why aren’t these loading, these are detonators for a different type of shell, we will take them to the rear, ex-artist and president of the international olympic committee thomas bach, the position of not
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allowing russian and belarusian athletes to international games and competitions remains unchanged. starting in the sixteenth year, he launched a doping theme, starts a campaign of hatred, you need to completely ignore everyone who has a russian passport. a mandatory element of any doll is the presence of incriminating evidence. mr. bach was involved in paying bribes. we will give you money, you will give us a tv broadcast for this. they have soiled themselves from the point of view of gender, they are an instrument of exclusively political influence. this man works for the bnd, this is germany’s foreign intelligence service, he fell for... the bait of our pranksters and chatted a lot, now they are trying to give friendship games away from us. macron will fully support this, as well as all other countries of the european union. and he believes that he... deserves to become part of the elite that you call the puppeteers. thomas bach and the closing ceremony of the olympic games. dolls of the heir tutti.
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tomorrow on the first. this is a fashionable verdict on channel one, i’m with you, lilia rakh. girls, we’re wondering, evelina, fleeced leggings, how we feel about this. so what is it? let's quickly get to know our heroine. yes, good, you ended your relationship with the sumo coach, i usually talk to men very little, in general i don’t understand what this girl is doing here, that’s what i’m beautiful, no one ever told me, let’s try, start a new one life is like this for me this is walking down the street, listen, why do you need such a friend, it seems that grandpa will get his jersey back, can i hug you, of course, this is all fixable, this is all bullshit.
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well, i knew that you wouldn’t create anything new. do you think we’re wasting our bread here, we’ve already found the killer. and how did you find him? the woman killed her.
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we looked after the director of the military plant, well, out of duty, well, all his women too. women, captain of state security, what do you say, but he was a noble man, just admire him love list. what are you doing? didn’t stop all these adventures, but why? these women told us everything about him, and someone from moscow was covering for him, they told us, let him suffer, the main thing is that the plant works, comrade state security captain, the results of the examination are ready, what is it, as it should be, oh, sorry, i forgot , knock-knock, comrade security captain, allow me to enter, it’s so difficult to remember, two words...
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i beg your pardon, comrade of the second rank, take a closer look, it turns out. zavyalov had a briefcase with documents and which disappeared, perhaps this is sabotage, it’s so painful your boss is strict, thank you, here, uh, these candies, i remember, now where do you get them, taba, well, forgive me, please, he just had such an expression, who ordered you to kill zavyalov, to whom you handed over the briefcase, where? gun, answer, comrade military lawyer of the second rank, junior lieutenant
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of the state security service safronov. i’m interrogating the accused, here’s a lieutenant, come out for 5 minutes, yes, military lawyer of the second rank shilov, this is a military lawyer elagena, natalya maksimovna, you work as a technologist at a factory. red arsenal, right? where were you at the time of the murder of the zavyalovs? are you in touch with the director of the plant, zavyalov? understand, if you remain silent, you will be found guilty and shot. he forced me, threatened me, said that he would write a denunciation and they would shoot me, me.
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little daughter, my mother is sick, my husband is at the front, but i didn’t kill this beast, antonina maksimovna, try to remember where you were at the time of the murder of the zavyalovs. i extinguished lighters on the roofs of a neighboring house, can anyone confirm this? zinka was at the beginning, but she burned her hand and left, and i was left alone, but who do you think could wish death to the withered one? i don’t know, antonina maksimovna, why the plant wasn’t on time and...
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something, you would have to, he was counting on blowing up all the defective ones along with the equipment that couldn’t be removed, but i wish, assuming that bielska is telling the truth, these boxes, remember at the factory, yakubov, who said that these are fuses from a different type of shell,
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perhaps... these are the defective detonators, i don’t believe her, they are trying to get out if the detonators were defective, they would have been destroyed or hidden, i was especially obliged to report this, if he himself was not in cahoots with them van, well, enough of you opening the whole door for me, that i’m some kind of young lady for you, what? pristi, egor, let's go, grigory ivanovich, where to go, back to the factory. cavalry.
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i repeat to you, this is not a defect, these are detonators for a different type of shell, they are in the plan, they will just now be released at a new place in the rear. here is all the technical documentation for them, certified by both the director and the chief engineer, all with seals and signatures.
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and he allowed the marriage to happen, made it so that the plant would go to the germans, if he works for the germans, he’s probably not doing this alone, we’ll soon see with whom, as i told yakubov, i received an order to blow up the plant tomorrow and we need to prepare the equipment, and that is you think that yakubov will rush to inform his people in order to avoid an explosion, you think he’ll take the bait, we’ll see,
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but also just strangers on the street, these are my slogans, the creation of a stable government, at first i played comedic roles, suddenly i played galileo and hamlet, to be or not to be, they ask why you want to play the role of gant, and simply because it’s a good role, he would probably be a wonderful king, the prime minister’s cutie, vladimir vysotsky, i came out on stage, as...
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the performers divided it into their own and strangers, former music producer, and now foreign agent mikhail kozyrov, there are artists who, as we call it, ziganuli, and there are artists who for them are suicide, express your anti-war views, mish, well, you probably need to get better, i come back every night to what could have been done differently, i doomed to live with this until the end of my days, a broken, depressed, absolutely devastated person, i’m like this... stuffing myself with what my friends give me, god, how i feel sorry for him on the one hand, on the other hand,
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what you guys are pathetic, i'm trying to catch some glimmer of hope that ukraine can win on the battlefield, and i don't see anything, unfortunately, there are no irreplaceable people, goodbye guys, you're not relevant. show of vavan and lexus on wednesday on the first. to the centenary of danatas baniones. i'm going to dargate. can you explain to me what happened? has, his trace again. so far everything is against us. no photo. we need someone who can identify him. pomilty, why me? why? well, thank god. and i'm ladenikov. how is he going to get out? low season, he is an actor from god, behind him is the story of how you lived all that time, did you love someone, i don’t know, he was handsome, elegant, impressive, such
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a foreigner, at the same time ours, no matter how many times he was in the frame there were artists, i wanted to look at him, thank you for liking it, my pun, he doesn’t create his heroes so completely unique. whom a whole life, i played there more humanly about my youth, if the desire is not fulfilled, people will forget how to dream, he was a man from another world altogether, from another time period, and the premiere of the documentary film, the work of an intelligence officer, i must tell you, requires a lot of self-esteem and patience, april 28 on the first.
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you brought exactly the same sweets from moscow to us. what, remember? yes,
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i remember you were an excellent student, how terribly proud you were, even bragging about you. i don’t know, you’re making something up, i think he was just scolding me all the time, well, maybe because you were stealing candies, these bourgeois ones, you didn’t eat your candies, oh well, we know who something quiet at night. what a nightmare, you knew and were silent, oh, how ashamed i am, well then you’re forgiven, by the way, i was in love with you, well , just a little, here’s a little, but i had to say a little, you yourself said that i i’m still a child, it’s too early for me to think about love, so... late, why? so i’m married, shilov,
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i’m listening, i understand, i’m leaving, yakubokov, i’m going into detention, i’m with you, light, you stay, egor, i’m no longer a little girl, svetlana, this is an order. speak in a whisper, don’t smoke, don’t light matches, greetings, they’ve come after all, now you’ll see how we work, safronov, tell everyone how they’ll come out and take them quietly one by one, we need the living, there’s food.
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brothers. stand! come out, the area is cordoned off, it’s better to surrender
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in an amicable way, i told you, it’s better to surrender, but now don’t complain, well, i ordered you to take it alive, here two more corpses.
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accept it, but he doesn’t speak russian, he’s being a fool, he’ll start talking now, leave it. you can kill me, but germany still won, let's get a translator, we'll ask for one, but there is no translator, they killed me last week, they didn't send another one, maryana knows german, so take her, and we have this one, see you
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tomorrow, attention, air raid alert, everyone to leave their homes, everyone to take shelter in the side of the shelter, i repeat, everyone to take refuge in the side of the shelter,
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attention, air raid alert. everyone leave their homes, everyone take shelter in the bomb, i repeat, everyone take shelter in a bomb shelter. let's leave.
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nein, nein, wir brauchen das werk, keinen savialov, sein mord. schmuck, who is it? ich habe nur die aktentasche mit.
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he would never have achieved what he achieved if it were not for the ardent support of educated and thinking people. his comrade-in-arms was the prominent italian philosopher giovanni gentile, he published the first programmatic fascist text, a manifesto of fascist intellectuals. thanks to talented creative people, italians of all sizes have decided that they are special, and therefore... they have special rights dispose of other people's lives, premiere, ordinary fascism 2, today
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thousands of journalists came to kan for the festival, this is not a movie anymore, please be careful, jack. damn, it hurts, i feel like i'm made from one piece of cinema, from head to toe. thank you for being here. matador on saturday on the first. this is a festival where there are films for everyone. this is cannes.
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made a statement that after death they want to be together. i officially declare that i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, want, together with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhalna, to live together in the next world. well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, i’ll tell linka right now that i’m leaving her. after all, she is not the first to cry and calm down. where's the champagne? i drenched him with my hysterics, horoscopes, and suspicions. but i think that he only loves his wife and does not want to part with her. are they sure that they truly love each other, what are you ready for? for everything, life after life,
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the premiere of a serial film, soon on the first one, i don’t believe this fascist, he killed and precious. i don’t think he would have killed with a knife so as not to make a fuss, by the way, pelskaya is short, i wish, well, what did you know from the german, he and his people did not kill the withered ones, but what else will he say, he’s not a fool, please cabinet. she is very short, neumann saw a tall suspicious woman, but this is not belskaya, well, his testimony still
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needs to be checked, please note that none of us interviewed knows, and the hiding place in zavyalov’s apartment, well, that’s why zavyalov himself could not find the hiding place know about its existence, the cache was behind the tiles under window, what does this give us? this tells us that the killer could have been someone who previously lived in the apartment. do you know anything about the previous occupants? this is the house of the former merchant nikifar larionov, killed in 2020, we have lorionov, somewhere i saw this name, for sure, larionova margarita in the list of zavielov’s mistresses. who is this? the daughter of a merchant, was deported to siberia as a class alien element, but what’s interesting is that she was not married, and
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shortly before the deportation she had a daughter, well , if she is on this list, according to her father it could have been zavyalov, that is, there could have been family jewels, when she returned, she decided to take what was considered to be getting even with zavyalov, where now to look for this variona. if she’s still in the city at all, let’s say you’re right, there were jewelry in the taniki, which means they will pop up somewhere on the market, i ’m sorry, what kind of jewelry are you talking about, if only we knew grigory ivanovich, gold and silver, in the garage the guys told me that some woman donated a whole bag of gold and silver to the defense fund, build, she says, a tank to beat. fascist, gregory ivanovich, turn around, let's go back.
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these are the signs of the one we are looking for. 34 years old, height 170 cm, light brown hair, thank you, comrade, comrade captain of state security, allow me to enter, stop these pleasantries not in the boarding house, then so, go to the laboratory, print out a photograph of this young lady, take it to all patrol posts, first of all to police station at the station, this woman needs to be detained, there is. thank you, document check, your passport, what’s the matter, okay.
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i didn’t wait, but i really waited with you meeting, it was you who wrote a denunciation against me.
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you are your son, you see, the evil you created came back to you, i didn’t do you any harm, according to your denunciation, i was exiled with my little daughter and... i was only two months old, she caught a cold on the way, she died, that’s all because of you, it’s not me, but because of whom, i don’t know, i hated you for messing with my mother, but i didn’t inform, after i was exiled, your family life immediately improved, yes , he stopped cheating on you,
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he is cheating on you. but i don't care, i sympathize to your grief, i know what it’s like to lose a child, i believed her, i hated her for so many years, dreamed of killing her. and then suddenly i felt sorry for her, she had the same grief as me, i didn’t cry in exile, i didn’t cry when the guards took away the body of my dead daughter, i couldn’t stand it, nina said that
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our children are together in heaven. what are you doing here? ninka, have you completely lost your mind? you let a class enemy into the house, you want us to be shot, where are these? wait, where are you standing? it was you who wrote the denunciation. because of you, our daughter died, how she suffered, frying dying, i couldn’t even bury her, rita, please, calm down, what a denunciation, what did you come up with for yourself, taninka everything, and the fool with whom i was before you, and you know, i only loved you, you and our daughter, sasha, shut up, don’t you dare,
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i didn’t want the family’s jewels to go to the fascists, so i left my grandmother’s brooch. for myself, i donated the rest to the defense fund, i don’t understand anything, there is a war going on, merciless, terrible, the fate of the whole world is being decided, and the director of a military plant, while the front needs weapons, is running around looking at women and covers her ass, women
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are ready to kill each other because of him, but what about women, children, i feel sorry for him, i would personally kill him, and even compassionate ivan rokotov would shoot him according to the law of the war, rokotov, you said rokotov, yes my husband ivan rokotov, your husband ivan rokotov? excuse me, did you say rumbles? yes, i was just taking the photographs to the station, a military man came to see the chief and said the name was rokotov. light, light, grigory ivanovich, start the engine, quickly, generator, baroclitus, you have to wait 5 minutes, vanya on maksala! you definitely heard the name rock, yes, definitely rocket, what he looked like, the germans entered the city, we’re leaving.


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