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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 23, 2024 2:00am-2:46am MSK

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that is, in fact, for the bolsheviks, they took from a poor student, they took from famous lawyers, they took from manufacturers, so to speak, from sava morozov there, so in principle, in my opinion, the very idea is acceptable that lenin was not for himself personally, naturally, not out of selfish motives, in the interests of the party, the world revolution, in general, his politics, he could do this, lenin. was a politician, something that,
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i repeat, theoretically there is no evidence of this, the name parvus, known to many, could somehow finance, it is possible, probably, what do you think? i don’t agree, i can speak here as an archivist, since there are no sources that would indicate that the bolsheviks took money from the germans, and those that exist are falsifications. the most famous story with the sison documents. american representative, to whom the clever polish adventurer, writer, by the way, such a polish fenimore cooper, ferdinand asendovsky, sold a whole stack of documents that he himself falsified, this was established first by the american historian canon, then by our the wonderful historian vitaly ivanovich startsev, they restored the way of falsification of these documents that the bolsheviks allegedly took money from the germans to create a revolution, the so-called german sources about lenin’s german money are also either falsified,
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or this is indirect evidence, when after the revolution it is retroactive the germans, some german figures, i won’t name names now, there are many of them, tried to take credit for the revolution in russia, but there are no specific sources, in addition, the story with parvus, there’s another story here is important, parvus, because the first of the first russian revolution was a revolutionary and even a co-author of trotsky’s theory of permanent revolution, but during the first world war he really turned into an agent of the german government. when he came to lenin, lenin did not talk to him, this was recorded, and there were no contacts between lenin and parvus during the first world war, lenin branded parvus as a traitor to the interests of the proletariat, who sold out to the imperialists, but he wrote a lot about this, and he acted accordingly, there by the way, the story with the company that allegedly created parvas at one time and which allegedly financed the bolsheviks, it’s interesting that when all the documentation was pulled up, it turned out that the money did not come from stockholm, it was a swedish company. yes, not from stolgom
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to russia, but from russia to stockholm to finance the foreign bureau of the bolsheviks, that is, on the contrary, the bolsheviks still believed , and lenin believed so, that there are means that discredit the very goal, and take money from the imperialists during the war which will be used by the imperialists to suppress the revolutionary movement, this thing is completely impossible, so there was ethics here, revolutionary ethics is still not an empty phrase, an information war. it is also a war, they started these information wars not yesterday, not today, but actually during the fight against the bolsheviks, during the july events, just when the bolsheviks made, by the way, contrary to lenin’s idea, an attempt, well, a half-attempt to take power , a very interesting plot developed there, the so-called bloody days in petrograd at the beginning of july 1917, it was then that a certain warrant officer yarmalenko appeared with some fake ones.
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yes, of course, this is a russian man, yes, of course, he wanted a revolution in russia, but in principle he was ready to work for a revolution anywhere, i have the impression that if, i don’t know, there, relatively speaking, would have happened revolution in haiti, he would have created ilyech’s light bulb there, a red army, to fight illiteracy. we continue the historical podcast russia and the west on the swing of history, today we are talking about lenin. his reasoning about. here's the world
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revolutions, they, in my opinion, they still dominated the question, so to speak, such a patriotic one, how would we ... build russia, that is, he thought primarily not so much about russia, but about , what will happen in general? lenin in exile, despite the deepest reaction in russia after the suppression of the first russian revolution, did not try to make a revolution in germany, he continued to make a revolution in russia, continued to revive the party that needed to be created, it worked in this his will, just literally from ruins, and lenin managed from abroad with the help, of course...
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and the whites for a reason, not for utopian reasons, to suppress the bolshevik infection, this, of course, was also so that the infection did not spread to them themselves, but also in order to divide russia, the former russian empire of the sphere of influence, it was no coincidence that the british first of all grabbed baku, yes, together with the french, the black sea coast, the americans landed in siberia, the japanese occupied the far east, it was on them that the white movement relied for intervention if not an intervention, the civil war, of course, would have ended much earlier, but... the bolsheviks essentially created a national army, recreated it from the ruins, this national army, including thanks to trotsky, and defended the sovereignty of the country, although they retained faith in the world revolution , but lenin believed that by preserving the revolution in russia, it would be possible to preserve this very center
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of the revolution, which would then spread thanks to the crisis of capitalism throughout the world, because the bolsheviks also perceived the revolution as an important moment, like all marxists, not as events, we have the feeling that the revolution... individuals, you mentioned lenin, you mentioned trotsky, because indeed, strictly speaking, their role is really very great, on the other hand, already after the fact after the victory, the majority
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are marxists, marxists in europe explained the revolution as such a happy confluence of a number of circumstances, historical, political, economic. and so on, but i repeat, all this is so, naturally, this is indisputable, but of course the role, especially of these two figures lenin and trotsky, is of course, a huge one, by the way, he recognized the role of trotsky, it’s just that other times had not come yet, at one time he even recognized stalin, he even wrote an article praising trotsky a year after the revolution, but that’s it. well, in general, this very idea of ​​​​internationalism and communism, that’s how many foreigners took part in the revolution during the civil war, yes, pole, pole, dzerzhinsky
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, please, belokun, hungarian, please, the latvian riflemen left a really scary mark. let's put it bluntly, but nevertheless, oleg adundich, croatian, dashing cavalryman, that’s why i sometimes say that i mentioned that their character was so leavened or something, that’s why lenin, i say, if it had happened that he ended up somewhere in gaita, he would have fought there too with illiteracy he created the red army, probably, maybe, but first of all, in my opinion, since we are talking about haite, we decided to dream up.
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which then existed and also not only in internationalism, in the imagination of russia, because then the world revolution was expected not only in russia, the first world war, seemed to have moved the world towards a world revolution, there were revolutionary sentiments in france, there were in germany, everything was in full swing, and even the enemies of the revolution believed that it was quite possible that everything would break out any minute, it’s interesting that already... after the revolution on in the twilight of his political activity, he paid
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a lot of attention to the comintern, so he called on his foreign comrades, so to speak, not just to declarations of solidarity, as it were, with the soviet regime, but, so to speak, selfless support for the bolshevik course and the soviet russia, and it’s interesting that if the russian proletarian... he taught using western european examples, then he taught the europeans, well, this is natural, the completely fresh experience of the russian revolution and believed, he talked a lot about the upcoming battles, so to speak, revolutionary ones, he believed that this post-war crisis must be used, as it is a kind of leaven for the revolution.
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fell and broke this puzzle of the russian empire, it turned out that it was simply impossible to insert the country of the soviets with a different configuration without touching everything else. today we talked about vladimir ilyich lenin, it was a historical podcast russia-west on the swing of history. study history with us. you can watch the podcast russia and the west on the swing of history on the website of the first channel
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the day comes, the hour comes, and i want to know what will happen tomorrow in a year. with you, with me, how to get over the sad weather, and not fall,
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how to renounce from the soul, throw off the shoulders, the despondency of past years, find good luck from the years, i know that day will come, i know, the bright hour will come when let's smile. the world itself will become everything is beautiful for us, i know that day will come, i know a bright hour will come. when the world smiles and becomes a wonderful thing for us,
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sorrows and shadows will dispel away, your smile, and... as the sun and the wind greets me, let the sun be pure, it is a broken dream, tenderness will awaken in the sun of the sun, the rain of passions will fall, change gray days, i know that day will come, i know. i know a bright hour will come when the world will smile and everything will become beautiful for us, i know that day will come, i know a bright hour will come when the world will smile and everything will be beautiful for us, tsu-tsu, tsu-tsu,
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tsu-tsu. the world will come and everything will become beautiful for us, i know that day will come, i know a bright hour will come when the world will smile and everything will become beautiful for us, tsudu, tsyudu.
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my guest today is the rock band lead fog, hello guys, their hit was great, powerful in the mid-nineties, early nineties, yes in the middle at the end, in the middle, in the late nineties in the late nineties, yes i know, to this day has been playing on many radio stations for a while now, this hit goes straight into the charts, even because of this we are again we gathered the team again, because well, the request
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went back, so together with the guys, with grisha and sasha, we installed a lead one. my guest is the leader, founder, lyricist, author of music, author of everything, in general the author of lead fog, dmitry nesterov, yes, everything is correct, well, now there are also co-authors of new songs and new arrangements, these are grisha and sasha lupenkova, yes, grisha , sasha, hello, hello, you are twins, yes, as i understand it, ural twins, you can tell them apart by their beards, as i understand it, i can tell them apart in general, we have known each other for 100 years, therefore bone, therefore. listen, i can’t help but ask a question that you’ve already practically answered: what is happening now, well , there’s just some kind of resonance and interest again, i’m looking at some crazy hundreds of thousands of downloads and listening on the internet all sorts of numbers, millions, so
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it became, well, the group became in demand, why don’t you re-upload the clips in good quality, because 480 is the maximum resolution. you know, i have nothing, well, yes, i didn’t save anything, i thought i was done with music forever, and to be honest, i don’t even remember where in what warehouse i kept all my vytakams all the way out, and then the brothers appeared and shook dima, and what were you doing during this period, when, let’s say, from the late nineties to the present day, when, well, in the 2000s, i was organizing events related to all sorts of political elections, i was preparing the field, that is, it was called...
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there were white dances, yes, you invited gentlemen, white dance, well, there were slow dances, imagine, then it was normal in the middle dance set so that there is a set slow dancing, cool, when you decided that you should write music and that first, text or or music, music, music first, yes, this is the problem of our team, that i write music first, in our country, in our country the country needs lyrics, i know you write songs very slowly, i ask from... answers the question slowly, yes, i write songs slowly, why? no, in fact, i don’t know how songs are written, they just pop out on their own,
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if we knew how songs are written, we would probably have written a bunch by now, yes, i’m here not a professional musician, guys, professionals with higher education in music, the thoughts are the same, yeah, of course it’s not easy to write a good song, especially a cheerful one, yes, cheerful, positive, i know, i actually wrote a song. i know that day will come, i know, i was in love, i was playing on an out-of-tune piano, on my decks, in the back of the disco, and i came up with, i immediately came up with this chorus, and i think that there is harmony in the out-of-tune area, that’s it, now you 've split, that's it, well, you got out of the situation beautifully once, you just took byron's text, well yes, but thanks to me, thanks to my mother, she read me poetry when i was sick, and... we had a translation of pas, yes, in the translation of marshak’s parsnip, it was normal for me to read dunno on the moon, and to you, too, dunno on the moon they read it, but somehow my mother felt very bad about me, she took it and started
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reading byron’s poems to me and i liked it so much, it sank into my soul so much that i remembered about it when i had already started to come up with music, look for some texts, better all this music is based on the text of byron himself, but i myself could not come up with it, you know, but once i tried it and the rhythm fits, and i just like that... everything fell into place and it turned out to be oes’ song, let ’s go ahead and sing it, let’s sing it, let’s sing it, tsu, tsu-doo.
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oh, if in the bustle of the day i lose your dear image in a lonely hour in a lonely hour at night it... to return with the same strength and it is a matter of pride for my soul, keep your image sacred among forgetful friends, to be faithful to you as once, as once. forgive me, sometimes, among strangers, laughing with the careless
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, in the bustle of empty speeches, i seem to forget you, but don’t believe my words. you with a threatening curse, i don’t want to give up the fool, not even your sigh, not even your glance, i’m so tired of finding and losing you, among the meaninglessness of the years, yes, yes, i saw fire, where there is no fire, and where there is only once. .. only you don’t give light, burn well, while it’s bitter, i want you so much, i want
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you back so much. forever!
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among the nonsense of the years, yes, yes, i saw fire, where there is no fire, and where the dawn is burning, only you don’t let it burn to the ground, while there is no wine, i’m so tired, so tired, i want to lose you.
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like once upon a time, this is a podcast 20 years later, i am the host konstantin mikhailov, my guests are svintsova and tuman. wow, how did the name come about? oh, that was also a disaster, because it was my student years. after even, because it seems like a group, a group, a group, a group, but what group, there is no name, so we came up with a huge list of 100 different names, then there were fashionable names consisting of two words, but i poked, poked , poked, poked, when i got tired of all this, i pointed with my finger and it turned out to be a leaden fog, and it seemed to me very in the british way, very byron-like, with a finger in the sky, lead fog, byron again again, of course, well, lead fog, of course, such cold romance, i heard something that
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in... at the very beginning of his career there were tours in great britain, yes, there was, there was such an adventure, but it was not an adventure, it was actually at the end of the soviet union, there was a cultural exchange, ninety-one, yes, and some people from the bbc came here, only they belonged to the irish bbc, they chose, they chose three groups, one played guitar music, lead fog, one was a jazz group, and one was such a folk-rock group in white clothes, they performed in chain mail in...
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in general, everything myself, as far as i remember, you came to the radio, here i am, i remember you and alyonka pugacheva, you two are all time, we had her like that, we had a couple, we were running, she was also involved in the administration of the team, but in this song i know, there was a chic one right at the very end, there she was there wap, well, they sang us they had four girls, she not only sang alone, there were also girls there, but at our concert at the end in the end there are only two left, oniska female, listen to algacheva. and how are you all yourself, you, you, you were on all the radio stations, it turns out, bone, it’s just a magic torch in one place, you know, a lot of youthful enthusiasm, confidence in victory, everything, wonderful, horror, and what about now it’s scary, what kind of miracles happened in general, what miracles, that’s how you just opened the door with your foot, just how they let you in, i don’t understand how it all worked out, ask me often, i don’t understand, i wanted the firmware, it didn’t happen at all nothing,
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no limits at all. or the beats played to us, danced to the beats, no, just the beats unleashed chaos, yes, they threw such parties , you know, it was really everything, everything, iron jealousy just collapsed, and there is so much hope ahead, so much ahead, this light at the end of the tunnel, and that’s what the song is about , that’s why it’s shot the day and this is exactly what is 100% positive - it is pure sincere absolutely we wanted to share with people i know that day will come it has come yes look we are here are you here? podcast, everything great, 20 years later, we are together again, everything is fine, a wonderful channel, a wonderful program for the group’s 35th anniversary, yes it is being fulfilled, well, if this is just the beginning, if this is mine, then it turns out even more, about 35, this
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35 smai, smai already 35, dima nesterov, once a foreigner read his first and last name written in russian, dima nesterov, as duma hektipob, but he said russian. very strange, i say, what’s strange, and i wrote him my address, where to send it, he reads it, says, well, this is how it is, i it’s like dima, i’m writing and writing, dumas hiktipop, that is, ivanov would have been an ubakhop, you know, but my friends then all called him hikti-pop, you know, dj hiktipop, dima hiktipop, dumas hiktipop, i also remember a song from you were like that in the dance a little bit, that is, it’s like that right under, it ’s love that’s gone, that’s what we did, we did a dance version of this song, like... with the mayovsky djs, and they recorded beats for us, and we were on those beats they did tactical treatment. i remember that you called your style as new guitar, well
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we called new guitar music new guitar music, yes, exactly, exactly, that is, i remember at that time it was really very, very fresh, cool, but still relevant to listen to, we had to stand out somehow, in my youth i had to have my own clearing organize. it was, there was no guitar music, well, consider it a failure, yes a failure, but what was later called brit pop, here you are, like a person who is always looking a little into the future, what’s next, so we will continue and we will wait, until the young smova grow up, well, the same thing or some kind of direction there, well, we are currently working on new material, we are writing, what style it will be in, i don’t know, you say what stick it is in, well, i think that this is not even predictable yet, but completely. it will be lead fog, well, just in the 22nd century, for example, yes, yes, well, i’m already saying that, well, in any case, it will be lead fog, well, you don’t want to add more electronics there, there’s also a stage for djs, we tried it, tried, tried, not only
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did they try to introduce talented djs and producers, but musicians’ musical firmware still takes over, we need to play everything live, if we can do it, we need to play live, yes, but we’re not afraid of experiments, no, i haven’t had that, although you know, that’s what i’m saying, there were no ambitions, you have no idea, i once came to london to sign an album in russian, i tried to sell them on and sign a contract with them, so you say ambition, is it ambition or not ambition, this is probably a little crazy,
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this is crazy, but the fact remains a fact, you are not such a good nerd, which, as i understand it, opened doors for you , i was sure, i did what i was sure, i was wondering whether they were waiting for me or not, but is this really about the clips? were you involved in developing the scripts? you know, no, it was all left to the guys, because i trusted all the professionals very much and they did everything very well, they are generally mega-talented guys and life has shown this, they are now leading camera directors, yeah, listen, but you don’t want to nothing to do with your hands on stage when you sing, because here you are without an instrument, you only have a microphone, a tambourine, you usually have it, i always had it before, but i was beating my foot off so much. i walked around with bruises, seriously, the surgeons once simply told me, you will end up badly, hematomas, hematomas are permanent, i even had jeans with leather linings on the inside, that somehow i couldn’t twist my leg at all, i stopped, we even put him on the pulpit of a tambourine
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sent, but the guys said, it’s time for you to improve your qualifications, they are professionals, you know, they came and said, oh, dima, dima, it’s time to go to the department, the sixteenth is limping, yes, why didn’t the tambourine bring here, well... i can’t, allergies, the bruise forms on its own, you know, tambourine phobia, i know that you are now helping young musicians, mentor, in some form, you have something like a production center or? no, no, well, first of all, there are the guys and i, and we all try at least somehow, if we see talented people, they don’t particularly shine financially, we also try to help them with something, somehow produce, very a lot, we need to help, even make arrangements, because sometimes guys, that is, you directly sponsor, well, i i just come to the rehearsal space, sit with them, help them compose the song correctly so that people hear some kind of product, and not just a reflection on the topic, well, are they listening to you or. then they don’t care, yes, they then float through their lives anyway, but it’s still
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absorbed, i don’t expect gratitude, i just smell like a production center, you don’t want to, well, let’s see, you know, we ’re working on it now, we’re thinking about this topic , but it’s hard work, thankless work, then you can’t tie a musician to a battery, you can’t force him, contracts don’t work, it can to be only a charity, otherwise now in general the world has simply turned out to be unproduced or something, well, this is terrible, because in fact everything is produced, in fact, as soon as... an artist starts to appear somewhere, he shoots songs, he has a a circle of people and who are trying to help him, and want to make money, well , they want to make money, they start to help him, yes, they start to help him anyway, to say that a person posted something on the internet, became popular and after that he alone is all this does, it’s not true, well, listen, well, nalich got so infected with his guitars, he actually did everything himself, well, yes, but where did he go then, that everything normally exists perfectly, right? he writes music for films, for plays, well , he writes music for films, you know, but from
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the stage he still yes, you also collaborated with cinema, you wrote and the song, i know, was included in the cinema, yes, but with us it was rather different, we just had our songs included in the soundtrack, and i don’t know that you plan to write something for cinema next, you know, i after all, this is the format for me, which is what i do, guys, yes, they manage to write everything for cinema and for plays and for everything, but i’m still like, give me a bend from a bend, so that. .. you like the club format better, i like it , although you know we played in the big ones at the olympic olympics there were 15,000 people screaming, i know that day in luzhniki 50,000 and nothing, but it’s some kind of different atmosphere i like clubs personally, i’m grisha sasha and you for you write movie music, well, we don’t write anything anymore, but before we were doing those other things, now we’re just relaxing, i just want to be more musicians. now the time has come that a certain kind of
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freedom has appeared, in a word, they are simply self-sufficient, yes, self-sufficient people, and i only want to study music, play with dima and nesterov, we really like it, by the way, we have some kind of chemistry happens with each other, we always have some kind of creative symbiosis, we always do it very easily, you know, we start rearranging, we do it very easily, no one never argues, no one ever hangs up, not anything at all, just like that, and we have completely different points of view, we look from different sides. in one direction, it’s very interesting, just a dream, and don’t even talk about it, i’m afraid i’ll spill it, no, we like it, really, we like doing it, because here at least everything is real, no one is in a hurry and doesn’t think about commerce, what is needed tomorrow, they won’t take this radio on this, probably not, we don’t think about the format at all, just honestly for real and so you have to create, but you already know you can’t run too fast in our time, it seems to me that this is the only way now somehow.
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group lead fog, i am the host konstantin this is a podcast 20 years later, we are talking with mikhailov, how do you like to spend your free time, what do you like to do most besides creativity or creativity, oh, i don’t know, i do creativity, yes i do more some musical projects. so connected with other people performing something there, that is, i like to organize some festivals, do something else like that, i i like it, that is, an organizer, well, yes, i have such a streak, and i love it, so that everything moves around, and you guys, how do you spend your free time, what do you like? we practically don’t have our own, let’s just say, yes, and if it appears, then we’re in a hurry, just as probably, we help dima, we teach both vocals and guitar,
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uncle sasha, record the drums for me, please, yeah, well, but how can we distinguish drums and guitars from artificial intelligence, like in a living person, there is no difference in hearing, i think that with style, most likely, style, energy, that is, a little wrong, somewhere a little out of tune about the living, no, every musician has his own style, when ...
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he hears and he fulfills a desire, wishes for something b kotya, i’m serious to you i say, i want more positive things, i live happily, i have something to remember in a day, i move a lot, do a lot of things, and i want to continue to move the space in this way, some big achievements, and of course i want to release an album and more concerts play, travel around the country i want to play, i want to, but everything will come, everything will be, and what would you guys want in 20 years, yes , in 20 years, for example, i would like everyone, all people, humanity to have their own home, a roof over their heads, health and everything, so that everyone would live by the sea, listen, listen to beautiful music, and you know what i would like, i would also like to meet in 20 years, sit and talk about music, what we have done in 20 years, 20 years later, what does it mean so that yes,
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yes, that is, you understand, so that i want to stand on stage in 20 years and also so that the broadcast, by the way, and to give people joy. and from the classics that you listened to, you guys, when you were inspired, as i understand it, ladzelin, everything that existed there, for example, in the seventies, sixties, seventies and eighties, and until 2000 in general , including, everyone devoured everything, just they were so omnipresent, it was just later that this granche, garage music appeared. became the music of one producer, yes, that is, people learned to turn the knobs, yeah, no one is needed, a minisk appeared, like in a restaurant, everything became equal, everything the musicians dispersed, all that was left was a minidisc and
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a computer, something must now shoot again, it seems to me that now everything that is happening and going on is the same again, even though they say that the ring roads there don’t lead anywhere, they do. what will it be i want to make a song for now, at least a new song somehow so that it is relevant for modern for me modern for the guys modern, you know, well , the guitars, drums and bass guitars will definitely remain, everything that is alive will definitely remain , i still think so it will remain for centuries to come, it won’t go anywhere, because it’s a classic, by the way, i personally don’t need music without guitars, without drums, without bass, without such a lively live presentation, it’s an orchestra for me, that’s a different story, to be honest, it is necessary to return the industry, when everyone lives with each other, exchanges and lives in one community, in one society, all the same, everyone will return to the living, because people cannot live without the living, so they are sitting, because people are sitting at the table that they sing to the accordion, i take it i won’t return to the accordion, and they’re already back, and they’re already back, yes, yes, let’s do something cheesy now at the end
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we’ll cry, okay, that it will be the love that’s gone.


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