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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 23, 2024 4:20am-4:58am MSK

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there should be an example so that their family and friends feel less of these consequences of war, i and my dynasty have a small military dynasty, i have an older brother and his children, my son, the youngest, a cadet at the khrulev academy, on may 9 the son of the commander will march to red square in ceremonial formation, his father, standing on the spectator stand, wants to share this solemn moment with him. and this is a tank battalion of the same western group of troops. one of the most modern t-90m breakthrough tanks currently in service with the russian army prepares for combat work and aims at the target. a modern car is equipped with a robust security system. in addition, there is ultra-precise navigation, it hits precisely.
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tankers often operate from closed firing positions. we work with any shells against all targets, against artillery, against dugouts, against manpower, whatever coordinates are given, we will work on those. by changing tactics from active defense to offensive and vice versa, our units are moving forward. gusein huseynov, farid muslimov, boris chuchupalov and svetlana vedyashkina, channel one, lugansk people's republic republic. more about our defenders, guard lieutenant. alexander moshkin, commander of an engineering platoon, and his soldiers repelled the attack of ukrainian saboteurs, destroyed most of the group, and the surviving militants fled. guard sergeant major alexander krutilov was delivering ammunition to the front line during the next flight, the convoy came under fire, and alexander’s life ensured the delivery of the important cargo on time without loss. now about those whose glorious traditions are now continuing our wars in the northern military district zone, up to 9 main may...
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participants in the first movement, their parents and teachers. now about the flood situation. vyma, in the tyumen region today the peak of the flood was passed, city authorities reported this. but the situation still remains difficult. more than 2.0 houses are still flooded in kurgan; in orenburg, rescuers have already begun to dismantle the dams. today , the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived there. the focus is on restoring damaged housing. report from the disaster zone by alina sanueva. several villages in tyumen the areas are cut off from the mainland; to get there, a boat crossing operates and people are brought clean drinking water and bags. they will be filled with sand to strengthen them. in
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the village of sinitsina, both men and women are working on this, everything seems tense, our houses are completely surrounded by water, well , the dam seems to be holding, but yesterday until 5 am the villagers and i were loading bags, strengthening the dam to raise it , so as not to leak, there was a road in this place just yesterday, but it had to be dug up, in order to protect the village from the rapid flow of water, and this is already shim, the water level in the river... is slowly beginning to stabilize, but the situation still remains difficult: the city has prepared more than 300 places in temporary accommodation centers, each of which must have a medical office, let's take the temperature 36.5, great, is there anything bothering you, nothing, everything is fine, everything is fine, at each emergency room we have medical workers working around the clock, upon admission our task is to carry out the initial examination.
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sometimes we work at night, the mood, of course, is victorious, we must defeat it, there is no other way, if ishim manages to defend the water will go further downstream, several more districts of the tyumen region will be under the threat of flooding, a little more than 2,000 remain flooded in the neighboring kurgan region houses. in the orenburg region , more than 700 houses and 800 household plots were freed from water within 24 hours. today , the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived there and chaired a meeting of the government commission.
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alexander kurenkov and the governor of orenburg regions saw the dismantling of a water-filling dam on the banks of the urals in progress. the 300 m long structure was able to protect a microdistrict where more than 5,000 people live from high water. the minister met with residents of the region; in their homes, the commission has already begun assessing the damage caused. that’s just unity, that’s how people are, yes, we even started talking on the street now, everyone helped each other, it’s very nice.
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actively transferred to emergency services. when it comes to natural disasters, be it floods or wildfires, it is important to the work of meteorologists, it is their data that helps predict emergency situations and minimize their consequences. today prime minister mikhail
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mishustin was told about new technologies in the roshydromet robot. in dolgoprudny, near moscow, he took part in a meeting of the department’s board, and also talked with students and teachers and graduates of the moscow institute of physics and technology. ours knows the details. forecast accuracy - 96%. the russian weather service is in the top five in the world. how we manage to do this, today they told us and showed us mikhail mishustin. the most interesting thing from this country. nowadays, mobile meteorological laboratories and weather stations probably won’t surprise many people. but what if we place, for example, a radiosonde here - our engineers thought, and so they placed it. to a height of up to 28-30 km, then it descends back and measures the entire profile of the atmosphere. humidity, speed. most of our weather stations now have the latest equipment, including the one on the largest russian island in the gulf of finland (goglandt), about which the prime minister said the head of this station, mikhail
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avdeev. most recently, he returned from the northern military district zone, where he served as a sapper. this is a strategic station and works around the clock. there are enough beards. thank you very much, you are not the only one. here you carried out your professional duties, volunteered, defended your homeland with great dignity, we are proud of you. prime minister mishustin has repeatedly called roshydromed one of the most innovative departments, but these same innovations are literally everywhere here. here, for example, is the model of our new scientific expedition vessel north pole. this is an ice-resistant platform like no other in the world. well, thanks to this particular vessel we succeeded at a new level. revive the program of drifting polar stations, just the laboratories here 15 research in the arctic ocean can now be carried out all year round, this platform literally freezes into the ice and drifts with it, there is a laboratory aircraft nearby, our yak has already proven itself well in yakutia during
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the fire season there is equipment on board that causes precipitation, but also good weather with it help is also possible. in moscow , the weather is usually good during the holidays, our institute also deals with this.
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roshydromet itself, by the way, is already 190 years old this year, more than a dozen domestic space satellites, this group has recently been supplemented by the arctic and meteor m, and of course a supercomputer that analyzes the array of received information and models all atmospheric processes based on it. and immediately after the premiere, i visited the moscow festeh, and here, too, there was something to show, from such aircraft taking off from the decks, nuclear icebreakers, the latest... microchips in the laboratory of the institute of quantum technologies, i understand correctly, it will be possible , for example, to photograph
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the earth from an airplane through the clouds? yes, it is quite possible, that is, the eye will not see, with the help of this thing, yes, it is much more sensitive than the eye to ranges that are not yet available to us until batteries for spacecraft, that this is the only source of energy at the landing stage of the return vehicle when astronauts return from space to earth, this battery is designed for four flights, today we are proud that we have such... with its help, any citizen or an entire company can leave a request, the system will automatically distribute orders among those involved in the collection. we have a project, on behalf of the president, this is a general cleaning, and this is such a big, large-scale project,
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negotiations are also underway so that other opposition parties will also unite and go together with one bloc so that we can take our country to another level, quality of life. israel has approved plans to continue hostilities in the gas strip, the idf general staff reported. according to the latest data, the death toll in the enclave has exceeded 34,000 people, 77 were injured. against this background, even the united states, which has always supported israel, is threatening to impose sanctions against at least one of
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the units of the israeli army. the reason for the violation of human rights on the west bank of the jordan river. american media write about this. here's how israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu responded to these reports. if anyone thinks they can impose sanctions on idf units, i will fight it with all my might. how our soldiers came together to protect us on the battlefield. for the failures of the security forces last fall, when they failed to prevent the hamas attack on israel on october 7. it was after this attack, let me remind you, that the palestinian-israeli conflict actually escalated into a full-scale war. according to israeli media, the head of intelligence decided to resign almost immediately after those events, but did not do this while the active phase of fighting in the gas sector. new horizons
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of cooperation and breakthrough technological solutions, the international exhibition innoprom central asia opened in tashkent. the main surprise under the hood is not a gasoline engine, but a hydrogen one, 612 horsepower, acceleration to 100 km/h in 4 seconds, cruising range of 600 km, full charging in 5 minutes, and most importantly - absolute environmental friendliness, no exhaust gases of harmful emissions from the exhaust droplets of water may come out of the pipes, that is, what remains as a result of the reaction is absolutely safe, and moreover, even
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if there is some deformation of the car, destruction of the car, there will be no explosion. there is simply a leak of hydrogen, which does not cause any danger. the international industrial exhibition inoprom is being held in tashkent for the fourth time, this year its name is a regional focus. over the past year , imports from central asia to the russian market increased significantly by almost 12%. the introduction of sanctions, the withdrawal of individual western suppliers, as well as a decline in trade. with unfriendly states opens up new opportunities for our closest partners, the russian economy does not lose its competitive advantages. last year, despite external pressure, the manufacturing industry in russia showed 7.5%, and in the first 2 months of this year it added another
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10.6. russia is working on its technological sovereignty and is doing it successfully, he emphasized. dozens of countries, including the usa and japan. american and japanese businessmen do not participate in official discussions; they have no stands with their products, they registered as visitors because they want to be aware of industry news and promising developments. one of these new products is a new generation digital office, similar to an atm, but it alone replaces an entire bank branch; it can be placed in any hard-to-reach point, provided there is electricity and the internet.
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the operator raises the video link, you scan your passport, it identifies you and absolutely any operation. there is a printer, you can sign any document, this device can issue a card, can practically become a new client. another promising development is hector. this is a drone designed for agriculture. this drone can cover 18 hectares of area within an hour. we have exactly the same development with a larger tank, which is 200 liters. this tank allows you to process from 40 to 50 hectares per hour. all this is of great interest, especially among businessmen from uzbekistan. we have a lot on our agenda. directions, projects, this is in the field of the automotive industry, in the field of aviation and pharmaceuticals and chemistry, metallurgy, where we see interest, development institutions and support tools are being created for this, both from uzbekistan and from
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russia, these topics were central at the working meeting of the prime minister of uzbekistan. now about cooperation in the field of nuclear energy: the atommash plant in the rostov region has shipped a set of steam generators for the third power unit at akuyu station. let me remind you that the construction of this first nuclear power plant in turkey is a large joint project between rusatom and the turkish partners. in the near future, russian manufacturers will supply equipment for the reactor of the fourth power unit. in the history of the plant how. there have been different times throughout our country, but the modern generation of atommash residents has really achieved a lot. today atommash is the country's largest nuclear engineering enterprise. russia, turkey, india and china. the space explorers park in
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the saratov region should become a center of attraction for the younger generation of tourists from all over the country. this was stated by state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. second the space park at the landing site of yuri gagarin will open in 3 years. rocket-building laboratory, training center, captains of the future. that is why, as part of the implementation of the project for the development of the space indicators park of the second stage, it was proposed to make it educational. a mobile application that makes life easier for patients with kidney diseases and a whole network of nephrology centers in moscow. doctors showed how everything works using the example
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of a complex at the botkin hospital. full cycle assistance from diagnosis to transplantation kidneys the most important and difficult thing, doctors say, is to detect the disease at an early stage. report by yulia anishchenko. i have undergone this dialysis procedure in five countries around the world. turkey, spain, uzbekistan, israel. every tenth inhabitant of the planet has serious problems with the kidneys, in russia there are 15 million people, for years the disease does not manifest itself in any way, destroying the body, until a certain stage the kidneys do not have nerve endings, the kidneys
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do not hurt, and often we detect a person only in the final stage of the fourth and terminal fifth stage, including the fifth dialysis stage, as a rule, people with just this form of renal failure end up in this clinic, this is what surprises the patients, calmly and some...
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about which, only in extreme necessity they turn to medical organizations to take tests, they practically do not attend the appointment . the urgent need is, among other things , kidney transplants, now they are being performed in russia more than ever before, approximately 1,500 per year, such operations are carried out not only in federal centers, but in the leading clinical city hospitals of moscow, they come, take tests, that is, they are under the supervision of doctors all the time, so these patients are in a more intact form, let’s put it this way... they submit to us for surgery, they tolerate it more easily, then they live a full life, without the need for replacement honorary therapy .
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every muscovite can now receive timely consultation, treatment or emergency assistance free of charge in one of the four inter-district nephrology centers in the capital. yuli anishchenko, mikhail artyukhin, larisa nikitina, channel one. an alarming story about happy ending. in kirov, a former paratrooper saved a girl; she climbed onto the roots from a fourth-floor balcony. the child apparently was playing and did not realize the danger. the girl was noticed from below and rescuers were immediately called, but one of the eyewitnesses decided to act on his own and immediately. the man ran to the fifth floor, went down, opened the window and let the girl inside. the thirty-eight-year-old hero does not think that he did anything exceptional; he says that when he served in the landing force, he more than once came to the aid of his comrades in the most risky situations. huge competition, huge interest from the strongest teams, including the russians. the international mendeleev olympiad in chemistry has started in china. schoolchildren, it is dedicated to the 1990th anniversary of the birth of the great scientist. in order to win, you need to solve the most difficult problems, conduct unpredictable experiments to show who is
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the smartest, how to chemically. to become champions in the reporting of our own correspondent in china, natalya lyublinskaya. due to a tropical cyclone, flights to shenzhen, china were canceled one after the other. others, but despite the weather conditions, the russian team arrived on time. everyone carries an invaluable store of knowledge in their head. there are no textbooks in the suitcases anymore, it will be a little distracting. now, before, well , before the tours, reading or repeating anything doesn’t make sense, because your head just gets clogged, it’s more useful to relax, to breathe out. at most, skim through some notes on something. the guys are not just young and talented chemists, but already titled graduates of high school . resting, someone does not let go of the notebook, solving sudoku. during these 5 hours i still couldn’t finish the solution, so now you’re finishing it off. vadim kharisov from bashkartastan last year took gold in two prestigious competitions, the mendeleev and international chemical
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olympiads. for him, the most difficult stage is that tasks are traditionally given in two languages, russian and english, but at the request of the participants they can be translated in advance into their native language; half of the teams took advantage of this chance. geography is expanding, we have here representatives of the african continent, the kenyan team is participating for the first time, vietnam has joined a very strong team, this
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year we set a record. this is very pleasing, while the high school students are solving problems, in the next building the jury members are busy doing chemicals, preparing an experimental round, access to these laboratories is still closed to teams, because the secret is, well, in general, we are practically preparing tourist competitions, organizing practice is very difficult, very difficult, especially for such a number of participants, that is, you need to prepare tasks for two hundred people, participants can only guess what they came up with this time... this time every time, every year it’s a new practice, a new surprise, a new experiment, it’s always a practice, it’s also connected somehow from the side of implementation, that is , in kazakhstan we had kazakh tea , in china , maybe, i don’t know, bamboo, who knows, so the opening ceremony today was reminiscent of the effects of a chemical experiment, which the teams were able to admire after a tense first round. there is such a legend that the mendeleev olympiad is still the most difficult olympiad, well, well wrote the first round, it's really
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true. everyone would have difficulties, of course, but it’s still somehow a shame when there is a solution, it’s right there, but you can’t take it, the guys have almost weeks of testing ahead, the russian team is one of the favorites of the international mendeleev olympiad in chemistry, but also the chinese team is very strong, the battle of wits has begun, natalya lyublinskaya, sergey shilin, erina chinchu, evgenia stefanchuk and yuri rublev, channel one china. there was talk about cooperation between russia and china. at a meeting of the council of regional heads of our country, dedicated to relations with the prc. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov spoke about cooperation within the framework of brix and sco and how these contacts can be developed. the speaker of the chinese parliament and chairman kenersin ping are scheduled to visit russia in july. he will attend the brix summit in kazan. another important topic that sergei lavrov touched on is the almost complete rejection of dollars in bilateral trade. russian-chinese trade and economic
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cooperation is actively developing, despite this. to persistent attempts by the states of the collective west to put a spoke in the wheels, as they say. there has been an almost complete de-dollarization of bilateral economic relations. today, more than 90% of mutual settlements have been converted into national currencies. cooperation in the energy sector is steadily advancing, supplies of our agricultural products to the chinese market are growing, and joint projects are being implemented in the investment and industrial sectors. spheres. who would have thought, but russia has its own giaconda, albeit a cartographic one. the russian geographical society showed map of russia from the time of peter i, it is one of the largest in history. and now it becomes clear where alexander the great, figuratively speaking, buried his gun. using this map, tsar peter examined those who were not very knowledgeable about geography; this unusual exhibit is presented before it goes for large-scale restoration. our
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correspondent alena found out what else can be read from this map. germanova is hidden under this cartouche under a compass - a glass stock golem is hidden, this is the only european city that is present on map, and for some reason it was painted over. centuries he painted consciously, taking his native siberian tobolsk as the center. it’s more convenient to navigate in this way, because our russian people were then developing the lands to the south of tobolsk, this projection faces south, where, in fact, the russian pioneers explored. 2 m high, almost three in length in his drawing of siberia from the borders of chinese distances, remezov indicated in days of travel, there were carts abandoned by someone, near the mouth of the amur, the inscription alexander the great reached this place. according to legend, peter himself first at this card, then
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he examined the courtiers. of course, this is not the work of one person or even one generation. the siberian prikaz collected reports from cossacks and travelers who walked around siberia in one way or another. and they had to write down, sketch what they saw, that is, they were already drawing up drawings, for, well, 200 years by the end of the 16th century, all this settled in the siberian order, semyon ulyanovich remezov worked with these materials, the masterpiece of the russian school of cartography has long lost its golden and blue pigments and in places, the canvas is covered through cracks, the viewer has not seen remezov’s map for almost two decades. but a complex and lengthy restoration will finally return it to its former greatness. the collection of the russian geographical society is about 100,000 maps, the oldest ones are almost 550 years old. this is how, for example, 3 centuries ago this world was imagined by the dutch cartographer peter schenk. there is no
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antarctica here yet, it will be discovered only in a century, and our country seems to have no end and no borders; what was beyond this siberia was a mystery to europeans. and therefore behind russian cards europeans literally hunted and tried to secretly bring them out. behind the invisible, they were hiding. new trade routes and lands literally strewn with priceless artifacts, our expeditions are still finding them. the tunuk mound, 9th century bc, the famous valley of the scythian kings in tuva has been excavated for 6 years, but nature has literally preserved the most valuable things in the center of the large mound. the surprising thing is that it is located in such a very swampy area, that is, we are hoping for , well, sensational results, precisely because there must be another preservation of organic matter. very early this year, the russian geographical society will make 15 large expeditions; already in may, between the japanese seas of okhotsk in the laprusa strait, they will explore sunken ships from the second world war, and from the bottom of vitamin lake they will raise the belpi 63 fighter, which was delivered
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by the united states to the soviet union under the lendlease agreement, but in 1945, one of them crashed in kamchatka. we get it, transport it, restore it and, of course, transfer it to specialized museums. we we can't leave this. well, let’s just say, now it’s like a lake at the bottom, we need to perpetuate the memory of our pilots, our own separate expedition this year will work in the icy desert on the land of franz joseph, scientists will look there for traces of ancient earthquakes, once upon a time the arctic was shaken by up to nine points , the task for this season is to create a permanent scientific station and laboratory of the russian geographical society in the climatic history of the world, because there are also discoveries. alena germanova, denis toromchina, ksenia ugarova, georgy ilyin and khristina ivanova, first channel st. petersburg. that's all, keep an eye on the time and stay updated. and now on the air of the first channel kino according to the law of martial law. battle for rostov - first episode. november 1941.
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soviet troops are engaged in fierce battles with the enemy. occupy rostov and then attempted a deep detour to the don. svetlana elagina and nikolai mirsky, evacuated from kharkov, ended up in front-line rostov nadon.
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something, they’ll come up in 2 hours, we have to take our seats right away, i understand, no, i’m not going, what's the matter, i'll wait for the fate of this, he promised, are you out of your mind? the germans are nearby, i’m about to enter the city, light, light, light, what’s wrong with you, doctor, is there a doctor?
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come in, comrade, hello, what happened, serious, very serious, well, accept congratulations, young man, you will soon become a pope, a pope, yes, some kind of pope, not the roman one.


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