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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  April 23, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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i think that lyudmila turned out to be a femme fatale, a date, let’s go, i’m not ready yet, i need to get used to myself, but you won’t return to the old image, i think no, you like it, well, you know, in this image you can to go to the red carpet of any festival, well, of course it’s possible, but seriously, you will be a star, you will be photographed, you really look like now... a movie star, this is the change evelina. by the way, as a golden hollywood movie star, this is your favorite period. task: see what hollywood stars look like on the red carpet, look for a similar dress, and i also highly recommend that you study the work of teiri mugler, because you now look like his favorite client. there are some big names in fashion that are promoting different shades of washed out blue.
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this one, slightly powdery, so warm, feels like sand or powder, this blue is the color that tyria mugler really loved, when you look at exactly how you looked when you went out, and then you look at how grandesses tiri mugler looked on the catwalk, you will understand what i’m talking about, i agree that you are not even that strong and femme fatale, you are just such a typical fanfare... such a cold, beautiful blonde, fire in the ice, there is a fire inside, outwardly just an iceberg, a very attractive specimen for men, i also think that you are always trying to be good, but such a sacrificial sheep, in fact you are a strong, self-confident woman with a metal edge , your appearance this really contributes to this, but why is there anything shameful about... that you are femme fatal, yes,
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fatal, he is fatal, you saw how handsome he is, dear friends, come up, congratulate, hug, rejoice with lyudmila and her transformation, lyudmila, we applaud your new look and applaud the work of the stylists, the fashion verdict gives you all three sets, wear them with pleasure.
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participation in the fashionable verdict program, then fill out the form on the channel one website. the first channel presents. which blanket to choose, down or fleece?
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what miracles the liver has, i first of all want to ask our viewers: the liver is the main organ of detoxification, that is , neutralization, neutralization, and cleansing of the body, the liver is all one miracle, well, i wanted to say about this, so good, neighbor, three miracles of the liver, the liver is the main purifier of our blood, which is driven away, besides the purifier, who else to the man, give the man in shock? what will he tell us, his liver hurts, sometimes, his liver hurts, that’s also an option, you say, the liver has the ability to grow again, it’s the only one that regenerates organ, these are the progressive people who work here, well done to everyone, except the man whose liver hurts, because the liver doesn’t hurt, and it doesn’t hurt, because there are no pain receptors inside the liver, the brain, by the way,
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doesn’t hurt either, on the brain you can operate, and the person can be conscious, because there are no pain receptors, so the liver does not hurt, and if it does hurt, it means that some... other tissues are involved. herman shavach, three miracles of the liver, which one will you start with? well, i would like to say that one of the main functions liver - this is to maintain normal blood sugar levels when we are hungry, because the liver, like a hamster, stores glucose or carbohydrates; when our sugar drops, it throws it out. prevents us from dying from lack of sugar, this is very important, when, at what point in life, every time we fall asleep at night, every time we fall asleep, we have a break between meals
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of more than 8 hours, and after 3 hours we have our blood sugar begins to drop progressively if sugar is not restored after 10 hours of sleep. we would maybe they didn’t wake up because hypoglycemia occurs, the body goes into a hypoglycemic state, this can die, absolutely the brain simply turns off, but in the early morning hours the liver releases sugar into the blood, the jews have a morning greeting, not good morning, hello, how did you sleep, but what a herman six, thank you that i woke up, thank you that i am alive. lord, thank you that i woke up, alive. i don’t know if it was known in judaism that it is the liver that supports life, and that you can actually fall it’s impossible to wake up in a hypoglycemic coma, but to prevent this from happening to us, the liver
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releases sugar in the early morning hours. therefore, the most ancient people, thank the almighty for inventing the stove. with our guests who beautifully illuminated that the liver is a processing and detoxification factory for many of the foods we eat, many of the medications we ingest and toxins that come into us from the outside, absolutely. that’s right, the liver is the main organ of detoxification, and all detoxification is chemical, the liver is chemical, it’s not a filter, it’s chemical decomposes everything into components, making the harmful
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components of the substance neutral for the body, moreover, the liver has a unique blood supply system, the liver, for example, collects... i will show you all the venous blood from the stomach, small and large intestines, let's show how it is is happening. so, everything that we eat, everything that we have pushed into ourselves, is not always good. the unique blood supply to the liver includes the portal system. blood from the spleen, from the stomach, from the small intestine, from the large intestine, from the pancreas. briefly speaking speaking, blood. from all organs of the digestive tract it goes to the liver, why it is important that this particular blood passes, because it contains a lot of possible harmful substances that need to be processed so that they enter the blood already
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neutralized, then we will use some of them, some of them will be excreted through the kidneys or again secreted by the liver in the intestines and will leave the stool, in general. in any case , the liver neutralizes everything, and there is a special system for collecting blood with toxic substances from all parts of the digestive system tract, so that all this blood can be passed through the liver before this blood returns to the bloodstream, this is an absolute miracle of the liver, but we , as they say, are still people, we know how to spoil our liver, here we are now... here is such a model with hermann sha, this is actually the liver - look, there ’s the intestines on that side, look, so, we begin to swallow everything that we can’t get our hands on and toxic substances get to us, the liver has a certain speed of processing these
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toxic substances, the most toxic substances for the liver - it's fat and alcohol, right now while the liver copes. but we stand our ground and that’s all, that’s all, the liver is no longer able to cope, leading to cirrhosis of the liver, the result is that the liver does not
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perform its function, then we can simply die from all these toxic substances, yes, that means, look, more times, the most toxic substances for the liver are fat and alcohol, the first place for the causes of liver cirrhosis, the first place is occupied by non-alcoholic, fatty liver disease, so pay attention people... overweight and obese, you finish off your liver in this way, then don’t cry, don't tell me how god’s punishment befell me, this must be understood, fatty liver disease will end in cirrhosis and the liver will stop neutralizing toxic substances, hepatic coma will occur, and this is the end, in short, the second miracle of the liver. the colossal ability to neutralize everything and the existence of a special system for neutralizing everything that you and i
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have eaten, and the third miracle, the liver, we were also told about it, everyone said it, because everyone remembers promytheus, the liver is an organ that regenerates, can remain, a quarter of the liver is restored and a new liver can grow from it, let us remind you of the famous parable about prometheus, when... i also don’t know whether the creators of this legend knew about the ability of the liver to regenerate, but this is a thousand percent true, you only need to remember one thing that a person worse than that is a crow, because... constantly, that is
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, liver regeneration is a constant process, but a person is stronger than a crow, he pecks out his own liver and he doesn’t need any crow, he doesn’t need to be chained to a rock, as they say, he can handle it on his own, because well done, in medicine we use this miracle for...
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what is this girl doing here, that’s what no one ever told me that i’m beautiful,
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we’re trying, starting a new life, how can i walk down the street with this , listen, why do you need such a friend, it seems that grandpa will get his jersey back, can i hug you, of course, this is all fixable, this is all bullshit, being, husband, children, when to be a girl, let’s go on a date in this way, dear mother , well, it’s not me, all together, beauty. beauty hazhirov will have a fashionable sentence, a new season, tomorrow on the first, once these people determined. brands of rock pop music, and now they have left russia and divided the performers into their own and others, former music producer and now foreign agent mikhail kozyrov. there are artists who, as we call it, have ziganed, and there are artists who find it suicidal to express their anti-war views. mish, well, you probably need to get better, every night i return
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to what could have been done differently, i am doomed to live with this for the rest of my days, broken, depressed. absolutely devastated man, i’ve never seen him like this, he’s obsessed with roulette and other gambling games, my income is meager, i actually rely on what my friends give me, god, how i feel sorry for him on the one hand, on the other hand, what pathetic guys you are, i’m trying to catch some glimmer of hope that ukraine can win on the battlefield, and i don’t see anything, unfortunately.
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a piece of liver and we are starting a very unusual topic, we called it this: what do we lack, it turns out that the residents of russia lack many substances, but we don’t even know about it we know, we often don’t see the symptoms of a lack of these substances, we lack some vitamins, but who can say what vitamins we lack? i think we also don’t have enough vitamins group a, vitamins group b, vitamins group c, well, you want to list further on the list. no, no, no, not on the list, someone else, tell me what we are missing, what vitamins, specifically, iron, iron vitamin, maybe we are missing vitamin e, the answer is wrong, in fact we are missing several vitamins, first , we all don't there is not enough vitamin d, but you all know about this, the second thing is that we are missing several vitamins
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of group b, we are lacking vitamin a, about vitamin a and about... the lack of vitamin a is what we will talk about today, they will now bring three to our studio superfoods rich in vitamin a, please, three superfoods with vitamin a in the studio. in general, we must immediately say that vitamin a is an absolutely ophthalmic vitamin, pain.
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this red substance made from vitamin a, the substance is called rhodopsite, now a beam of light is shining on this substance, which i depict as a phonetic, this rhodopsin is consumed, a signal arises and an impulse goes to the brain, the brain, this is how the act of vision is carried out. the fact is that we do not produce vitamin a,
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we do not produce it, we only get it from the outside, we only get it from the outside, if we don’t have it, we get night blindness, pneumonia, bronchitis, lung infections and lung cancer, and of course, skin lesions, lina vasilna,
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skin lesions, it turns out that collagen, elastin, fibers are not made normally, and despite the fact that with cancer lungs, the situation in general simply shocked me, you know, it turned out that people with low levels of vitamin a have a higher likelihood of lung cancer... than smokers, it turns out, that is, not having vitamin a is worse than smoking, of course, smokers, in this sense you are lucky, lung cancer also threatens you, but less than with vitamin a deficiency, here it is, lung cancer, we repeat once again, we do not synthesize vitamin a ourselves, we can only get it with food, then here it is this cancer will be... destroyed, this is how i destroy it, mikhail egorevich, and he you see how resilient it is, lung cancer is one of the worst cancers, it is the worst to treat, this is a huge problem, well now
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let’s go back to the kitchen, three superfoods with vitamin a, germanshevich, read out the list, three superfoods with vitamin a, liver, different livers , what, goose and choke. me and cod liver, let's start with cod liver, how much daily doro 20 daily norms 100 g of cod liver contains vitamin a, this means that we need how much cod liver per day, 5 g per day, 5 g per day, cod liver restores daily requirement vitamin a, in second place, in second place is turkey liver, 15 daily nights, this, this, this. you recognize her by her appearance, yes, we recognize him by his appearance, 15 daily norms, also a crazy amount, 15 daily norms, 7 g of liver per day is enough to
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restore the need for vitamin a, in third place is goose liver, six daily norms in 100 g, that is , a minimum amount of food is needed, but the need for vitamin a will be completely restored, so there is only one piece of advice, in our hands, we must also take bottles, and we we will show you the simplest exercise, so, an exercise for everyone, simple, the exercise
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is like this, we take the bottle with one hand behind our back, and take it away with the other hand, then like this, wow , get up, who wants to get up, get up, tv viewers, tune in, so, let's go, do it five times, so, let's go, one, caught, oh, two, three, four, oh, five, beauty, exercise for perfect posture, for perfect posture. who couldn't? german shaevich? andrei petrovich, come on, show us the shame, well, i’m helping, since there is, we need to fill it up, but
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it’s easier by the way, by the way, but mikhail yegorovich and i managed to do it, we’re just showing one thing, but it has to be done every day, in any freedom. this part will be absolutely amazing, you will have a straightened, beautiful beautiful posture, of course, then you open the bottle and you can drink, because everyone lives in a water deficit, now friends, it’s time for us to talk about medicine.
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we get there, we continue our special hair project, and today we will talk about the earth, in someone’s thick hair , we are people whose hair is falling out, and of course, it is with great pleasure that i present to you the guest and expert of our program, this is the president of the russian association of trichologists, professor and doctor of medical sciences, aida guseikhanovna, our man has come to surrender to you, tell the man about your difficult life. hello, my name is alexander, i am 31 years old, for 5 years now i have been suffering from gradual but inexorable hair loss, there is less and less of them, they are less and less frequent, and so that i do not use, but to clarify everything in advance , i did not contact a specialist, yeah, to yours
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shame. and i used masks, i used drops, tablets, oils, everything that my hands could reach, in general, don’t scare me, where did your hands reach in these tragic moments of mushy, well, okay already, but i never went to the doctor, why go to the doctors, he himself is smart, he studied for 6 years. to know what to do with hair, then he completed his specialization in dermatology, cosmetology, came up with trichology, created an association, that ’s how aidanovna knows what to do, what to go to such people, you have to reach out your hands somewhere and grab something, really, i respect this position, it even takes my breath
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away. so, in general, in short, you understand, i’m a victim here, i’m a victim here, yes, losey, what a victim you are, you’ve never gone to the doctor, i’m a victim of the consumer era, clearly, well, so, first, see the doctor there is a device, for some reason this device produces some kind of indelible film on me, that it is not of earthly beauty, like the professor, especially this blue, glowing thing, it looks mysterious,
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parts of their growth, by the way, are not bad the top of the young man's head is lumpy, usually it happens on the top of the head in the diffuse middle, he has this, yes, he doesn’t have this, they say if the top of the head is a waste, but if here , i’ll give it away, which series are you from, so no comments, we will abstain, well, now comes trichoscopy. we are doing a trichoscopy, i look at your wonderful crown and, unfortunately, i have to say that the problem still affected it, and since we see hair of different diameters here, like this, it will probably be necessary to show, we see hair of different diameters, there is enough good awning hair, here it is, there are very thin hair, there’s quite a lot of it, i would say in the field of view, you can just see how clearly you can see it,
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there’s such a thick hair right there. i would even use such a word as living, this half-dead little black thing is very barely there, that’s all, no, these ones, these ones are actually sinking, you see, that’s the thickness, that is, it’s just a barely visible hair there, uh-huh, so, well, in general, the problem already exists in all androgen-dependent zones, the scalp, let’s now raise our young man and come to us, let’s go. my friend, let's plunge into your hair, as they say, completely, which means, so, the first problem of baldness in our man is male sex hormones, that's right, absolutely right, an excess, not a fact, an absolutely normal amount can still lead to such specific baldness if it has
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individual sensitivity. there are zones with a plus sign, there are zones with a minus sign. the limbs, the chest area, the upper third of the back, the heel zone, in the limbs, i said, these are all androgen-dependent zones,
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in short, but in this zone, the sensitivity is different, obviously, so this is the male type of baldness, but i just don’t want to dwell on this type of baldness because women suffer more. for them, when their hair falls out, it’s a tragedy, for men, but it does, we have a bald man, it doesn’t matter to him that he’s bald, if a woman is bald, it will already be on the verge of tragedy, let’s just say that today there are different methods , including hair transplantation, in general this problem is solvable, really, that’s why i’m putting a man in jail, go man, you want, the hair will be transplanted, it will grow rapidly again, thank you, sit down, please, now i want to look at the reasons for women, and there are more problems, here we have something like this - a red blood cell along with oxygen, one of the first reasons is problems with blood, what disease
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should a woman be checked for if she thinks that she is losing hair, and we must rule out iron deficiency anemia, but i want to say, even latent iron deficiency, it can provoke these.
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hyperthyroidism and hypotherosis affect the condition of hair growth, now i want to show a symptom, it is directly related to hair, this is herteg’s symptom, when half of the eyebrow falls out, it seems that this is not the head, this is a sign of thyroid disease, so look in the mirror today, we now have a huge a number of women get tattoos instead of their eyebrows, they just... don’t know at all and don’t see what ’s happening to them, but this, of course, we doctors see, it tells us about the state of the thyroid gland, well, i would like to say about here of this diagnosis, it occurs not only with thyroiditis, it can be a sign of
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primary rumen alapia, in particular with frontal fibrosing alapia in women, it occurs mainly in women, just one of the important symptoms may be the loss of the lateral part of the eyebrow, and as a rule, this is not... always paid attention to precisely for the reasons for which you said: tattooing, of course, in general, here are gel nails, tattooing is what erases the picture, and women are very late realize that something is wrong. what advice general advice to give to women, for some reason my heart ache for women, something for those who have gone bald, my soul doesn’t hurt much, what advice should i give to women who think that their hair has begun to fall out, which doctor should i give. an endocrinologist, he will prescribe his hormones, he may not find anything, if he goes to a gynecologist, he can also prescribe his hormones and
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find absolutely nothing, and complaints would probably still be more correct to a trichologist, well, a trichologist-dermatologist, so probably it would be correct to name the patient, but basically for some reason in the beginning everyone goes to the endocrinologist, most of. our young man doesn’t go to anyone at all, he’s been telling anyone for 12 years how his hair is falling out, but once again, it means that today dermatologists are dealing with the problem of hair loss, but... even if you go to an endocrinologist about hair loss and get checked for the condition of the thyroid gland, god forbid. if you go to a gynecologist and get checked out due to excess hair growth or hair loss. god willing, these will still be endocrine disorders, but lately, of course, dermatology has been more highlights trichology as a separate narrow specialization. there is even an association of trichologists in russia,
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which our guests head, so it would be nice to go to a dermatologist or trichologist, i want to thank you, thank you very much to the professor, we’ll take a break for a while, and then we’ll continue, we’re sleeping undercover, it can become a weapon against the warlock, we’ve covered the enemy human. and how do you like it between the two husbands? well,
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they don’t look like murderers, they’re civilians, a jealous husband , an abandoned wife, that’s all the pies, a common thing, are you afraid? well, i'm not comfortable, would you we figured it out, svetlana petrovna, which of you is the commander here, otherwise i’ll get into trouble, you may never wait for him, well, look around, there’s a war going on, people are dying, if you’re lucky and you’re alive, you have to live, it’s stupid to hide from life, but military laws story with a continuation, watch the time after the program, maybe we’ll make a joint card, i ’ll send it to vanya, now i’m organizing, for the sixtieth anniversary of the taganki theater, the secret of the popularity of this theater? spread a rug somewhere in the yard and start playing, the whole
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world is on fire in the blood, oh my god, blessing, we have a restaurant nearby, and people come out of it, they are tipsy, they think what kind of holiday is this, maybe they missed one, they join us, there is such fun, not only the spectators who will then come to the theater, but and just strangers on the street, these are my slogans, the creation of a stable government, at first i played comedy roles, suddenly i... played galileo and hamlet, they ask why you want to play a role, but simply because it’s a good role, he would would probably be a wonderful king, premiere, vladimir vysotsky, i went on stage, like vysotsky broke the chains, like a director, eager for freedom, there is no system, stanislavsky, this is all stupidity, there is.
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this is an artificial fiber or fleece, my favorite blanket is this one, i don’t know why, but i adore it, it’s the softest and most pleasant, so mikhaila igorich, from the point of view of warmth, she says which one warms better, from the point of view in terms of heat , a natural blanket, a duvet, or a blanket warms best. in second place is a synthetic blanket, similar in thermal insulation, but it's in second place. in third place is elena vasilievna’s favorite fleece blanket, i have something very warm too, yes, but nevertheless it is in third place, well, in short, it turns out i didn’t know this by the way, mikhail gegoryevich even brought this label, you are now you will see it, it turns out that on
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odia labels they write seasonal, but the degree of warmth is indicated by circles, it turns out. there is such a thing, i didn’t know about it, but after this song, a duvet, i want to ask a tricky question to professor prodeos, which blanket is the most dangerous for health of these three, shouldn't we start with the downy one? unfortunately, we have to start with the down blanket, because if we look under magnifying glasses and a microscope, then the down blanket is just a wonderful place to live.
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it can be made from natural fabrics, so ours , our wonderful cohabitants, can easily live in it, like this, comrades, this, as they say, is also not good, right here, where the holofiber and artificial filler are, no one will live there there is no food for them, and accordingly there is no life for them, the first place in safety is always occupied by artificial fibers, these fibers... we , as doctors, love them because they are low-allergenic fibers, right, so for what groups of people - for allergy sufferers, for asthmatics, for those who have diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, everything that gets into the respiratory tract can cause diseases, we must understand that not
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only these materials themselves are important, but how well we take care of them, this also tell us right away what principles of care are important , principles of care, which, unfortunately, a good half of russians do not observe, practically no one washes or treats the blanket, well, at least once every six months, they really need to be completely washed, if you don’t wash them, now steam generators and irons are in many houses, so please, here is the best treatment for such... natural waste will be a steam generator with a temperature of at least 50-70 °, you will simply kill all these reptiles, of course, for duvet lovers, do not buy a blanket without a steam generator, this is fundamentally important , this this blanket is easy to wash, you wash them
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all, but this also needs to be treated with steam, and by the way, if you wash it, all the fluff will roll off, so besides the steam generator, the steam generator is essentially... the only way out, in general , we talked about it, now mikhail yegorevich, hold the number, i want to take off this blanket in order to ask the question what kind of blanket should be in weight, who knows what weight should a blanket be from our viewers, i know that a heavy blanket is very good for health, self-massage of internal organs, just like that, wow, that is, you think that there is a blanket with a self-massage function. a heavy blanket, just when you cover yourself with it, this kind of self-massage occurs, well, in fact, i have a simple blanket, it’s light, so it’s easy for me to hold it, everything is generally easy, mikhail egorovich, hold it, here’s german’s shaicha, how long is this blanket, and about a kilogram, a kilogram, but lift it, lift it, and
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let me lift it right like this, so you understand, drop it, drop it, this is it, wait, no, don’t help. this the blanket is not liftable, it is not liftable, it weighs 12 kg, that is, if you are covered with it, there is no talk of any massage, but what does a heavy blanket give, a heavy blanket gives you a feeling of protection that you are sleeping, i suggest you still take me and put it down back, it is really very heavy, the feeling of protection removes the level. essentially imitates the situation when you find the mother's womb, the mother's womb, when you are enveloped in something,
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amniotic fluid and the uterus, the muscles of the uterus, you are pressed there, the baby lies with its entire back pressed by the muscle of the uterus, tightly, there is not much you’ll move apart, push a little, but there’s no room, you can’t straighten up, you can’t do anything, that’s the feeling. tenderness is a feeling when you are covered and pressed, it is either a hug or a mother, or a heavy blanket, a heavy blanket is considered a blanket weighing from 2 to 15 kg, they are sold in russia from seven to 12 kg, they are heavy blankets, especially when the first once you drink, you just fall asleep like a baby. covered myself and howled, but then over time it goes away, so i have a heavy blanket, i
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slept under it all the time, then in some moment you already want a light blanket, because you are covered all the time, covered, covered, but a heavy blanket, in general, is an anti-stress product, absolutely a way to combat insomnia, that’s what we wanted to tell you today, we had a good time with you, may you will live long. hello, the information channel on the first one is starting to work live, this program will be shown in the studio by ruslan astashko and olesya loseva. the air raid warning sounded all night in ukraine, at least. in twelve regions, it is precisely known about arrivals in kharkov, odessa, in the vicinity of kyiv. according to preliminary data, in kharkov, explosions occurred at
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a tractor factory where ukrainian ammunition was located. they also write that the poultry farm was destroyed, problems with the power supply began again, and the metro suspended its work. in odessa, arrivals are reported in at least three places, among which eyewitnesses indicate the port. an air defense installation was also allegedly destroyed. well , one of the main news for yesterday, exactly the main media news that was discussed everywhere, was the destruction of kharkov television tower, which literally folded in half after our strike, it is reported that the tower was used for military purposes, an antenna was placed on it - which served as a communications function for the ukrainian air defense, in the city, after the defeat of the television tower, problems with communication and the internet began, and as ukrainian local authorities report, an aircraft flew over the tv tower... the russian military launched an air strike on kharkov, according to the investigation, a missile strike
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on a television infrastructure facility in kharkov was hit by an x-59 missile. now the head of the military-civil administration of the kharkov region, vitaly konstantinovich ganchev, is in direct contact with us. vitaly konstantinovich, hello. hello. do you have any information, details, what kind of equipment was located on this military tower that was used yesterday. they put it there, well , 100%, of course, i cannot state that there was any specific equipment there, but we can say with confidence, taking into account the height of the tv tower in kharkov, there was, of course, coordination equipment for air defense systems, including, i do not rule out that there could be guidance systems that operate across the territory of the belgorod region, yeah, but why now we decided to destroy it, as i understand it. there are technical difficulties in getting through this tower, do you have information about why this happened right now?


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