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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 24, 2024 4:25am-4:58am MSK

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i invite all residents of our country to join the gathering of the popular front to help our guys, to help our doctors who are today carrying out their difficult, complex work on the front line, on the eve of our great holiday. this year the immortal regiment event will be held from may 1 to 12 in the format of a memory gallery. it was decided to abandon the procession in different cities for security reasons, but the immortal regiment will still gather. how to participate? the organizers spoke today. at a press conference in
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moscow. report by dmitry kochitkov. let this time we will not see the immortal regiment on the streets of cities, but portraits of veterans can be posted on the internet, on the windows of every house or under the car window. i would like to announce to you the decision of the central headquarters. due to existing threats to public safety, the central headquarters of the immortal regiment of russia decided not to. to hold the march of the immortal regiment in 2024 in full-time format, millions of people of whom the country is proud will still be everywhere, in all schools of the country there will be extracurricular activities, conversations about important things, may 6 will be dedicated to the day victories. in this lesson we will talk about the eightieth anniversary of the crimean offensive operation. the children will learn more about historical events, heroic deeds, compatriots who bravely defended them. in may, we
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recommend holding assemblies whenever possible; this is a voluntary participation of parents of students, but i am sure that many will respond. the immortal regiment campaign this year will be held from may 1 to 12, portraits of great patriotic war veterans, holders of the order of glory, heroes of the soviet union, with information about their exploits will be there. on large on media screens in cities, in memory galleries in parks and public gardens, they will tell about their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, members of the svo. the association of veterans of a special military operation, the association of northern military districts, which is a partner of our organization, also came up with an initiative and invites participants in a special military operation, of course, depending on the combat situation , to remember their ancestors. modern heroes have also been asked more than once...
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in front of the russian judicial system, how to improve it, this was discussed today at a meeting in the kremlin. vladimir putin accepted new chairman of the supreme court irina podnosova. over the years, she has gone through all stages of her judicial career. the topic will be continued by pavel pucholkin: the president invited irina podnosova to a conversation after the federation council unanimously approved her as chairman of the supreme court of russia on april 17. she was one of the deputies to the head of the higher court, vyacheslav lebedev, who passed away in february. soon
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her candidacy was proposed, this is a very important - even a position, an important mission, because it a separate, separate branch of power in the country, a very important component of the entire state structure, vyacheslav mikhailovich lebedev, who headed the supreme court of the country for 35 years, did a lot to strengthen law and order and develop the judicial system. i would like to thank you for the trust you have placed in me in connection with my appointment to this position, and, of course, taking up this post after such an outstanding lawyer. a leader like vyacheslav mikhailovich lebedev, this is of course a very big responsibility, the staff of the supreme court, and the entire judiciary that operates today was formed precisely with the participation of vyacheslav mikhailovich. irina podnosova headed the highest court in the country
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on the proposal of the president, and is in charge of civil, criminal, administrative cases, as well as the resolution of economic disputes. in the supreme court, she headed the judicial panel on economic issues. dispute, which transferred the functions of the supreme arbitration court. irina podnosova is a criminologist by profession and has gone through all stages of her judicial career. you already you have been working in the judicial system for a long time, you have gone through almost all stages of your life, you have been the deputy chairman of the supreme court for several years, how long have you had? well, soon it will be 4 years, well , as a deputy chairman, we worked and... through the criminal court, proceedings through the arbitration courts, everything is there in order to reliably carry out this function, with dignity at a good professional level. the president recalled that the supreme court has to
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solve many problems, one of them, for example, is the workload of russian courts. the most difficult conditions today are in the areas of justices of the peace in arbitration courts. so, according to statistics, the courts of first instance. irina podnosova knows firsthand how local courts live, she worked as a judge in
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the luga city court for 13 years, and then headed it for another 10 years. the country’s judiciary and the staff of the supreme court, according to her, will do everything to resolve the existing problems. now to the situation with floods: emergency evacuation is underway in the abatsky district of the tyumen region, the water rise in the ishim river is rapid - 70 cm per day. flooded roads, several settlements can only be reached by boats, people are taken from several villages in the uporovo
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region. peak polovodya is expected there on the weekend. meanwhile, in the kurgan region, the water level is declining, just like in the orenburg region. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, worked in orsk today again. from the air he assessed the operational situation. and after that i held a meeting of the working group, the government commission met with residents, as for disinfection, we have expanded the groups, there are employees there the ministry of emergency situations, who came from neighboring regions, the majority of the city residents, in my person , will express great gratitude to your employees, law enforcement officers, i personally saw the work of the employees, i saw the gratitude to the residents of our city, which was brought by the old grandmother. i brought cutlets to your employees and the guys don’t leave here to eat on the second day, for this, your employees and law enforcement officers of the city of orsk, a low bow. now footage from tatarstan, a strong hailstorm hit the region today footage that residents post on
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social networks. authorities urged people to stay home if possible. it is known that in at least one region of the republic , hurricane winds knocked down trees and damaged cars. in tatarstan tomorrow, similar weather will be in bashkiria and the kirov region, in bryansk, oryol, lipetsk, tambov, voronezh and kursk regions they are waiting for zamorsk this night. the scenario according to which the russian economy can develop is today the key topic of the cabinet meeting , they talked about new national projects, development of key industries, investments in the most advanced technologies, programs that resist sanctions pressure. of course, the main thing is people and their problems, and therefore protecting the interests of the family receives the closest attention. and more details about everything in the report by anna kurbatova. 2024 in russia, the year of the family and special attention to families. with many children. now mothers and fathers raising three or more children can receive 450,000
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rubles. to pay off the mortgage. last year , about 190,000 such payments were provided, this is the decision announced today mikhail mishustin. now we are extending this measure for another 7 years. for those whose third and subsequent child is born before december 31 , 1930. this will help parents take advantage of government assistance for purchasing. housing, in total more than 600 billion rubles are required for these purposes. additionally, including about 50 billion rubles this year. another topic on the agenda of the cabinet meeting is support for the belgorod region, into whose territory, by analogy with the dpr, lpr, kherson region and zaporozhye, the regime will spread free economic zone, the border town of shibekina will also be included in it. we will send more than 6 billion rubles to this russian entity this year. and first of all. people who have lost their homes, employees of small medium-sized enterprises, individual entrepreneurs,
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industrial companies will also receive funds for reconstruction, modernization, acquisition of new capacities, and what is very important for preserving jobs. and today the cabinet of ministers considered scenarios according to which the russian economy could develop. the economy, the key word here is to develop, many existing support measures will continue to work, in addition...
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in real terms and by 12.3% in nominal terms. the main factor in income growth
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is wages, we expect an increase of 6.5% in real terms, but inflation, on the contrary , should slow down. we expect a slowdown to 5.1% by the end of the year. let me remind you that at the end of last year the inflation rate was 7.4%. that is, there is a decline. we expect the bank of russia to reach the target level of four. risks from external conditions also remain - this is, first of all, a slowdown in the global economy as a whole and the economies of the countries of russia’s main trading partners, as well as the continuation of sanctions pressure. in general , our economy has had to face an unprecedented number of challenges over the past 4 years. first, the coronavirus pandemic, then 1,900 western sanctions fell on russia, but the facts are as follows: we are among the five largest economies in the world, and as prime minister mishustin previously stated, the next task is to enter into that... and therefore all the industries from which the first our technological sovereignty depends, we must continue to not slow
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down. based on the forecast, it will be necessary to formulate budget parameters for the next 3 years, all social measures must be taken into account, and the economy and industry would continue to develop. anna kurbatova, olga merkulova, sergey kamensky, channel one. and an urgent message from the investigative committee on suspicion of taking a bribe. the deputy minister of defense of russia, timur ivanov, was defeated. the press secretary has already commented on the news president dmitry peskov. he said that the head of state was informed about the detention. was also informed in advance. minister of defense sergei shaigu. on other topics, secretary of the russian security council nikolai patrushev held a meeting in the northern capital with the president of the republika srpska milrod dodik. we discussed bilateral cooperation on the situation in the balkans in europe as a whole. i am glad to welcome you to st. petersburg.
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international meetings are already becoming a good tradition. an important role in deepening bilaterally. interaction is played by your personal certification contacts with the president of russia. i absolutely agree with you, we have excellent relations and there is a tendency for them to become even stronger. republika srpska is very grateful for the love with which we are treated in russia, you personally, president putin and the russian state. we perceive this as strategic cooperation. of course, this is of key importance for our continued existence. also secretary of the russian security council. authorities and intelligence services of russia and china. now to
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following the events in moldova, the authorities greeted the oppositionists returning from moscow with searches, threats and pressure.
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russian economy markets in the asia-pacific region, provided a reliable transit route for the whole of eurasia. at the turn of the century helped you to open for this year we are launching the next, already third stage of the development of bama and the trans-siberian railway, increasing the capacity of the eastern railway range, we will pay special attention.
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plans, we will do this for the benefit of russia and our people. so, the president especially noted bama capacity. freight traffic is more than 36 million tons per year, 4,200 bridges, 13 tunnels, and this highway opens a new vector of development, a turn to the east. and all this would now be largely impossible if it were not for the contribution to the construction of the once deputy chairman savmin heydar aliyev. he supervised bam and personally decided on the most important issues. 50 years ago, when the first rails were laid. about the past and the road to the future in a report by yuri lepatov. do you hear time rustling in the vast expanses? the bell of our hearts, of all the major infrastructure projects of the late ussr, bam
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was the most what is called romantically colored. komsomol volunteers as part of labor landing forces. went to a grandiose construction site to perform a feat of labor. in fact, this is how it was, in order to lay 4.00 km long tracks from taishet in the irkutsk region to sovetskaya harbor in the khabarovsk territory, it was necessary to go through the taiga, mountain ranges, stormy rivers, and build a road on permafrost. shift camps began to be built on the clearings, which when it rained, they found themselves surrounded by impassable mud. we had to rejoice at the onset of cold weather; in the frosts the earth hardened. it wasn't any easier in winter. the bama route goes through 11 large rivers, seven mountain ranges, in which 10 tunnels were drilled. severomuysky, the longest, more than 15 km. and the most complex, four tectonic faults, increased seismic activity. there were accidents and deaths during its construction. heydar aliyev, in the eighties, he, as
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the first deputy chairman of the council of ministers of the ussr, supervised bam, personally came to a construction site. after that, engineering projects had to be changed at politburo meetings. construction work required complete dedication. then there were golden crutches, which were solemnly hammered at the junction of the plots and.
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i saved up some money, the salaries were calculated, i received the check, go and get the car. now there are even more opportunities to earn money and self-realization on bama. with the redirection of key transport routes to the east, the highway is being modernized at an accelerated pace. transip and bam became the base for the so-called the eastern range, which is a network of railways, which will help trade in the far east and develop a huge region. actually, the very first development project. with the help of railways it was developed at the end of the 19th century, back in the russian empire. the bumper was built during the soviet union, then was little used in the nineties, but now there is every
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opportunity to turn the highway into one of the main transport arteries of the country. yuri lepatov, natalya litovka, sergey klishin, channel one. about attempts to rewrite history about that they are doomed to failure, said today the chairman of the russian historical society, the director of the service. foreign intelligence sergei naryshkin, in moscow there was a presentation of one of the twenty volumes of the academic publication the history of russia, it covers an important period for the country from the 6th to the 13th centuries, precisely the time of the formation of the ancient russian state, and the fundamental arguments in this book smash the pseudoscientific theory about the existence of the so-called ukraine-russia. and sergei naryshkin explained why the book’s release so important right now. today, in the context of a full-scale hybrid aggression unleashed against. of our country, the western bloc, the past is forced to turn, forced by our opponents into the present of the field,
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even long-proven truths based on irrefutable facts are under their blows, from the role of the soviet soldier in the liberation of eastern europe during the second world war to the historical, linguistic, cultural ... the unity of the ancient russian state. before the start of the holiday season, passengers who turkish airlines fly to latin american countries, our diplomats warn that using the services of this company is becoming dangerous. and here's why: any russian who travels through turkey, for example, to venezuela, mexico, colombia, brazil or cuba, may simply not be allowed to board a flight at istanbul airport. our correspondent, konstantin panyushkin, figured out who is to blame and what to do. the stories of the affected russian travelers are very similar: a complete package of documents, hotel reservations, tickets there and back. none of them encountered problems during check-in and departure with turkish
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airlines from russia. everyone successfully passed control on arrival for a connecting flight to turkey. all that remained was to board the plane to the final destination, that is, one of the countries of latin america. when boarding began, our boarding tickets were simply crossed out. o one more russian passport, like russian, well, everything is clear. and opening my passport, she immediately crossed out my boarding passes, all the russians, as soon as they saw, that they had a red passport in their hands, for them it was like a red rag for a bull, they snatched this passport, they said something in turkish, as one of the passengers later said, who more or less apparently knew the language, said that oh, again these russians, all this happens at istanbul international airport at the last moment before the plane lands across the atlantic, passengers are met by employees of the turkish chop gozen security. on the website, this company presents itself as follows: gozon, the number one company in the field of aviation security, was founded in 1996 year to meet your most
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specific needs. international national airlines. from what the victims say, it is the chopovites who weed out russians from the general flow of travelers and deny boarding on flimsy pretexts. oh, russian passport, mexico is closed to you. mexico is not waiting for you. mexico city itself has complaints against russian tourists. today we asked the mexican embassy directly and received a prompt response. the mexican government is happy to receive tourists from russia and any other countries provided they comply with the requirements for legal entry into our country. electronic permit or appropriate visa if required, required documents and proof of solvency, paid hotel reservation, return ticket or ticket to a third country, a minimum of us$50 cash for each day of stay in mexico, and either a debit or credit card, and confirmation during an interview with a migration service officer that the true purpose of the visit to our country is exclusively tourism. all the travelers with whom we spoke had the necessary documents, but the fact is
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that during the transfer, the turkish chopah did not even begin to study from what tourists had to hear as the reasons for refusals to board the flight, quote: they were not in such powerful countries as america, canada or england. those who were informed that the visa was supposedly out of date or the stamp in the passport was not enough. all this, of course, is illegal and has nothing to do with the rules of flights, let alone how russians are treated. we were all separated like this, like - i don’t know, second-class people were driven into such a separate corner and blocked off with these posts. the plane was already in the air for probably 20-25 minutes, judging by the time, they just opened all these fences, roughly speaking, they kicked us out of this corner where they kept us and said: go from here wherever you want, it’s just some kind of... then discrimination based on belonging to the georgians, in general it all looked disgusting, of course, this kind of thing has been happening, at least since march of this year, they are not allowed in even with full a set of documents, on average, from five to...
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thirty people per flight are not allowed on board; according to various estimates, the number of people not allowed on board is now approaching a thousand. after the russians follow their plane with their eyes, the turkish airlines counters inform the shocked travelers that they themselves allegedly did not show up for the flight; tickets home are at their own expense. i say, wait, then, she says, well, then you are free, go for a walk, you can go to istanbul for a walk, that is, it is your right, we are here for you we don't hold it. today the turkish airlines website published in russian. language rules for the admission of passengers on board to latin america, but they have little in common with the quibbles of the security guards hired for all the russians. there is a feeling that the turkish carrier is acting under pressure from the us and its immigration services, because after all, mexico is now the main channel of illegal migration and, apparently, an attempt to limit illegal migration from mexico to the us, and leads to actions that violate the rights of russian tourists . the total losses of tourists are usually
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measured in hundreds of thousands. has not been exhausted, the advice of our embassy in ankara is this: the main thing is
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to advise... citizens to carefully weigh the advisability of using the services of this airline. konstantin ekaterina ovsyanikov, yulia abroad larisa nikitina kirillogina in the first channel. that's all, keep an eye on the time, stay up to date with events, now on channel one there is a new series of the film on the laws of war, the battle of rostov. thanks a lot.
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don't lie down, you've woken up! she's covered in blood a fascist in the city, the military is immediately shot, why is it in whose blood, who is wounded, i’m not allowed, i’m pregnant, what’s your name, my name is svetlana, and what’s your name, i’m olya, svetlana, you’re shell-shocked, that’s normal, yes it happens , why is the form in the blood? a piece of shrapnel for the cause? light, are you throwing away? olya, can't you hear me? i ’m telling you that i’m pregnant, well, i’m shell-shocked, it
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’s okay, it’ll pass, i’ll go for a walk, now i’ll give you some fresh air, everything will pass. “lie down, lie down, lie down, lie down, lie down, oh, i’d better sleep then, everything will pass for me, it will pass, lie down, lie down, and don’t think, i don’t think, i have a husband, i ’m pregnant for a reason, i want a girl? please, no, of course i know that you can get a boy, but i want a girl, a girl i promised, olya,


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