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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  April 24, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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him, but they are moving in the direction of this , as i understand it, they are going to transfer him to the dnieper next, i hope, i don’t know what we can do for this slavic, and god willing they get there, and god willing they and arseny meet there , i will do it, but i’m sure that there are forces that, well, everyone who creates this, this crap, the esbush, will give them what they deserve, sooner or later, a doll on... here on the first channel. daniil getmantsov, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on finance, tax and customs policy. he's the same the people's deputy, or as he is... in
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fact called, the chief tax officer of ukraine, with sense, feeling and arrangement, will strangle anyone with his tenacious tax paws. you won’t believe it, comrades, he encroached not only on people, but on ukrainian farm geese. however, this will not happen, it is time to snatch both of them from the suffocating embrace of getmantsev, the power of truth and the power of knowledge will help us in this. maria butina is with you, this is the heir doll.
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the european commission, the world bank, and to be completely honest, they are the ones who give money to service these loans. the ukrainian economy, so lame on both legs, is barely able to plug the gaps in the social system. most of the eurodollars are stolen by zelensky’s team, entirely from people like the gitmans, bypassing the needs in su. ukraine's chief financier closed last year with a national debt of 140. did i practice tax optimization schemes or advise anyone? i don’t want to lie to you, i can neither confirm nor deny this information. what did it do that it has to be like this? to formulate carefully, was born in the seventy -eighth in kiev, after graduating from shevchenko university, he taught at the department of law, received a doctorate in financial law, became a member of the european association of tax professors, wrote over 230 scientific...
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papers, built the image of a respected person who does not get out from offices and wrinkled jackets, he is content with little, judging by official data, but if we take into account his boast about his knowledge of all tax schemes outside the legal field, then it becomes clear that he is modest only on paper, most of the assets are transferred to the mother, everyone must pay taxes as much as is fairly stated in the law, and not based on who is more cunning and who was able to deceive the state. the state has been able to deceive since the nineties, when he had a share in the lottery business. in the 2000s, his law firm yurimex accompanied the machinations of the then head of the ukrainian auto idiot vladimir dimishkan. together, they siphoned one and a half billion hryvnia from state tenders to british offshore companies through dummy llcs. on another fat clientele also reached out to the skill of circumventing laws. right up to zelensky's office. after the elections of the nineteenth , they needed getmantsev to repackage the reforms promised to the people into norms. against
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the same people, because of this he was put in the position of chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine committee on finance, tax and customs policy, even the legal service of the rada interpreted the bills he proposed as corrupt, the owners of private businesses could not stand it. not only kiev protested; the echoes of its policies swept beyond strikes from lisbon to riga against cheap ukrainian agricultural products. back in the twenty-first, the head of the tax committee of ukraine advocated increasing customs duties for...
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facts of smuggling, excise taxes, customs fraud and mining establishments, he got hooked on the biggest feeding trough when he became secretary of the national council for the restoration of ukraine from the consequences of military actions, according to bank estimates. repairs... it will take 600 billion dollars, but no matter how much they give, everything has already been divided and spent in advance. none of our characters have ever been so frank sincere in his ideological convictions in accordance with the position he takes, in fact, in his own words, about taxes, about the people, everything is as it should be, welcome. what is correct? taxation is the art of plucking a goose so that it doesn’t cry, or so that the cow gives even more milk tomorrow, that ’s how you need to give it, but i suggest you listen to yourself, actually the people whom getmansov dubbed cows, geese and other
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livestock, let’s listen, we have such a beautiful saying: for my life it’s up to me bit, we just don’t understand why, that is , the inadequate size. taxes are inadequate for people’s income, b the level of corruption in the state, if i repeat there in the west, it is 5% there, but up to 10%, maybe, i don’t know, here it is 90-95 at 100%, these are for the remaining 5 -7%, they smear them all over everyone, and something is trying to tighten some holes, while vovochka is running around somewhere like this in her panties in her shorts and opens either a public toilet or a road somewhere there then do you understand anything else? there is...
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a certain business, including offshore companies, and what’s interesting is that these same offshore companies, they already lend to other companies that belong to getmansov’s mother, that is, here you see, such is the circulation of money in nature, it closes, well, many - financial experts, tax experts in ukraine are wondering why such complex schemes are used, most likely they are used to launder money, well, we understand perfectly well what you just listed, but with this real estate, with this... it is believed that this is the tip of the iceberg, under it, of course, there are millions, maybe tens of millions, maybe hundreds of millions of dollars earned by getmansov in all areas, from the gambling business to everything else, now it is clear that they are actively developing all those same western tranches that come
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to ukraine, especially from the european union, and so on, but this money needs to be laundered somehow, and for this we need companies and firms, if we take, for example , mother elena getmansova, yes, but she has a big one tour operator, but there are a lot of them. different companies in especially in europe, if we look at cyprus, greece, kazakhstan and france, again thailand, through which all this money passes, well, it is clear that such a tourism business is always an easy way , the opportunity, well , to somehow redirect this same money from ukraine to other countries, and there to sell some kind of fake tours, and then there are no tours, people are left without everything, well, and there seem to be a lot of different schemes of schematas, that’s it i think that, of course, getmansov also uses his mother.
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well, what’s the matter, the management doesn’t communicate with us, they just say: there is no
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money, or they are silent at all, we sit here, let’s say, during working hours we try to reach the management, get some kind of feedback, we don’t have it when i started to understand this, it turned out there was a lot of information that the hotels confirmed to tourists in writing that they did not fine them, that is, well, this is already a criminal case, this is fraud. i completely agree with malik, except for one thing, by the way, this employee confirms this whole part that hetmans does not launder money through his mother, that is, he launders it, but to some minimum, because it is impossible to launder such money through that small part of 0.0 something percent of the country’s billion-dollar turnover, he launders it through financial groups and through different financial groups, since he oversees the entire country, he can take over the group of one oligarch from another.
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and money washing, of course, of course, shows those workers who are dissatisfied with wages, this also confirms this, so everything is correct here it is also said that the volume should be washed through itself. impossible, i think that even international companies wash them, except, except for the domestic market, that is, there is an external internal circuit for laundering this money, excuse me, but how is laundering? well, this is dirty money, it enters the real sector and becomes white, if it’s so simple, that is , through some kind of lining, through operations that outwardly have the image of legal operations. yuri, next i have a question for you, but he’s not only himself, he’s like himself, yes, he also created a whole octopus, he’s there are debts. answers, appoints people, but can you be more specific? you have already said that
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getmansovo is considered the main tax officer, which is why he is the person who practically appoints the heads of the tax service of ukraine. a very interesting story began in 1919, such was the head of the tax service, sergei verlanov. he was appointed under petro poroshenko, but after zelensky became president, getmantsev managed to defend him and keep him in this post, moreover.
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various kinds of unpopular measures that he carried out on the instructions of getmantsev, there was also marchenko, he also became famous for his infiltration , accused of corruption, but did not suffer any punishment, a criminal case was opened, but the brakes were released, well, the next creature is, of course , such a crown, this is tatyana kiriyenko, she is from the twenty-first year to this day is the performer...
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yes, i really like him, what kind of person is this and what does he have to do with gambling? well, this is a person, in fact, uh, his formation took place with one person, this is georgy aleksandrovich lozhenko. president and principal there is the owner of the msl company. gedmantsov started and worked as a lawyer, taught at the institute there , and georgy alexandrovich began his career. i’ll explain: mcl is a lottery, it’s one of the companies, the largest, and the company now that runs the lotteries there. in 1913, we met when
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georgy alexandrovich flew to moscow and invited me to ukraine to head the isl, that’s when we met him, he headed the legal department. msl department, managed all matters. georgy alexandrovich led him to the big politics. he introduced him to kolomoisky, to many serious people. this is how getmantsev began to grow. to confirm your words, let's look at what getmantsev himself says about his formation in the world, and casino gambling, let's call it that, culturally. mcl can be called my professional cradle. i was formed there as a lawyer and my views on yegorny.
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so it actually happened at the same time, the minister of finance of ukraine marchenko was appointed on march 30, now on september 14 getmantsa speaks, we worked closely with marchenko in plan for the bill on the gambling business, everything was agreed upon, because the minister of finance ultimately signed documents on providing international assistance to ukraine in terms of money, and getmantsev did not touch on this topic, as he getmantsev is that person. as it was not touched, it was agreed with him when marchenko was appointed, he says, it was not touched, no, no, it was touched, now look, marchenko after that starts some kind of game with orakhs with ermak, regarding this and the mining business, getmanets speaks out in the verkhovna rada and says that he does not rule out replacing the minister of finance, he personally stated this, he didn’t say it, we do not rule out, and i do not rule out
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replacing the minister of finance, after that the minister of finance came to georgy alexandrovich to talk with getmantsev , these things started... . he turns out to be a real puppeteer then, of course, of course, look, yeah, that is, he is the one, look, another opinion, the fact is that getmanson, by his psychotype, at his core, is a person who always pretends to be the so-called gray. cardinal, he does not pay attention to who he is the puppeteer, he himself tries to manipulate, and from very, very childhood, starting a relationship with his difficult mother, he had to in childhood, you know, to comply with his desires. in order to express himself, to get out, he is used to this, he always manipulates, he does it very well, in the end he pulls the strings towards himself, only ermak has the same position, ermak also wants to be a sermocardinal, it turns out that they have a conflict here, this wants, this one wants that influence ispot, and this influence ispot, who is in charge here is not clear to anyone, so let the guys figure it out, elena, join in, who
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is in charge here, well, i completely agree with roman, firstly, there is a really dominant mother, who at one time suppressed him and said: just in his business, and the fact is that it came not only to psychiatric hospitals, there were a lot of such cases, as they told me, because the thing is that this woman, she’s generally from kiev, she is quite detailed in tears, this is all she told me that people literally went out through the window, that is, people lost their cars, apartments, their last money, they got into some kind of credit history, they were left without
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work, people simply lost their lives, not only did their psyches collapse, but they literally killed many . kiev psychiatric hospitals and narcological hospitals, this is precisely thanks to him, thanks to his cynicism, the fact is that there were even certain articles in which people addressed, people wrote, please reduce this all that you have, as they say, created, well that was all useless, for this person money has no smell, that is.
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colleagues, has anyone seen his dissertation, candidate's and doctoral, yes, but they are nowhere to be found, more than 200 publications, but no one could find the dissertation, no, maybe he is hiding it, maybe it is classified as secret, but then this is a completely different protocol. stefanchuk, his colleague in law, brought him to zelensky and said: there is a good lawyer in the field of financial tax law, that’s why they hired him, he was just such a technical person, right away after the advertisement we will continue, it will be even... more interesting, stay with us, svetlana petrovna ilagina, military lawyer,
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don’t worry, how beautiful you have become, and by the way, i was in love with you, well , just a little, stay with me , sedorenko, we’ll work together, it’s tempting, and how do you like the relationship between two husbands, well, they don’t look like murderers, they’re civilians, a jealous husband , an abandoned wife, that’s all the pies, a common thing, you’re afraid, but i’m not comfortable with it, you should have sorted it out , svetlana petrovna, which of you is the commander here, otherwise i’ll get into trouble, can you you can never wait at all, well, look around, this is war, people are dying, and if you are lucky and you are alive, you have to live, it’s stupid to hide from life, according to the laws of war, a story with a continuation, look, it’s time after the program. grigory ivanovich, maybe we can make a joint card, i’ll send it to vanya. i'll organize it now. сnop gin, a product of
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the stellar group. cognac, montechoca, product of stellor group. rom castro. stellor group product, veda vodka, stellor group product, cognac, old barrel, stellor group product, with fabulous ease a provincial resort has turned into the capital of world cinema, mr. wenders, why are you repeating yourself, but i’m not repeating myself, my god, there are no doors, in this film i play a negative character. i am an avenger, i only left my rights. jane's script is real literature. we can't leave the piano.
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thousands of journalists came to kan for the festival. this isn't a movie anymore, please be careful jack. i feel like i'm made from one piece of cinema, from head to toe. thank you for being here. matador on saturday on the first, it's a festival, where there are films for everyone, these are channels, you are irresistible, like in the prima ballet, all the beauties of the world, from my heart, i took the keys, hold, hold, my hand, hold what you want, say, mom says, la you are strong without the sky is bluer than the unrequited ones, you didn’t expect
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such a cold wind at night, let’s remember your promise to die, it was painful for us, so know that if you leave, i’ll stay, don’t let the russians stop waiting for you, they’re coming. the golden gramophone people's prize ceremony, premiere on april 29, on the first. today took place the grand opening of the twelfth film festival, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, yes, i ’m clear, come here, and you’ll catch me, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you ’re lying, why are you lumping everything together , shall we? get used to living separately, we’ll still separate, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but come up with something, so, gentlemen,
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a statement has been received from the non-tchaev spouses you know, after death they want... life after life, the premiere of the serial film is coming soon first.
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hello country, welcomes you to the new voronezh, i love our small cities very much, i have passed through almost the entire golden ring of russia and the silver necklace of russia, i have a dream, i really want to go hiking to baikal, i hope it will come true soon, to altai by car across the whole country, to the south, and vladivostok, in the urals there is also a lot to see, i visited all the bazhov places, by the way, volgograd has the most delicious shawarma, did you know? i am from the city of beloretsk, republic of bashkartastan, sevastopol is the pride of russian sailors. i'm from an incredible city chelyabinsk. i love st. petersburg for its beauty and the beautiful neva river. i love my country very much and am proud of it. the person who is responsible for taxes, finance and customs in ukraine is daniil getman.
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which are currently operating, conversion centers, personnel policy, casinos, tax audits and customs, well, this is smuggling and import credit, that is, if we briefly look at vat refunds, then from 10 to 30% bribes are taken for refunds, this is by region, from five up to ten - these are large payers, that is, this information it is reliable, it is clear how much corruption fees are paid for signing.
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as previous experts said, because there was no one after verlanov, that’s all, tax invoices, blocking of enterprises, last week a 150 thousand dollar bribe was revealed on boo in kharkov for blocking activities. enterprise, that is, what happens, in order to close the work of the enterprise, tax reporting is blocked and the enterprise simply cannot work, after giving a bribe the work is unblocked, it continues to do this, from 1 to 2% of turnover the enterprise is worth a bribe, that is, how much turnover has passed in a month, the enterprise must pay so much so that the invoice is not blocked, all this money goes through the hetmantsev’s subordinates directly to the top of him. then conversion, several directions for conversion, these are re-grading, joining and twisting, that is, three directions in which they are working, now this is not a completely relevant topic, because in fact they are simply cutting the budget
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from what they have, personnel destinations, we have already spoken, this is a deposit, a casino, this also, let’s say, they introduced it into the real sector in order to divide the budget, which goes into part, tax audits, the hetmans resumed them, saving 12% for the enterprise, all these amounts
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essentially accumulate the hetmans, so the same thing goes to the excise tax and accumulates distributes, distributes, absolutely correctly, then all the data is on the tax credit and also on additional assessments. and he communicates with large financial companies and groups, so he has no idea how to hide his money, withdraw it, or manipulate something meaning, because he is essentially their operator, control, of course, so he is their partner in dirty business, you can’t do without him, it all goes through him, i just have a question for you, and yes , pavel and denis sergeevich to you, but i’m just curious, where did you get this from?
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on the sign, and i studied with these people, if you look at the year of birth of mine and these people, it is the same for us, i don’t want to name the names with whom i studied, but they also headed the tax office, headed the deputies, before getmantsov, one of the tax authorities, this is my classmate, so i don’t even want to sort it out here, but... you also had a question, of course, just a lawyer, a good lawyer in the field of financial and tax law, this evening ceases to be languid, look, i have a position, i’m still talking to you now with some
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of the others, yes, the fact is that initially it was assigned as a function, this is certainly true, it was set up as a function, but there is a moment, a person with such a character simply cannot be a function, he cannot be like that , that's why we show, that's why he says: it will be this way and not otherwise, he has ceased to be inside the system, he has become a real puppeteer within the systems, but of course there is someone more senior on him, but he does everything not to listen to him, he avoids it, he is a manipulator , this is a person who tends to tighten control over himself, and does it very successfully, which is why he reached the level of conflict with ermak, another person who personally knows getmantsev, let's invite him, in our studio andrey mishin, andrey, and you getmantsova, you know about this a lot, so tell us about getmantsov, what is he like? he is an independent figure who is used as a bully for unpopular measures, which means he acts,
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this regime uses him, which means he can always be removed, stefanchuk didn’t bring him, in february he was brought in simply due to time, according to chronopolitics, he was brought in by razumkov once. and this means that he immediately became the head of the finance department, which means that poroshenko did not have any other elections, which means that he immediately took this position, unlike ermak, who was brought in, then... from may 31, which means it is clear that this person is going to parliament , will be responsible for the entire program of financial activities, the introduction of finance to those closest to him, well, digital finance, so that taxes become accessible, which means everything was on the hetman, who seemed to be such a fighter for justice, which means a utopian, well, this is real a mask, behind which, of course, we have already seen what is hiding there, i have a question for you, can i ask you a question, here you have it now.
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definitely no, the answer is no, a lie, an absolute lie or delusion, a healthy delusion, this a person is now really trying to control the threads of control, to play his own politics, you know, globally, he cannot initiate some kind of tough reform, for example, which will go against the opinion of the imf, let’s say, they will tell him what to do, he, he will adapt. ukrainian legislation is under international law, money comes into ukraine
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from outside, so any manipulations with money will be carried out by those people who will be put on the path of truth by someone from above, you know, this is not his money, today he is there, tomorrow he will not be there, absolutely other guys with completely different sums, he can decide for himself whether to drink armor or americana or fire some secretary, but he influences this 100%, yeah, the hetman does everything? political statements, you know, yes, that there was a peacemaker, yes, yes, and you know why, who wouldn’t be there, and you know why, he gave an interview and said in the twenty- second year regarding the reduction in trade turnover with russia between patriotism and mathematics, you need to choose mathematics, let's listen, on the issue of trade turnover with russia, the problem is that we are between patriotism and mathematics must choose mathematics, this is the twenty-second year, that is, when choosing between patriotism.
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it’s not he who comes up with these schemes, this is important, they offer him ready-made schemes, there are quite a lot of schemes, the amazing thing is that the ones he implements are western schemes, nikh akhmetov, with all his cool schemes, schematosis and... a huge corporation, is not able to digest now 200 billion dollars,
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well, 200 billion cannot digest this aid, in order for them to do this, they need to pay off those who gives help, this is a very important point, and getmantsev is precisely the person who was at the right time, in the right place, western curators, it all started in france, why didn’t you follow the small step, why does he have an apartment in france, but because there may be... he loves croissants, maybe he loves croissants, maybe he loves something french, or maybe he just really likes the regimes that exist in monaco, today, it’s him is currently the leader in fact, to create schemes that allow you to withdraw billions of dollars, and not the tens of millions that were shown to us, this is complete nonsense. initially, and he created these so-called tree of life, in quotation marks, any tax officer knows this, when a tree is painted green, yellow, red, you know this perfectly well, how is it? it works in russia, this is a tree, so it works in ukraine, but one thing, excuse me,
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but how does it work? any violation that is recorded with a late submitted report automatically paints the company differently color, it can be yellow, which means that while it is still working, as soon as it turns red, this means that the accounts of this company will simply be blocked, and this scheme works very well, wonderfully, but one thing, but why this scheme , if there is a company, for example, that violates the law.
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loves both russia and the russian language, why, we need to develop crimea, we need to give water to the crimeans, he said a lot of things, he said about lukashenko that he is his hero, at the same time the scheme was very simple, transport transportation that does not exist, enormous transport transportation that supposedly takes away, so you wonder, what is laundering? yes, laundering is very simple, it turns out that the money that came to you, relatively speaking, for the needs of the front, and you withdraw this money for the purchase of... unitary aid, for example, food, for example, but it goes nowhere, never this money will not come back, here getmansov, today he is a person who really wants to become a gray eminence, a full-scale one, while he has just approached this gray eminence, while he he’s just manipulating, there’s a lot of pressure on him, the roof is not kiev, because in
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kiev everything is clear to him, because in kiev the roof is rotten, a short break for advertising and... it will be even more interesting, as always, these people once determined trends in rock and pop music, and now they have left russia and divided the performers into their own and others, former music producer and now agent mikhail kozyrev. there are artists who, as we call it, ziganuli, and there are artists who for them it would be suicide to express their anti-war views.
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and i’m trying to catch some glimmer of hope that ukraine can win on the battlefield, and i don’t see anything, unfortunately, there are no irreplaceable people, goodbye guys, you’re not relevant, the vavan and lexus show, today on the first . stirsman bourbon, a product of stellor group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. сnop gin, a product of the stellar group. cognac monte shoca, a product of the stellar group. rom castro. product of steller group. this is
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a fashionable verdict on channel one. and i am with you, lilia rakh. girls, let's guess. evelina, leggings with backcombed how do we feel about this? so what is it? let's quickly get to know our heroine. yes, she's good. have you ended your relationship with your sumo coach? i usually talk to men very little. i really don't understand what this girl is doing here. no one ever told me that i am beautiful. let's try, start a new life. how can i walk down the street with this? listen, why do you need such a friend? looks like grandpa will get his back?
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voice finale, live broadcast on saturday on the first, kstalityu donatatos boniones, i durgate. can you explain to me what happened? khas, again his trace, so far everything is against us, there is no photograph, we need a person who could
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identify him, for goodness sake, why me, why, well, thank god, and i’m ladennikov, how is he going to find khas, low season, he is an angel from god, there is a story behind him, how did you live all that time, did you love anyone? another world altogether from another period of the temporary premiere of a documentary film , the work of an intelligence officer must tell you requires
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a lot of self-esteem and patience on april 28 at the first with you again maria butina, this is the doll of tuti’s heir, let’s dig a little deeper and see how everything works there. who is responsible for what , who is the puppet, who is the puppeteer. vladimir nikolaevich, i need your inclusion, the process, and if i dig a little historically about hetmanets and in general about the importance of this committee, because honestly, when i looked at his biographical information, i was no longer even interested in myself, this is the tenth case , and position, taxes, finance and customs are a goldmine. well, to understand the place, what kind of hetman is playing today in the kiev regime, yes, we need to understand the general
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financial and political situation, and what task is set for this regime, and so in ukraine finance does not sing romances, they are already playing a funeral march, the budget for 24, and the committee has direct attitude, there is also a budget committee, 86 billion dollars, of which 40... 2 billion is a financial hole, that is , the main type of economy in this case is begging, give money for government purposes. in january, a total failure of 110 billion hryvnia was collected, all that is needed for the army is 150 billion. and exactly this amount must be allocated for pensions, salaries, and so on. an international mission of the imf arrived and was included in this work. getmantsevo, what is the task? and the general task is the following: do not save ukraine, we need to save biden, because
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there are elections ahead, if afghanistan repeats in ukraine, it is better for biden not to go to the polls, and these are not just elections, you understand, as a result of the victory of either biden or trump , a one-party system will be established system of power in america, trump will come, he will take control of the senate, biden will come, he will take control control of the lower house everything. therefore, the stakes are higher than life today, so the task is to find this money, the question is that there are two ways, this is either cutting expenses, this is 100%, increasing income, this is about shadow options for tax evasion, but he really knows how to block it, second, he just has a pathological hatred of small, medium-sized businesses, except for his mother’s business and some others, you know, like sharikov had such a pathological hatred of cats. to choke them and choke them, this is to get income, it seemed it would be illogical for a small medium-sized business to say: guys, you’re ruining the country, it’s
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like killing the chickens that lay the golden eggs, and if this is the last banquet, do n’t care about these chickens and so on, getmantsev is now doing this task, to replenish the budget, customs, excise taxes, everything else, there’s money for one, it’s gotten to the point where they don’t know how to pay pensions soon, oleg, but how really? he’s with a small business, because there was this scandal, which is why the beginning of my program was with his quote from a goose, they were going to tax, in my opinion , the farmers too, just like that, yes, that is , they had, of course, another such crazy initiative, to force everyone who is engaged in exporting grain or other agricultural products abroad, which is actually now based on well a considerable part of the ukrainian budget, yes, because they can’t do anything else themselves, only receiving money for the war, they export the agricultural products that they have left, and so tax these same people. farmers also have to pay an additional customs fee of 15% of the cost of their products, that is, you just need to understand that farmers are already feeling very bad, i
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mean ukrainian farmers, yes, because the poles will build all these barriers for them. getmansov admitted that ukraine lost several billion hryvnia there due to the blockade on the ukrainian-polish border, so he also wants to additionally tax these same farmers in order to finally kill the very chicken that is laying some more eggs for ukraine , in my opinion, this is not just some kind of suicidal policy, but here there is a certain intent, but here you need to understand that ukrainian business is afraid of getmansovo, and my sources say about this that he is an absolutely terrible person, everywhere
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he increases taxes, fees, everything else, it is clear that...
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vinnytsia regions are already ready for sowing , yes, that is, casino and grass, great, i really liked it on the internet, i found what getmansov’s formula is called in ukraine. in order for a cow to eat less and give more milk, there is a genetic formula: she needs to be fed less and more. milking, it’s very logical, logical, yes, but when he starts milking a small business, the question arises, do you really collect a lot of milk, do you have enough, in fact , it’s milk for him. he doesn’t really need it, he needs a bankrupt picture for western curators, he comes to them and says: listen, we have five or six large taxpayers, we can’t put them under the knife, let’s start strangling rinat akhmetov’s structure now, there will be a problem, there will really be a problem , let’s first crush small businessmen, it’s easier to get money and subsidies from them if you are now you will see what they are asking for money for in the european union, and how they spend this
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money, this is money that goes precisely to these cows, which... are tortured by hunger and that milking, which is illegal, one problem, getmantsev here too made dozens of arrangements so that this money never reaches small medium-sized businesses, this money instantly goes in the right direction, will they really be ready to give additional money to the hetman, taking into account how where everything goes, the money will be given 100%, it won’t matter us finance directly or some japan or the imf or some newly created fund.
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european leaders, americans, organized crime group. defeat in ukraine is a defeat for macron, scholz, and everyone else who will go into oblivion, they are fighting for themselves, biden, for themselves. why does trump take such a position, it’s not because he doesn’t want to dominate this world, he says: this is a losing project, why should we participate in the defeat, this will be your defeat, not america’s, this is your democrats’ defeat, so in this case. this the last breath of this gang, and they cannot go to the west without results, you remember saakashvili, he was defeated, he wanted to be in america, no, to live, his wife is in holland, no, where they sent him to ukraine, where zelensky to run away when the owner says , carry out your mission to the last, you know, the topic of defeat was raised here, scholz, macron, these are all some, if you take
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the line of life, the line of history, they are not so important. there is another person, there is a black rock foundation, there is larry fing, in the west this is a foundation, i think this is what i can say, this is the most a mega fund is someone who owns or can develop. any western business globally, so larry fing hasn’t lost since 1986, he was in his 86th year, but that’s his downfall , by and large, where he was such a toxic character on wall street, now, when all this happens, this will be the second for him it’s a breeze, because the breeze and everything else, it will pass him by, they’ll say, they’ll tell him: listen, your program aladdin, it doesn’t work, what did they even come up with, what does it put into it? money, what you do, for him it really is, scholz will just leave, macron will also leave, they will... in politics, for him it will be just a huge fat, black spot, and he is very influential, yes, well, by the way , blackrock has already lost 3 trillion dollars in the last 3 years, so i think it will continue to lose. now let’s go over the invoice, yes, what will they give
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to ukraine? the europeans are giving 50 billion euros for 4 years, and 1 billion a month, but this is what will be enough for some time to support the pants of the kiev regime, yes there, of course, they will still spend something, but they will cut it quickly. social services, healthcare, education, in general, all social functions of the state will go to zero, pensions, most likely, everything will only go to the front while the front is still standing, although it is already beginning to burst at the seams. japan gives 1.5 billion, 15 billion. in the twenty-third year , the imf agreed, that is, the point is that ukraine receives some money, but of course it is not enough for any basic functioning of the ukrainian state, much less for in order to to gain a foothold at the front and not lose, that is, ukraine will lose in any case. the money that is allocated, and the military tranches, especially, will not allow it to win in any way at all, which is why here, of course, the most pessimistic forecast can only be for the existence of this kiev gang, well, that’s why, in fact, they are not
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shy, yes, they are stealing like the last time, i understand that for six months, a year, a year and a half, two years they will no longer be in ukraine, and many will no longer be alive, yeah, i’m with everyone i agree, but he didn’t say one thing, what kind of money will go into ukraine and what kind will remain, because part of... ops, westerners even in the first place, westerners in the first place, yes, everything is correct, if you choose who is most profitable to pay now the regime in ukraine, of course, the usa, because the scheme that was developed in the united states of america to
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return its own money is brilliant, that is, if you allocate, for example, 100 billion dollars for ukraine, you understand perfectly well that 70 of them will go to development of your industry, this is your money, but it has already been legalized, this money is gone for your citizens, europe, europe is not. learned to legalize this money in this way, but they can also be applauded, approximately 43% of everything that the europeans allocate, they somehow keep 43%. now imagine that every euro that they allocate, 43 cents goes into the economy of the european union, but not only into the economy of the european union, it also goes to a huge number of those european officials who earn money from this. i agree with mine colleagues, now this is a scheme that allows it to work and very well, getmantsev, who after all, let’s give him... what does he have to do with it? he is the person who created the system for electronic withdrawal of money, and he is responsible, in any case, why did he make so many statements that
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he was not against the russian language, why did he show so many curtseys to russia at one time, and he understands perfectly well that in exactly a year he will become a war criminal, in exactly a year, he will need to sit and testify about how he got these drums from dancing with a tambourine like that. absolutely right and he understands perfectly well that in his head these schemes have long been based on those materials that are actually criminal cases, and now, no matter how rich he is, no matter how omnipotent he seems, he is already burned out.
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can teach this story this way, i would like to draw attention to something else, why am i saying this, that this project will be closed, and where are the gold and foreign exchange reserves of ukraine, remember, when they said, we took them to poland, only securities and art were taken to poland valuables, where are the 27 tons of ukrainian gold, here i had to adjust my glasses, say, excuse me, for storage, you understand, they were forbidden to even pay for the money. if there is a shortage, we sometimes hold some resources so that they suddenly ban it on a rainy day, this is not yours, guys, and now look at the relations between poland and ukraine, well , brothers, well, they kissed so much that i thought it was about to happen some kind of political wedding between duda and zelensky, it didn’t work out, yes, because he said, he’s drowning, and we won’t shake hands, but why doesn’t the closest neighbor sign filkin’s safety certificate, but he doesn’t understand. that they are already enemies, there is really
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a war going on, an economic war in full force, so gentmantsev is not such a stupid person, outside the politics of power, i think that his role will be very bad, that is, fate, there the business itself will tear him apart, he is hated on average and small business, so i want to finish my blower program, but for those who have encountered weeding the garden, if you leave even a small, small piece,
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that the government should be real, normal and honest, you can now say that i am idealizing, but in the garden i succeeded, think about it, maria butina was with you, the doll of tuti’s heir, now is the program time. hello, the program is on air, in the studio of ikaterina andreeva, the main event of the day. compensation for lost housing - everything related to the liquidation of the consequences of floods. a big meeting with the president.


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