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tv   Po zakonam voennogo vremeni  1TV  April 24, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm MSK

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from miniatures to grandiose monuments, st. george the victorious in front of the new york un headquarters. memorial history of georgia in bilis, huge peter ii over the moscow river and a forty-meter column of friendship forever. on tishinskaya square in moscow, which he designed together with the poet andrei voznesensky. and here’s an amazing fact: over the 90 years of his life, zurab tsiritelli has practically no self-portraits. but from hundreds of sketches, familiar and completely strangers, hundreds of characters and moods. possibly alteregoth. this is charlie chaplin, hero a little movie with sad eyes, which i saw many years ago in my childhood in bilist, or maybe the artist is that very sunflower who generously shares its brightness and energy with the world. kristina levieva, pavel volkonsky, olga kovalenka, nina khoreva and nika vishnyakova, channel one. that's all, keep an eye on the time and stay updated. and now on channel one there is a new series of films based on martial law , the battle for rostov. alarm, alarm,
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comrade first rank, signal flares, i don’t understand where the signal is coming from, stepanov, the fighting squad around the perimeter, was destroyed behind me. aircraft!
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good morning, good. a letter was found from the murdered german soldier albert ewald to berlin, it is spring here, and we no longer suffer from the cold. who would have thought that the russian campaign would be so difficult and long-lasting, everyone’s nerves were strained to the last limit. good morning, svetlana petrovna, good morning, grigory ivanovich, have such a dream today.
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amazing, just imagine, i wake up with vanya next to me and it’s as if i’m not war, this is a dream, i didn’t even want to wake up, a good dream, that’s what it’s all about, grigor ivanovich, good luck svetlana petrovna, a good dream, everything will be fine, grigor ivanovich, good morning. we're expecting you, let's go already, so let's go?
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i wish you health, i wish you health, come on, engineer of the second rank, where can we find the head of the warehouses? the head of the warehouses for military technicians of the first rank, grishko, talks with a fellow state security captain. are you from the igsmarmi supply service? that's right, deputy head of the fuel and lubricants service, military engineer second rank ardionov. has anything survived? it’s hard to say, except maybe the distant reservoirs, but due to the destruction it’s difficult to get close to them. let's sort through the rubble and take a look. it's clear. thank you. take it, your face is all dirty there. i have it, thank you, comrade military lawyer of the second rank, you can’t see your comrade state security captain, he’s busy, but
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who are you anyway? stepanets, yeah, well, report it to your superiors. comrade military lawyer of the second rank, comrade state security captain said not to let anyone in to see comrade state security captain, semyon vladimirovich, it’s okay, come here, they say you can’t be disturbed, like no, you have to think about who you’re not letting in, since you already have a head, you have to think that way, there is. look, a military technician says that during the raid the saboteurs gave signals with rockets, it was exactly from comrades of military rank, they fired from there, it was as light as day and how many of them there were, i mean saboteurs, i don’t know if they had ears, how the first missile was launched, all the personnel
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went searching, why didn’t they catch anyone, if it was as bright as day, i don’t understand where they could have disappeared, as if they had fallen through the ground, that’s all, yes... those nearby inspected the gardens, semyon vladimirovich, we ’ll inspect the surroundings for now, okay, how much fuel was there, all the containers were completely filled to capacity for the front, but so that everyone, but don’t be afraid , guys, we heard that they are attacking kharkov, they will soon take and drive out every single fascist, we are not afraid. but we have a machine gun, a german one, if the nazis come, we will kill them all, don’t play around with the machine gun, hand it over to the police, of course, otherwise you’ll shoot someone, god forbid, you'll get into yourself, we won't shoot you, only danka can do it, because he
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has a rocket launcher, someone else has a rocket launcher, danka has a fool, why are you calling him names like that, i'm not calling you names, my mother said he's crazy, where does he live? does he know? show him, otherwise, let’s go, it’s not far from here, there he is, danka, thank you, well done, hello, we would like to talk in the building, you can call him, he’ll come out if he wants, but if he doesn’t want to, you won’t get the call, why do you need him, no touch him, god already offended him with his mind, he didn’t do anything.
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i won’t, your jacket is so beautiful, it’s his father’s, he’s at war himself, yeah, but where did he get this rocket launcher, where did it come from? he says that the guy there gave it behind the houses, but what kind of guy is he familiar with? he says he doesn’t know, he’s a stranger, which means there was a fool in our village too. “we played grandmas with him, yours, excuse me, understands everything, everything is clear, we need to bring him to us, we’ll figure out where, for what, what are you doing, you ’ll feel sorry for the fool, let’s first danya show us where he was hiding, you
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hid so well that even the guards couldn’t find you, do you remember shooting from somewhere, take us there, let’s go”? once upon a time these people determined the trends of rock pop music, and now they have left russia and divided the performers into... their own and others, former music producer, and now foreign agent mikhail kozyrov. there are artists who, as we call it, ziganuli, and there are artists who consider it suicide to express their anti-war views. mish, well, you probably need to get better, every night i come back to what could have been done differently. i am doomed to live with this until the end of my days. broken, depressed, devastated, absolutely human. i've never seen him like this.
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that ukraine can win on the battlefield, i’m trying to catch some glimmer of hope in and i don’t see anything, unfortunately, there are no irreplaceable people, goodbye guys, you’re not relevant, the show is in... and lexus today on the first, you are irresistible, like a prima ballet, all the beauties of the world, from my heart, i took the keys, hold, hold, my hand, hold what you want, say, mom said, you are strong, there is no bath without him.
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that gramophone, premiere on april 29 on the first. the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place today. ah, yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, right? i am clear. come here. will you catch it? i was in the studio. dozens of people saw me. are you lying? why are you lumping everything together, huh? we will get used to living separately, but we will still separate. we don’t decide, but there.
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with the cops, suspicions, and i think that he only loves his wife and doesn’t want to part with her, hello, lean, not a serious conversation, are they sure that they truly love each other, what are you ready for, good, life after life, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first.
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and here he was sleeping, he was sleeping, that means the sentry was asleep, yes arishka, here i smelled, anxiety, just like that, i smelled and smelled and no one found him, it wasn’t he who did it, we would have taken him right away, i, i ran away , i'm smart. i’m fast, he says that he’s smart and fast, and that’s understandable,
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well, bastard, the whole security squad didn’t find one fool, it’s comrade state security captain’s fault, the guy said that i should double the plane, he says, the guy will give him an order for the downed plane, when, when this man comes, not a man, not a man, he won’t come, you’re a general, but it ’s up to you to be shot for that, not the order. and it’s a sin for you to be an idiot, stepanets, let’s get these two to come to us, stop shilov, second-rank military officer, tell them, let’s bring the boy ourselves, what if we meet this guy, and he’ll show us where he’s going, but stop, where, there is no rash, put it aside, i
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’m in the air, i see, i scared him, you understand, as you want, yegor pokofievich. we 're taking tails with us, with this fool, fiddle with it yourself, hand over your weapons, sort it out, we'll sort it out, we'll sort it out, these are not people. had lunch, you are a comrade lawyer of the second rank, i see you don’t know how to interrogate at all, he won’t tell you anything, or you need to catch him first, but why catch him, he ’ll come running home now, grigory ivanovich, i
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beg you, you go and talk now, this is how you know how, this is your approach, okay, i’ll talk, thank you. your methods are strange, comrade military lawyer, shift your responsibilities for conducting investigative activities to the driver, i apologize, well, it’s possible somehow in a human way, but you caught him and attacked him like an animal, but he’s a criminal, grigory ivanovich, but he’s a child deceived by a saboteur, if stepanets had brought him, we wouldn’t have gotten anything from him now, grigory ivanovich is kind, well... comrades, military lawyer, i’m sorry, i ’m late for the fuel and lubricants service, by the way, we , don’t throw him there, of course, sit down, let’s go, when you come across him, you immediately take him to the fuel and lubricants, and if he runs until frost, first catch him, warm him up, feed him, and then interrogate him, well, if i catch him, i’ll warm you up and feed you, but
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you’ll be interrogating them yourself, and these someone said, you caught a saboteur, such people need to be shot on the spot, according to the laws of war, where you catch the fish yourself, where you go, i buy it from the locals, i don’t have time to fish, although i would sit for a day,
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i would sit every day, if i could, comrade military lawyer. don’t disdain, as they say, what you’re rich in, but you know, i won’t refuse, thank you, but it smells like light, comrade shilov, well, comrades, put the fish aside, that’s all, thank you.
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why does he offend the wretched one? better catch those who incited the child, they are the most the enemies are real, what the hell, he ’s still just a child, but this guy told him, he made a speech, you understand, mother, to find that izborg, your danka is needed, because he’s the only one who saw him, listen , danya, you need to find the guy who gave you the rocket launcher. he’s an enemy, you know, he can do a lot of trouble, i don’t know where he is, but we ’ll catch him. after all, only you know him, no one else, you will help, the red army, i will help, stay at home, assistant, i will help, i will help, then
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let’s go, don’t be a pissant, mom, it’s not out of malice that i ’m taking him, there’s no other way, let’s go, with everyone is accepted on our side. head of the fuel and lubricants service, military engineer of the first rank ustinov, military officer yulagina, military man, take a seat, comrades. i’m listening to you, how did the information about the sgsm warehouse and the movement
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of the train with fuel become known to the fascists? i don’t know, comrade of the second rank, we do everything in accordance with the requirements for camouflage and secrecy when transporting fuels and lubricants. our advancing troops must receive fuel, what are you going to do. i understand, we will deliver, the plan is thought out to the smallest detail, we will deliver at night, secretly while observing all the measures along the new route, if you don’t deliver fuel, you’ll go to court, i understand, comrade military officer of the second rank, that’s good. don't worry, don't worry, he won't promise. hello, dan, listen, remember,
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please, this is the guy who gave you the rocket launcher, you remember him for something, maybe he had a mustache, like grigory ivanovich, he has a cap, he says, he has a cap. well, maybe you noticed something else special, maybe he had a beard, he had a jacket, but i understood, light, let's go, this it’s useless, why is it useless, well , let’s find out something, well, then let’s talk on the way, dan, let’s go back, well done, dan. dan, come quickly, we have a lot to do, nkvd grigory ivanovich,
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maybe you remember what kind of guy you were, maybe you were like that? hooks, hooks, here, here, here, hooks on his jacket pocket, and what kind of hooks, well , what kind of fishing hooks, a great rarity,
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nowadays, in the bright daylight, he sells them, that means, well done, tribute, there , man, there, hush, hush, hush, hush, dan, are you sure, grigory, slow down, he’s not wearing a cap. he’s a man, he’s standing, standing, military prosecutor’s office, did you give the rocket launcher to the kid? forgive me, comrade, this is a misunderstanding, to answer the question, you gave a rocket launcher to a kid so that he could shoot down a german plane, i didn’t give any rocket launcher to anyone, you are confusing me with someone, don’t lie to me, look me in the eye, you gave a rocket launcher to a fool so that he signaled during the raid, what fool sitting in the car, danya, come here. dalia, free,
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grigor ivanovich! where is he? ran away? well, did you scare me away? if he didn't talk, almost? yes you don’t need to talk, you can scare everyone with just your appearance, the man arrived normally with grigory ivanovich, he told us everything, almost. what should i have done? dance a squat in front of him? so how much time was lost? they themselves are now fools, the one who gave him the rocket launcher would have left the city 10 times already, or did this fool run to warn him? yes, he’s not such a fool, you need to understand people, our profession, my profession is to catch criminals, i’ll catch him, the show is a fashionable verdict on channel one, with you i’m alexander rogov, for last month she ordered black leather shorts, bold, bold, red sports.
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what a disgrace, i don’t like the way my daughter dresses at all, especially lately, how she’s put on weight, she’s a difficult mother, my mother really wants me to be a decent girl, this is what i call a spectacular appearance, meet me, well, a good, attractive girl , this can all be cheered up, look, we can change the color, it seems to me that this is something like what can be performed in this image, huh? you need something completely new, you are very beautiful, we will prove this to you today, exhale, inhale, the image of your daughter, i didn’t expect such a result at all, this is a different person, lena, you are super, fashionable verdict, new season, tomorrow is the first one, and vanity, why i don’t know, i’m dreaming about
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the country , yes, i’m used to paying alone, i’m so used to paying alone, these are the finalists of the twelfth season of the voice project, among them, of course, there is a winner, the voice. the final. live. on saturday on the first. with fabulous ease , the provincial resort turned into the capital of world cinema. mr. wenders, why are you are you repeating yourself? and i'm not repeating myself. my god, are there no doors? in this film i play a negative character. i just left my
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license. jane's script is real. be careful, jack, damn, it hurts, i have this . this is not a movie anymore, please make it seem like i'm made of one piece of movie, from head to toe. thank you for being here. matador on saturday on the first. this is a festival where there are films for everyone, this is cannes. and next time you need to be more quick, stepanets. you understood me? eat. sit down. can i have some water? well, we caught it little boy? to be honest, i won't tell you how you 're going to work with him. you will take him
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all over the city so that he... the seeker service, not the walkie-talkie, a few days ago our radio signalizers detected an airwave, but they didn’t find the radio operator, we need to check all the employees of the fuel supply service, stepanets, you’ll get busy in the morning and check everyone you'll start with the head of the service, ustinov, there is.
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suslik, comrade. uranga, have you seen it? eh, i’d like to shoot a couple now, they’re so delicious fried, have you ever eaten them? talkers, the order was to drive without stopping. so, now there will be a right turn, then another 30 kilometers. rumble, comrade. second rank, that airplanes, kill the engine,
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but i need the head of the service, a military engineer of the first rank, ustinov. he is gone, comrade state security sergeant. why not? where is he? he called and said that he had gone to check the warehouses. collect everything here. do you know where he is now? so, how will i find out, as you wish, connect me with captain
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tkachuk, collect the papers, sorry, i’m not for you, you connect me. oh, great, yegor pech, great, the dawn of the head of the gsr service, ustiny, they’re bringing him here, in novocherkassk, he wanted to hit the official car, can you imagine, listen, we already talked to him yesterday, let’s get him there, we ’ll continue the conversation, yes, hello, come on, i don’t know, comrades in the military, i don’t understand. how they found out the route of the column, i personally thought it over, personally, and before leaving i told radionov, personally, as they said, rumor, no, what are
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you, drew a diagram on a sheet of paper, showed it to him, only to him, not a single living soul could see, i swear, they gave him the sheet, right? only no one else could do it for him know, radionov and i, me and radionov, why did you run away then, if you are not guilty, i was scared, you will think that it was me, but it is not me. well, why is he silent, he denies everything, i’m not me and the horse isn’t mine, well, someone gave out the route, we couldn’t live as germans by chance, in the steppe, and even
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at night, we couldn’t notice the column, we ’ll talk to the hospital with the mother, well, okay, and i ’ll shake this one, something doesn’t work out, the official car, the easiest way to find him is that, i just didn’t have time to properly prepare for the escape, it turns out that he’s just a fool, he’s playing us for a fool in the last time, i don’t know, there is only one reason - it’s fear, the man ran at breakneck speed, not realizing anything, if he were a traitor, he would have thought of everything in advance, light, if ustinov is not a traitor, why would he even run somewhere to direct myself? extra suspicion, where we are going, to the hospital, i understand, ruslan is very lucky, the vital organs are not affected, the burns are not that big, ruslan,
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they came to see you, thank you, please, great, military engineer, is that you? you took, took, from the hospital, with your own hands, this nit was strangled, this is his route and... go, i have nothing else
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left, i will beat these bastards to the last, citizen, come in, come in, don’t interfere with the investigative actions, comrade military lawyer of the second rank, uh-huh, there’s that one... yesterday’s fool, strangled, yes, with a thin strong rope , a string or a fishing line, it means danka finally found the guy who gave him the rocket launcher, but you didn’t believe it, who knew that it was like this... “it was my fault, i believed
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you, persuaded the boy, and you, if he didn’t come with me, he would have been alive, oh, comrades, has anyone seen this guy ? earlier? it seems that yesterday he approached sashka, sashka ivashkin, selling fish. where? here on the corner, in the morning he was, now he’s gone. comrades, does anyone know where sashka ivashkin lives? he lives in khichevan, his house is near the river. there are fighters to detain, quickly, let's
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ride with us, show where he lives, and god will not fight. petrovna, hello, hello, petrovna, you haven’t seen the ivashkins today, you saw them, they ran to the don with a suitcase, faster, please, faster, mosquitoes have flown to russia, and not just any mosquitoes, but painters’ ones, how could it not be bitten. let's look into this issue, and many others, it's great to live in the program,
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tomorrow on the first day, for the centenary of donatatos boniones, i'm going to dargate, you can explain to me what happened, hass, his trace is again, so far everything is against us, no photographs, we need a person who could identify him, please, why me, why, thank god, and i’m laden? how is he going to get to khas? low season, he is an actor from god, there is a story behind him. how did you live all that time? have you loved anyone? i don’t know, he was handsome, elegant, imposing, such a foreigner, the same time ours. no matter how many artists were in the frame, i wanted to look at him. thank you for liking my pun. such completely unique heroes, behind whom there is a whole life, i
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played more like a human being about my youth there, if wishes are not fulfilled, people will forget how to dream, he was a man from another world, from a different period altogether temporary premiere of a documentary film , the work of a scout, i must tell you, requires a lot of self-esteem, patience, april 28 on the first,
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and this is just a planet within a planet, only russia can be the best russia, we are the first to conquer space, we can do anything, russia, we love you. stop, here he is, ivashkin, citizen ivashkin, bend down, dear, where, what have you done, what have you done, ivashkin, raised his hands, raised his hands, raised his hands so that i could see, hands, i understood, i said,
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yamoshkin. come on, come on, take the can out of the boat, which can, you need to shoot the other arm or something, and open it, rise, grigory ivanovich, help this weak can open the can, please. yes, that's it svetlana petrovna, i should just lubricate the bearings, otherwise there’s a lot of dust, the grease wears off quickly, but this one is good, thick,
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look carefully, maybe there ’s something else there, what kind of lubricants did they risk their lives for, or what? no, well, there you go. there’s a steward, come on, let’s see what’s here, and that, yes, wait, this is the number, svetlana petrovna, but come on, the walkie-talkie, grigory, don’t touch it with your hands, the prints, yeah, i got it. how did you meet alexander ivashkin? he is my mother's brother, but in taganrog the house was bombed? so i came to my uncle, i have there is no one else. did you know she has
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a walkie-talkie? where from? where? i didn’t even know what was in this mess. i saw him for the first time in my life. write, what to write? address of the house in taganrog, family composition, names, date of birth, who works where, studies, in general, everything. who are you related to? lyudmila markova is my niece, she has no one left, everyone died. where did you get the can with the walkie-talkie? i found a can in the garage in the winter, there was a german second-hand can, they left it, honestly, i wanted to sell it, you sell fishing gear, that
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’s right, i sell fishing gear too, i can’t live need to, you promised the fool an order for shooting down a plane and gave him a rocket launcher. no, boss, i’m all about fishing, a rocket launcher, which wasn’t here, today you finished trading earlier than usual, because the fool danko came to you, whom you then strangled, i didn’t strangle anyone and i don’t know any fool , lyudmila and i decided a long time ago to move away from the war, i’m listening... the boy is sick, you bastard will answer for this, don’t even doubt it. and come on in, why did ustinov
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talk, but he’s not silent, he’s shaking, and there’s fear in he inflated his pants, but he didn’t give up on anyone, i almost began to believe that it wasn’t him, well , he couldn’t have radions, he got the circuit at the last moment, the leak didn’t stop, and he himself got burns and could have died, but what ivashki with this woman, are they opening up? both, i’m almost sure that the relative lyudmila, a report from the laboratory, comrade captain of state security, you’re great, they’re smart, the imprints of the narration belong to lyudmila markova, that comrades on the face, a sabotage group, we need to make a confrontation with ustinal, i agree, now he will stop opening. citizen ustinov,
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do you know this man? no, do you know the person sitting in front of you? i see it for the first time, you will see, citizen ustinov, you know this woman, no, i don’t know, you. do you know this man? this engineer of the first rank, ustinov, through my uncle he conveyed
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information, which i then sent to the germans by radio, but i did not transmit anything, i had never seen that man before either, he is lying, he is lying, i conveyed the information received from him, and the movement of the train with fuel, last night transferred the place to the time. where will the column of fuel tankers be, why are you there, girl, what have i done to you, why is she slandering, comrade, i did not betray my homeland, i did not tell anyone anything, i am honest before the party and the people, you will see.
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what are you doing? well, of course, on the surface. i noticed something today. strange, but at first i didn’t pay attention. let's go to. let's go, let's go. carefully. duty officer dmitrievsky. where is the suitcase with the evidence, which was delivered today? vashkin’s things, we inspected, inspected, inspected, but we didn’t inspect everything,
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there was fish here, where it is, i don’t know, comrade lawyer second rank, i have will go to court for treason as a member of a sabotage group, where is the fish? it’s the fault of a comrade military revist of the second rank, i didn’t know that the fish was important, but you see, i see a fish, but no, pay attention to the wire, with such a sinkhole , maybe half the city is stuck with fish? look how it's held together. the bundle that radionov gave me was fastened in exactly the same way, as they say, what you are rich in, and you know, i don’t
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refuse, thank you. and this indicates who the real counterfeiter of markova and evashkin is, and this is not ustinov at all, as you thought, you need to interrogate him, once these people determined the trends of rock and pop music, but now they left russia and divided the performers into their own and others, former music producer, and now agent mikhail kozyrov , there are artists who, as we call it, ziganuli, and there are artists who for them it is suicide to express. to the fact that it could have been done differently, i am doomed to live with this until the end of my days, a broken, depressed, absolutely devastated person, i will never be like that i saw that bedinsky is obsessed with roulette and other
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gambling games, my income is meager, i rely on what my friends give me, god, how i feel about it... on the one hand i feel sorry for them, on the other hand, how pathetic you are guys? i’m trying to catch some glimmer of hope that ukraine can win on the battlefield, i don’t see anything, unfortunately, there are no irreplaceable people, goodbye guys, you’re not relevant, the vavan and lexus show, today on the first, today the grand opening of the 12th film festival took place, let’s just lump it together, but we’ll get used to living dozens of people, you keep lying, why are you all separate, we’ll break up anyway, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but come up with something, so, gentlemen, a statement was received from the nichaev spouses known to you, after death they want to be together, i officially declare
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that i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, want to go together with my wife. i’m done, life after life, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first one, no, i don’t believe you, you tell everyone that, you ’ll forget my name as soon as i’m discharged from here, you have such a beautiful name, it
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impossible to forget. admit it, how many men’s hearts have you broken here, 100, 200, not a thousand, call it that?
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the engineer was lying with burns on his face, where was he? maybe in a bandage, i don’t know, i don’t know what he told you, girl, this is a saboteur , a traitor, will you continue to aid the enemy? no, no, he, well, he went left down the corridor just now. guys, they didn’t see the wounded man here with a blackened
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face, maybe they did, everyone here is wounded. are you looking for someone alive or already dead? this one is alive, for now. no, there are no such people here. crap! get up, artist, you got there early.
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your face is dirty here, take it, thank you, i have it. citizen radeonov, do you know this man? no, i don’t know you, citizen uvashkin, do you know this man? i see it for the first time.
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alone, that means you love fairy tales about love, lyudmila, i, too, you know, love alexander sergevich pushkin, especially ruslan and lyudmila, whatever, they lived a long time, died happily on the same day according to the wartime law for treason , well, nothing. another traitor will be science, a fairy tale, a lie, an old hint, a lesson for good fellows, but this is not love, lyudmila, and passion, it ruined you and your ruslan,
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as it ruined you, i didn’t even say anything, you don’t need to say anything, everything is clear, the same fabric, the same letters, the same threads, everything is clear, but what do you care? it’s clear, well, what do you understand, you will never understand this, you are callous, it’s immediately clear from you that you... ruslan, ruslan, my dear, my dear, you remember, you said that the most important thing is that we are friends at a friend's place.


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