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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  April 24, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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she ruined you and your ruslan, as she ruined, i didn’t even say anything, you don’t need to say anything, everything is clear, the same fabric, the same letters, the same threads, everything is clear, but what do you understand, well what is clear to you, you will never understand this, you are callous, it is immediately clear to you that you have never loved, and ruslan and i have nothing to do with your war, if you don’t care about our war, then why did you start helping? a fascist, not one of our own, because they will win anyway, we just wanted to be friends for a friend, we just wanted this war to end, it ended for you, guard radionova, ruslan, ruslan, my dear, my dear, well, you remember, you said that the most important thing is that we have each other. i now realized
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how right you were, what a fool, no, no, turn around, look at me, please, i beg you, so what, it won’t start? nikolai trofeevich, i wish you good health, my dear man, and you offend me, how it won’t start, how something might not start for me, it will run faster than it is, i hope, but i didn’t expect that you would come, as always, urgently on business, i didn’t expect it myself, but...
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sveta, how, well, it’s hard for her from everything, i didn’t save her, because i, it turns out, don’t blame yourself, here comes svetlana petrovna, kolya, kalya, my dear svetka, you’ll strangle me, you’re like here, let’s go and see you at the same time, there’s no news from vanya, we haven’t heard anything, not yet.
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hold on, yegor, kolka, my fighting friend, great, great, i didn’t think we’d see each other, and i didn’t think i myself, you ’ll have a bed there in the officer’s dormitory, but we’ll give you we’ll find a room, even a room, you live well, so, grigory ivanovich, take you to the officers’ dormitory, listen to nikolai. hotel from moscow, let's go, eh, tell me how you beat the fascists here?
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there's a big game on the air. yesterday, the united states senate voted by a large majority to pass a military aid package for ukraine, israel and taiwan. the vote was indeed bipartisan, although it must be said frankly that while ... the democrats supported it almost unanimously, 18 republicans voted against, and three more did not vote, all of them were opponents of this package, that is, in total, 21 republicans were not ready to support this, this is generally encouraging news when we think about russian-american relations in the long term, yeah.
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russia is not helping at all, ruslan pukhov, a famous military expert, is with us, ruslan, you are familiar with this package, you know that there is a lot in it, but 48 billion of these 61 will still be spent in the united states, spent directly, let's say on weapons, ammunition, compensation to the united states for some things that have already been supplied, all this will also happen. on the one hand, this amount is certainly large, but
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modern weapons are expensive and the line of contact is also very large, so even if these are all the weapons that are listed in this package, multiple launch rocket systems, taiwan. taiwan, israel and ukraine, before my eyes i see the contours of some kind of third world war with three points of contact, and if ukraine is a very important issue for us, a matter of life and death, yes,
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then for, i mean in the philosophical sense of the word, then for everyone, ukraine is a bargaining chip, because everyone moves on, yes, there is israel, there is confrontation.
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we must achieve our results. if we talk about what they say in europe, well , there are a number of different kinds of european intellectuals and even current politicians, such as grad kosyakorski, the current minister of foreign affairs of poland, but who directly accuse biden, but if not of betrayal,
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then of myopia, in short-sightedness, and it just seems to them that biden is not delivering weapons, yes, that he could easily throw many times more into this, so to speak, european fire. fuel so that it flares up even more, so in my opinion, this is , of course, a matter of taste, which is quite obvious now after this vote, that the americans, who, after all, unlike the europeans, are the same ukrainians, tried to weigh the pros and cons , now we have finally, so to speak, decided that we need to give war one more chance, not peace, but war, so with a high degree of probability we can predict that the next 9, and maybe 12 months of combat...
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already at some moments they are pulling him back by the leash, and he, so to speak, snaps and
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bites this leash, yes, we know, including those politically incorrect statements regarding a number of leaders like scholz, so we should not be misled by this situation, because the americans can really try to impose restrictions, but the ukrainians, with all their lobbying and pr capabilities, regularly set them up and do so. so that the americans well they cannot come down with all the criticism on elensky, who, as you know, is a victim, yes, and russia is an aggressor, so for our situation on the line of contact, this is rather secondary, the question here is what our defense industry, our soldiers, will do our work, in fact, the move is now on our side, because now ukraine is weakened, and these weapons. have not yet arrived, the weather has improved, so i am deeply convinced that our general staff has more than one preparation, and more than one
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plan, and we will see some news in the next few weeks. ruslan, you appeared on our program several times, and i remember there were periods when you, in general , were seriously concerned about the balance of forces and some ukrainian opportunities that would not be easy to respond to.
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they love it very much, recently a well-known historian who loves ukraine so much, timati schneider , said that russia, of course, from my point of view, he is a pseudo-historian, he was a good historian, as you know, he was allowed into our archives, but then in some moment something broke inside him, so he gave two examples when they say that russia was never defeated, but
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of course, it lost the crimean war, it lost the russo-japanese war, if you are watching. then this is so, if you start to look strategically, japan was on the verge of collapse, yes, it was no less interested in signing peace than we were, a revolution broke out in our country, we were able to defend a huge number of positions in the negotiations, japan then supported us at first world war, returned the same cruiser to us, which they picked up and it entered our fleet. if we take the crimean war, the british, the french, the sardinians, and the turks coughed up blood in this crimea, right? we were able to repel, it was actually a world war, their attack on our north, we were victorious on the turkish front, we were able to repel their attack in the far east, at the same time europe hung over us like a huge wedge, we had to hold a large number of troops, so again, if you look in such a black and white perspective and dynamics, then yes, russia these two
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lost the conflict and there is no arguing here, but in fact, in general, even if she lost ...
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in europe they can’t help but wonder how this will affect the course of hostilities in ukraine, and they can’t help but wonder what what will happen next, and as they say, god forbid, trump will come and return, and then, that is, the prospect of being left alone in this conflict with russia, it scares the europeans more and
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more, as far as it concerns. attitude towards washington’s decision, then there is also a mixed, mixed attitude, because where are you? they were there for six months, they delayed it for six months, and in the end they accepted what they could have accepted six months ago, say those who are actively in favor of increasing the american, not to mention their assistance to ukraine, how many lives. you could have saved if you had supplied weapons six months ago, i would rephrase this, how many lives could you have saved by not supplying weapons today, because to think that pumping up the kiev regime with additional weapons could bring peace closer, could save lives, is, well i wouldn't even
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say it's naive, it's just stupid. but it seems to me that this also contradicts common logic, that countries gain greater security through escalation, and not through an attempt to come to an agreement, this, in my opinion, is some kind of new page in diplomacy, yes, yes, but the same thing applied to expansion of the european union itself, i remember - a conversation that i had in london, and i asked, here... the expansion of nato and the european union, does this make the uk’s position safer or not, well , the british must say, they said frankly, no, of course , but this is that time. which we must bear, so when they started talking about the burden, i immediately remembered the famous thesis about the white man's burden, which they had deeply internalized since the days
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of colonialism? i now want to give you two quotes from a magazine, from an article in affairs magazine, there are three authors, several, let’s say , somewhat well-known in fairly narrow circles, but not the most leading ones. but nevertheless , very well integrated into the american, if you like, military-industrial-academic complex, their thoughts, they are not necessarily administration politicians, but this is also non-isolated marginal example. let's listen to both quotes: european leaders cannot allow the continent's security to depend on political discord in the us, so they must seriously consider sending. troops to ukraine, with minimal intervention, the european military can stay west of the dnieper and perform purely defensive tasks, for example, strengthening the country's air defense capabilities by
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deploying personnel and providing equipment, or even take command and control. risk of escalation when this will be minimal, since european forces will have little chance of destroying russian military pilots who launch ammunition primarily from belarusian airspace and proper. russia, but they will help shoot down cruise missiles and drones. even cooler. yes. the question is, will russia really use nuclear weapons if european troops enter ukraine? moscow regularly uses aggressive rhetoric against nato members, but so far it has only been bark and no bite, avoiding contact with nato forces. sooner or later, european leaders must ignore putin's saber rattling, as it is just propaganda, which... is based on the baseless assumption that nato wants to attack russia or invade its territory. ultimately, russia cannot afford to go to war with several european countries at once,
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let alone start a nuclear war. it is noteworthy that russia's immediate neighbors, for example, poland and the baltic states, which would most likely become the purpose of its nuclear attack are least concerned about this prospect. well, let’s say, not weakly, to sum up, not weakly, but... kiev and help develop plans, and the personnel who will take direct part in operations, including, will be engaged in strengthening the ukrainian missile defense and shooting down what russia sends in response to the ukrainian attacks, what russia sends in response to ukraine, secondly, there is no need to be afraid that russia will somehow be able to respond, russia will not be able to respond, they will not dare, you know that, like from the movie ivan the terrible, kazan is big,
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moscow is small, just like that, but big, who are they there in moscow, your reaction to this, well, by the way, they say that this advocates that these are european troops, but not nato, this is remarkable in itself, the question has not been posed this way before.
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they really can, and we know from the conflicts of recent decades how this was done, how it was prepared, and it is absolutely clear, that’s when the well-known provocation took place in buta, and you know that i immediately remembered, i remembered january ninety ninth year, the village of rachek in kosovo, where...
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there is a very rich academic and para-academic community, so some leftists from the electorate may be more radical than our communists there, that is, opinions may be very different, this is the first point, the second moment, very often american experts, at least that’s how i met with them, they imagine that all the other people in the world are also like americans, they are just different. speak a different language, so this analysis is largely applicable if the united states were in russia’s place, yes, this is rational, not this, this is both in the bad and in the good sense of the word. i remember the late henry kissinger, who once said at the pryamakov readings that russia, between risk, even defeat, and compromise, often chose risk and could even come to
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defeat, but went to the end in its decision. the decision has been made, but pressure groups of this kind exist in the united states, and not only in the united states in europe, they have a very dangerous the temptation, as you said, ruslan, to think that russia is like them, and that russia will not decide at the last moment, from my point of view, the idea, in the name of peace and security, to test russia for strength, is an idea.
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extremely counterproductive from the american and european point of view, we go off to advertise, we’ll be back in just a few minutes, excitement and bustle, i don’t know why, the islands are becoming clear, but i’m used to procrastinating. these are the finalists of the twelfth season of the voice project, among them, of course, there is a winner, voice, final, live broadcast on saturday on the first, with fabulous ease the provincial resort turned into the capital
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of world cinema. mr. wenders, why are you repeating yourself? and i'm not repeating myself. in this film i play a negative character. i just left my license. jane's script is real literature. we can't leave. off to the festival. thousands of journalists arrived. it's not a movie anymore. be careful, jack. damn, it hurts. i feel like i'm made from one piece of film from head to toe. thank you for being here. matador on saturday first. this is a festival where there are films for everyone. this is cannes. the big game is on air, we
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continue to discuss the consequences of the new american package of military assistance to ukraine and those weapons.
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there is, unfortunately, not everywhere, but in most regions of russia. do you agree, alexander dugin, famous philosopher, geopolitician, do you agree that this is one of the goals that the collective west is now setting for itself? i think that the west is simply
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increasingly entering into a full-fledged multidimensional war with us, at all levels, supply, unfreezing of trenches for ukraine supply of long-range missiles . and pase’s announcement about the non-recognition of our president and his illegitimacy and sweden’s statement that it will close off the baltic sea for our ships and for , respectively, or for our aircraft, but the connection with kaliningrad is practically mainly through the sea and through air traffic, all this, plus sending soldiers directly, all this means that the west...
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agrees that no matter how there are temptations, following the context of the information field of modern russian to use different words, for example, there are collaborators, it seems to me that a very correct
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russian word was used now, which has our own roots, these are traitors, traitors who act in accordance with their selfish interests, sometimes ideological interests , sometimes interests.. . economic properties, but the result is the same, they appear on the political forefront in most of now europe, but pretending that what was said there would find a response here, they act, of course, as traitors and traitors, in general, i don’t think that this idea needs to be deciphered somehow; fortunately, in russia it is now quite clear, and on this subject there is definitely a national consensus in disputes over other various topics. we are saying that when russia fought what we call domestic wars, it always won them, be it the fight against napoleon or against hitler. we do not call what happened with the first world war a patriotic war.
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let's remember that in november-december of the sixteenth year, the russian army, in in general, in many respects she was stronger than ever. finally she did. a russian body was blown up, and we know that
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, in general, this did not happen without foreign intervention, and it is interesting that not only enemies, the germans, intervened against russia, but by the way, as you know well, the ambassadors of great britain, the so-called allies, absolutely true, and that they played the opposition cards to the maximum, i believe that history is rarely based on... a special military operation in which they equally heroically take part
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representatives of all nations, these people who add fuel to the fire of an interethnic conflict, they are already today from different sides, from all sides, highlighted simply as traitors, working for - for the customer from the outside, just as ideologically, i honestly don’t see there are no prerequisites for a conflict between the right and the left, there are no real deep preconditions, we, the left and the right, no matter who we are, we are alone in...
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the national question in ideology, creating conflicts, confrontations, attacks from scratch, but it seems to me , what now the weakest elements of the apology are that the situation, unlike the seventeenth year , is not critical, we are learning some lessons from the past, and unity. based on the love of the motherland, common to all of us, both on the left and on the right, this is a fundamental lesson that we have definitely learned, this is a huge achievement, overcoming the civil war, which we will not sacrifice so easily, and we will not so easily give it up let's refuse, i have, if possible, a few words on this matter, literally, but we have entered such a period of our history, how when our adversary became our open enemy, he entered
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on the right path, we see how in the last
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presidential address the issues of social justice were aggravated, how they are finding an increasing response in russian society, in the expert community, among political parties, yes we are too slow to resolve these issues, but issues of social justice need to be resolved faster, but issues of economic efficiency of our russian model need to be resolved faster, and the competition is fierce, we can make it if we focus, in general, in fact, here i am an example.
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proclaimed not only the government in existence, it spread, the independence of poland or finland, it was in ukraine, it was in siberia, it was in kuban, the idea of ​​​​sovereignization became so popular that even when in the seventeenth year
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the great october socialist revolution happened already in october , in my native mursk region in the eighteenth year the amur labor socialist republic was proclaimed, yes. well, for example, the presence of business interests in russia, today they are not supporters of what is happening in our country, they, well, it’s fashionable to call them waiters, please, you can use this term, they believe that today they need to go into this catacomb situation, not to stick themselves out, not to burn themselves, to save themselves for new times , when
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either a new president appears, or the situation is shaken, when it will be possible to again drag the neoliberal dogma of the nineties into our country. this is the very collaboration, this is the very betrayal from which we suffered so much in the nineties, i believe that the russian political elite this phenomenon is by no means free today, and liberating it will not be easy, but this is not the main thing, and they are doomed to defeat if the central line of russian power is truly patriotic and enjoys the support of the masses, the people of any of these the catacomb collaborators will be digested. will help the country win, it seems to me that this is close to what you think, i think, just in the same way, not just that i think, i spent my whole life spent my whole life in order to close ranks with both the left and the right media ideology, starting in the nineties with gennadivich zyuganov, with alexander evich prokhanov, we started the so-called right-left opposition, so that the left and right
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patriots would not succumb to provocations, would unite to confront these damned nineties and would lead the country on the right path for us. this must be said, when the yeltsin opposition of the nineties failed, only one person, vladimirovich putin, managed to do this, not even only thanks to us, but rather contrary to all these trends, he carried out a fundamental turn towards returning our sovereignty, to establish us as an independent power, but he got the elite precisely not from our right-left opposition, he got it from among the era of liberals, and i completely agree with you, he said this directly in his last message. i believe that there is a completely different line, a different, different fault line of the elites than right versus left, this is not there, i don’t see, i think that there are patriots, right or left, not so fundamentally, who are the majority, who are the majority among the people who sees in putin their president, and of course, more and
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more people from different backgrounds, from different strata, with different views, are accepting this, i would say, new patriotic faith. those who accept, i am surprised to discover new and new, on your program, new people, whose patriotism there is no reason to doubt, but who come from the nineties. we're leaving for advertising, we'll be back in a few minutes. did these people once set the trends in rock -pop music? and now they have left for russia and divided the performers into their own and others. former music producer and now agent mikhail kozyrev. was to do otherwise, i am doomed to live with this until the end of my days, broken, depressed, devastated,
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absolutely human, i have never seen him like this, bedinsky is obsessed with roulette and other gambling, my income is meager, i actually strive for this, what do my friends give me, god, how i feel sorry for him on the one hand, on the other hand, what pathetic guys you are, i’m trying to catch some kind of problem. hope is that ukraine can win on the battlefield, and i don’t see anything to unfortunately, there are no irreplaceable people, goodbye guys, you are not relevant, the vavan and lexus show, today on the first, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the us armed forces, general charles brown, nicknamed the swamp creature, russia is an existential evil that must be destroyed to glory to democracy. the usa, they want to radicalize the army,
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he has shares in a company of the military-industrial complex, which directly make him a beneficiary of certain orders. it is locket martin that promotes the concept of rapid global strike, they understand that the alliance between russia and china is becoming. can easily advise, as the chief military adviser, to use these nuclear weapons, he wants war in order to realize himself personally, i am not playing for second place, i am not playing to lose at any cost, including nuclear war, charles brown, the black general, dolls of the heir tutti, tomorrow on the first. there's a big game on the air, so let's now listen to a very interesting and
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important definition of patriotism, which was presented by the philosopher ivan lin. let's let's listen. this does not mean that all sons of the united motherland should be of the same religious confession and belong to a single church, but patriotic unity will undoubtedly be closer, more intimate and lasting. where the people are bound not only by a single territory by climate, not only by state power by laws, not only by economy and way of life, but also by spiritual homogeneity, which reaches the unity of religious confession and belonging to a single and only church. patriotic unity is a type spiritual unity, worship of god is one of the deepest powerful manifestations of the human spirit. and here is my question,
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in any case, no one will deny that thanks to russian orthodoxy, the orthodox church, our eastern christianity, the russian people, our character, our culture, our history, our political system, we are formed by our roots, no matter who we are, no matter what confession we belong to, the basis of our historical identity is orthodoxy, this, by the way, is interesting, understands the same genrievich zyuganov, who in his book... the policy of victory in other works often refers to the spiritual authorities of russian orthodoxy, even athos visited the shrine of orthodoxy, in my opinion
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, this is an example of the fact that it doesn’t matter, you can individually profess any confession, you can be a representative of any people, and even you may have your own religion, but there is something deeper, orthodoxy is also a cultural code, which is the core of the russian state, like the core of the russian state.
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may cause natural indignation, this can be understood, but we must learn that our destiny, our, our history is an indivisible thing, there is certainly red, but there is also white in it, there are dark sides in it, there are light sides, there are mistakes, there are also crimes, there are and absolutely bloody horror, this is our fate, and this and that, these are our heroes, these are our thinkers, these are ours, our geniuses, one of them could have made a mistake, but about...
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ilyin was not noticed in anything like that. it was a great game, we'll see you on the air tomorrow. the vavan and lexus show is on air. once upon a time these people set trends in rock pop music. and now they have left russia and divided the performers into their own and others. they consider as their own those who support ukraine
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and throw mud at the musicians who remain with our country. they themselves are ready to ask for forgiveness in a foreign land and humiliate themselves with all their might, just to be accepted in ukraine. but why, being far from the unloved country, do they suffer from lack of demand? revelation of former producers. only today in our program. i will introduce our guests today. today with us is singer vadim stepantsov, singer mara, journalist vladimir polupanov and leader of the alliance group igor zhuravlev. hello. any russian rock musician knows his name, because it has been associated with russian rock for decades.
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young bands listened to his musical taste, dreaming of getting to festivals. but at one point he turned away from those groups of ideals that he once supported and glorified. we talked to him about russian culture, how he lives abroad now, and what he thinks about specially. military operation, and we called him on behalf of the head of the office of the president of ukraine andrei yarmak, how do you see the situation, because i recently watched an interview with russian-speaking musicians, so boris akunin actually told me that you are a person who understands culture well, with you it is possible to talk about this topic, what do you think? very clearly, after february 24, the entire russian culture split into two parts and... there is a very bright and significant part of the musicians who categorically did not support this invasion, this war, most of them had to leave the country,
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they no longer set foot in russia, and there is, of course, such a general depressing state due to the fact that even in interviews with these musicians, the last question is always... i ask the same one, like you do you think where you are, where will you perform first, in ukraine or russia? as a rule, no one gives a specific question, some, some say that the answer is in the sense, some say that probably in ukraine it’s still faster than in russia, so, but in principle, of course, for each of these music, musicians and artists there is such a - a great feeling of guilt, you know, i, since i have fame... the situation is that i have maintained relationships with all my ukrainian musician friends, but i, but i behave like this when i come to their concerts , i meet with them, we sit in
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the coffee shop, we go somewhere to drink coffee, i don’t...


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