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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 25, 2024 3:00am-3:06am MSK

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creativity, because look, in pushkin’s world, which is considered such perfection, which is considered the russian cosmos, which belinsky named, well, truth be told, eugene onegin, but in general this can be applied to all of pushkin, remember, belinsky said this famous phrase that eugene onegin is an encyclopedia of russian life, but note that in pushkin’s world, in his poems, in his stories, in his stories, we practically do not meet large families. he has this uniqueness, the uniqueness of children, which he may have needed to solve his own literary problems, may have come from this incompleteness of his childhood experience, but this incompleteness was subsequently more than made up for by this amazing happiness, when pushkin ends up in the tsarsko-selo lyceum, here he was really lucky, it was lucky that precisely at the time of his...
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growing up by the time he turned 12 years old, this amazing educational institution was opened in russia, the lyceum in tsarskoye selo, which some consider in general such a model of a school, a model education, which combined the school and university, and others say that in fact there was nothing unusual in the person, again pushkin’s phrase from the novel in verse by eugene onegin: we all learned a little something and somehow, it best characterizes training at the lyceum, but in fairness , many wonderful people came out of the lyceum, including one of the future ministers of foreign affairs, chancellor gorchakov, poets came out, decembrists came out, sailors came out, it is impossible to overestimate the lyceum in pushkin’s life, and not by chance, every october 19, he will write poems dedicated to the lyceum, this is ...
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an unusually large number, and friendship, relationships between people, were perhaps the most important thing for him, much more important than political views, ideas, beliefs, although pushkin, of course, had ideas and beliefs, and we remember very well from the school curriculum his so-called freedom-loving lyrics, we remember his revolutionary poems, we all learned at school his message to chiodayev, love, hope.
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send him to siberia or exile him to nightingales, and if it were not for the intercession of pushkin’s friends koramzin, zhukovsky, who was the teacher of the tsar’s children, it is unknown what fate would have awaited alexander sergeevich, but... in this case, he acted very wisely and very instructively, still treating this young rebel with care , and it seems to me that there is some very deep lesson in this: talented people do not develop in a straight line, a person is least of all similar to some kind of scheme or some kind of instruction that he must follow, here is pushkin’s liveliness, pushkin’s rebellion, pushkin's disobedience, pushkin's incredible craving for freedom. of course, these
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are the most important features of his personality, without which there would not have been pushkin the monarchist, there would have been no pushkin the statesman, there would have been no pushkin the christian, because all this coexisted in this truly amazing person, but if we are already talking about this period, then this conditionally revolutionary youth of pushkin, his closeness to the decembrists, sometimes pushkin was even called the ideologist of decembrism, then what needs to be emphasized here? that it was still very important the line that separated pushkin from his friends was precisely the worldview line; pushkin was hardly capable of political murder, or indeed any murder, except, of course, duels, but that’s a completely different story, and if we remember the same odu- liberty, then with all its emotional intensity, with all its anger, it actually does not call at all to crush the monarch, but... it calls on the monarch to respect the law,
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to respect human dignity, that’s what these were for young pushkin something very important criteria, and pushkin, no matter how paradoxical it is, well, if you like, a constitutionalist, yes, there was no constitution in russia, but respect for human dignity is a very important trait that he carried through his entire life. and so again, no matter what step he took, yes, everything led to his immortality, everything was really lucky for him in life, he was sent to the south, here for him is a northern man, born, by the way, in moscow, which is also very important , yes, these... the geography of pushkin’s life, it’s really very important. muscovite by birth, received education in st. petersburg or in the suburbs of st. petersburg, in tsarskoye selo, he ends up in the south in his youth, precisely when he needs to be there, on the shores of the black sea, in the crimea, in the steppes near odessa, in moldova.


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