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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 25, 2024 3:05am-3:51am MSK

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calls on the monarch to respect the law, to respect human dignity, for young pushkin, these were some very important criteria, and pushkin, paradoxically, but if you like, is a constitutionalist, yes, in russia there was no constitution, but respect for human dignity - this is a very important trait that he carried throughout his entire life, here again, no matter what step he takes,
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who follows pushkin, intercepts one of his letters, where he admits that he is taking lessons in pure atheism, that is atheism, in a state where christianity was state religion, atheism was considered a serious crime, immediate punishment follows, this time pushkin is sent into exile in mikhailovskoye, in fact, this is imprisonment, imprisonment is doubly offensive for him, that ... he is sent under the supervision
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of his own father, this is an amazing thing , this is the transformation that takes place with pushkin in the russian village, this is really the story of a man, yes a young man who was raised, well, in such a european spirit, yes, who knew the european literature, the french language, who was fascinated by european ideas, liberal, in many ways ideas that were close to him.
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does not realize that he succeeded, but what happened was surprisingly deep in essence, in terms of penetration into russian history, into the russian soul, into the russian head, into the russian consciousness, this very thing appeared - a tragedy in which pushkin poses the most important questions of existence, in which pushkin acts as a philosopher, he is 25 years old, he is a boy, even more so if we speak in modern times, and yet... he creates this work,
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written from a strictly orthodox position, in fact, a strictly christian position, despite the fact that in his life, in his upbringing, in his experience, pushkin was at that time still very, very far from christianity, but pushkin’s talent was ahead, ahead, as it seems to me that he himself, and here, of course, this is the most important concept in pushkin’s fate, in pushkin’s life. this was what he called the muse, and what again goes back, of course, to his lyceum youth, we all remember these wonderful lines from the eighth chapter of eugene onegin, which thus begins in those days when in the gardens of the lyceum, i blossomed serenely, read willingly, but did not read puleya, but did not read cicero; in those days in the mysterious valleys, in the spring, with the calls of swans, the muse appeared nearby shining in silence. this humble
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provincial young lady with a book in her hand, of course, was such a guiding star that was in his destiny, which meant extremely much to him, and this destiny led him just like that, from moscow to st. petersburg, through the south to mikhailovskoye, although he had been to mikhailovsko before, but it was one thing when he came there in his youth by his own free will, it was completely different when he found himself there in captivity, but this imprisonment... psychologically difficult and unbearable for him, but apparently it was precisely this that created that tension, created that necessary friction between his soul and those circumstances in whom he was in, which contributed to the fact that, firstly, he became interested in deep, serious
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reading, because he reads the bible, he reads koramzin, he reads shakespeare, but creates something absolutely of his own, something original, yes, dedicated precious memory. nikolai mikhailovich koromzin, but this, this, this is pushkin, this is the real, this is the genuine pushkin, this is the story of the tsar who came to power, having crossed blood, despite the fact that we do not know whether this really happened in russian history , but that’s what pushkin wrote, then the same thing will happen in mozart and soller, this is pushkin’s view of some historical events, historical figures that transform them.
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pushkin began writing it while still in southern exile, but the north is harmful for me, he finished writing it when he was already in moscow, then he moved to st. petersburg, in fact, the bulden axis... this is this new period in his fate, a new turn in his life, also extremely important, yes, when circumstances, plague, cholera, lock the poet in the village of boldin and this phenomenon is born, which we all know, yes, which is called the bolden autumn, and
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where pushkin creates his brilliant works, and poems, and small tragedies, belkin’s stories and ends. in his biography, because many people don’t like natalya nikolaevna, many people believe that pushkin’s marriage was unsuccessful, and he needs it would be to marry some other woman, and these and such zealous attacks against
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natalia nikolaevna come from people of the highest degree of respect, because both akhmatova and tsvitaeva spoke ill of her and, for example, faina ranevskaya in... in faina’s diary entries ranevskaya can simply see how she is seething with indignation, it would seem that she is natalya nikolaevna, who lived 100 years ago, but nevertheless faina georgievna is simply filled with hatred for this woman, but let’s assume, okay, this is a woman’s, but let’s take the male half, vikkendiy vikkendievich verisaev, a wonderful russian soviet writer of the first half of the century, the author of such a wonderful monumental work called pushkin. life somewhere there he writes that if pushkin had paid attention not to goncharova, who, of course, was a beauty, but such an empty beauty, and who crossed the path of perhaps a much more worthy girl, pushkin would have been happy with her, and the
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same thing was written by shogolev, pavel elseevich, shogolev, such a wonderful pushkinist, who researched pushkin’s duel, answered them all perfectly. pasternak wrote that pushkin should have married not goncharova, but shchogolev, our entire future pushkin studies, then he would have lived. to this day, then he would have written five sequels to eugene onegin, then he would have written another poltava, but pasternak goes on to say that he would not have understood such a pushkin, precisely the pushkin who loved natalya nikolaevna, for whom she was beautiful wife, this is pushkin, the real one, the real pushkin, i love him very much i simply force pushkin’s prose and belkin’s stories, i re-read them there every year several times already. i almost learned it by heart, probably, but every time my throat gets tight, and in some places, remember, pushkin, when
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he wrote belkin’s stories, in a letter to vyazimsky, in my opinion, he said that or baratynsky, i don’t remember exactly , which of his friends, when they read these stories, neighed and beat their hoofs, so i am ready to admit that in these stories there is an awful lot that is probably funny and parodic, but from my point of view it is much more touching, in blizzards, yes, when the burmin falls to... a letter to tatyana and in the same way goes to her room, she reads this letter, but if in
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eugene onegin this letter is the last in their relationship, and after this a break follows, then in the lady-peasant , which was created almost at the same time in the same boldini, and this scene is a prologue to their future family life together, or for example, what is also amazing in pushkin, as in the same young lady of a peasant woman, a noblewoman: who dresses up in a peasant dress, it’s funny , this is vaudeville, and in a few years pushkin will write a captain’s daughter, and there the noblewoman masha mironova will be forced to change into a peasant dress when the belogorsk fortress is captured by pugachev’s gang, because only a peasant dress can be her salvation from pugachev. here is this pushkin world, which is so whimsical, so mysterious, so enigmatic, so amazingly arranged.
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didn’t agree, but notice, he didn’t quarrel with them, they didn’t quarrel with him, this is respect for someone else’s point of view, this is acceptance of someone else’s point of view, it is extremely important, the last thing in this regard i would probably like to remember about pushkin is to say that i really love andrei torkovsky’s film the mirror, so if you remember, in the mirror there is such a wonderful moment when the boy ignat, yes, the son of the main character...
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did not happen precisely because this history is not european, because we found ourselves fenced off from europe, and pushkin does not agree with him, pushkin just remembers some key moments of russian history, and talks about its kings, talks about important events, talks about tatar-mongolian invasion, thanks to which europe was saved and the most important words that are in this letter, words that... in a sense, can be considered our national idea, our credo, if you remember, words
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that sound something like this: as a person with prejudices, i’m offended, pushkin writes that he doesn’t like a lot in his contemporary life, but for nothing in the world, i wouldn’t want to change my fatherland or have a different history than the one that god gave us, this, probably the most important thing in... was, is, will remain, pushkin really our comrade, and pushkin really will never leave us, ordinary people, thank you. this was a podcast about the life of the wonderful, i was with you, the writer alexey varlamov, and today we talked about alexander sergeevich pushkin. i'm larisa guzeeva, let's get married. good afternoon, nikolai, vitaly and roman are married today.
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mail, where the lover of her third husband subsequently wrote to her on a dating site through her email. svetlana , a speech therapist from the pioneer village of the tyumen region, is proud to have performed on stage in the roles of daisy the duck, parsley and snow maiden, dreams of playing a modern cinderella, warns that she has strong vibes. svetlana was very yearning for a man’s love, so she is ready to consider him as a new life partner. a welder, an oil worker, a director of a large company, an investor, a dentist, an emergency worker, a lawyer, a singer or representatives of another profession with a high libido. hello, girls, svetlana, we remember you, remember, you came to fight for the postman pechkin, yes, yes, yes,
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we were upset that i didn’t choose, well, some i was disappointed, yes, i had no luck before. she got burned many times, but apparently she constantly attracted her to herself, apparently she has such karma, but i hope her karma will be destroyed, and she will be lucky, she will not attract unworthy men, well, of course you have a range from an electrician to a dentist and even an oil worker, is it right or is it right next to it, no, the point is that we will take a financier if this profession... he can be a callous character, for example, a welder, for example, he can be disposing, kind, sympathetic, and just the same necessary, what kind of bunnies do you want? this welder opens his eyes, look at what a good hairstyle, well-groomed, sweet, pleasant woman, light, please tell me how to explain that all your husbands and men were walking, there is a possibility that i carried them
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to bedestal and fell in love with everything was always ready on the table . everything is clean, everything is neat, that is, i’m saying that there is such a thing when you give a man, you give everything of yourself, it seems, in return there are no cashbacks, that is, drowned, in short, drowned, yes, drowned and i think that well let's start with the first one, this because of an overabundance of something in the house, he brought a mistress, he has an incomprehensible husband, light, yes, it was hard for me at that moment, i had a session, but i passed it to the stern, then 2003.
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he was arguing, so i thought it was his choice and let it remain on his conscience, fate will show what will happen to him next, well, then at least they found out who this rival is, well, of course, i knew for a long time that he was dating her, to be honest, but well, it wasn’t like that to go home dragged, of course, family life should take place only between two people, between husband and wife, there can be no betrayal at all, didn’t you go and sort her out? “we met with her, she tried to communicate with me in terms of making the dna of the child, and 90% of such stupid mistresses say: “you take a closer look at the child, you will leave me, you will pay alimony, who will you pay to, so she spoiled the child, well, in general, of course, i knew that, and i didn’t pay attention at that moment yet, that
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when they had a holiday on february 23, she improved his sense of dancing and..." he told me about it he told me, can you imagine how much tenderness he lacked, that even after straightening his forelock, he was done losing consciousness, and forelock, forelock, forelock blond, why are we getting married, so that it would be good for both parties , i understand correctly, if someone bad, but either let go or change, you can change little by little, oh well, if the first one brought such a good boy to bed, the second one is generally through... getting acquainted with your sites, well, this is already, well, this is light, i know, and he i didn’t know that a notification was coming through your mail, through my mail comes, and it’s from him, is it really like that?
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he could say, well, so what? well, why not me next, but why some other woman? if you go to some sites, if you go to some other events without your wife, you are already setting yourself up for some kind of betrayal, for me it was of course, but should i slip the correspondence into his nostrils? oh, you know, when i saw all this, i was still retarded, i thought, well, i ’ll tell you now. i come in, i say, this is what, and i show him with my phone, this is what, how could you, how dare you, such a bastard, in general, we got into a fight, why fight with a man, you need
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to be more careful with such a woman, and not argue again, that’s a decent wife, she wouldn’t blame him for this, she would just respect everything, rose , really, why did you bother, why did a man ruin a song like that by cutting it off at the chorus? and that's why they got divorced too? no, there was a different situation, they divorced due to financial lack, so to speak, he kept telling me that i had no funds, but on the other hand, he could go crazy at the same time, when i found out that he was going out, he could give me a gift, that is, pay me off so as not to get a divorce, because besides , he accused you of frigidity, yes, well, in general he was? bought at least some gifts, for example, the last time they gave you a down jacket from lopland, but never, never, they gave you a gift, yes, be jealous, sit still, as
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they say, people don’t change, that is, if he messed up once, he will and shit a second, third time, but he was addicted to the glass to such an extent that he took everything out of the house, yes, there was a situation, we got divorced, he went to november, it turns out that he had already found a wife there. so one fine day i come back from work, i don’t have anything at home, i took the sofa, i took off the chandelier, i even took off the running lights, you won’t believe it, i took everything and the refrigerator, and why didn’t they change the locks, but i somehow i didn’t expect that he could do this, because what am i, petty, it seems, oh, let’s move on to the third, otherwise my head is starting to hurt, but this is very petty, this is very, very dishonest of all. on the other hand, well, it just goes to show that it’s just not man, this is not even a man’s act, the third one was a classic, there was a bewitch there, i suppose, yes, yes, there was
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a specific love spell, because the situation showed in the process that she could not get pregnant from him for a very long time, but from yours she got knocked up, how did she not get knocked up from mine, no, she’s only now for the sixth time, she’s got it all right... it worked out with her husband, with yours, yes, you have a second child, a 5-year-old girl, who is she from? from the last husband, the third, uh-huh, yes, now i ’ll ask mendelssohn if there is any way, my beloved thrower, to measure the fluids of person, because you say that with her vibes she will drag anyone right into her nets, but for now somehow everyone is floating out of the nets, on the contrary, maybe, you know, don’t be sarcastic, look, i’ve already learned here, they are floating out so that you understand this , swim out. well, let’s talk about how to swim, so that you understand this, it sounds just like a toast, in fact, fluids translated from latin mean fluid, that is
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, this is a state of matter with parameters above critical, and this term is most used in oil and gas production, so if our bride dreams of an oil worker, then her vibes are flowing in the right direction, oh, of course i’m an oil worker, i worked, she sewed a suit for me, for my image, at one time, it turned out that when the time came, i asked for this one again
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suit, i found out. that they burned him, just like that, let’s remember what this suit looked like, what envy you need to have, yes, i was broken by evil kids, man, please help me, replace me, now i won’t freeze myself, what a duck, what outfit, good, i wonder what she does to us today will surprise you, okay, but at the same time you are high. she plays amazingly, mendelssohn boy, dear, you still tell me this, otherwise our bride is confused in her testimony, who is still suitable, a welder, a dentist, an oil worker, oh, or an investor, well, let’s do a little test, it’s prepared as times for such cases by the czech spengler university, abbreviated nonsense, so, the question
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is which men's... svetlana suit would excite you the most, a tuxedo, medical gown or overalls. well, if you remember the films with channingon tatoon, this in general, it would, of course, be in a suit, the third option, well, it would be better if it was the tatom training itself, most likely. oh, sadochnitsa, chelintana, so he’s already old in general, chaning tatum, who? channing tattoo. svetlana, considering that you generally like different costumes, an animator would be more suitable. okay, let's get acquainted,
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meet the first groom, hello, hello, my name is nikolai, i want to build love with you. thank you very much, it’s a pleasure, let’s go, nikolai, 50 years old, stretch ceiling master, lives in oryol, goes diving, skis on an electric scooter, dreams of buying three apartments in moscow, is proud that he is a good person, admits that she has no complexes, warns that she may get sick if she is refused
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intimacy. nikolai’s wife had headaches so often that she even preferred to delegate the fulfillment of marital duties, hoping that svetlana would not shirk pleasant responsibilities. hello, hello, what is your incubation period, 24 hours before illness, any refusal, any defeat, you need to accept it with dignity, be prepared, and you don’t need to wait for something in order... then don’t get upset, this is my opinion, what are the symptoms, how does the disease manifest itself, and training manifests itself, no, it manifests itself, it manifests itself too much , showing attention to the female sex, that is , she never took pity on those who thought, since i need more, how she ran away from you, tell me, i say, my dear, come to me, yeah, the time has come, it has come, yeah, no,
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leave me alone, leave me alone, if only you could find a mistress, she was flirting, leave me alone, leave me alone, find someone for yourself already, no, that’s not it, maybe she’s on the contrary, she’s in the bedroom herself, her skis are already sharpened, on the contrary, like that at the door, it’s bad that things didn’t work out with his ex-wife, but now everything can be solved, there are even doctors, you can go if she has any hormonal problems or headaches . nikolai, well, you took advantage of the wishes, so to speak, of your wife’s nonsense, well , find yourself someone already, look, i once watched your wonderful program, and my wife said, if only you were there on the program, i would be really happy , and passes literally 2 years, and i’ve been here, well , we managed to get a divorce, yes, that is, don’t fool around, otherwise he might have come to mock us here, having his own
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wife, honest, i’m an honest person. honest, well, when you had a mistress, she suddenly had claims against your wife, but what kind of claims? it’s not being finalized, there’s something i don’t understand. what, what should not be completed? why, why do you have such an insatiable husband? this is love for your wife, you are not paying attention, but that is, she wanted to share at least with her wife, you are at least a little quieter, like a sister already help, she wanted that mm, well, no, look, she wanted some points to melt, that if you don’t need it, give it to me, completely, of course,
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about your relationship, but somehow she was surprised, she had been for a long time already lived with your mother, and she didn’t need you at all, neither tall, nor hairy, no one, look, here in front of you sits the same insatiable tigress, seriously, svetka, i heard it, i remember, yes, i said it too, i not bulk, she just has, well, you will already be the fourth, she has this in her cumulative history, you are the fourth, also the fourth, and this is your fourth marriage, well, that’s very good. someone told me once, she wasn’t born yet, me too, i heard it too, and she has a daughter, like you are a woman with children, good, in general i really love children, alements, and i love surprises, let me show you, yeah, of course , of course, but
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you need a bride, of course, go, well, she’s a little embarrassed, like all grooms, well, like adults and non-adults, we’re all people, we’re all...
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strong, she was just dancing somewhere before, or she’s visiting, probably these, uh, nightclubs, oh, well, vibes, vibes, the main thing is that i spread my vibes, i tried, yes, oh, look, look, he’s coming, he’s flushed, how do you like it, well, he cheered me up, wouldn’t he? and i can see straight away, and he’s already rearranging his legs like that, fashionable, fashionable all over, and at the dance, he knows how to dance, by the way, yes, well, you know, he lay down because i needed to be more relaxed, well, i was shy because it was necessary to potentiate more relaxedly
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in order for it to be straight, but it turned out naturally, mendelssohn, well, what can you say, could this pair have worked out as you think, but i have the feeling that if the lights were turned off now closed the curtains, the couple would have already formed. that’s what i think, mindelson, why, for some it’s all, and for others nothing, meet the second groom. hello, svetlana, my name is vitaliy, it’s good that you are a speech therapist, vaccinate you, i’m starting to be speechless, let’s get acquainted, let’s improve our speech, vitaliy, 44 years old, formerly
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a cook in a restaurant, now a fitness trainer and aspiring businessman lives in tula, loves dark humor, drinks a lot of energy drinks and often rustles bags at night, is proud of his yellow lanyard for chopping with a saber, one on... hello, hello, what different fates, the previous groom couldn’t lure his wife into the bedroom with anything, but you just drove him away with a stick, yes, look, an obsessive fan, yes, yes, yes, they drove him away, drove her away, with holy water, holy he still shushed the water, well, well, at least the aspen stake was not whitened, there was a thought, why did he come to the program, if he is driving away a woman, tell me, where did she appear? and what did she want from you, well, i’m a fitness trainer, and yes,
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i work in a fitness club, well, i had a client who started running after me, she that’s what she told me, let’s sleep, but how old were she that she was so desperate for you, well , almost the same age, well then, okay, then there’s nothing to lose, as they say, but i say, you still have to come to me, how so- then, i’m happily married, i’m not interested in this, well, who ever bothered? okay, so were you just embarrassed or what? yes, i was simply shocked by such a proposal, it’s just that this fan, she came to my trainer’s room and said something like, i love you, and i was just like that, i take two sticks, i don’t know, two bodybara, here is the cross, witch, get away from me, i say, now i’ll scream for help, she will tell me right away, and you said that flirtatiously or, well , somehow so that you need to make it clear that you don’t need to run after me, and then there was another incident , she came to the sales department. and fell on the floor, as if she was foaming at the mouth
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, screaming, call vitaly, only he can help me, no one else, i can’t do all the trainers, only i can do it alone, i came up, do artificial respiration, probably, well, not i know, i just came up and said no, i i won’t engage with you, sanya, go, well, this is worthy of respect, i think so, and i, too , say, working as a massage therapist, there were cases, yes, that women offered me intimacy. and i said that i was a doctor, and not, excuse me, some kind of libertine, then she also wrote to me there at night and at 3:00 in the morning it happened that naturally, my wife began to mistrust, and when the ulyanovsk girl appeared, well, i’ve already flown off with friends to rest in altai, here, as they say, if the first one appears, expect bad, so to speak, continuations, and where the first one is, there’s already second, third, yes, you look like such a male couple? that women began to stick to honey like honey, but no, you know, well, of course
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, he attracted something to himself, let’s not flirt, i would even say, the hair, at least, it seems to me that the man himself gave the reason, probably yes, that’s all- after all, a man gives a reason for this, because a woman won’t attack just like that, well, this doesn’t happen, and then i had the next relationship, the girl’s name was alexandra, she was the master of that service, that is, on the back just like that. who want to achieve, say, your husband
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or wives, they can arrange anything, and before parting with your man or woman, you need to find out for sure whether there was something between them, when i turned to a psychologist for help, the psychologist told me there , don’t open the door, straight , the worse you treat a girl, the more you will be attracted, yes, pushkin initiated, the less a woman we are more, well, something like that, that was all, well, i didn’t repeat it for so long, i stopped opening doors, stopped calling her there, write first. then she directly noticed that i just changed, they, she still thinks that either i’m an actor, or what happened to me, she started not trusting where, where am i, where am i real, and where am i playing, she also began to think, that’s it, she first put give me a pause, then the psychologist said that you should also take a break, in the end there was an end, and a lot of money was given to pina, okay, maybe you should think about working as a fitness trainer, mm, why, and that you will be a fitness trainer, look at the problems , yes, here's another one.
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we moved here, you eat strawberries, how many berries are high, of course, very high, but you you will eat, vitaly, until you throw up, a lot, svetlana. and you will also answer, look, the height of the fence has a direct connection with your resistance to sexual temptation, the lower the fence, the easier you succumb to temptations, the number of berries is the number of partners you are ready
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to get carried away with at the same time, it looks like both of you are not satiated, really , vitaly needs to climb longer for this, show me the surprise! i wonder what this groom has prepared, what a surprise this groom has prepared, it’s very interesting to see this, i’m even a little worried, what if he will be better than mine, now you and i are watching a duck in its natural habitat, ducks are very smart, they are the only birds.
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excellent sense of the shot, but a weak vestibular apparatus, sometimes they get so carried away that they can injure themselves. if you find such a duck, here are instructions on how to help it: gently lift the duck’s head and blow into its beak. pat the duck on the head, now. you can put the duck on its feet. check if the wings are damaged? turn your wings right to left, left to right. after you are sure that the duck if she’s healthy, you can safely start ringing.
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as you know, a ringed bird. becomes home, and now it won’t fly away from you, what a wonderful surprise! svetlana, so that you never mourn your costume again, our editors have made this duck costume especially for you. darling, this is a surprise for you, wear it with pleasure, we are happiness, we are for your joy, thank you very much.
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well, lady, she’s so impressionable, yes, the hunt was great, i shot a duck, i’m such a hunter, it’s just super, the fishing rod has melted, the fishing rod will be mine, well, you’re practically happy, they came back to us, i think you liked the surprise, you liked it and you liked everything, in general vitaly, he already has an adult son, by the way, he is your hogweed. but she really wants a daughter, and you already have one, you still have one groom, meet me, i think that she and i just found each other, but we immediately picked each other up, but how can we be on stage together, that is...


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