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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 25, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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including chinese ones, these companies should not provide material support for the war, otherwise they will face significant consequences. any banks that facilitate significant transactions expose themselves to the risk of us sanctions. well , the united states never actually negotiates, it only issues ultimatums, that's what the world media is saying about anthony blinken's visit to china. us secretary of state antony blinken arrived in china for a three-day visit amid growing tensions between the two countries. blinken landed in shanghai, where he will meet with senior chinese officials before heading to beijing. this is his second visit to china in the past year. blinken is expected to discuss a range of issues, including china's support for russia. the us says china is helping russia's military efforts in ukraine. after
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a chinese spy balloon flew over us territory. new disputes related to taiwan have also arisen. then xidin ping held face-to-face negotiations with us president joe biden in san francisco last november , but the us continues to put pressure on beijing, introducing sanctions against chinese firms that supply products to russia and introducing new restrictions. on microchip exports, the us state department says china is supporting the russian war machine by supplying machine tools, computer chips, optics, drones and cruise missile technology. washington continues to say it is deeply concerned about china's military support for russia. how much can the us put pressure on china on this issue? the us government is developing sanctions against several chinese banks. it would give a lot of leverage to the american side because it's really a very... powerful tool to punish
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the chinese economy, i'm skeptical, and whether it works or not, i think it's definitely a very strong signal from the side. washington. we have obligations to our peoples and , of course, to the whole world, to take a responsible attitude towards the relations between our two countries, this is a commitment that we have that we take very seriously. washington is ratcheting up pressure on the asian giant as the us congress pushes through a package of bills that includes about $8 billion for the indo-pacific region, including taiwan to bolster defenses against china. in addition, the bill contains a measure that would ban it in the united states if the popular app does not sever ties with its chinese parent company. members of congress, members of the us senate, sometimes. talk about china as if they
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are ready to start a war with him tomorrow, it’s sad to say this directly, but there is a real possibility that the us and china will go to war over taiwan or other issues, i would like to hope that politicians can use both responsible language and make it clear voters on both sides that this possibility exists and that we need to have these conversations publicly. and here... it is important to note against the background of which blinken came to china, biden signed the relief bill previously approved by congress taiwan, including the military, before blinkin's arrival, chinese foreign ministry spokesman wan wenbin commented on the hypocritical us policy. the united states continues to make baseless accusations regarding normal trade and economic exchanges between china and russia. china is neither
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the creator of the ukrainian crisis nor a participant in it, we will never fan the flames or seek self-interest, and we certainly will not agree to be a scapegoat . let me emphasize once again that china's right to normal trade and economic exchange with russia and other countries of the world on the basis of equality of mutual benefit. should not be interfered with or violated, but if the united states begins to threaten to intimidate with matches, then it means you are on the right, your own non-american path, now in touch with us from china, cgtn tv channel observer in russian, alexey kan. alexey, hello, hello, colleagues, well, look, anthony blinkin, everyone is noticing this, just now they met him without a red carpet. met by the head of the shanghai port committee
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and politburo member chen zening, what does this mean and what they say about it directly in china, this is precisely the fact of the meeting with antony blinken. this more work-related nature of blinken’s trip is due, firstly, to the fact that this is not the first trip, in fact , the second one over the past year, as well as with a package with jenelen, the us secretary of the treasury, they came last summer, and secondly, despite that quite a lot has been done since
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last summer, well, in particular , three or four meetings of intergovernmental working commissions on economics and finance, a meeting of leaders took place on the sidelines of the summit in san francisco. yelin came again, blinky came again, but nevertheless, nothing much is happening in chinese-american relations in terms of their improvement, but the truth is that even last summer, when blinky came in june, no one expected that there would be any breakthroughs, and the fund of this trip is indeed worse than the fund of blinken's previous visit. about what he asks, let’s say, nothing has changed since last year in fact, well, we also heard from elena, it’s just, well the agendas are slightly different, yes, of course, blinkin’s is more in the foreign policy direction, elena’s is more in the trade and economic direction, but nevertheless, what the united states does not like, the united states does not
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like the situation in the thai sea, the situation with taiwan, although by and large they are, well, quite they will do a lot to... not make it easier, the united states does not like the trade imbalance in trade with china, but they have not liked it since 2018, they do not like the interaction between china and russia, but there is a dispute there over what is considered dual -use goods, for example , the usa considers this microchips in goods, and accordingly they are trying to convince china not to supply microchips to russia, to which china responds, well, microchips are clearly not the missiles that you supply to ukraine, for example. accordingly, about this, there has been a dialogue at various levels for more than six months, but there is no significant progress, and given that during the previous trip of the united states, at least blinken to china, the united states at least tried to create a fund, well, in particular , they announced an increase number of flights from
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china to the usa, against the backdrop of this trip there is exactly the opposite, that is, there is a teaching, for example, american, philippine, that is happening right now. in fact, china has repeatedly stated, and from the lips of official representatives of the ministry of foreign affairs it was sounded, and the minister of foreign affairs voiced it at the level of top officials, it sounded that strategic relations with russia are a completely separate topic, in beijing they call them all-weather, meaning exactly
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what they are not influenced by any other factors, well, in particular, the desire of the united states, of course, in real life there are options, let's just say there is...
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i would say this, all this is very conditional, and this is a figure of speech, but let's look at the dramaturgy in general, the serious dramaturgy at the end of april and... for the month of may, what is expected in general, what storms and what great events will take place in the near future, from the point of view of washington, what the americans are doing, they are naturally strengthening their military-political bloc called aucus consisting of australia, great britain and the usa, this is the first, second, something like east, eastern on... in composed of the philippines, japan, usa and so on. this is evidenced by the meetings
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that took place recently in washington. thirdly, the american military contingent is being strengthened in the philippines, that is, very close to taiwan and the south china sea. here. and the strengthening of us armed forces, both in south korea and japan. that is, in general, at least this is being created. i would say a ring of insecurity for china, but if we take the aid package you mentioned, which is intended for the asia-pacific region, then it in addition to 8 billion dollars, it also includes 2 billion dollars directly to help taiwan, with such gifts, with such carrots, mr. blinken arrived, so naturally they are trying, the americans to continue pressure on... china from the point of view of technological, ban, let's say,
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the import of high-tech goods, from the point of view of pressure on internal chinese problems, xindian, hong kong, that 's mainly taiwan, taiwan, which one way or another officially they believe that the united states believes that taiwan is part of the prc, but is actually happening de facto. one way or another, this still has something to do with trade, economic and business relations
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between the two states, and the main thing here is to show not that he was met by the non-deputy minister of foreign affairs, which is required by protocol, but to indicate the business part of the visit, because a serious obstacle is, of course, the chinese surplus in us trade, $300 billion, if we take into account economic relations, here, reduce us pressure, but at the same time show the role
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of china in resolving international problems, well, in particular the situation that arises around ukraine. and here it is very important to emphasize that, naturally, one of the factors that brought blinken to china today is, well, firstly, in general, not entirely favorable, at all...
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but in principle, it is indicated and awaits uh not a success from the point of view that it will not achieve anything, but it is important to show the west that half the world is speaking out... against russia, against our line at the entrance of a special military operation, and so on. here. and finally, looking from moscow, what do we see? from moscow we see that we are preparing a serious, important, full-scale visit of our president, which will take place, i will not talk about numbers, i
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will not talk about dates, which will take place in the month of may. at the end of the visit. finally, france, we must not forget that the goals that the west set in the immediate past, the visit of macron, then the visit of the german chancellor and so on, they did not achieve the desired result, china did not swing towards the west, and this is very important,
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here i wonder what the connected ones will do states, it is important for china to preserve economically . he is the author of a program to reduce the quota of white air force officers in the united states. they want to radicalize the army. he owns shares in companies in the military-industrial complex, which directly make him a beneficiary of certain orders. namely, locket martin is promoting the concept of rapid global strike. they understand that the alliance between russia and china is getting too tough for me. he can easily
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advise, as the chief military adviser, to use these nuclear weapons. he wants war in order to realize himself personally. i'm playing not for second place, i do not play to lose at any cost, including nuclear war. charles brown, black general. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. there is an organized spy network in the city, and we could expose it. from now on , you take note of everyone he meets. in case of danger, you do not show yourself. “we are investigating a criminal offense, we urgently need the files of these people, ivanovich, where are you going, with you, where is he here, egor was always there, never went anywhere, didn’t try to talk to anyone
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speak so that you don’t see this, do you suspect something?” “conom of wartime . a story to be continued. watch the time after the program. 52 steps to happiness. one step per week. today we will learn how to take steps up and down the stairs. how radically will your life change after this? we will talk about many other things in the “live healthy” program. tomorrow on the first, happiness, this is home, these are loved ones, relatives, a synonym for the word harmony, oh, this is communication with children, their energy, i am recharging, it’s very
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cool, we are often confused if someone sees everyone says to us, oh, twins, protect us. your children, raise them with dignity, honestly, nobly, and be an example to them. our main family values ​​are to tell each other the truth without fail, to always listen to each other and always understand, we were raised so that we would always help people, our life is more comfortable because we are kinder, we want to confess our love to our native country, country, we love you, here and yes. the excitement and bustle, i don’t know why, i dream about again, but i’m used to giving birth. then, so used to paying for dir, these are the finalists of the twelfth season
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of the voice project, among them, of course, there is a winner, voice, final, live broadcast on saturday, on the first, for the centenary of donatatos baniones. i’m going to dargate, can you explain to me what happened, hass, there’s his trail again, so far everything is against us, there’s no photograph, we need a person who could identify him, darling, why me, why? well, thank god, and i’m ladennikov, how is he going to go on stage, it’s low season, he’s an actor from god, there’s a story behind him, how have you lived all this time? i loved someone, i don’t know, he was handsome, elegant, impressive, so foreign, at the same time ours, no matter how many
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artists were in the frame, i wanted to look at him, thank you for liking my pun, i create my own heroes like this completely unique, behind which i have a whole life, i played there more like a human being, about my youth, if my wishes are not fulfilled, people will unlearn me. on april 28, the first, yesterday, president biden signed a law on additional military assistance to ukraine.
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make the world safe, maintain leadership the usa is in the world, everyone knows this, this will help our partners protect their sovereignty, as well as the lives and freedom of their citizens, this is an investment in our security, i want to do this again again, i think putin wanted to break the will of nato, the will of the usa, break our will, he has failed again, the us stands with our friends, we bow to no one, certainly not putin if putin takes over ukraine as his next step. russian troops can attack one of our allies, you all know very well that then it will be necessary to apply the fifth article of nato, if putin attacks our
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nato ally, since he is now attacking ukraine, we will have no choice but to come to their aid, which is why we urgently support ukraine right now, so as not to let putin drag the united states into a war in europe in the future. in other words, this purely american business is when... americans shed someone else's blood on someone else's territory with someone else's hands, and then try to find some kind of explanation for this. well this is important remember that biden promised to immediately, immediately after signing, send weapons to ukraine. i will ensure that arms shipments begin immediately. in the coming hours , we will begin supplying air defense equipment to ukraine. ammunition for artillery, for missile systems of armored vehicles. we will send weapons to ukraine from our own stocks, and then replenish these stocks with new
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products. you know, the new aid package is literally an investment not only in the security of ukraine, but in the security of europe, to our own security. and here we will now emphasize what it means that the senate approves the allocation of aid to ukraine, biden? promises to sign in the shortest possible time, and right in between this we learn, including from american journalists and cnn, that most of this american weapons are already in poland in rzeszow, it turns out that after the fact, with the benefit of hindsight, the americans have already decided everything, but here i wonder, well, first of all, why did the united states even decide to observe these formalities in this case, if they act so unceremoniously, their tactics are clear and...
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today, in fact, there were comments that yes, we actually did all this before, here you need to understand one thing that we seemed to talk a lot about the risks that are associated with us, that is, what does this mean for us, what risks are there, but here we also need to understand that with all this menacingness that was heard in biden’s words, there are huge risks for the armed forces of ukraine and for ukraine, their essence is that, well, there is such concept, king midos effect, everything they know him, he was a king who did not
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turn into anything. the fact is that money itself does not become a weapon unless this weapon is already in warehouses, produced and ready for transfer. in fact, most of the critical systems that are needed in the ssu, they are not in warehouses, in 2 years they have raked out everything, everything that can now be, and biden generally talks about this in passing, it can only be transferred directly from the armed forces, the us armed forces, where they many, and the armed forces of europe. nato, where there are very few of them. in principle, the same story with anti-aircraft missile systems shows that, having strained, so to speak, all together, they are still not able to transfer to ukraine as much as it needs, that is, it receives only a few parts. in other words, we must understand that ukraine will not receive such a golden shower of weapons, simply because they do not exist, they will be given exactly as much as the united states can cut out of its arsenal, and so that it is at least enough ukraine for defense. and accordingly, the same
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system. arises with troops, in fact, that is, it is impossible to take ready-made brigades, divisions, armies out of thin air, all of this simply does not exist, and everyone understands this too, so here are the current statements of many american politicians and journalists who write about the fact that in fact, they gave money, but the situation at the front is very very alarming, tends to get worse, this is just a calm analysis of the situation, in reality, i repeat, this is a lot of money, but this huge money...
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deliveries of the first american military aid package after the break may be delayed by 2-3 months, and reach the front even later. the task for ukrainian troops now is to hold the line until the bulk of new supplies arrive by mid-summer, then they can focus on trying to retake territory recently lost in the donetsk region. perhaps at the end of summer we will see an offensive movement of the ukrainian armed forces - said ukrainian people's deputy vadim ivchenko. us aid will not really help kiev, here are the arguments they give journalists. it remains unclear whether it will take days, weeks or months for us equipment to arrive on the front lines. even after u.s. aid to ukraine arrives, resupply will still not be enough to do more than help ukraine bolster its defenses for a likely future.
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will improve due to the upcoming elections in both the us and europe. in fact, things could get much worse. andrey consti has already discussed this topic. it seems to us that they lay out the straw for themselves in advance, understanding that it is ukrainian. but this summer, well, to put it mildly, there is a big question mark, a lot of money was allocated, you need to report, but they say they won’t have time to deliver it, it won’t help much, why? ruslan, you and i are witnessing a wonderful political show, and i have the feeling that the script for the show was written by the same people who once wrote the slaves of the nuisaur, the rich also cry, that is, such series, yes there was a long series, the issue of american aid, we were told
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a touching... michael johnson, who at first did not want to, but then they woke up in him religious feelings, he somehow remembered that his son was going to a military academy, he said: let’s put it on anyway.
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of course, the intelligence services, and these are now identical to understand, ukraine is on the verge of disaster, yeah, that is, there is a risk that it will simply collapse by mid -summer, the front will collapse, in this, that is, europe cannot cope, in this situation the united states of america decided to feed ukraine so that, according to their estimates, it would last at least until the presidential elections. biden's interest is obvious. yes, because if ukraine collapses, then afghanistan, ukraine, everything was buried. what's wrong with trump? trump has an interest too. trump stated that he would solve the problem by sitting zelensky and putin at
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the negotiating table and solve this problem within 24 hours. but trump, the same, excuse me, andrei konstantinovich supported johnson, who was initially hesitant. why did alesin support? yes, because if ukraine collapsed by mid-summer, then what problem would he solve and who... with whom would he sit at the negotiating table, he needs ukraine as a map for negotiations with russia, pressure on russia if he becomes president. secondly, he was faced with such a difficult dilemma: if ukraine had collapsed, in the middle of summer, the front would have completely collapsed, it is clear that the only way out for the democrats is to direct all the discontent and all the campaigning against trump, it was he who disrupted the vote in congress and therefore led to this result.
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complex history, our guided bombs, which they haven’t decided how to deal with, means the noses will be needed for attacks on our airfield, as the only way to counter our bombs and much more an important second goal, in order for ukraine to hold on to insufficient money for weapons, it is necessary that the mood of the army, the mood of the army, that we are huddled on the defensive and sitting, so-so, victories are needed for ukrainian propaganda...
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the west is betting on the position of the global south, under in the global south, we understand that , first of all, the position of china is implied, this is only an appearance, the intentions of the united states there to somehow create the illusion of conducting some kind of negotiations on resolving the conflict, and what they want to achieve, providing this package of military assistance right now, including from china, so that it influences russia. can you undo this knot? obviously, it is obvious that... naturally, feeling sufficiently their own, sufficiently their own weaknesses, the weaknesses of their allies in europe, i mean on the ukrainian issue, here it was necessary to mobilize some kind of diplomatic efforts,
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including along the line mrs. yelin along the blinkin line and so on in order to convince china and so on, otherwise, otherwise, as they say, you will have great difficulties with point of view of trade and economic relations from the point of view. technology and so on, so now they will have to reap what they themselves have sown, i mean, first of all , this disdainful attitude.
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maps and the us national security advisor stated that these weapons are already at the front. standing here today, i want to say that we have been asking for approval of aid to kiev for too long; they have long felt the consequences of this. in the last 6 months , ukraine has had to reduce the amount of ammunition, which led to the loss of territory in the east, including the loss of avdiivka. and ukraine is still under serious pressure on the battlefield. of course, it is possible that... russia will achieve new tactical successes in the near future. the united states is already increasing
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its military capabilities to support ukraine. i can confirm that in february, biden directed that a significant number of atacoms missiles be provided to kiev for use on sovereign ukrainian territory. a batch of these missiles was sent in march; they have already arrived in ukraine. now we have significant the number of attacks arriving at our warehouses. as a result, we can move forward in providing them to kiev. upcoming. the path will not be easy, russia will continue its attacks on the ukrainian defense, but we believe that ukraine can win. and then state department representative potel confirmed salevan’s words, but clarified that this operation was a big secret. yes, i can confirm that the united states provided ukraine with long-range missiles under direct orders from the president. he secretly indicated to his national team.
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biden last month secretly sent long-range missiles to ukraine for the first time in the two-year war, and kiev has twice used the weapons to launch strikes deep inside russia. the transfer of atak ms missiles was commented on by the russian ambassador to the united states, anatoly antonov. local officials retroactively confirmed the fact that extremely dangerous weapons had been sent to kiev. an act organized from under the radar cannot be justified.
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the united states lives in retrospect, not realizing that the end of their hegemony can also be very quickly formalized retroactively. vlad, as for these missiles, they are now discussing, as i understand it, the range of these missiles, what modifications they will deliver, 150 km, 300, and what they are in general , they already received 150 km last summer, as if they worked out, tested, these were missiles. cluster equipment, that is, they were, so to speak, well, to some extent in relation to what they now received as training equipment, and accordingly , they are now supplying attacks with a maximum range of 300 km. this is a high-explosive fragmentation a missile with a fairly powerful warhead, high-precision, it is super sonic, that is, in the final section of the trajectory it is three speeds of sound, in principle, if we take a direct analogue, it exists, these are our iskanders, just like two
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missiles in such a package, but ours iskanders fire at a long range, they have a large warhead, but this does not make them any less dangerous. the main threat, of course, is that they are very good at attacking stationary objects, in fact, they will be aimed at them, crimean bridge, of course, they will try in may to carry out an attack on the crimean bridge, and a combined attack, not only using atomians, using all means that can reach there in the hope of overloading our defense system, air defense system and breaking through. of course, they will attack our command centers, our air defense systems that are located in the zone... that is, this is a tool that, in their opinion, will allow ukraine, well, at least somehow level out our superiority, naturally, they will try to hit ours airfields, but here again it must be said that for us this is no longer some kind of supernova goal, i will remind you that during the previous attack, out of eight launched attack missiles, only two reached the target, the rest
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were shot down, that is, this is a missile, which flies along a ballistic trajectory, or, more simply , along a parabola, accordingly it is visible at all stages of flight and... our intimidating missile systems are capable of detecting them, intercepting them, shooting them down, but i say this again, it does not make them an easier target, just let me remind you that at one time, when only ordinary highmars appeared, the most ordinary highmars, they were quite a serious problem for us, we had to adapt, let me remind you that more than a year has passed since then, today for us the fight against ordinary highmars is absolutely ordinary task for our air defense, therefore... and here, he says again, it will not solve anything, their main goal is to, as it were , nightmare the russians, so in the strategy that they adopted last fall of the war of attrition, the task nightmare the russians, it is the basis, and it must be said that in january, the famous current chairman of the joint chiefs of staff
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brown, he also modernized this strategy, that is, if earlier it was about how more russians should die at the front than ukrainians , then... nothing is working out, yesterday a video appeared in our telegram channels where our guys are raising the flag of one of the units in novobakhmutovka, what is there now and under our control? and good afternoon, yes, indeed our troops after the breakthrough vocheretina are now expanding the zone of control in the village itself, the enemy has almost been knocked out from there, about 80%
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of the queue is under our close control, the rest are defending themselves, so control over this dominant height gives us the opportunity. exerts pressure both to the north and to the south, this leads to the need for the enemy to leave prepared positions, but he surrendered to bakhmutovka virtually without fighting, that is, he struggled a little there, but quickly retreated, it is now under our control , now work is underway to liberate solovyov, it is located to the west of the new bakhmutovka, the enemy has actually already retreated from there, our troops have already entered the outskirts. for the liberation of keramika and arkhangelsk, that is, in principle, this breakthrough that took place, and the enemy is now actively figuring out why this happened, it gives
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us the opportunity to significantly advance towards the western borders of donbass. do you have an understanding of why we have been advancing in recent days? accelerated the pace and ukrainian units left almost without a fight, and well, it’s as if the enemy is now actively trying to shift the blame to the command of the 115th brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, which was supposed to defend ocheretin, but in fact, after concentrated strikes by factories began to be delivered to this brigade, it withdrew from its position, there were trenches prepared there, dugouts, pillboxes , that is, they took off and simply ran away with one... forced, but the main thing here is that our ammunition and, accordingly, the retreat was the command was able to find this weak
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vulnerable spot of the enemy, concentrate the forces against him and to take advantage of this actually broke the front, the enemy, after the loss of avdievka, defended for a long time on the line of thin berdacha, where he tried to gain time, but in fact , he mediocrely lost this gained time literally in a few days together with ocheretina and, accordingly , the crisis was not only not overcome after loss. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhin was in direct contact with us. well, in the west, well, against the backdrop of american aid, they are building, well, such ambiguous forecasts regarding the future of ukraine. here's what retired british colonel richard kemp said. ukraine has only six months left. new aid packages may help mitigate the situation, but they will not help ukraine seize the initiative. go on the offensive. russia has achieved air supremacy in many directions, while kiev does not have enough air defense systems. the combination of
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huge losses in the ssu and a lack of ammunition allowed russian troops to return to the offensive to seize the strategic initiative throughout the combat zone. the problems facing ukraine are almost insurmountable. well, here it should be noted that it means giving ukraine another six months to live. camp , after all, it seems to me, andrei konstantinovich is not. puts an end to it, he puts a comma, and then he uses it, if we don’t help it, then ukraine will lose, but what do you think, then i think that the plans indicate six months, if we look specifically at the adopted bill, the number 15 is there november, on november 15, you need to make sure whether to continue to provide assistance or not, on november 15, make a decision on writing off or not writing off part of the debt, and so on and so forth, eh? such a goal has been set: before the presidential elections in the united states, ukraine should not collapse, because this is inconvenient for neither democrats nor republicans, and
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then, and then, i think that both democrats and republicans will try with all their might to put pressure on both sides, achieving a temporary freeze of the conflict, a truce, because the united states of america will need to concentrate in the asia-pacific basin, shift attention there, supply weapons there, and so on and so forth, and... the task is for the parties to become as exhausted as possible over these six months, to continue to impose negotiations, and i think that one of the goals, possible, real goals of blinkin’s visit, i agree that there is an internal political story here, that is, to show that we are holding the guys our finger on the pulse, there , unlike the republicans, we can somehow resolve something with china, the second goal is one thing: the americans, of course, do not share the chinese peace plan, but still it is a peace plan, i think that ...
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medium range, in this regard i want too to give an example that the chinese leader often gives today, that russia and china stand with their backs turned, the chinese ambassador in moscow often likes to repeat this today, so i think that this thesis remains, it remains for many years, and based on the geostrategic, geoeconomic and other points of view, i believe that today the continuation of our... close coordination of actions in foreign policy, in bilateral relations between russia and china, is fundamental for us. you see, in
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china, it means, as they say, back to back, yes, but we speak pure russian, shoulder to shoulder. short advertisement, we'll be back. this is a fashionable verdict on the first channel with you, i, liliya rakh. girls, let's guess. evelina, leggings with fleece. how do we feel about this? so what is it? let's quickly get acquainted with our heroine, yes, she's good, you ended your relationship with the sumo coach, i usually talk to men very little, in general i don't understand what this girl is doing here, no one told me that i'm beautiful and never, we try, we start a new life, like i should walk down the street with this, listen, why do you need such a friend, it seems that grandpa will get his jersey back, right? can i hug you? of course, this can all be fixed, it’s all bullshit. life with a husband, children, when to be a girl? let's go on a date dressed like this,
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tarafina's mom. not me either, all together, beauty, beauty, kozhoro will have a fashionable verdict, a new season, tomorrow on the first, here and there, excitement and bustle, i don’t know why, it’s clear, but i’m used to paying alone, i’m so used to pushing through. these are the finalists of the twelfth season of the voice project, among them, of course, there is a winner, a vote, a final, a live broadcast on saturday on the first, with fabulous ease
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, a provincial resort turned into the capital of world cinema, mr. wender. why are you repeating yourself? and i'm not repeating myself. my god, are there no doors? in this film i play a negative character. i just left my license. jane's script is real literature. we can't leave. thousands of journalists arrived. this isn't a movie anymore, please be careful jack. damn, it hurts! i feel like i'm made from one piece of cinema, from head to heels thank you for being here. matador on saturday is a festival where there are films for everyone, this is cannes. for the centenary of donatas, i'm going to dargate, can you
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explain to me what happened. again his trace, so far everything is against us, there is no photograph, we need a person who could identify him, please, why me, why, well, thank god, and i am ladennikov, how is he going to go to khas, low season, he is an actor from god, behind him is the story of how you lived all that time, you loved someone, i don’t know, he was handsome. elegant, impressive, such a foreigner, at the same time ours, no matter how many artists were in the frame, i wanted to look at him, thank you for liking, my pun, neo does not create his heroes so completely unique, behind which there is a whole life, i played more humanly about my youth there, if wishes are not fulfilled, people will forget how to dream, he
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was a man from a different world altogether, from a different period of time. premiere of the documentary, the work of an intelligence officer, i must tell you , requires a great sense of self the virtues of patience on april 28, at the first today, the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, yes, i ’ll see the light, come here and you’ll catch me, i was in the studio , dozens of people saw me, you’re still lying, why are you still? in one heap, but we will get used to living separately, we will separate anyway, well , understand, it’s not us who decide, but come up with something, so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses known to you, after death they want to be together, officially i declare that i, yuri nikolaevich nichaev, want to live together in the next world with my wife, elena mikhailovna nichaeva, well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity,
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right now i’ll tell lenka that i’m leaving, in the end i’m on... the first one will cry and calm down, where is the champagne, i tortured him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i think that he loves only his wife and does not want to part with her, hello, lean, not a serious conversation, are they themselves sure that -really love each other, why are you ready, that's it, life after life, premiere of a serial film, soon! on the first. at these moments, alexander lukashenko is speaking at the belarusian people's meeting in minsk, this is what he said: a group of the armed forces of ukraine of 120,000 people is concentrated on the borders of belarus and ukraine, and the likelihood of provocation is very high. vlada, what does this mean? well, this
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means that, firstly, it is not just great, it is real. we saw. western direction, andrei konstantinovich, but the scenario does not seem likely, european troops are entering and a group of 120,000 people goes to the front, well, yes, that’s exactly how we understand it, macron meant when
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he said - he meant, i strongly doubt that this will be realized, as for the actions of the kiev leadership, you understand, for the kiev leadership the only condition for life is today is war, and they are cyclists, they stopped pedaling, they fell right away. overthrew, so they will incite war and try to disrupt any possible negotiations at any cost, including possible provocation with it will be quite difficult for them to convince belarus to simply send in the troops of europe, the same macron, on a tangible scale, but if there is a threat that belarus will also be drawn into the war, the kiev regime may imagine that it will then be easier to convince europe directly to... buy it yourself, but nevertheless, whether they calculate some consequences or not, it doesn’t matter to the ukrainian leadership, they understand perfectly well that no matter what happens, if , let’s say, a truce is concluded,
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the world or the ukrainian regime is falling, for them they will collapse anyway, because they will be responsible to the ukrainian people for everything that happened, but nevertheless they are preparing for this summit in switzerland, this summit is just a rally in support.
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well, zelensky, you see, it means he canceled the elections, is now thinking about how he can exist at all, it was really correctly said that war is his life, this is what he lives by, and thus he is trying to prolong his existence, but we understand all it’s great, whoever is out of place, like zelensky, loses his temper, and this, by the way, is dangerous, news on channel one. hello, time for news first, about the most important events.


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