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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  April 25, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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yes, this is what they know absolutely firmly, chinese policy will never be 100% pro-russian, because it will always be 100% pro-chinese, and pro-chinese policy now is really back-to -back resistance to the pressure that our countries are subjected to from the united states, which does not want to part with our place at the top of the food chain, so our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. we give the floor to the news and the big game. will be back at 23:00, don't miss it, hello, the evening news is on air in studio ekaterina berezovskaya, here is the main topic: about inflation rates, the key rate, business support and more. the main
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statements of the president at the congress of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs. land from the air, as our military destroys enemy positions in the northern military district zone. the locations of the foreign legion mercenaries were hit. details from the ministry of defense. a record in nuclear engineering, the highest revenue, and that’s not all. the main achievements of rosatom are in the spotlight of the prime minister. mikhail misha. had a meeting with the head of the state corporation alexey likhachev. above critical levels, the water level in the ishim river is growing rapidly. latest information from the tyumen region. and where the high water has receded, the consequences are being eliminated. the head of the ministry of construction arrived in the kurgan region. we look, we admire, we ask the price. more than a hundred new products from the chinese automobile industry and not only at the international exhibition. in beijing, the interest
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is colossal. and at the beginning, the main statements of the president at the congress of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs. it takes place at the moscow house of music. in the center vladimir putin's attention to the most important indicators of the russian economy. positive trends are strengthening despite the challenges, which are unprecedented. thus, our country has record low unemployment, it is less than 3%. as for inflation.
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you goals for the benefit of the fatherland. for his part, vladimir putin knows what business expects from him and calls increasing predictability the first point of his plans for the coming years. i am sure that, of course, everyone has many questions on this topic, but we will move along this path, including already instructed to expand the horizon for planning public finances; it will cover not only the next 3 years, but will allow for the development of basic government expenditures further into the future for 6 years. in this way , authorities at the federal, regional and local levels will be able to plan larger-scale, longer-term projects, with greater investments, and therefore with a more comprehensive effect for the territory and sectors of the economy. secondly, the government, on instructions from the president , is preparing additional adjustments to the tax system so that it becomes as putin put it in his message, more fair. the updated tax conditions need to be fixed for a long period.
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tax burdens, while stimulating businesses that are developing, investing, including in infrastructure, social, personnel projects, in a word, it is necessary to provide stable and predictable conditions for reliable, confident business operation, here we are with alexander nikolaevich, and with many here present, many times recently... have returned to the discussion of this very key issue, this topic is one one of the most discussed on the sidelines of the rsp congress. the last few years have been distinguished by the fact that there was not some kind of stability, but many decisions were made, well, of such a one-time nature, that is, export tires changed , appeared, disappeared, mineral extraction tax changed, and various other rules changed, this of course introduces a lot of uncertainty , we hope that in this series of conversations.
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behavior of private business, the state in the end, it is the responsible party that is responsible for economic growth; last year, as is known, it was 3.6%.
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in real terms in january of this year increased by 8.5%. and real disposable incomes of citizens in 2023 increased by 5.4%. unemployment reached record lows
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of less than 3%. the growth in employment and the increased momentum of our economy are, among other things, the result of the efforts of businesses, companies, and the entire business community. this is the result of the sphere, the creation in russia of virtually new branches of industry, services, and so on; it is also necessary to implement a large-scale infrastructure program, including construction roads and railways, bridges and tunnels, expansion of seaports
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of the airport network, renewal of housing and communal services, some indirectly, and some targeted will be done in the interests of entrepreneurs. now the government is preparing to launch a modernized one. the mechanism of regulatory gluten, that is, in fact, there is yet another large-scale stage of clearing the regulatory framework. in addition, to meet the personnel requirements of the business. state funds are allocated for training young professionals. according to experts, in in the coming years, russia will experience an objective shortage of qualified personnel. and it certainly cannot be covered mechanically through labor migration and the import of low-skilled labor from abroad. this won't solve the problem. we need other approaches. the government will support productivity programs.
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after the central bank’s key rate was increased to 16% as part of the fight against inflation, development loans at market prices are not suitable for every business. those ambitious plans that cost infrastructure, of course, require colossal funds, here budget funds are clearly not enough, banks today have accumulated large financial liquidity, but often this is complicated by high rates, lending volumes are growing and the pace is good, that’s a threat, threats of inflation, according to management. of the central bank, it still hangs over us, we see trends, positive trends, in the direction
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of decline, so, i hope, the regulator will have an appropriate reaction, the position of the central bank is known, a decrease in inflation only then key rate, if you take a different path, then a situation may arise, as in some neighboring countries, where inflation there is double-digit and persists, despite the fact that the key rate has been increased ; they usually give at floating rates if loans are taken based on the key 16%, then as things change, and i’m sure there will be changes, i really count on it. stormy prolonged applause, please do not consider, some kind of pressure on
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the central, on the central bank, but at the same time no financial restrictions have power over initiative of russian business, the so -called people's military-industrial complex is already working at full speed, the ministry of defense does not have time to keep up with the proposals to follow that are proposed by people involved in this area, every day, every day new proposals are born, moreover, ... success on the line of combat contact depends on moreover, today, how effectively and quickly technological problems are solved, with what advance the opposing sides do this, we can simply do it in real time. 2024 has been declared the year of the family, because the question in this vein about legal injustice and the criminal record of at least one of the parents blocks the child’s path to civil service in the security forces. is it possible to revise this rule? i will definitely raise this issue for discussion with colleagues,
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no one is responsible for the actions of family members, this is understandable, it is always always connected with a specific person, with his personal business qualities, with his capabilities and so on, first of all, personnel services should be guided by these considerations . immediately vladimir putin’s attention is drawn to another family problem: sometimes guardianship takes children away from their natural parents only on the basis of poor repairs in the apartment. in no case should we allow any kind of lawlessness in terms of removing children from the family, because uh, that means if they don’t give freshly squeezed orange juice for breakfast, that’s not a reason to to take a child from a family, the main thing is still not orange juice, but love for the child, thank you, but, but, but, but, of course, of course, we must look at the essence. what's happening in a family, there are times when it is better to take a child from there than with some
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alcoholics, he will live there and suffer every day, this is a delicate thing, but i must say, the conversation with the president of the congress of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs did not end there. konstantin panyushkin, artyom tikhonov, yuri sholmov, andrey morozov, svetlana barkova, alexander kovalev, channel one. now information about the progress of the special operation. units of the west group occupied more advantageous positions and inflicted fire damage on the living. aviation, missile forces and artillery hit the locations of mercenaries, the so-called foreign legion, in several areas at once. two hundred ukrainian drones were shot down by air defense systems.
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they talked about how the investigation into crimes committed by ukrainian terrorists against civilians and russian military personnel is going on in mariupol. the chairman held an operational meeting there. special attention at the meeting was paid to supporting the families of svo participants and training the younger generation in departmental educational institutions. once again, in educational institutions, we must have orphans in the buildings at the academies, which means we need to retain, and of course, pay attention to the participants of the svo, the deceased participants of the sso, that is, we must, of course, have children who need support, first we create everything for them to support them. and in the rear, on the battlefield, our defenders act professionally and accurately, and this is largely the merit of their teachers, experienced instructors, such as those at the russian special forces university in the chechen republic. there passes
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training, including volunteers who are sent to the nwo zone. more than seventeen people have already completed training there. the russian university of special forces in godermesi is rightfully considered one of the best training centers for special forces soldiers; there are all the conditions to practice storming houses, parachute jumping, and rescuing hostages and providing medical assistance. stuga, they are trying to get into university. they practice actions in forest conditions, in mountainous areas, courses, special courses, special reconnaissance are implemented, and here
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a training fortified area was built, that is, an area with trenches, instructors with experience in hot spots train the fighters, virtually all the instructors repeatedly went to soo and there they gained experience in performing combat missions, we work side by side with the people we trained here, and after a while they may even give us some hints at some points. with the beginning of a special military operation, the university developed a course for volunteers. people come here from different regions. on this site, for example, they teach shooting from a machine gun. in general, the course for volunteers lasts 2 weeks. the group consists of 200 people. thus, more than 17 fighters have already completed training here. according to instructors, former students often send messages from the front and tell how they cope with combat missions. they send
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us a video that we needed this training. there are a lot of volunteers here, they come a second time, a third time. here is one of the most experienced call sign, a suitable father, that’s what the young volunteers called him, he has almost 30 years in the police behind him, i’m a man, i have girls, i don’t have a son, my daughters need to be protected, so i went to protect my daughters, my family, i served in the soviet army, but i have never seen such infrastructure, such training. everything is thought out here, everything is prepared. volunteers receive 200,000 rubles monthly. the contract lasts 4 months, in addition, the akhmat kadyrov foundation pays everyone a lump sum of 100,000 and provides everything they need. flights and travel are paid for, all sorts of benefits are paid, which means accommodation and meals, all at the expense of this training center,
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the specialists themselves are at the highest level, everything is carried out very well. the equipment, too, as i understand it, is given to us everything, these guys will soon go to the north military district zone, as they say, in all weapons, according to them, after studying at the university of special forces, on the battlefield they are ready for almost anything, after the completion of contracts, many have plans to return here to become instructors themselves and share combat experience with their comrades. ramzan kerimov, ibragim amirkhanov, channel one, chechen republic. russia expels two latvians diplomats. this is our country’s response to the hostile actions of the riga authorities. chargé d'affaires. two employees of the russian embassy, ​​and without any nato grounds. moscow, based on the principles of reciprocity, acts similarly. moreover, as smolyan square emphasized, if the latvian side continues such actions against employees of our diplomatic missions, moscow will inevitably take other
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steps that are painful for riga. not just impressive results and records, but the achievements of rosatom were discussed at meeting between mikhail mishustin and the head of the state corporation alexei likhachev. unprecedented figures in nuclear engineering, five reactor vessels, 18 steam generators. for the modern nuclear world. the result, as likhachev noted, is unique. total revenue without state defense orders is 2.64 trillion rubles. and this is also a reason for pride. a separate topic is the situation at the largest zaporozhye nuclear power plant in europe, which ukrainian militants do not stop shelling. according to likhachev, a lot of work has been done to ensure the safety of this important facility. all details at pavel pcholkin. rosatom is not only the largest electricity producer in the country.
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from steam generators and for the modern nuclear world and for our indicators in the soviet union, this is a unique result. let us remind you that rosatom is building nuclear power plants in bangladesh, turkey, egypt, india, hungary and two in china. likhachev also noted that thanks to the world’s most powerful icebreaker fleet, including the nuclear fleet , another transportation record on the northern sea route was broken, more than 36 million tons of cargo. the share of rosatom nuclear power plants in the country's energy balance has reached 20%, in short years. the goal is to bring it to 25%. we are launching a number of construction projects in the russian federation, primarily the leningrad npp, we plan to obtain a license for a small
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station, for the construction of a small station in yakutia, and fispusk kursk npp, this is the first contribution to the movement towards 25%. mikhailavich, another task of the year is to maintain our international leadership; we are absolute leaders here from a point of view.
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at the station, a lot of work has been carried out , primarily on the safety of the station, we have no doubts about its stable condition, well, firstly, all units are in cold shutdown mode, secondly , the physical protection system has been completely restored, fortifications and defensive structures around the fuel storage facility have been created, the required number of backup diesel generators and diesel fuel have been delivered. according to the head of rosatom, the station is equipped with a system for combating unmanned vehicles, but... shelling by the ukrainian armed forces raises serious concerns; he has outlined another important area of ​​work for rosatom in new regions: scientific and technical development in the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson
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regions, according to him, it is necessary to create new industrial sites, engage in scientific developments and scale up those industries that already exist there. pavel pchelkin, olga gerosimenko and sergey valettov, channel one. on the situation with floods in the tyumen region.
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colossal, of course, the owners rule the show; at the end of last year, china became the largest exporter of cars, including due to noticeably increased supplies to russia. more than 100 new products are presented on the site, here everything, including the most popular middle-class cars, electric cars and, of course, luxury cars. natalia lyublinskaya reports from china. 17 car premieres, of which 40 are concept cars, that is, the latest developments,
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what they are striving for. manufacturers, it used to be that the whole world went to geneva or detroit for new products in the industry, now the world's largest auto show takes place in china. not just a premium chinese brand, but a strategically important one. it is the mobile phones of this brand that chairman sif drives. this is their brand new concept car. look how the door design designed to completely open up the space inside the car for passengers. some of the models shown are not for sale, they are exclusively for the cnr special purpose garage. so the chance to sit inside is unique. most people can't buy it. you need to be a very status person inside and of course very comfortable and luxurious. the exhibition occupies eight pavilions at once. japan, europe, korea, usa, as if the whole world is competing with china today in terms of price-quality ratio. it is now common to compare western premium brands modern chinese. this is what first catches your eye, this is a relatively modest display, here is the glove compartment, i’ll specially bring
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the microphone. it's surprising to hear it wobble in a car of this class, but the rest of the interior looks very nice. realizing that they have to compete with the ultra-modern chinese, many premium manufacturers also install large displays, make panoramic roofs or exclusive interior trim made of precious wood with aluminum inserts, for example, but with such a baby on the dashboard so far few of them can boast. this is an adaptive voice command recognition system. turn on the music. yes, now i’ll select a track for you. there is only a speedometer, one touch screen in the center. we have a very concise design, because the assistant will do everything for you. eero is gasoline, as if it remained in the last century. in the 21st century, half of the new products are hybrids and electric vehicles, which look futuristic and can offer completely different functionality. a completely new
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vision of space inside the car. look at the front passenger seats turn around inside the cabin, and here a meeting room is created, there’s even a table, you can sit down, lay out your equipment, papers and get down to business, this is a real tourist camp on wheels, a hybrid engine with a power reserve of 780 km, for those who like to travel, a popular suv acquires new functions, the trunk turns into a double bed, there is also a room on the second floor at a height of 2 m. under this awning you can hide from both the rain and the scorching sun, another manufacturer suggested setting up a tent directly on the roof of the car. there will be no crowd at the presentation of the so -called popular brands, cherry, gili, hawal. the popular suv in russia has become even larger, even more spacious, and they plan to have it appear in russia this year. the new product
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is very pleasant, what i want to pay attention to is the gear shift knob, such a robotic joystick, very unusual, this brutal suv has already established itself as an ultra-passable flagship model, now in a new body. as for exclusive sports cars, the loud growling sound is also a thing of the past; the turbocharged electric motor accelerates to hundreds in 3 seconds. natalya lyublinskaya, sergey shilin, nina khoreva and sergey klishin, china channel. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, right now the program "time will tell." hello, live on channel one, the program “time will tell.” i am artyom shenin, today we will talk about the most important, most relevant.


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