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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  April 25, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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about this, there is too much of it, this needs to be changed, the heir cloud doll on the first channel, this does not need to be changed, back in the distant ninety-first year , an american f-16 plane, which... was flying over the swamps of florida, was struck by lightning. the pilot ejected and survived, spending the whole night in the local swamps. this pilot's name was charles brown. now he is the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the us armed forces, general charles brown. nicknamed swamp thing. it’s interesting, but his hatred of russia appeared in the swamps from a lightning strike. let's figure it out right now. maria butina is with you, this is the heir's doll.
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here, let's begin. charles quinton brown, jr., was born in san antonio in 1962. in his youth, brown dreamed of being an architect, despite the fact that he comes from a family of hereditary military men. on october 1, 2023, he was appointed to the position of the joint chiefs of staff. he is the first african american to become a general in the united states air force. his father, us army colonel c. brown, served in vietnam, grandfather fought in world war ii. ocean company, his father persuaded him to institute to enroll in a parallel military department, the sixty-two-year-old general with tears in his eyes talks about his childhood grievances, about the fact that he and his sister were the only black children in schools on military bases, and then he was the only black pilot officer. i think about how i wore the same flight suit with the same wings on my chest as my peers, i was still asked if i was a pilot, and i think about how i sometimes...
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felt that my comments were perceived as representing an african-american point of view, when it was simply my point of view, not based on the fact that i was african-american. general charles brown is a strict follower of american inclusivity, the focus of american air power has come from historical values ​​and preparation for war, to the promotion of liberal values ​​and respect for the percentage of blacks and whites. brown, like lloyd austin, was nominated for the position by joe biden, after which there is no doubt that... crown, like lloyd austin, are puppets of the administration the current sleepy joe. he took part in the development of an operation against the terrorist group islamic state, banned in the russian federation, in syria and iraq, and advised the ukrainian armed forces. in 1987-1988 he served at the american kunsan air base in south korea. brown was responsible for aviation operations, deterrence and nuclear nonproliferation issues at the headquarters. usa in
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europe and africa. he served in the middle east, indo-pacific and europe. brown called russia, china, iran, and north korea problems of us national security. he hates communism and, like the children of the cold war, does not separate communism from russia. brown warned that china's nuclear trajectory means the us will soon face two equally capable nuclear adversaries, china and russia. to begin with, i propose to figure out what kind of position this is, the head of the joint committee of the us armed forces. colleagues, what is he responsible for, what powers does he have, and accordingly, what should we expect from a person in such a position, well, in principle, the joint chiefs of staff of the us armed forces is an analogue. general
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staff, that in the russian army, that in the russian armed forces, that, in principle , in most of the countries of the world, what can be interestingly said about him, this is a pilot, this is a man who has flown an f-16 aircraft all his life, all his military life , knows it inside and out, knows the capabilities of this aircraft, and accordingly extrapolates his experience to his immediate professional activities, if we compare him with his predecessor, with mark miele, then... mil, well, as we all understand, he is the architect of the defense system, so we’ll call it, the armed forces of ukraine, yes, who was the coordinator of the armed forces of ukraine, and led the military operations on the part of the armed forces of ukraine through the commander-in-chief of the ground forces of ukraine, who was very convenient for him at that time, valery zaluzhny, yes, therefore his resignation is the political shah of zelensky, was categorically inconvenient for the united states, now brown is replacing him. he
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is more determined, well, i won’t say radically, i will say more decisively than mili, because mili believed that it is enough to supply ukraine with defensive weapons, this is petrit, this is an anti-aircraft system, this is... in fact, a very strict division: army, air force and navy, and the joint chiefs of staff, that is, these are actually different headquarters, so they really have a very serious there is competition within, the competition is fierce, including for money for weapons, and we know that
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military-industrial corporations are always fighting to put their man at the head of this structure, because one company will say, we need to build new ships, and the other will say no, we need new planes for... and distributes it, well, or actually reports to the president and forms an opinion, of course, this is the head of the joint committee, getting a person from aviation there is says that now this air wing will begin to move seriously, but here you know what an important point, brown’s biography says that he was in feather harbor all his life, he... all his life he was in the direction of the chinese threat, it was there that he didn’t fall in love with the communists, it was from there that they brought a man who knows this region, and he commanded it from the point of view of the air force in the indo-pacific region. now, when the americans write in their strategic documents that china is
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our main geopolitical threat, they put him, as they say, in charge for these new military operations there, as they say, each head of the committee has his own war, and if mili has already lost his. then brown begins a new, new stage, when the americans begin a race in terms of expression with china. i would like to make an important point, charles brown is a professional, he is stubborn, he is focused on success, of course, this is a product of the american political military system. on the other hand, we should note that throughout almost his entire career he was involved, at certain periods, in nuclear planning and the practical use of nuclear weapons. usa, namely nuclear strikes on a number of targets in north korea; he performed similar functions during his service at
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ramstein air base. i will also note that in his service record, the aviana airbase is one of those points where they are stored. american tactical nuclear bombs of free planning b-61/12 and a new version of b-61/13, so this person not only knows what nuclear planning is, he is on the cutting edge of these problems, in this regard, being a hawk and a professional, he received a key position in the us military hierarchy, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, this still underlines. the united states, in the event of an aggravation of the military-political situation in europe, that is, puts it not only under china, or rather not so much under china, but under nuclear
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program. i would like to talk about one extremely important, important right of the chairman of the committee to the chief of staff, which few people talk about. this person has the status of a personal adviser to the president; the supreme commander in chief has the right, in some cases, to bypass the minister of defense to report to the president his proposals. well, i think that brown, in addition to his, of course, merits, he was also raised and brought up, taking into account, of course, his nationality, which he constantly talks about.
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to the accumulated experience, and then i will be able to manage and support the president, whoever he is. whoever is president of the united states of america, i will serve him faithfully. this is his credo, so to speak, and he adheres to it. i think that in very many ways, the chairman of the joint committee, the chief of staff, is, after all, a political figure. you see, because in america they monitor their mood very carefully.
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he received a bronze medal for the bombing of yagoslov, that’s welcome, but what kind of participation he took is not stated anywhere, and lastly, this is also torgash, look, please, his economic dossier, i don’t know when he managed to command the air force, but he traded with furious force, well, they say that you shouldn’t be surprised, because the same lloyd austin, a great trader too, well, that’s the nature of a.. american life, when you control the army with one hand, and sell shares with the other,
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you find profitable advantages, you mentioned that he plays the race card, he sat on it tightly, he does it, let's watch a short video where they ask him exactly that. question, they say: listen, maybe is it still worth choosing people not by race, but by professionalism? he says: i suffered, and you suffer, let’s see in your message. what you said and you signed that there should be a significant reduction, about 9% white officers, that's 5.400, as you said, there are too many white officers, we are scared by the racial sorting policies being introduced into our army, how did you come to the conclusion that 67 .5% of the officers should be white, and how did you come to the conclusion that 13% should be black and how did you come to the conclusion that 10% should be asian? how are you came to the conclusion that one and a half percent must be indians or alaska natives?
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how did you come to the conclusion that 1% should be native hawaiian or other pacific islander, and how did you come to the conclusion that 15% of our officers should be hispanic. senator, this memo is based on the intent of the deployment, not the actual composition of the force. these numbers are based on the demographics of the country. okay, okay, 10% of our country's population is asian american, you so they came up with that it's just a percentage of the population, because why haven't you come up with or aren't going to come up with a percentage of the total force, have you even thought about it, you know, how many black americans should be in the air force, or how many asian americans should be in the air force, haven't you thought about it in general?
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this is the very systemic institutional racism, as some democrats call it, they are trying to somehow correct it simply by recruiting people according to quotas, well, in fact, that’s what concerns charles brown, yes, of course, he is an experienced apparatchik, he is an experienced officer, no one argues with this, but i will remind you of the moment when he was made head of the air force general staff, it was the summer of 2020, the bilm pogroms, that is, trump was literally forced to do this then appoint a black man to head the general staff of the american air force as a whole. it was a purely political gesture, a situation where, of course, everything was already mixed up, political appointments, and career,
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professional plus, by the way, they made a woman the head of the pacific air forces, lisa francete, again, they also use not only a racial approach, but also a gender one, well, the latest scandal that was already in the american air force is that the air force academy in colorado has simply stopped recruiting whites for some programs men, recruiting only minorities or women, because... well, let's remember mark mealy, yes, who was white, but also constantly came out and said that we need to fight white rage, white dominance in prominent positions in the pentagon, and there accused trump supporters, for example, of being worse than the nazis with whom we fought in 1945, that is, this politicization has been going on for a very long time, it’s just accelerating now, i think that with
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charzy brown at the helm this very committee, as if all these processes will still accelerate, because i... let me remind you that when he headed the pacific, well, the air force, in fact, there was already a big scandal in guam, yes, where it turned out that officers have already begun to impose all sorts of gender pronouns there, the transgender agenda and so on, that is , all this has already happened, but i think that of course there will be much more in the future, the main question is, they are destroying their own army, there is no logic in this, well, from our point of view, of course, this is how we understand how the army should develop, they don’t have any logic, but in principle they have a logic lately...
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that such a movement is unfolding here, that black lives are important, but white lives seem to be not so much anymore, he took the percentage composition of the population as a tracing paper and said: “let us have army cross society" in any sense of the word, this is complete nonsense, because you can’t do that, and excuse me, please, if people are african-american, well , they prepare a little worse. so their level of education is completely different, our hero, so to speak, this is not , of course, that’s why there are simply fewer of them, well , there are fewer of them, but he doesn’t want to see this, now he has openly sold out, we see this, if he previously stated that he would serve everyone, because the army is foreign to politics, now he has boldly taken a step to the side to the side and says, ah what guys, let’s say, now let us have it, we have 20 latinus
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percent there, there should be 20 platinums, and the fact that for this we will have to fire white professionals, that’s what he’s doing... for some reason it’s out of the question , he sold his professionalism for the sake of political and financial -2, i now want to involve you in this work, but why? look, these are his ideological beliefs, these are children’s complexes, what he says is that we offended me and treated me wrong, or is this still the case? the ability to simply adapt to the situation, i don’t see him as either a military man or a politician; his psychotype suits him better. to a primary school teacher, he very quickly falls into an emotional state, look at how he holds his hand, he looks more like a dancer. let's get a look. so, the only reason i'm in the air force is because of my father. this was all his idea. and my father served two tours in vietnam. after his second tour of duty in vietnam
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, he returned to his alma mater to complete his master's degree. and he was allowed to teach there at st. mary's university in san francisco. he was not allowed to become a military superstar then, because then blacks were not given a pass, but now a little more is possible, so i achieved what i achieved, in fact, to figure out who this person is, it makes sense to look at his family, because on the one hand, look, he is promoting this newfangled unconventional agenda, on the other hand he is positioning himself as quite
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a representative of a traditional family, positioning or revealing? to be or seem to be, we'll sort it out right after the advertisement, stay with us, this is a fashionable verdict on channel one, i'm with you, liliya rakh, girls, we're guessing, evelina, fleece leggings, how we feel about this, what's wrong, let's hurry get acquainted with our heroine, okay, you ended your relationship with the sumo coach, i usually talk to men very little, in general i don’t understand what this girl is doing here, that ’s what i’m beautiful, no one told me... never, we try, we start a new life, like i should walk down the street with this, listen, why do you need such a friend, it seems that grandpa will get his jersey back, yes, can i
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hug you, of course, this can all be fixed, it’s all bullshit, everyday life, husband, children, when to be a girl, let's go on a date in this image, mom, dear, well, it's not me, all together, beauty, beauty, the cajores will have... fashionable verdict, new season, tomorrow on the first, monte shococa cognac, product of stellar group, rom castro, stellar group product, veda vodka, stellar group product, old barrel cognac, product.
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this isn't a movie anymore, please be careful jack, damn, it hurts, i feel like i'm made of one piece of a movie, from head to toe. thank you for being here. matador on saturday on the first. this is a festival where there are films for everyone, this is cannes. to the centenary of danatas banionnis. i'm going to dargate, can you
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explain to me what happened? has, again his trace, so far everything is against us, there is no photograph, we need a person who could identify him. well, why me, why? well, thank god, and i’m ladenikov, how is he going to approach khas? “the low season, he is an actor from god, behind him is the story of how you lived all this time, did you love someone, i don’t know, he was handsome, elegant, impressive, such a foreigner at the same time ours, no matter how many times he was in the frame there were artists, i wanted to look at him, thank you for liking it, my pun, neon doesn’t create its own heroes that are completely unique, behind which a whole life, i played more humanly about my youth there, if desired. will not come true, people will forget how to dream, he was a man from another world, in general, with
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another temporary period, the premiere of a documentary film, the work of an intelligence officer , i must tell you, requires a lot of self-esteem, patience, april 28 at the first, you are irresistible, like in a prima ballet. all the beauties of the world, from my heart, i took the keys, hold, hold, my hand, hold what you want, say, mom said, you are strong, without him the sky is blue, unrequited, you did not expect such a cold wind at night, we will remember. damn paradise, it was for the two of us, the worst, you know, if you leave, i’ll stay, don’t let them stop waiting for you,
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the russians are coming, the golden gramophone people’s prize ceremony, premiere on april 29, on the first. i’ll get a document, the military prosecutor’s office, colonel shilov, this is captain ilagina, why didn’t the captain carry out the order, why did he go through the forest, these were not germans, not germans, who are forest brothers, lithuanian partisans, he is from the forests, from the forests, and this is marta , his daughter-in-law, what’s happening, grigory ivanovich, there are only forest people around here, by you? well, i don’t feel comfortable, they would like to destroy our wounded or help their own, or the other, in any case
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the group worked. you should figure out, svetlana petrovna, which of you is the commander here, otherwise, according to the laws of war, new episodes will fly in from may 1 on the first, where is the real map, if it falls into the hands of the germans, they will know the direction of the main attack , that's it, maria butin is with you again, this is the doll of the heir of atuti charles bra'. general who now heads the joint chiefs of military staff of the united states. let's see a short story about brown's wife, because they they also play the traditional family card. the story of the brown family began when charles was still a pilot. shirin, already accustomed to the quality life on military bases, as the daughter
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of a military man. she endured such hardships easily, but her measured life was complicated by the illness of one of her two sons, sean. all the kids sean's age could pronounce words easily, but he couldn't. we later discovered he had autistic disorder. he lives on his own. the browns often highlight this story in their speeches as another circumstance that cemented their union. meanwhile, sharyn is clearly tight in the image of a caring mother and a good housewife. she is an active social activist. development in five areas: child care, education, health care, housing and employment can lead to thriving military families and thriving marriages. it seems that her role is not inferior to his, or even more, she is a kind of booster for the promotion
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of charles brown, otherwise how can...
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on the other hand, his wife heads a foundation that helps traditional military families, help how so, i do i don’t understand something, he should, in theory , then, if this is to be the end, he should change his shoes to a non-traditional orientation and jump everywhere, like wait, why not, but because i already said. the fact that he has changed a little, he now has bipolar disorder, he has sold himself to this movement of the democrats, it seems like he needs to go completely towards the non-traditional agenda, let’s just say, he can’t go for it completely, the only thing is that what he is absolutely, absolutely whole about is that for him, both china and russia are ardent enemies, his personal enemies, and knowing how nuclear weapons work and operate, he does not have
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this... political stopper in their use, he, perhaps, can easily advise as the chief military adviser the president, to use this nuclear weapon, here it is intact, but in everything else it is, so to speak, well carried around, you know, now maybe i’ll turn the conversation around a little, somehow, she has one very interesting one in her biography detail, now i will read one motto, it sounds like this, first of all, servants everyone, we will surpass everything, that's the motto of the member. alpha fialfa is a radical black african-american brotherhood that exists in america, there was a famous leader, this is martin luther king, jr., and so our hero is a member of this society, at first, when i met him, i thought that this was his speech regarding floyd, it’s just, you know, politics, we said he spoke, but he was real there, let’s look at this actual video, where he speaks from the moment when, in theory, this...
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actually the start of his career, that is, with this video he suddenly gets everything from virtually no one. i think about how overwhelmed i am with emotion , not just for george floyd, but for me. their fate is the same as george floyd's. i think about african americans who have suffered the same history of racial issues as my own experiences, which have not always celebrated freedom and equality. i think about being a club captain with my squadron and being told by other african americans that i wasn't black enough because i spent more time with my squadron than with them. i think about my mentors and how rarely have i had a mentor who looks like me. you know, there’s this loud phrase, he’s a maniac. i am afraid of such phrases, but he is very... similar to this, and we are talking about the fact that he has enemies, russians and chinese, his first enemies are whites, he hates them, he has never given birth, look, that means he took photographs with his study colleagues, you know, well, it seems like a guy should be
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sociable, but he is far away from them, he is not with them, he is on his own, he carries within himself this mission of a black man, the question here is, was he pushed away, as he says, or did he himself stand aside? but in america a phenomenon began to appear, and the desire of blacks to stand separately, if before it was the case that they were trying to join the white community, now it’s the other way around, they say: no, wait, we will stand aside, in our studio stanislav wren, who, in fact, is a veteran of the united states armed forces, and now we’ll ask him the question in general, what happened to blacks back then in early 2000, so that for...
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yes, i have a question for you, you know, in the army there is such a sweet position in quotes, a copter operator, that’s what copter operators are in the american army, well, again in the rear units, novel, who are copter operators, copter operators are supply managers in russian, well maybe up to 30% are black, black
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and i will say that in general only 19% of the american army are african americans, and also statistics, among them there are only 9% of officers, and it was rightly said, the nose is not... at school i had to study, i also want to draw attention to the fact that after all , african-americans occupy lower positions, but what makes this man scary is that he rushes forward, it is important for him to prove that blacks are above all, which is what they didn’t give my father, i will reach the greatest heights, and now attention, a small detail, now in peacetime , according to the law, their highest rank is the so-called four-star general, that’s just a general without anything extra. and they also have a rank: general of the army, that’s what it’s called, but it’s assigned by congress for special merits only during the period of hostilities, and it was not for nothing that he flew combat hours, and not training hours, he wants war, he wants war
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in order to realize himself personally, to receive the next rank, to receive the next status, he is a maniac, he is a maniac, we are about that’s what we’re saying, and he doesn’t care what happens to the world, he must, he ’ll use nuclear weapons if he’s told that he’s a great black man, who’s the only army general in the last period, and that’s what he’s like, everyone else, the thing is, that's when he was put in charge back then under trump, as he correctly called this position of the air force, he had already failed everything, that is, after, well, a huge report was published where he was called, in principle, the worst leader in history, so as they say, wanting is not so bad, but you still need more. .. he doesn’t care about this, he will talk about it, for example, through his wife, how to fight without without without without an army, it is important for him to achieve personal
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success, and he doesn’t care what will happen to the country and the world, he doesn’t listen, but i would like to say , you know, there is no need to portray the us armed forces as a caricature, they are themselves do. honestly, this is the most powerful armed forces in the world today, thanks to several factors, the first factor is the budget, the largest in the world. the second factor is the ability of the american military-industrial complex to provide modern weapons for all branches and branches of the armed forces without exception. if we are talking about the main striking power of the us air force, this is , of course, nuclear weapons, strategic and tactical. why did it suddenly become the most powerful in the world, when in terms of the number of warheads, he looks at me, they know the same as me. we have absolute parity. if you take hypersonic weapons, they have nothing. not close, if you take a rocket engine, they are able to make it, if
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you take a petrel rocket, they do not come close to this technology, which is why we suddenly decided that they are the strongest. moreover, a lot of money, well, excuse me, a lot of money - this is not an army, this is a lot of well-fed men and women in military uniform who know how to press a button, where did they prove themselves? do you even know one armed conflict, colleagues, i here i see in general people who wore shoulder straps, as they say, not by hearsay, quite realistically, i look at andrei fransovich, in particular, i look at others, by the way, he has 300 combat hours for people. the usa and theirs , respectively, well, reformatting it to the black and gender element from the point of view of equality, especially since he is truly a democrat in spirit, and a close person of biden, i would like to ask a question to stanislav, after all. the fact that an african american
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was able to achieve such a position is possible with the help of cronyism, or is it the ability thanks to firstly, personal qualities, and of course, following the political situation in order to realize one’s capabilities and please the boss, in this case the us air force. how do you think? you know, i served under officers, black officers, who were very high quality, good officers, i served under. black officers who were simply quota promotions, you can see it right away, they are promoted anyway, because the quota system operates in everything, from schools to institutes, to military service, so only, only it needs to be african americans, colonels, so many asians and so on, the whole system is built on this, the entire american society was built like this in the sixties, everywhere race is registered in everything, so they will bury their army like that if they to deal with housing, then what are they? section from the army is nothing, that’s the same charles, he promotes
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all liberal political positions, when i served in the army, i left in 2004, the system has already begun to slide, it has not yet reached the point that non-traditional orientations in serves openly, under obama transgender people were attracted, who have already been in their new gender for 3 years, this is stable, now they are getting used to the operation, come to the american armed forces, we will perform an expensive operation for you for free. there is a lot of weight on her shoulders, like her
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body weight, she can barely move, everything is heavy, i tell her in the artillery, in the infantry, in the tank, now women serve because there are not enough men, last year there was a new anti-record, 20% obesity, in the previous year there was 16% obesity, when i narrowed it down it was not 1% obesity, as soon as a soldier failed the prevention, and this was twice a year, now he was put on a strict diet, a sergeant and a sergeant or officer sat with him. so maybe the fact is that they do not expect that any military operations will take place on their territory, in essence then it doesn’t matter, another very important thing, here again i completely agree with vasily that this is a war general, he is going accelerate the renewal of the us air force in terms of equipment and as quickly as possible.
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because, according to the conclusion of american military analysts, names can be easily found, they think, and neither of them, that this is a guy who goes with the flow, that is, he will fit in with the mainstream anyway. that is, the main current, but he really is not able to take the initiative, to push anything, here i completely agree with you, yeah, add, here, in the light of my colleagues’ comments, it seems like such a cause-and-effect relationship, so let’s start with that his very address, which he made during the period of unrest, starting with the fact that his colleagues, he
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made it while in full uniform, and in full a four-star general, it’s not just, it’s not just some guy who came forward, it’s not just some retiree who came forward. this is a state uh officer, this is a person on duty, yes, that is, this is already an official statement, by the way, it was initially incorrect, he couldn’t do it, the most senior military man, yes, yes, i’m saying something, this is like political the appeal can be quite considered, this is in favor of what, this is in favor of what people here said about his black revanchism, but he intends to attract more black officers of the armed forces, why did he fail his previous work at the pacific headquarters, and, accordingly , the air force. air force, air force, yes, he, yes, yes, yes, yes, he was scolded there for the fact that, uh, he set a task, including an impossible one, to rearm the f-15, f-16 with f- in a short period of time 22, f-35. this is wild money, completely crazy. okay, he left there. now we imagine a situation where he
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is recruiting a pool of officers loyal to himself, who will lobby for his same idea, will insist on additional military orders, here's 22. not him, but the military-industrial complex, we understand perfectly well who needs money, who will be the main beneficiary? this is, of course , both boeing and race, so here is this symbiosis of hawk, an african american and... the desire of the corporation to earn new billions, and how beautiful it will turn out, that’s what nikolai is now, what are you talking about, look, that means he now, against the backdrop of this racial history, he brings his team, all consisting of black asians, women, trans people, and so on, and if they don’t approve of something, he says: wait, this is, of course, this is discrimination, and how long will we
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endure this, well, look, literally two points, the first, as for his future, he is waiting for trump, he is not waiting, but this character of ours today. he will last until the twenty-seventh, but then, depending on who will be president, they will most likely change him. now, as for new military orders, but we are already seeing the latest american military budget, due to the fact that expenses do not keep up with inflation, they have to cut, for example, the same purchases f-35, because it’s an expensive pleasure, and lokhead martin has huge problems with the production of these very fighters, there are not enough engineers, there are not enough raw materials, in general there are a lot of problems, but it is quite possible that he will try to lobby for something, well and... the third point, related to the question that you asked, why, from your point of view, are they breaking down their armed forces, in my opinion, this, of course, shows the deep split that now exists in america , in american society, and simply the army is society is always cast, yes, democrats and republicans are fighting for control over all
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institutions, the worst nightmare of the democratic party is that, for example, scandalous elections will be held there with fraud, half of the republican part of america will refuse to recognize. you will need expensive treatment, more on that in a few minutes, stay with us, we’ll be back very soon, you’re there, there’s excitement and fuss, i don’t know why, it’s clear, but i’ll get used to it.
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these are the finalists of the twelfth season of the voice project; among them, of course, there is a winner, voice, final, live broadcast on saturday on the first. mancacher whiskey - a product of the stellar group, cnop gin, a product of the stellar group, cognac.
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this is the same case when a talented person, he takes on any job , shows his level, even if he is a former, but a russian subject, i thought you were some kind of criminal, you know, you play the button accordion, well, such humor, you invested, you heard all that, why this genre was, will be for many, many years, and i am clear days, three chords, a new season, on
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sunday on the first, happiness, this is... home is loved ones, relatives, synonym the words harmony, oh, this is communication with children, their energy, i am charged by it, it’s very cool, we are often confused, if someone sees us, everyone says: oh, twins, protect your children, raise them with dignity, honestly, nobility , and be an example to them. our main family values ​​are to tell each other the truth, be sure to always listen to each other, always understand, we were raised in such a way that... we always helped people, our life is more comfortable because we are kinder, we want to confess our love to our native country , country, we love you, this is my fight, line,
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my fight, to the end and period, beloved, beloved, beloved, roads, roads, roads, we run away from different ones... and the road, don’t guess about love, i’m all happy in our eyes, we know for sure, the ice will melt, the quiet midnight howl will sing, a long day, this long, so short, the heat of the dubai is for us, hugging something whispers, the ice melts, soars and sea.
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come up with something there. so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses, known to you, that after death they want to be together. i officially declare that i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, i want to live in the next world together with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna. well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity. i ’ll tell lenka right now that i’m leaving her. in the end, i will be the first to cry and calm down. where's the champagne? i soaked him with mine. hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, but i think that he only loves his wife and doesn’t want to part with her, hello, lean, a frivolous conversation, are they sure
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that they truly love each other, what are you ready for, that’s all, life after life, premiere serial film, soon on the first one. i remember once we were talking about another black american general, we were talking about lloyd austin, the head of the pentagon, when we began to pull the financial thread and unravel it, it turned out that he owned shares in certain companies of the military-industrial complex, which he is directly made the beneficiary of certain orders, so it’s interesting what about our character today, charles brown. are there such threads? yes, look, we recently noticed that when he became the head air force headquarters, he began to pursue the concept
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of decommissioning fairly reliable equipment, he... he actually grounded attack aircraft , then he is now dealing with the issue of decommissioning the f-15 aircraft, these are quite powerful twin-engine, multifunctional fighters, he is replacing all this with f- 35 and we see that the locket martin company is clearly such a beneficiary, which is introducing this format all over the world and distributing it to different countries, and for it this is also beneficial, by the way, it is locket martin that is promoting the concept. atomic tactical bombs, so-called gravity ones, that fall, you won’t see them right away, this is exactly the whole concept that he is promoting, but the most important thing, norton grooman, the most expensive project of the air force is the b-21 rider strategic bomber, which is now being made at this year, for the coming ones, they
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are asking for about 5 billion specifically for this equipment, which is not yet flying, it is. to those who, including through the regional command , are promoting the introduction of this technology to the allies, i would like to remind you that the europeans, who have their own european plane eurofiter taifun, the americans buried this project, all countries are forcing them to buy the f-35. switzerland, a neutral country, buys these planes for 10 billion. recently the czech republic ordered 14 billion. this is big, huge money.
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maybe, but taking into account the fact that all the deposits of ukraine, the population of ukraine, right down to the organs and black soil of ukraine, do not belong, everything else belongs to the american owner, then of course, if you count at face value, then they owe crazy amounts of money, if you consider how they were robbed, that for today. their owners acquired everything and something beyond that in a tenth of the profit. 80% of the territory of the former ukraine is simply american fief possessions, together with the british monsanto, black rock, vanguard and so on and so on, kergel is here to talk about this here not necessary, but in addition i will note that in fact the f-35, which is so foolish to heart, according to the us congress, already in the five hundred units of serial production had more than
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two hundred defects, of which 70%. then when i was still vice president at irkut irkut-2 is an enterprise that produces fighter aircraft, then we laughed that eurofighters do not fly in fog and do not fly at an altitude of more than 5 km, we were, of course, talking about prototypes, but if i know something, probably the french who came out know something from the eurofighter and began to create their own rafale separately to replace the mirage. so they considered this project, in principle, as they say, non-viable, that is , not manageable from the point of view of the future, if we talk about military transport aviation, which this flyer doesn’t like, then i note that not so long ago nato tried by hook or by crook to acquire the il76 td, our russian elushen, for its troop transportation. it’s very interesting how this same four-star general thinks to supply something to someone in
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three years, saying, what will this four-star general have to give as replacements? because look what he is doing, he is now forcing military contractors to update their equipment, he is putting european, so to speak, partners in an uncomfortable position , to put it mildly according to nato, forcing them to change weapons, and he is now currying favor with biden, now trump is coming, but what of him, if now he has an advantageous position, and he has a racial agenda and so on, what they set him up for, because if you look...
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his task is to stay in this position, so he maneuvers like this, to earn as much money as possible in this position and achieve for... they are not included, for a reason, the americans are forcing the european union to create troops rapid response in 3000, now 30, they have them they emphasize that nato is not only europe, it is the whole world, so that they can be
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sent there, the chinese force them to move very quickly, the chinese lay down aircraft carriers in series of three at once, they are ahead of them both in quantity and in quality characteristics, the most important thing for them a threat, china becomes the third. nuclear powers in terms of the number of warheads are increasing this at a rate that is alarming for the americans, they understand that the alliance between russia and china, they actually sent us into each other’s embrace, is becoming too much for them, right here what we need to do is we need to break this alliance between them and then one by one, conditionally come to an agreement with these, and we will act against these. the main strategy of the americans for china is a blockade, a naval blockade, to deny them the opportunity. china understands that if this happens, logistics will be done through our territory.
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that aviation in the usa has always been elite, george bush is younger, became a pilot, they told him, son, this is yours, your ticket to politics, become a military pilot, this dynasty of military pilots that is coming, and these were mostly white men, and by the way, he was always worried about this in his memories, that black technical officers came up to me and said, why don’t you communicate with us with the pilots, well, he also needs to communicate in his circle of pilots, so this injury that he had, of course, will be very strong now.
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likewise, i also think about that aspect of the national defense strategy which is the integration of deterrence. if we talk about the military aspect, i really think that we have a combat-ready force that deserves trust. i really paying attention to what the prc is doing in terms of capabilities because i want to make sure that we stay ahead of the threat. but if we fight russia or china, i would say that we have already lost just when the war started. but what?
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so i propose now to start a little from our hero, yes, today’s anti-hero, but from trump, so let’s imagine the situation that trump wins the november elections, this approach is very often encountered, that trump decides with everything will be fine with ukraine, we immediately discard this insinuation, he will resolve the issue with ukraine, well, somewhere, yes, at first glance, it may be a little in our favor, but the point is not that he... really wants peace in ukraine , and he wants to free his hands to resolve the issue with china, because there are several conflicts in parallel, the united states is not able to cope at the same time, trump understands this, he needs to finish with
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ukraine, how will he offer us a deal or something else, this question ten, and further, well, well, if he is committed to a purely economic confrontation there with china, he started it, so he should continue it, it’s good if it all ends with the economy, but no one will presume to assume that it will not occur to him... to start military escalation in the taiwan area, if this happens, and brown’s remark now fits very well here that i am playing to win, brown is counting on this, that he will be needed. he will be needed at this moment, he doesn’t care what the consequences are, he doesn’t care how many people die, no he is afraid of nuclear weapons, excuse me, he is not afraid of a retaliatory strike, apparently, and he is determined to do this, he is betting on trump in this context. yes, malik, well, look, my forecast, in fact, yes, most likely, he will sit out some part of trump’s presidency, so in 27 he leaves, he will move somewhere, like loit osin did in his time in the council directors, conditional lohet martin or notrup grammon, that ’s why everything will be wonderful for him, in the future there is, of course, a career. no
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force majeure will happen, but the twenty-seventh the year is also interesting for us because all american analysts are already preparing american society for a possible war for taiwan in 1927, billns spoke about this and so on, another thing is that of course we understand, but there the americans are trying to - to provoke there, to somehow prepare, but here the question is yes, how effective is all this, because if we look at recent reports, there is a huge amount of military equipment that continues to come from china, rare earth metals that needed for the production of submarines... f-35 boats, everything else comes from china, that is , in the event of a war there, in general, the american military-industrial complex will most likely come to a standstill, but at a minimum there will be colossal logistical problems, and the same f-35s, as we are right today they have already noted that they do not fly 60% of the time, because there are constant breakdowns, and they produce fewer and fewer of them. in the new budget they wanted to include the construction of two submarines, now there is only one submarine, and so on, that is, a huge number of such problems, that is, on the one hand, it seems, yes, that he really puts his emphasis on the confrontation with china, the americans would probably like to fight china with someone else’s
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hands, supply weapons to japan, south korea, taiwan, who else australia, the philippines, we can create such a big bloc against china, but here i think that, of course, they themselves still understand that, unlike the second world war , it will not be possible to sit out overseas, but there will be hypersonic strikes on his own perhar, that is, it is quite possible that he will see the second perhar on guam on everyone else bases, so to be honest, i have great doubts that they will somehow be able to prepare. as for the domestic american agenda, here i am 100% sure. he will try to prevent trump from stopping all these processes of liberalization of the american army, today we called him a general of war, i would still call him a general of a possible future civil war in the united states, that is, the task is to reformat these institutions in the event of a hot conflict within america , so that they side with the democrats, and not with side of the republicans, then the task is to catch up, you know, what’s interesting is that usually even the most ingenious criminals and the most terrible plans, but they stick together when a person loses...
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hello, the program is on air time, in the studio of ektorin andreeva, the main event of the day: development business as a way to improve the quality of life of people, what does the state offer? statement by vladimir putin at the congress of the russian union.


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