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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 26, 2024 1:50am-2:41am MSK

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after all, the attitudes are different, in the soviet union there were some, then the nineties, others, now others, now we are generally experiencing the breakdown of some ideas, in general, how people have changed over the course of this time and what is our youth today, who are coming to you comes, you know, i performed a lot with our genius richtor svyatoslavilovich and i once asked him, is he changing? interpretation of a work by someone who plays throughout his life, does his relationship change in connection with his experience and concert experience in connection with already with age, well, when we were already close, spent a lot of time together, i could already ask any questions, he said: no, i fell in love with this as a child, and today, nothing changes... but this is him says so,
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and if you listen to his recordings of that age and later age, of course, it sounds different, but the root is this: perception, the longer it is childish, the better, because this perception is pure, even with what well, well, that’s an insult, but in childhood, it has no size, but today... there’s me someone will somehow offend you, it won’t hurt more than when my toy was taken away when i was 2 years old, seriously, there is no size, but there is the concept of insult or the concept of pleasure or the concept of happiness, the same love, don’t understand me, incorrectly, but i, as i understand it, that love, in fact, as a concept, is... the greatest gift
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that a person receives in life, the first is that he was born at all, the second is the greatest, this love, if you look carefully at the paintings, for example, of the renaissance, italian paintings, that’s how as a rule, some noble nobleman is sitting, and behind him there are three young men, well, italian. these uh dresses are costumes, but there is a tuscan plateau behind them, a little hazy, and these young men are very beautiful, their faces, if you dress them in women’s dresses, these girls will be very beautiful, just don’t get me wrong, yeah, i'm normal classically oriented, but we're looking forward.
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i just encourage them to do this, here ’s a very interesting topic to your question, human quality, and human quality, but well we taught romeo juliet to tchaikovsky, i asked a question, the first rehearsal, i said, do you know who actually composed this whole story of roime and juliet, who are sitting, silent, 100 people from anadera. from yaroslavl, from rostov
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, well, from everywhere, they came, then with a whisper somewhere from the second violins, a girl with a whisper says, shakespeare, here she is, either she dared , or she was the only one who knew, i say , okay, how old were romeo and juliet, and the proud boy there and the trumpet, he says, 21, so confidently, i say, it is necessary about...
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i drew my own story, yeah, for myself, but the information is in the music itself, it will certainly lead to the goal, the address is still this. 10, then you can’t take a boy on tour, he’s a wonderful trumpet player, but he’s 10 years old, he’s still very small, and he’ll have to play a responsible solo there five times with traveling, but he just can’t handle it yet, he still has to grow up,
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so we also came up with this scheme , trainees, they are small, they sit at rehearsals, learn from older ones. well, we don’t take them on serious tours, we can do one concert if it’s in moscow or st. petersburg, in general, the orchestra has already seen europe more than once, seen asia, finally seen the country, because at some point i decided, what if we travel around the country, to interesting cities, so every day there are transfers, every day there are concerts, at 9:00 in the morning buses...
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this is captain ilagina, why did the captain, tykas not fulfill, why did he go through the forest, these were not germans, not germans, who are forest brothers, lithuanian partisans, from the forests, he is from the forests, and this is marta , he has a daughter-in-law, what is it like, grigory ivanovich, there are only forest people all around, you i'm afraid, but i don't feel comfortable.
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we continue the release of the creative industry podcast on channel one, with you are still elena kiper and roman karmanov, general director of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives, our guest is yuri abramovich bashmet, you are a very loyal mentor and say, now you are already a leader, i i decided to travel around the country and further, as these doors open, firstly, a grant is money that is lying around. and we use them, yes, what it means to gather everyone is to organize a road, their place of residence, food, that is, already in moscow or near moscow, well, most often we had it in former rest homes, well, these and there is food,
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there grandmothers bake wonderful pies with them, but they work like brutal guys. they have 2 hours of rest there, but what do they do, they play football, then study again, well , these training camps last 10 days, but how to organize concerts is not a problem, it’s there. i joke a lot, then we are friends with them, well, for example, in the same romeo gillette, there
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we go, there are climaxes and finally, this is a divine theme, when they hug, so, i’m talking, and you can imagine the ballet. juliet is a ballet about my juliet, she runs, jumps, spins, he has to catch her, partner, that is, romeo, at that moment he forgot to take out his mobile phone.
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this organization that sent soviet musicians on tour, there were artists with whom the state concert was actively involved, and there were artists with whom the state concert either did not work at all, that is, formally they were listed there, but was not a manager for this artist, there were different reasons, so that’s when soviet the union collapsed, so the state concert also, what happened, those artists... who were involved in the state concert, they basically lost their entire career, and those who, due to the fact that
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they did not study, nothing changed for them, the concerts continued, bright the example in front of you is me, and an even more striking example is vladimir spevakov, yes, him, he traveled, of course, thanks to the state concert, but he always kept his finger on the pulse with these managers, what did i do? that's why it fell apart, oh my god, so what if the same person is in france, my manager, he stayed in italy, he’s in japan, he stayed in japan and there icm in america and so on, is it necessary to do this, there is only one inconvenient question, how much do you cost, the question of the fee, very interesting, this is inconvenient to the artist himself, i somehow then, what should i do, then the manager then? the manager comes in, and there is something else, then you, without speaking, without naming
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any numbers, you think whether this is interesting to you or not, you just say, well, probably everything won’t work out there, that is, from you can’t name the numbers, but in general now there is a huge, excuse me, please, number of courses that teach you to name your price, that is, these are coaches and a huge mass of people who actually work with this topic. because it’s really very difficult for a creator to indicate his value, dear friends, but value can be priceless, let’s listen, you need to keep your finger on the pulse, firstly, secondly, you need to be interested in life, thirdly, you need make people perceive it everything is beautiful, aesthetically pleasing and it was nice to look at them, then the issue of the fee is resolved as if by itself, in general, with the participation of management. summed up, unfortunately, we need to finish, how i would like to continue to continue to continue
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to receive so much important, valuable information from the master, thank you very much, yuri abramovich, our guest was people's artist, yuri abramovich bashmyat, popular science with you podcast schrödinger's cat, and i am its host grigory torosevich, editor-in-chief of the magazine schrödinger's cat of the same name. hello, today we are with let's talk about a rather difficult, at least for me, emotional topic about bullying and especially about children's bullying that happens in schools. we have guests today, singer victoria daineka, psychologist, chief
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expert of the no bullying program, maria afonina. hello, hello, hello, let's go right away. let's start with the personal, with the emotional, i hope we can handle it, let's each of us tell our story of school bullying, that's who is ready first, victoria, you're brave, let's try, okay, let's try, my story school bullying began with my first performances at our school, in our pop studio, here i basically learned what a modern word is... the school had these large benches with wooden coverings in the corridors, where it was possible to compile a dictionary of swear words regarding surnames of vicki daineka, all the benches there were simply written off in my honor, one day i went to the toilet, there were no partitions in our toilet, there was just a large wall of tiles, where
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lipstick was written, my name and surname, the whole wall was written with some terrible things , words, all this, not to mention the desks and so on, and if this was such a written form of hatred towards me, then there were also personal speeches from some girls from our school, they threatened me to kill, they threatened a lot of things, well, in general they told me a lot of terrible things, challenged me to some conversations, arrows, i don’t know what to call it correctly, i remember that... i felt terrible fear, i was crazy scary, i remember how i cried on my mother’s lap, saying that i wouldn’t go to this school, they would kill me there, mm, in general it was creepy, i don’t remember my mother’s reaction at that moment, but i remember that quite quickly i moved to another school, the lyceum school, where there was a very small chamber atmosphere, by the way, after incident in the toilet, where
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everything was written down, i told the teachers, i say what it’s all about, how it was for me... because i was terribly scared, and i also don’t remember how it all ended in the end, but i remember that i myself came to meet these people, and i remember these conversations as in general, my knees were shaking there, as i tried, i don’t know, somehow, to make these people, out of haters, not like my friends, but somehow calm them down a little, but thank god, there was never a fight it came to pass, i was never physically harmed, although... i, of course, experienced colossal fear, and most importantly, stress, only after moving to another school, where there was a completely different atmosphere, very, very few students had more control over everything that was happening, only there i was able to calmly go to school, wake up with joy and to run there, to that school, which i actually went to under the windows of my house - and it’s not
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somewhere on the outskirts of the city, i remember, honestly some kind of small nightmare, thank god it’s over. thank you very much for your frankness. maria, do you have a story of bullying, i have different stories, because i have played different roles in this phenomenon, well, usually in bullying there are not only victims, there are instigators, those who start the bullying, there are, well, the so -called instigators, those who join in this bullying are witnesses, that is, these are those people who, perhaps, they themselves do not write, like... some kind of unpleasant inscriptions and do not call themselves, but nevertheless they, by their tacit approval or by the fact that they do not interfere , they make a very big contribution to all this, my first experience was when i encountered tavlya, i was just in the role of a witness, suddenly in our class at some point i came, they began to bully a girl, and well, she was there they called her names, somehow teased her by her last name,
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and no one wanted to sit with her; when she entered the class, everyone there ran away different sides and somehow laughed, then... in the end, apparently someone hit her, because i remember that her nose began to bleed, that’s a very interesting experience, for example, here’s mine when i was studying at fifth grade, that is , it seemed to me, of course, i felt very sorry for this girl, and well, i was in shock, it was not clear what to do about it, but at the same time there was an inner feeling that this was how it should be, but that means this she is doing something wrong, since she is being bullied like this and even had her nose broken, and this is something that very often it is the witnesses who feel at the moment... of bullying, that something seems to be wrong, but since everyone is doing it, it means it’s possible and it means it’s necessary, and that means she herself is to blame, and then i have the following, well, probably, story of a collision with was bullying. when i visited, well, one might say, in the retinue of the instigator, at some point they changed our russian language teachers, and they gave us a young guy who
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had just recently, apparently graduated from university, for some reason we decided, that we need to bring back the old teacher and someone didn’t come up with anything better than to start harassing this young teacher, and well , it was also a very unpleasant situation, that is, we laughed at him, refused to answer some kind of thing -
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that what you are doing is, well, wrong and it’s not necessary, and i already became a victim of bullying at the very last moment, probably when i was maybe 14 years old,
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everything was great at school, but i went to the camp and, well, ended up in the camp with the guys, who were also quite different from me, that is, i was from a good moscow school ended up in a camp where there were a lot of kids, well, not very many of them, probably from some prosperous backgrounds. my further history, that is
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, i thought that i had left my mark for some time, it was scary to communicate with people, it seemed to me that something was wrong with me, and that everyone was somehow looking at me wrong, well, this is one of these manifestations of social anxiety, then of course it all went away, but nevertheless, even such short-term bullying, it is very dangerous, well, after maria’s words... i myself wondered if i was once an aggressor or a silent witness, now i’m going over it in my memory, probably something like this happened, maybe even now it’s happening somewhere, and i advise everyone who listens to us to think, maybe we ’re in at some point they became aggressors and simply didn’t notice it, they thought that this was how it should be, but there were definitely victims of bullying, i remember this from school, it was very unpleasant, i still... wear one like this on my right hand , fortunately, already an inconspicuous mark, either in the sixth or seventh grade, classmates during a lesson they put out the chemicals, and the hand was put out, that is , they twisted the hand, put it on the table, lit a cigarette and
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then put it out, and even the teacher , in my opinion, was in the class, but did not know what to do, i keep this little scar as some kind of memory of not a very happy childhood, well, there may be some kind of life lesson, but from the height of our years, our experience, our mind. what would you and i, well, each of us, advise our then selves on what to do in this situation? victoria, what would you advise your then selves? first of all, i would advise myself to talk more about what happens to adults, because when you are a child, well, you yourself cannot somehow resolve this situation correctly, now having your own child, i kind of see her situation... where they can also poison her in a children's camp, and whatnot well, i immediately immediately intervene in the situation, because i don’t want this to somehow develop on my child later, because she’s a little more
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sensitive than me, if i’m like that... this happens every day, for example, when i called my parents, probably, well, it’s clear that for various reasons, they could somehow, well, not help me, but i think that i would also advise myself to look at other children.
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because exactly the whole camp was not the same detachment i was in, and i could try to find support somewhere on the side, and this is also important, yes, because a child, for example, if he is at school, his they are bullying there, then it is very important for him to see that school is not the whole world, and that there is, for example, some section or the same camp or something else where he is not bullied and where will there be people who are on his side, who will be for him, in order to avoid some...
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i don’t fully understand, i didn’t tell my parents, it seems to me that for girls and boys this is basically different, that is, if girls can come to mom and dad, please, then if you are a boy, then you should probably be so strong on the contrary, like i don’t complain to my parents, well, let’s say it’s a girl, so she told her parents what parents should do to help with this situation, the most important thing to do is to calm down first, because if a child comes to you. says that he is being bullied, then of course there are a lot of emotions, that ’s important, well, how to help yourself calm down, different ways help everyone, that is, you can call a friend, go for a walk, listen to some kind of meditation, i don’t know, in the end turn to to the psychologist, yes, then we calmed down, yes, the next thing is that many parents also seem to skip a stage, because they run straight to school to do something, it is very important to support the child, and here, when talking with the child, it is important to do
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the emphasis is on the fact that... this is terrible, this should not happen, that the problem is not with you, and this is not because there is something wrong with you, but because the class suddenly decided to behave like this, that is, you you can be tall or short, be able to sing beautifully or not be able to sing, smart there or less capable, this still does not give anyone the right to bully you, it is very important to convey this position to the child, because bullying very quickly begins to have a destructive effect on his self-esteem. the next thing that is important is to tell the child that i am with you and i will do everything that depends on me so that you feel safe at school, these words help the child feel much more confident, and then you can go to school and try to do something there, or for example , change schools if the school where the child is studying becomes , well, completely unsafe, when cigarettes are put out in one’s hand or the arrows are jammed, well , that is, apparently the situation there has really already gone too far, but if it hasn’t already,
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then what to do? what to do, a parent came to school, says: my child is being bullied, what else should he say? yes, he should say that my child is being bullied, of course, if we are considering some kind of ideal story, it would be good for the teacher to agree with this, then it is important to start working with the whole class, because what if we talk only with the aggressors , stop doing this, if we only tell the child the victim, behave differently, if we put the aggressors and the victim together, try to come to an agreement, that’s all, well, it doesn’t... work, well, that’s the teacher’s concern, but what should a parent do? so he came to school, signaled everything, yes, he came to school, signaled, said what was happening, well, i don’t know there, on such and such a date this happened, this happened here, this happened here, every time my child suffers, alone and the same children are participating in this, this is bullying, so please, please take action and agree with the teachers when these measures will be taken and what exactly, for example, in
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a week, find out what has changed, what to do? if nothing is done, then go to the director schools, you can submit a written statement, in which it is also important to list all the specific facts, that is , describe everything, all, all of this, ask the director to already... take measures to protect the child, if nothing works out at this level, no one it doesn’t work with the class, no one stops the bullying, then well, then change school, because the child’s continued stay there is not very safe. you are watching the podcast schrödinger's cat, i am its host, the chief editor of the popular science magazine schrödinger's cat, we are discussing the topic of bullying today, i will do even the emphasis on the word bullying, so as not to use the more... neutral word bullying, but bullying, it seems to me, belittles the significance of this terrible, unfortunately, massive problem, and we discuss bullying with our guests, psychologist maria afonina and singer victoria deneka, well victoria, you said
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that if you had given advice based on your experience, you would have advised to contact your parents more, yes, but what did you expect from them? i expected protection, which i collected as needed. she loved to discuss me in front of all the classes of our lyceum, she told me that i had only one accordion in my head, when i had to finish school, she said, i ’m like, i’ll give you a d, you’ll go with a certificate,
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although i was a good student, i didn’t have any there, most of me had a’s, a small number of b’s, then my mother came to school and sorted things out with the teacher, sort of put all the dots in place, and i was very... pleased, it somehow gave me some kind of confidence that i was not alone, that i had there are parents who will stand up for me, that they are nearby and that i can always rely on them, because then it was my mother who was able to resolve that situation, and for me it was not so much the grade in my certificate that was important, but her support, and i also want to be the kind of mother who does the same stands up for the child, and i actually behaved absolutely the same way... i probably behaved in some situation where, as it were, when you see the tears of a child and unfair relationships, then you don’t say that like ah, everything will get better tomorrow, you say , okay, i'll address this directly, and this, by the way, is solved, in fact, when you turn to teachers and say that there is a problem, then
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one way or another today, probably, it is more widely heard and more like, if maybe, in my time, when i was studying, it is somehow well , they didn’t pay much attention to this and these are the consequences for a person, but now really... teachers say: okay, we ’ll figure out the situation, then the problem, it seems to me, will be solved by itself, yes, yes, this is actually the case, there is simply another problem here, that unfortunately, not all teachers know how to work with bullying, but there is already a huge movement forward, that they recognize that, well, many teachers admit that there really is such a problem, they are ready to do something about it, and in general how important, complex and... is this problem in russian schools now? all from the dark past? but it is important, complex, there really is a lot of it, research is different, but on average they give figures that somewhere from 30 to 50% of children in russia face bullying, parents who know that their children
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face bullying are much less likely , that's why that many children don’t tell them, after all , about the teacher, so if you imagine yourself in the position of a teacher who has someone in the lesson? bull, honestly, i admit, even though i work at a school, i don’t know what to do, is there some kind of recipe, a manual, i hope that it will gradually happen, but because, well, we have now created such a large anti-bullying program for schools there are different blocks, and well, such as preventive ones, that is, there is a block for teachers, a block for parents, different class hours for children, we have such a large a document called the anti-bullying charter. it describes what each participant in the educational process needs to do when bullying happens at school, including there is a piece in this program about what needs to be done if bullying has already happened in the class, and of course, these are the stories
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when bullying turns into a physical form, yes, when bulls are extinguished or pecked or things are spoiled, this is when bullying has existed for some time, usually it begins with a verbal form, when they call names, well, some offensive nicknames. come up with, or social forms, when they ignore, exclude from the group, don’t take on projects, kick out of school chats, now and so on, it’s important to react at this stage, when yet... they don’t beat you up in school locker rooms and don’t they stew a steer in the hand, well , sometimes it happens spontaneously, victoria, as i understand it, you didn’t have such problems before you performed? no, although no, in fact, i just remembered a situation when twice in my class there was a situation when all the girls in the class staged boycotted me and stopped talking to me, because you see, they thought that one of the boys liked me, so this...
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because it is important for us that there are witnesses,
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those children who simply join in, we we ask everyone, what feelings did this character evoke, what feelings did this character evoke, have you ever encountered this in your life, this is why it seems to you that children, for example, somehow do not support the boy, and we share and my stories, that is, if i were teacher, i would say that i also encountered bullying when i was at school, i felt like this, children usually respond very much to this when they are with...
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i don’t know, we don’t insult each other, these the rules are also formulated by the schoolchildren themselves, so that this is not imposed on adults and further, for a certain number of weeks we monitor, well, that is, all the schoolchildren together , that these rules are followed, that is, we usually either hang up a mailbox, they put it there notes, or put some two containers into which you can throw tokens of different colors depending on whether the rules are followed or not, then we look, discuss, often at this stage there are fewer episodes of some kind of boycott, then we have the next lesson about,
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well, respectful communication, that is, about boundaries, about friendship, about friendly companies, how to respectfully defend boundaries, and so on, and then there are team building games, if you work in this order, then well, the results are quite good, that is, if briefly, first understand how much of an aggressor you are, how much of an aggressor you want to be, well, yes, then learn to negotiate, then learn to cooperate. to say, let’s still return to our adult world, what do we take away from this bullying, how much does it affect the psyche in the future, does it affect the psyche in the future, huh?
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that all aggressors will definitely be deviant and associative people in the future, but such a dependence has not been shown in any study, so there is reason for everyone to think about it. victoria, what about you if you are you ready to admit that the experience of bullying took its toll? and you know, it is very difficult, as
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an adult, to determine what exactly affected what, because a sufficient amount happens during the course of life. doesn’t judge, these people came to look at me, one way or another, i came and i left, i don’t have any contact with them, but as soon as i was in the space, my work involves a lot of social events, filming, something else , interviews, when you need to communicate with people, this was difficult for me for a very long time, it’s still mine
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my favorite pastime in my free time is to sit at home, not go out anywhere and not communicate with anyone, i don’t know how much, how much it adds up to, i don’t know... the consequences of bullying or something else, but i’m honest one way or another i try to avoid society when i can, i’ve even had situations when i came, for example, to a social event, alone: ​​i’m ready, i’m made up, i look beautiful, i like myself, that is, i’m already kind of a little bit... i’m a little sure, but i’m sitting in the car and practically crying because that i can’t get out of it, i can’t, i can’t force you to go into the company of people now, and i... i don’t know if i’ll meet an acquaintance, or if there will be a stranger there, but i will be uncomfortable, i don’t know, connected is it with the consequences of what happened there in my childhood, this aggression, this hatred, this rejection, but the fact that i am not very comfortable in society, yes. jens stoltenberg, head of nato, who is he faithfully
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serving out his term, what has he prepared for the road for russia and ukraine? there is an urgent need.
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cook for yourself in the house, the wife of the deceased persuaded her, get out of the house, get out, you are watching the podcast schrödinger's cat, i am its host, the chief editor of the popular science magazine, and we are discussing bullying with our guests, psychologist maria afonina and
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singer victoria deneko. watch all episodes of the kud schöldinger podcast on the website of the first channel maria, how common is bullying already in adulthood at work, for example, it is also common in adulthood, and i, for example. i know, these are the numbers that somewhere about 80% of people who experienced trawling in the workplace as adults said that it was one of the most traumatic experiences in their lives, and this was compared, among other things , with such serious shocks as illness or death someone close to you, long-term bullying in the workplace, it was put on a par with such, well, quite severe life shocks, and what should an adult do, there is no one to complain to. century, then bullying in
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adult groups began to be studied right now much later, only, probably, somewhere since the nineties, in principle, not much has been done, but in general, the principle is still the same, that is, it is important that a person in the organization where he works , well, there was a place where he... but still, it all depends on the context, sometimes it happens, they can write in such a way that you are still, well , sort of upset and worried,
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when i was very young, everything just happened to me, the star factory and the first forums, i read, i think, what did i do to them, for what, why, why so, here, did it stop me when it came my way, no, was it pleasant, of course? no, but now i’m trying, you know, mentally, to simply wish this person well, because i understand that a person who is doing well, but he will never go, he will never write some nasty stuff, well, even if it’s rude saying, i don’t like someone, i don’t like someone, i don’t have time to look for this person, page, write something, but at first... cope one way or another. i wish i could, of course, cry and be sincerely upset. and i was, of course, very upset, but
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now, over time, i have learned to deal with this to return to where we started, to our experience, here we are sitting here, successful, successful, we are being filmed, recorded, but let’s remember ourselves at school, in camp, let’s remember those who are on... and imagine that there is a fourth chair here, the main aggressor is sitting on it, the main one is the one who mocked us, what would you tell him? i don’t know, for some reason it seems to me that those people who are actually aggressors behave so badly at school, as a rule, unhappy children who simply cannot express this misfortune that is happening at home in some other way try to behave in this way.


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