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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 26, 2024 4:20am-4:58am MSK

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radio of the enemy's electronic warfare, in these frames our loitering ammunition overcomes the rap system, they are trying to jam it, on approach it seems to be floating on the waves, this is due to a strong gusty wind, but in the end it hits exactly the skill of the fighters of the special forces formation of the center group of troops. in the video you can see and they say how the dolphin dived, everyone was surprised there, it was just a difficult weather situation, different winds at the flight levels and the product tried as hard as possible to taxi, to hold the target in order to hit. fortunately it's we succeeded, but it was difficult, we decided to hit the tank’s upper plane, its weakest part, that is , the roof of the turret, it is in this place that this armored vehicle is poorly protected, besides everything else, this unit did not have additional protection for the screen on top of the turret. since the beginning of the year, they have destroyed dozens of tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and self-propelled artillery units, here is one of them: the ukrainian sao left cover, probably to a firing position. to strike at
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our units, she is already at the entrance were waiting, lancet knocks out the self-propelled gun, the crew manages to evacuate, after a few seconds the ammunition goes off, our operators are constantly conducting aerial reconnaissance in search of new targets, they began to camouflage good equipment, they began to set up mock-ups of anti-lancet nets to pull, but this does not help much, of course, why well i can’t reveal the technical characteristics, well, based on...
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many of those who are fighting in the zone today were trained in the chechen republic and many more will be trained in the russian soldiers from all over the country come to the special forces university in godermesi. ramzan kerimov was impressed by the level of preparation. the russian special forces university in godermesi is rightfully considered one of the best centers. training
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for special forces soldiers, there are all the conditions to practice storming houses, parachute jumping, rescuing hostages and providing medical assistance. the turnstiles are on the legs, higher, tight, military personnel from other countries are also trying to get into the university, in these footage, for example, special forces training from china. here, across the gums river, is the area is slightly mountainous, we have a mountain-forest department working here , there are units that are engaged specifically... practicing actions in forest conditions, in mountainous conditions, special courses, special reconnaissance courses are being implemented, a training fortified area has also been built here, that is, an area with in the trenches, in the shooting galleries at the sniper positions, the fighters are trained by instructors with experience in hot spots; in fact, all the instructors have repeatedly traveled to the special ops and there they gained experience in performing combat missions. we're working god damn
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with the people we trained here, and after a while they can even give us some hints at some points. with the beginning of a special military operation, the university developed a course for volunteers; people come here from different regions. at this site, for example, they teach machine gun shooting. in general, the course for volunteers lasts 2 weeks. the group consists of 200 people. thus, more than 17 fighters have already completed training here. according to stories. former wards often send messages from the front and tell how they cope with combat tasks, they send us a video that we needed this training, there are a lot of volunteers here, they come a second time, a third time, sometimes even a fifth, a sixth time . razya bizufa here is one of the most experienced call sign suitable father, as the young volunteers called him, he has almost 30 years in the police behind him. i'm a man, i have girls. “i don’t have a son, my daughters need
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to be protected, so i went to protect my daughters, my family, i served in the soviet army, but such...” i have not seen such training infrastructure, everything is here thought out, everything is prepared, volunteers receive 200,000 rubles every month. the contract lasts 4 months, in addition, the akhmat kadyrov foundation pays everyone a lump sum of 100,000 and provides everything they need. flights and travel are paid for, all sorts of benefits are paid, which means that accommodation and meals are all provided by this training center, the specialists themselves are at a high level, everything is carried out very well. equipment too, as i understand it, yes, you have equipment, everything is given to us. these guys will soon be heading to the svo zone, as they say, fully armed, they say, after special forces training at the university, they are ready for almost anything on the battlefield. after completing their contracts, many plan to return here to become instructors themselves and share combat experience with their comrades. ramzan kerimov,
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ibragim amirkhanov, channel one, chechen republic. 345 ukrainian militants are already serving sentences for crimes against civilians. 35 former military personnel of the armed forces of ukraine received life sentences. the head of the investigative committee of russia held an operational meeting in mariupol. alexander bastrykin heard reports on the crimes of the kiev regime, among the completed investigations against mercenaries from the united states, britain and france. a separate topic is support for the families of our soldiers, members of the northern military district. once again, regarding educational institutions, we must have orphans in the buildings at the academy, which means we must endure this. yes, and, of course, pay attention. for mtr participants, for the children of the dead, for mtr participants, that is, we must, of course, have guys who need support, we first of all create for them, so that they support. children who were able to be returned to their families from ukraine also need support. negotiations between the russian and ukrainian
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sides on this important issue are taking place on a boat through the mediation of an arab country. our guys, who have seen a lot of grief, are now resting there with their relatives. report by kristina levieva. they survived a lot, shelling, basements and the most terrible loss of loved ones, but today everything is fine, family and warm waves of the persian gulf are nearby, 10 children flew from russia to qatar, who only recently reunited with their families, along with their brothers, sisters and relatives. the mission of our delegation is the recreation and recovery of families who were separated during a special military operation.
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we asked for help with documents for passing exams for our eldest son, since he had lost a year, and for ksenia a recreational holiday in a camp near moscow. either ksyusha didn’t see his mother for six months, milana’s separation from her mother lasted for 9 years. family drama, ex- husband took their common daughter to an unknown direction without consent. irina was looking for a girl for years and thanks to social networks, i finally found her in october 23.
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let me remind you that last week the german police announced that more than 160 ukrainian children were found in berlin, who were considered taken to the russian federation; it was not reported how they ended up in europe, upon completion of negotiations , the russian side. in warsaw, several hundred people blocked the passport center and demanded that they be given the documents they had already paid for,
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especially since not everyone values ​​ukrainian citizenship. we paid the money, they sent us an invitation to come get a passport, they refuse us, they say that the system suddenly stopped working, and to their people, they issued passports in one day, 20-30 people came, received them, their people, and then the system stopped working.
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military doctrine and security concept taking into account modern challenges, minsk has not yet encountered such threats. alexander lukashenko revealed the plans of the fugitive belarusian oppositionists and their nato curators, who are ready to do anything to change power in the republic, even an armed invasion. the goal is to at least capture some kind, i don’t know, why did they choose the kobrin region, but it’s not right on the border, there’s something closer to the border, we’ll seize it, declare power, turn to nato, send in troops. no one will allow this, but they themselves do not
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want to intervene, they will launch democratic forces forward, which will liberate our belarus from dictatorship, nato troops will march in the second rank, therefore the belarusian volunteer corps, the so-called belarusian volunteer corps or liberation corps, will be created. the army is essentially the same terrorists and extremists that are prohibited in russian russian volunteer corps. belarusian intelligence services reported that the west has trained about a thousand militants. after studying in training camps in europe, belarusians are sent to ukraine to practice their acquired knowledge, for subversive activities against minsk, as the state security committee calculated, western funds have allocated more than $60 million this year. the recruitment of radical belarusian citizens and the corresponding unit continues.
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lithuania for objects in minsk and its suburbs. in lithuania and poland, radicals are producing combat drones to strike critical targets on the territory of the republic of belarus. belarusian intelligence services reported that they had discovered sleeping terrorists. the cells that were supposed to take over after the invasion also blocked more than 40 channels for the transfer of explosive weapons from
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ukraine, eliminated a network of twenty ukrainian agents and thirty local collaborators; the citizens of belarus themselves help the counterintelligence agents in this work. imagine, these are hundreds of explosives, not even spent, plastic, the secret services quickly told them to use american money and other countries, take a gun, train. you push into belarus, blow up russia, kill the president, children, families, whoever is closest, security forces, everything is under attack, to protect the borders. minsk has deployed additional troops to the western border, but in the south the situation is difficult; according to alexander lukashenko , ukraine has gathered about 120 thousand militants near the belarusian border. the president of belarus did not rule out provocations aimed at dragging minsk into the ukrainian conflict. everything indicates that the us wants escalation. and lukashenko called the allocation of $60 billion to kiev as its most important factor. it is very dangerous that
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long-range missiles, atapak, have been allocated. there is an escalation. a means of strategic deterrence, designed to cool the ardor of western hawks, is the russian nuclear weapon stationed in the republic. ivan prozurov, sergey panasyuk, olga mirkulova and alexander granostaev. first channel. russia reported its veto on the draft un security council resolution prepared by america and japan on the non- placement of nuclear weapons in outer space. how explained the permanent representative of our
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country, vasily nebenze, moscow insists that any weapons, not just weapons of mass destruction, cannot be placed in space. and the russian diplomat also responded to american permanent representative linda thomas greenfield, who recently returned from japan. my american colleague told about her trip to japan, her visit to gosaki, and the horrific consequences of the nuclear bombing. may i ask if she could enlighten us as to who carried out this nuclear bombing? the only time in history of mankind. or maybe our japanese colleague will talk about it. our ambassador to america, anatoly antonov, announced another unfriendly step. and it is especially sad that all these events are taking place on
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the anniversary of the historical meeting on the elbe in april 1945, when soviet troops met with american troops, resulting in the remnants of the wehrmacht. spent in two parts, now, by order of the american authorities, the ceremony at arlington cemetery in washington has been canceled. the american authorities began to forget history. for the third year in a row, the embassy was prohibited from holding a wreath-laying ceremony at the spirit of elbe plaque at arlington national cemetery in washington. we did this together with friends of the cis countries. i would like to believe that sooner or later in washington they will remember the legacy of the heroic generation and realize the importance of the elbe spirit as the basis for equal, mutually beneficial relations. in the meantime, washington is busy pumping up the kiev regime with weapons. some samples from those that were not severely burned end up, for example, in
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moscow for an exhibition of trophies. let me remind you that it will open on may 1 on the square in front of the victory museum on poklonnaya hill. today to the exhibition site. a new batch has just been delivered, in total there are plans to exhibit at least thirty samples, including the american bradley infantry fighting vehicle, the german leopard tank and much more. in general, it will be interesting. about a thousand residents of kazan stretched out a huge 300 m long st. george ribbon near one of the city parks. a symbol of victory, gratitude to veterans and the connection of generations. we remember, we are proud, young guard activists said united russia and the first movement. the traditional event is taking place. reported to the prime minister how things are going at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which has been constantly being shelled by the ukrainian military lately, the most difficult thing is that
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despite enhanced security measures, the risks of a nuclear accident in such conditions are quite high, they talked about other topics, rosatom’s income is not only the largest electricity producer in the country, the state corporation, according to prime minister mishustin , makes a great contribution to strengthening our technological sovereignty. i would like you to talk about the results of the state corporation over the past year. regarding the most important event of last year, of course, i would like to start with our international projects, this is delivery. belarusian nuclear power plant by our belarusian partner, this is the delivery of nuclear fuel to bangladesh, the turkish republic, and a record in nuclear engineering with five buildings. reactors 18 steam generators both for the modern nuclear world and for our indicators in the soviet union - this is a unique result. lekhachev also noted that thanks to
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the world’s most powerful icebreaker fleet, including the nuclear fleet , another transportation record was broken on the northern sea route, more than 36 million tons of cargo. the share of rosatom nuclear power plants in the country’s energy balance has reached 20%, and in the near future the goal is to bring it to 25%. we are launching a number of construction projects - a nuclear power plant is planning to obtain a license for a small station, for the construction of a small station in yakutia, and the fispusk kursk nuclear power plant is the first contribution to the movement towards 25%. another task of the year is to maintain our international leadership, we are absolute leaders here in terms of export nuclear power plants. let us remind you that rosatom is building nuclear power plants in bangladesh and turkey. india, hungary and two in china, work is underway on the national digital platform logos, the brachium gamma therapy medical complex has been launched into mass production, deliveries of
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the onix radiation therapy complex have begun, and power plants for spacecraft are being developed together with roscosmos. today we are paying serious attention to the integration of new regions into a single economic and legal space of russia and support. electricity in these regions is the most important task, in addition, the questions that arise there regarding the zaporozhye npp, how are things going there and what is happening in the new regions of your company? according to likhachev, rosatom has been working in new regions for a year and a half, a single purchaser of electricity has been created, if last year 4 billion kw were purchased, then this year it is already 15. order is being put in place in accounting and control systems, russian rules for the circulation of electricity are being introduced. as for zaporozhye.
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the water level in the ishim river near the village of obatskoye increased by more than 30 cm during the day and exceeded the historical maximum. several other settlements are under threat and are being evacuated. rescuers are strengthening
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the dams around the clock. in orenburg, where the water is receding, restoration work is already underway. the head of the ministry of construction, irek faizulin, checked today how the consequences of floods are being eliminated in the kurgan region. payments to victims are under special control. the day before, the topic was raised at a large meeting with the president. those orders that...
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the federal medical and biological agency is also working on the creation of new drugs; today a panel of the agency met and
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summed up the results of the work for... the year, one of the successes in the development of the blood service. the total number of donors in the country exceeded 1,400 thousand people, this is a record. all-russian medical institutions are provided with donor blood and its main components. the focus is also on work in new territories and the rehabilitation of participants in the special operation. we settled on the medical examination program. in december twenty-third, for the first time in a separate program of state guarantees for the provision of free medical care to citizens was introduced. tariff for dispensary observation of the working population. this innovation is of exceptional importance and guarantees special attention to the health of workers, allowing them to receive quality medical care at the place of work. the may holidays are ahead, many have already decided where to relax. a large flow of tourists is expected in crimea. the crimean bridge is being prepared for peak loads. car inspection is mandatory, this must be taken into account when planning trip. our correspondent, vitaly kachenko
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, talked to us before the start of the holiday season, all services are ready for the growth of tourist flow on the crimean bridge, inspection is mandatory for all vehicles, drivers are understanding, the most important thing is that the new road is being made comfortable, well, this is inspection.
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how much luggage will be inspected here first, then sent through a scanner to the inspection and screening complex, but if you are still traveling with two suitcases, the road across the crimean bridge with inspection will take much less time, these cars, that is, for example, we can see this, they are sent to us for scanning, also all our buses and passenger minibuses are sent for scanning, the same applies to electric cars and cars with a hybrid engine, since in this
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case . checking the battery in manual mode is also not possible, in order to avoid queues, for the upcoming long weekend, the number of inspection points on both sides of the bridge will be increased, they will come from the flow transport, peak last summer 15.00 cars per day in both directions. vitaly katchenko, ruslan yusupov, victor vasin, khristina ivanova and nika vishnyakova. channel one, crimean bridge. the number of guests at the grand exhibition of russia at vdnkh exceeded 11 million. anniversary visitors. eagle family. today at the exhibition the winners of the you're in the game competition were awarded. this is part of the large all-russian project sport-norma of life. deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko noted that the state encourages physical education and sports in every possible way. bought subscription, gym or swimming pool, get a tax deduction. development of domestic production. we generally expected that this would be more actively used, since 2024 it has become much more convenient and profitable, a simplified registration procedure has appeared. and on instructions
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from the president. and i use this large global audience of ours, i wanted to draw your attention to this once again, the limits for social deductions have increased to 150,000 rubles per year, that is, if you buy a subscription worth 150,000, you have a maximum payment amount will be almost 20,000 rubles. what cars will we drive in the coming years? the world's attention is now focused on beijing, where the international motor show has started. at the end of last year, china became the largest. cars, so the enormous interest is understandable. more than 100 new products are presented in the capital of the people's republic of china, including middle-class and luxury cars, and of course, hybrid cars and electric cars. our own correspondent in china, natalya lyublinskaya, has already seen everything. 117 car premieres, of which 40 are concept cars, that is, the latest developments, what manufacturers are striving for is that the whole world used to go to geneva or detroit for new products in the industry, now the world's largest auto show takes place in
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china. not just a premium chinese brand, but a strategically important one, it is the mobile phones of this brand that chairman xi drives, this is their completely new concept car, look how the door design is thought out to completely... japan, europe, korea, usa, as if the whole world is competing today with china in terms of price-quality ratio. nowadays it is common to compare western premiums. modern chinese that's what first catches your eye, it's a relatively modest display, here's the glove compartment, i 'll bring the microphone in specially, it's surprising to hear that it's wobbly in a car of this class, but at the same time the rest of the interior trim
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looks very nice. realizing that they have to compete with the ultra-modern chinese, many premium manufacturers also install large displays, make panoramic roofs or exclusive interior trim from precious wood. as for famous sports cars, the loud growling sound is also a thing of the past, the new electric motor gives acceleration to hundreds in 3 seconds. the era of gasoline seems to have remained in the last century; in the last century, half of the new products are hybrids and electric vehicles, which look futuristic and can offer completely different functionality. a completely new vision of the space inside the car, look, the front passenger seats turn inward.
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gear shifting, such a robotic joystick, very unusual, this brutal suv has already established itself as an ultra-off-road flagship model, now in a new body, with such a baby on the dashboard while few can boast, this is an adaptive voice
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command recognition system. there is only a speedometer, one touch screen in the center. we have a very concise design, because the assistant will do everything for you. turn on the music. now i’ll select a track for you. natalya lyublinskaya, sergey shilin, ninakhoreva and sergey klishin, channel one china. that's all, keep an eye on the time and stay up to date with events, now on the air on channel one, the continuation of a multi-part film according to the laws of war. battle for rostov.
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the squad, all the ranks, run, run. practicing skills, destroying tanks, night training, memory stamp, run, quickly!
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what are you doing?


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