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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 27, 2024 1:50am-2:41am MSK

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you say, maybe i’m too kind, they perceive this as weakness, and then i ’m speaking for you now, because you generally said some incomprehensible phrase, let’s conduct experiments, let’s change places with you, let me be you now , sergey will ask questions, and i will be from your state, i will try to answer them, for artyom, yes, okay, an unexpected experiment for me, well for me too... this is probably his thing, so with you is it not so, artyom, that people don’t want to communicate with you? in in my childhood, i couldn’t cope, i could n’t explain to myself why they, why this, why they didn’t choose me, i felt unnecessary, and i was in pain, i was sad, i was very lonely, and i stayed in my room , turned to the wall and didn’t understand what was wrong, why neither mom nor dad chose me. i'm unnecessary, and
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how did you feel? i felt pain, i felt loneliness, like you, artyom, this option seems to be true, we are changing, you will add something, some feelings, basically everything. they said pain, resentment, loneliness, betrayal, it was so, you are watching the triggers podcast, its hosts, tatyana krasnovskaya and sergey nasebyan, are with you, we are talking with artyom. you can find all episodes of the triggers podcast on the website of the first channel you know, like this, i’m not continuing this experiment, but i’ll just try to guess for you when i ask you the question, what’s all this? there’s something wrong with you artyom
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today, why don’t they communicate with you, i get the feeling that it’s as if you never lived through this experience, and as if you didn’t you learned to live with it, what kind of experience, well , which tatyana played out for you now, there is pain, this is betrayal, because it had to be somehow integrated, but you chose not to understand, and if you don’t integrate it, then move on you always play out the same scenario, moreover, and i have an assumption, a fantasy that you a... failed to avoid that period of personality development when you know, we children become as harmful as possible, well, we’re just being mischievous because that it's like through we all go through this stage, at what age? it’s different for everyone, but i think it’s somewhere from 9 to 14 years old, this is exactly the age when i was generally the most obedient, i obeyed my mother in everything, if there at 8:00 at home, i’m 8:00 pm 8 at home, and then there was some kind of chip in the years.
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just at 14:15 it says that you entered this youth, in general, well, you declared such a puberty revolution, which everyone is announcing, but when i talk about harmfulness, you can bore any person even with your correctness, that's the problem, you see, when i talk about harmfulness, i’m not saying that you behaved badly, yeah, i ’m saying that you can behave so perfectly that you’ll bore anyone, yeah, you’re talking about the work moment, everything about the work
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moment, about whatever, i just suggest you look at it this way, yeah, because for some reason you chose, for some reason , you chose this strategy of behavior, so dad left at six, but no, no, no, dad left, we we didn’t grow up together at all, but i wasn’t even a year old there, so i say we spent our entire lives while he was is alive, he is no longer alive, unfortunately, we maintained excellent relations, yes, we saw each other there once or twice a year, we called each other there once or twice. dad wasn’t there, but how did you explain to yourself why dad wasn’t with you? what, what a legend in your family, there was no legend, it was just that, well, people separated, people didn’t get married, people, well, my parents, they didn’t, didn’t become a family, well, that’s it, he came to moscow, lived in moscow , well, we communicated well, when he came to see me in ulyanovsk, in his hometown, we saw each other, we we were in an amazing relationship, simply wonderful, every meeting was like a holiday, i loved him very much and still love him, that is, you can leave the child, because it’s... a story, a normal situation,
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where mom and dad just didn’t get along, we didn’t agree, and the child is not taken into account in this , it’s better that we communicated with him in person once or twice a year and... a month on the phone, but it was so amazing that i now remember it with a smile than every week with my mother , and it was just tyranny horror, better, rarely, but aptly, i think so, it it’s good that you think so, but you asked him to take you away from this house, where you feel so bad? no, why? well, first of all, i knew that he wouldn’t take it and that mom wouldn’t give it back, that’s the first thing, first of all, when you knew that, i can’t understand, you already knew that at four, no, why is it a problem at four? it wasn’t, as i say, only - you already seemed to understand that your dad couldn’t help you, save you, and your mom couldn’t give you up, well, that is, it’s like adults already understood all this at 6, well, that everything passed gradually, we wouldn’t have there were no such conflicts at the age of 6, yeah, i’m saying, it started more already when
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i was 12 when my sister was born, yeah, when my mother was pregnant, how did you feel, she even told me at the last moment, i honestly admit - mm, not all women, so to speak, have a stomach that is immediately visible, you can go for many months in such clothes that it won’t be noticeable, and since she didn’t trust me in principle, she never did everything so that i wouldn’t trust her absolutely, then she told me right almost before the birth, coming to my bedroom, showing me some pictures, saying that you’re going to have a little sister, i don’t even remember if she said the gender, but she said what i think it will be, well, i reacted normally, honestly, i swear i don’t remember what kind of emotions were there, how were there no... negative, no positive, somehow, what does it mean that you and your mother didn’t trust each other, what does it mean that your mother didn’t trust you? well, she didn’t tell any personal information about herself at all, never, no, absolutely, but she didn’t consider it necessary to tell her son, she didn’t think
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necessary to be friends with your child, and also when i, and i always opened up, that is , for the first 15-16 years there, i was the opposite, no matter what information there was, even if i knew that tyoma would be scolded for it. i still came and told, i still think, but how is it always with the same rake over and over again, everything was always perceived with hostility, i think, then god, why did i tell this, i then had such consequences, everything that i told her was always used later in all dialogues against me, but you all they told me the same thing, well, i still told it until a certain period, for many years, i say, it was advancing, advancing, advancing, then i think that’s enough, that’s enough, i stopped communicating with this person, we haven’t communicated for a year now absolutely in my opinion.. . and the person did not make any attempts, in fact , to do anything, that is, she does not call me, she does not write to me, that is, if i had such a situation, i would consider myself guilty before my son, i
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i would move mountains there, i would come, but i would achieve attention, location, and so on, but i such a purposeful guy that it wouldn’t be difficult for me to do this, but then in your childhood you... tried in every way to establish contact with her and it absolutely didn’t work with your obedience and your openness and it didn’t work no you always know that’s the story that he brought a two, she says it’s a pity that he didn’t come with a three, she says it’s a pity that he didn’t come with a four , my mother has four, she says it’s a pity that he didn’t come with five in the diary, she says, well , it could have been even better, it’s still bad, it could have been there win the olympia and so on, well, that’s actually true, just an example. cited, but it was, and you just said that if i were my mother, i would have acted differently, try to answer my question, in what circumstances and for what reason could you abandon your child? in general , it’s very difficult for me to imagine how i don’t communicate with my child, if i have a son or
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daughter there, on the contrary, i want as much as possible to be the best friend in general, so that they all say what a great dad i have, super, but you still- just try to imagine these feelings that i refuse, well, i say, if a child somehow... behaves as disgustingly as possible towards me, no conversation or anything helps, i would find a way, i would take him to a psychologist, we would be together we would go and work, but if that didn’t help, then i don’t know what you’re looking at, nothing helped, yeah, and you make a decision, if it was very difficult for me to communicate with him, then i’ll say this, if i it was super uncomfortable, stressful, try to connect now with this feeling that gives you reason abandon the child, you don’t even have to describe it to me, but just... so irritation, anger, good, fatigue, great, compile it into some kind of uh, like its visible and such an object that’s inside you, like me i don’t know, there’s some kind of lump there, and now
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imagine this same lump in your mother’s chest, a piece of dirt, i’m the first thing that came to mind, yeah, imagine this piece of dirt in your mother’s chest and on the basis: no, because, mind you, i said that i would do something, i even listed it for you, i would take you to psychologist, she didn’t, she abandoned you earlier, she abandoned you before this man appeared, she, in principle, most likely did not really want your birth from what you are telling, i don’t know, honestly, i don’t know either, but if she didn’t want to, she probably wouldn’t have given birth, no, she gave birth, she gave birth, it’s not a fact that she wanted, as my grandmother always tells me when i discuss my mother with her, still hoping, by phone with my grandmother more or less so we call each other, talk to mom, mom, i mean, i tell the fact that somehow the topic itself always comes into
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this story again, but i always hope to the last, well, that at least someday, at least some small step, you will take your grandmother in my direction, you will understand, at least you will hear that well , there is the history of the second country, there is not only the fact that my daughter and i are kind of for it, but the fact that, like, they are adults, we are adults, and you, like , don’t understand anything at all, you behave like that, anyway, even though we called each other yesterday , again, a quote: why are you persecuting her, she gave birth to you, she didn’t give up on you, oops, i say, well, wow, i say, it’s a favor, i say, i did it, i didn’t choose, it just turns out that after all there were these thoughts, not to give birth and refuse, this is her idea, it’s just the grandmother speaking for her part. the reason why and what, do you really want to figure this out or did you just come to chat, no, i want to figure it out, of course, then try to hear me, come on, i just told you, yes, before your terrade started about conversations with your grandmother, said that
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your mother had every reason and desire abandon you and not give birth to you, she really did it, why we don’t know, maybe she tried to keep your father in this way, maybe she was afraid to have an abortion, maybe she thought it was a sin, maybe something else, we don’t know, she she really did, but she abandoned you already then, she abandoned you already then, and now imagine that she... this does not justify her in any way, but can i interject a question, on the basis of what is the conclusion that i refused then because that, again, in childhood we did have quite warm relationships, good ones, let’s consider this as a hypothesis, because as soon as you understand this, you will be able to build relationships with other people, because as soon as you can turn on empathy for it, you will suddenly begin to feel other people, not think about other people.
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protects himself from this, he must protect himself with the child’s psyche at this moment, it works faster than you can understand anything, the defense works faster, i suggest you simply test this hypothesis through this experiment, when you feel within yourself the reasons why you can abandon the child and transfer them to the mother, try to look in the opposite direction, just look in the opposite direction. that for her you are such, well, i don’t know, a trigger that caused her not
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the best feelings, this happens rarely, but it does happen, and you, being this trigger, then could not have this whole concept, it’s true, you were too small, of course, you were in pain, this is also true, even now it’s difficult to figure it out, there are a lot of nuances when you have a child - this is obvious. are you watching the podcast triggers with you, its host tatyana krasnovskaya and sergey nasebyan, we are talking with artyom about what it’s like to be a black sheep? find all podcastlab projects on the website of the first channel what's happening to you now? such a loss, easy. well, try to live this lostness now, and not give up on it, because this lostness will be very similar to the loneliness that you experienced then. but then it was completely unbearable, it is now not very much, but then it was downright unbearable, because all that is needed here
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is to understand her truth, to feel why, not not to justify, not to love her again, but simply to integrate this experience for yourself, as the experience through which you feel this loneliness and you feel when you talk about the white crow, we have an idea that this metaphor says that we are not just special, but we are lonely, because... the crow can be lame, there, i don’t know, with broken wing, whatever, but a white crow is a crow that is lonely, and if we experience this loneliness, that is, there is a high probability that we are in this loneliness. set of reasons, yes, under which we become these lonely people or feel like a black sheep, there is a huge number of some feelings, unexpressed, incapable of expression, because we did not live them then, if you have experience, there are some long-lasting ones therapeutic sessions or plan to continue doing this, no matter in which of the approaches you will do it,
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then the most important thing here is to learn this, you speak so quickly that you can speak: the most myself, as if, but i would like you and i to still talk about feelings, if i now leave and don’t want to talk to you, what will you feel at this moment, if we both leave now, you will stay alone under the spotlights and cameras, it will be offensive, sad, it will be offensive and sad, again there is a misunderstanding, really, if you want, i will tell you why i want, again i don’t understand, i will have it, then i will go in a taxi, from the shoot i will think, why ask me, where do i get the desire to do this? i’m just a living person, i’m sitting and i can you to answer this question, a question that you even ask your friends and you just don’t want to run after you, sit down why will i leave, why will you leave, because it’s very difficult to talk to you, because you talk all the time and it feels like, that you tell lies all the time, it’s sad that you
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think so, because everything i told you, i ’m telling you about the feeling, look, this doesn’t mean at all that i’m right. and in general i was wondering whether this is good or bad, how i should feel about it, but specifically here in mine, if it makes you happy, then it’s good, but if it makes you unhappy, then it’s probably bad, but you don’t have to evaluate it, just sort of focus on the sensations, why sergey they say that you talk so much, why is it difficult there in this, because there is a lot of protection, there is a lot of rationalization, there are a lot of
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explanations, it is clear that you could not survive without this, you had to somehow explain to yourself to the baby. why is this, why am i not chosen, but behind this there is so much pain, until now, yes, yes, then you chose to become, sorry, better, better, better, better, you are really cool, there are no questions, but people don’t need that, people need you for real and with that pain, because the pain that you experienced then will make you so wise, so sympathetic that people themselves will be drawn to you, because they will look for this sympathy, and you correctly noted, rightly so... that you have always strived for an ideal, well, your own, to be ideal, ideal in character, ideal in communication, the ideal guy for his girlfriend, of course, because if i don't they accept me for who i am, we children begin to try different models, we try to adapt, and if i’m like this, and if i’m perfect, and if i’m obedient, and if i’m very good, and if i’m like this, and of course, you
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tried , and the truth is, you had no other choice, because otherwise you would have chosen something else, you chose it and you became. in this you become better, better and better, now yes, this is a completely, absolutely ideal image, but people feel that behind it, behind this image there is really a lot of pain and there is there you are real and therefore the discrepancy between the picture and reality is a little confusing , so people pull back a little, they distance themselves, it is clear that it is very difficult to open, but the door is there. it needs to be opened gradually, opening it a little, but the way out is there, let me then be a little bit of a mystery person who you want to solve, who you want to get to know better, well, this is of course great, but just if you still want to build relationships with people, then it ’s unlikely that people are interested in figuring out
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what kind of relationship i don’t know you’ll be in with a girl, probably yes... if they don't find it, then they usually don't communicate. sergei said that he would get up and leave, because it’s not interesting, and so, when you are real, when you stop closing yourself off, he said, because it’s difficult, difficult, because it’s not interesting, because you have to figure it out, because some kind of double messages and it is read. there are absolutely no questions at all, we believe, it’s true, you say what you think, but there inside, there is another artyom, can i suggest you consider it? but as some difference, honest artyom and sincere artyom, these are different people, you weren’t always honest and sincere, sometimes i managed to stop you,
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sometimes we managed to show you some moment when you just need to say stop, immerse you inside, but in most cases you you jump out of there like a cork, this is also normal, also natural, because it is unbearable for you to be there, because being sincere is dangerous for you, you need a person, you understand that... your mother did not do the most important thing, she is the only one in general the mother’s task, after she has already fed you, and you, in general, can move to take care of yourself somehow, this is essentially to continue your experiences, this pain of yours, to continue - what is it, well , hug you, for example, to say, i understand how it hurts you, son, i understand, i’m sorry, i can’t choose you, because this man forces me, for example, there to betray you and... i love him more than love for you, i know that it hurts you, but if she did that, you would feel much easier, but she didn’t do it because she didn’t know how, that’s a fact, yeah, and
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of course, you are now looking for someone who could do it, but then you need to open up, but here the path to people will still lie through understanding people, this is what you have and sympathy for people, so i say, don’t try to justify your mother, try to just find inside yourself the reason why... she did this, it’s only inside us, we can’t look for the reason inside others people, and we look in, for example, we say, i would abandon my child if, well, if he born with two heads, for example, well, even if it doesn’t matter with three heads, he has eight arms, it doesn’t matter, i looked at him and said, no, this can’t be my child, but something inside me gives me reason to do this, she had it, we don’t know why, but to feel and no one will ever know, but to feel why for me.
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it’s interesting with you, yes, being a black sheep is, in general, either a choice or misfortune, well, it was the triggers podcast, we were with you, psychologists, presenters, tatyana krasnovskaya, sergey nasebyan, we talked with artyom about what it must be like to be a black sheep, and i’m ready to admit my own powerlessness in this case, all episodes of the podcast.
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communicate with them, but you might want to, you can see a lot about yourself, if you are really interested in figuring this out, then i strongly recommend having more sympathy for people, well, i ’ll tell you that i have a lot of sympathy for he, can i hug you, thank you, thank you. hello, this is the podcast burn with fire and i, his presenter denis gorelov with a story about the current serial news on the domestic television market. i want to warn you that sometimes
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i will say the word film, this does not mean at all that we are talking about full-length films, these are long films, eight and ten episodes, most often this podcast only talks about tv series, rare cases when feature films are mentioned are discussed separately . let's start with the series. unusualness and a variety of outlandish animals and provincial russian cities in ramshackle rickety churches, and his people are everything from time to time some came out bald, some
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quarrelsome and some green. because of this, only the cycle about alice remained in the people's memory, although baluchev wrote a lot of other things, he had a film adaptation, and a comet, and a chance, but even there he concentrated on various anomalous phenomena, people somehow mostly after all, they came out somewhat erased and flat, which of course did not benefit the film adaptations, they were not preserved in memory, a cheerful group of contemporaries decided to correct the classic: director alexander vaitinsky, who finally came to his senses, stopped making films about the maniacs, which he was not very successful with, the screenwriter kudymov, whom no one had heard of before, but now they will hear it properly, this screenwriter is efficient, he managed to organize very diverse stories and stories into a single whole and generally well done, as well as two production units, usually occupied separately with various everyday inconsistencies, unusual things, etc., these are
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sharapov anurov and... the troika shishken gordeev dmitrievskaya, who has recently taken the topic of various anomalies very seriously. who of them, the first, in principle, realized that the great guslyar cycle lacked the main through-line character, well, let’s just say that the director of construction engineering, korneliy udolov, with his bald head and strange behavior, was completely unsuitable for this job , who decided it is completely unclear, there are a lot of people, but this clearly very gifted.
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distracted by blitzes, flashes and similar tourist nonsense, which in general and chess on the boulevards, so that no one becomes the main essence of the through line of the series, without which the movie is not a movie, and thus the red-haired deputy mayor hides from the mayor megalomaniacal aliens vlyuk. talking goldfish in the pond, a time machine in the closet, and super gifted babies solving integral equations in the potty. sometimes he himself actually uses a time machine to fly into the past and root his family, because his classmate, ina mayor, once also laid claim to the hand and heart of his chosen one, having studied with her in the same class. of course, a visit to the past, as the back to the future franchise shows, can change a lot of things in the present, the present appearance.
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children multiply, move from family to family, this, and this does not interfere with what is happening at all, after all, such a regal poisonousness of khotchenkova, it is suitable for any version of the present and future, just like the rustic foolishness of bystrov and some bossy dumbfoundedness of lagashkin, which we have seen it a thousand times in various other films, each time we are glad to see it again. it’s always nice when people’s artists, people who have no title, in fact, have not yet been given a title, when they are allowed to really play the fool, after all there is a great guslar here, it’s always like that with us. when khotchenkovo ​​reduces her husband to pocket size and takes him to a symphony concert instead of fishing, and he sits there on the back of a chair, angry with him in the jacket of a familiar gnome, it seems that this is exactly what kirbolychev would have wanted to do in his time, but somehow got wrapped up in my
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fixation on my daughter and miracles. the musical accompaniment deserves special compliments, as in his time the selector of music for the series “well, wait a minute.” great guslyar is, of course, an eternal city, a stable city, there nothing has changed for decades, but the music is specially selected from audio hits, audio classics of the late seventies, which, with their retrofuturistic fervor , are very consistent with the city of velikiy guslyar. this is the song “golden fish” that sounded in ours. pioneer hit breakfast on the grass, this short mother cried with joy for us, the same shainsky, this is the tukhmanov olympics 80 performed by the fat man from estonia tynisamyagi, from whose lips the phrase “today is nowhere from you can’t get away from sport, you can’t escape from sport.” and finally, this is migulina’s grass near the house, of course, the earth in the illuminator, from the frequent constant repetition in retro films , everyone is already tired of it, but without it, the guslar is not a guslar,
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the image of such... the sweetest russian cities at the turn of the times, which this city does not notice at all, is very accurately conveyed by all these hits, uncle is at work, they are with someone at the cinema, and the stars are... nevertheless, and the stars, nevertheless, and take the palace yourself a goldfish, the earth will be happy and young. separately, i liked the line from the song olympics 80, today there will be more warmth and joy on earth, and antonov’s space music floats into our business conversation, it is very suitable for the prose of kir balychev, and of course, at every minute there is some improvement in the author’s outline with healthy reactions a healthy person and unknown animals, when pure crystal vodka begins to flow from the tap in the great guslyar, at the will of the guslyar people, the fish do not shy away into the corner of the aquarium being poured, like bulychev’s, on the contrary, they begin to swim quite cheekily, they ask for a salad to have a snack,
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and they start pouring brine into the aquarium, which is wonderful, a talented one-year-old baby, in addition to solving integral equations, says to well done, where is aunt yulia, a gorgeous woman, how does she snuggle? my aunt yulia, a gorgeous woman, having reduced her husband to microscopic size, gives him a demonstrative fitting in a boutique, categorically not noticing that he has exchanged gnomes with his friend. the dwarf, of course, applauds and admires, but at the moment when the heroine with a playful smile carries him behind the curtain to watching a fitting of lace panties, he starts yelling no, and we understand the gnome very well here. aunt yulia is, of course, a gorgeous woman, but there is a limit to everything. finally, in one of the episodes , the arriving aliens beat the mayor on the bulldozer with a wooden mallet from school labor lessons to the song “this world was not invented by us, this world was not invented by me.” dear tv series friends, comrades, of course, this world was
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not invented by you, but you inhabited it absolutely gorgeously, where the guys are, the guys are there. the next issue of our program will be the series others. four producers, remizov nelidov, kitaev and filipuk started. because in hindu mythology, raksha means a demon, and with its previous pictures, raksha fully corresponds to the new needs of these four. the surname raksha in our country is quite rare, so it is no wonder
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that the hero-director is the grandson of the famous artist of the seventies yuri raksha, with classic vertical panoramas that hollywood is very fond of, panoramas of the taiga forest, they actually quote:
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according to the plot , he settles in pre-war leningrad in the forties together with brother a girl with psychic abilities, originally from karelia, where... all sorts of werewolves, bears, connecting rods, sorcerer bears and two-hundred-year-old grandmothers are a common detail of the landscape. with a beam of directed energy, the girl is capable of stopping trams, tearing wolves apart, blowing up bad apartments in all sorts of other ways and ruining the peaceful pre-war life of leningrad. the hunt for her includes , on the one hand, state security commissioner petrov, played by nikolai fomenko, and on the other hand, the chief of the great mystical project of the third reich annarbe, neumann, performed by wolfgang czerny, who over the past 10 years seems to have outplayed all the nazi bastards who have only appeared on our screen. at the same time, shortly before
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the events taking place, he, a specialist in paranormal phenomena, was able to hypnosis force an entire special group of the nkvd in belligerent madrid to group suicide, only resistant to “until the witch girl, they teleport her across the border and settle her in a gothic castle along with the youth army of the future young paramal fighters of avver, all this very similar to hogwarts, where, in fact, little nazi imps belong. the daily routine in this very hogwarts is monitored by the nazi valkyrie katharina, played by linda lapinge, and this is the lapinge of a healthy person, unlike the gdr series. where she played some kind of rare nonsense, no offense will be said by
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the numerous admirers of all this bullshit. in general, the picture is still fascinating in any case: wolves tumble there, trains cross the frame with white puffs from the chimney. linda lapinch dissects the gothic a lock in trousers named after marlene dittrich with snake earrings, everything would be fine if not for the special talents of screenwriter elena vaitovich. in his childhood with... twice in several episodes he says that a big war awaits germany. lena kroshka i inform you that by the summer of 1940 , germany had already eaten poland and czechoslovakia, and bent over. denmark, norway and holland and little by little finished off france together with
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the english expeditionary contingent, only ignoramuses from the future like you can think that this is a small war. next on she didn’t stop there; in one of the episodes , admiral canaris, right at some social event, tries to shoot a little jewish boy, and in the forties. admiral canaris, as follows from history, was the only major bons. vaughn sreiha, who defended the jews, saved them, is currently the yatvashe holocaust memorial museum fighting with the central government of israel to award him the title of righteous of the world, savior of the jews. so far, to no avail, but nevertheless, the very desire and the very lobbying, in general, says quite a lot. canaris sent hundreds of jews beyond the territory of the reich with forged documents and on... supposedly reconnaissance missions, and
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this is written not only in all the stories of the abwehr, which screenwriter vaitovich, apparently, mitla did not get around to. this is still the podcast burn with fire and i, its host denis gorelov, with a story about the main new series on the domestic television screen. watch all episodes of the podcast grief with fire on the channel one website. the next issue of our program is the series alice's dreams, directed by dzhunkovsky and ovse.
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space still haunts them like snow, all sorts of things, they repeatedly press on all these flights, hints, and td and tp. explicit references to non-our viewers can be read in the film at every step, in particular, female dominance, without which no films are made in europe and the united states nowadays, is expressed in the struggle between alice and her friends. some sect of fire worshipers, dissolved among
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the local population, women fight with women, men are taken aside, by the way, an absolutely typical figure of european american detectives, an evil police officer with a bad character, and taiga forests surround this city in every possible way, preventing anyone from escaping from it, as in all american films about russia. and besides, the residents of the city are constantly waiting for the annual pagan holiday with dressing up as horned evil spirits, which in general is a rather striking feature, rather american. province than ours. finally, freddy krueger's dream counting seems to appeal to western audiences alice, with constant recognizable blows, of a tennis ball. opol, our viewer , after all, did not make the nightmare on elm street series his own bible, as this
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happened with the harry potter series, and i will even explain why. a nightmare on elm street still went back to american realities, the appearance of freddy krueger in the nightmares of young children said the following: if mom and dad in the sixties and seventies threw themselves into a variety of drugs, then sooner or later they would receive retribution in the form of their nightmares their own children, in their dreams freddy krueger will come to their genetically spoiled children and cut their fingers with scissors. it is clear that entire generations have gone through drug intoxication. usa, and this picture hit them, grabbed them to the quick, hit them on the nerves, which, of course, did not happen to us, for us it was an ordinary horror film, so the generation that remembers who freddy krueger is, what the nightmare on wiadow street is, is now approaching retirement age, for the new generation these are names, this name, this name does not speak
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absolutely nothing. performer sagvasalia categorically forgot that she was playing a small child, and if it had somehow happened to her before. was given to imitate a high school student, here she includes a little maternal intonation in a conversation with the little ones, her voice becomes a little lower, clearly revealing her age, and her amplifier completely breaks down when running along a white wall, because in general, the naked eye can see that the plastic is thirty-year-old ladies and teenage girls are completely different, the authors simply didn’t think of hiring a girl as an understudy with...
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with the ability to penetrate into the future, foresee everything that will happen next, and also punch your enemies in the nickel with your forehead, or have your eardrums ruptured by a mental hospital orderly with a wild scream. there is no time for any connections here. producer control over what is happening on the screen is lost somewhere in
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the middle of the fourth episode, completely chaotic events are already happening there, scalped girls promise something terrible. in the dreams of the main character, and the girls who were raped take revenge on their fathers by killing them with a pistol, the witches aim their knitting needles in the eyes children and opponents, and these are not spoilers, the producers are clearly, as can be seen from the series cybervillage magic plot, completely immersed themselves in utopian folklore, and it will be very difficult to get them out of there. and the directors, thank god, seem to thank fate that in fact, at least... judging by their facial expressions, they constantly ask themselves the question: what am i even doing here, but a certain irritated stupefaction is only good for the series, it’s quite suitable for teenage horror . and the viewer all this time
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quite clearly holding on to the jug recalls the grumbling cop dorov from the film “i walk around moscow,” lord, you’ve messed with my head, hypnotized writers, shell-shocked horses, go to hell, and as for the critic, he’s just like the artists, the same thing he sits and thinks, lord, why am i watching all this, this is still the podcast burn with fire and i, its host denis gorelov, with a story about the main serial news of the domestic television screen. we are finishing our program, stories about tv series. should die and the wonderful director bogomolov. it should be noted in advance that while russia was openly outraged by the transgender heresy, we somehow missed the main message. modern american, european cinema, this is a quiet, total and consistent struggle with a man, men need to either
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be fired, expelled, relegated to the periphery, or as often as possible, forced to get into dog shit, or left in their underwear in front of a general assembly, ae nations that have long ago forgotten what war is and what manual labor is, to which we... wonderful director bogomolov and the golden asset of our feminism, screenwriter kozlova, feminism is not always harmful for highly gifted
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characters, it can be good, as always happens with kozlova, so this trio decided to re-sing in a new way, a modern way, the film the witches of eastwig, once upon a time shot in 1987, this film came to us in the early nineties and made an impression on many, firstly with its beautiful picture, and secondly with... a quartet of star performers cher, nicholson, phifer and sarandon. watch this movie now completely impossible, i tried. it tells the story of three provincial abandoned women, busy with almost nothing. one conducts a school choir, another writes a culinary column in a rural newspaper, and the third produces identical plaster sculptures of women for souvenir lovers. and for half the film the conversation is about erections, i hope the children are already asleep, and finally, about the deeply symbolic long
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cigar of jack nicholson, who appears on the horizon. only at the seventy-seventh minute, an hour and 17 minutes after the start, cher utters an important catchphrase: it’s time to think head, and not what is between the legs, which the heroines are completely incapable of, and even more so the director of the film miller is not capable of this, because he was filming the motorcycle saga mad max. able to think only with what is between his legs, that is, with a motorcycle. nicholson, who at the end of the picture still satisfies all the most varied fantasies of heroin, is killed in the most perverted way to the joy of the village. wealthy architect kesha, performed by bogomolov himself, has three ex-wives, a fourth current one and an extensive personal life with everyone four, by whispering in the ear.
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the main furies of the national screen, yulia snegir, yulia alexandrova and alexander rebenok, play a wide variety of quirks, fools of three such anti-witches, absolute wastes, only when looking at the fourth, vasilisa perelygina, the sharp-eyed viewer will catch, this one might succeed, in in general, frankly, it’s not wrong, references to the film the witches of eastwig. are visible in the picture at every step, firstly, the hero has such an impudent, sleepy look from jack.


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