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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 27, 2024 2:40am-3:01am MSK

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soon enough - the trio of ex-wives decide to beat the hell out of him, which in general is beyond their strength, due to their brainlessness, armlessness and lack of pomp. screenwriter kozlova is completely merciless towards sisters by gender, which , in fact, makes her an outstanding author, and the three main furies of the national screen: yulia snegir, yulia alexandrova and alexander rebenok play. the most varied quirks, foolishness of three such anti-demons of absolute debauchery, only when looking at the fourth, vasilisa perilygina, will a keen-eyed viewer catch, this one might work out, in general, frankly speaking, it’s not wrong, references to the film the witches of eastwick are visible in the film at every step, firstly, the hero has such an arrogant, sleepy look of jack.
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in the film, everyone constantly vomits, including the dog, which is in no way determined by the script or plot convoy, but at the same time it refers to the witches of east, where this happened as a result of external magical influences. kesha, of course, is no devil, just like his girlfriends, not witches, too much honor, abandoned, he is smart, bright, deceitful, vile.
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tomaniye, social-fascist ivan alekseevich bunin, who is certainly a role model for this kind of intellectual sultans. very evil, very accurate, of course, the author’s words about bunin were put by the authors into the mouths of keshin and his mother, wonderfully performed by elena popova, an actress of absolutely stellar condition, whose career, unfortunately, was slammed by the collapse in the early nineties.
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they blow up a joint, get high on substances banned in russia, laugh for a long time, and then , for the sake of a chic gesture, they take off their panties inhale from below the magical, magical energy of the wild forest, there are no anatomical details there, everything is in skirts, everything is good, but at the same time it is an obvious group caricature, inside it there are actually three truly stellar actresses, in general, poor, but quite colorful the american production became a golden stepping stone to the current gender madness in the united states and europe that we all have the opportunity to observe. as for our quite creditable series, it demonstrates obvious national health. yes, of course, a misogynist, an abuser, a manipulator, a male chauvinistic pig, i want to kill kesha directly.
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keshas are completely incapable of earning the standard of living to which they were accustomed under him, they all haven’t had enough fun with men, they are quite sad for their own children, frankly speaking, they are quite openly bored without keshas without any of the thrills that it brings them. what to do in this case? absorbing the magical energy of the wild forest from below, there is nothing more to do. in conclusion , we can say that... all sorts of anomalies, paranormalities and so on, have become, perhaps, the main theme of today's season against the backdrop of the departure of several production teams, some in immigration, others in the shadows, new production teams and shishken, gardeev dmitrievskaya, and remizova nelidov, kitaev filipuk, and annurov
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sharapov, there are there are still several potential bright production groups, all of them are engaged. new ones have come to replace them, so we can expect that the coming television series seasons will be held precisely under the sign of all sorts of psychics, paranormality and unusualness. it was podcast "grief with fire and i", its host denis gorelov with a story about the main
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new series of the domestic television screen. the day comes, the hour comes, and i want to know what will happen tomorrow in a year, with you and with me, how to enter, a sad rush, and so not
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to fall, how to renounce in the soul and ask from the shoulders. the ability of past years, to find traces of luck, i know the day will come, i know the bright hour will come when the world will smile and become beautiful, everything for us, i know the day will come, i know the bright hour will come when it will smile . the world will shine and everything will become beautiful for us,
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the shadow will dispel sadness, your smile is like the sun. cloud, that means me, let the light be pure, kings, it’s like a dream, let the wind of dreams wake up, tenderness us, the rain of passions will float, the change of gray days, i know that day will come, i know it will come. a bright hour when the world will smile and everything will become beautiful for us, i know that day will come, i know a bright hour will come when the world will smile and everything will become beautiful for
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us, tsu-doo, tsu-tsu-doo, tsu -tsu-doo. i know that day will come, i know that a bright hour will come when the world will smile and become everything is beautiful for us, i know, that day will come, i know, a bright hour will come, when... the world will fall down and everything will become beautiful for
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us, the cold court, hello, this is a podcast 20 years later, and you are the host konstantin mikhailov, my guest today is the rock band lead fog, hello guys, great, great, hello, their hit was powerful in the mid-nineties, early nineties, yes, in the middle, at the end, in the middle, in the late nineties, in the late nineties , yes, i know, this hit is still played on many radio stations in hit parades even periodically, yes, because
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of this, we put the team together again because, well, the request went back, yes, that’s why , together with the guys with grisha and sasha, we installed lead fog, you have such a reunion, yes, my guest is the leader, founder, author lyrics, author of music, author of everything in general, author of the lead fog, dmitry nesterov, yes, everything is correct, well, now the co-authors too. interest, i look at the downloads and listening on the internet, some crazy hundreds of thousands of all kinds, yeah, the numbers are millions, so
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well, the group has become in demand, why don’t you re-upload the clips in good quality, because 480 is the maximum resolution, you know i don’t have anything, well, yeah, i didn’t save anything, i thought i was done with music forever, and to be honest, i don’t even remember where in what warehouse i kept all my yatakams and all the source codes. and what did you do during this period, when, say, from the late nineties to the present day, when, but in the 2000s, i was organizing events related to all sorts of political elections, i was preparing the field, that is, it was called a social program then, that is, i was preparing people for the arrival of agitators, listen to how it all began, bone, as usual, then in moscow in all the institutes, i studied at the moscow automobile and road institute, here we have in the palace of culture, the automobile and road institute, we did all this there, but most likely we organized and rehearsed there, and then
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moved, rehearsed at sokol in dekmai, it was a cult place then, there was a very popular disco there, yes minaev, yes well and there was a lot of interesting things there, and almost a lot of famous groups had already recorded there, there were djs, discos, we performed there with our live concerts during discos, it was terrible how everything was mixed up, there were slow dances. yes, you invited a gentleman, a white dance, but there were slow dances, can you imagine, then it was normal in the middle of a dance set to have a set of slow dances, cool, when you decided that you should write music, and that first the text or or the music, the music , music first, yes, this is the problem of our team, the fact that i write the music first, in our country we need lyrics, i know you write songs very slowly, i ask you to answer the question slowly. yes, i write slow songs, but no, in fact i don’t
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know how songs are written, they just pop out on their own, if we knew how songs are written, we would probably have written a bunch by now, and, i’m not a professional musician, the guys are professionals with a musical education, but the thoughts are the same, yeah, writing a good song is certainly not easy, especially cheerful, and very positive, i know, this is actually what i know will come. no, i was in love, i was playing an out-of-tune piano in dec., behind the disco, and i came up with an idea right away. but i think that there’s something wrong with the harmony , it’s a detuned rial, that’s it, now you ’re split, that’s it, well, you got out of the situation beautifully once, you just took byron’s text, well, yes, that’s thanks, thanks to my mom, she told me, when i was sick, he read poetry to me, we had a translation of pyron, yes, in the translation of parsnip morshak, it’s fine, i don’t know about the moon they read it, and they probably read it to you on the moon,
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but somehow my mother, i felt very bad, she took it and started reading byron’s poems to me and... i liked it so much, it sunk into my soul so much that i remembered it , when i started to come up with music and look for some lyrics. this is a podcast 20 years later, i am the host konstantin mikhailov, my guests are svintsova and tuman. wow! how did the name come about? oh, it was also a disaster, because it was student years after even, because like a group, a group, a group, a group, and what group, there is no name, so we came up with a huge list of 100 different names. then there were fashionable names consisting of two words, but i poked, poked, poked, poked, when i got tired of all this, i pointed my finger and it turned out to be a lead fog, and it seemed to me very british, very byronian, lead fog, and again byron again, of course, but the haze fog, of course, such a cold romance, i heard something that at the very beginning of my career there was a tour to
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the uk, but there was such an adventure, but this is not an adventure, in fact, at the end of the soviet union there was a coup... exchange ninety -one, and some people from the bbc came here, only they belonged to the orlando bbc, they chose, chose three groups, one played guitar music , lead fog, one was a jazz group, one was such a folk-rock group of white clothes, they performed in chain mail in helmets of such real metal class, well, here we were, we got to england for the first time in this way, and there we were already hooked , met with different producers, listen, about the producer, you do everything yourself , as far as i remember, you came to the radio, here
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i am, i remember you and alyonka pugacheva, you two were together all the time, we had her like that. we were running as a couple, she was also involved in the administration of the group, but in this song i know, there was a chic one right at the very end there she was wap there, well, they sang and they had four girls, she not only sang alone, but there were girls yet, but at the concert we ended up with two left, ani skazhenskaya to alena pugachev, but listen, how here you are, all by yourself, you, you were on all the radio stations, it turns out, bone, it’s just a magic torch in one place, you know, there’s a lot of enthusiasm for the young man. confidence in victory everything, wonderful, horror, i’m even scared now, what miracles happened in general, what miracles, how you just opened the door with your feet, how they let you in, i don’t understand how it all worked out, they often asked me , i don’t understand, there was nothing at all, no limits to perfection, you know, we came up with some crazy ones,
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listen, we’re at the titanic club on may 9 dance played a live concert with came, yes, look, we are here, you are here, podcast, everything is fine, 20 years later, we are together again, everything is fine, wonderful channel, wonderful program, this is a podcast 20 years later, we are talking with the group lead fog, i’m the presenter konstantin mikhailov, how do you like to spend your free time, this is what you like to do most, besides creativity
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or creativity, oh, i don’t know, i ’m involved in creativity, yes, i do some other projects. so connected with other people performing something there, that is, i love some i like to organize festivals and do something else, that is, an organizer, well, yes, i have such a streak and i love it, so that everything moves around, and you guys, how do you spend your free time, what do you like? we practically don’t have our own, let’s put it this way, yes, and if it appears, we hurry, just like probably dima, we help, teach both vocals and guitar. the fact is that we live in the region, in the field of young talents, so to speak, there are a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, yes, and someone needs to do it, it’s just time, probably just at least give back what you learned, yes.


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