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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 27, 2024 3:05am-3:31am MSK

3:05 am
when it comes to us, sadness is like black dreams, a gloomy haze begins to cloud our vision, don’t rush to argue with it, it will go away. how guests from the underground will return again, forever to the bottom of the soul, again a tear is filled with grief and loss, the sadness of unfulfilled hopes torments the day lived. i search in dreams,
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there is your image, only you, only you alone, but that is only a dream, the soul screams, forever, the soul screams forever, love is gone, we are left with sadness, love is gone. she can’t be returned, no matter what, it’s a pity, but you wake up, open your eyes, but you wake up and sadness will go away forever, love is gone , we are left with sadness, love is gone and... it cannot be returned,
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no matter how sorry, but you wake up, open your eyes, but you wake up and the sadness will go away forever, love is gone, love is gone. love is gone, love is gone,
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romka, look. there’s nothing at all, it’s empty, why
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is your mouth open, take some fish? no, no, there was nothing, okay, thank you, the boys say there was nothing in the pockets.
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at the same time, he was given a good beating, robbery, i don’t think so, his skull was broken into bruises, his left buttonhole was torn off. artilleryman, we should take a good look at the shores, maybe we can find where he is the water was dumped, it could have been very far away, it was brought by the current, yes, perhaps the water had already gone, well, you’re all here, yes, take him then, weigh him in the mork for identification, okay, load him.
3:11 am
write down, there is, this is not for you, it is located where, 132 i understand, yes i understand that you are batting your eyes, fortified the area, yes there is, accepted. comrade military lawyer of the second rank found 2 days ago in the 9th artillery regiment captain demin disappeared, it looks like it’s him, we have to go, well done, go, there is, and where is this regiment located, in alekseevka, the second fortress district, thank you, i’m in hospital, comrade military lawyer of the second rank, and you and you and i, svetlana petrovna,
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it’s generally normal, what do you have?
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3:14 am
i feel sorry for demin, he was a normal military officer, he always stood up for his guys, i think local thieves killed him, he couldn’t stand their exhaustion, he had run-ins with thieves, yes there were, recently he caught a chick by the hand at the market, then he tore him out the woman had a gold pendant, she wanted to exchange it for food, he ran, caught up with him, well...
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they didn’t let him go to the department, where further, to the left, we’ll arrive soon. "on the day the zhidemin disappeared, we didn’t notice anything unusual, maybe maybe the thieves were watching him, the thieves don’t bother us, they weren’t seen here that day, adyomin met some friend, what kind of friend, i don’t know, either a fellow countryman, or just an acquaintance, comrade military lawyer, i know who killed you arrested captain demin, a thief named chick, he confessed, no way. no way, that he didn’t arrest or didn’t confess, no way,
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he didn’t arrest him, then find him, arrest him and take him to us, while we work here, okay, yes, it turns out, after meeting this friend demin, no one saw him again, well, he asked to leave until dinner, not for dinner i came, and there’s moonshine nearby, where? no one is doing this here, i personally held an explanatory conversation with the population, i heard in other areas that it exists, but here it is excluded. okay, comrade commissar, thank you, but if you find out anything new, let me know, all the best, the commissar is far from the people, i wouldn’t believe in my life that two old friends would meet and find something to drink. that grigory ivanovich, i have a request for you, not
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for service, but for friendship, you can find out carefully, but ask around who this demon was with yesterday, and we’ll try, thank you, but bye hide in the car, yeah. “dear, can you tell me where i can get fuel, it’s stalled, the artillerymen have gasoline, you misunderstood me, i need fuel for an internal combustion engine, medicine for all diseases, otherwise i would have said that right away, otherwise i thought, aunt shura there’s always one, the second house from the corner is hers, yeah, the second house, yes,
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thank you, i’ve helped out, let’s do it, and you wait, aunt shura, hello, there’s nothing to be found, wet your throat, there’s water in the well, and something more interesting, what can you give me, so, also, and also, well, fear god, aunt. wait,
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techur, and the day before yesterday you had two captains, the artillerymen were, well, maybe they were friends of my commander, they took pictures as a souvenir, the commander said to give the cards to them, but i forgot their names, where to find them, when they were the day before yesterday, the day before yesterday . and so genka and his friend came, well, genka visited me, i saw my friend for the first time, and genka is who, what is his last name, why am i asking for his last name, denichek, he shoots at planes, over there, over there they stand behind the destroyed tower, thank you, i’m running, i’ll make the commander happy, but they took a lot, mine couldn’t stand on his feet. one bottle, just one, because i
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have to grab what i need, it’s so tedious, i changed my mind, it’s hot, and the serchishka is acting up, god forbid, i’ll end up, what are you saying, i haven’t tried it yet, you’re already swearing, yes since my first time, no one has ever felt bad, something that happens will be on your conscience. detained, but there was no evidence, so i had to let him go, here they are usual, here he is... himself, stand, raise the gun, i didn’t do anything, it’s not mine, boss, we’ll sort it out, yours, not yours, stomp, come on, lately
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discipline in our unit has deteriorated very much, i ask you to pay special attention to this. i will do my best to suppress any attempts to violate discipline. battery duty officer sergeant zakharchen. tell me, do you have a lucky captain named gena? battery commander, carpet captain, gennady. comrade commander, allow me to address you, they have come to see you. left.
3:22 am
excuse me, something urgent, the gun that tsypkin had, tsypkin is the chick’s last name, nickname , what’s with the gun? i checked the number the pistol that tsypa had, that is, tsypkin, was captain demin’s service weapon. great, thanks, well i think
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this issue can be considered closed now, yes, with this evidence. the lessons are giving birth to legs there were no injuries to demin's gun at the chick's where do you still need proof you need to check everything how he ended up with the chick where they were in general i don't know in peacetime they would just go to a restaurant now they'll probably get some booze from some tanya or me i heard there is a restaurant now. on the island, what are you talking about, tepanets, secret, only there you can get there by boat, what is it, we have an underground den, or what, are you a brothel, it turns out that it’s wartime, while our land is being trampled by the enemy, and they, well
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, i don’t know, i’m not there was? yes, yes, i heard it too, i was even invited there. well, but i didn’t go, comrade state security captain, if only you would have gone, everything is clear, we’re taking over kovrov, and you’re busy with the chick, okay, so we really need to discuss this, i ’ve been telling you about this for a long time. so, you said that you got to the island by boat we went to the restaurant, who else was there, there weren’t many people, the singer was singing a song, galya sat down with us, she hangs around there all the time,
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the town. station summer heat, on the dance floor there is music in the morning, riorita, riorita, the factrot is spinning, on the dance floor it’s 401 years old, i took it as a stalwart. you see, they let him go so that he could be the last to steal from ordinary citizens, and don’t worry so much, andryukha, he’ll fall for something or not? they’ll kill their own, comrade officers, do they want anything else, no, we’re leaving
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soon, we’ll bring some vodka for easter, i have there is no more money, everything is fine, bring it, leave me alone, comrade captain, andryukha, you’d better not look at her, but i have a sister like that, she’s 14, you know, you can’t help her in any way, you know, but he helps, he’s family. feed me, i ’ll go away, i’ll be back soon, and you
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see the woman over there, dance with her when you still have the opportunity, just don’t go out without me, i understood when i returned andrei. there wasn’t, they said that he started making a fuss and they took him off the island on a boat, who took him where to the shore, so that he would return to his battery, and i would go to mine, he’s your friend, you didn’t even know what happened to him and where he was, you thought he went to his place, okay, so how do you get to this miracle island of yours to pass as one of your own? uncle misha is usually on duty in the boat at the bridge, tell him to take him to the riviera, if anything happens, tell him what you know,
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the food manager is prokopenka, oh, lieutenant, about the gun, what he says is not his, not my volyn, boss. the bastards slipped it in, he threatened captain demin, it was he who wanted to imprison me, as if i had stolen some princes, there was no such thing, and you killed him, but don’t drive him away, boss, i’m a complete fool, he’s his homeland he's squeezing, he's a combat officer, it's not like these red-finned creatures, you're the one, bite your tongue, stomp, come on, listen, let's go to the grapes, i have an idea, pavel radionovich, allow me,
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come in, what happened to the captain, everything was obvious a conflict with a criminal in whom the service weapon of the murdered man was found, well, this is one of the working versions, yes, we also learned about an underground working in the city... is this what we have now? has kakachuk already sent his fighters here? i think it would be better for us to appear there as visitors. just like elagin, beautiful i wanted life. we will go to the restaurant after the victory. captain pollodion was killed after visiting this restaurant. it would be better if we infiltrate this environment undetected and observe. why not? proposal, nikolai trofemovich, well, you, well, you’ve been sitting too long with papers, i just need to get a dress somewhere, maybe in the theater, you don’t need
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a dress, i’ll go in the prosecutor’s uniform, i’ll go and yegor , and you will stay at home, coolie, actually it was my idea, comrade military man and lawyer. “i obey, we need two sets, the uniform of rear officers, i won’t rear officer, pilot or cooler, extreme case artillery, which means you’ll sell it, adventurer, damn it, great fellow countryman, you’ll take me to the river, where?” “what are you hearing badly? to the riviera? what is it? i’ve lived here since i’ve been here, i’ve never heard of this.


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