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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 27, 2024 3:30am-4:16am MSK

3:30 am
i won’t be a tolovik, a pilot or a cavalryman, in extreme cases, artillery, which means you’ll be home, and he’s a tourist, damn it, he’s a great fellow countryman, you’ll take him to the riviera, where, what do you hear badly, to the riviera, what is this, i’ve been living here since birth, i haven't heard of this.
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you should have arranged these exams, but now you can’t see yours. just keep your ambition there, don’t stick it out, behave civilly, as befits officers of the labor army of workers and peasants.
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move on the other side, good luck, thank you, well, egor, let's go out with passion. good evening, good evening, where is the holiday, excuse me, you are not allowed with weapons, why is that? hand over your weapons, that’s right, and
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your hat too, look, it’s like you’re in a bathhouse, and the whole world is sprinkled with sunshine, the street sparkles festively. after the morning darkness of the apartments , people stand and squint, move, try, you don’t have enough strength, you’re asleep, the city is big, you froze for a moment, closing your eyes like a kitten, good evening, officers, what are you going to eat,
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what’s your name, beauty, galina, gala, belochka, galina, what’s on your menu today, there’s barbecue, there’s chicken kiev, yes, that’s it the present, of course, is our little bit, the former chef of the moscow restaurant aragvi, wow, so it’s a shish kebab with a crust, and kiev-style kateta on sticks inside. reserve, that 's right, let's have everything, and for starters, 300 vodka, yes egor, it's my fault, i forgot to introduce myself, the head of the logistics service of the astrakhan military district, who is older, you won't introduce me to him, of course, now i'll see if he's here or not, i will wait, let me sit down, let me eat, oh, yegor. i should have
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taken sveta with me, listened to music, and eaten. tolya, the head of the logistics service wants to talk with mark, wait, of course. “listen, i had a fight here the other day, wasn’t it because of you, i didn’t guess, and what happened, i didn’t see it myself, they say some captain started reading morality, but they say it doesn’t belong here, valya, who is valya,
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the wife of the night food, but not the wife, the real wife is in the rear, of course, with the captain the same as with everyone else, tolik took him, threw him into the boat, well, on the other side, let him make a fuss, tolik, oh, here comes tolik, maybe, your friend ’s name is waiting for you, i understand, you’re beautiful, now with a friend, what, yapping, light wings? he's leaning on you, the cucumber,
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i wish you good health, deputy chief of the logistics service of the astrakhan military district, petrov, hello, prokopenko, please allow me. how is it there in astrakhan? he’s living normally, but what will happen to him, he’s serving, but that’s what i wanted, i really like your zucchini, zucchini, you see what he called our restaurant, but i don’t care what he called it, a restaurant, a real restaurant, i will open it there in astrakha, open the flag for you, as they say, in one place, only you first.
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and you have a front line that is copying off the pefagons and you by chance, it’s not from the prosecutor’s office, major , that you’re making such speeches, but if i had asked from the prosecutor’s office, you would have written out a confession long ago, with blood in your throat , well, brothers, can you help me, is there a different way to fish caviar, and will you give us vodka in return? we have plenty of our own fish, we also have enough ihra, so we can sell it, but we can always agree on money, two lorries, even if i send them now, i can get out of all this faster , or maybe we can help a good person, we need to think about it, that’s what
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you are , come to headquarters tomorrow, let’s think about how, why, where? well, let's settle the issues there is a headquarters, also, as you and the authorities agreed, that they don’t touch you, we don’t let anyone in by gender, so they don’t touch us, we don’t have an establishment like ours anymore, so the visitors themselves don’t want the authorities to find out about us, because i want to... yes, for the soul, that’s for sure, war is war, lunch is on schedule, see you tomorrow, i’ll go and drink 100 g, for your health, for some reason i don’t like him, okay, i
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’ll call pyotr ignatevich in astrakhon tomorrow, finding out what kind of fruit it is.
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mark borisovich, you invite us more often, yes, your food is very tasty, it’s a pleasure to have with you business, thank you, thank you, let's thank you for your health, be quiet, everyone stand up, right? nkvd, hands up, everyone stay in their places, and the order remains calm, save me, comrade officer. do what they say,
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stand, hands up, stand, stand! talik, why are you running, huh?
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egor, i’ll still go to the island, it seems to me that’s the reason. the murder lies right there, light, everyone involved in the murder is here, waiting for us to start asking them questions, please, i want to see everything with my own eyes, you know, i’m grigory i’ll take ivanovich with me, whose quickly, but i can’t argue with you, take stepanets with you just in case, stepanets, you’re going on a mission with svetlana petrovna, there is, you’ll look right here, okay, let’s go! you already understand that i could not take so many products out of
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the warehouse alone. regarding the thefts, another officer will talk to you. who killed captain demin? i don’t know, i wasn’t there, i only know that he was taken to the right bank. we, we left early that evening and didn't see anything. yes, the next day we have there was a concert. on the front line, yes, and the battalion commissar simonov will confirm to you, i told him not to go near the shaft, it’s too hot, she herself was like cheese in butter, and she would also carry food for her mother and little brothers, if i had not taken away the carpet , then he would have stood up for his friend, a fight would have started, and so this drunken man... they were taking him to the shore, over there, you see, the river makes a bend, there the spit and
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demin’s body floated up, look, you see where the sticks are floating, and those that they threw from the shore has already carried far away, tomorrow they will swim in sea of ​​azov, lucky, beauty, backwaters. well, tell me how it was with the captain, he began to lecture me about komsomol morality and honor to the young people. komsomol member, you, komsomol member, you have nothing to do here, let’s get out of here, what are you doing, captain, shut up , you rat of the rear, get out of here , don’t ever appear here again, that you wanted to be court-martialed, she’s a child, you, you don’t have enough staff ,
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comrades, let's continue, why are you making an orphan for yourself, you have everything, word, forgive me, please, i don’t know what he i'm clinging to you, i'm not holding you, i don't like it, go away, slavik, don't be angry, please. thank you, and those sticks that we threw from here from the island gathered exactly in the place where
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we found the body, it turns out that the demon fell into the water from the island, or from a boat near the island. or sailed from the other shore, near the island he had already drowned, or they helped him drown, with an oar on the head, screw us over there, but what would you do in my place, i am a man, i defended a woman, then a man defended, what happened to domain later? i have no idea, i tried to calm down the worried dala, letto dama, how many? she’s an adult, quite, who else took part in the beating? why beating? it was, so to speak, a fist fight, a real
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fist fight, one on one, and tolik didn’t help, then... no, no, he simply carried the captain i had defeated to the boat, and there he must have been transported to the opposite shore. i understand, yes, and i want to state that i am ready to fully cooperate with the investigation into the theft of food. they’ll give you paper and a pen, here’s the restaurant, there, near the statue, a comrade military lawyer beat the cook, well, not without me, of course, help, blood, look, svetlana petrovna,
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dzhamin’s buttonhole was torn off. interesting button, so what did you hit him with, you didn’t even need to hit him, he was so drunk, he couldn’t stand on his feet, he put the gun in his cobra, and he left us, well-fed, drunk, i took him to the boat for... uncle misha took me, ran into someone on the shore, he was lying in the boat looking at the sky, and there was the moon, stars, beauty, he came ashore and shook my hand, thank you, says uncle misha, he left, and i went back.
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i don't think demin was killed on the island, they this is not at all helpful, they even took away the weapon so that nothing would happen, so we found it near a restaurant on the island, that’s it, well, they beat him up, and his buttonhole tore, then they took him and took him to the other side, the current was such that the corpse fell into water specifically near the island or from a boat near the island, but not from the other shore. yes, they didn’t want to attract attention to themselves, but the chick had a gun, the chick and his friends took it and threw it from the boat into the water. that there was still blood there, which means we have to talk to the chain again, let's go, now you
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they’ll shoot you because you killed an officer, i didn’t kill his boss, where did i get the gun, i traded the guy for a gold pendant. man, what did you look like? such a healthy man. he’s not from here, i ’ve never seen him before, he’s about 50 years old, he still had a split lip. convoy, start. which one of these? i’ll take the gun from him, i’m sure, uh-huh, he’s got a split lip, but he’s lying, he ’ll point at anyone, just to save a life,
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take everyone out, to the exit! i think that my sister and i took part, i think i know whose it is that is frightening, a beautiful dress, a little truth hangs in the area belts why couldn’t you find exactly the same button? i sewed it under my belt, where i couldn’t see it, it was lost, which means, but you know, we found it on
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the shore where demin was killed? how can it be, by the way, he has relatives, a wife, children and a sister. they will survive in the rear, they are not bombed, and they give food on ration cards, but here you can die of hunger, fool, how could you kill commander demin, he is a hero, he defended you, me, all of us, it’s his own fault, he said will report to prokopenka. what should we eat then? what should i feed my brothers?
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oh... wait, it’s you, you’re gone, well done, girl, ok, ok, ok, what are you , ok, i have a sister almost the same as you, don’t need you with them, i didn’t lie, that ’s not why, we made a revolution, i understand everything, i understand everything i understand, i’ll give you money, you fool, i don’t need the crumbs from your rations, oh, what about the komsomor? i will disperse this whole viper of yours, i will go to the prosecutor's office, i will tell everyone what happened in such a soviet country, but nothing, nothing, i will go to the prosecutor's office, i
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will tell everything,
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i went back. i only saw him, told him everything, gave him the documents and the gun, comrade captain put me in the most dangerous place, at the back door, and the leaders always leave from the back door, that’s for sure, always from the back door, that’s the law, he ran, i ’ll stop him, i’ll shoot, he stood up like a cop. even i was scared now, i can feel the power, and then the club hits me here with all its might, oh, so the mare lies down, well, i immediately got up, but it’s dark, i’m running, branches, snags, excuse me, i need to check on my aunt, i ’ll see her off , no need, i myself, until tomorrow, it happens,
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in principle. "you're doing everything right, keep it in the same spirit, you just need to pay more attention to the person, well, how about accidentally talking about eyes, hair, smile, i didn’t have time, don’t be discouraged, remember, there is no fortress that cannot be taken, thank you, uncle grisha, eat to your health, with meat!" where can you get meat now? thank you, grigory ivanovich, see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow! it’s scary how war torments people’s souls, an ordinary girl who in peacetime would now be preparing for exams would decide for herself dress for prom and dreamed of how a classmate would invite her to a waltz, now cohabits with a man who is
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going to be a father. kills a good guy who did nothing wrong. yes, this valya has neither a soul nor a heart, the soviet government gave her everything, she showed cowardice and weakness, this story evokes nothing but forgiveness for me, but i just feel sorry for this girl, and you don’t feel sorry for demin, this is a girl, like you say that pilates also ate that the night food was stealing from the army, that the soldiers were malnourished. i’m tired, sister, i’m probably going crazy from this heat, yesterday near the hospital, can you imagine, i saw ranin with with my head reeling, i ran up. “i
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was sure that it was rokotov, i almost almost rushed, then i realized that it was not, listen to me, he will return, he will definitely return, you will see.
4:00 am
hello, the program is on the air, in the studio ekaterina andreeva, the main event of the day, integration of new regions, support for participants in the special operation, demographic issues, the main thing about the council of legislators in st. petersburg, the tasks set by the president, attacks on
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supply centers for ukrainian militants and trains with nato weapons, what else. 24 hours our military did in the layer zone report from the ministry of defense? 80 years of the 106th guards-tula airborne division. history is glorified. the eurasian economic union is noticeably ahead of europe in terms of gdp growth. how to develop brainstorming integration in government. the railway testing ground for the half-century anniversary of bam opened traffic on a new track in the khabarovsk territory and completed the excavation of a complex tunnel on the trans-siberian railway. in less than a minute from the emergency department to the operating room, a new unified standard of emergency medical
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care is being introduced throughout the capital. i'm talking to you from leningrad. an exhibition in nizhny novgorod about the blockade and the people who were evacuated to the gorky region planted. cities. big screen heroes. closing ceremony of the moscow international film festival. we'll tell you who won. the well-being of russian families and the strengthening of the country’s sovereignty must be put at the forefront. vladimir putin announced this today at a council of legislators, which took place in st. petersburg at the tauride palace, on the eve of the day of russian parliamentarism. the main topic is demography and support for motherhood.
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security of the state in a common desire to jointly seek the most effective solutions to issues vital to people. in this regard, i would like to note the constructive interaction of the legislative bodies
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of party factions with the russian government, heads of federal subjects, and the business and expert community. this applies to all areas, the economy, the social sphere, and development. the development and adaptation of new regions was discussed today, the preparation of municipal personnel who will work in new territories is actively underway, there is training programs and the school of mayors and the digital university of municipalities, but a very special president considers the personnel program to be a time of heroes, its participants, soldiers, officers, whose leadership qualities will be useful in a variety of positions. i am sure that they will also prove themselves worthy in future work, in government, in the field of education. mentoring in leading positions in all areas, i really hope, dear colleagues, that political parties will actively nominate and support such candidates during election campaigns in at all levels, what i would like to note is that this is not
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some company, i want this to be clear to everyone, this is simply the environment, those people from which we must draw personnel and from which we must choose for future work.
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it turns out that everyone answers, but
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the person responsible cannot be found. anton olegovich, that you are the main person responsible for family policy, and this is reflected in your ministry regulations, here i can give figures: the cost of a basket of ten items: diapers, underwear, a bed, a stroller for a newborn, powdered milk formula, etc. similar in december 2018 cost 26,500.
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the status of having many children is removed when the eldest or youngest child turns 18 years old. today we have an existing procedure that if the eldest child has reached the age of 18, there are already two children left and she does not fall under the criterion of having many children, then this status is removed. today at the council of legislators. proposed to change this order, until the last child reaches the age of 18, the family should remain in this status, we actively discussed, now within the framework of our commission, it’s all necessary to calculate everything, it’s not just such an emotional decision, but in the financial side, the social side, others, but i would of course support this proposal if it’s a large family, the parents are raising third children, when they’re already like...
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like problems , so the opportunities, the potential of each subject of the federation and, if necessary, to help them reveal these potentials, i am appealing, i am now appealing to the head of legislative assemblies, as well as the chairman of the relevant committees of the state duma, and
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we, of course, provide housing, the permanent population has been stabilized, it remains stable, yes, it is stable, life expectancy is higher than... the national average, in our country it is 73.4, in st. petersburg it is already 76.6, this is absolutely true, this is also very important, but this is thanks to the national projects, your instructions are being carried out today, one of these issues is, of course, comprehensive support for the svo, the families of the svo participants, we
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support in every possible way and work together with the defenders of the fatherland foundation, and you know, we have a district police officer assigned to each family. from social service, all the issues that need to be resolved are being resolved, we practically do not have any complex, difficult issues, the system is generally well-established, thank you very much for your support for the fact that a background of defenders of the fatherland has really been created, it is very it works effectively, it helps a lot, now the progress of the special operation, as reported by the ministry of defense, our aerospace forces and missilemen, struck at the supply centers of the ukrainian formations, in the donetsk republic in the area of ​​​​a successful landing...
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also from the united states. in the nwo zone soldiers of the legendary 106th guards tula airborne division are fighting bravely. today is 80 years since its founding. the combat path of the tula paratroopers is impressive. during the great patriotic war they went through hungary, austria, and czechoslovakia. later there was afghanistan, special tasks in transcaucasia, central asia, transnistria, now donbass and novorosiya, where the new generation of the winged infantry worthily continues the work of their grandfathers and fathers. about those who are always on top, ivan prozarov. the order of courage was awarded to guard senior sergeant polikov alexander alexandrovich. each step comes with labor. he is still recovering from a serious injury. for completing the most difficult tasks - well-deserved awards, orders of courage, medals for courage. tolsk attack aircraft, reconnaissance officers, signalmen, flamethrower platoon fighters. this is
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great pride, this is such an honor for our homeland, these are our true defenders of our country. governor alexey dyumin expressed gratitude. for the 6th guards-tula division, who passed on the traditions of the airborne forces from generation to generation and gave parting words to those who are on the front line today. from the first days special military operation, paratroopers , shoulder to shoulder with other units of the security forces, courageously fight for russia, for their people, for the future of our children, and do it with honor, heroically and selflessly. glory to the airborne forces. glory. the chronicle of true courage, the courage of patriotism, the history of the legendary tula division is inextricably linked with the history of our country, right now the winged infantry is helping to open a new page. the 80-year-long battle path began during the great patriotic war, when
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the 106th division made a significant contribution to the defeat nazi germany, liberated hungary, austria, vienna. then in afghanistan and the caucasus the blue berets continued.


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