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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 27, 2024 4:15am-4:57am MSK

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liberated hungary, austria, vienna, then in afghanistan and the caucasus, the blue berets continued to fully justify their motto, there are no impossible tasks when you are sitting in a tent, they are all impossible, when you entered the area, everything is no longer for you, you have to do it, they did it , and today the turkish paratroopers have special tasks, from the first days of the northern military district, artyomovsk, the safe kleshcheevka, shot, like many years ago, our... soldiers have to liberate their native land from the nazis, accumulating invaluable combat experience. we are here we are writing, let’s say, new combat manuals, new tactics for conducting combat operations, which will eventually be included in training manuals, and this will be taught at the academy. and at the front they feel the support of the whole country. in winter this year, socks came from grandma, so beautiful and multi-colored, and there was a note from grandma. son, i am very worried about you, i am praying for you.
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wear it there so that it’s warm there, it’s very nice, the next batch of equipment for paratroopers, combat drones and stations is being sent to the north military district zone from the tula region suppression of drones from local gunsmiths, as well as suvs, optics, mine detectors and atvs, they help evacuate the wounded, this is the best option now at the moment in our situation, that is, you once again were wounded and directly on this means you were evacuated in any way , just like that, the governor of the tula region assured the fighters that... families are receiving all the necessary help, don’t worry about your loved ones, complete your tasks, return home victorious, thank you very much to the guys, well the elite of the russian army whose main privilege is to be the first in the hottest spots, as before, again it’s the turn of those who want to live according to the airborne guards laws, among them maxim, who made his first parachute jump at the age of 11, are always ready to defend their homeland, they are hardy, smart and you... will you be ready to get up? of course yes.
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yes. ivan prozurov, gusein guseinov, igor kritskov, yulia khodorova and alexey klyuchnikov. first channel. tula. and more about our defenders. guard lieutenant vladimir oleynikov, paramedic artillery battalion. repeatedly saved wounded comrades under fire. in one of the battles, he took out the fire lines of four fighters. provided assistance and organized evacuation to a field hospital. guard senior lieutenant igor filipenko promptly repaired it. reconfigured the satellite communications station, unit control was restored, and the enemy attack was repelled. in moscow, the exhibition of captured western equipment is being replenished with new models. the exhibition opens on poklonnaya hill on may 1 and will last a month. they drove me to in particular, american military humvee suvs, a three-seven howitzer, a french amx10 armored car, which is sometimes called a wheeled tank, and a finnish-made armored personnel carrier. previously, they placed it on the square in front of the victory museum. bradley and marder,
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there will be more than three dozen exhibits in total. in addition to heavy and light armor, small arms, equipment of the armed forces of ukraine, combat documents and maps. the goals and objectives of the special military operation were discussed in istana at a meeting of the defense ministers of the member states of the shanghai cooperation organization. sergey shaigu emphasized: russia protects people in its historical territories, and the west, led by the united states, defends its hegemony. the minister recalled that it was nato, contrary to all promises, that expanded to our borders, and not vice versa. all key statements were collected by oleg shishkin. the shanghai cooperation organization includes nine states. traditionally, defense ministers gather at this large round table. here is sergei shaigu’s workplace. and on a folder with business papers prepared for a meeting ministers of defense of the countries included in the organization of ten states, including belarus. she is also invited to the meeting. and here is the minister’s workplace.
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came to our borders, this once again shows that westerners cannot be trusted. now they reproach us that if russia is not stopped in ukraine, then we will allegedly attack the countries of the alliance. the russian federation has never threatened nato. we have neither geopolitical nor military interests to attack the state of the bloc. we are simply protecting our people in our historical territories. have always made every effort
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to maintain strategic stability and balance of power in the world. the united states, on the contrary, at first the co-operation is now purposefully prolonging the conflict in ukraine. the dark west is pumping weapons into ukraine; satellite data is being transmitted in real time. nato advisers are participating in the preparation of sabotage on our territory. according to the minister of defense, the organizers of the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole are also connected with ukraine. despite nato's involvement in the conflict, helping kiev with weapons and money means only a war until the last ukrainian. all goals of the special military operation, shaiku noted, will be achieved. based on the experience gained, we optimize combat work. we are developing the country’s defense-industrial complex among our troops, improving the system of training military personnel, and also honing the acquired skills as part of operational and combat training activities, thus all attempts by the west to inflict
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a strategic defeat on us are futile. sergei shaigu did not rule out that the united states and its allies will try to drive a wedge between members of the sco and by creating hotbeds of tension at the borders and through so -called imports. regional associations, primarily the csto and the cis, as well as friendly countries. following the meeting, a package of documents on expanding cooperation was signed. sergei shaigu also held several bilateral meetings; as a result of negotiations with his colleague from kyrgyzstan , agreements were concluded on the exchange of information on
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cooperation in the field of radiation and biological safety. separate meeting with the minister of defense of the chinese people's republic. using their example, russia and china demonstrate a new model of interstate relations.
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a dozen cars with svo symbols. during the searches, firearms, ammunition and an improvised explosive device were seized. the eac is noticeably ahead of the european union in terms of gdp growth, despite all western sanctions. mikhail mishustin announced this today at a strategic session in the government. the prime minister noted that integration is taking place not only within the framework of the eurasian economic union. russia is strengthening ties in the allied format states with belarus in the cis. anna kurbatova - russia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and armenia united, creating the eurasian economic union. and at the time of its creation, of course, few could imagine what challenges they would have to face and what role this association would play in the global world agenda, and
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this is the agenda. now the conditions for participation in trade are becoming increasingly strict, and pressure is increasing on countries in the global south that do not agree with the attempts. collective west, maintain claims to dominance in the global economy, we consider the effective response to such risks to be unification into interstate organizations and the formation of independent and relatively autonomous macro-regions, it is regional integration that replaces globalization, the eac has established itself as the fruit of stability in extraordinary geopolitical conditions, all the economies of the eurasian union are based on the results.
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the collective west did not happen, but the following happened: russia entered the top five
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largest economies in the world, largely thanks to successful integration in the eurasian space. and this is another important topic that was discussed today at the strategic session in the government. speaking about the economic successes of our country, it is important to understand this. our integration is very much tied to humanitarian cooperation, to the space of the russian language, to the space of a common understanding of history, to the space of one and the same. approaches to education, including here recently, well, russia has significantly added russian language programs to central asia programs the construction of schools under programs for opening university branches is what forms the long-term basis for this economic integration. cooperation within the eec is developing at a high pace, and interest in the eurasian union is also growing on the part of countries that are not members of it. an agreement on a free trade zone with iran was signed.
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as for nato, this organization, of course, does not strive for peace, on the contrary, it provokes destabilization and creates a security deficit, but our intention is the desire for peace. bolivia hopes to become in part, brix has already secured support for its entry into the organization. the terrorist attack on the nord streams posed a direct threat to peace and security, vasily nebenze said at the un and russian security meetings. according to him, in addition to the multi-billion dollar damage,
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a number of countries led by the united states are hiding their ends in water. if we do not do this, we will find ourselves in a world without rules of law, in which the next victims of a terrorist attack against critical transnational pipeline infrastructure carried out by the apalagetes of the order based on rules, any other state can become. meanwhile, in america itself , the number of detained students opposing israel’s military operation in the sector is growing every day. gas, yesterday they were taking away dozens of gas at the station, today it’s already hundreds. the american police act
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tough, for example, these shots were taken at the university of southern california. there are at least 90 detainees in los angeles alone. they turn everyone indiscriminately, as, for example, at the university of texas. there, cameramen from a local tv channel were thrown to the ground. moreover, in the end still arrested. they are also detaining... and the peculiar diplomacy of american secretary of state antony blinken. during his visit to china, meeting with chinese president xidingping, the parties agreed to maintain diplomatic interaction at a high level. and in an interview with npr in beijing, blinken admitted that china is not supplying russia with weapons for use in ukraine. and at the meeting with
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the president of the people's republic of china, blinken was extremely friendly and did not say anything that could be harmful. for 45 years, chinese-american the relationship has had its ups and downs. both countries should be partners, not rivals. they should seek common ground while maintaining differences rather than vicious competition. you should keep your word, and not say one thing while doing another. but then, as in the classics, ostap suffered. as soon as the meeting ended, the american secretary of state came out alone to reporters, his rhetoric changed. he said that china, the number one supplier of critical components that russia uses for the military-industrial complex, again began to threaten sanctions. in meetings with nato allies and our g7 partners last week, i heard the same message: china's fueling of the russian defense industrial complex threatens the security of not only ukraine, but also europe. china should
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curtail these activities. the united states has already imposed sanctions against hundreds of chinese entities. we are determined to decide. two big events at once dedicated to the half-century anniversary of the start of construction of the baikal amur mainline. new ones were laid near vladivostok branches of the tunnel, which will seriously change the capacity of the trans-siberian railway and increase the turnover of the vostochny port, which is called the main trade gate in the region. and in the khabarovsk territory , the railway track near the port of vanina is ready for operation. three bridges have been built here and freight traffic has increased by one and a half times. interesting and engineer. solution of objects in cross-section in the shape of an egg and a river packed in pipes so that the spill does not interfere with movement, and the opening ceremony in the report by dmitry tolmachev. teleconference with a length of over 9.00 km in transip connecting the railway the tunnel on the shkotovo-smolyaninovo section in the sub-ladevostok region is managed by the stands of russian railways at vdnkh in moscow. i allow you to make a glitch.
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attention, start troubleshooting. there is a problem to start. this new tunnel, or rather there are two of them parallel to each other, is awaited not only by railway workers, the cargo turnover of the russian port of the eastern gulf of nakhodka is carried out along this line, it is called the main gateway in trade with the countries of the asia-pacific region, now this flow of cargo is limited only by the capacity of the railways. due to difficulties relief, trains in this place are forced to overcome a serious hill, which of course slows down the movement, you have to stop, line up in order to get up, the locomotives need... the help of special tugs, pushers, the construction of a tunnel significantly simplifies the route, of all other options for solving the problem there is no more than one came up, the terrain features a lot of water, which is called weak soil, and the tunnel of an unusual cross-section in the shape of an egg is more reliable, the service life of a capital repair is according to the builders' data will be at least 100 years old, all modern technologies that are used in railway construction,
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moscow metro construction are used at this facility, including an automatic tunnel space control system, which... monitors all stages of the life cycle of this facility during the operation phase. only 3 years have passed since the start of work, which is considered a short time frame for the construction of such a facility. we can say that the most difficult stage of one tunnel is over, we expect to see the same stage in the second tunnel at the end of may, and we will be busy with the construction of the tunnels. according to our plans, we will launch the first train here at the end of the year, with delivery of the facilities in june 2025. the tight deadlines are being implemented today. and the entire megaproject to modernize and expand the throughput capabilities of bam and transib under the general name eastern polygon. we understand that the economies of the asian-pacific countries are growing, and these countries, friendly countries, want to trade with us. we have competencies in the country, we have what our partners need,
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in return we also receive a certain volume of production. one single path, only 11 km, but an incredible amount of work to smooth out the relief, half a million cubic meters of earth were removed, three bridges were built, and two more rivers on the way now flow through concrete pipes. but on the other hand, cargo traffic in this section immediately increases by one and a half times. the port of vanina is not the end point of bam, the railway continues a little longer, but it is here that the land route for millions of tons of cargo
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transported from west to east ends. this, for example, the largest coal terminal in the khabarovsk territory, coal is brought here by train and then loaded onto ships nearby. for the dal company, transcoal is like the beginning of a new era and is now one of the city-forming enterprises, the largest taxpayer in the area. the effect is the railway, these are our main related enterprises with which we interact, but these are taxes, these are deductions, this is the development of the industry, and the development of the industry is great prospects for the country. in general, the entire vostochny project the testing ground is a breakthrough for hundreds of russian enterprises located or just being created on the route of bam and transib. now you can. the first stage of work is considered completed ; the second stage is in full swing; the third stage has already begun; it is expected that by 2032 the volume of freight traffic on our largest railways will almost
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triple. dmitry tolmachev, nikolay muloshenko, andrey nekhoroshev, nina khoreva, alexander gornostaev, channel one. and about another major transport project. russia, china, kazakhstan today began to build a new logistics center in the moscow region near the village of selyatina, not far from narova, minsk.
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from the moment a patient is admitted, say, with bleeding, to being taken to the operating room is less than a minute, and this is not fantasy, now the norm for providing emergency care in the capital, well, you can see for yourself, everything shines, everything is beautiful, and it’s not just appearance. in fact, everything is functional and of high quality, look at the equipment at what it costs, it is also of a high level and quality. a new type of emergency room with the patient at the center of attention. all diagnostics are at the fingertips of a specialist, examination and treatment algorithms are worked out to the point of automaticity, all this time, which means lives saved. and according to sergei sobyanin, the main task is to introduce a single standard of emergency care in all moscow clinics. in moscow, there are about a million hospital admissions per year. emergency patients - this is a huge volume, and the life and health of a large number of muscovites largely depend on the work of the emergency room, we are building
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new buildings, reconstructing and modernizing existing ones, so that until the end in the past year, the majority, the vast majority of moscow clinics have switched to new standards; here alone , more than a hundred patients will be admitted daily to clinical city hospital no. 24, not only by ambulance, but also by gravity. this means new logistics, new diagnostic equipment, new operating rooms, and, most importantly, fast and high-quality care for patients. many thanks to the teams of doctors and nurses who supported the initiative, participated in the development of this standard and are actively implementing it today. another innovation - diagnostic wards for those who need to undergo additional examination, for example, tomography with contrast study. nationality and comfort in one space, on one floor. the quality of medical care due to the speed of diagnosis, due to the speed of prescribing some medical
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procedures. it will certainly increase; a high standard of emergency care was immediately set in four flagship centers located on the territory of the clinical hospitals named after filatov, bodkin, verisaev, as well as the sklefosovsky research institute. ambulance care is provided here in a full cycle in a short time. i felt unwell, i had a pain in the chest area, in the area of ​​​​the heart, i came here, got there right away, i liked everything, very quickly, very cool, the phrase golden hour in these conditions is already. probably less relevant, there are already golden minutes here, probably, most likely, because a patient who is admitted, for example, with a stroke, the time from this patient’s admission to the flagship center to the operating table is, i don’t know there 15-20 minutes, these are the best indicators in the world, for example, in the usa the principle of one patient, one doctor complicates the process, lengthening the appointment, and the famous shirite clinic in germany is able to
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accept. about 60 patients per day, the capacity of the same sklif is at least three times greater, we have already received a large number of patients, for example, yesterday we had more than 200 people admitted to this building, and such a very serious load, everything is calculated in this way, so that logistics are most convenient for providing assistance patients. the modernization will also affect children's clinics; new emergency departments for emergency trauma surgery have already opened today at the fillatov hospital. the head of the international news agency of russia, today celebrates the milestone anniversary: ​​dmitry kiselyov is 70. he broke the templates of old television, set the standards of the new, a separate chapter biography work in ukraine, illusions, hopes, disappointments, and, as always, deep analysis, accurate assessments and the ability to see beyond trend details.
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our correspondent met with the birthday boy yuri. preparing for a live broadcast is a kind of ritual, a way to tune in, which is always individual, you not only need to arrange the text in your head, you also need to mentally catch the desired rhythm and tempo with which you will pronounce it. dmitry kiselyov writes a text in an office where it is twilight, there is tea with lemon on the table and you can stretch your legs under the table. that's it, we're ready. the final adjustment to the required degree of concentration was a walking route along several floors of the vgtrk building to the on-air studio.
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of course we all came out of chenille, like they say programs are time, because program time has become such an absolute base. dmitry kiselev in the editorial office, chief specialist on scandinavia, the benelux countries , the education received at leningrad university, faculty of philology, department of scandinavian philology, norwegian, swedish, danish, icelandic, english, french, for him, as a journalist, are working languages, then kiselyov becomes the host of the window to europe program, created with grants from the european commission,
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that my mother’s maiden name is not tasty, then i have ukrainian blood flowing in my veins. and russian and ukrainian blood flows into the homes of many millions of people separated by state borders after the collapse. russian-ukrainian projects at the beginning of the 2000s began to collapse after the maidan of 2004 and
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finally stopped after the maidan of 2014. in the interval, ukrainians were pumped up with radical nationalism, national heroes, fascist collaborators were proclaimed, the country was deliberately led to disaster. we will be capable. to heal this tragic split, but only by cutting out the ukrainian nationalism, ukrainian nationalism is a terrible story, it has always been painful and destructive, so i think that this denazification will have to be carried out, but it will have to, the media space is also a kind of battlefield, the information one on it is definitely one of the commanders, he is the general director of the russia media group today, who... managing such a structure and conducting a weekly analytical program is a big challenge, a big expenditure of energy. what
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is causing more drive now? do you have a feeling of drive? well, you're asking a very tricky question, because there is no answer to it, because if i say that it’s a week, the agency will be offended, if i say that it’s an agency, it will be offended. the environment is completely blazing and where you yourself must also blaze and maintain this general temperature. he glows and supports, constantly repeating, i am not on my own, i am part of the team. a symbolic episode during
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the presentation of the statuette as the best presenter of an information program. at the same time, our program is made by brilliant reporters, correspondents are people of such great caliber, that's all. thank you, thank you, on his seventieth birthday, members of dmitry kiselev’s team and his friends promised to give him jazz, piano jazz, as a reminder that after the end of the svo, jazz festivals must certainly be resumed in kaktebel. yuri lepatov, elena shtokolova, dmitry vishnevo and sergey klishin, channel one. today the victory dictation took place, truly a national educational project, everyone could check it out. knowledge about the history of the great patriotic war. for this there was more than 27 thousand sites have been organized in russia and abroad. this year, the assignments were dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the complete lifting of the siege of leningrad and the anniversaries of front-line writers. the dictation of victory has become part of
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the culture of celebrating the day of the great victory, along with such wonderful traditions as the st. george ribbon. and even an immortal regiment. the victory dictation is not only an educational, but also a large-scale civic event - one of the ways to emphasize the connection and involvement in the fate of our country. the feat of leningrad is discussed at the exhibition in nizhny novgorod, which is called: “i’m talking to you from leningrad.” household items, the famous lorry, interactive installations, the famous diary of tanya savicheva, and other unique documents that preserved on their pages grief , pain, courage and bravery, love and thirst for life of those who lived during the siege, and whose testimonies
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will remain in the memory of the people forever . furniture that was used to heat stoves, sleds at some point, the only transport left in the city, everything here is a reflection of the terrible, blockade time, one of the passages to... the exhibition dimensions completely replicate the legendary semi-truck, about 2 m wide, there is a wooden floor on the floor just like in the back and 12-15 people could fit here, and in these vehicles they were evacuated across the ladyshsky ice. lake, 5,500 children were brought to the gorky region alone, at the exhibition you can listen, for example, to the memories of the drivers, those same semi-trocs. the lake was slightly frozen, there were ice holes, there were shelling and bombing by german aircraft. all this, risking their lives, was raised from the bottom of the lake only in the first 2 years of the war. 276 cars, but at the same time how many were saved, look, the world is at war, these are the quilted jackets, since the evacuation took place in winter along the road of life. under the bombings in famine, we already
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ate the glue, we had jelly, very good jelly with mustard, good from carpenter’s glue, the exhibition i’m talking to you from leningrad, was created by the russian museum, together with the nizhny novgorod museum and in everything it is completely unique, it doesn’t look like to what took place in st. petersburg to... last entry, everyone died, only tanya remained, she was evacuated to the gorky region, a small phone book in which tanya kept all her notes, you can’t even open it, on the sides there are sheets with digital copies, behind the glass there is a certain temperature. the green humidity will stay, this diary is here for only a month, it’s also impossible longer, here
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are another unique documents, these are letters in which my brother was looking for tanya, one of the answers from the orphanage, there are no documents in her retirement, but according to the technical technician maria efimovna zakharova , who took her to the district hospital, said that she was savicheva t died, they kept her in the hospital, but she doesn’t remember what date or year, weakened with tynga and tuberculosis, she died in 1944, her older brother was at the beginning of the war
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. i’m from leningrad, it’s written in my passport, i was born in leningrad, grandmother, grandfather survived the blockade, the stories of the blockade, it ’s enough to spend one minute here to be transported to this state where you get goosebumps. most of the works presented were created right during the blockade, sketches of children in an orphanage; the artist alexey pokhomov did not leave the city. always and i carried a pencil and paper with me everywhere, in general
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the project is designed for whole families to come to the nizhny novgorod manege, here, for example, there is a children's corner, master classes will be held here, the exhibition will last until august 4. lyubov filipova, roman serebrennikov, khristina ivanova, alexander kovalev, channel one, nizhny novgorod. the russian team won five gold and five silver medals at the international mendeleev olympiad for schoolchildren in chemistry, which ended in china. takes the award of the highest standard with you. aspiring chemists from moscow, tatarstan, bashkiria and altai territory. as noted by the rector of moscow university , viktor sadovnichy, our team has once again confirmed its right to be considered one of the best in the world. in the year of the 190th century since the birth of dmitry mendeleev. this speaks of the power of the domestic scientific school and the continuity of generations. the chinese team also performed well at the olympics. the national teams of bulgaria, kazakhstan and vietnam showed good results. and at the exhibition. in russia at odnkh the knowledge game championship,
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which took place in the what-where-when format, ended today. more than 50 thousand students from 240 universities participated. the team from st. petersburg state electrotechnical university won the final. the top ten included representatives of the nizhny novgorod, vladimir and kaliningrad regions of tatarstan and moscow. many participants note that when asked what the tournament gave them, it was just skills.
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