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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  April 27, 2024 6:00pm-6:41pm MSK

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on the contrary, russia is a supporter of strengthening the position of the world majority and the developing world, in principle, therefore we are interested in strengthening africa, in the economic strengthening of africa, in the political strengthening of africa, and this is a very big contribution to the formation of the world majority, precisely the very non-western world that much more than the western minority. well, now we give the floor to the news, all the best, goodbye and heartily congratulations on... the upcoming holidays. hello, the evening news is on air in studio ekaterina berezovskaya. here are the main topics. key indicators are above forecasts. how is the russian economy doing? the most important data at the meeting.
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the president announced, we will tell you the details: 35 group strikes, including hypersonic dagger missiles, the results of the combat work of our military during the week of the ministry of defense, over 800 militants were destroyed. the first most important step on the path to independence from kiev. 10 years ago, the lugansk people's republic declared its sovereignty. boiling point, forever on earth, i'm a professor, oh my god, oh my god, usa mass student protests, a call to stop the war in the gas sector, the police are acting very harshly, the long-awaited may, what weather awaits us for the long weekend and where to go, a guide to the most striking events in different cities of the country in our report. for outstanding contribution to the development
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of theatrical art in the bolshoi theater , a special golden mask award, who are among the laureates? long-term plans and specific indicators on which the prosperity of a large country depends. vladimir putin today held meeting on economic issues. the head of state came out from his residence in but... the main result, the key data turned out to be higher than predicted. russia's gdp increased by 6% in annual terms. the head of state set the task of occupying his own market, displacing imports, but not through administrative actions, but through fair market competition. learn more about everything anton vernitsky. before the presidential inauguration, which will take place on may 7, which means the government’s resignation is required by law, this is happening immediately after the president's words are spoken. there are only 11 days left of the oath,
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but at the meeting today the results were not summed up, they were talking about long-term prospects, at least until 2030. as for the current economic indicators, as the president put it, they have a positive impact on the federal budget. revenues significantly exceed last year's levels; in the first quarter, non-oil and gas revenues increased by 43%. in general , federal budget revenues. in 3 months increased by more than one and a half times, compared with last year, well, this means that our other indicators, including the deficit, are becoming smaller, and in this regard we can confidently say that a solid base is being formed for the growth of budget revenues over the entire six-year horizon. so far, economic data from the beginning of this year are higher than the forecasts of both the government and experts. russia's gdp increased by 6% in annual terms.
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at the same time, the country’s entire industrial production grew by 4.6% in january, and already in february it doubled again, and as the president put it, which is especially pleasing, this is not the first month production in manufacturing industries is growing very quickly, in january +7.5%, in february already +13.5. against this background , inflation is gradually slowing down, as well as, what is especially important, inflation expectations, including the expectations of citizens.
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it is necessary to support investors in every possible way and open new production facilities, including high-tech ones; in other words, create competition for foreign suppliers, that is, we need to develop and occupy our own. own market, displace imports, displace not due to administrative actions of resources, but due to fair market competition. it is precisely this expansion of our own production, the development of the internal national market, that we call the economy of supply. specific steps for this were outlined in the president's message to the federal assembly; they are precisely designed for the next 6 years and should ensure those same structural changes in our economy.
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a week, the armed forces carried out 35 group strikes with high-precision, long -range, sea-based airborne weapons, as well as aerballistic hypersonic dagger missiles, as well as drones. just today, explosions were heard in the dnepropetrovsk, kharkov, lvov, ivanofrankivsk, zhytomyr, khmelnytsky and nikolaev regions. according to the national defense ministry, since last saturday , ukrainian energy industry facilities, military-industrial complex and railway infrastructure enterprises, air defense systems, and fuel depots have been hit. workshops for the production and repair of unmanned boats and drones. these strikes are a response to the attempts of the kiev regime to damage russian energy and industrial facilities. more ours units liberated two settlements: novomikhailovka and bogdanovka in the dpr. about 100 counterattacks were repelled. the enemy lost a lot of weapons, including
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nato, and over 800 militants. missile forces, artillery and unmanned aerial vehicles, groupings of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation. a mig-29 aircraft, the ukrainian air force, and eight combat vehicles of the multiple launch rocket systems, vampire and grad, were destroyed at the home airfield. launcher with control center and radar anti-aircraft missile system s-300 ps. two combat vehicles of the holk and asa akm anti-aircraft missile systems, as well as two pelican and p-18 radio stations. aviation means of air defense. in a week , mik-29 and su-25 aircraft of the ukrainian air force, 18 guided aerial bombs, and a hammer made in france were shot down. and our fighters now have a new trophy, made in the usa. expensive, it seems reliable, but it’s not. the american
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mine clearance machine is now completely at our disposal, which means we have the opportunity to find out where its weak points are. report by evgeny lyamin. this is a so-called clearing vehicle based on... the american abrams tank's armament, it only has a machine gun, but the main task is different, this is mine clearance, there is a large anti-mine plow in front, linear charges on the sides, its task is to move first and break through the road. this machine has a dozer blade with a mine plow, they are interchangeable depending on the task, both are made in the uk. optics, video surveillance systems, here is italian, american armor, dynamic protection, components and units, all this is now being studied by our specialists. she also has it. a box in which a reactive charge is located, to which a hundred-meter sleeve c4 is attached, the jet engine, taking off at a distance of 100 m, drags a sleeve c4 50 long and 100 m long. after landing
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, an explosion occurs 8 m wide, 100 m long. at the back of the car there is there’s a special system with these pegs, it’s on both sides. okolskis are necessary to indicate a cleared area, they shoot and stick into the ground, then infantry fighting vehicles, tanks, infantry, transfer of these armored vehicles, as they said in ukrainian. zelensky published, the equipment stands as decoration behind him during a speech last fall, after the failed so-called counteroffensive, it was important to show that help from the united states came and not some assault vehicles based on the abrams tank, expensive and rich, it is very seriously protected, it was lost in afghanistan. uh, the cost of this machine is 4 million dollars, but essentially it all ended after the first arrival of our
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fpv drone, which cost only a few tens of thousands of rubles. the savvy operator of the center group of troops blinded the crew with a precise blow, destroying the italian optics. the car drove into a minefield and blew itself up. the crew abandoned the equipment and fled. the outcome could have been completely different if there had been a charge at the top, inside the remote mining missile launcher, and if the drone had pierced the box itself. the weakest point. there is 750 kg of tnt equivalent of c4 explosive, if our drone gets there, this machine will explode. the car was developed at the beginning of 200, entered the weapons in the us army in 2009, protection against fprons is not provided. the lid of the top box is as lightweight as possible, possibly in order to reduce weight. so, over 70 tons. for the desert, where sand is like asphalt, dombassa often gets stuck in the ground. not for this area, our officers say. vitya... her fighters of the rimbata group of troops-center with two armored repair and recovery vehicles at once. thanks
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to the fact that this car fell into our hands. we studied the features and weaknesses of this particular vehicle, as well as all tanks in the family in general. abrams. as reported yesterday, the associated press, citing the american military of the armed forces of ukraine, withdrew the remaining abrams tanks to the rear due to the threat of defeat and will, together with the united states , try to develop new tactics for their use. our drones are fermenting. destroy american tanks, neither armor nor a multi-layered electronic warfare system can save them. evgeniy lyamin, dmitry kachurin, nikita sebastyanov, larisa nikitina, izgorbamberdiev, channel one, donbass. an important date is celebrated today in the lugansk people's republic. 10 years ago she said about your sovereignty. this was the first very important step towards independence from kiev. then it will pass in may. a referendum where the majority will vote in favor. despite years of barbaric shelling by the ukrainian armed forces, residents
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do not give up, reporting by alexey kruchinin. sovetskaya central street of lugansk. now there is busy traffic, fresh asphalt, pedestrian crossings, traffic lights, but exactly 10 years ago it was impossible to get through. the barricades began here, and in the square opposite there was a tent camp for the defenders of the nascent republic. the rallies took place every day, but this one was especially memorable. today.
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then he said the following phrase: well, you are good guys, it’s a pity, i won’t see you again, rest in peace or something like that,
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it sounded, it became clear that the negotiations were over and a difficult fight with kiev was ahead. in the most menacing moments, when the militia learned about the impending assault, the rector of the church, father pavel, climbed the bell tower. this is the same way you got up 10 years ago, yes, yes, yes, yes, only faster, there was a request from there, father pavel, ring, now the bell is calling for... to betray not my faith, nor my father, nor anyone, this is what led me to stand, after april 27, supporters of secession from ukraine could no longer be stopped, events developed rapidly, 2 days after the proclamation of the republic on april 29 at exactly 2 o’clock the protesters gathered at the sbu building and almost immediately headed here to
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the regional state administration, an hour later the assault began, our film crew was working at that time, well, about here, the march to the lugansk administration. without the stones that came to support them. later there were difficult 8 years, when kiev , now people without sticks, without batons in their hands, shelled the lugansk cities, disrupted the minsk agreements, and ultimately again gathered troops at the lpr border. russia came to the defense. unity of thoughts, unity of goals helped us survive.
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in the republic , the infrastructure that fell into disrepair under ukraine is being updated everywhere, roads and communications are being repaired, the mining and metallurgical industries are being revived, and production is reviving. medicine, which had objective difficulties here, is also improving all-russian level. recently, a republican vascular center with the latest equipment opened in lugansk. today we have the opportunity to fully provide medical care to patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction.
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lugansk people's republic. the entire country continues to help residents of donbass. the next 125th humanitarian convoy departed today for our new regions. communist party activists collected all the essentials. the boxes contain food, medicine, equipment, and camouflage gear will also be sent to the front line. networks and uniforms. the trucks left the territory of the lenin state farm. they will arrive at their destination by may 9. this humanitarian mission.
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now there’s advertising, we’ll be back in a few minutes, don’t switch, here and there,
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excitement and bustle, why, i don’t know, but i’m used to paying alone, i’m so used to paying alone. these are the finalists of the twelfth season of the voice project, among them, of course, there is a winner, voice, final, live broadcast, today on the first, with fabulous ease , a provincial resort turned into the capital of world cinema, mr. wenders, why are you you repeat yourself, but i don’t repeat myself.
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thank you for being here. matador, today on the first. this is a festival where there are films for everyone, this is cannes. i am a good, kind person, i know this, but the reflection does not make me happy. beautiful snub nose, scattered eyebrows. you covered everything here, and we even have a waist there, here it is. you need to learn to praise yourself.
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low season, tomorrow is the first one, there is still an opportunity to make a choice, i have already
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chosen everything for myself, the operational map of the minefields is ready, the main stage of preparation for the offensive completed, we can begin, no one will cancel the order to attack, and my two divisions across the fields will blindly follow their own mines, are you for this key? and the map was answered by osiev, there are not just arrows and numbers on it, there are people on it, call for reinforcements, there should have been a door here, they laid hackwork in one brick, well, the most striking forces went on the offensive, this is shulzhenko, how i would like get to her concert, according to the laws of war... new episodes from may 1 on the first, light, well, you can just go blind, but i
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i immediately saw the blind man, this is the evening news and we continue, in moscow, today we have chosen a preventive measure for another person involved in the case of a terrorist attack in the sitikhule village, this is a citizen of tajikistan. as the investigation established, he provided the terrorists with means of communication and money to pay bills. by decision of the basmanny court, the man was detained until may 22. earlier , 11 people were arrested in connection with the terrorist attack, including four direct perpetrators. let me remind you that they were caught in the bryansk region, near the border with ukraine. the rest of the defendants are accomplices. who sold the car, who rented out the apartment? 145 people died in the crocus tragedy. more than 500 were injured. now let's move to the usa, where the situation with protests in the main universities of the country has reached the boiling point: california, massachusetts, texas, georgia, the situation is truly
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explosive. young people and many teachers are demanding to stop the war in the gas sector. rallies both in defense of palestine and for israel. the police are acting very harshly, they are twisting women, and with all their force. this is where the vaunted one asks freedom of speech? a report from our subcorrespondent georgiy alisashvili from the usa. pro-palestinian withdrawal demonstrations at the new york institute of fashion and technology have not stopped since the evening before yesterday. a small tent has already been pitched here.
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the university administration gave the students an ultimatum to remove the tent city on friday, but the protesters did not obey; the police, after the massive ones, when the count was dozens of arrests, moved on to targeted isolation of the most active ones. a wave of student unrest hit the country's main universities in california, massachusetts, texas, but the hottest spot right now is in georgia. go away, go away. in atlanta, police opened fire on demonstrators with rubber bullets, and among
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those arrested were leaders. the university is private, which means it is not covered by the first amendment to the american constitution, which protects freedom of speech from government censorship. in new york, the senate of columbia university , a body that includes students and teachers, has launched investigations into the leadership for that it's in full swing the protests caused the cops, that is, it went against freedom of speech. not only are the protests no longer peaceful, but columbia university, which is actively pursuing
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government grants, is putting them at risk... republicans in the house of representatives are pushing forward legislation against anti-semitism. the house of representatives is studying the situation in some universities; if they cannot solve this problem, then they will be left without federal funding. if the law is passed, all rallies where anti-zionist slogans are heard will be banned, although it is possible that the real reason for the student riots is only tangentially affecting the middle east conflict. the new york post found that pro-palestinian protests across america were organized by structures close to billionaire george soros. representatives of three public organizations set up a tent city on the lawn of columbia university last wednesday. students sleep in centrally purchased tents and eat pizza, coffee, sandwiches, chips, and grilled chicken. all this is delivered to them free of charge. a new york post analysis shows that all three organizations received money from companies associated with george soros. soros is a well-known sponsor of color revolutions
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around the world. also dem party wallet. before the last presidential election, democrats actively invested in radical lebanese, antifa and blm. the latter, by the way, have already been seen at pro-palestinian rallies. 4 years ago, protests named after george floyd, which in many ways led to the fall of trump, also suddenly began in late spring. then the slogan trump the racist deprived him of neutral votes voters. and now, if anything happens, the palestinian card is at hand. trump, after all, as president, bypassing the un, recognized jerusalem as the capital of israel, and...
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testing, in the moscow region the airliner will be prepared for flight certification tests, the key systems of the aircraft, including avionics, landing gear, and power supply of domestic production. for... tomorrow and the day after tomorrow in the capital region it is still cloudy, perhaps even a thunderstorm, but the temperature is quite comfortable up to 16° celsius, then more, on tuesday wednesday they promise about plus... sun, an excellent reason to plan outdoor recreation with family or friends. in the meantime, weather forecasters say, the atlantic cyclone rules moscow, and it brought rain to the city. in some areas, the volume of precipitation exceeded 2/3 of the norm for the month.
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cars practically floated through the streets up to their hoods in water. well, a long weekend is an opportunity to get to know our huge and most beautiful country better. it's like the cities are competing to see where i am. more creative, more interesting. in kislovodsk, 2000 tulips are waiting for you. in yamal - reindeer sled racing, in nizhny novgorod - immersion in the world media arts. if you are going to yekaterinburg, and there is a festival of fairy tales, to kaliningrad, then quickly sign up for unique excursions to medieval castles. and this, of course, is not all. our correspondent lyubov filipova has the best guide to the may holidays. brightly aromatic caucasian mineral waters are preparing for a flower festival from the national park to city alleys. the flowering season begins here, which tourists come to admire from all over the country. the festival will feature flower theaters
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and works of artists collected from plants. the transformation of kislovodsk into a flower garden is already happening, flowers will be planted starting from the very entrance to the city, here, for example, smelly eyes will appear, i hope that. i help more than hinder, you feel like a little magician, for a minute, for a moment , a person, looking at our flowers, can smile and give a smile to another person. it seems that the concentration of smiles here will be off the charts during the may holidays, when the festival starts. more than 200,000 tulips alone were planted in kislovodsk, and about 40,000 more in the famous pyatigorsk flower garden, i hope i’m not interfering with taking photos , excuse me, my hands are also reaching for the phone, because the beauty is incredible, a real celebration of color. and the festival of light in nizhny novgorod, here in the evenings the intervals media art festival takes place, installations fit into the urban environment, for example, a high light structure, repeats birch trees in a grove, enchants, you want to stand and admire, also projections on
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the facades of historical buildings , laser shows and holograms of more than twenty works by media artists from russia, korea, spain, france, turkey, azerbaijan, almost all tickets from moscow to nizhny novgorod have been sold out for the festival dates. trains, planes, hotels are all full, people have to rent some apartments somewhere on the outskirts of the city in order to make it on time, we expect this year, it seems to me, at least 200,000 visitors, about fifty people worked at this location alone, here now the lighting designers are adjusting the devices, and there the specialists are aligning the lasers, measuring every centimeter of everything manually and so that these long rays ultimately form a perfectly level dome, the name of the exhibition is light in the history of visitors. festivals will be able to learn about the worship of light in ancient egypt, about working with light in christian temples and mosques, as well as about the manifestation of light in buddhism. the festival will last until may 1, the spring holidays await guests and tula, local
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residents insist that if you want to see what life is like in a modern city, the first thing you should do is visit the octave cluster in the city center. a creative space where creative people create exhibitions, record their music tracks, someone makes a movie, someone... plays in plays, someone reads books, a festival of creative industries was recently held here, several more big events are on the way, but without them there is somewhere to look, for example, at the multimedia museum of the machine tool, here you can not only look, touch, the smells of the railway and chemicals factories, for exclusive excursions to the kaliningrad region, this is the only region of russia where there are medieval castles, this one was built by the knights of the tepton order. tepiao castle. unique regional bas-reliefs have been preserved xiv century, and of course, i’m not afraid of this word, a very rare collection of edged weapons. it would seem that the history of the middle ages, but even here someone is visited by nostalgia. as
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a child, i was a crazy fan of medieval warriors and knights. i even forged this kind of armor, already in the fifth grade, i supplied the whole street with weapons, swords, then we fought a bunch of times. fairy tales are being brought back into the hearts of adults in yekaterinburg at the decorosa festival of fairy tales and legends. here you can dance in circles, have pillow fights, or, for example, try your hand at handicraft skills. in childhood and... soboleva, larisa nikitina, channel one. serving art, their whole life. scene: home. at the bolshoi theater today
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they awarded those who have been giving us their talent for many years in a variety of fields: theater, ballet, music, the festival’s special golden mask award has been awarded for the thirtieth time. our correspondent, kristina levieva, will tell you who are among the laureates. here is her report. this is the first event updated with the golden mask. the new president of the festival prize, vladimir mashkov, arrived at the beethoven hall of the bolshoi theater earlier then others. today is the thirtieth anniversary.
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in it, i imagined how i would come out, what
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i would say, who i would see here, how warm i would be here, thank you very much. semyon spevak has been heading the youth theater on the fontanka for 35 years, his most successful performance, screams from odessa, has been selling out on this stage since 1998, the director is simply confident that the secret of such long-term success with the audience. you know, my favorite is the book by italian director george streller. he called it wonderful, theater for people, not for critics, not for festivals, this is our dube. the operetta artist galina petrova, who shone for many years in the role of nenon, the violet of mont martra, also shared her main rule. you have to play it in such a way that they don’t... remember your eyes.
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the star of the vakhtangov stage, lyudmila maksakova, the actress of the sverdlovsk drama theater tamara zemina, the teacher and artist of the bolshoi ballet vyacheslav gordeev and the actress of the kemerovo drama theater lidiya tsukanova also received honorary masks today. and very soon the main awarding of the golden mask laureates will take place based on the results of the past theater season. all details of this ceremony are kept secret for now. kristina levieva, pavel likholetov, vyacheslav cherev. with a minimum number of dangerous moments,
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the only thing that can be noted for the army team is their entry into the goal and an inaccurate shot from...


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