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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 28, 2024 4:20am-5:06am MSK

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it was no longer possible to stop, events developed rapidly, 2 days after the proclamation of the republic on april 29, at exactly 2 o’clock, protesters gathered at the sbu building and almost immediately headed here to the regional state administration, an hour later the assault began, our film crew was working at that time, well, about here , the campaign to the administration of the lugansk region ends with the seizure of the building, self-militia fighters break the windows and go inside, apparently, people without sticks will now follow their example. without
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clubs in hands, without stones that came to support them, the regional state administration was also taken bloodlessly, with only a couple of broken glasses and broken doors. on may 11, a referendum on self-determination was held, and on the 12th the republic was officially proclaimed. later there were difficult 8 years, when kiev shelled the luhansk cities, disrupted the minsk agreements, and ultimately again gathered troops near the lpr border. russia came to the defense. the unity that united us all, the unity of thoughts. unity of goals helped us survive in general to achieve our ultimate goal, the one that was implemented in a referendum in september 2022 and in october 2022, we returned to our homeland, we have already officially become part of russia, although we all understand perfectly well that in our hearts, in general, we have never been different, we have always been.
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course the best product 2024. now lugansk ice cream is sold throughout russia, and workers have a stable workload. previously, we worked for several months during the season, but in the winter we didn’t need people, so we were forced to switch to a reduced work schedule. people had several exits per week, then now people are busy all 365 times. medicine, with which there were objective difficulties here, is also being brought up to the all-russian level. the other day in lugansk.
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today we have the opportunity to fully provide medical care to patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction or acute cerebrovascular accident; we, like other territories of the russian federation, today participate in almost all federal programs of the ministry of health that are available on the territory of the russian federation. the republic still has a lot ahead path. many cities were heavily damaged during the fighting, and the northwestern regions of the lpr are still under fire. ukrainian nationalists, but it is becoming more and more noticeable how peaceful life in the liberated territories is taking its toll with might and main, and confidence in the future forever within russia cannot be taken away from the lugansk residents. alexey kruchanin, roman khrolenko, ruslan mishcherikov, irina bliznyuk, first channel lugansk people's republic. historical oblivion, betrayal of our common ideals and heroes, something that the residents of donbass did not agree with, and what they continue to create authorities in ukraine with particular cynicism and frenzy, a new act of political vandalism. in the regional center
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, a monument to the liberating soldiers who died during the great patriotic war, a soldier, a partisan and a girl, was demolished, barbaric sculptures were thrown off the paste, a high relief was torn from the wall, all this will be sold for scrap metal, and the money will be used to purchase drones for the armed forces of ukraine. but fortunately for the world, not everyone’s historical memory has been lost; the meeting on the elbe, as in the distant forty-fifth, took place today, they came to the famous bridge people for whom... the feat of the soviet army, the soviet people cannot be erased from memory, there was the katyusha song, and there were flags, russian, soviet, american and memories, tears, and the excellent russian language, here, in the very place where once russian americans shook hands with each other, having already defeated nazism together, and there it becomes very clear that the people and the official position of the western authorities are very often not the same thing, ivan blagoy confirms:
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the german martin kremer plays the trumpet, by the way , doctor of historical sciences, a staunch supporter of friendship with russia, he perceives current events very sensitively. the first ones tried to do it, but it’s terrible, if you realize it, the germans are only chasing the ukrainians for slaughter, well, this is very mean. martin, a communist, the memory of the feat of the soviet soldiers who liberated europe from fascism is sacred to him, a very heavy heavy price that the russian people paid for the whole world, but this is also a heroic feat, here are the heroes themselves here in vtorgau in 1900. in forty-five breasts in military awards every day suddenly risk their lives insanely embarrassed by the attention of the photos and cameramen, smiling, making fun of each other, unique and carefully colored footage posted online to berlin , just over 100 km, here on the elbe everything breathes
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with an imminent victory, there is dancing on the shore, apparently this is filming 26 or 27 april , during the so-called general’s meeting on the elbe, when war correspondents reached torgao, here was an american cameraman. decided to help his soviet colleague, okay, he nods to signal, yes, in memory of that meeting of the allies a quarter centuries ago, here on the shore a memorial was created, the spirit of the elbe, the spirit of cooperation, here the russian tricolor developed, there the flag of the united states of america was removed, instead of them the flags of the state of saxony and the city of torgao, neutral, nevertheless, today we saw russian and soviet flags a lot, american.
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how shocked i am that in germany , employees of the administration of memorial complexes on the sites of former nazi camps have the conscience to write letters to russian diplomats asking them not to come to official events. this is very painful, it’s painful, it’s offensive, and i’m against such events, and then he adds, well, this is germany. russia is my second home, you know, my second home. the first homeland of the gdr. at the city level, vtorgau can be said to be a complete absence of celebrations with a historical context, a music festival, small groups of like-minded people periodically gather at the monument to the meeting on the elbe, the inscription on the banner: do it again, that is, shake hands again, so that
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there will be peace again , then in 1945 soviet american soldiers met at destroyed bridge, and this is a tradition in memory of the former military brotherhood, about the meeting that...
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came so that this would happen, well, the remnants of these fascists agreed, this is the result, our people are for the army, so help comes from the people when the people army, so united, victory will definitely be there, the popular front and the ministry of industry and trade sent a new batch of cars to the northern military district zone, uaz minibuses were handed over to the military...
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division, who needs this equipment, our work does not stop there, we let's continue to interact, there are about 100 cars here that will now head to... the convoy organized by the communist party: they are carrying food, medicine, camouflage nets and uniforms and, as gennady
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zyuganov noted, everything is selected according to specific requests, today those who require special care fights on the front against nazism, fascism, liberating the red country from the americans, nato members and the cia. we have selected everything that the guys need based on their specific requests, from cars, including everything. what helps them survive in this difficult time provides them with security, everyone will receive, starting from the trenches, trenches, where they are located, hospitals, orphanages, and the ldpr party gathered today for an all-russian rally dedicated to the thirty-fifth anniversary of this organization, they talked about a new program, new motivations, new requests and new forms of communication with by voters. details in the report by dmitry kochetkov. ldp activists. gathered in the town of peresvet near moscow to discuss the upcoming elections in september. this election campaign to the moscow city duma,
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regional city parliaments, was the party’s development strategy until 2026 is also presented. at the rally of liberal democrats, a drone flew, the party members pay special attention to the training of drone operators, it is planned to open courses in the regions to train this promising profession, in general the ldpr has big plans. transitional period in the party.
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testing the leadership qualities and professional qualities of our regional legislators. the forum discussed
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the party’s new strategy, among the priorities leonid slutsky named improving the quality of the environment, equalizing the socio-economic regional development, issues of demography and human capital development. we, as vladimir volfevich said, always have a sixth of the land, but only 2% of the world's population. therefore, i declared the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth years to be the years of rural youth. a preventive measure for another person detained in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole. according to the investigation, a citizen of tajikistan provided
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the terrorists with communication means and money to pay bills. the basmanny court remanded him in custody until may 22. let me remind you, previously arrested 11 direct perpetrators, accomplices of the terrorist attack. four were detained in the bryansk region near the border with ukraine. as a result of the tragedy, 145 people died and more than 500 were injured. import substitution policy in action. landed in zhukovsky today. a prototype of the superjet 100. it covered 6.00 km, taking off from komsomolsk on the mur. the airliner will undergo flight tests in the moscow region to obtain a certificate. avionics, landing gear, power supply, important aircraft systems. russian production. honored test pilot, leonid chikunov, who piloted the plane, said that the flight went well, all on-board systems worked as well as doctors, the whole world is a theater, there are women, men, all the actors, as the great shakespeare once said. so, today at the bolshoi theater there was a solemn ceremony of presenting the golden mask award for contribution to the development of theatrical art, it was attended by people
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for whom theater is more than life. and today, receiving the coveted awards, many were worried as they once were for the first time. found themselves on stage and talked about secrets stage longevity, when the audience's love does not go away with time, but becomes even stronger. kristina levieva knows who became the laureate. this is the first event, the updated golden mask, the new president of the festival prize, vladimir mashkov , arrived at the beethoven hall of the bolshoi theater before anyone else. today is the thirtieth anniversary ceremony, special awards, golden mask of the union of theater workers. she helps out outstanding. art, theater, ballet, music, these are our creative leaders, people who have proven with their lives that art is a living organism. the first special golden mask was awarded to natalya kosatkina, the legendary ballet dancer and teacher did not live to see the ceremony for only a month, the statuette was received by her son, who had
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difficulty restraining his emotions, there was such a couple, natalya kasatkina, vladimir vasilev, they... in the development of russian choreography contributed, you can’t imagine how much, because all over the world there are, well, a thousand artists, here are choreographers who knew how to create performances, large-scale, such dramatic ones, well, there are dozens of them all over the world, receiving their reward, opera legend tamara senyavskaya admitted that she had not been so worried for a long time; she first appeared on her favorite stage of the bolshoi theater exactly 60 years ago.
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i feel warm here, thank you very much. semyon spevak has been heading the youth theater on fontanka for 35 years; his most successful performance, “screams from odessa,” has been on this stage with a full house since 1998. the director is simply confident that the secret of such long-term success among viewers is the secret. you know, my favorite is the book by italian director george strehler. he named her, wonderful, theater is for people, not for critics, not for...
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the results of the last theater season, all the details of this ceremony are still kept secret. kristina levieva, pavel likholetov, vyacheslav chereshko, yulia khodorova, and nika vishnyakova. first channel. what will the weather be like this coming long weekend? hydrometer center forecast. tomorrow in the capital the temperature will be about the same as today +16, then warmer and sunny. on
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may day itself there may be rain, not as heavy as today. in the morning, in some areas of moscow , 2/3 of a month fell in less than an hour. norms precipitation. but of course, what happened on the streets of the capital cannot be compared with the flood, which affected several regions in the urals, volga region and siberia. in the tyumen region, the water level in the ishim river near the village of obatskaya exceeded 12 m. this is a record. an emergency evacuation has been announced in the danger zone for more than twenty settlements, as well as the federal highway connecting tyumen and omsk. an additional embankment is being made there to preserve the road. meanwhile, in the kurgan and orenburg regions the situation is stabilizing, but... every few minutes, the finale of one of the best seasons of the voice show in our country, and by choosing your favorite participant, you help those affected by the floods. the income from voting, the first channel
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and partners who have joined our action, will donate the fair help of dr. lisa to an international public charity organization, and it will be sent to people who have lost almost everything due to the flood, or point your smartphone camera at the qr code on the screen, you will go to the collection page on the website, everything is there necessary information. reporting from the disaster zone by svetlana kostina. for 2 weeks now, the houses of alexandra aivazov and her neighbors have been flooded, the water is receding, but they are slowly living in tents near their native village, they have nowhere to go. this is our whole life, yes, this is everything we have come to, it all just collapsed in one day. people are starting to return to the same houses where the water has receded; the road is still flooded in places; they are getting there in tractor trucks. sergei ivashov planned to build a house, purchased materials, and is now loading what is left of them into the car. for me it loss 100%. work for 4 years, over the course of four years, everything that could be found additionally, in addition to the family budget, everything went here, i have two children, two
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little daughters, schools, kindergartens, a mortgage, the houses seem to be standing, but it’s impossible to live there, this everything fell off, it all fell apart, something was preserved, nothing was preserved at all, nothing at all was preserved, only us, well...
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vladimir putin instructed the government to understand the situation, but changes in legislation, examinations and calculation of damage it will take time, people need to improve their lives right now. the international charitable public organization fair aid of dr. lisa is raising funds for flood victims. tons of humanitarian aid have already been sent to orenburg. all those who need help can contact the hotline 122. all applications will be processed by the headquarters and the people we provide will be contacted. help, now the main need and need in flooded areas is of course cots with mattresses, bed linen, essential food products, for
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small children, purees, formula, diapers, we have elderly people who are not walking, they also need diapers, diapers, care products, you can help by sending sms for of any participant in the show, the vote, all proceeds from voting, the first channel partners who joined our action will be transferred to... ruslan’s wife dina works there as a nurse, the only familiar and familiar thing in this house is the sounds of the flute, the family has three children, the eldest karina is studying at a music college while they are rehearsing on the balcony. svetlana kostina, oleg
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matyushin, svetlana vidyashkina, daria robakova and anatoly mene, to the first channel orenburg. hello, you are watching precious stories, my name is ekaterina varkan, our guest today is natalya polenova, the great-granddaughter of the great russian artist vasily dmitrievich polenov, director of the museum of the polenov reserve, and today we will talk about this wonderful place, i can’t even imagine how this is all unfathomable. we can fit in such a small quantity time that we have allotted today in our podcast, this is how it all began, my favorite story, natasha, you know
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how... vasily polenov and his friend student konstantin korovin rode a boat on the oka, being in a cheerful, cheerful, in a witty mood and sailed past the hill, and polenov liked the hill so much that he said that he would like to set up an estate here and live, so to speak, in old age, admire the surroundings, initially, that’s the most important thing, which, in fact, vasil dmikovich invested in this whole grandiose construction project, in addition... to build a house for convenient, comfortable housing, a large family in a beautiful place, the idea of ​​​​enlightenment was laid down, there is a museum itself, then a theater and schools were organized, please tell us about that these are his ideas besides the museum, but everything is true, indeed vasily dmikovich polenov did not choose this place by chance, and he even went on more than one trip along the river with konstantin alekseevich
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korovin. i then returned there again and kept my eye on the exact place for the name bekhovo, this bekhovo, it absolutely captivated vasily dmitrievich, for what reasons? well, it seems to me that there is a combination of reasons here, firstly, first of all, polenov did not really want to live in moscow from the very beginning; he grew up, as you probably know, in karelia, near petrozavodsk, and was attracted to him from early childhood. he was attracted to the coniferous forest, and he really really loved these pine trees, coniferous forests, and he really wanted to live somewhere away from the big city, but to his main idea enlightenment in the russian province, he came much later, having already settled in polenovo, initially he just wanted to be in nature, and of course he played a big role
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in the fact that vasily settled. it was in these places that tarusa played, because the family of ivan vladimovich tsvitaev had already settled in tarusa, tarusa was already becoming some kind of epicenter of creative life, we also call it a russian barbezon, and vasily dmitovich, once there, of course, wanted to be somewhere nearby, he saw bekhov, this idea captured him, he told his wife about how good it is there, and his wife natalya vasilievna also writes in letters that it’s really a dream to stay in bekh? settling in bekhovo, living in bekhovo will come true for us, they already had in mind their house, their workshop, natalia vasilievna’s small office, that is , this whole dream, they had it somehow formed, all that remained was to buy the land, looking at the estate of the bankrupt estate of the landowner soblukova in bekhovo, vasily dmich collected funds, but you are correct in saying that this coincided with the sale
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large canvas, which of you is without sin? or christ and the sinner, this painting is now in the russian museum in st. petersburg of the former imperial collection, and indeed, even before the opening day , the imperial family came to inspect the exhibition of the wanderers and alexander ii became interested in this painting and agreed to purchase this painting, as they say, even for his own billiard room, after vasil dmich made such a, well, very profitable for himself...
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purchase of land from the peasant community was impossible, only an exchange, here is polenova they begin to exchange two dessiatines of arable land for one dessiatine of this bare, absolutely bare sandy hill. the entire estate is man-made, the architectural ensemble is man-made, polenov himself was an architect, builder, landscaper, engineer, he absolutely planned, he took part in these, in the construction of this architectural ensemble, well then with...
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in the art circle of vabramtsevo, and more broadly, the school of barbezonians , nazarenes, pre-raphaelites and so on and vasily dmirovich polinov, since he really grew up as creative person in abramtsevo, formed there, was very close and friendly with savoy ivanovich mamontov, became his relative, since they were married to cousins, so his idea was, of course, not just to build a dacha for himself, but for it... to be a dacha with meaning, that is, so that his followers, students, aka, his close friends could come there, arrange fireplace evenings, creative, literary evenings there, could gather, as a result of this
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kind of creative conciliarity, some new one could be born creative idea or some artistic direction, why not, because we understand that polena is, after all, a representative of the school of realism. and his students are already modern, and mikhail vasilyevich nesterov, and viktor mikhailovich vasnetsov and so on, so, probably, this transition from the academic school of realism to the school of modernity, this probably took place in such artistic nests as polenova and abramtsev, of course, as now, there is probably such a fashionable word, influencers say,
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his father, this is of course his grandfathers, his uncle, in in general, all the relatives, right up to gabriel romanovich derzhavin, who is about the grandmother who started it all, who, as a child, took her grandchildren to the tambov village, and many, by the way, paintings. landscapes by vasily dmitrovich remained from this alshanskaya. now we’ll definitely talk about it. now we’ll definitely talk about this, because this is really a very important milestone in the development of vasily dmitrovich
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polenov as a person and as a worker, no doubt. grandma is undoubtedly difficult. here is her portrait verna nikolaevna vaeykova, a wonderful lady-in-waiting, empress, grand dame, look what she has. having remained a widow at 33 with three children, her husband, war hero of the 12th year, general alexei vasilyevich vaeykov, died from his wounds, he participated in suvoroy’s crossing of the alps in the battle of borodino and so on, he died... she remained at 33 a widow with three children , she devoted her entire life until she was 80 to preserving the memory of her husband and raising first her children and then her grandchildren. dear friends, congratulations on your
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a significant, bright anniversary date. half a century ago, the construction of the legendary baikal-amur mainline was launched. joyful construction site.
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a magical easter holiday awaits us, the most important miracle is that god is love, i understood that my loved one was suffering, my feet just led me to the temple, and i confessed, without preparing for this in any way... i burst into tears, since then, yes, we already have four children, i said: katya, what happiness, you are pregnant, she says: no, i don’t want to live, i don’t want to give birth, i said, no, stop, this it can’t be, you saved the child, yes, it was the voronezh religious procession, the first, 600 km from voronezh to deveevo, we walked in 21 days, a monk walked with us, and so i walk, i felt so good, i say that this, he says, is grace, i became blind in one eye, completely blind, on the operating table, i felt physically... my guardian angel, i believe that my guardian angel, of course,
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the lord god, with the hands of the doctors performed a miracle . oh, how beautifully are you preparing for easter? and this is preparation, i’m going with the children, and here we are in our garden we're all hung up with all these testicles. but we have been carrying this sunday in our hearts for the second millennium. this is truly the greatest russian holiday. may 4 on the first. we continue our conversation about polenov’s bus estate, and today our guest is the director of the museum of the polenov reserve, natalya polenova, who is also the great-granddaughter of the great russian artist, vasily dmitrovich polenov, but enlightenment, raising children was continued, naturally, by father dmitry vasilyevich, a historian-archaeologist, and it is known that he took children around, so to speak, in provincial small towns, they visited fairs, which means from... there were also sketches of young polenov of the kremlin in novgorod and all sorts of
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stories about these trains, in fact, as i understand myself, from these visits to some provincial cities to study applied art , a collection of ceramics then grew which is very large in the current polenov museum. well, i want to say that, so to speak, opening this question, this is that already when vasily dmikovich polenov was only 4 years old. his parents noticed his artistic side talent, to talk about it, well , there is a small story that - while on a summer holiday in tsarskoye selo, the family went to the zoo and there four-year-old vasya sketched an elephant in a very outstanding way, uh, his parents immediately noticed him, so to speak, talent, artistic talent, so my parents really developed a creative, artistic orientation.
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such a moldovan artist, plus her husband knew karl brelov well, so in general they exchanged opinions in every possible way, with the creative intelligentsia, so vasily dmitrievich polenov from early childhood, his parents encouraged him very much, while traveling, his parents also suggested that he sketch, well, plus, of course, they always brought with...
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a crocodile, so you come to our museum and see a small tiny crocodile, from where this crocodile is my favorite crocodile, well, great, it’s not only your favorite. the crocodile is also the favorite crocodile of all our children's groups, and this is unexpected, yes, well, that's where, for example, and to the museum, to the art muse in such a in the general central place, absolutely true, and why it is in the central place, i will explain, because during theatrical performances, when theatrical
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performances took place, it was lowered so that with the play of light it could expand and depict a dragon, for example, or something like that, or... that is, he took part in all sorts of family celebrations and theatrical performances, but so he is in the exposition of the room called the library, and do not forget that the emphasis is on the word o, so it's considered old st. petersburg is exactly not a library, but a library, that’s what we call this room, and here... in front of the fireplace with the family coat of arms, with family heraldry, this little crocodile, he’s 13 years old, well , experts say so, in general crocodiles live up to 300 years, well, in fact, all these collections, they have always been available to the public, but today this is a museum, we understand, it is accessible, but earlier, when it was basically a private house,
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it was all open anyway, these collections, it was possible people came to see, just like that, when the house was built, vasiliych polenov immediately... as if exhibited these collections of his, there are really a lot of collections, and there is painting, and archeology, and decorative and applied art, all this was done with amazing taste, because polenov is a real esthete, what can i say , his house speaks about this, his park speaks about this, his whole life and his destiny generally speak about this, this is a man who lived according to the laws of aestheticism, beauty, well, in the absolute... in his, so to speak, horizon and cross-section, and this is the home of a truly man of impeccable taste, well one cannot help but say that he was also a great lover of music and even composed music, and musical evenings were a practice in the house, well, an esthete cannot live without music, of course,
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so of course, here is just one of the photographs, where at a family musical evening , here he plays music and listens like...
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yes, the most grandiose collection in the museum is the collection of paintings, of course, but what is also very interesting here is that almost all the works are donations, that is, few were purchased, these were friends, students, colleagues, brought exactly like going to a museum, but i want the opposite tell a story about a purchased item, in the largest room of the library museum, which we were talking about just now, of course it occupies a key place in... polenov saw it just at a traveling exhibition and knew that viktor mikhailovich
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vasnetsov was his student.


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