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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 28, 2024 5:05am-6:01am MSK

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and so to speak, we have reached us with the score of the ghosts and lada, so we also sometimes performed it at the tula drama theater, at the kaluga drama theater, but the most grandiose collection in the museum is the collection of paintings, of course, but here it is also very interesting the fact that almost all of the works are donations, that is, few were purchased; they were brought by friends, students, colleagues, just like in a museum.
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vesnetsov, when he finally found out that polenov bought this work. yes, there really is a collection of the polenov museum, it consists of, many things were donated, for example, there is such a painting, abramtseva by ilya efim cherepin, it depicts the terrace of the obramtsevo house and a small female figure, this is the bride of vasily dmitrovich polenov, natalya vasilievna and kunchik, vanya met in abramtsevo, they got married in abramtsevo, this one here repinskaya's work, it was.
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a wedding gift to the young spouses, then many other things too, for example, the works of korovin, the works of isaac ilyach, lvitan, the works of ivan shishkin, makovsky and so on, in principle, this is really so very a good collection that polenov collected either from gifts from his students, or even artists had such, there was such a tradition of exchanging works they liked, that is , if they liked some works, they could exchange them, well... vasily dmitrovich polinov decided to buy tvorona to support your student. but we can say that the star of this collection is the golden autumn of christ. well, polenov himself wrote this, no one gave it to him. and we are enjoying the landscapes today, one might say that you arrive when you look at what has changed over there is bekhova, by the way, in my opinion it’s bekhova you can see, and there’s also an old wooden church there. this is even before it was built, polenov sort of built the church.
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905 - there was a new stone church, which we now know and which we see now on this hill, you have a lot of fighters, great, your sleep will be guarded by 150 bayonets, including me, and here right on the soot on debasovskaya , serve breakfast in your room, chain the perimeter, yeah, posts along the perimeter every 100 m, two platoons in a chain into the forest, the first.
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then from birth there was no place in this world. nazareth was an absolutely inconspicuous village, so the most likely reaction to the fact that jesus is a man from nazareth could not be, how come, from such a dubious place, but where is it? jerusalem is the capital, it is the city that was chosen by god's providence so that the salvation of man would take place there. it is there that you understand that this is not a legend, that he was there, that he walked there, he preached there. he was sitting in the garden of gethsemane, this is absolutely certain, when people decided to get rid of god from his word, one might say the greatest thing happened a tragedy in the history of all mankind, that is, people killed god, the path of christ on may 4 is on the first, this is a podcast of precious history, and today we are talking about the museum of the estate of vasily dmitrovich polenov, they talked about a crocodile, there is also a cannon.
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page of the life of vasily dmitrovich polenov, it is somehow less known, he was very young then, at first he volunteered for the front, and then he also worked as a correspondent for the illustrated magazine pchela, that is, as a military correspondent by and large , he spent several years precisely how
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the military correspondent of this illustrated magazine , bee, at the headquarters of the emperor, served in rushovsky from the russian-turkish company to the russian-turkish company. when, as it were, the turkish-serbian one turned into a russian-turkish one. and there, again, we talked to you, at the same headquarters was grand duke alexander aleksanovich, who later became alexander ii. and their good relationship may have played some role in the subsequent purchase. but they knew each other since childhood. because vera nikolaevna vaeikova is the widow of alexei vasilyevich vaeikova and babasha, the grandmother of the polenov children, she had a certain status as a widow. that’s why it allowed her and her grandchildren to relax in tsarskoe selo in the summer, and the polenov children played on the same playground, also from the imperial family, so there are also
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memories of this, and polenov himself remembers it, and his son also talks about it, so they have contact was there from early childhood, but of course there was a rapprochement with the heir. right there during this turkish russian-turkish war, but we will not forget to say here that we have already said that he volunteered, then it was called the russian-serbian-montenegrin war, and he actively participated in the battles and has military, well-deserved military awards, and here we have them, these are serbian such a cross, and a serbian medal for bravery, below, as i understand it, where...
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i specially brought a small quote, it’s just, so to speak, excuse me that i don’t read it by heart, this is one of the most famous statements of vasily dmitrivich polenova, but i will allow myself to quote it in full, because it answers this question. polenov says: it seems to me that
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art should give happiness and joy, otherwise it is worth nothing. there is so much heavy stuff in life, so much vulgarity and dirt, that even if the pictures show us all over. it will become almost impossible to live with horrors and atrocities, so it seems to me, so to speak, and this is the life position of vasily dmitrievich polinov, therefore it is not surprising that he did not... depict these horrors, why, so that with the picture he would give, well yes, but as they say, he’s such a positivist, well, we’re all intrigued, you brought it to the studio, here’s a samovar and fragments of a diorama, a diorama is my favorite thing when i come to polena, you know, the first thing i do is, diarama, what it is, how can it be explained to people who have never seen it, but first of all, since i came from the tula region, i... with my samovar, here i have it, and it’s not easy the samovar is a historical
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samovar, it generally accompanies several generations of the polenov family, it is believed that this is the same samovar, it is generally unique, it is called a spider, we have restored it a little, it has been cleaned, so to speak, there are now such modern wooden parts, and it has been cleaned, but it is generally a unique samovar, they say, they say that he just... accompanied vasily dmitrievich polenov during his balkan campaign, that is, he was, well, like a thermos, but in general it is believed that he accompanied vasily dmitrievich polenov during his balkan campaign, but for sure he accompanied his son dmitry, during the first world war he took part, the son of vasily polenov also took part in battles, for which he received the st. george cross and so on, he served in...
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and the diorama, natasha, this is what it looks like, well, well, actually i no no i don’t have the right to tell the secret of the diorama i don’t have, because it’s completely somehow well people will see this secret, they will recognize and this magic of this magic will disappear when people come to see our diorama in the museum, but i brought you the original diorama, now we show what we show every day - this is a kopeck diorama, and this is an original diorama...
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it will go to our exhibition in november in vladivostok, it will be, we are showing its fantastic action, yes, we are showing it in tula, we are showing it during our exhibition projects there. and so on, but this is the last major work of vasily dmitrovich polenov, but this is not just his painting work, katya, this is a powerful educational project, imagine, vasily dmitrovich polenov, he visited different places, he traveled a lot, he traveled, to the middle east, he traveled, here is the second picture, this is the nile, and it is also not shown in a shortened, shortened version. you see, well, i don’t want to tell the secret, i don’t want to tell,
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the plot, the plot is that yes, no, i ’ll tell the plot, but i won’t tell the secret of the diorama, because everyone should just come to polenovo and see it, yes, it’s because the magic is a fairy tale, this is a shadow theater, let’s say, a shadow theater, and those who want to know more should come, but this one the picture depicts the nile. and it’s also not in this smaller, shortened version, but vasily dmitrovich polenov, you know, he really seemed to be a passionate traveler, a passionate collector, a wonderful artist, he was such a man of renaissance scope and an intellectual who spoke six languages, he had a huge library, he himself read in the originals, goethe, schiller, translated and so on, and of course, being in...
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years, one might say, when he painted this diorama, this is a whole series of paintings trip around the world, united by the plot of a trip around the world, the point is that from...
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to the performance of the new year tree we are again sitting by polenovsky’s fireplace, well, when polenov showed his diorama, it certainly wasn’t 15 minutes, because only in the picture is latin america he read the song about hiawatha langella in full, for example in the picture of venice, he gave a huge lecture about who the venetian arches were, that is, his diorama text was of course like a real educational lecture, but the children of the end twenties in these... a village where there was no school, no education, no light, no food, nothing, no water, well, well, nothing, in general, they sat and fascinated, listened to it, and even in felt boots in sheepskin coats from the cold, in felt boots in sheepskin coats, logs himself was in felt boots on a sleigh with a horse, so he harnessed the horse, sat down in the sleigh, put
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this magic box of his with two candles there, his legs were very swollen, he was already very sick, they cut his felt boots, so he came to this village, showed this diorama, and there is even such a story, this true, it is also recorded that at the end of such a session, when he showed all this, told all this, read langella’s song, a little boy came up to him and handed him a tiny homemade white bun and paid him for this display of this with a white bun in the hungry twenties i paid him and said eat you. thank you so much. natasha, well, you can talk about polenovo at any time, without any informational reasons, but here we also have an anniversary. yes, this year polenov turns 180 years old. well, you've girded yourself, approached him. well, we are always ready for anything, of course, but i just brought the catalog of the exhibition that just opened in samara. why don’t
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you ask in samara? i answer this question with one answer, but where else? here. but where else if not in samara? a wonderful catalog that was published by the samara art gallery, they decided to open polenov’s year with their large retrospective of polenov. 76 works by vasily dmitrievvich polenov came to samara from twelve regional museums of russia, so to speak, from twelve museums there are things from tretyakov gallery, and the rest are regional museums, that is, omsk, yekaterinburg, vladivostok. moreover, i ’ll tell you, not just magnificent collections, from irkutsk for the first time, well, in almost 100 years, that is, in 1928, the irkutsk art gallery received a huge painting of christ and the sinner, well, a slightly smaller copy, but
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by and large in in general there she is more than two meters, one and a half by two and more meters, christ igresh. she entered in 1928 in 2024 for the first time she left the walls of the irkutsk museum in order to go to samara for exhibition man of light for the 180th anniversary of vasily dmitrievich polinov, here is a wonderful catalog published by samarets, in general, i congratulate them on this unique project, this is just an irkutsk thing, well, which, in general , completely repeats the imperial thing, i congratulate them on this wonderful project , this is how we open polenov’s year. in the summer there will definitely be some events at our estate, and there will be a festive evening in moscow, in tula, and at the end of the year, i hope, if everything goes well, we will close at the seaside art gallery, too retrospective of vasily dmovich polenov in the far east. have you watched the precious history podcast, my name is ekaterina varkan, our guest today is natalya polenova, great-granddaughter of the great russian
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artist vasily dmich polenov and director of the polenovo nature reserve museum. dear friends, the creative industry podcast is on air, today with you, as always in this podcast, elena kiper, producer and composer, and roman karmanov, ceo of the presidential fund. initiatives, but the most important thing is that our guest today is yuri abramovich bashmet, great, i was waiting for the great, finally i see him now in front of me.
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i can assume that this is a matter of fate, a person, personality and destiny, it would seem that i was fond of the guitar, i had my own ensemble, this was in my teens, our gods the beatles, and so for my mother, for my father i went to music school, but school was very easy for me. i didn’t practice much, i was with the guitar with all my heart, but who could have imagined that lenin, vladimirich would help me out, like now,
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well, of course i didn’t know him, like you you see, in general, when the beatles ceased to exist, it was a tragedy of a lifetime for us, well, where to go next and what, here is their last record, well, i mean a lot. i tried in these directions, my older brother advised me to listen to this, this, there was this jimi hendrix, who i didn’t like at all then, then, of course, 10 years later i understood what his merit was, what, why he was so famous, anyway, it wasn’t my thing, but i appreciated it, in general, at my brother’s suggestion, i listened to american jazz-rock, it’s... such bands: chicago, blood, tears, water, wind , fire, and i really liked their orchestration, quality, complex, very
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wonderful rhythmic grid, and the voice , it means that the lead singer has such a metal voice, i tried it, we immediately got a huge one.
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that is, i like it, and they pay me money, and what do i do - i’ll turn in this direction, which was easy, by the way, well, of course, in general it turned out that an all-ukrainian competition was announced in kiev for the centenary of lenin, i began to prepare , all special musical schools, this is like the central music school we have today, as an example in moscow, that is, it is united.
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shnevskaya, she created such a scandal that, in general, they are doing this to get rid of her, yes, let them play already, let him play, but when he comes out alone, there will be 10 people on the jury and one participant will come out, so i played, it’s fate, i played with paper clips, but the funny thing is that i got the highest score, and this is fate again, well, the chairman of the jury was, if i’m not mistaken, oleg krysa. and he said: you want a new joke to be born in world, viola, that the violist came to defeat the staples, in general, so we are no one. they didn’t
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award the first, second, or sixth prize, they gave out gifts, they presented them, it was written everywhere: the winner of the competition, everyone, we had six people, we all had such gifts, and somehow this determined my further final departure to already classical music, a year later, i was in the tenth grade, a year later i was already entering the moscow conservatory, and i must say that... when i heard some in the genre in which i performed with a guitar, performances, nostalgia tormented me so much, you don’t pick up an electric guitar now, no, well, i have one, but i forgot, of course, it looks like john lena today, more often i compare with others, with whom, with alpacin and some other actor with
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nikitaovich mikhalkov. the highlight was a film festival, so i was wearing a long coat, my instrument was hidden under my coat, nikita was making a speech, the opening of the film festival, nicholson was sitting in the front row, and nikita said, but we have a surprise, a guest and alpachina also arrived , that means i i came out, and it was in russia, yes, and the whole hall roared. and nicholson is in the first row, which means he has become what he is, but he doesn’t know how to play the lte like yuri bashmet, here i am, standing and in the cinema you were not offered to act as an actor, you were offered, once very black, the same nikita sergeevich proposed, but it didn’t work out in terms of timing, i was on tour, but it was kreutzerovat - this is schweitzer, when i
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passed all the auditions. well, there i had a 3-week tour in japan during the filming of this film, and it so happened, in general, i refused, and then i was glad that i refused, because there was a lot of text, that’s where i still had to take part a little, this is asa-2, at seryozha’s, we were friends with him, and often saw each other quite often, suddenly he made such an offer, but i refused.
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you are playing in the large hall of the conservatory, and we have a night shoot, there at the old riga station, there are some spare tracks, there is the first day of filming, that’s right there, and then after 3 weeks you can then, that is, he i found out everything, put my opportunities into my schedule, and it was incredible fascinating, i’ve been missing these days for a long, long time. then, when all this passed, well, i can’t watch myself there, i watched this film, except for one frame when i am silent, and it’s the cameraman’s fault, he somehow successfully missed a certain moment there, but regarding the schedule, i was once driving through moscow along a busy street, i noticed that on the left and right of the road there were posters with different projects, but with your participation everything,
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well, the question is, how do you keep up?
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not the way you prepared for something during rehearsals, but thanks to all that preparatory base, you then have the opportunity to improvise. my theory, you can disagree with this, i also call it intuition, on stage, when you have this piggy bank, that is, this feeds intuition, and then the courage of improvisation, and as for direct experiments, yes, well, there were i have such cases, uh, when a computer composer, a neural network, but... we did such a premiere, well, yes, then we performed it several times in sochi at a festival in moscow, then light music, this in general, i
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’ve never heard anything about it, i haven’t seen it, i didn’t know, well, in yaroslavl at the festival there was a premiere of this work, what is it, i’m not a professional in this again, but every color has... a gamut other colors that we do not see, it turns out that abertones in every musical sound are the same rays that are not heard, not visible, but, but without this there would not be this sound, the very one that we hear, we tried this, it’s very difficult, i don’t think this genre has great future, mass appeal, such experiments are very special things, exclusive,
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they started playing something completely different, and well, yes, someone has a birthday, that is, without warning, one of the musicians has a birthday today, and the orchestra is playing there happy bezdy, and i think, now i’m worried, these are very complex things that i haven’t encountered before, in this work, i’m worried, that’s how i showed the beginning, they suddenly started playing happy bezdy, wildly out of tune, because once every half hour...
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it was a world premiere, for me it was experiment, and two women with one voice from the third row, we liked it, the blessed fire is born right here, the holy of holies of the temple on a marble slab, it’s from here, a special hole in the wall, it goes out into the world. through this fire we connect with god himself, with his divine love. we receive grace from the holy sepulcher. many believe that the hole under the altar remains from the cross. in fact, the cross stood a meter further away; now there is a crucifix there. god became a man, came into the world when people decided to god get rid of his word.
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the greatest tragedy in the history of all mankind occurred. there are 33 steps from golgotha ​​to the holy sepulcher. this is the path, from the crucifixion to the kingdom of god. temple. holy sepulcher on may 4 on the first, we continue our conversation on the first channel in the creative industry podcast, with you are still elena kiper, roman karmanov and our guest is yuri abramovich bashmet. if i can say a few words about artificial intelligence, now there is a big discussion about the future and what artificial intelligence will bring and maybe he will replace it altogether until then. until a human heart is inserted into this robot, the robot will not compose tchaikovsky’s music, this cannot be designed, and i think that the strength of human sensations is
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precisely, if all this artificial intelligence develops like this, then the strength of man is in his weakness, compared to, if this intelligence grows to... some incredible heights and can do everything, then it will still lose to a person in music, if we are talking about music, i think in chess. maybe after all, intelligence wins over such and the latter there is such a version that if you download all the beatles songs, then as a result the artificial intelligence will give out another beatles song based on it, accordingly, it will give out a half-live song, what the artificial intelligence gives out, they periodically send me songs those artists with whom i worked, who were generated by artificial intelligence, and these are dead voices, it’s kind of dead...
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artificial intelligence is not capable of giving birth to magic, let’s see what happens in 5 years, going back years ago, after the competition, it means where ilyich helped you, there were many other competitions, there were a lot of other victories, they were very... important, there were less important ones and so on, but competitions are always a desire to win, well, of course, the desire to win, although i know some, there are such examples, one conductor, when he needed money, he went to the next conducting competition, it doesn’t matter whether there is first or second prize, this is money, and he just 10 i went, i just made money, and i also know...
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there are many music centers around the country, academies, there are 16, thanks to this , an all-russian youth orchestra is being assembled, which is already more than 10 years old, well, almost 11, and these are generational changes, we now have the smallest girl gaba player, she is 9 years old, at 22 year, we need to make room for our rotation, this is not an orchestra, such an eternal brand, this... i read that you become attached to, so with
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connections you then say goodbye to those who have been around for 22 years, this is what necessary, yes, necessary, so that it turns out that way, well, we don’t either rubber, but what’s interesting is that now we’re touring the country, but no matter the city, there ’s one of our people in the orchestra who went through youth orchestras. he studies in germany, he
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plays with us as a youth player, as a concert performer, that is, he always comes to our training camps and concerts, now he is finishing his studies, he officially loudly declared that of course he is returning to russia, there are no questions here, i feel sorry when they don’t return, and he’s just returning, his dad in novosibirsk plays the clarinet in the orchestra and there, in general, he’s russian. here this one, he will definitely return, then it’s good, everything, everything is good, there is such a stable expression, i don’t really like it, but nevertheless the quality of human material. this is an expression, well, i mean, it’s just people, how they change their quality over time, after all, the attitudes are different, in the soviet union there were some, then the nineties, others, now others, now we are generally experiencing the breakdown of some ideas, in in general, and how people changed during this time and what is our today
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the youth who come to you, you know, i performed a lot with our genius, the rich writer... and i once asked him if his interpretation of the work of someone who plays throughout his life changes, does it change? his attitude in connection with his experience and concert experience in connection with his age, well, when we were already close, spent a lot of time together, i could already ask any questions, he said: no, i fell in love with this as a child, so and today, nothing changes, but that’s what he says, and if you listen to his recordings at that age and at a later age, of course, it sounds different, but the root is this: the perception, the longer it is childish, the
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better, because this perception is pure, even with some... well, that’s an insult in childhood, it has no size, today someone will somehow offend me, it won’t hurt more than when my toy was taken away when i was 2 years old, seriously, there’s no size. , but there is the concept of resentment or the concept of pleasure or the concept of happiness, the same love, don’t get me wrong, but i... i understand that love, in fact, as a concept, is the greatest gift that a person receives in life, the first is that he was born at all, the second, that’s the most big is love, if you look carefully at a painting, say,
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from the renaissance, italian paintings, as a rule, some... noble businessman is sitting, and behind him there are three young men, well , these are italian uh dresses they have suits, but there is a tuscan plateau behind them, a little hazy, and these young men are very they have beautiful faces, but if you dress them in women’s dresses, these girls will be very beautiful, just don’t get me wrong, yeah. i’m normal with a classical orientation, but we ’re looking forward to the end, here the viola is my instrument, this is cosmic love, higher than sexuality, higher, it’s generally about what kind of
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divine gift this is, love, here the viola is not a man and not a woman, he is unisex, but i’m already expressing this primitively. 100 people are silent from anador, from yaroslavl, from rostov-on-dana, from everywhere, they’ve arrived, then with a whisper, somewhere from the second violins, a girl with a whisper says, shakespeare, here she is, either she dared, or she was
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the only one who knew, i say, okay, how old were romeo and juliet, and there is a proud boy blowing his trumpet. 21, so confidently, i say, we need to check, in my opinion, a little less, so gradually, gradually we begin to get closer, and this theme, this musical one, is what at this moment, well, imagine, this is not necessary, you need to draw pictures that this episode, musical, is it coming or is it standing by romeo's balcony, no, like that. it’s not necessary, because the whole secret is that everyone who listens draws their own, their own story, but the information in the music itself, it will certainly lead to the goal, the address is still this, but when you fly there are episodes of doubt,
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episodes of some kind of wariness, then there is a culmination of a declaration of love and so on, now they are all already adults, there, well, i told you nine, but she is the only nine-year-old, and so there the main cast is 13, 14, 15, 16 , 17, 18. she 20 21 22 here is the main cast, and the smallest of them are 7-10, then you can’t take a boy on tour, he’s a wonderful trumpet player, but he’s 10 years old, he’s still small, and he’ll have to play an important solo there five times with traveling, but they just can’t stand it yet, he still has to grow up, that’s why we also came up with this scheme, trainees, they... they ’re small, they sit at rehearsals, learn from older ones, well, we
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don’t take them on serious tours, it’s possible for one concert, if it’s in moscow or st. petersburg, in general an orchestra i have already seen europe more than once, i have seen asia, i have seen finally the country, because at some point i decided, what if we travel around the country, to interesting cities, so... every day there are transfers, every day concerts, buses at 9:00 in the morning, we ordered them, waited for them , that means they took us on an excursion, well, this is a golden ring, everyone is absolutely standing in the morning and everything is interesting, because they haven’t seen, they haven’t even seen st. petersburg and, by the way, this is all thanks to the fact that everyone understands that this is necessary, this not just interesting, but how the eldest mikhalkov... the eldest once told a journalist, she said, well, you’re childish poet, at the end of the interview, i will never
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forget this, and he said childishly, today you will come, and tomorrow the people, that’s all, and this is so important, so that’s why this topic, it’s not at all speculative, but it’s incredible important, we are about... continuing to release the creative industry podcast on channel one, elena kiper and roman karmanov, general director of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives, are still with you, our guest is yuri abramovich bashmet, you are a very loyal mentor and say, here you go you are already a leader, i i decided to travel around the country, and then, as these doors open, first of all, a grant is money that is lying around and we use it, right? what does it mean to gather everyone, is to organize the road, their place of residence, food, that is, already in moscow or near
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moscow, well, most often we had this in former rest homes, well, these and there is food, there grandmothers bake wonderful pies, they have , but they work brutally, guys, then they have 2 hours of rest there, but they...
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jumps, spins, he has to catch her, partner, that is, romeo, at that moment he i forgot to take out my mobile phone, then it rang, he said, now, wait, he took the phone, but i can’t now, and she collapsed on the floor, they were all laughing, i said, so, well, you can’t tr, and then nothing, she she rushed towards him, he should catch her, this is the phone, everyone immediately thought where their phones were, children. then they realized that everything should make sense, then if they had already gained so much energy, and where is the result, it means
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that all the time it is necessary to somehow communicate with them - with the army, is there a need for management, is it possible creative person as a manager? there are examples that are the most striking in history - this is ferens list, who became his own manager , and nikola paganine, when the soviet union collapsed, then those arts that the state concert was actively involved in, this is the organization that sent to... the state concert or in general i wasn’t involved, that is, they were listed there as a formal one, but i wasn’t the manager for this art show, there were different reasons, so when the soviet union collapsed, accordingly, the state concert, too, what happened, the arts that i was involved in
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state concert they basically lost their entire career, and those who, due to the fact that they did not study, nothing changed for them, the concerts continued, a vivid example in front of you is me, and an even more striking example is vladimir spevakov, yes, him, he traveled, of course, thanks to the state concert, but he always kept his finger on the pulse with these managers, which is what i did, so he broke up, lord, so what, the same person... in france, my manager, aka stayed in italy, he also stayed in japan, japan arts stayed there and icm in america and so on. is this necessary? study? there is only one inconvenient question: how much are you worth? fee question? it’s very interesting, this is inconvenient for the artist himself, so what should i do then? then
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the manager, when the manager comes into play, and there’s something else, then you. without saying, without naming any numbers, you think whether this is interesting to you or not, you just say, well, probably, everything won’t work out there, that is, you don’t name the numbers, but in general now there is a huge one, forgive me, please , number of courses taught name your price, that is, these are coaches and a huge mass of people who actually work with this topic, because it’s really very difficult for a creator... to indicate your value, dear friends, but value can be priceless, let’s let’s listen, you need to keep your finger on the pulse, firstly, secondly, you need to be interested in life, thirdly, you need to make sure that people perceive it all beautifully, aesthetically, and it’s nice to look at you, then the question of the fee , it is decided as if by itself, in general, now i have systematized the novel, and systematized all
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the knowledge gained, summed it up, unfortunately, we need to already... finish, how i would like to continue to continue to continue to receive so much important, valuable information from the master, thank you very much, yuri abramovich, our guest was people's artist yuri abramovich bashnet bashnet. hello, sergei tugushev is broadcasting news in the studio, at the beginning of the episode we will briefly talk about the main thing. the highest form of reward is lives saved. emergency doctors in russia today celebrate their professional holiday. czech specialists often have only a few minutes at their disposal when traveling. ukrainian team.


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